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Newslinks for 6/15/2015

Coulter Warns Against 'Immigration' Threat to RKBA (audio story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Author, columnist and commentator Ann Coulter joined nationally-syndicated 'Armed American Radio's Daily Defense' host Mark Walters yesterday to talk about her most recent best seller, 'Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.'"

"In that interview, Coulter confirmed what very few of us who primarily emphasize gun rights have been consistently warning about -- that government 'immigration' policies and practices present an existential threat to RKBA, or at least to 'legal' recognition of it. She also had some very enthusiastic things to say about Larry Pratt and Gun Owners of America, the only national 'gun group' that has raised the alarm and mobilized its members on this." ...

Open Carry Backlash?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today, we ran a post entitled Open Carry Confidential: Michigan Edition. In it, Jeff the Griz writes about daily open carry in The Mitten State. 'I’ve found it interesting that open carry has been so boring,' he declares. Copy that. Open carrying in Rhode Island and New Mexico was about as eventful as an obscure history professor’s book signing. How in the world do we square those experiences with those YouTube 'Am I free to leave?' police interaction open carry videos and, more to the point, this [via Detroit’s] . . ." ...

Jeffry Smith Visits St. Louis Zoo Wearing Empty Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Would you like to engage in dialogue?' (gun rights advocate Jeffry) Smith asked (Moms Demand Action) group organizer Becky Morgan. 'No, thank you,' Morgan said. 'Have a good day.' And that’s about what you’d expect from your average member of Shannon’s Moms brigade. Tell them to walk in circles, hold a sign and maybe chant a little 'hey, hey, ho, ho' and they’re perfectly capable. But asking expecting them to debate the merits of gun control is like asking a gibbon to translate Crime and Punishment from the original Russian. Smith showed up at the St. Louis Zoo as promised yesterday, but he left his heater in his ride and entered the park sporting an empty holster after schmoozing with supporters and the media for a while outside the gate . . ." ...

Done: Texas Guv signs O.C. bill while antis push restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed open carry legislation today while visiting a gun range in Pflugerville, the Texas Tribune is reporting; a sharp contrast to a bill introduced in Congress the other day seeks to require would-be handgun buyers to get permission from police before they go shopping."

"Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen wants to require citizens to get a license before they can purchase a handgun, according to the Washington Examiner. The measure would provide grant funding to states that pass such measures, so it’s not a federal mandate, but something of a bribe to state legislatures to pass state-level restrictions." ...

Spokane’s embattled Dolezal not keen about one civil right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whatever else embattled Spokane civil rights leader Rachel Dolezal may or may not be — a controversy detailed by today's Seattle Times — an opinion piece she wrote last year for the Pacific Northwest Inlander revealed that there is one civil right about which she apparently isn’t too keen; bearing arms for personal protection, especially on campus in Idaho."

"There is no small amount of irony here, as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will reportedly sign two pieces of legislation today — appropriately at a shooting range — that will legalize campus concealed carry and the open carry of sidearms in the Lone Star State." ...

Why are carry permits a bad idea?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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"Two decades ago, Tennessee passed a "shall-issue" handgun carry law, requiring the Tennessee Department of Safety to issue a handgun carry permit to any citizen who takes the required training, has a clean record, is mentally competent, and has enough money to pay for the privilege." ...

Author's Note: Why carry permits don't make sense. Felons carry without permits & can't get them. Citizens shouldn't have to.

The 10 states with the most gun violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"More than two-thirds of all homicides in the United States are gun-related. Of the 16,121 homicides reported in 2013, 11,208 were caused by gun violence. Including suicides, nearly 34,000 people died in gun-related incidents in 2013, up 13.8% from 10 years earlier." ...

"Suicide is the leading cause of gun-related deaths across the country in recent years. Of the 33,636 firearm deaths in 2013, more than 21,000 were suicides. In fact, suicide accounted for more than half of gun-related deaths in all but one state with the most gun violence. In three states — Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming — suicide accounted for more than 80% of all firearm deaths." ...

