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Shooting Of Chicago Robber Strengthens Pro-gun Lawsuit, Says Second Amendment Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week an 80-year-old Chicago man killed a home intruder, reigniting the debate on the merits of a landmark gun rights case that is about to be decided by the United States Supreme Court."

"McDonald v. City of Chicago, brought by four Chicago residents, the [SAF] and the [ISRA], seeks to strike down a decades-old law that bans handguns and requires the annual taxation of firearms."

"'We filed our lawsuit two years ago to protect the self-defense rights of Chicago citizens just like this man,' said SAF executive vice president Alan Gottlieb."

"'They have been unconscionably disarmed, and left in as much fear of being arrested and jailed for having a gun as they are afraid of being robbed and murdered by armed thugs ...' he stressed." ...

Marriott Continues Cuteness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I discussed earlier, the folks at Marriott got just a bit cute with NRA attendees staying in their facilities and with folks holding side-events to the NRA convention at their facilities - setting them up, after taking their money, for potential felony charges."

"To their surprise, things went viral. Seems the designated targets not only took exception, but they and their friends are spreading the word here and elsewhere with coverage on most major blogs and in national venues (since the venomous bigotry was aimed at 'icky gun people', the national traditional media seems largely unable to detect said misbehavior)."

"Boycotts are firing up, starting with the folks at Grass Roots North Carolina. ..." ...

Gun boycott of Marriott to be featured on Tom Gresham's 'Gun Talk'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner Paul Valone will discuss Marriott boycott on Tom Gresham’s 'Gun Talk' on Sunday, May 30. For a listing of local stations carrying the nationally-syndicated show or for streaming audio, go to"

"The boycott is also featured in Friday’s edition of the Armed American Report, published by the United Sates Concealed Carry Association." ...

Memorial Day, 2010 and Election Day, 2010
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today is the day we celebrate the sacrifices of our soldiers here at home and at their posts around the globe. They sacrifice personal time and dedication, they sacrifice their health and sometimes they give even their lives for our country. They sacrifice for our way of life. ..."

"This is Memorial Day."

"Like there are a hundred ways to say I love you, there are a hundred ways to thank a Soldier, a Marine, a Sailor, an Airman, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard, a Reservist and every Astronaut and Military Historian for their service, but one of the very best is to be a very good custodian of what it is they sacrificed for." ...

Medical Registry Ignores Benefits of Responsible Gun Ownership
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'An ailment.' Yeah, I got a bad case of the drive-bys flaring up again and the crack's not helping..." ...

Mike Vanderboegh: David Codrea and I make the Romanian papers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Some consider them 'fanatics,' others – Americans with a pronounced sense of one's civic duty. Who are, in fact, America's 'militiamen'? Against the background of the disintegration of America's economy and the return to power of Obama's Democrats, the constitutionalist militias have experienced a strong comeback."

"They are not neo-Nazis, although some hold extreme right ideas. They are not bloodthirsty, although many own entire arsenals. They are not a majority, although their libertarian principles are embraced by more and more Americans who are angry at Barack Obama’s government. They are an amorphous group of men and women, mostly white, who train periodically in self-defense techniques." ...

Safer Streets 2010: Element Ten to the CPR Corollary, Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The America Speaking Out website for Republicans to take input from constituents lacks a critical topic: the second amendment. As of this morning, its second week of operation, the site is still down."

"I'll speak to the Republicans from here: the second amendment is critical to our independence, and any public servant who wants the job of service needs to understand first how one's duty is to make constituents as independent of lawmakers and bureaucracy as possible. This is not the extreme No Government goal, don't be silly; it is that the exclusion of the citizen has been instilled in our governance beyond the unreasonable, now into the predatory. ..." ...

UN small arms treaty: How big a threat is it? (Part 1)
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"While alarmist e-mails circulating the Internet paint the threat to US gun owners in overly apocalyptic terms, the UN’s June 14 'Fourth Biennial Meeting of States' for the treaty is very real..." ...

Obama-backed Gun Control Treaty poses 'serious prudential risks to liberties guaranteed by the First and Second Amendments'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The convention poses serious prudential risks to liberties associated with the First and Second Amendments. Specifically, it seeks to criminalize a wide range of gun-related activities that are now legal in all states, and it would clash with the First Amendment's protection of free speech. It would also entitle foreign governments to legal assistance from U.S. authorities when pursuing extradition requests, including requests to arrest individuals exercising their First Amendment rights. These are serious prudential risks. Finally, it would create a chilling climate for the freedom of speech of foreign nationals both in the United States and in the Western Hemisphere as a whole." ...

