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Newslinks for 6/19/2013

Bloomberg bus to stop in N.H. after cops called on activists in Conn.
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "With schedule information being parceled out like this, gun owners who wish to go show support for the right to keep and bear arms will need to scramble if any type of organized counter-protest is to occur." ...

Reese lawyers reply to prosecutor move to deny assets for defense
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "For their part, the Reese family is preparing for the new trial the prosecutors would deny them, and need funds released so they can defend themselves against a legal opponent that enjoys virtually unlimited resources, and that has tried to further add to the family's crushing financial burden by moving to deny them the right to joint representation of their choosing." ...

This is why everyone should have a revolver.
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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"I am typing this with one hand, perhaps something more familiar to those who have not been typing since they were 10 years old. The day before my birthday my left hand started hurting enough for me to stop using it. I could not extend my fingers or make a fist. My guess is that between work and blogging, I was spending too much time at the keyboard combined with an extensive shooting session. I did my usual web research and came to the conclusion it was tendonitis, a condition that would require taking an over the counter inflammatory and using ice packs. Seems to be working but it got me started thinking about something I have written about; why all seniors should have at least one revolver." ...

JPFO offers chance to win gun denied to NYPD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Your chances to win a Serbu BFG-50A rifle are dwindling with each passing moment if Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Executive Director Charles Heller’s predictions are correct." ...

Browsing Holland & Holland’s New York City Gun Room
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the last few years, I’ve walked into more gun stores than I can remember. Tiny shops and big box stores, from Fairfax, Virginia to Portland, Oregon. But the moment I stepped into Holland & Holland’s gun room in New York City, I knew that I’d stepped into a whole different class of gun store, one where I would be lucky to ever be able to buy even a used gun off the rack . . ." ...

Natalie Foster: Using the Abused (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Daily Digest: Is Anyone Surprised? Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The California senate has approved a bill that requires background checks and a $50 fee to purchase ammo. Senator Tom Berryhill objected: 'SB 53 will do nothing to stop criminals from purchasing ammunition… These restrictions – like most of the gun legislation we are seeing here today – won’t do a thing to stop crime. They will only hurt the law abiding citizens like hunters and sportsmen who, for the record, contribute millions to the state’s economy.' But none of that matters in The People’s Republic of California as they continue to jockey for position with New York to be the state that tramples the Second Amendment into oblivion first. And speaking of New York . . ." ...

Ice-T Narrates Gun Control Film Focusing On Civil Rights
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Dead Patriot Films presents 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire' – a 79-minute, PG-13 documentary narrated by Ice-T that brings audiences to the center of the controversy over an issue that is dividing our nation – gun control."

"The film takes a step back from the public discourse on limiting magazine capacity and defining assault rifles. Instead, 'Assaulted' offers a unique historical perspective on the Second Amendment’s significance, taking a critical and objective look at the current gun laws, and the effect on civil rights and liberty." ...

Why I got my CCW Permit and Why You Should Too
Submitted by: mike

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... "... I take exception to the notion that Society somehow needs to be protected from me because I might carry a gun."

"Actually, I am a responsible, mature man, an adult, and I resent like hell being treated as if I am somehow untrustworthy and suspect. It judges me, and millions like me, as weak and without moral and intellectual vigor. It tells me that my affinity for guns and my desire to carry one is a suspicious problem that requires legislation, registration, and control. And it is demeaning." ...

'Great New Orleans Gun Grab' author part of gun-rights documentary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new documentary prominently featuring a book by former Louisiana Sportsman editor Todd Masson and Gordon Hutchinson will show in theaters across the country in the next couple of months."

"'The Great New Orleans Gun Grab' exposed the attacks on gun owners and resulting confiscation of privately-owned firearms by civil authorities in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005."

"The movie — 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire' — started as a documentary for national public television by two-time Emmy-award-winning director Kris Koenig." ...

Learn why we have the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Response to Leigh Nielsen’s letter to the editor (Herald, June 14). Does she really believe voiding our Second Amendment rights will take guns out of the criminals’ hands? According to the Chicago Tribune, statistics prove that cities and states with stricter gun controls have the most murder and mayhem. Hello!"

"As Lucius Annaeus said, '... Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est,' – a sword never kills anybody; it’s a tool in the killer’s hands.'" ...

