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Newslinks for 6/18/2008

Mike Vanderboegh: Decisive - An Appreciation of the Battle of Bunker Hill on its Anniversary
Submitted by: mindful musings

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"'But even when the level of training reached its lowest ebb, late in the 1760s, the militia troops still practiced their marksmanship, and handling of weapons remained important. There developed an easy-going familiarity with weapons, something that can be best described as the Rogers influence: care of the weapon and marksmanship received attention, and sham battles (Rogers' favorite training) took place at every muster ...'" ...

"Training. Training and preparation made the difference. And I told you all of that to ask you this: What have you, a member of the armed citizenry of the United States, done lately to honor these men's sacrifices? What training have you done to maintain and build the skills required of a member of the unorganized militia of this Republic? ..." ...

Of Mice and Men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One day last winter, I pulled on my boots, buttoned up my coat and went out into the snow to fill the birdfeeder. We kept the seed in a large bucket in the garage and when I went to scoop some out to carry to the feeder, I noticed that the supply was running low. It was dark in the garage and even darker in the bottom of the bucket. I tipped the bucket a little and was startled to hear a faint skittering noise inside. I looked in...a brown field mouse was trapped down at the bottom of the bucket! My first surprised thought was 'eek!', quickly followed by 'awwww, cute! mousie!' And as I squatted down next to the bucket to get a better look at my new furry friend..."

"...the mouse growled at me." ...

Carrying firearms a chance to educate public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Have you ever watched a Western movie and noticed the cowboy who looked out of place, but you couldn't figure out why? At some point in the movie it is pointed out that ol' Slim doesn't pack iron because he killed/nearly killed an innocent man/woman/child years ago and he swore he'd never touch another gun. How Slim deals with his demons is his own business; the point is that he stand out because he's not wearing a six-shooter."

"These days the tables have turned and now most people are not seen with a handgun perched on their hip. When one sees someone carrying a gun, one usually assumes the armed person is either an off-duty police officer or someone up to no good. Most likely both assumptions are wrong." ...

Gun rights is biggest issue for court to decide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One momentous case down, another equally historic decision to go."

"The Supreme Court returns to the bench Monday with 17 cases still unresolved, including its first-ever comprehensive look at the Second Amendment's right to bear arms."

"The guns case -- including Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns -- is widely expected to be a victory for supporters of gun rights. Top officials of a national gun control organization said this week that they expect the handgun ban to be struck down, but they are hopeful other gun regulations will survive." ...

Second Amendment haze
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"This month, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide District of Columbia v. Heller, the most important Second Amendment case in the court's history."

"... For nearly seven decades, gun controllers and gun rights advocates alike have struggled to apply the murky doctrines propounded by Justice James Clark McReynolds in his 1939 Miller opinion."

"Does the right to keep and bear arms belong to us as individuals? Does that right extend to private use of arms? Or does the Second Amendment simply authorize the states to arm the members of their militias? The court will have to answer those threshold questions before deciding whether the D.C. gun ban is constitutional. ..." ...

Judge OKs $11M settlement in Va Tech shootings
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A judge on Tuesday approved an $11 million state settlement with families of most of the victims in last year's Virginia Tech slayings that will avoid a court battle over whether anyone but the gunman was to blame."1

"Families of 24 victims - out of 32 killed by Seung-Hui Cho - will be compensated under the settlement approved by Circuit Court Judge Theodore J. Markow."

"Four families agreed to the settlement, but were not prepared to go before the judge Tuesday. Four other families did not participate: Two have filed notices of lawsuits, and two did not file claims." ...

KABA Note: And why would the State want to avoid answering that1 question?

U.S. Gun Shops "Lost" More Than 30,000 Firearms Last Year
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gun dealers 'lost' an average of at least 82 firearms every day last year, totaling more than 30,000 firearms unaccounted for in gun dealers’ inventory in fiscal year 2007, according to a Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence analysis of new data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) released this month." ...

