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Newslinks for 6/15/2012

Dishonest Humanitarianism? The Invalid Assumptions Behind The United Nations’ Small Arms Control Initiatives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is mired in controversy, rumor, and misinformation among both gun-rights activists and anti-gun crusaders. Jeff Moran of TSM WorldWide has been monitoring this situation along with several other groups including the Second Amendment Foundation and the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR). In 'Dishonest Humanitarianism? The invalid assumptions behind the United Nations’ small arms control initiatives,' Moran cites numerous examples of propaganda used by the supporters of the anti-gun treaty."

"Moran details the specifics of the ATT, and invalidates the generalizations associated with global small arms and ammunition trade. ..." ...

Sheriff’s evasion on gun surrender could open door to other charges
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Isn’t it a crime to lie to law enforcement investigators?" ...

Ladd Everitt: Liar for Hire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ladd Everitt, the Director of Communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence , is earning his pay once again. His latest screed, Why ‘Stand Your Ground’ is really ‘Kill at Will’, is a breathtaking example of the antis’ stock in trade: half-truths, untruths and flat out lies with a liberal sprinkling of logical fallacies. To wit: 'What do you call a law that allows a person to shoot and kill another human being when they could otherwise walk away safely? I can only call it immoral.' When he starts the journey that way, you know it’s going to be a bumpy ride . . ." ...

Revolt in the Ranks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Elizabeth Samet teaches future military officers ... Samet borrows a phrase from Edmund Burke to describe a cultural model she locates in the 19th century American military: liberal obedience. 'Freely given and prompted by a love of country, liberal obedience cannot partake simply of restricted professional and technical, or immediate, circumstantial considerations,' she writes. 'It must be entirely compatible with the intellectual enlargement that distinguishes the liber, or free man.'"

"The very thing that Americans most feared after their revolution was the possibility of unthinking obedience from armed men following charismatic leaders. Citizens of a republic gave their loyalty to republican principles, not to men. ..." [emphasis added] ...

“Gun Lobby Has Pa. in its Grip” Your Problem Being?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Holy moly am I sick and tired of all this talk of 'the gun lobby' (a.k.a., the NRA). Start with this: it’s a gun rights lobby. Sure, the National Rifle Association is closerthanthis to gun manufacturers. But the NRA gets its strength and the lion’s share of its operating budget from its members. Who give the NRA money because the NRA defends their gun rights . . ."

"Even if we cede the antis their firmly-held belief that the 'gun lobby' is trying to get more people to buy guns, or more gun owners to buy more guns, what the hell’s wrong with that? ..." ...

How do you define ‘gun violence?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A crazed home-invader shot dead in North Bend after repeated warnings from the homeowner that he was armed; an ex-boyfriend killed by a Michigan woman as he was trying to strangle her; an image of Australian athletes in a United States gun shop holding shotguns and handguns for a photo; are these all examples of so-called 'gun violence?'"

"Yes, depending upon to whom one listens. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: This is how I define "gun violence".


MSNBC Panel Explodes As ‘Gun Owner’ S.E. Cupp Battles Gun Control Advocate
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner’s panel delved into gun control issues on Thursday which set off a heated yelling match between New York Daily News columnist S.E. Cupp and Dan Gross, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

Texas Triggers: Live Out your Top Shot Firearms Fantasy, Run the Stages from the Show (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some things I regret about not being picked to be on Top Shot. I mean, on the one hand I didn’t have to sell my soul for fifteen minutes of fame, but on the other, I missed out on the really cool challenges and thought I would never get a chance to shoot those stages in real life. Until now…" ...

Gunwerks Long Range University: Classroom Day 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second day of class with Aaron focused less on the mechanics of shooting and more on practical field applications as well as tips, tricks, and rules of thumb. Whereas Day 1 was filled with 'good to know' information, the information from Day 2 is immediately applicable to daily shooting conditions. One of the reader comments on the Day 1 article asked if this was just a cool thing to do or whether I’d be able to go home and shoot at 900 yards. I'll stick to the same format as Day 1, and you can judge for yourself. As always, we report, you decide . . . between 700 and 800 yards, and finally some small-scale elk silhouettes at 880 . . ." ...

