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Newslinks for 6/15/2007

Sandy Froman: The history of gun control, part 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Until Lyndon Johnson came to the White House in 1963 following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, gun control was simply not a national issue. There were no significant federal gun control laws on the books, and the NRA was a shooter's organization that intentionally shied away from any political involvement."

"All of that changed with the 1968 assassinations of Sen. Robert Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King. In the civil unrest that followed, the media found a new whipping boy – America's gun owners. The media blitz against gun rights was unprecedented and became the driving force behind Democrat leaders proposing national gun control." ...

Upholding the right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My father, who was an educated man, used to often tell me that 'you can't argue with ignorance.' As I grow older these words seem to ring loud and clear at an alarming frequency."

"The commentary by Larry Gaber and Polly Archer ('Shooting holes in gun proponents' arguments,' June 1) is but another common example of this adage. I have also noticed several letters to the editor that reflect the same."

"Gaber and Archer must think themselves wise on the topic of firearms and our culture. Their lack of logic is astounding. They probably buy every false statistic and lie put out by the Brady Institute."

"Their rejection of the deterrence factor of firearms has been refuted over and over again by academic research. ..." ...

Why We Ignore Madmen
Submitted by: Jeff Storm

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"You could blame the Blacksburg, Virginia massacre on many things. You could blame it on too many guns, or not enough guns. You could blame it on school security officials ... You could blame it on the lonely misfit himself ..."

"You could also blame a legal juggernaut that adds up to paralysis in the face of the deranged and dangerous. ..." ...

"So what prevented anyone from taking this creature out of the dorms and off the streets? For starters, as the New York Times reported, privacy and antidiscrimination laws make it almost impossible for school officials to protect students from crazed classmates. If they try to expel a student from a dorm because they think he’s dangerous, they can be sued ..." ...

The Guns of Pakistan Video
Submitted by: none

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The Gun Bazaar of Pakistan. From VICE DVD.
Update: This gun market has nothing to do with terrorism nor does it have anything to do with the war on terror. So stop writing stupid comments. It's just a gun store in a town in Pakistan run by Pashtuns. If the United States felt it was a threat, then it would have been long gone. Duh!

Gun Shows in Nevada, California, and the United States in Light of UC Davis Study
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, Dr. Cavala wrote an article on gun shows and the effect it has on the seepage of crime guns into California. He made those comments because of a study released by Dr. Garen Wintimute at UC Davis. I want to fill in some of the observations Dr. Cavala made based on my somewhat unique knowledge on this issue."

"First, as to Nevada gun shows (and other gun shows I am not familiar about); most of what occurs thereat is probably illegal now under federal law for a slew of reasons. In fact, some have argued that unless California style controls are imposed on gun shows they should be shut down." ...

Couric Leads with 'Historic Alliance' for Gun Control, Features Brady Campaign Chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Katie Couric led Wednesday's CBS Evening News by trumpeting a victory for gun control and featuring a one-on-one interview with a gun control advocate. 'An historic alliance between Democrats and the NRA produces the first major new gun control bill in years,' Couric teased. 'Tonight, they're closing the loophole that allowed the Virginia Tech killer to buy his guns.' ..."

"After NRA Executive Director Wayne LaPierre got one sentence ... Couric turned to Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. She started by asking him to assess the effectiveness of the proposed new law before fretting that it doesn't go far enough: 'What about gun shows though? Won't they still be permitted to buy them there?' ..." ...

OK: Sallisaw woman shot ex-husband in self-defense, police believe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sallisaw woman who shot and killed her ex-husband early Friday morning after he broke into her home and assaulted the woman and her boyfriend with a bat may have thwarted her ex's alleged plans to kill her after police discovered that the man allegedly brought a bag of butcher knives into the woman's home."

"... the man, Robert Wolfe, 49, broke into his ex-wife's home ... between 1 and 1:35 a.m. ..."

"Wolfe's 33-year-old ex-wife, Kimberly Wolfe, and her boyfriend, Timothy Sizemore, were asleep in bed when Robert Wolfe allegedly began hitting the two with a baseball bat ..."

"Kimberly Wolfe retrieved her gun and fired three shots, two of which went through the bedroom wall and one which fatally wounded Robert Wolfe ..." ...

