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Newslinks for 6/16/2005

CO: No Indictment in Shooting Prompts Concern
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Black leaders in this Denver suburb pushed for stricter gun laws and other changes after a grand jury declined to indict a white man in the fatal shooting of a black man."

"A grand jury said last week that Glen Eichstedt, 52, acted in self-defense when he shot Aaron Davis, 39, and wounded his wife, Benita Coleman-Davis, 37. The grand jury's report said Davis, a postal worker, beat Eichstedt on the head with a metal bar during the Nov. 13 confrontation over a dented car door in a video store parking lot." ...

"The Rev. Larry Brown of Lowry Community Christian Church said he would like to see state law changed to allow authorities to reveal the race and gender of grand jury members. ..."

LA: Armed robber gets extreme makeover
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An armed robber brandishing a revolver and some tough talk entered Blalock's Beauty College demanding money Tuesday afternoon."

"He left crying, bleeding and under arrest, after Dianne Mitchell, her students and employees attacked the suspect, beating him into submission."

"Mitchell tripped the robber as he tried to leave and cried aloud "get that sucker" as the group of about 20, nearly all women, some wielding curling irons, bludgeoned him until police arrived."

House votes to limit Patriot Act rules
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"The House voted Wednesday to block the FBI and the Justice Department from using the anti-terror Patriot Act to search library and book store records, responding to complaints about potential invasion of privacy of innocent readers."

"Despite a veto threat from President Bush, lawmakers voted 238-187 to block the part of the anti-terrorism law that allows the government to investigate the reading habits of terror suspects."

Bush administration says it can imprison people indefinitely without charges
Submitted by: riotboy

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"The Bush administration defended the indefinite detention of foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay on Wednesday while a senior Senate Democrat called the facility 'an international embarrassment.'"

"During a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Republican Chairman Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania also encouraged Congress to help define the legal rights of roughly 520 men from more than 40 countries jailed at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

"Many have been held for more than three years. Only four have been charged."

Submitter's Note: If there's evidence they should charge and try the detainees. If there's no evidence, release them.


The Canadian solution: Register each and every firearm
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Based on homicides per one million population, people in the United States are about six times more likely to be killed by firearms than people in Canada."

"In all of Toronto last year, there were 64 homicides; 26 involved guns. In Buffalo, with a population one-tenth the size, there were 51 homicides and 31 involved guns."

"Statistics show that Canadian citizens own far fewer guns than Americans, and far fewer guns wind up in the hands of criminals."

"Gun control advocates say a stringent Canadian law requiring registration of all firearms has halted the flow of unregulated guns, resulting in fewer deaths and injuries."

Jon Dougherty: Gun Law Dichotomy
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Supporters of gun control say more gun laws are needed to protect innocent Americans by restricting their access to firearms. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the anti-gunners to escape the fact that the more restrictive the gun laws, the more Americans are at put at risk."

Gun control advocates vs. the NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When it comes to addressing gun violence, gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association are on opposite sides of the debate. Representing gun control advocates here is the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Speaking for the NRA is Budd Schroeder, a member of the NRA's Board of Directors."

Guam: Rookie officer accused of drug distribution still getting paid
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A 25-year-old police officer facing federal drug trafficking charges remains on administrative leave with pay. Jason Ortiola, who was assigned to the Guam Police Department's Tumon-Tamuning Precinct, continues to be paid for not working pending the outcome of an Internal Affairs investigation."

"Ortiola was not arrested by federal authorities after a sting operation revealed the rookie officer was selling a half-gram of crystal methamphetamine in uniform on his way to work earlier this month. Federal agents said Tuesday Ortiola was not arrested, but instead brought in for an interview. Police Chief Frank Ishizaki says the police officer has been cooperative, but could not disclose the details of Ortiola's assistance."

Kenya: Squatters now say officers raped, robbed them
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Squatters evicted from Mau forest yesterday claimed security officers raped them."

"Administration Policemen and Narok County Council rangers were also accused of robbing victims of money."

"Two elderly women yesterday narrated their ordeal to journalists even as district administrators denied knowledge of such incidents."

TX: Waco man dies after police subdue him with Tasers
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A 62-year-old Waco man has died after police officers fired a Taser gun at him four times, then forcibly subdued him with handcuffs." ...

"Officers say that when they advanced, the six-foot, 350-pound man brandished a piece of rebar. They fired Taser darts at him four times without effect, so five officers forcibly subdued and handcuffed the man."

"Police say Williams was sitting on the ground when he complained of difficulty breathing. They say he stopped breathing before an ambulance arrived, and efforts to revive him failed."

AZ: Common sense gun restrictions needed
Submitted by: News Admin

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"I have no problem with hunters having weapons; my father actually put food on our table with game when I was a child. But do sportsmen and women really need to bag Bambi with a Smith & Wesson .22 Masterpiece double action revolver?"

"These thoughts have been on my mind lately because of a story my son related about his summer construction job. Recently, the company had him working up in Oracle. At lunchtime, he and the 40-year-old supervisor went to a local Circle-K. In the 30 minutes they were there, he said, he saw three people with handguns: A man wearing one in a shoulder holster, another carrying one in a hip holster and a woman pulling one out of her purse while digging for her wallet."

