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Newslinks for 6/21/2006

U.N. wants global ban on guns By Gina Parker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Acclaimed actor James Earl Jones summarized it best when he commented, 'The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose.' Although that concept seems quite clear to most Americans, the United Nations has failed to grasp its obviousness and is quickly moving towards a global gun ban."

"As Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association stated, 'This fight is about more than firearms ownership. This is a fight for our national sovereignty, our individual freedoms and the future of our nation.'" ...

How To Make Your Wife Hate Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An attractive young guy sidled up to me at the range the other day. He'd been watching me shoot for awhile, looking at me out of the corners of his eyes while I worked on my drawstroke ... Here it comes, I thought, and braced myself." ...

"'How do I get my wife to like guns, too?'"

"You know, if I knew the answer to that one, I could have my pick of any guy at the range. They'd flock around me in eager anticipation that I might let them in on the secret."

"But the fact is, I don't know that. What I do know is how a guy might go about making his woman hate guns. That secret, I can tell you ... " ...

Reviving the .45
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Department of Defense is looking for a new 'Joint Combat Pistol' (JCP) to replace the current M9 9mm weapon. But there are already a number of semi-automatic pistols on the commercial market that arguably meet most, if not all, of the specifications. The M9, a 9mm Pistol with a 15-round magazine, was selected to replace the .45 caliber M1911 after a competition that took years (from the late 1970s until the Beretta 92FS was chosen in 1985). That choice has caused a lot of controversy. ... The current JCP program was slated to take a shorter period of time ... and a decision will come after tests. But which commercial pistols might be considered?" ...

Message from President James K. Polk
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"Will preface the following that there is some good news, (for supporters of our Second Amendment), and then some very bad news - for ALL American citizens...." ...

"... Our citizen-soldiers are unlike those of any other country in other respects. They are armed, and have been accustomed from their youth up to handle and use fire-arms; and a large proportion of them, especially in the western and more newly-settled States, are expert ..." ...

"... This increased power they did not seek to obtain by the legitimate and prescribed mode--an amendment of the constitution--but by construction. They saw governments in the old world based upon different orders of society, and so constituted as to throw the whole power of nations into the hands of a few ..." ...

Gun owners hit with Air Canada surcharge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some gun and hunting groups are boycotting Air Canada after the airline imposed a $50 surcharge on passengers who check their firearms as baggage."

"The one-way handling fee went into effect on June 5 for tickets purchased on or after April 14, adding $100 to the cost of a return trip."

"Air Canada says the surcharge will cover the cost of making sure firearms are declared, unloaded and secured in a case that cannot be easily broken into during transport."

"The country's largest airline charges the same fee for bulky items such as bicycles and surfboards, but other sports items like golf clubs and skis are treated as part of a passenger's free baggage option, as long as they do not exceed weight and dimension limits." ...

GA: Man Shot Trying to Rob Pawn Shop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man who attempted to rob a DeKalb County pawn shop was in stable condition Tuesday after being shot by an employee, a police spokesman said.

The 21-year-old man, armed with a knife, entered Evans Mill Pawn Shop and tried to hold up the store Tuesday morning, Dekalb County police Officer Herschel Grangent said. The man attacked one of the store's employees, who pulled out a gun and shot the man several times, Grangent said.

The employee incurred only minor injuries. Grangent did not immediately release the name of the would-be robber.

Grangent said police are investigating the incident, but it likely was self-defense. Police are using footage from security cameras in the store to help with the investigation.

TX: Man Critically Wounded; Teenage Son Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man in his mid-40s was critically wounded inside his northwest Bexar County home late Tuesday morning."

"The victim's 16-year-old was arrested, although sheriff's deputies told KSAT 12 News that it appeared the boy acted in self-defense."

"Deputies said that someone from inside the home in the 9300 block of Remuda Path called 911, saying that the boy, who is a Taft High School student, had shot his father."

"The man, who deputies said had been charged in the past with domestic violence, was found with at least one gunshot wound his head. He was airlifted to University Hospital in critical condition."

"Deputies recovered a .380-caliber handgun in the home they said they believe was used in the shooting." ...

NY: Police: Concrete thrown, shots fired
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 42-year-old man shot at two Brooklyn men early yesterday in Hempstead after they threw at least two pieces of concrete at him, Nassau police said." ...

"It was unclear why the men were in the neighborhood or what set off the confrontation, but police said Coley and Woods stepped out of the SUV on Virginia Avenue and threw concrete at the man. The pieces of concrete smashed through the man's front house window and the rear window of his 2004 BMW, police said."

