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Newslinks for 6/19/2012

Blogger Vanderboegh reports ‘Gunwalker’ link to Obama’s ‘tough guy’ advisor
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"This, the third scoop ignored by 'Authorized Journalist' media in less than a week by the Pinson, Ala., blogger, places one more circumstantial piece of an incomplete picture puzzle on the desk in the Oval Office."

Submitter's Note: Includes link to an in-depth discussion on "Armed American Radio" with host Mark Walters.

Issa tells Holder ‘full compliance’ needed to avert contempt vote
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'There is nothing extraordinary about an offer from a Federal agency to fully or partially respond to a subpoena,' Issa cautioned the attorney general..."

Ninth Circuit to DEA: Putting a Gun to an 11-Year-Old's Head Is Not OK
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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The agents entered the 14-year-old girl’s room first, shouting “Get down on the fucking ground.” The girl, who was lying on her bed, rolled onto the floor, where the agents handcuffed her. Next they went to the 11-year-old’s room. The girl was sleeping. Agents woke her up by shouting “Get down on the fucking ground.” The girl’s eyes shot open, but she was, according to her own testimony, “frozen in fear.” So the agents dragged her onto the floor. While one agent handcuffed her, another held a gun to her head."

MD: Teen's death raises awareness to black powder rifles
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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FALLSTON, Md. - Joshua Eisner loved to re-enact the Civil War. So at age 13, his father's best friend bought him a black powder gun.

He would take it to Gettysburg in uniform. His parents thought they were being safe.

"I never showed him how to load that and he always kept the weapon at my house and kept the gunpowder at her house so they were never at the same place at the same time," said Andy Eisner, Joshua’s father.

But a week ago, the 14 year old shot himself with that same rifle. There was no note left behind, but investigators call it suicide.

The Latest Crime-Solving Technique the Gun Lobby Doesn’t Like
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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It sounds like something from a futuristic thriller: police pick up spent bullet shells, find a tiny code on them that reveals what gun they were shot from and then use the ID to track down the killer. The technology to do this, called microstamping, is actually available today, but what’s stopping it from being used — and many criminals from being caught — is politics.

PA: Off-duty Clifton cop surrenders after 10-hour standoff in Pa.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Armed with several high-powered rifles and a bullet-proof vest, an off-duty New Jersey police officer turned a quiet Pennsylvania street into a tense battlefield yesterday, injuring one officer during a 10-hour standoff that ended shortly before midnight.
Clifton police officer Richard Klementovich, 42, barricaded himself in the Doylestown home of his estranged wife and fired several rounds from a rifle at police hours before surrendering to a negotiator around 11:45 p.m. Sunday, according to Chief David Mettin of the Pennridge Regional Police Department.

NY: In western New York, a Republican primary about Michael Bloomberg
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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David Bellavia, a pro-life, pro-gun Republican running for Congress in western New York, is hoping to get a boost from Mayor Michael Bloomberg. In recent weeks, Bloomberg has loomed over the Republican primary, as Bellavia has accused his favored opponent, former Erie county executive Chris Collins, of being insufficiently supportive of the Second Amendment, citing Collins' brief membership in a Bloomberg-led effort to curb the spread of illegal guns, and suggesting in campaign materials that Collins is sympathetic to the mayor's agenda.

FL: FBI queried gun dealers in Zimmerman case
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Another batch of evidence was delivered to the defense in the George Zimmerman murder trial, including records that show up to 10 FBI agents probed the case interviewing local gun dealers.

IL: More Killed in Chicago This Year Than Afghanistan -- Jarrett Wedding Assigned 200 Cops
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As many as 200 Chicago police officers were assigned to provide extra security for the wedding of White House adviser Valerie Jarrett’s daughter, despite the fact that this year Windy City residents have been slain in greater numbers than U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Life in an anti-gun paradise.

WA: Seattle crackdown on armed criminals has roots in gun community
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The City of Seattle, King County Prosecutor’s Office, local police agencies and the U.S. Attorney’s office have announced they are going on the warpath against armed criminals, without a single acknowledgement that their new strategy is based on programs supported by or created by the firearms community.

TX: Texas man in ‘Stand Your Ground’ case could get life
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Johnson told jurors prosecutors don’t have any problems with guns in Texas.

“But with that comes a lot of responsibility. It has to be used as a last resort,” she said.

Grant Scheiner, a Houston criminal defense attorney who was not involved in the case but who followed it, said a conviction in a case like Rodriguez’s might prompt some clarification of Texas’ stand-your-ground law that would more clearly define what it means to provoke someone. But he said he didn’t foresee major changes in the law.

FL: Guns in Flagler Parks? Sure. Public Buildings? Absolutely. The County Airport? No Problem.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Those words familiar to anyone entering Flagler County public buildings–”No weapons, or items that may be used as weapons, are permitted in this facility”–are about to come down from most of the doors where they’re stenciled, including for the majority of the county government building in Bunnell. That means people legally carrying weapons may still carry them into county commission offices, the offices of constitutional officers such as the tax collector, the property appraiser and the supervisor of elections.

MI: Do I Retake the Michigan CPL Course Each Time I Renew My Concealed Pistol License
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to MCL 28.425l(7): “The educational requirements under section 5b(7)(c) for an applicant who is applying for a renewal of a license under this act are waived except that the applicant shall certify that he or she has completed at least 3 hours’ review of the training described under section 5b(7)(c) and has had at least 1 hour of firing range time in the 6 months immediately preceding the subsequent application.”

Judical Watch Sues for Info About Fast and Furious Connection to White House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Judicial Watch, an organization dedicated to busting government corruption, has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The lawsuit, Judicial Watch v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, seeks all communications records between ATF officials and Kevin O'Reilly, former Obama White House Director of North American Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council.

