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Newslinks for 6/17/2006

NRA warns of U.N. gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An American delegation will participate in a controversial United Nations small-arms conference criticized by Second Amendment advocates as a threat to U.S. gun ownership."

"The U.N. Small Arms Review Conference will meet in New York City June 26 to July 7 to discuss illegal trafficking in arms, 'ineffective national controls' and related issues."

"The U.N.'s disarmament effort features a program in which it buys back weapons in nations torn by civil strife. But National Rifle Association Vice President Wayne LaPierre insists the U.N. is concerned about more than illicit arms in African hot spots. He says the global body wants the firearms of American citizens – and much more." ...

The second amendment, guns, Michael Moore, and me
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up in a suburban town at outer edge of the New York City area. Picture your classic Leave it to Beaver style town ... it could have been Anyplace, USA."

"It was not a place where you saw guns. I never knew anyone who went hunting. While the area once was farmland ... that was all gone by the time I was growing up there."

"Guns, to people there, were scary things that criminals used to hurt nice people. ... As I grew up and my political sensibilities took shape, gun control was one of those obvious smart things that we should have."

"I bring up my hometown because that's very different than what many others experienced, especially in this part of the country. And these experiences shape our opinions on gun issues. ..." ...

Essay contests for high-schoolers -- NWFL Bill of Rights Essay Contest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The National Foundation for Women Legislators (NWFL) and the National Rifle Association are co-sponsoring the ninth annual Bill of Rights Essay Contest for college-bound female high school juniors and seniors, which this year will be entitled 'Today's Heroic American Woman.' Seven winners will each receive a $3,000 scholarship and an-all expense paid trip to the NWFL's annual conference this November in Avon, Colo., where they will network with, be mentored by and speak to hundreds of women lawmakers from across the United States."

"... The judges will select seven winners based on the candidate's storytelling skills, understanding of the Bill of Rights and original insight." ...

We're From the U.N. and We Want Your Guns (book review)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.N. will gather in New York City this July for the 2006 Small Arms Review Conference. Doesn't the name alone make you nervous? The U.N. is 'reviewing' guns. If you don't own one, doesn't it make you want to go out and buy one just so you can be ready for whatever Kofi’s got planned?"

"Wayne LaPierre is plenty nervous, which is why he's written, 'The Global War on Your Guns: Inside the U.N.'s Plan to Destroy the Bill of Rights.' Sound alarmist?"

"His critics think so, claiming that the aim of the conference and its supporters is only to deal with the 'illicit' sale of small arms, so it would have no effect on any legally traded arms. But check out the U.N.'s own explanation and see what you think (emphasis mine):" ...

CA: National ASK Day is June 21
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sixth annual ASK Day is set for the first day of summer."

"ASK Day Coordinator Charlotte Miller said ASK stands for Asking Saves Kids and on June 21 organizations throughout the country join PAX / Real Solutions to Gun Violence promoting gun safety."

"'Over 40 percent of homes with children have guns,' Miller said. 'During a season when children are spending more time in friends' homes, ASK Day is a reminder to all parents to ask if there are guns in the homes where their children play.'"

"Every day, eight children die from guns and another 33 are injured, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics." ...

Submitter's Note: Liar LIAR LIARRRRR!!!!! To get 2920 deaths in a year (8 per day), you have to include "children" up to age 19, and include homicides and suicides with accidental shootings. The actual number of children (up to 13 years) who were accidentally killed with a gun in 2003 was 39.

OH: Tony Gordon Award Nominations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry is accepting nominations for individuals to be considered for this year's Tony Gordon Memorial Award."

"The Tony Gordon Memorial Award was created in honor of Ohio resident Tony Gordon. Tony gave his life to protect his then 13 year-old nephew during an attempted car jacking in Dayton in August of 2003. Despite being mortally wounded, Tony was able to get his nephew safely home before succumbing to his injuries."

"Rather than blame the gun the killer used for this tragedy, Tony's family was determined to ensure future carjacking victims had an alternative to driving away and could defend themselves with a firearm if they chose. They worked to help get concealed carry reform passed in Ohio ..." ...