‘Pro-Gun’ Ricin mailer turns out to be Hollywood anti-gunner
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "All three letters tested positive for ricin ... But the publicity over the letters wasn’t what the putative sender might have expected. Glaze, Bloomberg, and Obama, and their partisans and the media (but we repeat ourselves!) received the news with something approximating delight. The letters were proof that gun owners were murderous, insurrectionist sickos, fully deserving the IRS audits and whatever other miseries federal authorities could bring down on them. Editorials and 'news analyses' ... piled imprecations on the presumed facilitator and enabler of this act of terrorism: the NRA, naturally."

"Meanwhile, the actual investigation took another turn." ...

Rick Perry wooing gun makers is slap in the face to Sandy Hook families
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So now Rick Perry ventures to Connecticut, little more than six months after a crazed gunman carried out a massacre that left 20 children and six educators dead at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. What does Perry do? He tells gun manufacturers that they can escape all of that pesky regulation that Connecticut has instituted to prevent future such massacres. All they need to do is move to Texas."

"For all his efforts and Texas taxpayer expense, it looks like Perry might lure a whopping 270 jobs down to Texas. But the message he sent to those poor families in Newtown was: Rick Perry is someone you can rely upon to capitalize on your grief to bolster his political image." ...

Submitter's Note: A serious case of the pot calling the kettle black.

After Gun Vote, Giffords Group Slams Pro-Gun Republicans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Democrats reel from last week's defeat of a critical Senate amendment strengthening background check laws for gun buyers, Americans for Responsible Solutions, the gun safety group founded by Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly, is out with new ads targeting two Republican senators who voted against the measure."

"The ads, first featured in Politico, target embattled Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., for voting against the bipartisan measure, which fell six votes short of passage in the Senate last week." ...

OH: Anti-Abortion Group In Ohio Is Fundraising By Selling Assault Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Personhood Ohio, a far-right group attempting to outlaw all abortions by defining life as beginning at conception, is still attempting to get a 'personhood' amendment on the state ballot after falling short last year. And the leader of the group, Patrick Johnston, is trying out a few creative fundraising efforts to raise money for Personhood Ohio’s outreach efforts."

"In a recent email blast, Johnston asked his fellow Ohioans to help support his personhood cause by buying some assault weapons from his personal collection. 'I’m selling some of my favorite things — some powerful rifles and ammo,' the Personhood Ohio director wrote." ...

CO: Stop telling lies (sixth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have heard all kinds of talk that recent gun-related legislation is taking away 'my constitutional, God-given right' to bear arms under the Second Amendment. If your Second Amendment constitutional right is to sell an AR-15 assault rifle with a bump stock, a 7-power scope and 10 30-round magazines filled with hollow-point bullets to a restraining-ordered, wife-assaulting convicted felon, out of the trunk of your car, then maybe your rights are being trampled. Otherwise, all of this rhetoric about Second Amendment rights is a big steaming, stinking pile of male bovine excrement." ...

CA: OFA Gun Control Rally in San Bernardino Draws 3 Protesters
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last week, Obama's political action arm, Organizing For Action, held rallies throughout the country advocating for stricter gun laws. Their rallies drew small numbers as seen here and here."

"We can thank the vigilant San Bernardino Sun for putting a spotlight on perhaps the smallest of the rallies." ...

"OFA, by the way, is a 501 (c) (4) group that was able to swiftly obtain its tax exempt status, earlier this year." ...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: Tony G.’s Anti-Williams Addendum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The response to our content contest so far has been, to coin a phrase, fast and furious. It seems that the prospect of adding an FNS-9 to your safe has been almost as inspiring as patriotic swimwear. And given the quality of what we’ve received, it only seems right to share some of the best so far. We’ll present them here largely unedited other than some minor formatting and tweaks for readability. So to kick things off, here’s Tony G.’s entry which was apparently inspired by RF’s post yesterday."

"Mr. Byron Williams,

I trust that you have read the District of Columbia v. Heller in full. If you haven’t it’s here. You’ll clearly see the Supreme Court didn’t arbitrarily rule the way it did without doing their homework . . ." ...

Testing A Bullet Resistant Mercedes S600 (video available)
Submitted by: Dan F.

