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Newslinks for 6/19/2006

Showdown on Global 'Gun Control' Looming at UN June 24-July 7
Submitted by: News Director

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"They like to avoid the term genocide because it seems to carry an extra measure of opprobrium that offends the governments engaged in such mass murders."

"Whatever you call it, the government-sponsored murder of thousands or even millions of people of one color, religion, cultural difference by another group of a different color, religion or cultural difference is the most heinous kind of genocide.

"These genocidal horrors take place not because of guns, but because one faction fears or hates another, and the one that contributes the bodies of the dead is the one that cannot defend itself. ..."

Feds Go All Out to Kill Spy Suit
Submitted by: Ronin

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"When the government told a court Friday that it wanted a class-action lawsuit regarding the National Security Agency's eavesdropping on Americans dismissed, its lawyers wielded one of the most powerful legal tools available to the executive branch -- the state secrets privilege."

"That privilege allows the government to tell a judge that a civil case may expose information detrimental to national security, and to ask that testimony or documents be hidden or a lawsuit dismissed. That extraordinary executive power was established in English common law and upheld in a 1953 Supreme Court case involving the fatal crash of a secret bomber."


The Call of the Gun Lobby
Submitted by: News Director

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"It is a ghastly fact of public safety that for the past three years the most basic information about illegal gun trafficking in America has been hermetically classified as a state secret... But — shhh — not any more: not since a malleable Congress and administration buttoned up reams of vital information by putting the privacy of unscrupulous gun dealers over the safety of the public."

"And now the Republican-led House is preparing to make the secrecy restrictions even more lunatic by actually leaving police officers subject to felony conviction if they dare to share interesting data on illicit dealers with colleagues in other departments."

Right decision, wrong reason
Submitted by: News Director

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"A federal judge earlier this week slapped down a law enacted last fall by San Francisco voters that made it illegal for any resident of that city to keep a handgun. But although the ruling led to celebration by gun-rights advocates, it was far from being a major victory for Second Amendment rights."

"That's because Superior Court Judge James Warren's ruling was the right decision, but for the wrong reason."

It's time to curb gun trade, says man who invented the AK47
Submitted by: News Director

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"Yesterday, a week before a UN conference on the small arms trade begins in New York, he added his voice to growing calls for an international treaty that would curb sales of his own creation. 'I don’t worry when my guns are used for national liberation or defence,' he told The Times. 'But when I see how peaceful people are killed and wounded by these weapons, I get very distressed and upset. I calm down by telling myself that I invented this gun 60 years ago to protect the interests of my country.'"

DC: Cop's Gun Found In Home Searched For Escapees
Submitted by: News Director

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"When two escapees from the DC Jail were still on the loose, police raided a home on W street Northwest. They didn't find the suspects. But in that home, they found a gun that looked awfully familiar."

"It was a Glock 17, reported stolen earlier this year by DC police Lt. Teresa Brown in the Fourth District. And guess where the gun was reported stolen from? The Fourth District police station."

LA: Man’s arrest on gun charge prompts lawsuit
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Baton Rouge man has filed a civil rights lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the Gonzales Police Department, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office and five Gonzales police officers."

"In the lawsuit, Mark Edward Marchiafava claims he was the victim of false arrest, false imprisonment, assault and battery and unlawful seizure of property."

NC: National Guard Soldier Arrested In Standoff
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Spokesperson with the Belmont Police Department says that Jason Andrew Martin is now in the Gaston County Jail. Martin is charged with discharging a firearm into an occupied dwelling, discharging a firearm within city limits, and damage to property."

"Police took pictures of about a dozen guns found inside Martin's home. There was also a number of knives and boxes of ammunition found."

"Police say that Martin is a National Guard Soldier, but have yet to release a motive for the standoff."

OH: Cop wanted on gun charge
Submitted by: News Director

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"An oft-troubled Canton police officer is in hot water — again."

"Anthony D. Jackson, 36, is wanted on felony charges accusing him of carrying a concealed weapon and illegally having a gun inside a bar."

