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Newslinks for 6/14/2008

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They've found a body in the woods. Again. Another missing girl, woman, sister, mother, friend strangled, stabbed, shot, raped, mutilated, dismembered and tossed in the brush, in a ditch, beside railroad tracks, in a dumpster, in the ocean like so much garbage. The details don't really matter. They were all guilty of nothing more than perhaps smiling at the wrong man, speaking to the wrong stranger ..." ...

"Every time I hear another one of these stories, I decide that this will never happen to me. That I will not be a victim. ..."

"I have two defenses. #1, listen to that internal warning alarm and pay attention to my surroundings and the people in it. #2, get my concealed carry permit. I'm halfway there." ...

Gun Control Groups Planning to Switch Tactics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Acknowledging that public opinion is against them and that a loss in the Supreme Court ... is likely imminent, gun control groups are regrouping and preparing to try new tactics to accomplish their unpopular goals."

"'We've lost the battle on what the Second Amendment means,' campaign president Paul Helmke told ABC News. ... He later went on to say, 'We're expecting D.C. to lose the case, but this could be good from the standpoint of the political-legislative side.'"

"The bears as a somber reminder to gun owners that with every victory comes a new battle. Now that banning firearms seems to be, for now anyway, a lost cause, gun control groups plan to work instead on restricting ownership through other means." ...

Written, Constitutional guarantees of rights is a bad idea, according to British subject
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's certainly not news that there is widespread disdain in the UK for the Second Amendment's Constitutional guarantee of the absolute, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. What is surprising, to me at any rate, is seeing it argued that enshrining the protection of any right in a written constitution is a silly, outmoded idea. That, however, is apparently the position of George Robinson, a member of The Guardian's editorial staff." ...

"That blatant mischaracterization of the U.S Constitution is not what has me worked up, though--it's his apparent contention that an 'unwritten constitution' (which sounds about as useful to me as an unloaded gun) is somehow superior to a codified set of limits on governmental power." ...

Supreme Court Ruling on Guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A monumental ruling on the right to bear arms is expected from the Supreme Court any day now."

"The case in question offers the possibility of two extreme outcomes on the second amendment ruling: one could do away with all licensing and registration of handguns. The other could allow extensive regulation of all guns."

"Those on both sides of the gun debate are watching for the ruling on Heller v. Washington D.C."

"Dick Heller was a security guard for the nation's capital and he was denied the right to own a pistol at home."

"Since 1976 Washington D.C. has denied handgun licenses to everyone, and Heller's lawsuit said that violated his second amendment rights." ...

Question of law first, shoot later
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One month after the Californian Supreme Court made gay marriage a potential presidential election issue by legalising same-sex unions, the US Supreme Court may be about to do the same for gun laws."

"Not since 1939 has the court considered the meaning of the contentious Second Amendment to the Constitution ..."

Gun-control advocates ... argue that it serves only a collective right, for members of a state militia."

"Seventy years ago legal opinion agreed, opening the way for cities and states to regulate handguns. A challenge to that ruling is due to be resolved this month. If the court rules in favour of individual rights, it could trigger challenges to gun laws nationwide." ...

The British called, they want their guns back [video]
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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This should serve as a warning to all freedom loving Americans. Before pulling the lever this coming November, remember: both Hillary and Obama support draconian gun laws aimed not at criminals (because criminals don't obey the laws anyway), but at law abiding citizens.

TX: Ron Paul Ends Campaign, Will 'Shift Gears'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said Thursday night he is ending his campaign but will keep spreading his message by working to help elect libertarian-leaning Republicans to public office around the country."

"'The campaign is going to shift gears. It's going to accelerate. It's going to get much bigger,' Paul told The Associated Press in an interview before a rally where he was making the announcement. 'To me, it’s a technical change.'" ...

Behind the Scenes: Debating guns in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... the U.S. Interior Department is considering a proposal from 51 U.S. senators to change its regulations on guns in national parks." ...

