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Newslinks for 6/16/2010

Bellevue's Gottlieb at U.N. this week to protect American gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Bellevue, WA-based Second Amendment Foundation and chairman of its sister organization, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, is at the United Nations this week in an effort to derail the long-sought Small Arms and Light Weapons treaty that seems to be getting lots of confusing publicity on the Internet."

"Gottlieb’s wife, Julianne H. Versnel, is scheduled to testify at the UN about how gun control affects women around the world. Gottlieb has made a career of defending gun rights, and has engaged in debates on various news programs for years, even on ESPN." ...

NRA deal on campaign finance throws smaller groups under the bus
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "This is no different than Fudd gun owners throwing Evil Black Rifle owners under the bus as long as they get to keep their 'sporting' arms. It's the conduct of self-serving collaborators, not of champions." ...

Should Ted Kennedy have been allowed to buy a gun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'It's no surprise that [Republican Carly] Fiorina is attacking me,' Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., wrote in a recent fundraising pitch, 'because she's so out of touch with California voters. ... She supports allowing people on the no-fly terrorist watch list to buy guns.'"

"This is a line I've seen and heard repeatedly in the last month, and one that I expect to hear from many Democratic candidates this fall. At issue in the debate, and in recently proposed legislation: Should the government restrict the gun rights of people whose names appear on a secret list kept by the government?" ...

The Sulphuric Acid attack – Incidents on the rise worldwide, but not too many in the US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now comparing Sulfuric acid to firearms, let's look at two hypothetical intimidation statements below and compare them:"

"#1 'If you try and take my guns, I will shoot you' (we've all heard variations on this one)"


"#2 'If you try and take my guns, maybe you'll get them and maybe you won't. I won't risk my life then and there to stop you. But if you do manage to get any of my guns, I promise you that I will track you down afterwards and I WILL throw Sulphuric acid in your face.'"

"Which statement is more likely to give a would-be gun grabber pause? ..." ...

Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics Reach 50,000 Women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [NRA's] Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics recently reached an important milestone: 50,000 women have been taught basic firearm instruction as of June 9, 2010."

"More than 200 Instructional Shooting Clinics are hosted annually by NRA volunteers and clubs throughout the nation. Women On Target coordinator Beth Hellmann reports that more than 9,000 women were reached in 2009 alone, and they are on pace to reach more by 2010’s conclusion."

"Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics invite women to learn to shoot, or improve their skills, in a fun atmosphere with like-minded females. Clinic topics address instruction on the safest way to handle a firearm, proper storage of firearms, and how to shoot ..." ...

Sudden riches from Nigeria, and what I might do with the money!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My ship came in Tuesday morning, courtesy of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Anti-Terrorist and Monetary Crimes Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation!" ...

"I may buy one of Seattle’s city park areas, adopting my own rules. Armed citizens will be welcome, liberal municipal politicians will be trespassed, and there will be a great big Starbucks right in the middle, next to the baseball and soccer fields, and indoor youth shooting range. The park building will host weekly firearm safety and hunter education classes."

"Some of that money will go into habitat protection. I’ll buy a big piece of land, put a fence around it, grab a shotgun and protect my habitat." ...

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a park near my house where I and my family often walk. Lately they have been improving trails and sprucing the place up, probably using stimulus money. Anyway, the most recent addition was signs at all the enterances stating that among many other things, no guns allowed in the park. Being as law-abiding as I can be, seeing the new sign I stopped and returned home because yes, I had a gun."

"Immediately I fired off a 'trouble ticket' to my Arvada government complaining about the sign, saying that the state and the county allow me to carry my weapon, why are they special? I added "Criminals are going to ignore it anyway." There was a one week response window and I waited. On day seven I got this reply:" ...

Yet Again the NRA Sells Out Freedom to the Democrats
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There are few organizations purportedly on the side of freedom that aggravate me more than the National Rifle Association."

"In fact, these days I cringe when I see good conservatives with their lifetime member sticker from the NRA on the back of their cars. I support Gun Owners of America, which is a consistent and uncompromising defender of the second amendment, not a weak little girl of an organization protecting itself while throwing everyone else under the bus."