OK: Attempted Home Invasion Robbery Ends With Fatal Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man is shot and killed after Tulsa Police say he attempted to break into a West Tulsa apartment.

According to officers, it happened at about 5:15AM at the Sandy Park Apartments in the 6100 block of West 11th Street. Police say a man was in his apartment with his wife and child. He heard someone trying to break in and grabbed his rifle. Just as the suspect crossed the threshold, the man fired several shots. The victim was taken to the hospital where he later died. His name has not been released. No one else was hurt.

As for the shooter, he has been questioned by police but it does not appear any charges will be filed. Police say they believe the man acted in self defense. Witnesses have collaborated his story.

IL: Korea vet had surprise for intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Willie Brown shrugged off the noises downstairs early Thursday, but the 74-year-old was fully awake when he saw a man holding a knife in his bedroom doorway."

"'He said, 'Don't move, I got a knife.' I said, 'You got a knife, huh?' He said, 'Yeah.'"

"'I reached under my pillow and came up firing my .38 Smith and Wesson. He said, 'Oops' and turned and ran down the steps. I followed and shot him again,' Brown said." ...

"East St. Louis Detective Ricky Perry, who is investigating the case, said police were called to Brown's home at 4:48 a.m. Brown's handgun was taken by police." ...

AZ: Court may decide on self-defense law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Faced with conflicting rulings by lower courts, the Arizona Supreme Court will consider a request that justices decide whether a new state law on self-defense should apply retroactively." ...

"Justice Michael D. Ryan on Wednesday ordered expedited consideration of Maricopa County prosecutors' appeal of a trial judge's decision in a Maricopa County case that the law should apply retroactively to the case because it was pending when the law took effect."

"The Supreme Court will consider the matter Sept. 26."

"The petition filed by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office noted that two other trial judges, one in Maricopa County and one in Pima County, ruled in other cases that the law was not retroactive." ...

NY: Missing Giuliani
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The man thus pinpointed a major difference between the two administrations: Mayor Giuliani attacked quality of life crimes by going after the criminal type, while Mayor Bloomberg attacks petty crimes by collaring regular citizens, imposing heavy fines on those who can pay them." ...

"Then there's the gun control legislation that Mr. Bloomberg is hawking, delighting advocates who ignore statistics that discredit such laws. No matter how many laws are passed to control the sales, ownership, or distribution of guns, criminals will bypass them. Law-abiding citizens in New York cannot obtain legal arms to defend themselves against the lawless, and that is frightening to potential victims." ...

MS: 'Gunslinger' Law Greeted Cautiously
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two homeowners have shot intruders on their properties this week. One was charged and released. The other faced no charges."

"Starting July 1 homeowners will have a greater chance of avoiding prosecution in these types of shootings, when a new law goes into effect."

"It's being called the 'Gunslinger' or 'Make My Day' law, giving homeowners the right to use defensive force to protect their property, without facing prosecution." ...

"The new law would extend the boundaries of where people could shoot and be immune from criminal prosecution. Homeowners will have the right to use defensive force if they fear death or great bodily harm, anywhere on their property, whether it be at home, in a car, business or place of employment." ...

Submitter's Note: It was actually titled the 'Castle Doctrine' law. The Brady bunch were they only ones who referred to it as the 'Gunslinger' law.

NJ: Gun law OK'd, 2 others modified as NRA balks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With two dozen members of the National Rifle Association present, Jersey City council members backed down from two of the three gun control ordinances they'd introduced two weeks ago at the behest of Mayor Jerramiah Healy."

"'When someone mentions guns, all the gun activists come out,' Councilman-at-Large Peter Brennan said. ..."

"But in the end, the council approved only the least controversial of the three ordinances, making it a crime not to report a lost or stolen firearm to police within 48 hours of the discovery of its disappearance."

"The ordinance, to be enacted in 20 days, carries a penalty of up to $10,000." ...