Still Great After All These Years: Broomhandle Mauser C96 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Invented in 1895, this pistol was way ahead of its time. The Mauser C96 is affectionately called 'the broomhandle' due to its wooden handle. It’s a fast semi-automatic shooter that uses stripper clips to load. It fires the 7.63×25 bottleneck cartridge, a very fascinating design. The wooden holster transforms into a buttstock to attach to the pistol . . ." ...

Gear Review: Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF makes a big deal out of packaging. He says part of the Springfield XD’s success is due to the careful and classy way the gun and its accessories are packaged in a sturdy, attractive case – as opposed to the GLOCK’s flimsy 'throw it all in' container. As the firearms industry gears-up to appeal to women – who now account for some 30 percent of new sales – a lot of the new, smaller players know that style matters, from start to finish. Enter the Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster . . ." ...

Guns for Beginners: Don’t Off-Body Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To date, TTAG has posted some 23k posts. In that time, we’ve attempted not to repeat ourselves. Of course, we have. The anti-gunners keep trotting-out the same reasons to infringe on your natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. We keep shooting them down. Much of our self-defense advice – including our ever-expanding Guns for Beginners posts – covers familiar ground, starting with the four rules of gun safety. I, personally, have railed against off-body carry for years. Without apology, understanding the importance of this topic, I’m going to do so again here, inspired by this tragic tale [via] . . ." ...

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs ‘Open Carry’ Gun Law, ‘Open Carry’ Loon Knows It’s Really Tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Terrific news for freedom and stuff in Texas! Gov. Greg Abbott signed two great big gun laws on Saturday, making it legal for Texans with permits to carry handguns openly, and for concealed carry permit holders to carry their guns on college campuses. But don’t be fooled! Wackaloon Open Carry Advocate Kory Watkins wants you all to know that if you really loved the Second Amendment, you’d recognize that Abbott is a tyrant, because there’s nothing in the Constitution about permits. So far, he hasn’t specifically called for Abbott to be executed (after a fair trial for treason), but then, Watkins thinks most of Texas’s elected officials need to swing from the tree of liberty." ...

IA: Iowa gun nut shoots woman to death after she files sexual harassment complaint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Iowa mall security guard and open-carry advocate was arrested over the weekend for shooting and killing one of his work acquaintances after she reportedly filed a sexual harassment complaint against him." ...

"Kozak, who began working at the mall in 2014, was reportedly fired from his job just before the shooting. According to criminal reports, he left work on Friday evening, drove to his apartment and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before returning to the mall and shooting Farrington in the back three times. ..."

"Farrington’s death appears to be an unfortunate playing out of a narrative we already know to be true: 'Where there are more guns, more women die.' ..." ...

Iraq: Bang and bling for Kurdish pop diva's anti-IS anthem (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"High heels, fatigues and gold rifle-shaped rings -- singer Helly Luv's blend of bang and bling has made her the most popular cheerleader for the Iraqi Kurds' war against jihadists."

"She visits peshmerga forces fighting the Islamic State group, which overran a third of Iraq last year, and says she filmed her latest music video in Al-Khazr, not far from the jihadists' lines." ...

"Her latest music video, for a song titled 'Revolution,' opens with a peshmerga fighter looking at a picture of himself with a young boy, presumably his son, as shelling and gunfire are heard in the background."

"He tucks the photo inside his helmet and goes to fight." ...

Submitter's Note: Take a look at the close-up photo of those rings.

NY: Man not charged after accidental shooting at Waldorf Astoria wedding as district attorney investigates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The klutzy Waldorf Astoria shooter walked free Sunday as the Manhattan district attorney did not charge the pistol-packing wedding guest."

"Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. 'deferred' the case against Vladimir Gotlibovsky ..." ...

"The decision was a surprising development in the high-profile case at the ritzy hotel."

"On Sunday morning, police said Gotlibovsky was going to be charged with assault, tampering with physical evidence, and reckless endangerment." ...

"In 1996, Vladimir Gotlibovsky was charged with illegal use of a firearm license. Details of that case remain unclear."