SC: Gun violence -- who's to blame?
Submitted by: News Director

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"A teen is shot dead outside a party, a bullet in the head. Nobody has been caught. A 52-year-old man shoots a friend three times in the deep of night, police say. Bullets in the chest and head. One of York County's most beloved principals, a lady who gave her whole adult life to other people's kids, is shot twice by her own daughter, police say."

"All in York County in the past several weeks."

"If whomever shot that teen didn't have a gun, maybe the teen wouldn't be dead. Might be the same for the dead man. Or the wounded principal."

'Assault weapon' definition has been altered by liberals (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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An assault rifle is a term that describes a type of automatic rifle with selective fire control. The term was coined during World War II to describe any firearm used to "assault" the enemy.

Through the liberal media it is now used to describe any weapon that cosmetically appears military. This is not technically correct as a true assault rifle can fire more than one round with a single pull of the trigger. It is called a machine gun.

Support your Second Amendment and ban criminals -- not guns. You may own an "assault weapon" and not even know it. If the liberals have their way, you may have to give up your semi-auto deer rifle. Think about it.

UK: Sick 7/7 toy gun stunt
Submitted by: News Director

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"PRANKSTERS planning a sick game of 'assassin' during the first anniversary of the 7/7 attacks risk being shot DEAD by cops."

"More than 120 idiots armed with water pistols plan to 'kill' targets in London streets, close to the scenes of terror atrocities."

"Organisers of StreetWars Killer want “assassins” to dress in disguise and lurk in bushes before attacking strangers with water pistols. But Scotland Yard fears cops could mistake toy guns for real ones and shoot the players."

Canada: Tories confident long-gun legislation will pass
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Conservative justice minister believes Tory legislation to abolish the long gun registry -- set to be introduced as early as Tuesday -- will pass when it is voted on in the fall."

"However, Vic Toews admits it may come down to a margin of just a few votes."

"MPs won't be able to vote on the bill until the fall, when the House of Commons resumes from its summer break."

PA: Tom Ferrick Jr.: Hold Harrisburg's feet to fire on guns
Submitted by: News Director

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"I have two candidates for NRA-sponsored pistol training."

"It's the two bad guys who showed up Tuesday night in the 2100 block of Sigel Street in South Philly, drew their handguns, and started shooting."

"They missed each other by a mile, but did manage to hit 4-year-old Nashay Little, who was playing in the street."

"Nashay went down with a bullet in her leg that severed a major artery. She was rushed to the hospital, where she remains in critical condition."

AZ: Mack Daddy for Senate (Blog)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Meet 'Sheriff' Richard Mack: FBI Academy graduate, former militiaman and devout Mormon. Mack’s Libertarian Party leanings run the gamut. Down with leftie love, he wants to legalize marijuana and pimp-slap Sen. Orrin Hatch out of office. Uptight and right, Mack wants to can government welfare, public schools and public Section 8 housing. If Mack had his way, charity would be the sole domain of churches and private nonprofits."

"'The bottom line is, I don’t fit the mold,” he says."

"...He’ll be running against Democrat Jim Pederson from Phoenix, a shopping center developer and former state Democrat chairman as well as the incumbent Republican Jon Kyl, also from Phoenix."

"Rights of the citizen declared to be --".
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"Take a close look, if you will, at the photo copied page below. The copy is of Page XV from Volume I of Elliot's Debates from our United States Government website 'The Library of Congress' which has a section named 'American Memory', (linked to actual page). Pay particular attention to the second line down, (on the left hand side). Which reads 'Rights of the citizen declared to be --'. Then look at the fourth line down below the aforementioned heading that reads 'To keep and bear arms'. Below the photo copy is a description of Elliot's Debates, also directly quoted from the United States government website."

"Below the photo copied page, and United States government description of Elliot's Debates, you will find pertinent quotes from one of the Debates that covered our Second Amendment Right in detail. After which, you will discover quotes from the top, and highly respected, U.S. Constitutional legal authorities. These quotations prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the government(s) have no authority whatsoever over the Right of The People to Keep and Bear Arms. That this was one of the specific rights that was set aside, and reserved exclusively, by We The People."

Guyana: 'Cop pointed gun directly at me' -shot Enmore teen says
Submitted by: News Director

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"Suchand Bachan says that the rank who shot him while he was on a visit to the Enmore Police Station had pointed his weapon directly at him." ...