FL: Pizza Hut Worker Fired for Shooting at Armed Robbers (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pizza hut employee says he feared for his life when he shot at armed robbers. But the company says he violated policy and fired him."

Submitter's Note: From personal knowlege I can state that Pizza Hut and Papa John's prohibit employee weapons.

TX: Suspect in robbery attempt killed
Submitted by: Wes Wilson

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A suspect was killed during an armed robbery attempt in Balch Springs around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, police said.

The shooting was reported at the Big 5 grocery store in the 1400 block of Peachtree Road in Balch Springs, which is east of Dallas.

Authorities said the suspect entered the store with a shotgun, the clerk fought with the suspect and the suspect was killed.

Police said they have to plans to file charges against the clerk.

Submitter's Note-I hope the Balch Springs PD re-thinks their position to file charges. I guess it would have been OK for the thief to shoot and kill the clerk.


OH: Former anti-gun Representative completes firearms instruction course (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"It isn't often that a politician admits he was wrong. It is even less often that a politician acts on his new convictions so immediately and publicly as has Rep. Michael DeBose (D - Cleveland) in the weeks since he was made victim by armed criminals in an attempted mugging last month."

"Buckeye Firearms Association is pleased to report that on June 8th and 9th, Rep. Debose, his wife and 10 neighbors/members of his church attended firearms training." ...

IL: Arrest of Murder Suspect Dovetails With Intensified Effort to Pass Concealed Carry Legislation in Illinois
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Lake County (IL) law enforcement officials announced recently that they have charged 23-year-old Montago Suggs with numerous charges related to an especially violent late-May crime spree. Suggs has been implicated in the murder of a payday loan clerk and the robbery and attempted murder of employees and customers of a Beach Park, IL, convenience store. Suggs is alleged to have committed these latest crimes only weeks after being released from prison after serving 5 years for felony theft."

"The ISRA is pointing to the Suggs case as yet another example of what happens when a proven violent predator is released from prison and allowed to freely roam communities where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from carrying defensive firearms." ...

New gun control proposal endorsed by NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Usually anything limiting access to guns isn't supported by gun owners, but in this case it's different."

"The law would improve states reporting mentally ill patients to the Criminal Background System, like in the case of the Virginia Tech shooter who was considered mentally ill, but the state did not report it to the Background System." ...

"The mass shooting at Virginia tech sent gun opponents into a tail spin, wanting to know why the shooter ... was allowed to buy a gun."

"Now the House has passed a bill that could become the first major gun law in ten years."

"'This is not a gun law, it is a people law,' Kevin Ketter said. 'It's designed to keep guns away from people who shouldn't have guns.'" ...

McCarthy Bill Rammed Through The House-- Deal between NRA leadership and Democrats leaves most Republicans in the dark (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wednesday started out as a routine day in the U.S. Congress, with Representatives attending congressional hearings, meeting with constituents, perhaps devising clever new ways to pick our pockets."

"At 8:30 in the morning an email went out to House Republicans indicating that a gun control bill, recently introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), was on the Suspension Calendar (normally reserved for 'non-controversial' bills)."

"Many Representatives didn't see that email until it was too late. Less than three hours later, the bill passed by a voice vote. The bill in question, H.R. 2640, is a massive expansion of the Brady Gun Control law, the subject of many previous alerts by Gun Owners of America." ...

What Impact Will the Proposed New Law Regarding Screening Gun Purchasers Have on Gun Violence? (Gun Guys)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As many of our readers know, a proposed law relating to background information on persons prohibited from owning guns due to mental illness has suddenly emerged in Congress ..." ...

"And, of course, the law doesn't in anyway affect the selling of guns on the secondary market, which is a huge source of weapons used in crime."

"Keeping guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people makes sense. Who could be against such a measure? But this legislation while pretending to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people could actually create a bigger problem by putting in place a possibly ever-expanding ... mechanism that will put guns back into the hands of those prohibited from owning firearms under federal law." ...

Gun Control Bill Marks 1st Big Compromise in 110th Congress
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In what could amount to the first — and fastest — bipartisan compromise of the 110th Congress to date, the House passed a bill Wednesday engendering one of the most politically-charged issues today: gun control."