OH: Woman Reports Attempted Abduction In Parking Garage
Submitted by: News Admin

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"...a woman was violently attacked early Monday morning on the 10th floor of the Tower Place parking garage in downtown Cincinnati. With courage and a fair amount of luck she managed to fend off her knife-wielding attacker and run for help from another patron of the garage. ..." ...

"Far too many women suffer under the perception that they are too weak or that it is simply 'too scary' to defend themselves with a firearm. This is a serious educational gap that needs to be remedied. Food for thought--you never know where you will be when an attack might occur. Do you regularly carry and are you prepared? Is your wife prepared?"


UK: Shotgun landlord fails in mercy plea
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A PUB landlord failed to get his jail term reduced after being put behind bars for having a shotgun, a CS cannister and a stash of cocaine."

"Former Apple Tree pub owner Lee Darcy, of Harewood Close, Three Bridges, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years at Lewes Crown Court in November."

"The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm without a certificate, a prohibited weapon - a CS canister - and 2.47 grams of cocaine for personal use."

UK: Betting shop robber left staff fearful
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A prolific betting shop robber from New Addington is facing a lengthy prison sentence after pleading guilty to a string of armed raids in Surrey and south London."

"Malcolm Parker, 46, of Bell Field, Pixton Way, forced victims to hand over cash at gunpoint, then ordered them to wait in the toilet while he fled."

"He carried out the raids between September 2003 and June last year, when he was eventually caught following an investigation by Metropolitan Police flying squad officers."

NJ: Rowan to arm campus police
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Three months of discussion and study into the issue of arming campus police officers at Rowan University has resulted in a one-year probationary plan President Donald Farish is expected to recommend to the university's board of trustees today."

"If the plan is approved, the university's seven sworn police officers would be issued fire arms for the first time in the institution's history. The 40 additional public safety officers on campus would not be armed. The policy would be reviewed in a year."

UK: Gang who sprayed car with bullets jailed
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Bond legend Sean Connery was at the Old Bailey today to witness a gang of gunmen who riddled a car containing two small children with bullets get jailed for a total of 57 years."

"The brutal shooting into a car saw an 18 month old baby shot in the leg and two other passengers shot ten times between them. A two year old girl was also in the car but escaped unscathed."

PA: Student fires plastic pellets at schoolmates, authorities say
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Newtown Township police said they took a 12-year-old student into custody Tuesday morning after he allegedly shot a pellet gun at several of his friends and acquaintances at Newtown Middle School."

"The incident happened just after class began at the school on the Newtown Bypass on what was the final day of Council Rock's 2004-05 school year. The plastic pellets hit about five students in their legs or lower backs, said police spokeswoman Jean Tanner."

IN: Free gun locks are available at two sites
Submitted by: News Admin

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Due to a grant from the Bureau of Justice to the National Shooting Sports Foundation Inc., a quantity of free gun locks has been delivered to the Decatur Police Department, it was announced by Police Chief Ken Ketzler.

Ketzler said the gun locks are free to the public and anyone interested in obtaining one may do so at the police department, 521 N. Third Street, or at Sportsman Lodge sporting goods store at 1733 Patterson Street during business hours.

SC: Columbia police to provide free gun safety locks
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The Crime Prevention Unit of the Columbia Police Department will provide free gun safety locks on Friday, June 17, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Up to three locks will be provided per person upon request."

UK: Firearms stopgap proposed
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Police forces in England and Wales have been advised to extend their existing contracts for local gun licensing software, because of continued delays to the National Firearms Licensing Management System (NFLMS)."

"The national register, which will link into the Police National Computer, has suffered numerous delays since it was first proposed in 1997 following the Dunblane massacre."

"Police forces have now been told rollout of the system will not start until July at the very earliest."

June 21 is Fifth-Annual National ASK Day
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Over 40% of homes with children have guns. During a season when children are spending more time in friends' homes, ASK Day is a reminder to all parents to ask if there are guns in the homes where their children play. ASK stands for Asking Saves Kids."

"Every day, 8 children die from guns and another 33 are injured, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention statistics."

Quoting statistics that include adults over the age of 18 and suicides to bolster an intrusive, bigoted program, the gun banners once again try to dupe paranoid parents into playing Grand Inquisitor to their neighbors and the parents of their children's friends.

MN: Million Mom March will hold bell-ringing memorial ceremony
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Northland Chapter of the Million Mom March is hosting a memorial bell ringing today to remember and support Minnesotans whose lives have recently been affected by gun violence."

"A bell will be rung in memory of Red Lake students; Evan Klassen, the 4-year-old boy who was accidentally shot during target practice at Lake Vermilion; and Billy Walsh, a father of three who was shot while working at a Minneapolis restaurant."

WV: Ticket sales light in effort to help WVU’s rifle team
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A year ago, thousands of donors helped save West Virginia University’s storied rifle team."

"They’re being asked to do it again."

"Only about 1,000 raffle tickets have been sold to a July 30 fund-raiser in Morgantown. The most successful rifle program in NCAA history with 13 national titles must sell a minimum of 5,500 tickets to break even, said Mark Sellaro, a spokesman for the WVU Rifle Club."

