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Newslinks for 6/15/2005

CCRKBA Challenges Maryland Anti-Gunner To Apologize To Police For Insult
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By insisting that a new federal law that allows retired police officers to carry concealed handguns is 'essentially dangerous,' a Maryland anti-gun crusader has insulted men and women in law enforcement and should immediately apologize, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."

"Leah Barrett, executive director of CeaseFire Maryland, Inc., made the remark after Maryland Gov. Robert L. Erlich Jr. kicked off a state program to implement the new federal law for retired Maryland officers. Under the statute, retired police officers will be allowed to carry concealed firearms at home or when they travel, even though they are now just private citizens." ...

National Gallup Poll Shows Americans Oppose Concealed Weapons in Overwhelming Numbers; Forty-Five Percent of Gun Owners Also Say They 'Feel Less Safe' with Concealed Handguns in Public
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A new national poll released today from The Gallup Organization found that only one in four (Americans) think private citizens should be allowed to pack concealed weapons. The poll revealed that Americans in overwhelming numbers reject the gun lobby's agenda to permit more hidden, loaded handguns to be carried on the streets." ...

KABA Note: It certainly is possible to word questions in such a way that they will elicit the desired responses.

The New McCarthyism: Depriving Constitutional Rights Based on Mere Suspicion
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"The civil libertarians who warned about a New McCarthyism in the United States turned out to be right. As in the early 1950s, politicians—abetted by an uncritical press—are using national security as a pretext to take away constitutional rights. Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism wants constitutional rights eliminated without due process, based on mere suspicion. Like the Old McCarthyism, the New McCarthyism’s leading advocate happens to be a Congressperson named McCarthy."

"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) has introduced legislation, H.R. 1195 to ban persons on the 'No Fly List' from buying firearms. ..." ...

Obedience and Subservience
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent incident in Boynton Beach, Florida, in which a police officer hit a 22-year-old woman twice with a 50 thousand-volt taser gun, is being played out in the usual manner: all heat and no light. Yet, beyond all of the rhetoric that has accompanied the aftermath of this action, we can see that it represents a much deeper problem in our society – and tells us just how far we have strayed from our roots of liberty." ...

"... The issue here is not race; rather the real issue is whether or not we are to 'obey' people in authority or be subservient to them. In my lifetime, I have seen Americans become increasingly subservient to government officials – who, in turn, have seized more and more power over our individual lives."

CA: DOJ Demands Recall And Retrofit Of Over 4300 Handguns -- After Two Years Of Sales With DOJ Blessing Small Caliber Walther P-22 Target Pistol Classified As "Assault Weapon"
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"In late April, the California Department of Justice Firearms Division (DOJ) sent out 4320 disturbing letters demanding that buyers of the Smith & Wesson/Walther P-22 handgun, a .22 caliber target pistol, send the guns back to Smith & Wesson within 45 days for a retrofit or face criminal prosecution."

"A DOJ Firearms Division agent contends these target handguns are 'assault weapons' because they have a threaded barrel part used to assemble the firearm that could also potentially be used to accommodate a silencer or flash suppressor." ...

What the Eye Can See -- A Look Inside Your Bore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About 10 years ago, outdoor writer Jim Carmichel showed up at a prairie dog shoot in South Dakota with a truckload of rifles and a very interesting instrument that looked like something from the space program."

"It was a long, thin, stainless steel tube attached to several cables with an eyepiece and a television monitor. It had a built-in lighting system and various optical attachments as well. Its purpose was to study--up close and in magnified detail--the interior of a rifle's barrel."

"For the next two days we were torn between shooting prairie dogs and studying grooves, lands, corrosion and fouling through Jim's optical marvel." ...

LA: Assistant principal hospitalized after attempted carjacking in Shreveport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The assistant principal of Youree Drive Middle School in Shreveport is hospitalized with a gunshot wound after a shootout with a man who allegedly tried to carjack him."...

"Washington says a man approached him at an intersection, demanding his car keys and wallet. Washington says the man shot him and he shot back, wounding the alleged robber identified as Gabriel Robinson. ..." ...

"Meanwhile, police say Washington, in shooting his alleged assailant, was apparently acting in self-defense. While it's unclear if Washington has a license for a firearm, police say he didn't need one since he had the gun in his car, which is considered an extension of the home."