"The bill authored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-NY — hardly a favorite of the gun rights movement — was co-sponsored by a handful of Republicans and bolstered by the National Rifle Association. It aims to strengthen the existing federal background check system to ensure that people who aren't supposed to be buying firearms get turned away at the point of the sale." ...

Brady Campaign Endorses McCarthy Compromise Bill to Strengthen Brady Background Checks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement today about legislation pending in the House of Representatives:"

"'We support Rep. McCarthy's legislation as an important step forward in strengthening the Brady Bill background check system.'" ...

A PROMISE KEPT: After long battle, McCarthy finally gets House approval of gun control measure; bill on background checks moves to Senate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy got her son a present yesterday, a day before his 40th birthday."

"It was wrapped and delivered by the House in a voice vote that morning, as lawmakers approved what would be the first major federal gun control measure in 13 years. The bill toughens the national background check system for gun buyers, improving screening for criminal records and mental health problems in the wake of April's shootings at Virginia Tech."

"'This has been a long, long journey for me,' McCarthy said on the House floor." ...

Surprise Action in House (Firearms Coalition)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a surprise move, the US House of Representatives today passed a bill which provides incentives for states to enhance and computerize criminal and mental health records and make such records available to the FBI's National Instant Check System (NICS)."

"While The Firearms Coalition has consistently opposed previous versions of this bill, we do not oppose the bill as it was passed by the House today."

"... This version of the bill ... differs from previous versions in that it includes several provisions for the removal of names arbitrarily added to the NICS list and to ensure ways for a person who is on the list to regain their rights. These provisions were negotiated by the NRA over the past several weeks." ...

House Votes to Bolster Database on Gun Buyers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The House voted Wednesday to close a loophole in gun control laws that allowed the Virginia Tech gunman to buy firearms even though he had been committed to a mental hospital. The Senate is likely to follow suit, marking the first time since 1996 that Congress has approved a measure strengthening gun control."

"The bill’s approval, on a voice vote, came on the same day as the release of a report President Bush ordered after the shootings in April at Virginia Tech, in which a student killed 32 people and himself. The cabinet agencies that wrote the report found that schools, doctors and the police were not fully aware of what information could legally be shared in a web of confusing and overlapping privacy laws." ...

An opening for gun law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's a shame that it takes horrific killings to get Congress to address reasonable legislation to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people. But that seems to be the case with Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's effort to make the National Instant Criminal Background Check System work better. Her bill passed the House on a voice vote yesterday. Now it's up to Sen. Chuck Schumer to get it through the Senate."

"It's well known what brought McCarthy (D-Mineola) to Congress: the 1993 rush-hour massacre on the Long Island Rail Road that left her husband dead and her son seriously wounded. She has broadened her scope to include a portfolio of other issues, but she has never given up on doing something significant about guns." ...

VA: Ex-Marine at GMU Presses to Let Students Have Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Soon after Virginia Tech's mass shooting, some George Mason University students formed a group to do something about guns on campus: They want the right to carry them."

"Andrew Dysart, who heads George Mason University Students for Concealed Carry, said the group aims to overturn a university policy that prohibits students and faculty members from carrying firearms on campus. About 45 students have signed up since organizers began pulling the group together in late April, he said."

"The group has not drawn up an action plan or had regular meetings, largely because the school year was winding down when the effort got underway. ..." ...

CA: Ammunition Control (Liberty Belles)
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"How do you pass a gun registry law without attracting too much attention? Bury it in an ammunition bill. At least that's what the State of California is trying to do."

"AB 362 would limit ammunition purchases to 50 rounds per month and would require the submission of a thumbprint and background check before the ammunition could be purchased. That is extraordinary, in and of itself. But there's more. ..." ...

U.S. Army officer charged in Iraq
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A U.S. lieutenant colonel has been referred to a court-martial on charges he 'aided the enemy' by allowing detainees at an Iraqi prison to use his cell phone to make unmonitored calls, the military said ... The offense could carry the death penalty."

"Lt. Col. William H. Steele, a former military police commander at the Camp Cropper prison where Saddam Hussein and other top detainees were held, is also accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a female interpreter ..."

"At a hearing in Baghdad last month, witnesses testified that Steele approved buying Cuban cigars for Saddam, fraternized with a detainee's daughter, used his service pistol to intimidate tower guards, and improperly stored classified information." ...