Bank Of America Clarifies Position on Guns and Banking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past few months, NRA-ILA received information from a few members detailing some problems that firearm-related businesses were having with Bank of America (BoA)."

"It appeared that BoA had adopted a policy of denying banking services to businesses associated with firearms. ILA staff contacted BoA corporate leadership ..."

"In a conversation with Douglas K. Bland, a BoA Senior Vice President, NRA-ILA was assured that there was no such anti-gun policy." ...

"NRA-ILA is pleased with this statement, but will continue to monitor business activities to ensure that gun owners and gun related business receive fair treatment. If you have had issues with Bank of America, please contact NRA-ILA ..." ...

Brady Campaign compares state determination of gun laws to crack cocaine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Governor Sean Parnell's signature Thursday, Alaska became the eighth state to enact some form of 'Firearms Freedom Act,' whereby firearms ... manufactured within the state, and kept within the state's borders, are not subject to federal gun laws."

"The reasoning is that federal authority to regulate things like guns comes only through the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution. ..." ...
"The idea is 'the latest crack cocaine for gun-rights advocates,' says Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign."
"Yep. According to the Brady Campaign, the exercise of 10% of the Bill of Rights--not even the 10% that usually draws their ire (and their lies)--is 'the latest crack cocaine.'" ...

Praxis: How to Make Waterproof Matches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Making waterproof matches is an easy do it yourself project to help ensure you can build a fire when you need one."

"As you know, the ability to build a fire is one of the most important survival skills you can master. And fundamental to building a fire are the ignition sources you carry as part of your survival gear."

"Because making fire is so important to survival I recommend your survival kit contains at least three ways of starting a fire. For example matches, lighter, and a firesteel or magnesium firestarter. Should one or two of these fail, the third could very well save your life or at least make the time you spend outdoors more livable." ...

No Time For Snorin' In The Sonoran
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently spent the better part of a sleep-deprived week in the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona. The reduced snooze time was due to teaching a MAG-40 program that went ten to eleven hours of class and range time per day, and another couple hours per with staff prep before and staff debrief afterward. (It's an immersion course, 40-plus hours in four days, done over a weekend so more people can attend without burning a week of family vacation time.) Then, after class, it was time to drive to area law enforcement agencies and sit down with the cops on the sharp end of this whole Border Situation, and get the straight stuff." ...

What If Chicago Loses Its Gun Case?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Two consequences are most likely from a ruling striking down Chicago's handgun ban. First, the decision will be used ... to challenge a myriad of state and local gun laws. Second, with few exceptions, those challenges will fail. We can say this with some confidence for several reasons."

"First, it is important to keep in mind the nature and scope of the right ... In the words of Justice Scalia's majority opinion, the Second Amendment guarantees 'the right of law-abiding, responsible citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home.' ... In addition, the Heller right applies only to self-defense in the home, not to carrying guns in public. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Interesting that Denny refers to "the Heller right" and not "the civil right" or "the Constitutional right", as if this were a right fabricated by five rogue justices.

CA: Bill would ban carrying unloaded guns publicly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assembly Democrats on Tuesday pushed through a fiercely contested gun-control measure that would ban Californians from carrying unloaded weapons in public."

"The 'open carry' measure, which passed without a vote to spare, 41-25, now goes to the Senate ..."

"'With rights come responsibilities,' said Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña ... 'Carrying a gun simply because you can is not responsible ownership.'"

"The measure failed to attract support from Republicans, who argued that it was tantamount to an attack on law-abiding citizens, it would violate Second Amendment rights to gun possession, and that there have never been any criminal problems associated with open-carry advocates." ...

AK: Backpacker shoots, kills grizzly in Alaska park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A backpacker shot and killed a grizzly bear with his handgun in Alaska’s Denali National Park, officials said.

A man and woman reported that they were hiking Friday evening when the bear emerged from trailside brush and charged the woman, park spokeswoman Kris Fister said in a statement.

The man fired nine rounds from his .45 caliber, semiautomatic pistol at the animal, which then stopped and walked into the brush.

The two reported the shooting to rangers, who restricted access to the Igloo Canyon area for fear that the bear was wounded and dangerous.