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... "Bullet resistant cars (like water resistant watches) are pretty good at keeping passengers and hired drivers safe from bullets. Most people just assume this to be true, but who really tests this process? The guys from Car Throttle recently got there hands on a Mercedes S600 Guard edition, and decided to test it. Rather than put a few cameras inside the cab, they put in a live person with cameras. Sound stupid? It's because it is dangerous, and they can't fit the description of how you died on your tombstone." ...

Supreme Court: You Must Invoke Your Right to STFU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the video above, the non-attorney spokesman advises citizens that 'you can simply remain silent' during police questioning. Not anymore you can’t. 'In a 5-4 ruling on Salinas v. Texas in which the conservative members of the Court and Anthony Kennedy determined that if you remain silent before police read your Miranda rights, that silence can and will be held against you,' as Alexander Abad-Santos at reports. And that means 'if you’re ever in any trouble with police and want to keep your mouth shut, you will need to announce that you’re invoking your Fifth Amendment right instead of, you know, just keeping your mouth shut.' The majority ruling held . . ." ...

FNS-9 Contest Entry: How A Gun Made Tank03 a Better American
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I live in New Hampshire, the 'Live Free or Die' state, but I never knew how precious that sentiment was until I got my first handgun. Here is the story:"

"One pleasant April day my wife got a phone call from a neighbor down the street; they found our dog running around the streets and took him in for us until either my wife or I could leave work to collect him. The question however, was that since we left the dog locked up in the house when we left in the morning how did he get out? Since my wife worked closer to home than I, she left work and went to the house to find out how the dog got out, and upon arrival at home she discovered our backdoor kicked in . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: 3 Rules to Defend Against Home Invasions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Police are looking for two men who knocked on the man’s door about 8:30 a.m.,' reports. 'One of the men punched the resident in the face as they forced their way into the home. After stuffing unspecified property into backpacks, they tied a plastic bag over the victim’s head and struck him several times with the tire iron.' Unspecified eh? The kind you smoke or snort? Setting aside the vic’s theoretical involvement in the illegal drug trade, we can learn from his series of unfortunate events. There are three main takeaways for people who don’t wish to to know what it’s like to have someone beating on your head with a solid object in the former privacy and comfort of your own home . . ." ...

OR: Some Oregon residents arm themselves on 'Glock blocks' amid rising crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Crime in an Oregon county has reportedly gotten so bad that residents are vowing to protect themselves on so-called 'Glock blocks' instead of awaiting authorities to respond."

" reports that Coy Tolonen, who lives in unincorporated Clackamas County, and a group of Jennings Lodge residents are responding to escalating crime in their neighborhood by posting fliers that read: 'This is a Glock block. We don’t call 911.'" ...

My Month With a Gun: Week One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My hands are shaking; my adrenaline is surging."

"No, it’s not from the latte I just inhaled or because this is the first time in two years I’ve been in a Starbucks since declaring a boycott on its open-carry gun policy."

"What’s got me jittery this morning is the 9mm Glock that’s holstered on my hip. Me, lead gun policy protester at the 2010 Starbuck’s shareholder meeting. Me, a board member of the Brady Campaign. Me, the author of a book about the impact of gun violence ..." ...

Ms. Magazine‘s ‘My Month with a Gun’ Story Shooting Blanks?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ms. Magazine’s Heidi Yewman writes about her harrowing experience obtaining a Glock pistol and a concealed carry permit. You can almost hear her labored breathing and see the sweat drip as she writes about it." ...
"It was obvious from the way I handled the gun that I knew nothing about firearms. Tony sold it to me anyway."
"What else was he supposed to do? As an adult, it’s Yewman’s responsibility to become familiar with the product she is buying. This may strike some as too basic to bother writing, but gun dealers do not exist to stop adults from buying guns. That isn’t their job. Every gun dealer I have ever dealt with has been more than happy to explain anything and everything, if you ask. ... They take the mystery out of it all. If you ask. ..." ...

Illinois AG seeks to deny forcibly disarmed young woman her day in court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, we looked at Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan's latest maneuvers intended to minimize Illinoisans' Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. Or perhaps that it is not her latest maneuver. As it turns out, she has also been busy lately trying to persuade the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois to dismiss an 18-year-old woman's lawsuit over the state's refusal to issue her a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card, required in Illinois for purchase or possession of guns and ammunition. ..." ...