"That's when the man, who police said has a valid Nassau pistol permit, shot at them, striking Coley in the leg. Coley and Woods drove off but were arrested in the area a short time later, police said." ...

NC: Resident uses paintball gun
Submitted by: Bill Cook

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A Durham resident with a paintball gun helped in the arrest of a burglary suspect, according to Kammie Michael, police spokeswoman.

Joseph Lee McDowell, 43, of 519 E. Main St., was charged with first-degree burglary, misdemeanor larceny, possession of stolen property, possession of burglary tools, damage to property, possession of drug paraphernalia and larceny from a motor vehicle, Michael said.

According to Michael, officers responded to a break-in in progress in the 2600 block of Rochelle Street at 11:13 p.m. Saturday. A male resident of the house confronted McDowell, allegedly attempting to break into the back door of the residence and shot the suspect with the paint gun, Michael said.

Officers recovered jewelry and stereo equipment, Michael said.

Rep. Stockman Helping GOA Start Gun Clubs On Campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you know someone who is pro-gun, who likes working with college age kids, and who is in need of a full-time job in the fall?"

"Well if so, former Rep. Steve Stockman (R) has a deal for him."

"Stockman is the Director of the Campus Leadership Program (CLP) in northern Virginia. The CLP is a project of the Leadership Institute, which trains conservative activists and places them in key level positions around the country -- both in government and the media."

"The CLP project focuses specifically on college campuses, helping conservative students start independent groups that are fighting to reclaim the campus from decades of leftist abuses ..."

"But they have very few gun clubs, which is something they would like to change." ...

OH: Strickland favors tweak of concealed-carry law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Democratic candidate for governor said he supports pending legislation that modifies Ohio’s law for carrying concealed weapons, even though it won’t stop lawbreakers intent on misusing firearms."

"Following a rally marking the end of a three-day, 19-county campaign tour, Ted Strickland said he supports House Bill 347, dealing with concealed weapons because of its tie to the Second Amendment. Strickland has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association." ...

"'I believe those who choose to misuse firearms for criminal purposes are not going to be constrained by the laws we pass. There is a limit to what government can or should do in terms of interfering with individual decision-making.'" ...

TX: Council may ban realistic toy guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Soon, it may be illegal to sell or play with some toy guns in Dallas."

"A proposed ordinance considered by the Dallas City Council on Wednesday would ban businesses from hawking highly realistic fake weapons and kids from playing with them in public."

"The proposal is being refined in the city's Public Safety Committee and is expected to be adopted later this month."

"The Rev. David L. Ferrell ... said that toy guns being sold in the city ... could easily be confused with real guns. He spoke Wednesday before the City Council."

"In the dark, or in a tense moment, a police officer may make a fatal mistake. He said facsimile firearms have been used to commit carjackings and robberies." ...

AL: Audit: Police pass around spare pistols
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An internal city audit of firearms in the Dothan Police Department's evidence room showed little care was given to tracking guns, some of which ended up in the hands of officers who considered them as 'perks of being an officer.'"

"The findings of the audit were reported by The Dothan Eagle, which got a copy of the audit Friday through a public records request."

"Among the findings: Guns were taken for personal use and guns listed as destroyed were being used by officers; guns assigned to one officer ended up with another; guns reported stolen were never returned to owners but kept by officers; and weapons were 'checked out' to city employees in other agencies and even to private citizens." ...

MI: Would Gun Buyback Increase Peace?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to recent gun violence that has killed four people and injured many more, a Kent County commissioner wants to take firearms off the streets by buying them and offering limited immunity to illegal owners."

"Commissioner Paul Mayhue is urging the public to send money to the Kent County Sheriff's Department. He is concerned about months of violence on the Southeast Side of Grand Rapids."

"'If we could get the violence to stop, we could have an anti-gun-violence celebration,' he said."

"Police Chief Harry Dolan is skeptical. Studies show buyback programs don't get the right weapons off the street, he said, and gang members would not surrender their firearms." ...

MA: No indictment for trooper in fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grand jury did not indict a state trooper who shot a Fitchburg man to death after a police chase, though a judge who presided over an inquest into the case discounted the trooper's story and said his actions amounted to criminal negligence."

"The grand jury ... didn't find sufficient evidence to indict Trooper Donald Gray in the Nov. 3 shooting of Preston Johnson, 30."

"Worcester County District Attorney John Conte said grand jurors made 'the right decision,' a comment an attorney for Johnson's family said was 'outrageous,' given the judge's finding."