IL: Former police officer charged with hit-and-run
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Granite City police officer and mayoral candidate has been charged with hit-and-run and reckless driving."

"Kenneth Lee Crawford ... was one of five candidates who ran for mayor 2˝ years ago."

"On Thursday, Crawford was released from the Granite City Police Department on the misdemeanor charges after posting bail."

"According to an accident report, Crawford was allegedly involved in a wreck about 7:50 p.m. on Illinois Route 203 ... and left the scene."

"Crawford, the report stated, was driving a rental vehicle when he struck a 1999 Chevrolet owned by another Granite City resident."

"According to the report, there were no injuries. A description on how the accident occurred was not in the report."

MI: Lansing officer charged in fatal crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Lansing police officer involved in a fatal crash earlier this year faces a misdemeanor drunken driving charge, the Genesee County prosecutor said Wednesday."

"Officer Johnnie Torres, 37, a Flushing resident, has been charged with operating while intoxicated in connection with a Feb. 5 crash that killed a 42-year-old Mount Morris man."

"Investigators determined both drivers were legally drunk. The accident happened near Interstate 475 in Mount Morris Township."

"Authorities said Mark Allen Kline of Mount Morris exited the freeway and then ran a stop sign at the end of the ramp, driving into the path of Torres' pickup."

"Torres' GMC Sierra broadsided Kline's Chevy Lumina at a 90-degree angle." ...

MD: Keith Washington Indicted on Assault, Gun Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors have announced a three-count indictment against Prince George's County Police Corporal Keith Washington."

"A grand jury found there was probable cause to formally charge Washington with first- and second-degree assault and the use of a handgun in the commission of violent crime."

"The indictment stems from an April 5, 2007 incident at Washington's Accokeek home. Washington is accused of pulling a gun on a real estate appraiser who mistakenly knocked on the door."

"Washington denies the allegations."

"Washington remains under investigation for a January incident at his home in which he shot two furniture deliverymen. One of the men died."

"Washington claims the shooting was in self-defense." ...

NY: City police offering cash for tips on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Rochester Police Chief David Moore announced a new addition to the city's illegal-gun hotline — money."

"'Many times we do need to throw something out to the community to get that information that we so critically need,' Moore said at a news conference Wednesday ..."

"The number, (585) 428-4867, offers area residents a method to anonymously report information on illegal guns in their neighborhood. The Police Department has entered a partnership with Rochester Area Crime Stoppers, which offers financial rewards for anonymous tips on crimes."

"Under the new partnership, people who provide information on illegal guns would be eligible for a cash reward, said Bob Wiesner, chairman of the Crime Stoppers Inc. board of directors." ...

PA: Teen facing felony for taping cop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 18-year-old from Pennsylvania is facing a felony charge after he was caught videotaping a police officer handing out a traffic ticket on a public street." ...

"Prosecutors declined to respond ... Kelly said making movies is a hobby, and he was just recording another interesting event."

"But authorities say he's facing a felony wiretapping count, and up to seven years in prison ..."

"He spent the next 26 hours in the Cumberland County prison until his mother raised security for his $2,500 bail on her house."

"The law technically bans the intentional recording of any oral conversation without permission. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for July, before Judge Jessica Brewbaker." ...

PA: Ex-officer charged with giving minors alcohol in Somerset County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Somerset County policeman is accused of supplying alcohol to minors while working as an officer. [emphasis added]

Rodney Neal Norman, 38, of Meyersdale, is charged with corruption of minors and furnishing alcohol to minors. He is accused of providing alcohol for three teenagers between Dec. 31, 2005, and last fall, Somerset Borough police said.

Meyersdale officials said they fired Norman in April for violating department operations and procedures and due to complaints from the Somerset County District Attorney's Office.

KY: Family files criminal complaint against former cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of the man shot in a Kroger parking lot says the retired cop who opened fire on him should be in jail."

"On Thursday, they took very public measures in hopes of getting him arrested, filing a criminal complaint against retired Jeffersontown officer Richard Koenig." ...