"But that's what the [NRA] is doing. You and I are willing to stand together because we know we either stand together or hang separately. The NRA legislative strategy in the past few years has been to hang everybody else so they can be the last man standing ..." ...

Kagan's threat to gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama poses a real and present danger to the Second Amendment, and he's working to pack the Supreme Court with justices who will undermine Americans' gun rights."

"Mr. Obama didn't fess up to this radical agenda when running for the highest office in the land. 'I have said consistently that I believe that the Second Amendment is an individual right, and that was the essential decision that the Supreme Court came down on,' Mr. Obama told Fox News in June 2008. Despite the campaign rhetoric, Mr. Obama is appointing judges who strongly oppose that position. The most recent pick, Elena Kagan, ran much of President Clinton's war on guns from 1995 to 1999." ...

Debunking the debunkers of gun law 'myths'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent piece in the Washington Post, by 'gun control' advocates Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, purports to debunk 'Five myths about gun control.' Their 'debunking' runs into trouble even before they finish the introduction:"
"'But two years ago in District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court decided for the first time that the Second Amendment grants a personal right to keep and bear arms . . .'"
"Setting aside the bit about 'for the first time,' what's this about Heller ruling that the Second Amendment 'grants' any rights. From the Heller decision itself (pdf file):" ...

Debunking the debunkers of gun law 'myths,' part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So Chicago's gun laws make it difficult for criminals to get guns (which in turn, we're supposed to assume, reduces violent crime), but making them less restrictive won't matter?"

"In truth, I have difficulty disputing that second part--I've argued myself that ending Chicago's handgun ban cannot make the violence there any worse, especially considering that people are ignoring the ban, in favor of providing for their own security--and that seems to be working out for them. Actually, Ludwig himself helps me make my case, when quoted in a recent Chicago Tribune article:" ...

PA: Gunfight in home leaves 1 dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials said a family returning home in Upper Gwynedd was targeted by five men. After being forced inside, the man residing at the house fired at the intruders, killing one. The resident was critically wounded." ...

"The resident, who collects rent from people living in low income housing, had just pulled into the driveway with his three young daughters, ages 6 to 11, and was greeted by his wife when they were accosted by five men, some of whom were armed, according to Ferman."

"The five men had been hiding nearby and forced the family inside the residence."

"Once inside, the resident was able to get his hands on a firearm and a gunfight in which more than 20 shots were fired ensued, authorities said." ...

An American Mumbai?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There have been indications that America's enemies intend multiple terrorist attacks in this country, patterned after the 11/26-29/07 incident in Mumbai, India that left 168 civilians and authorities dead, and 308 wounded. ..."

"Note that some of the responding police in India were unarmed, and some others were equipped with hastily-issued WWI technology Lee-Enfield bolt action rifles, and cartridges issued by the handful. They were poorly trained by American standards. ..."

"In India, the citizens were effectively unarmed and helpless against the ten terrorists who slaughtered them at will. Armed Americans are likely to respond differently, particularly in the Southwest ..." ...

FL: Woman uses rifle to run off invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Port Charlotte woman foiled a home burglary early Sunday when she confronted the would-be burglar with a .22-caliber rifle.

Authorities are now looking for an unidentified black man who tried to break into the LaSalle Avenue home around 6 a.m.

Sheriff’s detectives said the woman scared away the man while investigating a suspicious noise outside her house.

The suspect, described as about 6 feet tall, was standing on the lanai when the armed homeowner frightened him.

The man, who was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black shorts, hopped a privacy fence and disappeared.

Gun-free 'safe' zones in Arkansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even though the Fort Hood and University of Alabama shootings are still recent events, many Arkansans continue to believe in the fallacy of 'gun-free zones'. People trust police to protect them from harm (though they have no obligation to do so), even when law officers are many minutes away. But is there truly any reason to worry about our safety when we are in these 'gun-free safe zones'? Can something terrible happen in Arkansas?"

"Please peruse this list as a gentle reminder:" ...