"Reports are that the policeman was cleaning his gun when it accidentally went off and shot Bachan in the lower abdomen."

NC: Legislation takes aim at loophole in gun law
Submitted by: News Director

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"By all accounts, Marty Houglan shouldn't have been able to buy a gun in November 2003. At the request of his family, the Guilford County Sheriff's Office had put him on a list of those not to be issued gun-purchase permits."

"But by using the address of a temporary residence in Lenoir County, the mentally ill Greensboro native was able to get a new driver's license and gun permit there. He took the permit to a Greensboro gun shop, where he bought a .38 special and ammunition."

"Two months later, he shot himself in the head. Houglan died at Moses Cone Hospital."

CA: Every gun off the street means one less tragedy
Submitted by: News Director

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"Some gun advocates are convinced buybacks have no effect whatsoever -- or worse, a negative effect. Those at the opposite end of the conversation, including many in law enforcement, believe that simple, sustained subtraction reduces crime over time."

"Jack Smith Jr. likes to think of himself as somewhere in the middle. He's not out to change the world, not out to irritate the NRA, not out to mess with anyone's Second Amendment rights. He's just sick of all the senseless death."

FL: Sarasota resident awarded for sharing basics of hunting
Submitted by: News Director

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"Talk to East Manatee hunter safety instructor Dave Klein, and the fact he savors and utilizes Florida's outdoors surges to the surface. He easily recounts the highs and lows of the recent speckled perch season at Okeechobee along with tales of big bass and memories of deer and hog hunting in East Manatee and about the continent. He pridefully brings up trips during which he introduced young friends and kin to the outdoors and what those young individuals accomplished."

"For 13 years, Klein has focused on passing on the basics of hunting ethics and firearm safety to classes all over this part of the state and was recently named Florida's 2006 'Hunter Safety Instructor of the Year.'"

CA: Middle School Students Arrested After Gun Found at Graduation
Submitted by: News Director

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"Officials and parents at a Sunnyvale middle school are relieved that an 8th grade graduation ceremony didn't turn deadly."

"Three middle school students were arrested after police found a loaded semiautomatic handgun in a backpack at Adair Community Day School."

"Two of the school's graduates were questioned by police and admitting stashing the weapon under some bushes to protect themselves from a rival gang. A student from a San Jose middle school also was arrested."

Canada: Pellet guns leave the realm of child's play
Submitted by: News Director

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"Montreal police Constable Giovanni Di Legge, who works out of LaSalle, is all too familiar with the trouble caused by BB guns."

"'There was an incident not long ago at a local bus stop,' he said. 'A woman saw a teenager get on a city bus with what looked like a real gun tucked into his pants. She was terrified.'"

"Refusing to get on the bus, the woman called police."

"'When the police station gets a call that somebody's out there with a firearm, it's Priority One,' Di Legge said. 'A group of officers was dispatched. They stopped the bus, got on and approached the teenager.'"

"Only then could they see that the weapon was a BB gun."

Iraq: Ammo Easily Obtained on Black Market
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"A new report by aid agency Oxfam International on the global ammunition trade shows that new ammunition supplies are widely available on the Baghdad black market."

"Published Thursday, the report says bullets are most likely smuggled into Iraq through neighboring countries or leaked from supplies imported to equip the new Iraqi security forces."

NY: Pataki Proposes Stronger Penalties For Firearms Offenses
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Under new legislation being proposed by Gov. George E. Pataki, the New York State Penal Law would be amended to ensure that those who commit a violent felony offense or a drug felony offense while in possession of a firearm, are sentenced to an additional and mandatory consecutive sentence."

"Additionally, the bill would make the criminal possession of a loaded firearm a class C violent felony offense, punishable by a term of imprisonment of between 3 ½ to 15 years."

NC: Gun crimes' impact (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Contrary to a June 12 People's Forum letter-writer, there is definitely such a thing as 'crime gun.' That is a gun that is used in the commission of a crime.
No one wants to obstruct 'law-abiding citizens' from owning guns. But had laws been in place on July 1, 2002 to remove all guns from the possession of Alan Douglas Gates, who was not a 'law-abiding citizen' and had not been law-abiding for many years, my precious ones would still be here with their loving families (Feb. 13, 2003 news story 'Killer gets 3 life sentences, no parole')."