On Saturday, rangers found the dead bear about 100 feet from the shooting site.

FL: Traffic mishap leads to shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Titusville fire inspector told authorities that he shot and wounded a man in self-defense while they argued about a minor traffic accident Thursday in Seminole County."

"No one has been charged in the apparent road rage incident ..."

"Mark Whorton, 50, a resident of Oviedo and a Titusville fire inspector for four years, told sheriff’s deputies that a 2007 Honda Fit driven by Michael McClarin, 34, of Casselberry hit his 2007 Lexus at 6 p.m. on Chapman Road."

"Whorton said McClarin then 'attempted to hit him with his vehicle while (Whorton was) pointing out a black scuff mark and dent on the driver’s side door' of his Lexus, Christie Ganley, a Seminole County sheriff's deputy, wrote in the incident report." ...

AK: Bear helping himself to chickens gets shot in coop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeff Johnson knew a bear was in the area. He had just looked outside to see the black bear scratching around near the chicken coop at his Eagle River home high on Glacier View Drive about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday."

"But as Johnson approached the coop, garden hoe in hand, he began to think it might have gone. ..." ...

"The roughly 150-pound bear had scrambled through a small coop window about 5 feet off the ground ..." ...

"... His son ... jumped out a first-floor window with a rifle, passing it off to his father ..."

"'I thought, well, if he sticks his head out again, it's a safe backdrop and that should do him in. So he stuck his head out again,' Johnson said. 'I expected it to just be dead instantly.'" ...

WA: Homeowner kills bear in driveway
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rural homeowner shot and killed a large female black bear in his driveway Wednesday morning after the bear returned for a bucket of molasses that she and a cub had gotten into last week, authorities said."

"It is the third bear killed in the past two weeks in the upper valley, where state Department of Fish and Wildlife officials say bears have become accustomed to eating garbage, birdseed, pet food and apparently molasses." ...

AL: Piedmont homeowner shoots and kills invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Piedmont woman shot and killed a man who broke into her home Tuesday night, sheriff's investigators say."

"According to Calhoun County Sheriff's Office reports, Dale Micha Scott, 39, was shot several times and killed at approximately 10:49 p.m. in the upstairs bedroom of a residence on Hughes Road off Alabama 21. Calhoun County Coroner Pat Brown pronounced Scott dead at the scene at approximately 12:41 this morning."

"Sheriff Larry Amerson said the woman who lived at the residence shot Scott with a handgun after he apparently broke into the home through a sliding glass door on the second floor."

"'From everything we’ve seen thus far, there will be no criminal charges,' Amerson said. ..." ...

TX: Montrose woman shoots ex-husband after he stabs her
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A woman fatally shot her ex-husband after the man stabbed her several times at a Montrose apartment complex Sunday.

The shooting occurred at an apartment in the 3400 block Yupon about 4:30 p.m., police said.

The case is expected to be turned over to a Harris County grand jury to determine whether charges are filed.

The name of the 32-year-old man, who died at the scene, has not been released.

His ex-wife, whose name has not been released, had several stab wounds and was rushed to Ben Taub General Hospital. Her condition is unknown.

According to police, the woman grabbed her gun and shot her ex-husband after he stabbed her. No other information was immediately available.

CA: Orange County woman shoots, wounds dog after it attacks her 6-year-old daughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lake Forest woman shot a dog after it attacked her 6-year-old daughter outside their home Wednesday morning, authorities said."

The girl and the woman's 3-year-old daughter were walking to a neighbor's house on a quiet cul-de-sac when a dog ... attacked the older girl ..."

"The unidentified woman ... was drawn from the house by the children’s screams. Outside, they found the dog on top of the 6-year-old, biting her." ...

"The woman scooped up her daughters and ran to her house, Amormino said, but the dog chased them ..."

"The woman tried to scare the dog away by yelling and stomping, but when that failed to work, she got a 9-millimeter Glock semiautomatic pistol from the house and shot it ..." ...

AL: Homeowner Takes Law Into His Own Hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Morgan County Sheriff’s Department says a man on East Lacon Road took the law into his own hands. ...."

"The Morgan County Sheriff’s Department says it all started Tuesday when the victim noticed someone had kicked in the door to his home that he was moving out of."

"The would be burglar returned Wednesday morning." ...

"So the homeowner camped out and waited until dark."