"The decision to allow the Gotlibovsky brothers to walk away without charges was questioned by one legal expert." ...

Submitter's Note: What's to question? If he has enough political muscle to get a NYC carry permit (and keep it after those "illegal use" charges) he's obviously got the clout to quash these charges.

Gun groups denounce push for handgun licenses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) and other gun rights advocates are assailing Democrats for a controversial legislative proposal that they say would restrict access to handguns."

"People would be required to obtain a license before purchasing some firearms under the Handgun Purchaser Licensing Act, which was introduced Thursday by Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and a trio of Connecticut lawmakers."

"The legislation also seeks to expand background checks to all handgun sales and block people under the age of 21 from purchasing those firearms." ...

ME: Maine Expands Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Paul Le Page of Maine has signed LD868/SP313 into law. The bill reforms and streamlines the reciprocity process for Maine, removing discretion from the hands of the Chief of the State Police. The good news: Maine will now recognize permits from all states that recognize the Maine permit . . ." ...

TX: Texas gov signs bills expanding carrying of handguns, including 'campus carry'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law on Saturday bills allowing the open carrying of handguns in public and of concealed handguns on state university campuses, his office said."

"Abbott, a Republican, said the measures secure Texans' rights to bear arms guaranteed under the US Constitution's Second Amendment."

"'Today, I am proud to expand liberty in the Lone Star State,' Abbott said in a statement."

"Abbott's signing of the bills at a shooting range near Austin came just hours after a man attacked the headquarters of the Dallas Police Department with gunfire and explosives. The assailant was shot and killed by police. No one else was injured in the assault." ...

Submitter's Note:

The right to bear arms in public: How courts have ruled so far
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is a person’s fear of being attacked on the street a good enough reason to allow him or her to carry a gun in public?"

"An answer to that question could come soon. The legal justification for concealed weapons is at the core of a federal lawsuit that could redefine who gets to carry a gun in public. The case, Peruta v. San Diego County, targets the 'good cause' requirement that California applicants for a concealed carry permit must meet. To date, five U.S. appeals courts have issued rulings on concealed carry cases."

"Here’s a look at each one, starting with the Peruta case, which will be reheard Tuesday in San Francisco." ...

KS: Federal Judge Tosses Brady Campaign Lawsuit Over Kansas Second Amendment Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. District Court Judge Julie Robinson punted last week on the Brady Campaign’s lawsuit against Kansas’ Second Amendment Protection Act by declaring that the Brady Campaign lacked standing to bring the suit in the first place. ..." ...

DC: D.C. can require gun applicants to provide a ‘good reason’ for now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court has ordered a stay of a judge’s ruling in a challenge to the District’s gun laws.:

"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia temporarily blocked a decision made last month by U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. that stopped the District from enforcing a key provision of its gun laws. That provision requires a person to state a 'good reason' for carrying a weapon in order to obtain a permit from police."

"The stay, granted late Friday, is a minor victory for the District in the ongoing court battle over its gun laws." ...

MO: St. Louis Zoo Court Order against the Exercise of 2A Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The St. Louis Zoo has asked for, and Judge Joan Moriarty has issued, a temporary restraining order barring a Second Amendment activist from visiting the Zoo while armed. ...
"... A judge is barring a gun-rights advocate from entering the St. Louis Zoo with a gun as he pledged to do this weekend." ...

"Smith planned to go armed to the St. Louis Zoo on Saturday afternoon to test the legality of the site’s firearms ban. Although Missouri law bars guns in gated areas of amusement parks, he questions whether the zoo fits that description as a public, taxpayer-supported place." ...

CA: Santa Ana Cop In Raid Footage Recalls Party Time W/Judge Who Signed Search Warrant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Weekly has received footage from a recent marijuana dispensary raid that appears to show Santa Ana police officers eating pot candy and throwing darts after destroying--or so they thought--all the surveillance cameras inside the cannabis shop."