SC: Court guidance on gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A California judge correctly rejected San Francisco's handgun ban on Monday, recognizing that state law allowing their sale and possession trumps the local ordinance. While referendums may accurately reflect public sentiment, they don't always result in good law." ...

"The crucial constitutional question presumably will be addressed in the case brought in opposition to a gun ban in the District of Columbia. In that case, an appeals court eventually should provide guidance on the extent to which the Second Amendment provides for a virtually unrestricted right to bear arms, thereby enabling other jurisdictions to tailor their gun laws accordingly." ...

FL: Flaws exposed in self-defense law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few laws are as reckless as the one Florida legislators approved last year that makes it easier to kill, claim self-defense, and get away with it. The 'Stand Your Ground' law removed the requirement that a person threatened in public retreat before responding with deadly force, and now the predictable result is coming into sharper focus."

"The Orlando Sentinel examined 13 cases in Central Florida where deadly force was used since the law changed in October. Six people were killed and four were wounded. Authorities cleared five shooters and charged three. The remaining cases are under investigation." ...

Submitter's Note: Sounds like the law is working fine. Three out of eight people charged seems to negate the Petrograd Times' assertions about handcuffing police investigations.

VA: Henrico Gun Controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Neighbors in Henrico are complaining about dangerous guns being used in their rural community. The problem has gotten so bad some people are finding bullet holes in nearby signs and in their homes and they're worried about their safety. They're asking county leaders to do something about it." ...

"Henrico Police ... say because this is an agricultural area, neighbors are allowed to use semi-automatic weapons as long as it's in a safe manner."

"So now the Akers are trying to get county officials to pass an ordinance that would ban the use of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in their community."

"The Akers say they're not against all guns, just the ones that make their quiet farm seem like they're living in a war zone."

Submitter's Note: That's okay Brother Akers: The Brady bunch will be happy to ban the 'evil' rifles for you. But don't cry when you discover that their definition of 'evil' is different from yours.

CA: News in brief from Northern California (second story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Yuba County sheriff's deputy who shot and paralyzed a Linda man fired his rifle accidentally and did not commit a crime, according to a report released by the district attorney."

"'There is no basis to conclude that the shooting was either willful or intentional,' District Attorney Patrick McGrath wrote in a report released Thursday. 'Further, there is no basis to conclude that the shooting was the product of any evil design, intention or criminal negligence.'" ...

"Day had placed his hands behind his back so a deputy could handcuff him. Nakamura shot Day in the neck while attempting to put handcuffs on him, according to the report. The report did not say whether Day was armed." ...

AL: Officers say toy guns are no laughing matter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Deputy Sean Colvin, while investigating the activities of a crowd of people in parked vehicles near a Marshall County cemetery last Monday night, was confronted with a potentially deadly situation when he noticed what appeared to be the butt end of a pistol sticking out from between the front seats while questioning a passenger in a vehicle."

"Upon asking the male passenger what that was, the passenger reached for the pistol. Colvin immediately unholstered his service weapon and told the young man, 'That would be a big mistake.'"

"Fortunately for both the young man and Colvin, he stopped reaching for the pistol and explained that it was 'just a toy pistol.'" ...

TX: Lost: Millions of dollars in state property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you’ve ever something lost or stolen, you’d be in good company at any number of state agencies."

"The Texas Comptrollers office to e-mailed a list of all the state-owned property lost, stolen or unaccounted for last year."

"Statewide, on paper at least, state agencies lost equipment originally valued at some $14 million."

"Take the Texas Department of Transportation."

"A negligent TxDOT employee was blamed for allowing the theft of a tractor originally valued at nearly $78,000."

"The Department of Public Safety, which ironically investigates thefts, was a victim itself."

"Thieves ripped off police shotguns, pistols and a rifle." ...

India: Indian army sees first suicide of lady officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Indian army saw the first suicide of a female officer, who shot herself at her camp in the troubled region of Kashmir, reports Reuters."

"Lieutenant Susmita Chakraborty, 25, had asked her sentry to handover his rifle on Thursday, saying she wanted to be photographed with it ..."