"'This individual comes up on the porch kind of looked around, turned around and stepped in,' said Investigator Robert Newman." ...

"'As he stepped in he pushed the door shut and there the homeowner was with the shotgun leveled at him,' said Investigator Newman."

"... Stewart cooperated with the homeowner until deputies arrived." ...

SC: Kershaw Co. man shoots intruder on a hunch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kershaw deputies say a repeat burglar is off the streets and in the hospital after being wounded during his latest robbery attempt."

"The burglary that almost happened was in Kershaw County near the Lee County line late last night."

"Pedro King, 65, says he was the one who shot the intruder, Stoney Lee Wilson."

"'I was sitting there taking my shoes off and I was about ready to throw them on the couch,' said King. 'Door swung open and I shot him.'"

"After burglars broke into his son's home earlier this week, he hunkered down inside Sunday night with a gun on a hunch. How'd he know? 'I just had that feeling,' he said." ...

"Deputies say King will not be charged because he was protecting his property." ...

Concealed weapons save lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the [VPC], wrote a piece for the Huffington Post and cited 4 gun deaths in one month by people with concealed weapons permits. ..." ...

"From Josh Sugarman: 'These four new deaths are just fraction of the at least 166 individuals that have been killed by concealed handgun permit holders since May 2007. ...'" ...

"Guns save lives, and are necessary for protection. That's according to research from David Burnett and Clayton Cramer ..." ...

"'We've documented 2,160 stories of self-defense with guns since May 2007 – the same time frame the VPC used,' said Burnett. 'When it comes to concealed carry permits, we have 153 documented cases across 26 states with at least 550 lives saved.'" ...

Research: Concealed Carry and Guns Save Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns save lives, and are necessary for protection. That's according to research from David Burnett and Clayton Cramer, who track incidents of defensive gun use at"

"The stories include senior citizens fighting off robbers, and women defending themselves against rapists or attackers ..."

"'We've documented 2,160 stories of self-defense with guns since May 2007 – the same time frame the VPC used,' said Burnett. 'When it comes to concealed carry permits, we have 153 documented cases across 26 states with at least 550 lives saved.'"

"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) recently claimed concealed weapons licensees are killers, offering stories as proof. Burnett says the VPC is distorting the truth." ...

WA: Frustrated neighborhood reacts to burglaries: 'Call 911 and get out your guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Burien is a community south of Seattle, WA where people living on quiet residential streets want what everyone else wants: to be left alone."

"When it appeared recently that daytime residential burglaries had spiked in one particular neighborhood a couple living there did something that one might not expect from Seattle-area residents. They posted signs, in both English and Spanish, alerting neighbors to 'Call 911 and get out your guns.'"

"John Lee was filmed by KOMO TV news, the local ABC affiliate, posting signs, one of which declared 'BEWARE BURGLARIES! Please be aware of an outbreak of daytime burglaries in our neighborhood. Call 911 & get out your guns if you see any suspicious activity.' ..." ...

AL: Birmingham homicide ruled justifiable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The May 5 shooting death of an 18-year-old man at Beaconview Apartments has been ruled a justifiable homicide, Birmingham police announced Monday.

Marqualius Harris, of Birmingham, was shot and killed as he attempted to rob two males who were about to get into a car, Sgt. Johnny Williams wrote in a press release.

The two robbery victims were shot, but survived. They shot back and killed Harris.

Homicide detectives presented findings of their investigation to the Jefferson County District Attorney's Office. The D.A.'s office ruled the death a justifiable homicide.

Gun-grabbing Senate candidate Mark Kirk also grabs unearned military honors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) hopes to fill President Obama's old U.S. Senate seat ... His hopes of doing that may have just hit a sizable stumbling block, in the form of revelations that he has misrepresented his military service record, and in a rather self-serving manner."
"The Republican candidate for President Obama's old Senate seat has admitted to inaccurately claiming he received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award ..."
"'Inaccurately claiming' is a nice, polite way of putting it. A blunter, but perhaps more accurate, way is often associated with burning pants." ...

Sen. Inhofe Introduces Legislation To Protect Second Amendment Rights Of Military And Dept. Of Defense Civilian Personnel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over a period of some months, NRA members in the Armed Forces have called NRA's attention to the fact that certain military base commanders ... have issued orders violating military personnel's Second Amendment rights."

