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Newslinks for 6/20/2006

LA: governor to summon National Guard
Submitted by: Robert Tims

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"Acting at the mayor's request, Gov. Kathleen Blanco said Monday she would send National Guard troops and state police to patrol the streets of New Orleans after a bloody weekend in which six people were killed."

Submitter's Question: I thought that neither the National Guard nor any other military organization were to be used for police under the Posse Comitatus law. This happened during Katrina where soldiers were pointing M16s at civilians. What is happening? Martial Law? I, for one, would appreciate it if anyone can explain this. Thanks.

U.N. Insult to Constitution a Good Reason to Halt U.S. Funding, Says SAF
Submitted by: News Director

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"In what can only be a carefully-timed, deliberate insult to the United States and its Constitution, the United Nations is hosting a conference on global gun control aimed directly at our Second Amendment, on dates that include our national holiday, July 4."

"...Gottlieb will attend the conference, but he suggests that this may be an opportune time for Congress and the White House to reconsider this nation's level of financial support for an international organization that now wants to write a treaty that specifically attacks a cornerstone of our federal constitution, and the lynchpin to our liberty."

A .357 Smith & Wesson goes berserk
Submitted by: News Director

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"This just in: 'An Ohio gun went berserk in a crowded shopping mall, shooting six people before reloading and firing three more shots at fleeing shoppers. The shooting spree ended when the gun's owner tackled and subdued it. The gun's owner had no explanation for his gun's actions. Police have taken the gun, a .357 Smith & Wesson Model 13, into custody and it is locked up in Pete's Pawn Shop awaiting disposition of the case.'"

"Essentially, that is the liberal case in favor of banning all handguns as a matter of public safety."

Is There a Gun Where Your Child Plays?
Submitted by: News Director

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"Child safety experts at the University of Kentucky are urging all parents to participate in the ASK (Asking Saves Kids) Campaign to ask their neighbors if they have a gun in the home and if it is safely stored before sending their child over to play. National Ask Day 2006 is June 21."

"Most parents do not realize that 40 percent of homes with children have guns. Many are kept unlocked and loaded, and every year thousands of children are killed or seriously injured as a result. ..."

"Parents should commit to ASK the simple question that could save their child’s life – is there a gun where my child plays?"

The Surveillance State Unveiled
Submitted by: News Director

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"President Bush’s claim above that he is not 'trolling through the personal lives of millions of innocent Americans' is no more credible than his earlier claim that the government does not tap the telephone calls of American citizens without a court warrant: 'Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.' ..."

"Generally, governments spy upon their enemies. ...The revelation that the Bush administration is spying upon all Americans does not bode well for continued freedom in the United States."

Six-nation survey finds gun crimes, fear widespread
Submitted by: News Director

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"Three in 10 people questioned in a six-nation survey have been the victim of gun crime or know someone who has been in the last five years, gun control campaigners said on Monday."

"The survey of about 1,000 people in each of Brazil, Britain, Canada, Guatemala, India and South Africa found widespread support for tighter international restrictions on trade in firearms, the Control Arms campaign said in a statement."

UK: Barber tells of family's gun terror
Submitted by: News Director

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"A man has told how he feared for his and his family's lives after a gunman fired shots into a crowd of bystanders outside his Bradford shop leaving five people injured."

"Mohammed Rafiq was in the back of his barber's, A Cut Above, on Manchester Road when an argument broke out between a customer who was having his hair cut and a man who came into the shop."

UK: Fast-food shop workers in hospital after gun attack
Submitted by: News Director

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"TWO kebab shop workers were recovering in hospital last night after being shot by a hooded raider."

"Detectives have launched an attempted murder inquiry after the men, aged 21 and 24, were gunned down at a takeaway at around 12:45am yesterday."

Canada: Home owner charged in home invasion
Submitted by: News Director

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"Two suspects in a weekend home invasion went straight to the police after the incident... because the homeowner shot at them."

"According to police, it happened about 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, 45 kilometres north of Roblin."

"Two men kicked in the front door of the home, and the property owner grabbed a firearm."

"At that point the invaders left... but as they were going, a shot was fired at their vehicle and hit the driver."

"The culprits drove to Russell to complain to the RCMP."

PA: Pennsylvania To Distribute Gun Locks
Submitted by: News Director

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Pennsylvania Lieutenant Gov. Katherine Baker Knoll announced that the state will distribute 35,000 gun locks as part of the National Childsafe Initiative.

The program, which began three years ago, is designed to make homes with guns safer by raising awareness about responsible ownership and storage.

This year's allotment will be given to police and sportsmen's associations statewide.

Since the program began, more than 1 1/2 million free gun locks have been distributed.

Crime fight wrongly targets gun rights
Submitted by: News Director

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"Guns are a cultural staple of Southern life. A lot of Southern males grew up in rural settings and moved to large cities and suburbs around Atlanta, as I did. While we were growing up in the '70s and '80s, our relatives gave us BB guns, pellet guns and .22- caliber rifles to hunt with and kill squirrels, rabbits and birds."