Gunwerks Long Range University: Range Day 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While most of the students (myself included) spent Day 1 at the range familiarizing ourselves with the Gunwerks platform, Day 2 was about getting off the bench into some realistic field positions and making good shots on different target at a variety of distances. We had the same sighting targets at 400, 700, and 950 from Day 1, but got to see some additional small targets between 700 and 800 yards, and finally some small-scale elk silhouettes at 880 . . ." ...

Driving Armed – Safely Stowing Your Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying a gun creates all sorts of obstacles, and part of the fun is learning how to overcome them. One of the obstacles that we often forget to learn how to work around, and practice overcoming is carrying in a vehicle." ...

"For those of you who don’t have the option of destroying the enemy with the push of a button from inside your vehicle, I submit to you this article – the first in the 'Driving Armed' series that I will be publishing. Please stay tuned for more about the tactics and techniques of shooting from a vehicle. Of course, first things first – and the first thing is having your weapon in the vehicle with you to begin with. So naturally, we start with stowing your firearm safely." ...

Smith & Wesson Governor Review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s been a year and a half since I first shot the S&W Governor at SHOT Show 2011, and since then I’ve not really messed around with it too much. I shot one at the S&W Indoor Nationals earlier this year as part of a pick up stage, but that was it. Because our friends at West Coast Armory happened to have one in the rental case and I also happened to be in possession of some top of the line Winchester PDX .45 Colt ammo, I figured it was time to give it a whirl for real. Unfortunately, what I didn’t have with me was a good camera, so you’ll have to bear with the mediocre cell phone pictures." ...

Gun Review: Walther PK380: finds the Good, Bad and Ugly about it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Walther PK380 reminds me of a movie. No, not a Bond flick – that’d be the PPK. Rather, of 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.' Not because it resembles it in any aesthetic sense, but that it's obvious to me what's 'Good,' 'Bad' and 'Ugly' about it." ...

Glock Style: Glock's Knives, Nazi Steel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the Glock company is synonymous with the Glock Pistol, it should not be forgotten that Glock Ges.m.b.H. got their start making shovels. Specifically, knives and entrenching tools. In that spirit Gaston J. Glock, son of the founder of the Glock has started another company, GASTON J. GLOCK Style."

"The majority of the company's catalog is hunting and shooting apparel and shooting accessories for men an women—including shooting scarves—but owing to their legacy, they also have a line of some undisputably pretty knives, for hunting, carrying, and working in the kitchen. What's even more interesting is where they get their steel." ...

The Timeless Stackbarrel: Hideout Guns From Bond Derringers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Derringers; they were the short tanto to the long katana of the Colt Peacemaker in the eyes of my generation, which grew up on 1950s TV Westerns. Paladin carried one for backup, it was Yancy Derringer’s namesake, and, in a Western movie, Robert Mitchum played an outlaw preacher who packed a Derringer in a hollowed-out Bible."

"The double-barrel, single-action Remington Derringer endures, and may reach its zenith in the Bond Arms series. Many have called Bond the Cadillac of Derringers. Updated with a cross-bolt safety and a rebounding hammer to cure the ancient original’s notorious tendency to go off when dropped, and the Bond guns even offer models with triggerguards—a feature that cures yet another Derringer safety concern." ...

Sig 226 Long-Term Review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sig Saur 226 has become the preferred sidearm of many law enforcement departments and civilians alike in recent years. I have been carrying the 226 for several years now and have fired thousands of rounds with it without a single issue." ...

Bloomberg Stop and Frisk Tactics Haven’t Curtailed Shootings (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a delicate balance between keeping the peace and preserving liberty. For many New York City residents living under Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s regime, that balance hasn’t just been displaced, but rather, it’s been completely thrown out of whack."

"Since he took office in 2002, Bloomberg has championed draconian gun control laws and aggressive police procedures including a highly controversial ‘stop-and-frisk’ policy. The hope was that by adopting these highly invasive and Constitutionally dubious initiatives, gun violence in the Big Apple would come to a screeching halt."

"However, a new study done by shows that Bloomberg’s police state approach is not working ..." ...

The Fast and Furious Dog Whistle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you are puzzled by the ever-intensifying obsession among conservatives with “getting” Attorney General Eric Holder—now involving a threatened House contempt of Congress motion, and calls for his resignation from leading GOP senators—Think Progress’ Ian Millhiser has a reminder of what the yelling over the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” operation is really 'about:'" ...