AR: Concealed carry on public school property in Arkansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As my last article showed, concealed carry on university and college property is legal. According to a 2003 Arkansas Attorney General opinion, as long as a Concealed Handgun License holder does not enter a building on university property, the CHL law protects them from prosecution."

"But what about concealed carry on school grounds of K-12 public schools?" ...

Republicans, liberal groups oppose proposed campaign-finance exemption for NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposed campaign-finance deal aimed at mollifying the National Rifle Association came under attack Tuesday from Republican opponents and some liberal advocacy organizations, who say they object to exempting a few large groups from having to disclose their top political donors."

"House legislation ... would require most nonprofit groups, corporations and unions to identify top donors and other information related to spending on advertising and other political activities. ..."

"But under a proposed exemption announced Monday, longstanding national groups ... would not have to abide by a key requirement to disclose top donors. The proposal was aimed clearly at the NRA ..." ...

NRA Cuts Questionable Deal with Democrats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three prominent Washington D.C. websites are reporting what many capitol insiders warned of: the National Rifle Association has made a deal with the devil (i.e. anti-gun Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) to limit the free speech of Americans in exchange for their carved-out exemption."

"While some pro-gun rights advocates may think free speech does not matter or that nothing another gun advocacy group does should ever be questioned, the National Association for Gun Rights and I take a very different view."

"Without the right to free speech, we are defenseless in the battle to save our Second Amendment rights." ...

NRA & Shuler torpedo gun rights organizations
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"In a deal brokered by Congressman Heath Shuler (D-NC), the National Rifle Association will cease its opposition to the 'DISCLOSE Act' in exchange for getting itself – and only itself – exempted from campaign speech restrictions contained in the proposed legislation." ...

Political Wisdom: Did the NRA Sell Out?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some miffed conservatives out there after the National Rifle Association cut a deal with congressional leaders Monday to exempt them from certain campaign finance disclosures." ...

"Meanwhile, Snowflakes in Hell, a blog on firearms policy, defends the NRA's decision:"
"Their opposition to DISCLOSE was a real problem for the Democrats, so the Democrats exempted them from it. Whether that pleases the conservative movement or not, that eliminated NRA's reason from diverting attention to their primary mission of focusing on Second Amendment issues. To further continue opposition here would move NRA into the realm of First Amendment advocacy ... Now, that’s not to say I agree with exempting NRA from the bill ..."

NRA Cuts Deal with House Democrats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The [NRA] has done a real good job of fighting for Second Amendment Rights in the past. However, a recent deal between House Democrat and the NRA on new campaign disclosure legislation has many people nervous."

"You see the Supreme Court recently took away campaign restrictions on corporations and some other large organizations. The Democrats, fearing the GOP many be a net beneficiary of this ruling are crafting additional disclosure requirements that will make if difficult and cumbersome for business to give campaign contributions. ...

"... In an effort to get the support they need they cut a deal with the NRA. The NRA is now exempted from the provisions of the bill -in EXCHANGE FOR NOT WORKING AGAINST IT! ..." ...

National Rifle Association's First Amendment Sellout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association just sold out your First Amendment right to participate in the democratic process. Sources on the Hill tell RED STATE that House Republican members are 'furious' [at] the [NRA] for negotiating a special provision exempting the NRA from a new campaign finance reform measure racing through Congress." ...

"Evidently, the NRA has inserted a provision in the bill that would exempt organizations under 501(c)(4) of the IRS code that qualify under certain conditions. The conditions apply to the NRA and were clearly crafted by the NRA. This special interest carve out for the NRA has sent Republicans in the House into a rage. ..." ...

They can pry the NRA's donor list from its cold, dead hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quick back story: A few months back, the Supreme Court hands down the Citizens United case, which gives corporations the right to spend as much as they want, at any point they want, in elections. In an effort to blunt the impact of that ruling, House Democrats developed the DISCLOSE Act, which would use transparency to combat money. Under the terms of the law, corporate CEOs would have to appear in their ads, and shell organizations would have to identify their top five donors on screen. ..."

