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Newslinks for 6/21/2004

MI: Cop Killed Because of Gun Control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original title: "Police death suspect was bouncer and wrestler"]

"The man wanted in the killing of a Sterling Heights police officer was a semi-pro wrestler who used the stage name Vic Vengeance and sports a USMC tattoo from his days as a Marine." ...

"He is a suspect in the killing of Sterling Heights Officer Mark Sawyers, who was sitting alone in his patrol car filling out paperwork at 8:30 p.m. on June 4 when Berner allegedly shot him with a shotgun. Berner allegedly shot the officer because he sought a pistol so he could rob banks in the warmer weather, police said. Police say he stole Sawyers’ .40-caliber Glock handgun." ...

So knowing he couldn't get a gun legally, he killed a cop for one. I submit that if Sarah Brady gets her way, cops will have a giant bullseye on their backs.

NY: Three killed, 5 wounded in weekend violence in the 'Brady Paradise' called New York City
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five innocent bystanders -- including a 7-year-old girl -- were shot and wounded in an eight-hour spate of violence that also included three murders, police said Saturday."

"The little girl suffered only a graze wound, but a 17-year-old boy with her on the same Queens block Friday night was shot in his side, suffering a wound from which he is expected to recover."

"Police said the two were injured during an apparent drug-related dispute, just past 9 p.m. Friday, that involved two men at 102nd Street and 32nd Avenue in East Elmhurst."

"An hour later, a 21-year-old man was stabbed and strangled in a Bronx apartment by three friends who were arrested minutes later." ...

My Life As An Air Cop -- As new marshals take to the skies, a TIME reporter is the first to train with them. A look at the rigors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arms locked out in front of me, I sweep my .357 semiautomatic pistol back and forth across the panicked passengers. My heart is thumping wildly, my breathing too rapid. Fighting the tunnel vision that comes from fear, I try to remember to scan the plane for threats. Just seconds earlier, I had heard the first bloodcurdling yell--'They're stabbing people back here!'"

"My partner had gone to the back to take on the attackers, and I had drawn my gun, rushing to the front of the first-class cabin and shouting "Police! Police! Police!" I whirled and faced the passengers, with my back to the cockpit door that I am to protect with my life. ..." ...

Amazingly enough, everything in this report tends to support the "leave it to the professionals" mindset that got 3000 people killed on 09/11/2001.

LA: Police and Church Group Aid Criminals By Disposing of 327 Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original title: "N.O. gun buyback holsters 327 weapons"]

"There was a time when Keenan Dunlap was afraid and kept a silver pistol in his car. He was working near the St. Thomas housing complex then, he said, and when he left work late at night, he prayed he would not have to use the 9 mm semiautomatic handgun."

"Those prayers were answered, said Dunlap, now a law student at Southern University in Baton Rouge. On Saturday, Dunlap, 31, of eastern New Orleans, lined up with hundreds of others in the damp mid-morning heat to surrender his gun for a crisp $50 bill."

"He did it, in part, for the money that came tucked inside a white envelope."

"'I'm a struggling student,' he said."

Turn in a gun with a couple of bodies on it and get paid! What a deal. For crooks.

KY: Our dads were hard on us, thankfully
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The trump your father held was that he could fix you with that woeful stare of his and tell you, 'Son, I'm disappointed in you. You've embarrassed me.'"

"That hurt way worse than getting hit."

"I grew up in a rural Southern culture. I'm amazed when I read in the papers that the reason there are drive-by shootings and school massacres by teenagers today is that guns are too easy to get. My friends and I all had access to firearms of every imaginable description. I learned to handle a rifle and pistol before I started first grade."

"But we never shot each other or our teachers. Dad would've been furious." ...

TX: Sheriff adopts strict guidelines on deadly force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Harris County Sheriff's Department has adopted a policy on shooting into vehicles that mirrors the strictest in the country and bars officers from a number of actions that contributed to 22 shootings since 1999."

"The new protocol, being distributed to deputies this week and next, forbids officers from firing into cars or trucks except when someone inside is pointing a gun or using some type of deadly force other than the vehicle itself."

"Training already instructs deputies not to intentionally place themselves in front of vehicles. But officers repeatedly have violated that training and then said they fired in self-defense when people drove toward them. ..." ...

MT: Guns for fun: Modern-day cowboys shoot for the past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A cross between historical re-enactment, marksmanship, and a Saturday matinee, Cowboy Action Shooting is an international shooting event sanctioned by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), with matches conducted by affiliated clubs."

"SASS annually produces End of the Trail, the World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting and Wild West Jubilee."