Illinois AG wants yet more time to decide on how to restrict armed self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back at the beginning of May, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an extension of the May 23 deadline to file a Supreme Court appeal to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Illinois' outright ban of defensive firearm carry violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendments. Her request was granted, and she now has until June 24 to decide whether or not to appeal. Now she says even that is not enough, and she needs another month. ..." ...

IL: Crazy Lisa is crazy like a fox: Madigan gets another delay for certioari
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lisa Madigan has gotten herself a second 30-day extension to decide whether or not to appeal the Miller decision to the Supreme Court."

"It positions her for a win-win, regardless of what our clueless governor does. His deadline to unregulated carry is July 9th. The closer we get to that deadline, the more this now becomes a lose-lose for the governor." ...

IL: High court grants delay as Illinois weighs appeal to gun order
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court granted an extension Tuesday for Illinois' attorney general to decide whether to appeal a court order allowing the state's gun owners to carry concealed firearms."

"Justice Elena Kagan granted a delay until July 22, essentially a second 30 days of leeway that allows Attorney General Lisa Madigan time to craft a response. She also could scuttle the whole matter if Gov. Pat Quinn signs concealed-carry legislation awaiting his response."

"That's a separate deadline than the one on July 9, by which time Quinn must decide whether to make it legal to carry guns." ...

IL: Champaign won’t join six other counties in allowing carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That’s okay, Julia. I’ll be carrying July 10th, absent another extension of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals stay in the Moore case." ...

NY: Crowd encourages Massena to oppose SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Massena village Board of Trustees has not passed a resolution opposing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s SAFE Act gun legislation, despite the exhortations of a crowd at Tuesday’s meeting."

"About 50 people were at the meeting, with many members of the public encouraging the board to pass a resolution opposing the law." ...

Biden concedes W.H. gun push falters in Congress
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Vice President Joe Biden insisted to a subdued audience Tuesday that he and President Barack Obama 'haven’t given up' on gun control."

"But his remarks came at the first White House event since the Senate’s failed April 17 background checks vote. And all that he had to show gun control supporters by way of progress was a list of completed or mostly completed executive actions — and a set of new guidebooks for churches and schools on how to deal with a mass shooting situation." ...

Editor's Note: How do you "deal with" a mass shooter? The same way Jeanne Assam "dealt with" that piece of garbage in Co. Springs; by pulling out your gun and shooting him.

Father’s Day Photo Shows Obama Playing With Toy Guns With Daughters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the country is apparently in a full anti gun hysteria, the president was playing with toy guns with his daughters, a practice that has been demonized across the country in recent months."

"The White House tweeted the picture with the message, 'Hope all the dads out there have a great Father’s Day weekend.'" ...

Bill Would Allow Importation Korean M1 Garand, Carbine Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There have been a metric buttload of M1 Garand and M1 Carbine rifles sitting in legal limbo for years. They’re surplus firearms that were issued during the Korean War, but since the end of the conflict they’ve been collecting dust as no one seems to want them. Except American firearms collectors, that is. The State Department has blocked their importation on the grounds that these guns might be used to commit crimes, and one Wyoming congresswoman, Rep. Cynthia Lummis, is sufficiently pissed off about it that she’s actually doing something to try to remedy the situation . . ." ...

Alaska Senator Murkowski Says She Will Consider Expanded Gun Sale Background Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Thursday she is willing to consider a bipartisan proposal to expand background checks on gun purchases but that she has expressed some concerns to the two senators writing the legislation." ...

Submitter's Note: Why am I suddenly reminded of certain toys from my youth?

White House declaring victory on guns as Biden speaks?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Threatening that 'those who stand in the way (of gun control) will now pay a political price,' Vice President Joe Biden today promised that new restrictions are on the way and that the fight to pass them 'is far from over,' the Washington Times reported." ...

Obama: 21 of 23 Gun Control Executive Orders Have Been Put Into Motion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to USAToday, a report released has been released by the White House today which details the administration’s current status on its gun control initiatives."

"You might remember the January press conference in which the president signed 23 gun control related executive orders (see list below). In the report, the White House claims 21 of 23 of those orders have either been implemented or action has been taken to begin implementation." ...