"Pickerill was shot multiple times by Koenig two weeks ago in the parking lot of the J-town Kroger store. The two men got into an altercation at a four-way stop. Authorities found a gun in Pickerill’s vehicle, but it had apparently not been fired."

"Pickerill’s family says Koenig is way to dangerous to be allowed on the streets and that he should have been charged a long time ago." ...

ID: 'The Gang' hits town
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post

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"If a federal judge rules the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives overstepped its bounds by taking a local gun shop's license, it would not be the first time, according to 'The Gang,' an anti-ATF documentary that premiered Wednesday night at the Lamphouse Theatre in Twin Falls."

"The movie, produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, will show again at 7 p.m. today. Red's Trading Post's manager Ryan Horsley is facing off with the ATF in a battle to save his business."

"A federal judge has staved off the ATF's removal of Red's license on the basis that the agency exaggerated some of its claims. It will eventually be up to the judge to decide if there is a legitimate basis for revoking Red's license." ...

ID: Battle Heats Up Between Red's and ATF; Issue Hits Silver Screen
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post

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"The battle between Idaho's oldest gun shop and the ATF is heating up and the issue hit the silver screen in an expose that premiered Wednesday night."

"The second amendment reads: 'a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"

"As a democracy we respect and honor our constitutional rights and therefore protect them when someone abuses them."

"Red's Trading Post sees the ATF abusing these rights and wants to show the world their side of the story." ...

Stocks for Dad: Smith & Wesson
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Not so long ago, it was a rite of passage for a son to receive from his father a cherished family heirloom: either a hunting rifle or a handgun."

"When I turned 13, my father gave me my first .22-caliber rifle and enrolled me in a National Rifle Association safety course. While I used the rifle occasionally to shoot woodchucks on my grandmother's farm, more often than not I would simply go plinking tin cans. I still have that rifle and cherish those times shooting with my dad." ...

"... So this Father's Day, if you don't have the opportunity to return the favor and give Dad some cold hard steel, consider giving him some stock in a company that still makes those happy memories: Smith & Wesson (Nasdaq: SWHC)." ...

NJ: Healy bids to delay his trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With his disorderly persons trial scheduled to start Monday in Bradley Beach, Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy is apparently making a last-ditch attempt to get it postponed."

"Healy's attorneys plan to seek a delay until an appeal they are pursuing on a related matter is resolved, a Bradley Beach court official said yesterday."

"On June 1, Monmouth County Assignment Judge Lawrence Lawson ruled against Healy - deciding not to reinstate disorderly persons complaints he and his wife had made against a Bradley Beach police officer that had been administratively dropped." ...

Submitter's Note: Mayor Healy is a member of Bloomberg's MAIG.

OH: Agents crack alleged Alliance-to-NYC gun-running scheme
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A suspected illegal gun-selling operation with ties to New York City was cracked this week with the arrest of eight Alliance-area residents and two New Yorkers."

"The eight people apprehended allegedly were part of a gun-running scheme operated by Aaron Callock, an Alliance-area resident who federal law enforcement officials say transported and illegally sold firearms in New York City." ...

TX: Robiner's understanding of gun debate lacking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Do not step on my Second Amendment rights and call yourself an American.

I have high regard for Robiner and his profession, but I disagree with his opinion on gun control. He should leave the gun ownership debate to people who really understand it.

I have owned and fired all kinds of weapons in the past 45 years. As we should all know, guns don't kill people; people kill people.

I know Robiner is disgusted and saddened by innocent people being killed; so am I.

But taking away guns is not the answer. Enforcing the gun laws we have now is.

How many times has a psychological determination let a criminal escape justice, only to kill again?

Let's put killers behind bars and keep them there, or execute them.

ESPN Networks to Air College Shotgun Competition (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ESPNU and ESPN2 will televise the 39th Annual ACUI Intercollegiate Clay Target Championships, exposing the networks' millions of viewers to the action and excitement of the shooting sports."

"ESPNU, with major sponsorship from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), will televise the competition throughout June and July. ESPN2 will air the finals of the international skeet competition on July 12."

"The event, which is the culmination of the college shotgun season, was taped in April at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio and includes shooters from more than 30 colleges and universities competing in international trap, international skeet, American trap, American skeet and five-stand." ...

Tyranny is always better organized than freedom. —THOMAS PAINE

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