"Contestants in Cowboy Action Shooting must use firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West, pre-1899 single-action revolvers, lever-action rifles, and side-by-side double barreled, pump or lever-action shotguns, or modern replicas."

"Match ammunition is loaded to relatively slow 1800s levels. Black powder or modern smokeless powder is allowed." ...

PA: Son's death leaves questions -- Police shot a handcuffed Haile Payne 28 times. His father wants to know why.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rennison Payne knew the details of his 24-year-old son's death, that Haile Payne had been killed in a fusillade of police bullets in a shoot-out last week after he somehow managed - while handcuffed behind his back - to wound an officer." ...

'But Payne, 46, said nothing could have prepared him for the sight of the wounds inflicted by the barrage of shots - 28 in all - that the three officers fired."

"'I saw my son full of holes. So many holes I couldn't even count,' he said."

"'I'm not saying my son was an angel. I'm saying it's an injustice to fire 28 shots at one individual. At what point did he not become a threat?' asked Payne ..." ...

The Stamp Tax Reconsidered
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"I want to propose a solution to what is probably the most important but little discussed problem in Libertarian politics; a method of financing the enforcement of laws without coercive taxation. The basic idea I'm proposing is to use a variation of a Stamp Tax as a user fee system for the civil courts, essentially charging a fee for contract enforcement, and using the revenue generated to finance the enforcement of the Law." ...

MA: Shooting death of intruder called 'murder' by family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Bedford man shot dead during an apparent robbery attempt was the victim of an overzealous homeowner who went into a murderous rage when he discovered an intruder on his property, the dead man's family said yesterday."

"'It was plain murder,' said Missy Cimbron, the sister of 24-year-old shooting victim Frank Pereira. 'This guy shot to kill. He did not shoot to defend himself.'"

"Cimbron said her brother has a troubled past and may have been trying to rob the home of Charles Chieppa, but he did not deserve to be shot multiple times and die alone on the street." ...

Time was "a man's home is his castle" and thieves violated your castle at their own risk. These folks are starting to sound like the Brits.

AZ: Deadly force hard to live with
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Using deadly force is the last thing anyone would want to do."

"And the shooter had better anticipate suffering severe emotional consequences, even when the killing is found to be justified."

"That's the word from one northern Arizona resident who works in law enforcement and who has had to shoot another person in self-defense."

"The fatal shooting was ruled justified by the county attorney. The man requested that his name and the name of the agency for which he works not be used so that old wounds would not be reopened in consideration of the dead person's family." ...

99% of permit-holders that I know of believe this also. 99% of antis that I know of believe that 99% of us are "itching to shoot someone".

NY: Women empowered by Rape Escape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Ladies, look here for a second,' a small, muscular man with big blue eyes and a buzz cut shouted to some 17 women dressed in spandex and sweat pants on a recent rainy evening. He leaned over a woman who was lying on a blue exercise mat in order to simulate a sexual attack."

"The woman wiggled her hips and her legs shot into the air. She kicked in a bicycle motion and slid backward on the mat, thwarting the mock attack."

"'Controlling the hands is a bonus,' said the man, Stephen Kardian, a longtime Mount Pleasant police sergeant and martial arts instructor who teaches an eight-week self-defense program for women called Rape Escape." ...

The best way to escape a rape is to use your gun to scare off your attacker.

South Africa: Buddies spring hijacker wounded by would-be victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pretoria family is living in fear after a man who was wounded during a failed hijacking at their home escaped from Pretoria Academic Hospital."

"The 34-year-old man was under police guard in the hospital. His armed partners apparently fetched him from the hospital on Saturday evening.

The man was wounded twice when he tried - with two other men - to hijack a car in Meyerspark." ...

"Her husband Mauritz said he became suspicious when he heard his wife screaming outside on Friday evening. She had gone to open the gate for her son, Roché."

"Coetzee fetched his firearm and ran outside. One of the hijackers was already in the car, a second one was standing in the entrance to the driveway and a third was behind the car." ...

"Captain Piletji Sebola, a police spokesperson, said on Saturday evening four armed men walked into the hospital ward where the alleged hijacker lay."

"They held up the two police officers guarding the suspect and disarmed them."

"They then fled with their partner, Sebola said."

So an armed citizen does part of their job for them, but these police officers could not hold onto the 'suspect', and even wound up giving the BGs more guns!

South Africa: Police Officer Shoots Man, Then Self In Road Rage Incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original title " Double deaths in Mpumalanga road rage incident"]

"A 25-year-old policeman killed himself after shooting a man dead in a road rage incident in Sabie, Mpumalanga, police said on Saturday."