VA: 14-year-old shot to death [in apparent self-defense]
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A 14-year-old Richmond boy was fatally shot late Sunday after he apparently tried to rob a man at gunpoint in the city's East End, police said." ...

"Richmond police said their 'initial investigation' indicates the teen was shot in self-defense when he tried robbing a 47-year-old man at 24th Street and Fairmount Avenue. After the shooting, the 47-year-old, whose identity was not released, waited at the scene for officers to arrive, police said. He told police the teen had 'threatened him with a gun and attempted to rob him,' according to a police statement. Police said a weapon was recovered from the teen." ...

New Zealand: Fighting back is all that's left
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In better days our state did not dream of claiming a monopoly on the right to enforce the law. The right of Citizen's Arrest is written into the Crimes Act, to the embarrassment of the police who keep urging people never to use it."

"You will have seen yesterday's newspaper headline 'woman with a pipe knocks would-be robber senseless'. You will have also seen the sorry police criticism 'in a situation like this anyone confronted by offenders should do what they say'. Nonsense! ..."

"Enforcing the law is a right and was, only a short time ago, a responsibility of every able-bodied person. It is time we challenged that smug judicial pronouncement 'I can't allow you to take the law into your own hands'." ...

CA: S.J. schools locked down on report of gunman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple of schools on San Jose's East Side were briefly locked down Monday when a school official called the police to report a man who was seen across the street pointing a rifle in the direction of the school."

"Police rushed to strategic locations in the area of August Boeger Junior High School and Ida Jew Intermediate School ... to make sure any such gunman couldn't get away. As it turned out, the gun was a BB rifle, and it never occurred to the young man holding that he was causing any concern inside the schools ..."

"Garcia said BB rifles aren't illegal, and that the youth meant no harm. So the police just advised the youth and an adult who was with him to be more careful about bringing the toy out in public." ...

OH: Police May Buy M16-Style Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columbus Police may get a high-caliber addition to their arsenal."

"The Columbus Police Department has a proposal pending to acquire semi-automatic rifles similar to the M16 through a federal government program. The division’s ordnance unit is suggesting the weapons purchase." ...

"The reason police are considering the purchase is simple: to counter the firepower they sometimes face on the street - rifles with ranges of 600 to 800 meters." ...

"'If we get a terrorist-type situation, we as first line responders… as patrol officers would be able to deal with that effectively by having M16-style weapons,' Holloway contends."

Submitter's Note: Actually 'civilians' will be the first line responders.

CA: 12 LA Deputies Suspended after Shooting
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Twelve Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have been suspended after an investigation concluded they violated department policies in a May shooting." ...

"An internal investigation by the department concluded the deputies lacked proper training, some lacked the right equipment and some of equipment failed to work in the May 9 incident in Compton, in which the deputies formed a circle around Winston Hayes and fired about 120 rounds. Hayes was injured when he was hit four times and one deputy was also injured." ...

"Compton Mayor Eric Perrodin said the discipline was fair and he hoped promised training would prevent future incidents." ...

NY: Sheriff's Officer Leaves Gun in Bathroom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sheriff's department officer is red-faced and in hot water after leaving her gun in a Binghamton courthouse bathroom."

"The Broome County Sheriff's Department corrections officer removed her 40-caliber Glock pistol while using the facilities. But she left the weapon behind when she left the rest room."

"The gun was found by a civilian who alerted a courthouse security officer."

"Sheriff David Harder told a Binghamton radio station the corrections officer was without her weapon for 'less than five minutes.'"

"Harder said an investigation into the incident is being conducted. In the meantime, the officer has been taken off the courthouse detail and assigned to jail duty." ...

NY: Cop charged with killing estranged wife, shooting best friend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city police sergeant was charged Tuesday with killing his estranged wife, then shooting his best friend inside the wife's Brooklyn apartment more than four years ago."

"Martin Peters, 41, was ordered held without bail after pleading not guilty to murder, assault, witness intimidation and weapons charges in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn."

"After dropping off their two kids at school Jan. 16, 2001, Peters allegedly returned to the Bedford-Stuyvesant apartment of his estranged wife, Juliet Alexander, and shot her three times in the head and face."

"Peters then shot his best friend, Nigel Callender, now 36, who was also in the apartment, in the head, neck and hand, paralyzing him, according to an indictment." ...