"'She was found in a pool of blood when a security personnel heard a gunshot from inside the room and rushed in,' a police officer told Reuters."

"Chakraborty had been posted to Kashmir six months ago. The Indian army began recruiting women 14 years ago, although no women are deployed for combat. There are 2,000 female officers now compared to 40,000 male officers in a force of 1.1 million troops." ...

Guyana: Cops still searching for stolen Kurupung rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several cordon and search operations were yesterday conducted around possible exit routes from Kurupung, located in Region Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) as the police stepped up their search for four rifles and a quantity of ammunition stolen from the Kurupung Police Station on Wednesday morning."

"A few persons were also arrested and are being questioned."

"Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Police Force, Ivelaw Whittaker confirmed to Stabroek News that none of the weapons has been recovered. He said however that diligent efforts are being made to recover them." ...

CT: Consultants try to keep Winchester all-American
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If it can't be 'made in New Haven,' at least keep it 'made in America.'"

"That's the job handed by the city of New Haven and the owners of U.S. Repeating Arms -- maker of the Winchester rifle -- to two consultants, who were hired in May to find a buyer for the company in an effort to keep the brand American made. The deadline for proposals is next Friday."

"'Unless new owners can be found, Winchester Firearms will be moved wholly offshore after 140 years,' states a recent news release ..."

"The plant closed in March, leaving 186 workers jobless. A 'stand still' agreement reached May 9 with U.S. Repeating Arms gave the city 75 days to seek a buyer ..." ...

CA: Top wheel gunners in SLO shooting for speed, accuracy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The San Luis Obispo Sportsmen’s Association will host about 180 of the world’s top wheel gunners during the 15th annual International Revolver Championships at the Hogue Action Pistol Range today and Saturday starting at 8 a.m."

"Shoot-offs and awards will be held Sunday beginning at 10 a.m., with money and prizes reaching in the excess of $100,000. Admittance is free and eye and ear protection is required."

"The event features two divisions, open and limited. Those competing in the open division will be allowed modifications such as optical enhancements and ported barrels. Those competing in the limited division use basically a stock revolver." ...

KY: Rates of violent crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After 13 years of decline, violent crimes surged last year, and among the factors being blamed are decreased federal spending for policing, Hurricane Katrina, crystal meth and the release of 1990s-era criminals who are unskilled and jobless." ...

"To hear the experts tell it, the roots of violent crime remain poverty, joblessness and substance abuse. But add to those factors the reality that, here and nationwide, it's far too easy for people with bad intentions to get their hands on the guns that they use to kill and intimidate other criminals and also innocent people whose misfortune is to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." ...

Submitter's Note: Gun Supply: The myth that will not die.

OH: Liberty Park Temporarily a Criminal Protection Zone (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For two years, the annual OFCC picnic has been held in Liberty Park in Powell, OH. Centrally located, it is an ideal meeting place for our members and supporters ..."

"Imagine our surprise when, while attempting to reserve the facilities for our third year in a row, we were told that the park was now posted with 'no guns allowed' signs and asked if our members would consider coming without firearms due to these newly posted signs!" ...

"We eventually spoke with the township administrator, who had referred our letter to their legal consultants. They quickly determined that OFCC’s interpretation of Ohio law was correct, and that the Township is not permitted to post the park. Liberty Township has since removed the signs ..." ...

OH: More Signs Come Down (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At the corner of Hill and Tussing Roads in Pickerington, there is a small shopping center called The Shoppes at Turnberry. There are several businesses in the plaza that I frequently visit, my bank (Chase Bank) for example. I also usually purchase gas at the adjacent Speedway." ...

"Later, I noticed that there was a second no weapons sign on the stone marquee at the East entrance to the Shoppes at Turnberry. It was then that I realized the property owner had posted the entire shopping center and parking lot probably without the knowledge of the resident businesses." ...

"On February 22nd, Jeff Garvas from OFCC advised me to put all of the business from The Shoppes at Turnberry into the Criminal Protection Zone database ..." ...