"The more laws passed and enforced to keep guns out of the hands of people who have a tendency or history of violence and are not 'law-abiding,' the better. ..."

Canada: Up in arms over amnesty issues
Submitted by: News Director

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"Nearly 300 firearms, 49 non-firearms, and 6,713 rounds of ammunition were taken out of B.C. homes by police in the first week of June. But not through the all-too-common house raids, which often net drugs and weapons from criminals."

"These items were handed over as part of the current gun amnesty – firearms and bullets no longer needed or wanted by their owner. For the entire month of June, residents of B.C. in possession of any type of unwanted gun or ammunition can have the items picked up and destroyed, without fearing the law. The end result, says solicitor general John Les, is a lower number of guns kicking around in our homes, which could be susceptible to theft."

UK: Grieving parents want arms treaty
Submitted by: News Director

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"A couple whose toddler son was shot dead as he lay sleeping in his pushchair is calling on governments to unite to crush the small arms trade."

"David and Ozlem Grimason made the plea after a harrowing visit to Africa where they saw first-hand the devastation left by illegal weapons."

"Their call also comes ahead of a United Nations world conference on the small arms trade next week."

FL: To reduce gun crime, attack it from all sides
Submitted by: News Director

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"It's too early to say whether the highest increase in violence in 15 years is a blip or trend. Some criminologists worry that the focus on anti-terrorism neglects street crime. Certainly in Palm Beach County, adjoining neighborhoods in West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach have become two of the state's worst places for gun violence." ...

"Counting on lawmakers won't work, either. Congress is actually considering two bills that would make it more difficult for the government to shut down corrupt gun dealers and harder for police to trace weapons."

UK: Doctor is banned over gun smuggling
Submitted by: News Director

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"A GERMAN prison doctor who worked in the North-East has been banned from practising over a previous conviction for smuggling guns disguised as ball-point pens."

"The General Medical Council (GMC) heard that Dr Rudolf Peitel, who worked at Holme House Prison, in Stockton, was convicted in 1993 of trying to bring firearms into Germany from Pakistan."

"Peitel, 57, later came to the UK to practise and took on roles through an agency."

"The hearing concluded yesterday that the convictions meant Peitel's fitness to practise in the UK was impaired."

Recognize need for firepower (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"In Todd Jackson's letter he indicates there is no need for assault weapons. He's wrong. He, like many liberals, is propagandizing simply to chastise and blame the Republicans." ...

"There are legitimate uses of these so-called assault weapons: Aside from the need for equal firepower in self-defense (especially post-9-11) and plinking, those like the M-14 and AR-15 are used in state and national matches (e.g., Camp Perry). Mr. Jackson, what happens if these weapons are banned?"

MI: Sound of gunfire riles neighbors
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Char Carlson is tired of ducking at the sound of gunfire while grilling in the back yard."

"But the man who is the source of the gunfire said he is not doing anything illegal. Local authorities still are not sure."

MI: Would gun buyback increase peace?
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"In response to recent gun violence that has killed four people and injured many more, a Kent County commissioner wants to take firearms off the streets by buying them and offering limited immunity to illegal owners."

"Commissioner Paul Mayhue is urging the public to send money to the Kent County Sheriff's Department. He is concerned about months of violence on the Southeast Side of Grand Rapids." ...

"Police Chief Harry Dolan is skeptical. Studies show buyback programs don't get the right weapons off the street, he said, and gang members would not surrender their firearms."

UK: Why every home in Britain should have a Taser gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"It is not fair to expect law-abiding home-owners in pyjamas to confront burglars with their bare hands, writes DAVID DAVIES. They should be able to carry electronic stun guns to protect themselves."

I do believe that where there is a choice only between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908 [by an Indian extremist opposed to Gandhi's agreement with Smuts], whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defend me, I told him it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. Hence it was that I took part in the Boer War, the so-called Zulu Rebellion and [World War I]. Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Young India, August 11, 1920 from Fischer, Louis ed.,The Essential Gandhi, 1962

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