OK: Shooting by pharmacist a hot topic
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Confronted by two holdup men, pharmacist Jerome Ersland pulled a gun, shot one of them in the head and chased the other away. Then, in a scene recorded by the drugstore's security camera, he went behind the counter, got another gun, and pumped five more bullets into the wounded teenager as he lay on the floor.
Now Ersland has been charged with first-degree murder in a case that has stirred a furious debate over vigilante justice and self-defense and turned the pharmacist into something of a folk hero. |
MN: Judge drops homicide charges against Mpls. firefighter
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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A Wisconsin judge dismissed homicide charges against Minneapolis firefighter Kyle Huggett because law enforcement authorities failed to preserve voice-mail messages that would have helped determine whether he acted in self-defense when he fatally shot an intruder.
Burnett County Circuit Judge James Babbitt ruled that sheriff's detectives denied Huggett due process when they failed to thoroughly listen to and transcribe threatening messages left by John Peach, who broke into Huggett's home in rural Danbury, Wis., last year. |
Russia: The Right to Bear Arms and the Armed Bears
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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According to the NRA, in 2008 there were over 250 million privately-owned firearms in the United States, 90 million of them handguns. This number is growing by four million every year. There are 70 to 80 million gun owners. For comparison, the U.S. Army has about 489 thousand people on active duty and approximately 189 thousand in reserve—civilian possession of guns in the United States is higher than within government agencies and the military put together.
Ed.: Good comparison gun gun rights and controls in the U.S. & Russia. |
.357 S&W Magnum
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The .357 Smith & Wesson Magnum came along in the wake of a massive S&W revolver bored to .38 Special. Announced in 1930, the 5-inch N-Frame 38/44 Heavy Duty handled the most ambitious .38 Special loads (a cartridge dating to 1902). So did a more refined sequel, the 6 1/2-inch 38/44 Outdoorsman. |
SC: York Co. gun sales, permits climb
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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April was turkey hunting season, but instead of buying hunting gear, gun shoppers at Nichols Store in Rock Hill were loading up on home-safety pistols and self-defense rounds.
Sales at York County gun stores and pawn shops have as much as doubled since November's election, local gun merchants report, as customers fear tighter gun control measures could be on the horizon. And since then, the number of federal firearm background checks required to own a gun have surpassed previous years by 25 percent to 50 percent a month, FBI statistics show. |
TX: No Defense
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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We doubt, for example, anyone would consider it "self defense" had Dr. Tiller decided to shoot an unarmed abortion fanatic because he was afraid they might one day shoot and kill him. He could probably make a good argument for thinking the threats were real, his death notwithstanding. Tiller had already survived one shooting by an abortion fanatic and was typically accompanied by a bodyguard.
No matter who pulled the trigger, or for what reason, George Tiller was not killed in self-defense. It was a murder, and it was awful. |
Random Observations On The Sotomayor Nomination
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Some have been attacking Judge Sotomayor for her decisions on gun rights, but as I point out in my statement released today, she has just followed precedent.
Until last year, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt with the Second Amendment as something tied to a "well regulated militia" and not as an individual right. Given that long-standing interpretation, it's not surprising that the Supreme Court had not "incorporated" the yet-to-be-discovered individual right to have a gun in the home for self-defense to the states prior to the June 26, 2008 Heller decision. |
You Want an Example of REAL Domestic Terrorism? Here ya go: Jihadi Strikes in Little Rock, One GI Dead, One Wounded.
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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Will all you posters who have pooh-poohed the war with Islamofascism kindly give me your attention. The war came home to U.S. soil again, this time in Little Rock, AR. The GIs were standing outside a recruiting office, likely taking a smoke break. A black SUV pulled up and the two unarmed men were both shot by a brave home-grown representative of the Jihadi death cult calling himself Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad (his momma named him Carlos Bledsoe). I hope the Army decides to give Long and Ezeagwula each a Purple Heart. It would be recognition that the War Against the Islamo-fascist death cult is indeed world-wide.
Do you think the media will make as much of this incident as the dead abortionist?
PA: Brady Center Asks Court To Throw Out NRA Lawsuit
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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Attorneys with the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence today are asking the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, PA to throw out the lawsuit by the National Rifle Association against the City of Pittsburgh. The NRA is challenging Pittsburgh’s ordinance, which fights gun trafficking by requiring the reporting of lost or stolen guns. The Brady Center has taken the case pro bono and is not charging the city any legal fees for the representation. |
Giving Judge Sotomayor a fair hearing
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John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner
Website: http://www.examiner.com/x-3253-Minneapolis-Gun-Rights-Examiner
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President Obama and I agree on one thing. It is high time that a Hispanic justice sit on the nation's highest court. After all, as the fastest growing segment of the population, Hispanics are an integral part of the strong, diverse future I see for America and that diversity needs to be reflected in our courts.
However, Judge Sotomayor may not be the right nominee to fill that need.
I believe we can all agree that the single most important quality necessary for a Supreme Court Justice is an unwavering belief in both the word and spirit of the fundamental, individual freedoms embodied, recognized, and protected by the USConstitution and a willingness to apply this belief to any problem before the High Court regardless of the outcome. |
Suspect arrested in Arkansas recruiting center shooting
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An Arkansas man was arrested Monday in connection with a shooting at a Little Rock military recruiting center that killed one soldier and wounded another, authorities said.
