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Newslinks for 6/18/2009

SAF Lawsuit Forces Change in D.C. Gun Regulations
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Firearms regulations in Washington, D.C. are being amended today by emergency order in response to a federal lawsuit filed by the Second Amendment Foundation that challenged the arbitrary nature of previous regulations enforced in the District of Columbia."

"The District had adopted new handgun registration regulations following last year's landmark Second Amendment ruling ... Under the new regulations, which take effect immediately, the city essentially acknowledges the State of California's roster of approved handguns - upon which the District's own regulations were based - is inadequate."

"Citizens who had been previously denied an opportunity to register their handguns will be invited to re-apply ..." ...

Original Homeland Security Impeaches Pass ID
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The new National ID Card is called the Pass ID. No matter how much makeup you put on the bastard, it's still a pig of an idea."


"Because we say so. It may never occur to statists and their shills, but we don't have to explain anything to our public servants. All we really need do is distrust them and tell them we don't want it. We don't have to have a reason ..." ...

"The armed citizen is our Original Homeland Security in being armed with knowledge and authority as much as our lethal force to fight crime. It's an unbeatable combination in self-rule, and it is the thing to eliminate if you're a statist."

"This combination of lethal force, knowledge and authority negates the need for so many plans ..." ...

ABC’s June 24 White House broadcast: More press prostitution from network that gave us Sawyer’s bias
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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Call it a reporter’s revulsion, call it confirmation that a major network has sold out to the Obama administration (as if further evidence was necessary after the way the networks treated Barack Obama during last year’s campaign), call it anything you want. You will probably be correct.

But wait a minute...Where was the Republican National Committee...when Sawyer was dismissing and essentially demonizing the notion that armed citizens could defend themselves and others in case of a violent attack?

Jesse Jackson Adds to the Hate
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"And while you're lecturing us on anti-Semites and 'hate speech,' why not also lecture the inhabitants of...what did you call it...?"


"Maybe you can repeat for them how you're 'sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust'...?"

MasterBlaster Bill Worth It After All
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"This is my third column about the infamous administrative rule to allow loaded, concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges, which has evolved into a symbolic and high priority political battle. Both pro-gun and anti-gun advocates seized on it as a way to find out who has the power."

"And now we know. The gun lobby wins, easily, which is no surprise to me."

"I view the passage of HR 627 ... as valuable testimony for my past claims that the war to preserve the sanctity of the Second Amendment has been won. ..."

"Gun rights advocates must – and surely will – remain vigilant, but the victory in the Battle of the National Parks should give them confidence that they have the political force with them." ...

Gun Rulings Open Way to Supreme Court Review
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A year ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark decision establishing the constitutional right of Americans to own guns. But the justices did not explain what the practical effect of that ruling would be on city and state gun laws."

"Could a city still ban handguns? The justices said the District of Columbia could not, but only because it is a special federal district. The question of the constitutionality of existing city and state gun laws was left unanswered."

"That left a large vacuum for the lower courts to fill. Supporters of gun rights filed a flurry of lawsuits to strike down local gun restrictions, and now federal appeals courts have begun weighing in on this divisive issue, using very different reasoning." ...

U.S. courts issue differing gun rulings
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Differing court rulings on the constitutionality of local gun control laws means the issue will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court, analysts say."

"In the wake of last year's landmark High Court ruling establishing the constitutional right of Americans to own guns, lower courts have been issuing conflicting decisions on the practical applications of that interpretation, setting up another possible Supreme Court ruling, The New York Times reported Wednesday."

"Legal experts say the need for further high court clarification on the gun issue became evident when one lower court ruled to uphold the city of Chicago's ban on automatic weapons while another in California disagreed on a similar case. ..." ...

Three slayings, zero talk of gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Three deaths in widely separated parts of the country: Each the work of a single person, each stemming from a different grievance."

"They did have one thing in common: All three victims were killed by a gun (although each by a different type)." ...

"The three gunmen face murder charges, but investigations are continuing, including whether weapons laws were violated. A federal ban on sales of some assault weapons expired in 2004."

Submitter's Note: Your comment is completely irrelevant because the SKS was not one of those weapons.

"... But there has been virtually no discussion of whether the incidents indicate a need for stricter laws to limit access to such weapons – or at least keep better records of who buys or owns them." ...

Guns, guns everywhere
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"First, the victim was George Tiller in Kansas. Then it was Stephen Johns at the Holocaust museum in Washington. Now, it's 15-year-old Will Butler in Valley Station, right here in Louisville." ...

"... Now it looks as if a new federal law will enable you to carry your gun not only in church, but also at national parks. That means that if you're exploring Mammoth Cave, where you could be as far as two miles away from an exit, one of your fellow spelunkers could be carrying a concealed weapon." ...