"In a particularly egregious example, Fort Riley, Kansas, has imposed a preposterous regulation that, among other things, (1) requires the registration, with Fort Riley, of its soldiers' privately-owned firearms kept off-base, and those of the soldiers’ family members residing anywhere in Kansas, (2) prohibits soldiers who have firearm-carrying permits from carrying firearms for protection off-base, and (3) authorizes unit commanders to set arbitrary limits on the caliber of firearms and ammunition their troops may privately own." ...

TN: Tennessee Senate overrides the Governor's veto: what will the House do?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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May 27, the Tennessee Senate voted to override the Governor's veto of the Restaruant Carry Bill, Senate Bill 3012, by a vote of 22-10. From the Tennessee Firearms Associaton:"
"Tennessee Senate overrode the Governor's veto of SB3012 (the bill to repeal the alcohol/beer statute) on Thursday, May 27 on a vote of 22 - 10. There was an extensive oration given by Senator Doug Jackson, the Senate sponsor. If you have not seen it, the video has been clipped and added to the TFA Live portion of the site. ... The only Senator to stand and speak against it was Senator Marrero from Memphis. The contrast in clarity and statemanship is stark." ...
"The vote now goes to the Tennessee House this week. ..." ...

CA: Safer Streets 2010: AB 1934 won't bring safer streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun bans in all forms do not make our streets safer, they make them unsafer. If you want safer streets, Sacramento is going to have to stop messing with the electorate's authority over lawmakers."

"Assemblywoman Lori Saldana's AB 1934 is a bill to ban the open carry of handguns in public places. This is an example of breaking something first in order to claim its broken and in need of reform. It's getting to be a recognizable formula of abuse of process. It is time for Californians to see the connection between this sort of defiance and the totality of the state's troubles."

"As always, this is a European kind of thinking; what we need is an American kind of thinking." ...

CA: Assembly advances bill to ban carrying guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The California Assembly has passed a bill that would make it illegal to openly carry a gun in public, even if it is unloaded.

The bill, AB1934, would make it a misdemeanor to carry an exposed handgun on any public street or in a public place. The bill passed Tuesday on a 41-25 vote and now moves to the Senate.

Democratic Assemblywoman Lori Saldana of San Diego said guns carried in public, even when not loaded, cause a public safety concern in part because gun owners can carry ammunition.

Supporters said police officers called to a scene where a gun was displayed have to treat the situation as a threat.

But opponents said the measure would chip away at the public's right to bear arms and protest peacefully.

Submitter's Note: There have been no, zero, nada criminal incidents with open carriers, so now the assembly wants to criminalize the act itself because some ignorant sheeple feel threatened in the presence of an unloaded gun.

Does arrest of California man mean that Mayor Daley is 'more equal than others'?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A San Jose, California man has been arrested for allegedly making a phone call to Chicago Mayor RIchard Daley's office, and leaving a threatening message." ...
"He is accused of threatening Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. He was apparently upset at the mayor's comments about that city's gun control law during a news conference that took place Thursday afternoon." ...
"The 'mayor's comments' referred to above would be Daley's proposal to put a bayonet tipped rifle 'up [the] butt' of a reporter who had the temerity to ask if Chicago's handgun ban could be said to be effective, given the consistent carnage there." ...

Unthinking idiocy codified as ATF regulation or just Chief Counsel's Office maneuvering 'Big Ken' into position for the internal coup?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To get briefed on the subject matter of my open letter to 'Big Ken' Melson below, first go to David Codrea's Examiner post here, which asks the pertinent question, 'Why did ATF suddenly redefine firearm transfers?' The original ATF document is posted here and the National Shooting Sports Foundation announcement is here. A recent Congressional Research Service report on ATF budget and operations for FY2020, dated 27 April 2010, can be found here."

"Assuming you have caught up on the background, now you may read my open letter to Ken Melson, formerly Acting Director of the ATF, and now Deputy Director of the ATF." ...

NV: Hospital uses armed man in unannounced drill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How’s this for an ill-conceived emergency preparedness drill? An off-duty cop pretending to be a terrorist stormed into a hospital intensive care unit brandishing a handgun, which he pointed at nurses while herding them down a corridor and into a room."

"There, after harrowing moments, he explained that the whole caper was a training exercise." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks: "And why no criminal assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping charges, and charges for conspiracy?"

"Right--'Only Ones.'"