"Finnerty and I are walking down a path in the woods not far from her house. She worked for 31 years with the National Park Service ..."

"'Right now parks are very safe, they're very safe places to take your family,' she tells me. 'Our crime statistics are very, very low and you put loaded weapons in people's hands and there's a tremendous possibility that there will be increased violence.'"

"... The latest data, from 2006, shows ... [t]here were 11 cases of homicide or manslaughter, 61 robberies and 35 rapes or attempted rapes." ...

Submitter's Note: So '11 cases of homicide or manslaughter, 61 robberies and 35 rapes or attempted rapes' are acceptable numbers for you? How high would they have to go before you start arming rangers? Oh, wait, never mind . . .

Wilderness lovers ask: Why bring a gun to a national park?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nathan Goff, a house painter in Olympia, Wash., drove his wife, Missy, and 19-month-old daughter up to Hurricane Ridge here June 8. The ridge, just a few feet shy of one mile above sea level, is the crown jewel of Olympic National Park. It commands a stunning view of Mt. Olympus to the south and a breathtaking view of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and British Columbia to the north."

"'I'm trying to figure out why anyone would want to carry handguns in a national park,' Goff told a reporter. '... Allowing people to carry guns in the parks just adds another element of danger. It's so totally unnecessary.'" ...

Submitter's Note: In 2006, 11 cases of homicide or manslaughter, 61 robberies and 35 rapes or attempted rapes.

NC: Safety check: Bill would prevent N.C. version of the Virginia Tech massacre
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"North Carolina has moved a step closer to preventing the kind of tragedy that saw 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty shot and killed last year."

"It's not the perfect solution, of course. No rules, regulations or laws can completely protect innocent people from a crazed killer."

But some things can make it easier to spot those potential killers before the violence begins, and to keep guns out of their hands." ...

"The bill is simple. It requires court clerks in North Carolina to send the National Instant Criminal Background Check System the names of any people involuntarily committed for treatment of mental illness." ...

KABA Note: This also includes people who are committed for outpatient treatment, with no finding that the individual is a threat to anyone.

NY: Senators push for PistolCam
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The gun-mounted video cameras that sparked a media frenzy in Newburgh last fall are making headway with at least three state senators advocating their use." ...

"A more vocal champion is Sen. Eric Adams, a Brooklyn Democrat and former New York City police officer. A co-founder of the group 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement, Adams argues that the cameras would offer definitive evidence in controversial police shootings like those of Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell."

"He vows to draft a bill forcing all New York police agencies to phase in the new technology unless it catches on." ...

KS: Are guns coming to a church near you?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"File this under 'Things You Thought You Knew': When Kansas legislators passed concealed carry in 2006, they placed certain places off-limits, including bars, churches, schools, libraries, day care centers -- right?"

"Well, think again."

"The new normal: No place in Kansas (with the exception of federal buildings) is off-limits to concealed-carry permit holders unless that place posts those glaring no-gun signs."

"Last year, pro-gun lawmakers quietly changed the law."

"Surprised? So are some bar owners, who are complaining that they were never informed about the new rules."

"Churches, schools and day care centers, too, may be surprised to know that without the gun signs, they've opened the door to firearms." ...

LA: House blocks vote on NRA-backed bill
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Pro-business lobbyists gained an edge in their fight with the National Rifle Association when the House blocked a floor vote on an NRA-backed bill as time ran out in the legislative session today."

"The bill by Senator Joe McPherson of Woodworth would give employees the right to keep a legally owned firearm locked in their car in a parking lot at their workplace. Under the bill, the employer would get some protection from civil liability if the gun is misused on the property."

"The Senate-backed proposal would not apply to places where state or federal law prohibits gun possession or to cars owned or leased by the employer and driven by the employee." ...