"Police spokesman Inspector Leonard Hlathi said Constable Andrew Mokgope shot and killed Bheki Mokoena, 30, in Harmony Hill township after the cars they were driving collided at 10.15pm on Friday."

"Hlathi said after the collision, Mokgope drove away but was chased and stopped by Mokoena. An argument ensued between the two and Mokgope produced his service pistol and fired several shots at Mokoena, killing him instantly."

"Another occupant of the car, Levid Mokoena, 24, was taken to the Pretoria Academic Hospital in a serious condition, said Hlathi." ...

Philippines: Supplier robbed, killed in this 'Brady Paradise'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TWO armed men shot dead and robbed a local businessman inside his office in Sunrise Village Extension in Barangay Pardo, Cebu City yesterday afternoon."

"But homicide investigator Alex Dacua suspects the killing of Prosperous “Boyette” Alfaro, 45, was provoked by either a personal grudge or business rivalry."

"He said the culprits only wanted to mislead the police that it was a robbery by taking Alfaro’s jewelry and wallet." ...

"The killing in Pardo took place past 3 p.m. about the same time Alfaro’s more than 20 workers would go out to take their snacks in a nearby store."

"The two attackers posed as customers, inquiring about the price of blasting materials. They shot Alfaro several times." ...

Brazil: Five die in shootout with police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FIVE alleged drug traffickers were shot dead during an hour-long shootout with police in Brazil today."

"About 100 policemen moved into the central Rio de Janeiro slum area of Sao Carlos after residents complained about frequent shootouts between two rival drug gangs."

"Claudia Moraes, a spokeswoman for the Rio Public Safety Secretariat, said: 'When the police arrived, they were met by bullets.'"

"In the shootout that followed, five alleged drug traffickers died, three were wounded and another three arrested. Two policemen also suffered light injuries."

"During the operation, police seized a rifle, two pistols, four grenades and a stolen car, Ms Moraes said." ...

But aren't guns banned in Brazil?!?

Bangladesh: Robbers gun down 2 cops in daring Motijheel heist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A notorious gang yesterday gunned down two policemen and injured as many people in a gunfight to evade arrest during robbery at a currency exchange shop at Motijheel yesterday."

"The gang, Idul Group, looted Tk 1.17 lakh from the shop, before police shot and arrested Idul, the ringleader."

"Idul is allegedly backed by a leader of BNP's student wing Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD), Dhaka University unit." ...

"'It was around 3:30pm when four armed youths came to my office,' said Albert Gomes, managing director of AJ Money Changers Limited at BCIC Sadan at Motijheel." ...

Police can't defend themselves from these armed thugs, but have effectively outlawed guns, requiring 'civilians' to rely on them for protection.

Afghanistan: Afghans sour on yielding arms -- Promises of help unkept, disarmed militiamen say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The three men were soldiers of the People's Party in Sugar Canyon, fighting during the time of the Soviets, the civil war, the Taliban."

"But on May 26, they joined Afghanistan's disarmament program and traded their weapons for a chance at another life. Now, Mohamad Farid studies. Sakhy Mohamad sells watermelons. Abdul Wahid welds doors."

"None is happy."

"'They haven't done what they promised. They haven't given us what they said,' Wahid said. 'It is like promising a horse to someone and giving a donkey.'" ...

"Some of the men who disarmed say they have not received the money and help pledged by the government and the United Nations. A few talked about picking up their guns again if life does not get better." ...

You mean the government lied to get people to turn in their gun?!? What a shock! /sarcasm

The Nuge calls Innocents Betrayed "Killer truth ammo"
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"On his Web site forums this week, rock star (and famously rugged outdoorsman) Ted Nugent kicked off a discussion thread called "Gun Control Vid from Hell.""

"The Nuge wrote: 'Innocents Betrayed ... nails [the] horror of gun control throughout history & NOW. Buy one & share it with everyone!! FIGHT with me won't ya! This is KILLER truth ammo!!'"

"In a personal letter to the Liberty Crew he later added: '[T]o be unarmed is to be helpless in the face of evil. JPFO's Innocents Betrayed is the ultimate documentation and representation of this harsh reality and should be studied by all people who cherish freedom and our duty to self defense.'" ...

MI: Detroit officer involved in fatal crash
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty Detroit police officer allegedly driving against traffic crashed into another vehicle on the city's east side early Saturday killing a 20-year-old man, police said."

"Police said the officer, a lieutenant from the 13th (Woodward) Precinct, may have been intoxicated during the 3 a.m. crash. Toxicology results were not available Saturday."

"The accident occurred at Warren and Burns. Officer Glen Woods, a spokesman for the department, said the lieutenant was treated for minor injuries. Woods was not sure where the officer was hospitalized."

