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Newslinks for 6/20/2008

CCRKBA Says Seattle Mayor Could Learn From Small Town Colleague
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels could take a lesson from Montesano Mayor Ron Schillinger, who has properly vetoed an ordinance that would have banned firearms in city parks ... [CCRKBA] said today."

"The ordinance was passed June 10 by the Montesano City Council on a narrow 4-3 vote, one day after Nickels announced that he plans to ban guns from all Seattle city property, even if a citizen has a current concealed pistol license, or if they are legally carrying openly. The anti-gun Seattle mayor said he would issue an executive order to accomplish his clearly illegal act, which violates the state's preemption statute and ignores a specific statutory exemption from such prohibitions for citizens licensed to carry concealed handguns." ...

Brady Center Tells Us Gun Control Is ... Dangerous?
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"GeorgiaCarry.Org Member Barre Bollinger was intrigued by the Brady Center’s state ratings. A score of 100 is their highest possible score."

"Here is what Barre had to say. 'I ran some numbers today on a sample of the 1st ten safest states vs. their Brady Score. Brady scores are from their own site. Violent crime stats came from a U.S. Census Bureau 2004 report, and include number of murders, forcible rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults per 100,000 population.'" ...

"... I guess it depends on what you consider the word 'safe' to mean: (1) frequent crime against the law-abiding civilians that are afforded no gun ownership, or (2) infrequent crime against the law-abiding civilians that are afforded gun ownership." ...

Submitter's Note: Please keep this chart to use whenever the Brady ratings come back up in the media.

LaPierre Decries Threat of Anti-Gun Elitism
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"'Behind every gun control law is a ruling elitist class that can't stand your ability to take care of yourself.'"

"That's the view from National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, who addressed an energized audience at the annual NRA members meeting in Louisville, KY, the morning of May 17. Portraying the gun rights battle that he believes is about to erupt anew across the American landscape as an 'us versus them' scenario, the veteran gun rights leader warned his audience that 'the ruling class believes that you shouldn't protect ourselves…the government should.'" ...

Handgun Training for the Rest of us
Submitted by: David Wolfe

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"Going to a dedicated firearms training camp just isn’t possible for the average survivalist. Let's face it, most of us are hard up for cash and what little extra we do manage to get hold of usually goes toward procuring other needed survival gear. And really how much can you expect to learn by spending only a couple of days training at on of these over glorified shooting ranges?" ...

"Once you have the basics mastered and can shoot well enough to place all your shots into a six inch circle or less at 25 yards, then it is time to broaden your skills. Instructional DVDs and books are good learning tools for those of us with neither the time nor money to take dedicated instruction from a training facility ..." ...

After Nine's Gun Ruling, N.Y.'s Gun Laws May Be Next
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"If gun enthusiasts are victorious this month when the Supreme Court declares what rights exist under the Second Amendment, their next target may be New York City's strict gun control laws."

"The federal high court may issue its historic decision on gun rights as early as today, and certainly by no later than month's end."

"Obtaining a gun license in New York City is now a lengthy and costly endeavor. In the span of a decade, a New Yorker with a licensed handgun at home will pay more than $1,000 in fees."

"Some of the obstacles facing prospective gun owners in the city may change if the Supreme Court rules that individuals have a constitutional right to keep a gun for protection." ...

KABA Note: The Constitution says "keep and bear", not "keep for protection".

GA: GCO Member Asks to Have Probate Judge Held in Contempt
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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GeorgiaCarry.Org sued Henry County's probate judge over her violations of the Privacy Act, specifically the judge's requests for a firearms license applicant's social security number, among other issues. GCO won that federal lawsuit and received an award of attorney fees.

It has come to GCO's attention that the Henry County Probate Court has continued to ask for social security numbers from firearms license applicants. Accordingly, a GCO member recently filed a motion for contempt. You can read more, including a copy of the motion, here.

GA: Cobb County Does not Ban Guns, County Attorney Says
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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GeorgiaCarry.Org recently demanded that Cobb County remove a sign in East Cobb Park that included among its rules a prohibition on firearms.