GA: Jessica Jasis Earns Spot on National Team at 2006 USA Shooting National Championships
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the strength of a win in junior women's air rifle and a second place finish in women's air rifle at the 2006 USA Shooting Rifle and Pistol National Championships held at Fort Benning, Ga., rising sophomore Jessica Jasis (Dycusburg, Ky.) earned a spot on the U.S. National Team, Thursday. Jasis shot a 788 qualifying score, plus a 101.0 in the final in women's air rifle for an 889.0 total."

"With her Thursday win in the junior division and second place finish in the women's division, Jasis will move from the National Development Team to the National Team. National Team members receive training, which is supported by the USAS and USOC funds. ..." ...

KY: Justice Resource Center to buy back guns Saturday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Justice Resource Center will hold a gun buyback from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday at 28th and Broadway.

The center will pay $20 per handgun and $25 per rifle or shotgun.

The group hopes to purchase its 100th gun of the year this weekend, the Rev. Louis Coleman said. It has bought about 75 since its first buyback in the Spring.

For more information, call the Justice Resource Center at 562-6737.

South Africa: Cheap Chinese guns flood SA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recently released report by Amnesty International (AI) says Norinco 9mm pistols, which are cheaply manufactured in China, are commonly used in cases of robbery, rape and other crimes in South Africa."

"The report notes that, despite South Africa's stringent Firearms Control Act of 2000, firearms are filtering into the underworld after being lost or stolen." [emphasis added] ...

"In South Africa, 'guns seized from armed criminals have frequently been of Chinese origin'. AI's report contains a sample of incidents involving Norinco pistols that were covered by the press, several involving security guards being disarmed by robbers and Norinco pistols being recovered from crime scenes." ...

Australia: Armed bandits attack shop assistant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SHOP assistant has been attacked and injured during a holdup by three armed bandits at a shop in southern Sydney."

"Police said the three assailants snatched cash and cigarettes before pistol-whipping a 46-year-old man at a mixed business on Connells Point Road, Connells Point, about 6.30pm (AEST) yesterday. A fourth male stayed outside the shop acting as lookout during the robbery, police said."

"The robbers fled in a stolen car but crashed it into a nearby telegraph pole and ran off."

"Police called to the scene found a bloodied replica pistol and stolen property in the back of the getaway vehicle." ...

UK: Anti-tank rocket launcher handed over in UK knife amnesty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A total of 17,715 weapons were handed in during the first week of the national knives amnesty, Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker announced today."

"As well as knives, the weapons surrendered to the 43 police forces across England and Wales include machetes, meat cleavers and axes. Police in Devon & Cornwall also took receipt of an anti-tank rocket launcher."

"... Mr Coaker welcomed the initial success of the campaign but appealed to those who have not yet handed over their weapons to do so - before it's too late."

"He said: 'The National Knife Amnesty is just one - albeit an important one - of the many tactics being used by the Government and the police to tackle the problem of knife crime in England and Wales.'" ...

Ireland: Man appears in court on firearms charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man alleged to be a member of an international gang with links to gangland figures has appeared before a court in Limerick.

The 36-year-old, who has an address in Celbridge, Co Kildare, was brought before court on firearms offences.

Ibrihme Hassan, an Egyptian, is accused of possession of a semi-automatic pistol and six rounds of bullets at Prospect Hill in Limerick on Wednesday last.

Mr Hassan has been remanded in custody after bail was refused.

UK: Thousands of weapons surrendered in knife amnesty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thousands of knives, machetes and axes have been handed over to police in an amnesty on weapons prompted by fears of a knife-crime epidemic."

"Junior Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker said on Friday it was encouraging that 17,715 weapons had been surrendered in the first week of the amnesty, but he urged that more be given up."

"'If you carry a knife out of self-defence, you run the risk of having it turned on you,' he said during a visit to Long Eaton in Derbyshire to view surrendered weapons."

"'Carrying a knife is illegal and will not be tolerated -- indeed, it could land you four years in prison,' he added."

Can our form of government, our system of justice, survive if one can be denied a freedom because he might abuse it? — HARLON CARTER

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