"Woods said the lieutenant was driving against traffic."

But only certain people are responsible enough to have guns, right Rosie?

OH: Miss-Led Volume II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The liberal media and gun ban extremists are really trying to make something of the news that politicians' early predictions about the number of concealed handgun licenses were above actual application rates."

"Gannett News Service reporter Jim Siegel has published an article entitled 'Demand for gun permits low - Sponsor wants to change law', which has already appeared in most Gannett-owned Ohio papers, and by virtue of being picked up by the Associated Press, will be appearing in media reports throughout the state this weekend."

"Siegel never bothered to call OFCC for a statement, but he did, of course, remember to call Toby Hoover." ...

OH: Fewer people than expected signing up to carry guns
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Ohio officials say the number of people interested in carrying concealed guns is lower than they expected.

So far, county sheriffs have issued about 18,000 licenses since the law allowing concealed carry went into effect in April.

Bob Cornwell is executive director of the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association. He now figures that about 50,000 people will get permits this year.

That’s about half of what he, Attorney General Jim Petro and others predicted.

And that bothers the bill’s sponsor.

Republican state Representative Jim Aslanides was looking to about 550,000 licenses being issued in three years.

He blames the low numbers on what he says is the numerous restrictions in the bill and a provision allowing newspapers to publish the names of permit holders.

OH: Ohio concealed-weapon law carries its own smoking gun
Submitted by: T. Mar

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"Is that a dozen handguns under your coat or are you just happy to see the loophole in Ohio's concealed-carry law?"

"The state's new law, which allows permit-holding citizens to carry a hidden handgun, doesn't say you can't have more than one."

"Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro's office confirmed what will no doubt worry almost everyone: Nowhere in the legislation's 99 pages is there any language limiting the amount of heat a citizen can pack."

"Two guns, four guns, six guns, a dozen all legal. Really, the only thing limiting the number of guns you can carry is how many you can carry, physically, until you topple over from the weight of the lead." ...

AZ: Concealed weapons training takes aim at the 'use of force' law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to state law, Arizona residents who wish to carry a concealed weapon must first undergo 16 hours of training before doing so."

"Dave Springstun, a law enforcement officer who offers concealed weapons permit training through his business, Best Defense, said he focuses heavily on use-of-force law. Harold Fish, to receive his permit, would have received this knowledge."

"'That's probably the longest and biggest part of the class,' he said. 'The basic concept of self-defense is pretty black and white. You meet like force with like force.'"

"Two types of force are specified in the law -- physical force and deadly force. Crimes that could be involved in the improper use of force are heavily discussed, Springstun said."

Badnarik: 'Gun Control Means Being Able to Hit your Target'
Submitted by: Melissa Seaman

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"My rights are non-negotiable. I don't care if someone else doesn't like it. I don't care if they toss and turn at night, anxiously worried about what I might do with my firearm. My rights are not predicated on whether or not you LIKE what I'm doing. You only have a complaint when I present a "clear and present danger", which is not the case if I have my firearm in a holster." -- Michael Badnarik, Libertarian Presidential Candidate, 2004

UK: NRA fires shot for "free speech" with pro-gun radio
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"American talk radio tends to veer to the right of the political spectrum, but a new station launched this week eliminates the last trace of ambiguity on the matter."

"It is owned and operated by the National Rifle Association, the loudest voice lobbying on behalf of the nation's estimated 80 million gun owners."

"NRA News, which began broadcasting a fiercely partisan schedule of firearms-related coverage on Thursday afternoon, has been condemned as an attempt to circumvent new US laws curbing political campaigning."

"The legislation severely limits special interest groups' ability to buy advertising to argue on behalf of a particular candidate. But the NRA says the radio station makes it a media organisation, so its broadcasts are journalism - not adverts." ...

KABA Note: Well at least they admit that the law is about "curbing political campaigning". I personally don't care what the Supreme Court said on this issue, at a minimum the Act is a clear violation of freedom of speech.

NY: Pistol permit service faulted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Albert Alexander heard it wasn't easy to get a gun permit, so he paid a Long Island-based pistol permit license service $450 to help him through the process."

"An Edelman's Pistol Permit Service salesman told him in January that gun permits were difficult to get in Rockland, but added that the company knew the possible pitfalls and guaranteed success if the application were filled out correctly, Alexander said."

"The salesman said the company would do all the work."

"The 35-year-old West Nyack car repair shop owner said he soon learned that little of the sales pitch was true." ...

A perfect example of gun control causing crime (in this case, fraud).

FL: Marshmallow mix-up lands cruise passenger in Miami jail for day
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Hope Clarke, a teacher's aide from a small mountain town in Wyoming, may think twice about her next vacation." ...