IN: 26th MEU to train for urban combat in Indiana [the official view]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"About 2,300 Marines will take part in an urban combat training exercise in central and southern Indiana, including landing helicopters at Indianapolis shopping malls, parks and the state fairgrounds ..."

"Most of the activities during the June 4-19 exercises will take place at central Indiana's Camp Atterbury, but Columbus, Seymour, Hope, North Vernon and Greensburg will also see activity."

"The troops will be from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit ..."

"'Our aim in Indianapolis is to expose our Marines to realistic scenarios and stresses posed by operating in an actual urban community', said Col. Mark J. Desens ..."

"The troops will fire weapons, conduct patrols and react to ambushes in an unfamiliar urban environment." ...

IN: Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis [an alternate view]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Under the guise of urban warfare training the 26th Expeditionary Unit an elite group of U.S. Marines will conduct a martial law training exercise at 26 'surrendered' locations in central Indiana from June 4th thru the 17th. While state officials and media are doing their best to assure the public that this military takeover of civilian property is somehow a good thing, ignoring the Posse Comitatus Act which fundamentally prohibits these types of exercises. These two weeks of training are also a contradiction of military tradition against deployments among the civilian population dating back to the end of the Civil War. Why then are the citizens of Indianapolis and six other Indiana towns being made to take part in two weeks of patrols and ambushes?" ...

DC: What Has Gone Wrong in Our Nation's Capitol?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced a plan to institute checkpoints in a Northeast neighborhood of the city in an effort to reduce the out of control criminal violence in the city."

"... police have stopped all vehicles at the checkpoint to ascertain if they had a 'legitimate purpose' for being in the area." ...

"Well, the program has been suspended. Not because it violated civil rights, but because it failed miserably."

"With complaints pouring in ... yesterday Lanier suspended the program."

"The program was instituted in response to seven killings the weekend before it was announced. After the program went into effect, eight people were shot elsewhere in the city. Whoops." ...

PA: Police officer wounded while loading service pistol
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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An East Taylor, Cambria County, police officer shot herself in the leg yesterday.

Cathy Jo Foust, 42, of Johnstown, was loading her service pistol in the East Taylor police station a little before 5 p.m. when it accidentally[sic] discharged, wounding her in the left leg.

WY: Former officer charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who worked as both a Gillette police officer and Campbell County Sheriff’s Office jailer has been bound over to District Court on felony drug charges ..."

"Thomas Brent Clark, 23, has been charged with delivering marijuana and conspiracy to deliver marijuana. He was arrested March 31 ..."

"Clark is accused of stealing about 1 pound of marijuana from his father’s patrol car in February, then bringing the drugs back to Gillette. His father, a canine officer for the Uinta County Sheriff's Office, kept marijuana in his patrol car for 'training purposes,' according to court documents."

"The Police Department hired Clark in January. His last day was March 17, police Lt. Rod Hauge said." ...

GA: Atlanta cop charged with sexual assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Atlanta police officer was indicted Friday on charges he sexually assaulted a woman in the back of his patrol car while on duty in July 2004, authorities said."

"Wayne Longe, also a sergeant in the U.S. Army Reserve, was charged with sexual assault on a person in custody and violation of oath of office, according to the Fulton County District Attorney's Office

"The incident happened on July 1, 2004 at Anderson Park in northwest Atlanta."

"Prosecutors say they linked Longe to the alleged attack by DNA found on a condom thrown away at the park."

"Longe's attorney, Jackie Patterson, says Longe admits having sex with the woman in the park that night, but says it was consensual. ..." ...

NY: Community Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Community Guns, a frightening idea when in the hands of the Gangstas and Gang Bangers but ladies and gentlemen that's what is going on in the city of Albany and other cities through out the Nation. I hear the question; what is a community gun? Until yesterday I didn’t know either. A Community Gun is an illegal firearm stashed by gangs, drug dealers and sometimes lawful citizens (who are unable to get a pistol permit) in a concealed but accessible spot for whatever nefarious purpose they choose. The firearm that killed 10 year old Kathina Thomas was a community gun. Read the first five or six paragraphs from David Filkins illuminating article in Thursday’s Times Union.