CO: Anti-Gun Colorado Sen. Close to Recall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the crime at a Colorado movie theater where 12 people were murdered, the Colorado State legislature quickly moved to adopt stricter gun laws and Senate President John Morse led that effort. But now, after his anti-gun bills were successfully passed into law, Morse faces a recall election that could turn him out of office."

"On June 18, Colorado certified that the recall effort had gained enough signatures to move forward making Senator leader Morse the first legislator to ever be recalled in the state's history." ...

TX: CCRKBA Lauds Gov. Perry’s Repeal Of Onerous Knife Restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is applauding Texas Gov. Rick Perry for signing a repeal of the Lone Star State’s ban on so-called 'switchblade' knives, thanks largely to efforts by Knife Rights, a group CCRKBA has supported from its inception."

"'While other knife restrictions in Texas remain in effect,' noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'this looks like a good first step toward more rational laws regulating knives, which must be protected under the Second Amendment, same as firearms. The right to keep and bear arms is not limited simply to guns.'" ...

CO: No fan of Giron (fourth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Angela Giron still doesn't get it or won't accept it. On the front page of the Pueblo Chieftain (June 11) she acknowledges that the recall is sought because of her support of a number of gun control measures, but asserts it is also because she is a Latina in a position of authority." ...

CT: An unexpected victory for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year, President Obama was eagerly moving forward with his personal war against guns. He was ready to ignore the Second Amendment and hoped to change the way Americans viewed gun ownership as a fundamental right."

"Very few shots have been fired from the White House in recent months, however. Democrats would be wise to maintain this strategy for an extended period. If not, a recent state legislature election result could be repeated across the country." ...

NC: Sheriffs: Money & Power More Important Than Gun Rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NC Sheriffs’ Association opposition threatens HB 937…"

"This opposition reportedly derives from the misguided desire of a minority of NC Sheriffs to maintain the Jim Crow-era pistol permit system."

"Unfortunately, the few opposed to HB 937 form a cabal in control of political positions taken by NCSA." ...

WV: Arrested for Wearing NRA T-Shirt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jared Marcum, 14, appeared in court this week. The West Virginia resident and former eighth grader was arrested and suspended after refusing to remove his 'fight for your right' National Rifle Association t-shirt."

"Charged with obstructing an officer, Marcum faces a $500 fine and a maximum of one year in prison." ...

"The Logan County School District’s dress code ... doesn’t prohibit shirts promoting Second Amendment rights."

"... [Officer James] Adkins claims that the 14-year-old boy did not follow his orders to stop talking, which allegedly prevented the officer from performing his police duties. The Logan County Police Department decided to pursue charges against Marcum for obstructing an officer." ...

CO: Ex-Loveland police officer Rodney Bretches pleads to child pornography charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Loveland police officer has pleaded guilty to child pornography charges."

"Rodney Bretches, 48, pleaded guilty to felony attempt to commit sexual exploitation of a child and misdemeanor unlawful sexual contact during a Monday hearing in Larimer County District Court, according to the Loveland Reporter-Herald." ...

OH: Officer officially fired after alleged sexual misconduct (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Youngstown police officer, accused of taking nude pictures and soliciting sex from a 14-year-old girl is officially fired from his job."

"The Youngstown Police Department officially terminated Defective Sergeant Robert Lodwick from the police force Friday June 14, after alleged sexual misconduct with a juvenile female. " ...

NC: Eyewitnesses describe the terror of DWI checkpoint shooting (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jared and Rose Cleerdin found themselves right in the middle of a shootout at what should have been a routine DWI checkpoint. Days after the dramatic shootout in Brunswick County, they are still shaken by what they saw."

"'Every cop turned around and started unloading like super trigger happy ...' said Cleerdin. 'Everybody was just blasting this car to pieces. It was absolutely terrifying.'"

"They were stunned with what was happening, as officers reportedly shot dozens of rounds - in the direction on-coming traffic."

"'Cops are shooting from the front of the car, back into the rest of the on-coming traffic to the check point, into the rest of the innocent civilians down the road,' said Cleerdin." ...

IL: Former Country Club Hills Police Chief Pleads Guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Country Club Hills Police Chief Regina Evans pleaded guilty Monday to fraud and money laundering charges related to the misuse of a $1.25 million state grant to a non-profit organization she ran with her husband, Ronald Evans Jr." ...