WI: Winnebago County DA wants his gun in courthouse
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Winnebago County district attorney plans to file a petition with the state Supreme Court on Monday asking that he be allowed to carry his gun in the county courthouse.

County judges have said District Attorney Christian Gossett can’t take a gun to work without the written permission of the presiding judge or court commissioner.

But Gossett, a Republican elected in 2006, contends the order contradicts the concealed carry law passed last year. It allows district attorneys and their assistant prosecutors to carry guns in courthouses if they have concealed weapon permits, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentin

WA: Feds pledge to prosecute Seattle gun crimes to highest degree
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Federal prosecutors said Monday they will use their jurisdiction to take on all of Seattle's gun cases to send a message to criminals.

"Today we want to send a very clear message: If you bring a gun to a crime you will do time, and you will likely will do federal time," said U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkin.

Support to curb Seattle's gun violence will come through pressing maximum federal prison time upon those who commit gun crimes and strict supervision of convicted felons.

NY: Was Shooting Involving Security Guard Self Defense? Avoidable?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Witnesses say Paul Ravenel charged the security guard with a knife earlier that night. After he was disarmed he vowed to come back again with a gun.

Police were called, but an arrest never happened. Reasons why are unclear. What is clear is that Ravenel made good on his threat to return to the apartments on Chestnut Street in Rochester.

“He was doing his job for everyone who lived here,” says resident Robert Rodgers, about the security guard. Rodgers says he was being harassed by Ravenel, a man he’s seen before.

Microstamp technology is ineffective for law enforcement
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Independent studies by the National Academy of Science, by the University of California at Davis, and by George Krivosta of the American Society of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners concluded the technology is underdeveloped, producing inaccurate results that are easily circumvented, either on purpose or by simple use of the firearm within a few number of rounds fired. Mandates to use this technology come from its sole-source inventor who stands to benefit substantially when firearm manufacturers must come to him to learn how to apply microstamping to their products. The cost of $12 per gun comes from advocates of the technology. Firearm manufacturers estimate the cost at around $200 per gun.

IL: 35 Hurt, 7 Killed in Chicago Shootings -- Weekend violence didn't stop for President Barack Obama's Chicago visit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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President Barack Obama's visit to Chicago didn't stop another violent weekend. ...
Last weekend, 46 people were hurt and eight killed across Chicago. The previous weekend, 29 were injured and three were killed in shootings.
"None of it is OK," Supt. Garry McCarthy told NBC Chicago last week.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Garry McCarthy, formerly of the Newark, New Jersey, and New York City Police Departments, from whence he brought his hoplophobic mindset, is having equal success in his latest assignment.

Latest Drop in U.S. Murder Rate Will Confound Critics of Self-Defense Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Giving a positive character to the old expression, “same old stuff,” this week the FBI preliminarily reported that violent crime has dropped yet again – for the 18th time in the last 20 years.

According to the report, the estimated annual number of murders dropped 1.9 percent from 2010 to 2011 which, given the increase in the U.S. population during the year, would translate into a drop of between 2.5-3 percent in the per capita rate of murders.

Federal Bill Seeks to Penalize Stand Your Ground States
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) represents the Miami-area congressional district that Trayvon Martin was living in when he was fatally shot in alleged self-defense by George Zimmerman, sparking a nationwide debate on 'Stand Your Ground' laws.

Wilson is now seeking to politically capitalize on the debate by introducing a proposed federal bill that would punish states that allow legally armed citizens to defend themselves.

Wilson's bill, of course, has no chance of passing in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives. Wilson knows that. She also knows that the ploy will play well in her district.

Sportsmen's Act would create greater access
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 is being called the most important legislation for sportsmen in many years.

At its core, this act preserves and enhances the rights of sportsmen to access public lands. Access is the most important issue for sportsmen.

Gordon Robertson, vice president of the American Sportfishing Association, said, "The Sportsmen's Act of 2012 is the largest, most diverse pro-sportsmen legislative package introduced in recent memory."

Equally important parts deal with conservation of habitat.

TX: Handgun clinic in Fort Worth draws dozens of women
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Heather, a newlywed of 10 months, started shooting with her husband about six months ago.

Shanna has been handling guns since she was a child.

Carole took up shooting after her grandfather left her a CZ (and no, that's not short for a phony diamond). She decided that if she was going to have a gun in the house, by golly she was going to know how to use it.

These women were three of the more than 50 who attended Saturday's DIVA-WOW (Women Outdoors Worldwide)/XS Sights advanced handgun clinic at Fort Worth's Winchester Gallery.

TN: Defending The Sheriff's Posse
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In recent days, I have been taking a lot of heat from some in the print media regarding my stand on commission cards, special deputies and the Sheriff’s Posse. I normally refrain from commenting publicly about such articles, because I realize everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, as an elected individual, I know I am fair game. This time, however; I feel I need to defend this matter more vigorously.

Unfortunately, there are those in our community who strongly oppose our Second Amendment right to bear arms in order to protect our lives. Fortunately for us, Tennessee and Hamilton County have a rich history regarding the right to bear arms.

ATF whistleblower speaks as contempt vote looms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Northwest gun rights activists following Operation Fast and Furious got a treat very early Monday – just 48 hours before a scheduled contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder – when Fox News’ William La Jeunesse was told by whistleblower John Dodson that it’s time for that vote, the investigation has dragged on long enough.

When you disarm your subjects, you offend them by showing that either from cowardliness or lack of faith, you distrust them; and either conclusion will induce them to hate you. — NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI

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