Police identified the suspect as Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe.
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad -- a 24-year-old Little Rock resident formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe -- faces a first-degree murder charge and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. The terrorist counts stem from the shots fired at an occupied building. |
WA: They're Breaking the Law — and Getting Away With It
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Gun-toting members of a firearms advocacy group took to Silverdale Waterfront Park on Sunday to protest a county ordinance that appears to be at odds with state law.
Kitsap County bans firearms from its parks, despite state law that allows gun owners to carry arms in the open in most public places. |
Back to the Future: Is it just me, or have we been here before?
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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(T)he Constitutional militia people differentiated themselves . . . while still trying to protect them from government violence. . . Most in the movement had little sympathy for the Freemen or the Republic of Texas, but they were determined to prevent another exercise of "Waco rules." Mike Vanderboegh offered the Republic of Texas as an example of the problem: "Everybody understood these guys were loons; nobody liked them. You know, they were chasing little fairies of history dust . . . Our problem was we want to let the Feds know that it's not okay to provide a Waco solution to this problem. At the same time we want to let the Republic of Texas know, 'We're not going to come to your defense. We're not encouraging you boys.'"
Back to the Future: "J'Accuse!" -- "I must speak, for I will NOT be an accomplice!"
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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Shortly before I was to speak, Ray Lampley, self-styled "Prophet of Yahweh" and notorious antisemite, showed up unexpectedly. . . He and I had also crossed swords before that day on the Internet militia boards. As I recall, Lampley called me and other Constitutional militia people, "uncircumsized dogs." I responded that here in Alabama we didn't find it necessary to circumcise our dogs, and I wondered at the sanity of anybody who did.
(This was mild criticism coming from Lampley's neck of the collectivist woods, for the Aryan Nations' Richard Butler called constitutional militia folks, "White on the outside, black on the inside, with a Jewish brain.")
** This KABA post dedicated to Deadeye **
OK: Self Defense? Store Owner Kills Teen During Robbery
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Opposing Views
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A pharmacist who shot and killed a 16-year-old boy during a robbery attempt is facing first-degree murder charges in Oklahoma City, Ok. On May 19, two teens, Antwun Parker and a second unnamed robber who was brandishing a weapon, attempted to rob the pharmacy of Jerome Ersland. Ersland first shot the unarmed Parker, chased after the second armed teen, then returned and shot Parker again, killing him. Ersland is being charged with first-degree murder and is scheduled to have a bail hearing later this week. Should Ersland be charged with murder or was this a case of self-defense? |
IL: Chicago has 7 shooting deaths in 24 hours
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Chicago had seven shooting deaths in 24 hours this weekend, and police say they have no suspects in custody. All seven victims were men in their 20s or 30s, and all were shot to death. The shootings occurred between 6:15 a.m. Saturday and just before 6 a.m. Sunday. One victim, 30-year-old Demond Stansbury, was shot along with two of his cousins, who survived and are in fair condition. The shootings spanned the city, happening on the North, South and West sides. Chicago Police spokesman Roderick Drew says investigations into the shootings are ongoing. On Saturday, police Superintendent Jody Weis spoke at an anti-violence march and rally on the West side.
AL: Good Night, Knight Rifles
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During the recent NRA Annual Meetings, Americanrifleman.org/Americanhunter.org learned that Knight Rifles is closing its doors after 24 years as a key American firearms manufacturer. That news was confirmed late last week via an announcement from Modern Muzzleloading, Inc., a related subsidiary under corporate parent, Pradco Outdoor Brands/EBSCO. The press release stated, “The decision to close the Knight operation resulted from an overall industry downturn.” Reportedly Knight sales had declined sharply in recent years and efforts to sell the brand and company assets were unsuccessful. The release indicated Knight owners would not be abandoned.
"Just A Child With A Temper"
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Testifying at the trial, Officer John Liberatore stated that Simoes clearly used excessive force against Marquez. He also recalled asking his partner, Officer Todd Mendelson, "What the f*** just happened?" Mendleson's reaction was an indifferent shrug.
When the defense pointed out that Liberatore hadn't offered the same account to internal affairs investigators prior to the trial, he replied, quite plausibly, that he was reluctant to "point a finger at a fellow officer." It's hardly surprising that Liberatore's reluctance disintegrated when he was compelled to testify under oath and liable to perjury charges if he withheld the "whole truth." |
Sotomayor is hostile to civil rights
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One would think a judge would know that free speech is a specific constitutional guarantee. Certainly, no senator should vote to confirm someone to the Supreme Court who thinks a violation of free speech isn't a violation of a specific constitutional guarantee.
Sotomayor is also hostile to our Second Amendment rights. In Maloney v Cuomo, Sotomayor ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to the state and local governments. That opinion is so radical it is in direct opposition to the opinion of the far left Ninth Circuit Court. In Nordyke v King, the Ninth Circuit recognized the Second Amendment as a deeply held right embodied in the Constitution that transcends state law. They recognized the fact that the Fourteenth Amendment clearly says the Bill of Rights protects those basic human rights from the state and local governments as well as from the federal government. |