OH: Third Incident Along Bike Path Begs Questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every now and again, city leaders here in Ohio's capitol city will complain that only Ohio lawmakers can make regulations regarding firearms. That their mini city-state powers regarding guns have been taken away ..."

"And foremost, they will talk about safety in our parks, along our bikepaths . . . and how guns don't belong there. Any rational, thinking person knows that guns have been in our parks and along our bikepaths for years. It's just that they were being carried, and used, by criminals." ...

"So this morning, incident number three along the Olentangy bike trail, a multiuse path that stretches from suburban Worthington in the far north to downtown Columbus. And this morning, it was murder." ...

OH: Safety in Parks Still a Hot Topic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a headline on the front of the Metro Section, The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, has finally gotten around to the asking the question many of us have been thinking for some time, 'Are we safe in our parks?' The lead in to the headline reads, 'Recent attacks in Northeast Ohio parks, which paralyzed one woman and killed another, have people wondering. . .'"

"When I first saw this I thought, 'Finally, the mainstream media, in the form of Ohio’s largest daily newspaper, gets it.' No such luck. The piece turns out to be Pollyanna piece composed of mostly patrons saying they really don’t see a problem and public officials saying it’s business as usual, everything is the just fine ..." ...

CA: Gun permits sought in suit
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Torrance man has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city for its long-standing policy of not issuing concealed weapons permits." ...

"David W. Spears, 43, alleges the policy is in 'willful disregard of the law' and seeks to overturn it."

"Spears, a revenue investigator for the city of Lynwood who lives in Torrance, sought the permit for his .45 caliber subcompact Glock pistol."

"Spears said in his lawsuit he is often 'accosted, confronted and threatened by hostile individuals and would-be criminals demanding money' in the course of his duties, as well as when he is off-duty in Torrance."

"He stated he needs the gun to protect himself, and contends he meets all the requirements for a concealed weapons permit." ...

OH: Ohio is home to America's 'World Series of Shooting Sports'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Each summer, the world's finest civilian and military marksmen and women square off for five weeks of rifle and handgun competition in a variety of formats and events right here in the Buckeye State."

"This year marks the 101st running of the National Matches, for which so many shooters have embarked on an annual pilgrimage to Camp Perry ..."

"What thousands of others drive across country or fly around the world for, we are blessed as Ohioans to have literally right in our backyard."

"If you enjoy the shooting sports to even the smallest degree, then there is simply no excuse for not making the short drive to the National Matches, whether you plan to go as a spectator, a volunteer, or a competitor." ...

Canada: Rock under the gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his recent column in The Windsor Star, former Minister of Justice Allan Rock described the federal Tories' use of an amnesty for long gun owners as being 'undemocratic trickery.'"

"How odd that he should say that." ...

"... Trickery involves some sort of deception, yet the Conservatives have been quite open as to their intent -- they want to scrap the $2 billion registry that Mr. Rock said would only be in the millions when he peddled it to Parliament."

"The fact is that the registration scheme brought in by the Firearms Act has proven completely useless in preventing crime." ...

Canada: It's time for a ban on handgun bans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As politicians across Canada contemplate yet another layer of laws to address the issue of urban gun crime, it may be time to consider what harm is done by such well-intentioned but impractical legislation."

"The Post has reported that outright bans on handguns have been tried from Great Britain to Japan, almost invariably resulting in a rise, rather than a decline, in violent crime. Part of this phenomenon must be written down to the opportunity cost of such feel-good legislation."

"To wit, when politicians pass laws that will be obeyed only by the law-abiding, they content themselves that they have taken action. As a consequence ... the original and drastic problem is left to fester." ...

No law ever written has stopped any robber, rapist or killer, like cold blue steel in the hands of their last intended victim. — W. Emerson Wright

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