"Of course, some organizations don't like this. And one of them, the National Rifle Association, is powerful enough to do something about it. They've demanded an exemption from the bill, and they've gotten one ..." ...

Guns and Free Speech -- The NRA sells out to Democrats on the First Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is suffering a sudden onset of amnesia this week, as the gun lobby cuts a deal to exempt itself from the latest Congressional attempt to repeal the First Amendment. NRA members may soon regret the organization's bid to ingratiate itself with Democrats at the expense of its longtime free-speech allies."

"The campaign finance bill ... is the Democratic response to the Supreme Court's January decision in Citizens United v. FEC, ... At the time, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre called Citizens United 'a defeat for arrogant elitists who wanted to carve out free speech as a privilege for themselves and deny it to the rest of us.'"

"Look who's arrogant and elitist now. ..." ...

NY: Don't shoot down a smart law
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"At a cost to gun owners that would be less than a box of bullets or a National Rifle Association membership, New York could have a law that would help police solve crimes and not impair the Second Amendment one iota." ...

KABA Note: Less than a box of ammo, eh? Funnily enough they used to say "a dollar or two", but anyway: I can pick up 50 rounds of 9mm for $12 locally, so why don't they put their money where their mouth is? Make it a part of the law that the owner of the proprietary microstamping technology will retool the manufacturing line (including paying for lost production), pay for any additional personnel required by their equipment, pay for all maintenance and repair of the equipment, in perpetuity for any manufacturer that implements the technology. In return the owners will be paid $12 (adjusted annually for inflation) for each firearm sold in New York State.

NY: Aubertine: Vote Upholds Rights of Sportsmen, Gun Owners
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"New York State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine today said the lack of votes for proposed microstamping legislation on the Senate floor is a victory for Upstate New York, law abiding gun owners and our economy. He stood with fellow gun owners and sportsmen in voting against legislation to require new semi-automatic pistols to have micro-stamping technology that marks ammunition." ...

NY: Lawmakers can put stamp on gun crimes
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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... "Police officers know all too well that violent criminals often do not leave guns at the scene of their crimes. Instead, the only evidence they may leave is a bleeding victim and possibly a few spent shell casings from the bullets fired. Current ballistics technology used by law enforcement to investigate gun crimes is limited in its ability to identify the source of the gun and the bullets used in a crime."

"Microstamping technology has the potential to revolutionize investigations of gun crimes. ... These serial numbers can help police connect crime scenes to guns -- and ultimately to the criminals who used those guns. The technology is invisible to responsible gun owners, but will allow police to shine a spotlight on gun criminals." ...

NY: Gun Violence: State Senate should approve microstamping plan
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"As police officers, we stand on the front line in the fight to keep our communities safe. We know how criminals operate, and we know firsthand how new technology can help break a case. ..."

"Today, when the only piece of evidence left at a crime scene is a spent shell casing, police investigations often hit a dead end. That's because existing ballistics technology is limited in its ability to identify the source of the gun and bullets used in the crime. ... But state-of-the-art technology exists, known as microstamping, that would help investigators crack these difficult cases." ...

KABA Note: Isn't this just what was said 10 years ago when trying to pass New York's ballistic 'fingerprint' law? The law which has cost tens of millions of dollars, without solving a single crime?!? How many more cops will be pulled off the streets, and how many more crimes will remain unsolved because of all the resources poured down these high tech rat-holes?

NY: Statement of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg On State Senate Roll Call Vote On Microstamping Bill
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"This was a defeat for our police officers, district attorneys, and the public - and a victory for criminals who use illegal guns to shoot and kill innocent people. ..." ...

KABA Note: But if criminals "use illegal guns", doesn't that mean that their guns wouldn't be microstamped?

NY: Senate Dems Blame Golden For Microstamping Failure
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Senate Democrats pulled the microstamping bill off the floor late this afternoon after it became clear the bill would not pass if the vote was allowed to finish. Now the majority conference is pointing the finger of blame across the aisle at GOP Sen. Marty Golden, who wasn’t in the chamber while the slow roll was called."<
"'Today Senator Martin Golden and his Republican colleagues struck a victory for gun criminals and a blow to law enforcement,' said Senate Democratic spokesman Austin Shafran."