"She'd been cited for an obscure federal offense, "improper food storage at a national park," after leaving a bag of marshmallows out at a campsite at Yellowstone Park. The park has strict food storage laws intended to thwart mooching and marauding bears." ...

"When Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Outerbridge protested that might be 'some discrepancy' between Clarke's story and the documents, the judge quickly added, 'Seven hours in jail, I think, is a suitable punishment for leaving marshmallows out at a camp site.'" ...

Americans Sharpen Shooting Skills
Submitted by: Joseph Clark

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"Shooting for sport is becoming more and more popular across the country."

"Along with Pilates and windsurfing, clay target shooting (search) and handgun target shooting (search) are some of America's fastest growing sports. Some 20 million Americans participate in recreational gun activities."

Those who shoot clays call it 'golf with guns.'"

"'It is being looked at more as a sport and recreation, it is not all about hunting,' said Rick Matulich of the San Diego Shotgun Sports Association."

"Target shooting dates back to the 14th century, and it became an Olympic sport in 1896. And while some worry about recreational gun safety, the government says a person is more likely to get hurt riding a bike, playing basketball or swimming."

IN: Region prosecutors some of the nation's busiest when it comes to firearms violations
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A few years ago, George Wortham would have walked out of an area gun store as a satisfied customer, armed with a .40-caliber handgun -- no questions asked."

"Today, the 36-year-old Harvey man is serving an 18-month sentence for being a gun runner -- buying a gun for a couple of convicted felons. Wortham is an example of why a team of federal and local law enforcement officers in northern Indiana are being recognized as among the busiest in the country in prosecuting federal firearms violations."

"'Our numbers are better than Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities you would think would have more,' U.S. Attorney Joseph Van Bokkelen said. 'If you look at us against the nation, you can't do much better than we do here.'"

"Van Bokkelen and assistant U.S. Attorneys Dean Lanter and Nicholas Padilla were among a delegation of Indiana prosecutors who attended a national conference in Kansas City, Mo., as participants in the Project Safe Neighborhoods program to reduce gun violence."

"Local authorities conducted more than 111 prosecutions in 2003, which puts the district among the top third of the nation overall, and fifth in the nation of districts of comparable size." ...

States' Rights Suffer Under Hate Crime Bill
Submitted by: Melissa Seaman

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... "The latest attempt at 10th Amendment eradication comes in the form of H.R. 4204, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Introduced by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and referred to the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, this unconstitutional piece of legislation now touts 175 cosponsors collectively stomping upon a domain that, by the very specific words contained within the 10th Amendment, ought by law to be left to the devises of separate state and local jurisdictions." ...

NJ: Program helps women feel comfortable outdoors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It might be argued that women have overcome most (some would say all) of the barriers that once prevented them from participating in every level of American society. But the 'Becoming an Outdoors Woman' organization feels there is one area that needs some work. As evident from the name, their mission is to get women 'outdoors.' Started in Wisconsin, 'Becoming an Outdoors Woman' has been part of the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife programming since 1995. According to organizers it has been going strong ever since. They have been getting women involved in hunting, fishing and other outdoor sports."

"On Saturday 100 women (some with their sons and daughters) gathered at the Salem County Sportsman's Club to learn all about shooting sports. ..." ...

AR: Sports coordinator for county 4-H to form shooters club
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aaron Coleman, shooting sports coordinator for the Greene County 4-H Club, is now trying to start a shooters club through the organization."

"Coleman, who also volunteers with the Crowley's Ridge 4-H, is a handgun safety and range instructor certified by the National Rifle Association, as well as a certified instructor of hunter education." ...

"His love of shooting and his interest in helping children is most of the reason he is trying to start the shooters club through the 4-H."

"According to Coleman, the club will be open to youngsters 9 to 19 years old, and participants will be able to compete in five categories: pistols, muzzleloaders, rifles, shotguns and bow and arrows." ...

AZ: Lions still being seen despite removal of 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the recent removal of two mountain lions from the Sabino Canyon area, there hasn't been a drop-off in cougar sightings by visitors and neighborhood residents."

"State and federal wildlife officials say they're no longer receiving reports of cats stalking people and displaying aggressive behavior."

"But the normally secretive, nocturnal pumas are still being seen in broad daylight and in close proximity to hikers."

"'In the continuum of concerns, that's up there,' said Hans Koenig, field supervisor for the Arizona Game and Fish Department. 'It's just not typical for mountain lions to be active then, crossing a trail and letting themselves be seen.'" ...

Human predators aren't the only ones to defend against.

The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society. — HENRIK IBSEN (1877)

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