NRA's loaded questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years, the National Rifle Association's lobbyists in Florida have been content to strong-arm legislators to get what they wanted." ...

"But, for the lobby, richly backed by gun manufacturers and merchants as well as NRA members, influence over the Legislature is not enough. It also wants to prevent law enforcement officers from challenging its view of Second Amendment rights."

"So now the gun lobby is trying to extend its web of intimidation to take in county sheriffs."

"This year, for the first time, the NRA and its Tallahassee lobbyist arm, the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, have sent questionnaires to candidates for sheriff." ...

MSNBC's 'Now' Panel Pushes Firearm Microstamping, Whines About Power of Gun Rights Lobby
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"MSNBC host Alex Wagner has made no secret of her disdain for the Second Amendment, telling Bill Maher last November that if it were up to her, she'd repeal the amendment which enshrines the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, saying the right to own firearms is not 'in the grand scheme' of things as important as the rights to speech and assembly. Back in February, Wagner seized on a tragic school shooting to complain about the lack of new gun control legislation." ...

New Study Proves Microstamping Technology Works And Is A Necessary Tool For Law Enforcement To Solve Gun Crimes
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Following on the heels of a front-page New York Times article on microstamping, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence today called attention to a new peer-reviewed, independent expert study on microstamping confirming the technology works and that it is an important tool for law enforcement to solve violent gun crimes. The study, ... published in the Spring 2012 edition of the Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE) Journal, found that all six letter and numbers imprinted on shell casings when a gun was fired, could be read at least 87 percent of the time. The benefits of microstamping dramatically increase when multiple shell casings are recovered at a crime scene. ..." ...

KABA Note: As always, the antis have an interesting definition of "proved". If you go to the study you will find that only the Sig produced a legible impressions on the S&B ammo due to the lacquered primer so they threw out 10% of the data on Taurus and Hi-Point.

Book Review: God Guns Guts (NSFW)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You want a photographic freak show? Diane Arbus was the sina qua non of deeply disturbing black and white portraiture. Dwarfs, giants, transgender folk, nudists, circus performers—Arbus’ images are nightmarish in ways that Alfred Hitchcock could only image (but never fully realize). Even when Arbus attempted to take a 'normal' photo the result was, shall we say, 'compelling.' It’s the same ground that Ben Phillip (above) tries to tread with God Guns Guts. The photographer’s failure is both artistic and political . . ." ...

FBI crime statistics show violent crime declines again...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Preliminary crime statistics for 2011 released June 11 by the FBI show a 4 percent decrease in violent crime--a continuation of a long-term downward trend nationwide." ...

Study: Cougars again spreading across Midwest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cougars are again spreading across the Midwest a century after the generally reclusive predators were hunted to near extinction in much of the region, according to a new study billed as the first rigorous statistical look at the issue." ...

"The study's findings come as little surprise to Bill Jorgenson, a North Dakotan who came face to face in January of last year with a 130-pound female cougar and her three cubs in a storage barn on his property ..."

"Fearing for his safety, Jorgenson shot and killed the animals."

"'They're so thick out here, it's unbelievable,' Jorgenson, 58, said of the mountain lions he blames for 'wiping out' the deer population around his home near the 1,700-resident town of Watford City. ..." ...

Just what do the possible contempt charges against Eric Holder really mean?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Historically, when contempt charges are pending, the matter is resolved by the individual supplying Congress with the information it has asked for."

"In this case, the contempt charge(s) will most likely end with Holder giving Congress SOME of the information it has asked for and therefore the contempt charges will not be pursued while Congress examines the new information given. When it is realized that they do not have all the documents requested, contempt charges will once again come to the forefront. Eric Holder and the Obama administration can employ this delaying tactic as long as needed." ...

Time to play the DoJ, Holder and the Administration at their own game.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now, here is where it gets good. Regardless of the amount/numbers of documents released by the DoJ/Holder (from his cell) he cannot/will not be released until the House has determined that ALL the documents requested are actually in hand. This determination will certainly take time. This tactic can be used till the end of this session of Congress ..."

"The delaying tactic comes full circle, and with that, Holder could be behind bars till the end of this session of Congress." ...

Group releases new ad shooting for Fast and Furious ‘accountability’ (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lobbying group American Future Fund released a new Operation Fast and Furious ad on Wednesday aimed at pushing President Barack Obama’s administration for 'answers and accountability.'"

