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Newslinks for 6/20/2015

SC: Obama can’t let Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church Murders go to Waste
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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The investigation of the murders at the Emanuel AME church have only started when President Obama headed to his teleprompter.
"“At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

What the president hid from reporters was this. South Carolina churches are already gun free zones. Will reporters report that or bother to check mass murders in other countries as I did?

Facts don’t matter when politics are in play. I wrote about “The Next Mass Murder” over a year ago. I’m seeing how many of my predictions are confirmed about this murder at the AME church.

SC: Obama Addresses Gun Violence at Hollywood Fundraiser
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Hours after delivering a statement on the shooting massacre of nine people at an historic church in Charleston, S.C., President Obama and a group of entertainment industry donors had a lengthy discussion about the roots of gun violence in the first of two Hollywood-centric fundraisers in Los Angeles on Thursday, according to an attendee who was present.

SC: Charleston shooting prompts gun-rights supporters to call for more concealed-carry at churches
Submitted by: Anonymous

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He was a young gunman bent on shooting as many worshippers as possible, but Matthew J. Murray never got as far as Dylann Roof, the suspect in Wednesday’s South Carolina church massacre.
Murray had already shot and killed two people in the parking lot when he burst into the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Before he could pull the trigger again, however, the 24-year-old shooter was gunned down by Jeanne Assam, a volunteer security guard with a concealed-carry permit.
That was eight years ago, but even though Ms. Assam was credited for saving as many as 100 lives that day, a dozen states continue to restrict the carrying of concealed firearms in churches — including South Carolina.

“Black America” Is A Bloody Mess
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Noted statistician Nate Silver listened to Barack Obama’s incredibly politicized pre-fundraiser speech yesterday about the Emanuel AME Zion Church massacre in Charleston, and decided to crunch some numbers. ...
Please read all of Mr. Silver’s analysis to see how he reached his determination, but the end result is that he determined American blacks are eight times more likely to be murdered than American whites, and while they live in an “advanced country” by any measure, they have a homicide victim rate that you’d expect from a third world hellhole.
The chart visualizing the stark difference is equal parts sobering, and saddening.

Army Plans to Start Replacing M9 Pistol in 2018
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The U.S. Army has released a draft solicitation that lays out the service's latest plans to replace the M9 9mm pistol with the Modular Handgun System.
Army weapons officials plan to open the official competition next year with the goal of awarding a contract to a single gun maker for nearly 300,000 new pistols by 2018. ...
This is the second draft solicitation the Army has released for its effort to replace the M9, a pistol Beretta USA has made for the U.S. military since the mid-1980s.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: The 1911 .45 has never gone out of service among our elite warfighters. This is further proof that what works trumps what's politically correct.

Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As was predictable, some of the NRA crowd blames the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, the murdered pastor of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, for the deaths of eight parishioners Wednesday because as a South Carolina state legislator he supported stricter gun control (the original comment by NRA Director Charles L. Cotton seems to have been taken down, but was preserved elsewhere).

The NRA's self-defense argument is untrue: here is why
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina this week has once again pushed the issue of gun control in America to the forefront. On Thursday, in a speech addressing the Charleston shootings, President Barack Obama reaffirmed his stance on gun control.

"We don't have all the facts, but we do know that once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hand on a gun," Obama said.

Puerto Rico: SAF Lauds Puerto Rico Court Victory For Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A surprising victory for gun rights in Puerto Rico has eliminated the firearms registry and licensing requirements to purchase and carry in the Commonwealth, the Second Amendment Foundation has confirmed.

As of now, according to Sandra Barreras with Ladies of the Second Amendment (LSA), the group that brought the lawsuit, “there is no regulation to purchase or carry (and) all purchases will be handled in accordance with federal firearms regulations.” LSA is affiliated with SAF through the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR).

SC: In defense of guns in church
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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South Carolina's gun laws did nothing to stop this homicidal racist from going on a rampage inside a house of worship. South Carolina permits an individual to carry concealed in church only if given "express permission," which Roof quite obviously had never been given, since Wednesday was, to my knowledge, the first time he'd ever even set foot in the building.

Many state laws, regrettably in my view, prohibit concealed carry in church. Such laws, well-intentioned as they may be, turn churches into gun-free zones and human shooting galleries.

The sad and unnecessary reality is that when Roof started firing, there was nobody in the building who could shoot back.

FL: New Florida Carry Lawsuit to Defend Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last weekend one of our members, George Freeman, was detained for over an hour after a Tampa Police Officer unsuccessfully attempted sneak up behind him while fishing and grab his holstered handgun. George turned immediately when he felt an unknown person grab for his gun while reaching for a concealed backup gun. As soon as he saw the uniformed officer George stopped before he drew his backup and did not resist the seizure of his handguns. He also presented his valid Florida Concealed Carry License to the officer.

Poll: Country remains divided on gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The latest polling data from both CNN/ORC and Pew Research Center concluded that there is more support to protect the ability to possess guns than to restrict gun ownership. According to a statement from Pew, this is the first time the survey data has shown this kind of trend in more than two decades.


According to a March 2013 CNN/ORC poll, 55 percent of Americans thought there, "should be only minor or no restrictions at all on owning guns."

MT: This is what happened when Australia introduced tight gun controls
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It doesn't have to be this way, President Barack Obama said.