"Oftentimes, I went out alone to hunt or went with my uncles and neighborhood friends who had their own guns. We knew the dangers of the weapons that we carried and were very careful with what we shot at. Sometimes we would even eat what we killed. As we grew up, the next progression in hunting was big game for a lot of us."

MN: Teens on target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Pull,' said 16-year-old Grant Boerhave, cradling his shotgun intently."

"Instantly an orange clay target flew and Grant fired, turning the disc to dust."

"Later, fellow 10th graders Gretchen Ruehle, Darryn Sward and Lindsay Chan each shattered their share of targets."

"They were among a group of 31 boys and girls who gathered to shoot shotguns last week at a Twin Cities gun club in one of the most unique high school programs in the state. They are members of the newly formed Hopkins High School Trap and Skeet Team, believed to be the only school-sponsored firearms shooting team in the state."

"The team motto: 'Pull 'em, lead 'em, crunch 'em.'"

"'We're an anomaly,' said Mark Czech, their coach and founder of the group." ...

UK: One in ten Britons affected by gun crime
Submitted by: News Director

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"One in ten people in Britain have been affected by gun crime, or know someone who has in the past five years, a new survey shows.

"Eleven per cent of those questioned in the poll for the Control Arms Campaign said either they, their relatives, or people they knew had experience of firearms offences in the UK."

"The campaign, organised by Oxfam, Amnesty International and the International Action Network on Small Arms, also highlighted regional differences in gun usage across the country."

Canada: Tories move to kill gun registry, chances of success uncertain
Submitted by: News Director

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" Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day, declaring the federal long-gun registry a costly and inefficient nuisance to firearms owners, has introduced legislation to abolish it."

"But there won't be time to deal with the bill before Parliament breaks for the summer this week, meaning a vote will be delayed until the fall."

Canada: Supreme Court to weigh limits of police powers
Submitted by: News Director

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"Arriving at a tawdry strip joint to answer a gun call, a pair of Toronto police officers spotted a dozen men loitering around their cars in the parking lot. They appeared suspicious, if peaceful."

"Operating on an assumption that any gun call is a cause for concern, the police set up a roadblock at the parking lot and stopped the first vehicle that approached. After a confrontation that turned rough with the occupants -- Wendell Clayton and Troy Farmer -- the police uncovered a pair of concealed, loaded semi-automatic handguns in their car."

"What had begun humbly enough, as a routine slice of urban street life in the early morning hours of Sept. 24, 1999, has steadily churned into a legal test of the limits of police search powers."

US soldiers charged with murder in Iraq
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three American soldiers were charged with premeditated murder after being accused of shooting three detainees north of Baghdad on May 9 and then threatening to kill a fellow soldier if he told the truth about the incident, the U.S. military said on Monday."

"The charges were brought against Army Staff Sgt. Raymond Girouard, Spc. William Hunsaker and Pfc. Corey Clagett, according to ... officials at the Pentagon. Premeditated murder charges can bring the death penalty under U.S. military law."

"The three soldiers are accused of deliberately allowing three men detained during a raid on a former chemical factory to flee so they would have an excuse to shoot them, said a defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity." ...

FL: Clearwater cop accused of beating wife over group sex
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Clearwater Police Officer was arrested Sunday after beating his wife for refusing to engage in group sex, according to a Pasco County Sheriff’s report."

"After 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 43-year-old Nicholas Brems and his wife, who live in Lutz, got into an argument when he suggested the pair engage in sexual acts with other couples, according to the report."

"Brems’ wife said after she told her husband no, he began pushing her head into a wall and punched her several times."

KY: Locked 'n' loaded and ready to go
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"There's a buzz among gun enthusiasts in Northern Kentucky. The area's newest indoor pistol and rifle range is open to the public."

"Shooters Supply and Sporting Goods opened its 10,000-square-foot location in Independence on Friday to the delight of many in the gun community."

Kentucky Resolution (Blog)
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"The document below was mainly concerning the unfortunate topic of slavery. You will discover upon reading it however, that the implications therein, have application to any of our enumerated Rights. Or, for that matter, any other issue relating to the Sovereignty of We The People and our U.S. Constitution..."

"You will also get an idea of how Constitutionally perverse actions by our government, has led to it assuming power far beyond that which was delegated..."

"...Jefferson was predicting....believing these Federalist measures only initial steps towards a dictatorship or monarchy..."

"...and that whensoever the General government assumes undelegated powers, it's acts are unauthoritative, void & of no force..."

New and Improved 20mm Sniper Rifle
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A South African firm (Denel) has introduced an upgraded version of its 20mm sniper rifle. This weapon is intended mainly for destroying equipment at long ranges. The latest version of the NTW 20 can be quickly equipped with either a 20mm barrel (producing a 59 pound weapon) or 14.5mm (a Russian caliber, producing a 64 pound weapon.) The rifle uses a three round magazine. The 20mm projectile weighs four ounces, and moves at 2,200 feet per second. The 2.25 ounce 14.5mm bullet moves at 3.400 feet per second."