"The ad begins: 'December 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry [was] gunned down along the Arizona-Mexico border.'"

"'Found at the murder scene? Two assault rifles linked to Operation Fast and Furious,' a narrator says as Terry’s photograph appears." ...

Holder Faces Corruption Scandal, Too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At a time when millions of Americans are losing their homes as a result of questionable or fraudulent mortgage banking practices, Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department is being accused of blocking prosecution of a high-visibility real estate deal."

"Holder, who is under pressure by Congress members investigating the Fast & Furious gun-running scandal to resign, allegedly aims to protect a high-profile international bank client of his former law firm and shield Democratic Party operatives implicated in the scheme." ...

Issa, Boehner decline ‘Fast and Furious’ meeting with Holder until DOJ satisfies document subpoena
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General Eric Holder publicly asked House Speaker John Boehner, House oversight committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley during a Tuesday morning hearing to meet with him privately about Operation Fast and Furious."

"But the leading congressional investigators said a House subpoena from October 2011 is still pending and that the ball is in Holder’s court." ...

Holder aide who erred on Fast and Furious leaves Justice Department
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The senior Justice Department official who sent a letter to a Republican senator falsely claiming that the department did not allow guns to be 'walked' to drug smugglers in Mexico during the Fast and Furious investigation left the department Wednesday to become dean of the Baltimore School of Law." ...

"The Justice Department retracted that letter in December, with Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vigorously defending Mr. Weich and the department against charges of lying to Congress. 'Nobody at the Justice Department has lied,' Mr. Holder said, adding that Mr. Weich did not know the information he had provided was inaccurate." ...

Did AG Holder just ‘blink’ in game of chicken with Issa?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Did Attorney General Eric Holder just blink in a game of high-stakes political chicken with Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform?"

"Or, did the embattled attorney general just provide Issa and House Speaker John Boehner with an opportunity to save face over an impending committee vote on a contempt citation against Holder next week? Despite claims to the contrary, there remains a suspicion in some corners that Boehner is really not that keen about pushing the contempt vote." ...

Ask A Lawyer: What Does the Woollard v. Sheridan Decision Mean To Other States?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An intrepid gun owner from the Garden State asks:"
"Can you explain how rulings, such as Woollard v. Sheridan, impact other states? Lets say for arguments sake that the case is elevated to the supreme court and it is ruled that ‘may issue’ is unconstitutional and that ‘shall issue’ is the only lawful and appropriate route. What does that mean for me in NJ?"
"At RF’s request, I’ll be happy to take a stab at answering these questions, but I first have to stress that this is only my legal analysis, and not any kind of legal advice. If you’ve got your own real case going on or if you plan to challenge some state’s gun laws, you’ll need to talk to a qualified lawyer in your jurisdiction. ..." ...

RI: ACLU Sues to Get RI Man His Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ACLU has been known—notorious in some circles—for being fairly selective about the civil liberties they choose to defend. But if you’re in the business of upholding constitutional rights, playing favorites and choosing to ignore rights violations of those with whom you disagree politically tends to erode your credibility. Which is why it’s so refreshing to read at that their Rhode Island affiliate is suing the Cranston, RI PD to get a gun owner his heaters back . . ." ...

D.C. cover-up after abusing veteran
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On Feb. 3, 2010, the Metropolitan Police Department also didn’t give much thought to the Fourth Amendment right of Americans to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures. ..."

"When the incident was taken to court, the city realized its prosecution was jeopardized by the lack of a warrant. Officers came up with various cover stories of 'exigent circumstances,' but the scheme unraveled before going to trial. Though all charges were dropped last month, the veteran who volunteered to serve a year in Iraq has suffered immensely. He is suing the city for a minimum of $500,000 in damages. The story of how the city’s case against Sgt. Corrigan fell apart says a lot about the contempt in which the District holds gun owners." ...

MD: Former White House Photographer Sues Police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The photojournalist who had his White House credentials revoked after he was unlawfully arrested for video recording a police encounter in Maryland last year filed a lawsuit this week."

"Mannie Garcia is seeking at least $500,000 from the incident in which he stepped out of a restaurant with his wife and noticed Montgomery County police arresting two men."

"He pulled out his camera and began recording. When police spotted him, they walked over to him and arrested him for disorderly conduct."

"When they returned his camera to him, his memory card was missing." ...