HI: Police arrest Census taker
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A battle is brewing between the state and federal governments over a Census taker arrested in Puna for misdemeanor trespassing."

"The U.S. Attorney's office filed papers Thursday in federal court in Honolulu to take the case of 57-year-old Russell Haas out of 3rd District Court. That will pit the feds against local prosecutors."

"'I'm looking to have it kept in state court,' county Deputy Prosecutor Christopher Bridges said Friday.

"Haas pleaded not guilty on April 8 to second-degree trespassing. He was arrested March 10 at 12:30 p.m. in in Hawaiian Acres, after a resident Haas says was an off-duty police officer allegedly refused to cooperate with the Census and called Puna police." ...

"Haas, who is a former New Jersey police officer, said while he and the man were talking across the gate, police 'pulled up behind me, suddenly.'" ...

SUBMITTER'S NOTE: Off-duty cop versus ex-cop.

NC: Trooper kills a kitten and loses his job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Trooper Shawn C. Houston was charged in October with cruelty to animals and injury to real property, both misdemeanors, according to court records. The Highway Patrol dismissed him in January."

"... in an appeal of his dismissal filed May 10, the former trooper contends that he was treated unfairly and that he deserves his job back." ...

"The trooper ... baited a steel trap with ham and captured a small domestic cat. When Houston tried to remove the animal, which did not have tags, it scratched him, according to his appeal. Then he killed it." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NH: N.H. Police Bust Into Wrong Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mother in Franklin said she wants an apology from police after officers barged into her home with guns drawn after, she believes, mixing up her apartment with another."

"Heather Middlemiss said she and her 10-year-old son were home Tuesday when police burst into their West Bow Street apartment."

"'My son was sitting right here doing his homework, and when I came in the kitchen, the cop was pointing his gun at) my son,' ..."

"Middlemiss said Franklin police treated her family like criminals, and she now wants the Police Department to apologize." ...

"'They just walked away like it was OK for them to make a mistake, and ... all they could say was, 'Oh well. It's not our fault. This is the address we were given.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

NY: High court hears Albany Police Department machine gun case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The state's highest court heard arguments Tuesday on a more than 4-year-old Freedom of Information Law case in which the Hearst Corp., owner of the Times Union, is seeking the release of records related to the illicit purchase of machine guns by current and former Albany police officers."

"Lawyers for the city and the Albany Police Officers Union, which is part of Council 82, said the records should remain sealed because the officers who possessed the guns may have engaged in misconduct or possibly illegal activity ... which precludes disclosure under state Civil Service Law ..."

"No officers have been disciplined, arrested or passed over for a promotion due to the gun purchases, according to multiple departmental sources. ..." ...

TX: TABC Officer Accused of Sexual Assault
Submitted by: jac

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"A Bastrop County grand jury returned multiple indictments Tuesday against Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission officer Joe Chavez, 41. ..."

"The grand jury indicted Chavez on one count each of online solicitation of a minor, abuse of official capacity and official oppression. The defendant was also indicted on two counts of sexual assault of a child."

"... A 16-year-old female who assisted Chavez in a sting operation reported that Chavez sexually assaulted her while he was on duty. Investigators allege that the sexual assault took place in Chavez’s state-issued vehicle immediately after the sting operation and that the defendant also texted a sexually explicit photograph of himself to the teenage girl the day before ..." ...

NY: Rescue cop runs over sunbather on Long Island beach
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sunbather catching rays on a Long Island beach was mowed down yesterday by a cop racing to an emergency, in a horrific accident that left tire marks along the victim's back ..."

"Only the soft sand and good fortune kept the unsuspecting sunbather from being crushed to death ..."

"Beachgoers watched in horror as Officer Paul DeMarco, a 10-year veteran, stepped on the gas in his Long Beach Police Department SUV -- with Marshall Starkman, 43, under his wheels." ...

"... DeMarco was responding to a call for a water rescue shortly after noon and made a sharp right turn, rolling over Starkman, who was lying face down in a lounge chair." ...

NY: Colonie cop, a Clifton Park resident, arrested after allegedly breaking wife's nose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Colonie police officer was arrested for misdemeanor assault today after city police said he broke his wife’s nose during an argument the night before."

"Edward Weber of Clifton Park was charged with third-degree assault ..."

"Weber, 42, has been placed on paid administrative leave by the Colonie police department ..."

"Weber was arraigned in Albany City Court and released without bail."