"That's why the 14.5mm barrel is heavier. Moreover, the operational range of the 14.5mm round is 1,800 meters, while for the 20mm it's only 1,300 meters. In the hands of an expert shooter, both rounds can hit targets over 50 percent farther. The only 14.5mm ammo available is armor-piercing incendiary. The 20mm has that, plus a high explosive round."

Canada: Shootings mar anti-gun walk
Submitted by: News Director

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"Just as yesterday's Stop the Violence walk was getting underway downtown, a man in his early twenties was shot with a handgun three times in the right arm and once in the upper chest in the Sheppard Ave. E. and Neilson Rd. area."

"A police spokesman said that about 3:15 p.m. a young man was shot several times at a bus stop and taken to Sunnybrook hospital with non-life threatening injuries."

PA: Clarke Offers New Gun Legislation
Submitted by: News Director

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"Councilman Darrell Clarke Thursday made another attempt to legislate gun regulation in the city, but remained stymied by State oversight of the gun industry."

"Another summer has arrived with more kids shot and dead on the bloody streets of Philadelphia. Gun homicide rates are again soaring in the city. A frustrated Clarke has spent another year helplessly watching his legislation to control guns in Philadelphia stall."

"All he can do is keep trying."

"He has 'one-gun-a-month' legislation (ordinance No. 040118A) seemingly permanently stalled. ..."

AL: Former Houston County deputy pleads guilty to drug, gun charges
Submitted by: News Director

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"A former Houston County deputy has pleaded guilty to selling a gun to a convicted felon and supplying him with cocaine to sell."

"The U-S Attorney's Office says 27-year-old Michael Shawn Campbell of Dothan pleaded guilty today to possession with intent to distribute cocaine and sale of a firearm to a convicted felon."

"Campbell, who was a deputy with Houston County's narcotic unit at the time, admitted to selling the gun and supplying crack cocaine to Joshua Whigan, an Ashford man authorities say Campbell knew to be a convicted felon. Whigan reported Campbell to authorities and worked with the F-B-I and Ashford Police Department on the case."

UK: Teenage girls in gun terror
Submitted by: News Director

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"THREE girls were terrified by a man armed with a gun in a Coventry street."

"He pointed the weapon at the teenagers and threatened to kill them as they walked home in Binley on Saturday night."

Gun lobby boss shooting from the lip
Submitted by: News Director

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"It was interesting to learn from Wayne LaPierre, the leader of the National Rifle Association, that he thinks the latest campaign against the United Nations will double the NRA's membership."

"...But it will hold an important conference in June and July to assess the results of its voluntary program to tackle illegal small arms (gun-running), five years after it was unanimously approved by all member states, including the United States."

"This has nothing to do with a global gun ban and does not deny the legal right of law-abiding citizens to own small arms in accordance with their national laws."

Canada: Why don't lawful gun owners support the gun registry?
Submitted by: News Director

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"Why don't lawful gun owners support the gun registry? ..."

"A good law should have the willing support of those it serves. Yes, I said 'serves' because that is what truly good law does - it serves the People rather than enslaves them. In Canada the cultural minority of lawful gun owners have been subjected to ever-increasing regulatory pressure for many decades at the hands of a succession of governments from both ends of the political spectrum. We believe that the way a government treats its gun owners it a bellwether of how it will eventually treat all citizens. One has but to do a bit of geographic and historical study to see that this is true."

FL: Man turns table, gun on intruder
Submitted by: News Director

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"A man who had been sleeping wrestled a shotgun away from a home intruder early Sunday, then chased the suspect out of the house and fired twice at the getaway vehicle, sheriff's officials said."

Canada: Oilers revelers complain about police tactics
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Last night, I was arrested by the Edmonton Police for taking a picture. I guess it wasn’t a picture they wanted me to take."

"I was flying over Hope, BC when the puck dropped for the sixth game of the Stanley Cup finals. The Oilers were finding their second wind and were hungry to the tie up the series. The game was being broadcast by satellite TV to our tiny little monitors in the seat backs in front of us. ..."

NJ: Jersey City's Mayor Is Arrested in Clash at Bar
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The mayor of Jersey City was arrested Saturday morning on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest in a clash with the police outside a bar on the Jersey Shore, the authorities said."

"They said that the mayor, Jerramiah T. Healy, 55, was outside Barry's Tavern, a restaurant and bar owned by his sister in Bradley Beach, N.J., when the police were called to intervene in a dispute between two people."

The "assault weapon" ban didn't stop the [World Trade Center/Pentagon] terrorists, Brady checks didn't stop them, the high capacity magazine ban didn't. Right to Carry would have. If it had saved only one tower and the people in it, it would have been worth it. GUN CONTROL KILLS. — LTC Stasski, 9/11/01

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