"The video footage shows an officer stuffing something into his mouth and handing something to another cop, who asks him 'What flavor?' The officers then laugh. The footage is too grainy to be certain that the item that the officer picks up from the counter of the cannabis shop is in fact a pot edible, although the behavior of the officers suggests this is the case." ...

MO: Former Pacific Officer Gets Five Years for Stealing Drugs in Felony Cases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Approximately a dozen Franklin County drug cases had to be dismissed last year because evidence had been stolen by a former Pacific police officer."

"Prosecuting Attorney Bob Parks said in addition to dropping those cases, his office also was forced to reject a number of other pending drug cases filed by Pacific police because drug evidence was missing." ...

MI: Dearborn Heights police officer died from accidental drug overdose
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office said Thursday that former Dearborn Heights police officer Sgt. John Burdick died from an accidental drug overdose."

"Burdick, 46, and his friend, James McEwan, 45, were found dead inside the garage at McEwen's home ..."

"County spokesman Ryan Bridges said the cause was cocaine and fentanyl toxicity." ...

WSJ: Colt to File for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection Tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Gun maker Colt Defense LLC plans to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection by Monday, according to people familiar with the matter, amid business and accounting troubles. The company has secured financing to continue operating while in bankruptcy and expects to remain in business after the restructuring, the people said.' The combination of years of indifference toward the civilian market combined and the gut-punch that was losing most of its military AR business have finally caught up to Colt . . ." ...

Reagan, The President Who Concealed Carried
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Many feel that the 'great communicator' was easily the best of the post-WWII Presidents ... but purely from a Second Amendment perspective, his views that evolved over the course of a lifetime are a bit more nuanced."

"In 1933 Reagan pulled a .45 revolver on an armed robber, saving a nursing student that was his target."

"There is anecdotal evidence that he regularly concealed carried a .32 revolver for a period of time in his younger years after he stopped that robber. Meltzer’s story confirms that Reagan was a firm and life-long believer in carrying a concealed weapon for self-defense, even when afforded the protection of the Secret Service."

"Unfortunately, Reagan’s views on the Second Amendment were not absolute. ..." ...

FL: Earbuds, BB gun at play in fatal police shooting in Florida
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Broward Sheriff's Office deputies quickly arrived, saw McBean at the apartment complex and yelled for him to put the gun down. At first he didn't react — perhaps he couldn't hear because of his earbuds — then, as he began to turn around, he was fatally shot by Deputy Peter Peraza."

"Now, nearly two years later, a Florida grand jury will investigate the McBean shooting. Homicide detectives have completed their investigation and turned the case over the prosecutors, who will soon present it to the grand jury. ..."

"The McBean shooting ... is getting renewed attention because of a wrongful death lawsuit his family filed and the national conversation about how police treat blacks. McBean was black and Peraza is Hispanic." ...

CA: Sara Tipton Passes Her Silly, Unnecessary, Unconstitutional California Concealed Carry Renewal Test
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On a blisteringly hot Saturday in June in California, I made my way to my concealed carry class in my Jeep, top off, enjoying the wind on my skin. I was happy that the sunglasses I wore effectively deflected the wind from my left eye. It was a gorgeous sunny day and I spent four hours of it indoors learning the new California gun laws; most of which are hypocritical and contradict another law that the politicians here are to moronic to scratch out before writing more . . ." ...

SC: SC concealed-weapons course teaches gun carriers responsibilities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The bill in the S.C. Senate to remove the training requirement for the concealed weapons permit permit is totally misguided."

"I am a permit holder, an NRA-certified pistol instructor, and a 110 percent supporter of the U.S. Constitution. But I have seen abject fear in the eyes of firearms purchasers who believe the mere possession of a firearm in their home is the right answer."

"These people often cannot load or unload their firearm, and they do not understand the basic laws of concealed carry or the immense legal liability they face because they have had no training." ...

Submitter's Note: Sorry Skippy, but the concept of "freedom" includes the freedom to be stupid.

You must understand, therefore, that there are two ways of fighting: by law or by force. The first way is natural to men, and the second to beasts. But as the first way often proves inadequate one must have recourse to the second. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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