"Albany police said Weber allegedly was driving through the park ... and got into an argument with his wife. While driving, police said, he reached across and struck her in the face, breaking her nose." ...

Submitter's Note: Good thing it wasn't a domestic assault charge which would mean a lifetime gun prohibition.

VA: Cases in jeopardy after convicted felon fired from Isle of Wight Sheriff's Office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Isle of Wight prosecutors say a fake deputy has cost them a conviction."

"A woman convicted of assaulting a police officer was freed from jail today because prosecutors did not know the deputy who testified against her wasn't a deputy and was a convicted felon." ...

"She was convicted based on the testimony of convicted felon Jonathan Burns when he testified he was working for the Isle of Wight Sheriff's Department."

"'I knew he was riding with deputies yes I did. I knew he was with deputies when arrests were being made, yes I knew that,' said Sheriff Charles Phelps."

"The sheriff knew, but the prosecutor didn't. ..." ...

FL: 4 JSO Officers Arrested In Six Months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four Jacksonville sheriff's officers have been arrested in six months, one of whom pleaded guilty to filing a fake police report."

"On Wednesday, one officer, David Cervone, pleaded guilty to filing a fake police report. Investigators said he and Sgt. Mark Garza wanted to get inside a drug house."

"Investigators said Garza was involved in another incident. On Wednesday, prosecutors charged him with another crime. They said he hit a man with a police radio. They said the man was handcuffed and sat in the back of a police car."

"In January, investigators took Officer James Toner to jail after they said he got into a fight at Pete's Bar ... Police said Toner handcuffed and beat up a man. The sheriff fired him." ...

TX: Mother Claims Arrested CCISD Officer Assaulted Teenage Son
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mother of a 16-year-old boy who she claims was assaulted by a CCISD Police Officer last week, now says she's shocked to find out that that same officer has been arrested on domestic violence charges. CCISD Officer Pedro Cavazos was arrested Sunday on suspicion of making terroristic threats. Police responded to his home after he allegedly threatened his own family. 'He shouldn't be working in that kind of school,' Joanna Garcia said. She's the mother of 16-year-old Seferino Onofre who she claims was assaulted by Cavazos ... 'My son had a bad mouth. He kept cussing and so I guess that did provoke the officer to hit him, to slam him against the wall but the excessive force I don't believe that there was any need for that.'... " ...

CA: Responsible Citizens Of California Launches Open Carry Petition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California is in dire financial straits. In order to cut spending, the legislature is at once severely reducing the number of law enforcement officers and yet also advocating for the early release of convicted criminals."

"Fewer police and more convicted criminals on the street can have only one result: California citizens will be subject to increased levels of criminal behavior. ... In such situations, Californians must be able to rely on themselves and their fellow citizens for protection. That the tools to do so be available and accessible is obvious."

"Responsible Citizens of California, Inc. (RCC) believes in maintaining the right to open carry a holstered firearm as a visible deterrent to criminal behavior. ..." ...

TX: Lobbyists getting gun permits to speed access to Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Miller already has his ticket to the express lane. Brad Shields is getting one."

"Both veteran lobbyists are among dozens, perhaps hundreds, of the nearly 1,500 registered lobbyists who are scrambling to get state licenses to allow them to carry concealed handguns. Most don't want to pack a pistol, though they legally could, but want the license to get into the State Capitol quickly during the legislative session that starts in January."

"'Because of a scare with one crazy guy with a gun, the only way to get quick access to the Capitol will be to carry a gun,' said Shields, who has been a lobbyist for nearly three decades. ... 'Now, that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?'" ...

OK: Gun Manufacturer to Cut Ribbon in Coalgate
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"LOKI Weapons Systems, Inc. will hold its ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 11 a.m. at the old Wrangler plant in Coalgate, Okla. Local leaders, including Senator Jay Paul Gumm and Rep. Paul Roan are expected to be in attendance."

"Gumm and Roan, who represent Coal County in the Oklahoma Legislature, wrote legislation in 2004 to create the Oklahoma Firearms Manufacturer Recruitment effort. LOKI Weapons Systems, Inc. is one of the first companies to locate in Oklahoma based largely on that recruitment effort."

"Following the ribbon cutting, LOKI personnel will conduct plant tours and a weapons demonstration is tentatively planned." ...

Can our form of government, our system of justice, survive if one can be denied a freedom because he might abuse it? — HARLON CARTER

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