AZ: Former Phoenix police officer gets day of probation in assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Phoenix police officer who resigned last year after being accused of assaulting a handcuffed inmate pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to one day of probation for his role in the incident."

"Jason A. Brooks also surrendered his certification with the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board as part of the plea agreement, ensuring Brooks' career as a police officer in Arizona is over." ...

CA: Selma officer arrested on drug charges resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Selma police officer arrested in Virginia for allegedly smuggling marijuana has resigned from the department. ..." ...

"Officer Frederick “Rick” Sayles resigned on May 4 in a letter to the city, according to interim Police Chief Myron Dyck."

"Sayles did not say why he was resigning, and no one from the city asked him to do so, Dyck said."

"Sayles, 34, was arrested in April in northern Virginia while allegedly transporting more than 27 pounds of marijuana. ..." ...

NV: Las Vegas officer investigated in motorist stops resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Las Vegas police officer accused of stopping female drivers while on duty and coercing them into exposing their breasts resigned Tuesday."

"Sgt. John Sheahan said Wednesday that officer John Norman is no longer employed with the Metropolitan Police Department. Norman had been on unpaid leave." ...

NY: Ex-Albany cop sentenced to 1 year in jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Albany police officer was sentenced to one year and 15 days in jail for his conviction for criminal mischief and harassment."

"The convictions stem from an incident in April 2010 where Robert Schunk, who was an Albany police officer at the time, arrived at a home in Halfmoon and began to argue with a woman. He grabbed her and caused bruising to her arms and damaged the door to her bathroom." ...

MA: Welcome mat not out for ex-Gardner officer, despite dropping of rape charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A criminal case against him has been dropped, but former police Officer Larry J. Landry will not be rehired to the Gardner Police Department."

"'I would not be considering it (rehiring Mr. Landry),' said Gardner Police Chief Neil C. Erickson. 'I couldn't imagine I would be considering it at any point.'" ...

MD: Officer's DUI case scheduled for August
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Frederick police officer charged with driving under the influence is scheduled to have a jury trial later this summer, according to his attorney."

"Officer Robert Pierce, 55, was charged on the morning of March 28 after being involved in a single-vehicle crash in his cruiser in the area of U.S. 15 and I-70 near Frederick. Two motorists called 911 to report the patrol car being operated erratically." ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Names Officer Jonathan Ryan DEC Officer of the Year
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association has the pleasure of awarding New York State Environmental Conservation Officer Jonathan Ryan its Officer of the Year award for 2012. Officer Ryan began competitions while in high school, shooting small bore rifle. After serving as a Patrolman in the Massena, NY Police Department, ECO Ryan was selected as an Environmental Conservation Officer Trainee in 1999. During the next year, 2000, Officer Ryan participated in the New York State Police Olympics as a member of the Environmental Conservation Police team. Since then, Officer Ryan has participated in IPSC and IDPA pistol competitions, and in Civilian Marksmanship Program high-power rifle competitions." ...

NY: Bible-college student’s pocketknife spoils trip to New York City
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"He has completed the community service, and he has paid the fine. Because of the way that Clayton Baltzer sees the world, he believes this must be part of God’s plan."

"Still, the Grove City High School graduate now has a New York weapons charge on his record. Baltzer, 19, is a Bible-college student — a camping-ministry major — and took his pocketknife to New York City on a field trip. He did not know about New York’s strict knife laws." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: You can tell from his photo that Clayton is exactly the kind of criminal from whom Nanny is trying to protect his fair city. I don't understand how such miscarriages are allowed by Bloomberg, an Eagle Scout who doubtlessly carried a pocket knife himself.

FL: Citizens Divided Over Self Defense Laws
Submitted by: Dan Cannon

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"Citizens on both sides of the debate in FL have sounded off to the state task force appointed to look into FL’s self defense laws." ...

Reese Family Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a follow-up to yesterday's GRE:"
"Yesterday was a great day for the family. The attorneys' for the defense of the kids did a GREAT JOB. Out of three motions they only got through (1) which was conspiracy against the government, straw purchasers, money laundering, smuggling etc. The judge was very attentive and very detail- oriented of all the issues brought forward by the government. The attorneys were able to bring up how the government agents lied on federal forms to try to get the kids to make a mistake so the feds could trap them. The judge could see what they were up to and didn't like it. ..." ...

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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