USAMU to host USA Shooting National Championships
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit will host the USA Shooting National Championships for International Rifle and International Pistol June 16 to 26 at Phillips Range and the Pool International Shooting Complex. The USA Shooting Shotgun National Championships will be July 13 to 23 at Fort Carson, Colo."

TX: Please Call Texas Governor
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"Governor Perry has until June 19th to act on legislation passed during session. Our legislation could be vetoed, signed or simply ignored and allowed to become law. We'd like for all the bills to be signed! Please review the list below. Be sure to thank our Governor for signing SB 734 and HB 685 and urge him to sign the others." ...

"HB 225¯Extends the renewal period of a Texas Concealed Handgun License from 4 years to 5 (birthday to birthday) and includes an amendment, the language in HB 1066. HB 1066 amends CHL reciprocity law to make future reciprocity agreements possible. Furthermore, it allows residents of other states to obtain a Texas CHL under the non-resident section and keep that license regardless of their state's CHL status."

"HB 823 An historic move toward clarifying 'traveling' for Texans, visitors to Texas, for Law Enforcement and the Courts. This bill puts the burden of proof on the state instead of the traveler by correcting 'gun control laws' that were forced on Texans at the end of the Civil War."

NY: The gun battle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Budd Schroeder and Taurean Smith never met, but if they did, they'd have a lot to talk about."

"Both men are big Second Amendment supporters." ...

"Despite their common ground, these men are polar opposites. Schroeder, 69, lives in Lancaster and uses guns he legally purchased for recreation and sport. Smith, 22, lived on Buffalo's East Side and used guns he obtained illegally - including one of James Nigel Bostic's guns - to shoot people. He's now in prison."

"Schroeder and Smith represent the seemingly unyielding dilemma in the gun control debate: How do you keep guns away from gun runners and shooters like Bostic and Smith without violating the rights of honest gun lovers like Schroeder and his friends?"

Canada: Canada suggests armed agents at border
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A Canadian Senate report released Wednesday said customs agents should carry weapons like their U.S. counterparts to prevent terror threats, and blasted Ottawa and Washington for not doing more to secure the shared border."

"The arming of the Canadian border agents has long been opposed by the government."

"A long-awaited report by the Committee on National Security and Defense said Canada and the U.S. have not progressed in tightening their 4,000-mile border."

PA: Shikellamy sisters enjoy summers working at state trap shoot
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It would come as no surprise to find either Natalie or Megan Monroig playing on a basketball court, hitting softballs, or passing the time away honing their soccer skills, but keeping score at a trap shoot?
This is not your everyday run-of-the-mill activity you would expect to find two high-profile high school athletes, especially during the lazy, hazy days of summer."

"The two Shikellamy High School standouts are doing just that again at the Pennsylvania State Shoot and loving every minute of the experience. It also doesn’t hurt that they are making some money in the process."

MN: Police department in first month of using Taser guns
Submitted by: News Admin

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"'It’s just another tool in the law enforcement arsenal,' said Warneke. 'It’s been used very effectively throughout the country in apprehending different types of individuals. If they don’t comply or act out of control, it brings them under control with the least amount of injury to the individual and any other officer.'"

"The Taser has been used at least once by Princeton police during the line of duty since May 18, according to Warneke."

UK: Family held in gunpoint in terror ordeal
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A NEWRY family, including an 18-month-old girl, was held at gunpoint by masked men in the city on Sunday night."

"The family’s ordeal began shortly after 8.30pm when two men, one armed with a handgun, forced their way into their home in the Barcroft area."

"It is understood that the female householder was ordered to drive to the Burger King fast food restaurant in the Quays Shopping Centre, where she works, while the gunmen held her partner and the couple’s daughter hostage at the family home."

FL: County Commission To Vote On Police Use Of Taser Guns
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"A county committee decided Wednesday that the full Miami-Dade County commission should vote on police officers' use of Taser guns on minors."

"Many police officers say Taser guns save lives by helping them to avoid using guns. Civil rights activists say Taser guns can be deadly and that more research should be done on their effects."

How To Break In A Shotgun
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"A good scattergun should be an essential component to any gun collection, and, fortunately, I own a few good ones. Until recently, my pair of Remington 1100s--a 20 gauge and 12 gauge--were the most utilized shotguns I've had. My dad bought the pair in the late '60s, and I've been shooting them since. But my collection was lacking, I felt, since I didn't own a good double."

Brady: Minnesota Bells Ringing Today, and Across Nation, Similar Calls for Action on Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In states throughout the nation, the extreme gun lobby and their willing accomplices in public office are getting stiff reactions to their hard-headed refusal to support reasonable steps to protect the safety of American families."

CA: Air travelers urged not to carry banned items
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"Leave the knives, the lighters and the sneaky tricks at home before heading to the airport."

"As summer air travel begins to build, federal security officials at San Diego International Airport say they still see travelers who either need reminders of prohibited items or just try to smuggle things past the checkpoint inspectors."

War is just one more big government program. — JOSEPH SOBRAN

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