The Cobb County Attorney has confirmed to GCO that it has no ordinance or park rule banning firearms and assures GCO that it will remove the sign. The office was not able to determine how or why the sign listing park rules came to include a firearms prohibition. The sign will be changed soon, they said ... and GCO will "trust but verify" their assurance.

OR: Intruder shot dead in Sutherlin
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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A man who entered an unlocked home and passed out on the couch had been shot dead by the homeowner by the time police arrived 7 minutes later.

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office said a female called 911 around 3 a.m. Thursday to report that an unknown male subject had entered her unlocked home and passed out on the couch.

As Sutherlin police officers arrived at the home 7 minutes after the call, they were advised by dispatch that the male homeowner, Keith Cramer, had just called stating he had shot the male and believed he was deceased.

Officers found Michael Smith, 35, of Sutherlin, Ore., dead on the couch in the living room. He was shot once with a high-powered hunting rifle.

The investigation is ongoing.

GA: Armed Robbery on Ferst Dr. at State St.
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"... a Georgia Tech student reported that he was robbed at gun point in the area of Ferst Drive and State Street."

"The victim stated that two males approached him each displaying a black handgun. The robbers demanded the victims backpack and fled on foot in the direction of Dalney Street." ...

Submitter's Note: This robbery occurred less than 200 yards from the Tech police station. The direction of flight was actually toward the police station.

And furthermore, this event occurred in a Gun Free Zone, a place where law-abiding licensed citizens are unable to legally carry a firearm.

Handguns draw hunters
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"After many a lecture from my buddy in Alaska and my wife, I plunked the money down on the counter for a .44 magnum, the idea being that running around Alaska where the grizzlies roam wild and free with nothing but a longbow in one's hand is not the safest thing to do."

"After much research on what happens with grizzly problems, my mind was made up while watching a video of a charging grizzly that turned tail and ran at the loud thump of a warning shot from a pistol. With any luck, the new handgun will be used for target shooting and occasional hunting around here, and won't be needed for anything serious in Alaska." ...

TX: Grand Jury Considers Case Of Homeowner Who Killed Burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grand Jury proceeding are always secret, but prosecutors seem to be taking even stricter precautions in the case of a man accused of shooting two men who burglarized a neighbor's home ..." ...

"'It's gotten attention and it pushes all the emotional buttons in the criminal justices system,' ... Brian Wice said. 'Illegal aliens, homeowners right to defend himself and the race card is involved. ..'."

"In November, Joe Horn shot Hernando Torres and Diego Ortiz, illegal immigrants from Columbia. Both had criminal records. More than $2,000 worth of cash and jewelry was found near their bodies."

"But questions about Horns motives for blasting them with a 12-gauge shotgun were raised after recordings of his 911 call were released." ...

President Barack Obama - A Gun Owner's Worst Nightmare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you're not thrilled with the idea of having John McCain as the next President of the United States, you're not alone. He's angered gun owners for years with nonsensical anti-gun votes and support for so-called 'campaign finance reform,' ..."

"But would you prefer President Barack Obama? Obama is without doubt the single most anti-gun candidate to ever seek the office of President. By word and deed, he has consistently, without exception, worked to trash the Second Amendment and do away with guns and gun rights altogether."

"I know you might not like either of these candidates. But politics is about dealing with reality. And the reality is this: The next President of the United States will be McCain or Obama." ...

MO: Brady anti-gun group backs Newman in 73rd
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Democrat Stacey Newman, who's competing against Steve Brown for their party's nod in the 73rd state House district, announced this afternoon that she received the endorsement of the national Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"As Newman's release explains it: 'Stacey earned a strong reputation eight years ago when she became one of the closest aides to the Brady Campaign and Governor (Bob) Holden in fighting conceal-carry legislation in Missouri.'" ...

Proposal would allow loaded, concealed weapons in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The constant clash over the Second Amendment has moved into America's national parks."

"The Bush Administration is considering a rule change that would allow people to carry loaded, concealed weapons in some national parks, monuments and wildlife refuges." ...