"'They wanted to whitewash this all along,' said attorney Stephen Hrones." ...

MN: Steele County deputy accused of exposing himself in bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Steele County Sheriff's deputy stands accused of exposing himself to a woman during a birthday party at a local bar.

Deputy Scott Ringhofer is charged in Steele County District Court with fifth-degree sexual misconduct and indecent exposure related to the May 4 incident.

According to a criminal complaint, a woman sitting at a table with Ringhofer at the party said Ringhofer exposed himself after she dared him in jest. Another deputy who was sitting at the same table confirmed the details of the complaint, according to court records.

Ringhofer, who was placed on paid administrative leave, was slated to appear in court Aug. 18.

IL: Ex-police chief's former secretary gets probation for obstruction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The secretary to former East St. Louis Police Chief Ron Matthews has been sentenced to two years' probation on obstruction of justice charges.

Thirty-year-old Ja'nerra Carson-Slaughter pleaded guilty last year to helping a former East St. Louis police officer get a gun and then lying about it.

Prosecutors say Carson-Slaughter took 15-hundred dollars in exchange for helping Ayoub Qattoum (AH'-yoob kah-TOM') get back a pistol that had been seized from him because he is a convicted felon.

Carson-Slaughter and Qattoum both pleaded guilty last year and agreed to testify against Matthews. Qattoum was sentenced to 21 months in prison.

Matthews has been found guilty on charges stemming from the incident and was sentenced to 33 months in prison.

CO: Film shoot nixed by SWAT team
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In a bizarre twist of events, what should have been a routine film shoot turned into a real-life thriller." ...

"The entire crew was ordered to drop to their knees with M-16 rifles pointed at their backs and then were forced to lay on the ground for 15 to 20 minutes. Several crew members tried to explain that they were just filming a movie, but were ordered by the SWAT team to shut up."

"'They told me they were going to send rounds my way,' said Borden who was incredulous about the whole incident."

"They took down our names, weights, heights and license plate numbers and took mug shots of everyone, Borden said." ...

"After 30 minutes, the crew was uncuffed, but they were given no explanation by the SWAT team why they had been detained." ...

Submitter's Note: "To Serve and Protect?"

SC: Former Ridgeville officer accused of taking guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer was arrested Monday, accused of taking guns and a Global Positioning System receiver while working for the department, the State Law Enforcement Division said."

"Agents arrested Christopher Nuss ... on charges of breach of trust with fraudulent intent and misconduct in office, a SLED press release states. Nuss was released from the Dorchester County Detention Center on his own recognizance later in the day."

"Nuss is accused of taking two 9 mm pistols, two 12-gauge shotguns and a GPS receiver from the Ridgeville Police Department ... according to a sworn affidavit from a SLED agent. ..." ...

"The town fired Nuss following a December arrest not directly related to his job as a police officer. ..." ...

NJ: Stories conflict in mayor's arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, who was arrested on disorderly persons charges early Saturday, said he was roughed up by police for intervening in an argument between a couple outside Barry's Tavern in an incident that spurred those charges."

"Healy said he had just left Barry's Tavern ... when he saw a couple arguing in the parking lot of a neighboring auto shop. He said the man was jumping on the hood of his girlfriend's car."

"After he calmly talked the man down, Healy said, police arrived and began roughing up him and his wife." ...

"Healy said police threw him on the ground and sprayed pepper spray at him. When his wife tried to retrieve his glasses, police shoved her to the ground, too, Healy said." ...

Canada: Homes Owner Fights Invaders, Goes to Jail (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trouble in brewing in the gun-banner's paradise of Canada. Not only have their draconian firearms laws become increasing unpopular and their gun registration scheme increasingly expensive, but now they are experiencing the same acts that have caused outrage in England."

"... Harvey Joseph Young was charged with attempted murder after two home invasion suspects reported him to the police for defending his home with a firearm.

"... two Roblin, Canada men kicked in Young's front door in a home invasion attempt. Young defended himself with his firearm and repelled the invaders, firing and hitting one of them as they fled."

"The suspects promptly drove to the nearest police station and reported Young, who was arrested for attempted murder ..." ...

Australia: Troops 'play games with guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SOLDIERS guarding the Australian embassy in Baghdad play games pointing their guns at each other and pulling the trigger, says one of two men who shared a room with Private Jake Kovco when he was shot in April."

"In a written statement read at a military board of inquiry into Kovco's death, the man, identified only as Soldier 17, described a culture of practical jokes among soldiers using the guns."

"Kovco himself may have put a pistol to his head as a joke without intending to fire, the soldier said, although he had no evidence of this and had never seen Kovco mishandle a gun."