Submitter's Note: So you are two miles from the nearest phone and a 6'5" thug pulls out an ASP and starts beating on people, you think having a law-abiding permit-holder able to defend you is a bad thing?

TN: Banning Handguns on Beale
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Performa Entertainment Real Estate and the Beale Street Merchants Association failed to convince state lawmakers Beale Street should be exempt as a historical district, they came up with another plan in order to keep guns far away from its restaurants and bars." ...

"Beginning July 17th visitors to Beale Street can expect to be screened with metal detector wands at all entry points. Those enforcing the new ban liken it to the kind of security you experience at the airport." ...

Submitter's Note: In these poor economic times it is good to see a group of businesses thriving to such an extent that they can affored to drive away hundreds of thousands of permit holding potential customers.

WI: Readily accessible guns only would threaten the public
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Virginia Tech. Columbine. A church in Kansas. A Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. A school in Weston. I think that is personal enough."

"Mrs. Dainty, I respect your right to free speech, however I still do not agree with your letter from ... 'Guns provide self-defense and aren't allowed in bars.'"

"When I think about the gun issue, I am thinking about the greater good of all people and not just the good of my family or myself. My family hasn't had to deal with gun violence, thank God. ..."

"... I thought that an individual carrying a loaded weapon, waiting to take justice into their own hands was called vigilantism and was against the law." ...

Submitter's Note: No, it's called 'self-defense' and is not unlawful. Yet.

UT: Concealed weapons permit holder stops would-be robbers
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"A man with a concealed weapons permit stopped two would-be Midvale robbers from making off with his friend's stuff."

"... the men were coming home from an errand around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning when they spotted the suspects with their things. The suspects took off on foot."

"One of the men being robbed grabbed a gun from his truck and started running after them."

"Midvale police Detective Sgt. John Salazar said, 'Grabs a loaded .40-caliber handgun and chases with the gun, shooting rounds either into the air or into the ground as they were chasing.'"

"The gunfire stopped the suspects dead in their tracks. The men held the robbers at gunpoint until police arrived and arrested them." ...

Submitter's note: this is how it should ALWAYS be reported. When the media gets it right, we should give them credit.

Crimes against Senior Citizens show need for defensive arms
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"In the wild, large predators like wolves and lions tend to select old or sick animals from the herd to attack. The reason is simple, these are the weakest animals, increasing the chance of a successful kill and decreasing the chance for injury to the predator."

"It is no different with human predators. ..." ...

FL: Concealed weapons permits on the rise
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"About a month ago, Audry Sauceda was carjacked and fought back."

"'He stuck a gun in my side and told me to get out of the car,' Sauceda said while sharing her story with FOX 13 on May 15. 'And I pulled out my gun and stuck it in his face, and told him, he needed to get out. He screamed and jumped out of the car.'"

"Since the day Abby Griffith saw that news report, she's wondered what she would have done. Her friend, T.J. Sniffen, finally talked her in to coming down to the shooting range."

"'The more he talked about it the more I was like I got to get involved in this,' said Griffith, after firing her first rounds. 'I've got to at least try it, try something new.'" ...

Seattle Mayor Will Take Anti-Gun Agenda to White House, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, newly-elected president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, will be using his new position to push an anti-gun agenda at a White House meeting planned later this summer, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms warned today."

"'Greg Nickels knows he will find a sympathetic ear in the Oval Office for his illegal gun control scheme,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'Like Barack Obama, Mayor Nickels is an opponent of legal concealed carry, and he desperately wants the authority to unilaterally ban the lawful carrying of firearms on public property, regardless of state law and the state and federal constitutional protections of the right to keep and bear arms.'" ...

AZ: Arizona Senate OKs guns in eateries serving booze
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"The Arizona Senate has reversed itself and voted to allow people with concealed-carry permits to take handguns into restaurants that serve alcohol."

"... The bill now goes to the House."

"Arizona law now generally bans possession of firearms in bars and restaurants selling alcohol."

"Under the bill, a permit-holder carrying a weapon into a restaurant serving alcohol would not be allowed to drink. The measure would allow restaurants to deny entry by gun-toting citizens by posting a sign." ...

"Critics say the change is perilous. 'Alcohol and guns do not do well together,' said Sen. Ken Cheuvront, D-Phoenix." ...