"The new rule would only apply to states that allow concealed weapons in state parks or wildlife refuges. Colorado is one of those states."

"The move to change the current regulations comes after heavy lobbying by the [NRA]."

"'Criminals don't stay away from national parks and individuals should have the right and ability to protect themselves... no matter where they go,' said Anthony Fabian, president of the Colorado State Shooters Association." ...

OH: What SB184 means to you: Part I – Castle Doctrine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SB184 is 75 pages. It will go into effect on September 9, 2008. This is part of a series of articles looking at specific sections of the bill and how it will affect you. Keep in mind that I am not an attorney and this does not constitute legal advice. ..."

"Castle Doctrine is arguably the most important part of SB184. Indeed, this was the entire bill when it was introduced. As stand alone legislation it passed the Ohio Senate with a unanimous 32-0 vote. Even if every other improvement were stripped from this bill, this alone would have been a significant piece of legislation." ...

NJ: One Gun A Month Headed For Assembly Floor - Monday!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, June 23, the New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote on A339 - New Jersey's latest version of gun rationing legislation, which affects collectors, sportsmen, target shooters, and interferes with the inheritance of firearms."

"The legislation, sponsored by Assemblywoman Joan Quigley (D-32), would criminalize the purchase of more than one handgun per month by honest citizens, even though they have already been pre-certified by the state as law abiding citizens after passing a comprehensive 13-point background investigation. Multiple handgun permits could not be used during the same 30-day period, and permits that could not be used before their expiration date would become useless." ...

Australia: NSW Upper House Passes New Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New gun laws passed in NSW parliament will start unravelling strict measures brought in after the Port Arthur massacre, the NSW Greens say."

"A bill, passed on Thursday by the upper house, removes the 28-day waiting period for people with a registration waiting for a second or subsequent gun."

"The Shooters Party-initiated bill also removes the need to register guns made prior to 1900 and introduces more exemptions for people without a licence to participate at shooting clubs."

"Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said the changes brought NSW 'closer to the US with its liberal attitude to firearm use'." ...

GA: 'Quick Draw' In Georgia No Longer Just About Beer
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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... "Governor Sonny Perdue recently signed a 'carry-concealed' law into effect that allows licensed gun owners to bring their concealed firearms into places that serve alcohol—as long as they don't imbibe. Which puts operators in an interesting predicament: Who's going to ask someone who's drinking whether they're armed, and who will ask someone who's armed to stop drinking?" ...

KABA Note: Whereas under the old law it was "Who's going to ask someone who's in a bar if they're armed and who will asked someone who's armed to leave the bar?"

Submitter's note: license holders have not been "quick drawing" on the wait staff in McDonalds, or at the mall, or any city parks for the last 50 years.

CA: New Orange County sheriff to review concealed-weapons permits
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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"Newly appointed Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said Tuesday that she intends to review all the concealed-weapons permits that her indicted predecessor issued and revoke those of gun owners who can't prove a legal need to carry the weapons."

"When former Sheriff Michael S. Carona resigned in January to focus on his upcoming federal corruption trial, he had issued more than 1,100 active carry permits ..."

"Many were issued to traditional holders: judges, prosecutors, jewelers or others whose occupation leaves them in fear for their safety."

"But others included wealthy white-collar businessmen, doctors, dentists and financial contributors to Carona's political campaigns." ...

NC: Ex-sheriff gets prison time for corruption
Submitted by: jac

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"Former Robeson County Sheriff Glenn Maynor was sentenced Thursday to six years in federal prison as part of a six-year investigation into corruption in the county."

"Maynor, 61, who served as sheriff from 1994 until 2004, pleaded guilty last September to lying to a grand jury and misusing federal funds. He was sentenced to one year in prison on the first charge and another five years on the second one, with the sentences to be served consecutively."

"The federal investigation into the Robeson County Sheriff's Office, dubbed Operation Tarnished Badge, has led to charges against 22 law enforcement officers. More serious charges include kidnapping, money laundering and burning houses during drug raids." ...