"'It is a disgrace that a former cop took a walk from the chamber and refused to stand up for law enforcement and let politics get in the way of public safety.'" ...

NY: Local mayors to push for microstamping at Albany event
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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A Tuesday news conference hosted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will focus on the issue of microstamping, and be attended by a number of local officials.

Utica Mayor David Roefaro and Whitesboro Mayor Brenda Gilberti will join several New York state mayors and police chiefs from different across the state at the event. Roefaro will speak.

The news conference will take place at noon and be on the Capitol Building’s west side, on south Swan Street between State Street and Washington Avenue.

Microstamping, that would allow police who find spent casings at crime scenes to trace them back to the gun they were shot from, has been approved by the state Assembly and is up for approval by the state Senate.

Sharron Angle Supported Armed Resistance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Moderates and liberals were never over the moon about Sharron Angle, Republican Senate nominee in Nevada ... But now Angle's opponents are even more skeptical: an interview from January has emerged in which she appears to be advocating violent rebellion:"
"You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years."
"She continues to say that she hopes it doesn't come to this, but that if it does, 'the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Thomas Jefferson, speaking of Shay's Rebellion: "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion ..."

Rep. Mark Kirk Should Bow Out of Illinois U.S. Senate Race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On July 30, 2009, I wrote a commentary titled 'Mark Kirk's U.S. Senate Bid Doomed: When Will GOP Ever Learn?'"

"I wrote the commentary long before the recent revelations regarding Kirk's exaggeration of his military service. On Sunday, June 13, 2010 the Chicago Tribune ran a major article which will put a damper on a political candidate which was forced upon Republican voters by the Illinois GOP leadership."

"From the beginning, Kirk was out of step with GOP social and fiscal conservatives. Kirk's ... anti-Second Amendment votes in Congress and Kirk's support for values that run contrary to the Republican Party platforms on the state and national levels alienated the U.S. Representative ..." ...

OH: NRA aims its support at Governor Strickland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland visited Lawrence County Monday to talk about the Second Amendment and kiss some babies, but he brought along the support of the [NRA] of America."

"Strickland spoke to a crowd of about 50 supporters outside Todd's Sporting Goods, accepting the endorsement of the NRA."

"'We will be urging every gun owner and hunter in Ohio to vote Ted Strickland for governor on Nov. 2,' said NRA Political Victory Fund Chairman Chris Cox ..."

"'This endorsement, I think, is a result of the long history I have had as a congressman and as a governor in support of Second Amendment rights,' Strickland said. 'That's why the NRA has given me a rating of A+ and that's why they have chosen to give me their endorsement. ...'" ...

SD: S.D. firearms law carries significant risk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ... has been the subject of debate since our country was founded. Does it mean that we're all entitled to carry an AK-47 wherever and whenever we wish? Does it mean the federal government has no right to regulate firearms in any way, shape or form?"

"Even after more than 200 years, many of these questions remain unanswered ..."

"In South Dakota our elected officials have decided to jump into the battle over the Second Amendment by joining several other states in passing a version of the Firearms Freedom Act. ... this act declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states." ...

TN: Williamson County imposes permanent ban on guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again, Williamson County commissioners have voted to ban guns from all county-owned parks — but this time, the ban is permanent."

"On Monday night, commissioners voted 19-5 in favor of a resolution that prohibits anyone, including handgun carry permit holders, from bringing a firearm into a park. ..." ...

"'Let's use common sense,' said Commissioner Mary Brockman, who co-sponsored the resolution to ban guns with Commissioner Arlene Cooke. 'I'm a practical kind of girl. The Second Amendment is important, but there are just some places where limits are required. You can't bring guns on airplanes. There are just some places, public places, where handguns just don't belong.'" ...

Submitter's Note: For those who are unfamiliar with poli-speak, "Let's use common sense" translates as "I have no actual facts to support my view."