Submitter's note: the mindless opposition only has a shallow, weak, and stupid one liner whenever this comes up: "Alcohol and guns do not do well together," How original and deeply thought out. /sarcasm

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Presents Awards to Second Amendment Supporters
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is proud to announce that Assemblywoman Ginny Fields (D-5) is the recipient of the 2009 Legislator of the Year Award. Fields is being honored for her willingness to stand up for the rights of gun owners on the Assembly floor in opposition to the extremist agenda being advanced by New Yorkers Against Gun Violence and their accomplices in the Assembly leadership." ...

Las Vegas Review-Journal editor fights feds
Submitted by: riotboy

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"A Nevada newspaper says it has been served a federal grand jury subpoena seeking information about readers who posted comments on the paper's Web site."

"The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Tuesday that its editor, Thomas Mitchell, plans to fight the request, which the newspaper received after reporting on a federal tax fraud case against business owner Robert Kahre."

"The subpoena seeks the identities and personal information about people who posted comments on the story. ... the subpoena was issued out of concern for jurors' safety."

"Mitchell said anonymous speech is 'a fundamental and historic part of this country.' The newspaper would consider cooperating if specific crimes or real threats were presented, he said." ...

PA: Judge: Officer DUI Case Could Move Forward
Submitted by: jac

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"A police officer charged with DUI appeared in York County court Tuesday."

"Dan Bell, a Columbia Borough police officer, is charged in connection with a May crash. Police said that he crashed his car and left the scene."

"His blood-alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit, investigators said."

"A district judge found that there is enough evidence to move the case forward."

"But Bell's attorney said that the case is not likely to go to trial because Bell is applying for a first offenders program." ...

"Bell was released without bail."

"He was demoted from detective to patrolman." ...

Submitters note: Wow! He was demoted.

What's triggering gun sales?
Submitted by: John Jorgensen/GS2AC

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"The gun crowd has a saying: Guns don't kill; people do."

"But doesn't that just mean that people shouldn't have guns?" ...

"My views on firearms, it turns out, aren't widely shared. In California and the rest of the nation, gun sales are booming, particularly since President Obama's election."

"In California, 314,201 firearms were sold between November 2008 and May of this year ... That's a 32% increase over sales one year earlier for the same period. ..."

"It's no wonder that in February, Obama was awarded the 'Gun Salesman of the Year' award by Outdoor Wire, an Internet news outlet."

"'I think he's got it locked up for 2009, too,' says Jim Shepherd, Outdoor Wire's editor." ...

GA: Glynn County GOP celebrates gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Glynn County Republicans will have a chance to shoot handguns, fire an Uzi, a Thompson submachine gun and other weapons at an event being held to support Second Amendment rights.

The GOP gathering will start Tuesday afternoon at Shooters of America firing range in the coastal county. The local GOP chairman, Ed Gough, said in an e-mail that people will be able to shoot handguns for $20, and for an extra fee can fire the other weapons.

Gough says, "What better way to celebrate a constitutional right than exercise it?"

Ed Tompkins, who owns Shooters of America, said gun ownership is part of the checks and balances in American government, and acts as a protection against tyranny.

NY: Ryan joins gun-control group
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Mayor Matthew T. Ryan has joined a group of 400 U.S. mayors fighting against illegal firearms, the group announced on Tuesday.

Ryan said he was spurred to join Mayors Against Illegal Guns by the April 3 shooting at the American Civic Association, which left 13 victims and the gunman dead.

The group aims to curb gun violence by lobbying for gun law reforms, including closing several “gaps” in the federal background check system, according to a news release.

United Kingdom solves problem of knife wielding thugs
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"England is again at the forefront of safe society: Behold the Stab-resistant Knife! "

"Since the United Kingdom outlawed all guns in 1997, the violent weapon of choice has become the knife. Technology again comes to the aid of society with a blunt-pointed knife! ..."

"Maybe England will start a pointy-knife buy-back program, or provide grants for poor people to buy the blunt knives. That way, if a criminal breaks in and takes their knife, the homeowner can be confident that they will have to be slashed by the edge to be properly killed. There was no mention of the knife's efficacy at beheading."

"The unanswered question is, how do we get the criminals to buy them?"

Submitter's Note: And once we get thugs to buy them, how do we keep them from filing or grinding a point onto them?

24th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I would like to personally invite you to our 24th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), which will be taking place September 25, 26, and 27, 2009 at the Airport Renaissance in St. Louis, Missouri."

"With the new battles over individual rights in the age of terrorism, attacks on our gun rights from the UN as well as a number of Second Amendment cases in the courts, the theme of Challenges Ahead is most important as we set the pro-gun rights agenda for the year to come."

"This year GRPC will be action-packed. With over 50 speakers hand-picked from the leadership of the Gun Rights Movement, the topics to be presented promise to have an impact that will help direct the path of our cause for years to come. ..." ...

A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless. — Justice Antonin Scalia

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