KABA Note: To put that in perspective, according to the Brady Center more than 4 million guns are sold each year, so 30,000 is less than 0.75%. In addition, the majority of guns counted as "lost" by the BATFU are administratively lost: someone transposed 2 numbers on the paperwork so the original gun is counted as "lost", and the gun that doesn't exist (that was 'created' by the mistake) is also counted as "lost".

Brady Center, Law Enforcement Leaders Urge Supreme Court To Reverse Appeals Court Ruling Allowing Domestic Violence Abusers To Have Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National law enforcement groups joined the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and other gun violence prevention groups in filing a 'friend of the court' brief in United States v. Hayes urging the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse an appeals court ruling allowing convicted domestic violence abusers to possess guns."

"If upheld, the appeals court ruling could require the names of thousands of dangerous, convicted abusers purged from the Brady background check system, enabling these individuals to possess firearms." ...

'Open carry' guns at our children's risk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IMAGINE A child barely tall enough to reach the top drawer of the bedroom dresser. Imagine the child on tip-toes opening the drawer because the forbidden object is hidden there. The naughty thrill of reaching under the socks, the shock of actually touching the thing, finding it cold, as if on ice. Such is my memory of furtive encounters with my father's handgun. ..."

"Even at age 4, I was hypnotized by a gun. The gun was a mystical object, with significance that far transcended any imagined use. Fear, but also consolation. Awe. Trembling. That the gun was my father's was a first clue to potency. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out that James is a fetishist and pervert.

PA: Militia member gets house arrest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A federal judge in Johnstown on Wednesday declined to jail a Clearfield County man accused of telling undercover agents last year that he planned to visit Pittsburgh to shoot black people from a Downtown high-rise."

"Bradley T. Kahle, 60, of Troutville had been in custody since Sunday, when the Pittsburgh Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested him and others on weapons charges. Agents discovered 16 improvised explosive devices while searching the home of the Vietnam veteran and self-proclaimed militiaman."

"U.S. Magistrate Judge Pete Pesto said he wasn't convinced that Kahle posed a threat."

"'I get no indication he was about to go from talking to doing,' said Pesto, who placed Kahle on house arrest with electronic monitoring." ...

KABA Note: No, seriously don't brag to your new friends about what a lean mean militia-man you are.

SHTF Medical Course - Coeur d'Alene, ID - June 20-22
Submitted by: Concerned American

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"This two-day (16 hour) course of instruction will prepare the motivated outdoorsman to treat life-threatening and function-threatening medical conditions in the wilderness without access to classical EMS and medical resources."

"The working hypothesis of this program is an injury or illness sustained by a family or work group remote from medical resources by distance, time, or availability (grid down) over a short to intermediate interval." ...

MI: Citizen Detains Suspect Until Police Arrive
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police arrested a 53-year old Washtenaw County man on Monday in connection with attempting to rob a bank in Canton."

"Police said the man ... handed the bank teller a note stating he had a bomb strapped to his body and demanded money."

"... Another teller realized what was happening and informed the customer she was serving about the robbery."

"Police said the longtime customer then turned toward the suspect, pulled out a concealed handgun, pointed it at the suspect and stated 'you are not robbing this bank.'"

"The customer then escorted the suspect at gunpoint over to a chair where he was cornered until police arrived."

"Police said the customer had a concealed weapons permit. The suspect did not have a bomb." ...

NY: Gun Violence Task Force plans to stop violence
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"'We are serious about the lives of children,' said Reverend Edward Smart. 'If a child is allowed to run rampant in the streets and is allowed to use community guns, the question is does a community really care?'"

"Smart said he's serious about stopping the shootings and preventing a tragedy like the death of Kathina Thomas."

"Smart co-chairs Albany's Gun Violence Task Force. He pitched his Kathina Thomas Legislation at the city's Common Council meeting. He said the plan is to hold parents accountable for the actions of their kids. Smart also wants a bill of rights for children and Albany High School students taught parenting skills." ...