NY: Retired NYPD Detective Gets 1 To 3 Years For Killing Queens Deli Worker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With tears in his eyes, John Malik stood silently as a Queens Supreme Court judge sentenced him to one-to-three years in prison for the shooting death of 18-year-old Juan Manuel Chametla. Malik says he accidentally shot the deli clerk last October during what he characterizes as horse play."

"Before the sentencing, Chametla's father, Noe, addressed the court, where he told the judge the sentence was unjust and ridiculous."

"'It was unnecessary for my son to be gone that soon,' said Chametla."

"'An innocent man was killed by the reckless act of another, and one-to-three years hardly feels appropriate for what he committed,' said City Councilman Hiram Monserrate." ...

MD: Ehrlich praises gun law for cops
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. yesterday initiated a state program to license retired police officers to carry concealed handguns, making Maryland one of the first states to implement new federal laws expanding gun rights for retired and off-duty officers." ...

Guam: Police officer charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Guam Police Department officer faces federal criminal charges for allegedly selling the drug 'ice' and carrying his department-issued firearm while allegedly distributing the drug."

Officer ... Ortiola, who joined the police force last year, was indicted June 8 on charges of distribution of methamphetamine hydrochloride, or 'ice,' and carrying a firearm during a drug trafficking offense. Ortiola was wearing his uniform during the alleged crime, according to the police department." ...

"... Yesterday, the Guam Police Department, the U.S. Attorney's Office, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ... said the case is isolated and no other officer has been implicated in the alleged crime." ...

Alacia's First Hunt
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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Submitter's Note: This is the story of a young lady in Montana who had recently had her first hunting trip...

"My dad woke me up early on Sunday Morning, the last day of the season. We had packed the pickup the night before and both my brother and I were excited to get going. The plan for the day was to hunt early and then come back to town by 10:00 a.m. so we could go to church with my mom and other sister, then grab lunch and head out again if I hadn't shot a deer." ...

FL: Local gun owners find home on the range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Do you have a new firearm and no place to shoot it?"

"Whether you have a gun for hunting, target shooting or home defense, you need to become familiar with that gun and feel comfortable shooting it." ...

"Fortunately one of the best shooting ranges in the state of Florida is located right here in Hernando County." ...

FL: Rifle issue for turkeys needs rule
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Imagine that you are sitting in a turkey blind when the tranquil silence of the morning suddenly is broken by the sharp crack of a rifle being shot from the opposite side of the pasture. In the same instant a bullet strikes dangerously close."

It's happened to professional turkey guide Jim Conley on more than one occasion, once with his young son in the blind with him." ...

PA: 'Fake rhetoric and zero action'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Senate Judiciary Committee came to Philadelphia yesterday to hold a hearing on youth violence, a move that outraged anti-gun forces who called it a farce." ...

"But many anti-violence leaders left exasperated, saying many programs that work are being cut by Congress and as long as gun laws remain lax in Pennsylvania, the murder rate will continue to climb." ...

"'This is simply a photo op,' said Eric Howard, of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'It's all phony. It's fake rhetoric and zero action. To put it simply, it's a farce.'" ...

NY: The gun-show loophole: Private dealers require no background check
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Lee Harris walked out of Bill Goodman's North American Gun & Knife Show with a big smile on his face and a new hunting rifle slung over his shoulder. But he also left with some worries about the 'gun show loophole' that allows just about anyone to buy guns from private sellers at such events." ...

"Most guns at the Goodman show are sold by federally licensed dealers who are required to run FBI computer checks on all buyers." ...

"Before he bought his new hunting rifle, Harris sold a used handgun for $70. He was a private seller. So no computer check was run, and Harris had no way to know if his customer was a criminal, a terrorist, a fugitive, or an honest guy buying a cheap gun for target practice." ...

KABA Note: If Mr. Harris was concerned he could have asked a licensed dealer to perform the transfer. Most dealers will happily do this for a $15 to $25 fee.

WA: Safe place for toy gunplay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They're called Airsoft guns, and they feel and handle, just like the real thing."

"They are perfect tools for training marines and recruits, not so perfect for minors playing cowboys and Indians on someone's roof."

"'Any minor that has one or anybody that has one and police man sees it, they're gonna treat it as if its a real firearm,' said Mark Deeds, who runs Northwest Tactical, a Kent company that sells a variety of soft air pistols. They're also in the business of training law enforcement officials in realistic urban warfare." ...