"At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

The U.S. has been shaken by multiple high-profile mass shootings in the past few years -- an elementary school in Connecticut, a movie theater in Colorado, two separate incidents at Fort Hood, Texas, and now the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.

Ed.: All in gun-free zones.

NJ: NJ Senate president turns sprinklers on gun rights activists protesting outside his home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A New Jersey Senate president doused a group of gun rights protesters with sprinklers after they gathered outside his home and refused to leave, the demonstrators said.

About 30 members of advocacy group New Jersey Second Amendment Society confronted State Senate President Stephen Sweeney at his West Deptford home Sunday, pressuring the lawmaker to ease the state's strict gun control laws.

"We were peacefully protesting — no chanting, no screaming, no megaphones. We were just holding signs," the society's president Alexander Roubian told the Daily News.

The Law On Concealed Weapons: What Vending Operators Need To Know
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As business and property owners, vending, OCS and amusement operators need to know the risks, rules and liabilities surrounding their employees carrying concealed weapons, not only in their own buildings and vehicles, but also in the locations they serve. Not unlike the laws governing medical marijuana usage, interpreting legislation, or lack thereof in many states, is not always a straightforward task.

Lawful Purpose and Self-Defense Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s a new bill protecting 2nd Amendment Rights, some Father’s Day memories, and more, this week on Tom Gresham’s GUNTALK Radio, the original nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the shooting sports.

Representative Rob Bishop, (UT-01), recently introduced bill H.R. 2710, the Lawful Purpose and Self-Defense Act of 2015, with the intent “to revise various laws that interfere with the right of the people to obtain and use firearms for all lawful purposes”.

SC: CNN's Sick Pattern of Using the Dead as Political Weapons Against the Right
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Even before Zucker, when more than a dozen children were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary, CNN went all in on gun control. Not because any gun control law ever proposed would have stopped this mass murder; not because gun control had anything to do with a sick, twisted, evil young man gunning down a bunch of school children. No, CNN’s approach here is purely partisan…

CNN used a pile of dead elementary schoolchildren — not to find a solution to ensure such an abomination never happens again — but as a way to put Republicans, gun-lovers, the NRA, and everyone else CNN hates on automatic defense.

Uber Bans Drivers From Carrying Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Uber drivers can no longer carry guns while on duty, according to a new policy rolled out this month.

The San Francisco–based company said Friday it has banned all firearms in cars providing rides through its app, the Associated Press reported. The new policy, which went into effect June 10, also applies to Uber affiliates and replaces a practice of deferring to local laws.

SC: Presidential hopeful Rand Paul talks about campaign, Charleston shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Paul took time before the festivities and surgery to talk about his run for the Republican nomination and reflect on the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina. Paul called the tragedy "mind-boggling."

"To me it represents a deeper problem," he said. "Obviously there is a law enforcement response. We need to capture and separate this person or punish this person so this thing doesn't happen, but there's also to me a sense of what's wrong with this person? What's wrong with society that someone would kill innocent people, particularly in a church?"

He said he knows gun control will become a hot topic again but said he doesn't think guns are the problem.

NY: Assembly bill would require owners to lock up their guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On June 16, the Assembly passed Nicholas' Law, a bill that would require gun owners to lock up their guns when they are not in their immediate possession or control. The bill (A.53-a), sponsored by Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, D-Scarsdale, passed by a vote of 81-66.

TX: Texas takes second amendment too far
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Are they out of their minds? The last thing I want is for someone other then a trained peace officer to intervene in a confrontation. In my eyes, that person is more dangerous than the assailant. My tax dollars go to hire and train police.

Protecting the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That is why my Subcommittee’s fiscal year 2016 CJS Appropriations bill contains strong and permanent protections that stop what I believe is the President’s back door gun control agenda in its tracks.

First, it defunds the United Nation’s arms control treaty that the Administration and activist judges could have otherwise used to re-write laws and take away our guns.

IA: Ted Cruz: Democrats using Charleston as ‘excuse’ to take away gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said Friday that Democrats are using the shooting deaths of nine people in a Charleston, S.C., African American church as an "excuse" to try to roll back gun rights.

"It’s sad to see the Democrats take a horrific crime and try to use it as an excuse not to go after people with serious mental illness or people who are repeat felons or criminals but rather try to use it as an excuse to take away the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens," Cruz told reporters after a town hall event here.

WA: Our sad response to mass shootings: pack more heat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s often said following each mass shooting that America will numbly do nothing about its guns and violence problem. But that isn’t quite true. We do respond.

What we do is we arm up even more.

By now maybe it shouldn’t be surprising — but still, it was — that the massacre at the Charleston church this week touched off a call not for fewer guns in our society, but for more. And that you should bring your firearm with you right into church.

“Arm Our Churches” reads the emailed statement from a gun-rights group called the Second Amendment Organization (or 2AO.) It called Friday for its 160,000 members to bring guns to church and help provide comprehensive gun training for church communities.

SC: O’Malley ‘Pissed’ About NRA In Wake Of Charleston Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Martin O’Malley, a long-shot seeking the Democratic nomination for president, told supporters Friday he’s “pissed” about the National Rifle Association’s influence keeping lawmakers from passing new gun control measures.What do you think?

The former governor of Maryland made the comments in response to the “unthinkable tragedy” in Charleston, South Carolina, where a gunman shot and killed nine parishioners attending a Wednesday prayer service.

If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government that is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. — JAMES MADISON

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