NY: Ball wins aclaim from pistol association
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Assembyman Greg Ball, who is facing a revolt from within the Putnam GOP, can at least claim the support of rifle and pistol owners.

In a press release sent last night, Ball announced that he was named the 2008 New York State Legislator of the Year by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. A year ago, Ball was named NYSRPA’s Assemblyman of the Year.

“This is the first time in NYSRPA’s history that I can recall any legislator getting first the Aseemblyman of the Year and then receiving the Legislator of the Year Ward,” said NYSRPA President Tom King said in the release.

NY: At $150 a pop, payoff priceless
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A gun-exchange program will reward residents with $150 gift certificates to Crossgates Mall for turning in firearms."

"The program -- called PUT IT DOWN -- was unveiled Monday by the Rev. Charles Muller of Victory Christ Church at the JC Club on First Street. Muller handed out fliers and discussed a plan to spread the message with nearly three dozen city residents and members of his church."

"Muller has been one of the more active community leaders following the shooting death of 10-year-old Kathina Thomas on May 29. The gun exchange is the latest in a series of initiatives Muller has spearheaded, including peace marches and an awareness program called the Safe Block/Safe Kid Initiative." ...

IA: We're the Only Ones Protecting You Enough --Even if we have to kill you to do it (Codrea)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "... They are told to wait until the homes are deemed safe and treated like little children who couldn't have survived the last few days without their 'leadership'. Homeowners were required to give up the keys to their homes to people they now don't trust in order to have them inspected. One community got fed up and stormed the checkpoints and sent the police running. That, btw, is not being reported." ...

Submitter's Note: Features CNN report of Rick Blazek being arrrested at gunpoint for wanting to return home...

PA: New York policeman pleads guilty in Muhlenberg bank robbery
Submitted by: jac

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"A New York City transit policeman who has been placed on suspension pleaded guilty Monday in U.S. District Court in Reading to robbing a Muhlenberg Township bank."

"Christian A. Torres, 21, a rookie transit policeman, pleaded guilty to robbing a Sovereign Bank using a firearm."

"Under federal guidelines, the weapons charge carries a mandatory seven-year sentence in addition to the term Torres receives for the robbery."

"U.S. District Judge Thomas M. Golden ordered Torres to remain in federal custody."

"Federal charges also are pending against Torres in two bank holdups in New York in 2007." ...

IL: Chicago and police officers lose case and $7.7 million for false arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A trained nurse, Rachelle Jackson immediately ran toward the sound of the crash. A Chicago police car had collided with another vehicle and was starting to smoke, two officers still inside. Fearing an explosion, she quickly pulled one officer from the passenger side.She never imagined her act of kindness nearly six years ago would land her in jail for more than 10 months on charges that she robbed, battered and disarmed a peace officer."

"Jackson filed a lawsuit, and on Thursday a federal jury found against the city and several Chicago police officers, awarding Jackson $7.7 million for false arrest, malicious prosecution, coercive questioning and intentional infliction of emotional distress." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

FL: Police investigate possible suicide with officer's gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Miami-Dade County police continue to investigate whether a man fatally shot himself while in a car with an off-duty police officer who was his friend.

Police say officers responded to a possible suicide attempt in the Kendall area of Southwest Miami-Dade County early Monday and found 24-year-old Miguel Martinez with a gunshot wound. He was dead before paramedics arrived.

Police say he shot himself with the friend's gun. The two were sitting inside a black Lexus in the driveway.

How they ended up in the car and how Martinez got the gun are under investigation. The death remains unclassified.

OH: Attorney General announces First Quarter CHL statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Attorney General’s office has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the first quarter of 2008. The numbers indicate demand is strong and increasing." ...

"The normal trend for states starting to issue licenses is a surge in the first year, a big drop off in the second year, and a smaller decline in year three. After the third year demand generally remains stable."

"Ohio followed the trend for the first three years, but had a substantial 27% increase in demand in year four. The most plausible explanation for the dramatic increase in demand for CHL’s is better laws." ...