8th grader who wore NRA shirt faces year in jail--for talking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in April, eighth grader Jared Marcum, 14 years old, went to school in Logan, West Virginia wearing an NRA t-shirt, which displayed an image of a rifle and the words 'NRA: Protect Your Rights.' Through five class periods, no one objected (to what is, after all, a quite inoffensive shirt). But then, while standing in line in the school cafeteria, the band teacher demanded that young Mr. Marcum turn the shirt inside out."

"He refused, and for the very logical reason that the shirt violated no school policy. ..." ...

VA: THANK YOU – School Board Gets Rid of Zero Tolerance After Boys Suspended for Using Pencils as “Guns”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Finally! We have common sense in our public schools, at least in one Virginia school district anyway."

"After two boy were suspended for 'using pencils like guns', the Suffolk School Board decided to review their current weapons policy, which was a very strict zero tolerance policy which left no room for interpretation." ...

Local shooting chapters arm women with safety, confidence, camaraderie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Well Armed Woman (TWAW) is a national organization that has more than 1,700 members in 70 local chapters throughout 30 states. It was established to introduce firearms to women in a safe and non-threatening environment."

"Kathleen Whalen is the leader of the Northern Virginia chapter of the TWAW, a local branch she began in January 2013."

"'I thought there was a need for another way for women to get together with like-minded women, whether you have a lot of shooting experience or a little shooting experience,' says Whalen, who is a certified range safety officer and shooting instructor." ...

Dog the Bounty Hunter Supports The Second Amendment But . . . (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In biology, 'mimicry' is 'the similarity of one species to another which protects one or both.' Wikipedia also reminds us that 'Mimicry is in most cases advantageous to the mimic and harmful to the receiver, but may increase, reduce or have no effect on the fitness of the model depending on the situation.' When it come to the fight for gun rights, gun grabbers who pretend to be Second Amendment supporters hurt actual Second Amendment supporters by opening the door to civilian disarmament. To wit: Dog The Bounty Hunter. Nicki Gostin’s canned Q&A session with Duane Chapman at reveals the 'reality star' as a gun rights mimic. To wit . . ." ...

CO: Shoot In Colorado…While You Still Can
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cañon City-based Victory Defense Consulting is giving Centennial State shooters one last chance to blow off a little steam before the state’s enhanced civilian disarmament laws take effect on July 1. Along with a few co-sponsors, they’re putting on the Colorado Freedom Shoot at the Pawnee Sportsman’s Center in Briggsdale on June 29 & 30. The 'Biden Challenge' shotgun competition should be a hoot . . ." ...

CO: Colorado Gun Rights Advocates Plan to Break New Magazine Law on Capitol Steps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At least two formal events have popped up on Facebook that are encouraging Colorado gun owners to engage in civil disobedience and break the recent law that prohibits the sale or transfer of gun magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds." ...

WA: New Wash. state CPL tally more than 7,000 higher than mid-May
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 7,000 new concealed pistol licenses have been issued in Washington State since Examiner last checked with the Department of Licensing in mid-May, bringing the total to 433,223 as of Monday morning, when this column noted new figures would be available." ...

CO: Siding with the elite? (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I think letter-writer Sil Arteaga ('No vendido,' June 12) does not understand the facts about the National Rifle Association."

"The NRA is made up of 5 million dues-paying members, and only a small percent of their funding comes from gun companies. In fact in the last three months the NRA has picked up over 1 million members since the attack on gun rights. The total budget of the NRA each year is about $300 million, and that includes all overhead." ...

NY: Youth Marksmanship Programs In New York State Are Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I talked about in my previous Letter to the Editor, at Ammoland (Ammoland article, “NY SAFE Act: Collateral Damage Rings Death Knell for Youth Marksmanship Programs”, June 11, 2013, the NY SAFE Act rang the death knell for NYs’ Youth Marksmanship Programs."

"Now, the inevitable has became reality – - YOUTH MARKSMANSHIP PROGRAMS IN NEW YORK STATE ARE DEAD!" ...

MD: FBI Nixes NICS in MD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Below: the latest communication from the FBI to Maryland Guns Dealers (FF) courtesy" ...

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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