MI: Michigan Senator Jason Allen Begins Work on New Moose Hunting Season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many Michigan residents, hunting is one of my great passions and I was fortunate to get a turkey the last weekend of the season near my house in Alanson. The tom came in at 21.5 pounds, with a 10 inch beard."

"Every weekend this season, I would go out with my daughter Meredith and a few of my northern Michigan neighbors in search of the elusive bird. ..."

"Hunting is one of the great traditions in this state and I am proud to raise my daughter in our hunting heritage. I am currently working on legislation to expand our hunting opportunities in Michigan by creating a moose hunting season in the state of Michigan, as our moose herd has had an amazing recovery in recent years ..." ...

PA: West Reading woman sues Shillington, police chief, recently fired officer
Submitted by: jac

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"A West Reading woman has sued Shillington, its police chief and Michael Leach, a recently fired borough police officer, alleging that Leach invaded her privacy and stalked and harassed her."

"The suit also alleges that Chief T. Corey Yochimowich knew Leach was harassing the woman and did nothing to stop it." ...

"Borough Manager Michael D. Mountz said Leach was fired May 13 and that Yochimowich remains chief ..." ...

"Leach used police resources to learn personal information about Merkey, her co-workers, friends and family. At one point Leach got Merkey drunk, undressed her and took naked photos that he showed to fellow police officers and others."

"An officer told Yochimowich about the photos and the chief did not discipline Leach." ...

OH: Much unanswered about undercover-police stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Walkers describe it this way:"

"The vehicles caught up to them and stayed 'right on my bumper,' the younger Walker said."

"When he stopped at their home ... eight to 10 men jumped out of the vehicles and started shouting commands, saying they were Columbus police."

"None of the vehicles was marked. No one wore a traditional uniform. The men carried guns and were dressed in black fatigues. Some had masks. Neither Walker saw a badge on any of them." ...

"Father and son were ordered out of the car at gunpoint. ..."

"They were told they had been stopped because the high beams were on, an indicator, police said, that the car might have been stolen by hotwiring it." ...

MD: Tshamba held without bond; attorney begins defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Baltimore police officer charged with first-degree murder in the off-duty shooting an unarmed man outside a Mount Vernon club was ordered held without bond Monday morning as his attorney began hitting back at the accusations, saying the officer 'did what he had to do.'"

"... a defense attorney for Officer Gahiji A. Tshamba, 36, described his client as a decorated veteran who has been devastated by the allegations. He said the June 5 killing of Tyrone Brown came after the officer put himself on duty to respond to a sexual assault."

"Brown, a 32-year-old former Marine from East Baltimore, was shot 12 times after Tshamba fired 13 rounds from his service weapon, according to charging documents. ..." ...

MO: Republican Politicians, Assault Rifles, Tea Parties and a Coonskin Hat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, RK Shows, Inc. produced another one of its fabulous gun and knife exhibitions at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield, Missouri. Several hundred individuals shelled out a stiff fee ($61 a table) to sell their wares. An ever-shifting line over the weekend of two thousand people paid ten bucks to get in the door. Several Republican politicians and one Tea Party candidate came to collect support from among these gunners. Here was a gun show like any other, a cultural and political bazaar more American than apple pie (which is damned hard to find in the major cities these days.)" ...

OH: Columbus Dispatch publishes extensive look at successful efforts of pro-gun rights advocates in Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A front-page story in Sunday, June 13 edition of The Columbus Dispatch took an extensive look at the recent efforts by the National Rifle Association, Buckeye Firearms Association and other pro-gun groups to modernize Ohio's concealed carry law to more closely resemble that of surrounding states by allowing license-holders to protect themselves in restaurants that serve alcohol, and by removing cumbersome restrictions on how license-holders may carry in a motor-vehicle." ...

There is no doubt in my mind that millions of lives could have been saved if the people had not been "brainwashed" about gun ownership and they had been well armed. Hitler's thugs and goons were not very brave when confronted by a gun. Gun haters always want to forget the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, which is a perfect example of how a ragtag, half starved group of Jews took up 10 handguns and made asses out of the Nazi's. — Theodore Haas, former prisoner of the infamous Dachau prisoner concentration camp

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