NY: Get the guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Vacant properties have a corroding effect on urban life. They can be used by drug dealers to ply their trade, or by addicts seeking to satisfy their habit. They can become hosts to insect and rodent infestations and endanger public health. Vandals can turn a building or a vacant lot into tinderboxes with the drop of a match. And there is this other, deadly threat: They can become a stashing place for guns used in street crimes."

"That threat is very much on the public mind nowadays, after the recent, senseless death of 10-year-old Kathina Thomas. It's a threat that cries out for action to rid neighborhoods of communal weapons. Albany County District Attorney David Soares has a plan for doing so, and landlords should cooperate. ..." ...

Yemen: Yemen to crack down on weapons markets
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Yemen's Interior Ministry has embarked on a campaign to close weapons markets across the Arab state to curb the spread of unlicensed weapons ..."

"'All weapons shops and markets will be closed and their dealers will be arrested,' the source said ..."

"He said the crackdown would affect 12 main weapons markets and nearly 300 light weapon shops that operate openly throughout the country."

"Unofficial estimates put the number of firearms in circulation in Yemen at around 60 million."

"A UN-sponsored small arms survey ... concluded that Yemenis own between 6 million and 17 million firearms."

"Authorities have in recent years tried to crack down on people carrying arms, but their efforts have met with little success." ...

Zimbabwe: The Pen May Be Mightier Than The Sword, However...
Submitted by: Transsylvania Phoenix

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"...the Mighty Pen is a lousy warfare tool when matched against government thugs armed with AK-47s."

"Robert Mugabe gave warning yesterday that he would not cede power if he loses next week’s election to the Opposition in his most explicit statement yet of his refusal to respect the result."

"State-controlled media reported his comments to supporters at an election rally, the latest in a series of increasingly menacing threats as Zimbabwe counts down to the June 27 presidential run-off poll. Mr Mugabe’s military-backed regime has been carrying out a campaign of violence aimed at wiping out the opposition vote."

"'We fought for this country, and a lot of blood was shed,' Mr Mugabe told his supporters. 'We are not going to give up our country because of a mere X. How can a ballpoint fight with a gun?'" ...

Canada: Stockwell Day rejects gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A handgun ban isn't the answer to Toronto's gun violence, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day insists."

"'Studies in a variety of jurisdictions around the world show that if you want to see gun crime reduced you've got to go after the criminals,' Day said during a press conference at Polson Pier yesterday."

"He said a Canada-wide handgun ban would divert limited police resources to 'going after innocent firearm owners.'"

"Day's comments come after a weekend of gun violence in the city that started with a double murder Thursday night." ...

Japan: Japanese 'cannibal killer' executed in Tokyo
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Japan's most reviled serial killer – a 'cannibal nerd' who preyed on primary-school girls and drank their blood – has been executed in Tokyo." ...

"But even amid growing public discomfort in Japan over the continued use of the death penalty, the hanging of Miyazaki raised few little in the way of condemnation."

"... Unrepentant throughout his long run of trials and appeals, Miyazaki entered Japan's public consciousness as one of the worst monsters the country had produced."

"A voracious sexual predator, he kidnapped girls aged between four and seven years old, molested and murdered them. In some cases he ate parts of their bodies, in others he slept next to their corpses." ...

KABA Note: But at least he didn't shoot them!

Canada: One dead, several hurt in weekend of gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A spate of gun violence in Toronto continued over the weekend, with another deadly shooting and several other attacks involving guns."

"A man was shot dead ... at about 1:30 a.m. yesterday ..."

"It was the city's 26th homicide of the year and third gun-related death in a three-day stretch. ..."

"In another attack, gunfire erupted at a party in the Kingston and Markham Roads area at about 3:30 a.m. Several people were wounded, but none seriously."

"Then, at about 5:30 a.m., a young man attending an after-hours party in the Weston Road and Steeles Avenue West area was shot several times at close range. He was treated in hospital." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt

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