FL: Miami Beach Officer Charged In Wrong Way Crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly seven months after being accused of causing an accident on I-95 by driving the wrong way on the highway, a Miami Beach police officer has been charged."

"Thursday 28-year old Jesus Barrenchea surrendered to authorities at the Broward County Jail where he was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and insurance fraud."

"The accident occurred when Barrenchea's Lexus IS 250, which was traveling in the wrong direction on I-95 near Commercial Boulevard, slammed into a Ford Explorer around 4:30 a.m. on December 6th. Three women in the Explorer were injured. Barrenchea was found walking near the accident scene." ...

NJ: Middlesex sheriff's officer charged with helping girlfriend flee country
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Middlesex County sheriff's officer was arrested today on charges he helped his girlfriend flee to India with her two young children, despite the fact that she was under court order not to leave."

"Ryan Ramdass ... was charged with interference with custody, hindering apprehension and false swearing ..."

"According to police, the mother ... is separated from her husband, and they have joint custody of their 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter."

"On June 8, the mother took custody of her the children and shortly thereafter left for India ..."

"When the children failed to arrive at their pre-school on Monday, the father was notified and he tried locating the youths ..." ...

IL: Of course it's fair that they have guns and you don't
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That Washington, D.C., gun ban that the Supreme Court should toss out any day now because it is unconstitutional is often compared to the handgun ban in Chicago."

"But what's not often reported by the decidedly pro-gun-control media is that since Chicago's anti-handgun law went into effect in 1982, only two classes of people have had ready access to firearms:"

"The criminals. And the politicians."

"Cynics who scoff at everything decent suggest these are one and the same, but taxpayers know the difference." ...

SC: Greenville Police Officer Charged In Crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Greenville City Police officer is charged with driving too fast for conditions after deputies say he slammed into the back of an ambulance.

It happened Wednesday night on Interstate 85 southbound. The ambulance slowed down for traffic near the Laurens Road exit, when deputy plowed into the back of it. Deputies say the ambulance was not carrying any passengers, but the driver and an emergency technician were on board.

Officer Benjamin Cothran was cited for driving too fast for conditions. He's the second officer to receive this citation in one week. Cothran, and both people in the ambulance were transported to Greenville Memorial where they were treated and released.

NH: Officer charged with DWI quits police department
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The police officer who was charged with driving while intoxicated while off duty in Manchester resigned from the Bedford Police Department on Monday.

Officer Alejandro Jaime, 36, of 12 Cindy Drive Hooksett, was charged with DWI around 9 p.m. Thursday on Hanover Street in Manchester.

Jaime was charged after being involved in an accident that injured two people on a motorcycle. "We all, from time to time, make poor decisions and police officers are like anyone else, but we must be held to a higher standard, and in my opinion, he did the right thing by resigning," Police Chief David Bailey said in a press release.

He will be arraigned at 8:15 a.m. June 25 at Manchester District Court.

NY: Guns turned in at Albany church
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An Albany pastor says he thinks he's already saved some lives through his gun buy-back program."

"Within two days, about a dozen guns were turned in."

"The weapons have been locked up and will eventually be handed over to the authorities."

"Pastor Charlie Muller placed secure locks on the guns. He's got dozens of locks supplied by the Albany County sheriff."

"The locks are needed because the phone won't stop ringing at Victory Church as people call looking to turn in guns." ...

Japan: Japan gripped by suicide epidemic
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Japanese professionals in their thirties are killing themselves at unprecedented rates, as the nation struggles with a runaway suicide epidemic."

"Newly published figures show that 30,093 people took their own lives in 2007 — a 2.9 per cent increase in a year — leaving the country as the most suicide-prone anywhere in the developed world ..." ...

"Even more disturbing ... was the astounding recent surge in people who have taken their lives by generating highly poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas from a combination of standard household products."

"Unlike more traditional methods such as hanging or drugs overdoses, the production of hydrogen sulphide endangers people in the same building and turns what used to be private despair into a public event." ...

KABA Note: But thank heavens they don't use those awful guns!

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion. —THOMAS JEFFERSON

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