"'I have seen people pointing their pistols at others and pulling the trigger,' Soldier 17's statement read." ...

AZ: Self-control not gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is not an editorial about gun control. This is an editorial about self-control."

"On our front page today, we have two stories that involve handguns. One is the story of Harold Fish who fatally shot a man at a trailhead because he feared for his life. ..."

"We look at these stories as a gathering mass and wonder what could have happened in each of those moments to change the course of events."

"We do not believe in gun regulation. Owning a gun is a constitutional right, but we believe these incidents show that people are increasingly forgetting the weight of responsibility that comes with gun ownership." ...

AZ: Right to bear arms not same as right to use arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is in regard to the article published in the Payson Roundup on Tuesday, June 6, 'The right to carry guns for self defense.'"

"The fact that this right is guaranteed in our legal system does not mean that in every circumstance one should necessarily be prepared to exercise it."

"Exercising that right carries with it a set of significant perils, just as does non-exercise. I suspect that the physical perils are about equal in these two options under ordinary circumstances, like going to church or hiking in the woods. The trouble is that once one has fired his gun, justifiably or not, ... the nonphysical perils begin to operate with great vigor and determination to destroy." ...

Submitter's Note: Every trainer I have heard says the same thing: A gun does not solve problems, it merely exchanges one problem for another.

CT: Deer management study points to hunting as solution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More hunting is needed to check the rapid growth of the deer population in Connecticut, according to Howard Kilpatrick, a Ph.D. student in natural resources management and engineering."

"Kilpatrick, who also works as a project manager for the state Department of Environmental Protection, draws his conclusion from a three-year study he conducted of deer management in Greenwich that was funded by a grant from the Town of Greenwich."

"The town has one of the highest deer densities in the state, but because it is one of the most developed towns, the ability to hunt there is minimal."

"'Many of the highest deer densities in the state are in areas where there is the least amount of hunting,' Kilpatrick says." ...

UK: Housing association property on Hackney estate was 'guns supermarket'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple who turned their one-bedroom flat into a 'guns supermarket' stocked with a submachine pistol and hundreds of live rounds, have been jailed."

"When police raided the housing association home they found no less than 50 types of bullets in various stages of production."

"More than 750 were ready to be fired, while a further 500 so-called 'dum dums', which expand on impact, were waiting to be loaded with gunpowder."

"A number of thunder flashes, signal flares and a bullet press were also recovered."

"But the 'most significant' find was a 'lethal' Mach II sub-machine pistol." ...

Canada: Gun amnesty nets 30 firearms in Cowichan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A provincial gun amnesty program has netted about 30 surrendered weapons in the Cowichan Valley at the half-way mark."

"The theft of a gun and ammunition during a break-in near Chemainus recently is a prime example of what the gun amnesty program aims to prevent ..."

"'We get those guns that are out in the community, unwanted and sometimes forgotten in the home, and we get them potentially out of the hands of criminals,' said Lagan."

"Island-wide the amnesty has netted 157 firearms ... The guns were mostly rifles or shotguns but included: five prohibited guns; 14 unregistered, restricted semi-automatic rifles; eight unregistered handguns, one registered, restricted semi-automatic rifle; and seven registered handguns." ...

Canada: Coalition wants tighter control on small arms trade
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canadians want a tighter grip on the flow of guns and ammunition in and out of the country, according to a survey released Monday."

"A report by the Control Arms Campaign, a joint initiative by Amnesty International, Oxfam International and the International Action Network on Small Arms, surveyed people in six countries and found that Canadians aren’t the only ones concerned about the global trade of guns and bullets."

"Overall, 87 per cent of respondents said there should be strict international controls on where weapons can be exported and 89 per cent agreed they would like better regulations on arms coming into their country. The survey was conducted in Brazil, Guatemala, Canada, South Africa, Great Britain and India in May." ...

Canada: Good riddance to the gun registry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At long last, the first legislative nails are being hammered into the gun registry's coffin. On Monday ... the Public Safety Minister, introduced a bill in the House of Commons that would amend the Firearms Act and Criminal Code so that law-abiding Canadian hunters, farmers and sport shooters no longer have to register their 'long guns' (rifles and shotguns). All handguns would still have to be registered, and all potential gun owners -- even long-gun owners -- would still have to take government-set safety courses, submit to criminal background checks and obtain licences ... But gone will be the expensive, bureaucratic and useless demand that every duck gun, deer rifle and skeet gun be entered in Ottawa's error-riddled database.

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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