Submitter's Note: Yeah, with that bright orange tip they look very real! /sarcasm

KY: Rifle range passes; conditions imposed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 2, the Fauquier County Board of Zoning Appeals finally approved a request for a rifle range in Midland."

"But talks were contentious to the last, as underscored by the obvious reluctance of one board member to participate, the need for a last-minute closed session over legal matters, and an imposition of more operational restrictions than can be counted on one hand."

"Within minutes of opening discussion, BZA secretary James Van Luven moved to deny the special permit request to locate a recreational shooting range on more than 200 acres off Midland Road. And the tide, at first, seemed in support of Van Luven." ...

AR: Target range not worth the trouble
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police Chief Justin McCarver didn’t think it would be a big deal to have his police officers get in some target practice on private property."

"The city allows guns to be shot on property zoned for agricultural use. On a regular basis in Little Flock, police respond to reports of shots fired, only to find that someone is sighting-in a rifle or shooting targets in a backyard. Both are legal in Little Flock."

"McCarver has wanted to give his officers a chance for more target practice to keep up their pistol skills. Mayor Tom Gray said he knew a good place — his place." ...

South Africa: Black gun owners to march in Joburg
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Black gun owners will march to Gauteng premier Mbhazima Shilowa's office on Tuesday to hand over a document detailing why they should own firearms, their association said."

"The document would be handed to Shilowa at 11am on Tuesday, the Black Gun Owners Association (BGOA) said on Monday."

"'Black gun owners need firearms for self-defence and are being refused all of their licences without compensation,' the BGOA said in a statement." ...

UK: Gun gang rob driver waiting at traffic lights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A DRIVER was robbed at gun-point while sitting in his Mercedes in Greenford."

"The victim a 61-year-old travel agent from Isleworth was sitting in his stationary black A-class Mercedes Benz on the Greenford Road near Tesco."

"He was waiting for traffic lights to turn green when the thief approached his near-side car window."

"The man tapped on the car's window and signalled with two fingers that he wanted a cigarette."

"The victim opened the car window before the robber put his upper body completely into the car and pulled out a silver pistol from his right side."

"A spokesman for Ealing Borough Police said: 'He pointed his gun at the victim and spoke to him in Hindi saying, give me your money, give me everything'.'" ...

UK: MP Hughes in U-turn on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A HIGH-PROFILE politician yesterday pledged his support for our Ban 'Em campaign - after a U-turn on replica guns."

"Simon Hughes MP will back the Government's ban on the manufacture and sale of imitation firearms - despite years of opposition to such a clampdown. Until now, the Lib Dem ... believed new laws would be an extension of the 'nanny state' - leading to a ridiculous ban on water pistols and kids' toys."

"But when we contacted Mr Hughes this week, the high-profile MP agreed the time had come for a tough new line on replicas."

"He told the South London Press: 'There is a strong argument that replica weapons are extremely dangerous. They cannot be distinguished from the real thing and give the police a very hard time.'" ...

UK: Police hail 'toy' guns crackdown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GOVERNMENT proposals to tighten up the laws on buying replica guns have been hailed by Thames Valley Police Chief Peter Neyroud."

"The Violent Crime Reduction Bill announced by the Home Office last week follows a 36% increased in the number of incidents dealt with by armed officers across the Thames Valley last year."

"Home Office minister Hazel Blears promises tougher sentences for people caught with imitation firearms, as well as strict manufacturing standards to prevent them from being adapted to fire live ammunition."

"The age limit for buying air pistols, ball bearing guns and knives will be raised to 18 and teachers will be given the power to search pupils." ...

UK: Fife airgun amnesty figures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A potentially lethal arsenal surrendered to Fife Constabulary during a national crackdown on airguns was today unveiled by the force.
Sixty-two air rifles, 32 air pistols and 10 BB guns were handed in during the campaign ..."

"A further 11 air rifles and one air pistol have been handed in since the close of the campaign, and prior to the campaign starting, 67 airguns were surrendered, along with 33 certified 12 bore shotguns and nine rifles."

"A total of 922 airguns have been surrendered Scotland-wide."

"The campaign was mounted by the Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland (ACPOS) in the wake of the death of two-year-old Andrew Morton, who was shot by an airgun in Glasgow earlier this year." ...

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. — Thomas Sowell

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