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Newslinks for 6/22/2007

The Second Amendment should be amended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ok, folks, time for a little history lesson. The NRA takes the Second Amendment out of context because 'the right to bear arms' does not have the same meaning today as it did when the Framers wrote it. It's time for a reality check." ...

"The Framers wrote the Second Amendment as a security measure. Every state needed to maintain its own citizen militia, so therefore, people were allowed to bear arms to help achieve this goal. These militias eventually became the National Guard in every state. Today, the Army has three parts: the Army National Guard, the Active Army and the Army Reserves. Citizen militas are no longer needed, but they are still recognized under the law." ...

Violent crime still on the rise (BCPGV)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Along with the recent release of preliminary data from the FBI’s 2006 Uniform Crime Report came confirmation of what many observers had been expecting even before the preliminary data was made available: violent crime is on the rise across America." ...

"Regardless of the cause of these clashes, it is clear that 'trivial' fights are turning deadly more often now than they had in the past. In this kind of environment, one wonders why some suggest that more guns will reduce the number of people shot to death in petty disputes. We've tried that for many years now, and we once again see that adding more guns to the mix does not result in less violence." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Home Invader
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"One man is dead in the Hunters Creek area of Orange County after he was shot by a homeowner during a home invasion." ...

"According to authorities, three men fired shots as they broke into a home on Muscatello Street and Crayford Avenue Wednesday around 11 p.m."

"News 13 was told that the men attempted to rob the six people inside. ..."

"Authorities said one of the victims got into a bedroom and picked up a rifle and when one of the intruders tried to enter the bedroom, the man inside shot through a closet door, hitting the intruder in the chest, killing him." ...

NY: Police: Ex-cop shoots attacker, who had been served divorce papers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A retired Kent police officer who was serving legal papers to a town man in a divorce proceeding shot the man in the chest twice yesterday after the man attacked him with a police baton, state police said."

"Officers went about 4:30 p.m. to 33 Lincoln Road, where 66-year-old Dennis Illuminate had gone to serve divorce papers on Douglas Greenwich ..."

"Greenwich ... became enraged at the sight of Illuminate, who had served him with legal papers on two previous occasions ... Illuminate ... fired his licensed .25-caliber handgun, striking Greenwich in the upper torso, but the men continued to struggle ... Illuminate fired a second round, which also struck Greenwich in the chest ..." ...

CA: Off-duty cop kills intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"An off-duty San Leandro police officer shot and fatally wounded a man who stormed into a home Wednesday in an attempt to hide from Hayward police, said Hayward Police Lt. Gary Branson." ...

"The man and his female companion, neither of whom was identified, had knocked on the door of a home on the street. The off-duty San Leandro officer, who was cradling a baby in his arms, answered the door and the man tried to force his way into the house, Branson said. A fight began and the officer, who was armed, shot the man several times, Branson said." ...

KABA Note: Why would you *need* a gun when you answer the door? What are you, paranoid?!?

States amend gun policies, debate on-campus weapon carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A great deal of evaluation, and even second-guessing, have been going on concerning the events of April 16. ..."

"One of the measures under consideration is a proposal to lift a ban on concealed-carry firearms on Virginia college and university campuses ..."

"While voicing little support for the notion, the governor has left the decision in the hands of executives of Virginia’s publicly-funded universities and colleges ..."

"Other states are taking the matter further."

"In South Carolina a bill has recently emerged from committee in the state legislature that would allow adult permit holders to carry concealed handguns on public school campuses, from elementary to collegiate level." ...

Todd Tiahrt: Trust ATF, FOP on gun data
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In its June 20 editorial, The Eagle editorial board asked, 'How do Tiahrt restrictions protect cops?' The editorial board was referring to current law that prohibits the BATFE from releasing investigation-specific information to anyone other than law enforcement and prosecutors for an ongoing criminal investigation. The policy is supported by the ATF and the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest law enforcement organization."

"In fact, the board answered its own question by stating the ATF and FOP 'argue that the restrictions protect the identity of undercover cops and ongoing investigations.' Apparently, the professionals who deal with the gun trace data on a daily basis do not have sufficient credibility with the editorial board. ..." ...

Tiahrt off the mark in gun response
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Goddard, in a letter responding to the June 20 Eagle editorial on the Tiahrt amendment, continues to peddle the fiction that critics of his measure are all part of a vast left-wing East Coast and media conspiracy. It’s an easy way to avoid real argument and evidence."

"Tiahrt also claims to be 'erring on the side of officer safety.' But it's a false choice. Many law enforcement officials contend that the laws in place prior to his amendment already protected cops while meeting the demonstrated need of local police for aggregate gun trace data. That's the evidence that critics have asked Tiahrt to produce: How were old restrictions inadequate?" ...

Bloomberg quits GOP; Threatens to join bloated field of anti-gun prez candidates (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As if there aren't enough anti-gun candidates sparring in one of the earliest presidential campaign seasons ever, it looks like there is about to be one more."

"Joining the list of pro-gun control candidates like Hillary Rodham Clinton (D), Barack Hussein Obama (D), Rudy Giuliani (R) and John McCain (R), will likely soon be anti-gun billionaire New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I)."

"That's right - (I), as in Independent. Democrat-turned-Republican-In-Name-Only Bloomberg has announced his withdrawal from the GOP, despite having told a group of Manhattan Republicans just last year 'I couldn't be prouder to run on the Republican ticket and be a Republican.'" ...

Background check gun bill deserves U.S. Senate passage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Associated Press has sent out some biographies of people killed in the April shooting rampage at Virginia Tech." ...

"It’s worth remembering the individual attributes of some of the victims, as we consider the extraordinary action taken June 13 in the U.S. House of Representatives."

"There, liberal Democrats and gun-control advocates worked with the National Rifle Association on a bill that would help ensure that people who had been judged dangerous because of a mental health issue would not be able to buy firearms."

"The bill doesn't really add any new provisions to gun laws, but it tightens existing rules and attempts to cut through the welter of privacy laws that prevented Cho's name from showing up ..." ...

Brady Campaign Releases Analysis of Congressional Legislation to Strengthen Background Checks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today issued this document describing the NICS Improvement Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives last Wednesday." ...

MO: Castle Doctrine awaiting signature of governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Castle Doctrine legislation has passed the Missouri House and Senate and is awaiting the signature of the governor. The legislation clarifies when lethal force may be used against an intruder."

"The name 'Castle Doctrine' refers to a phrase dating back to the origins of English common law: 'A man's home is his castle.'"

"Before this legislation, a homeowner was required to make an attempt to escape before using lethal force to defend against an intruder."

"'Prior to, there was the idea that you had the duty to retreat before using deadly force,' said Clay County Sheriff Paul Vescovo. 'This is no longer required as long as the person using deadly force is not unlawfully present where the altercation occurs. ...'" ...

OH: Working to help Ohioans protect themselves and their families (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Shortly after your head hits the pillow, you begin to hear a soft tapping outside the bedroom window. ... suddenly, the window pops open and a dark figure begins to crawl inside. Immediately, all thoughts turn to the safety of your wife and your two children asleep down the hall. You remain still as the dark figure makes its way inside your home. Then, in the moonlight, you catch the outline of what appears to be a gun in the intruder’s hand. What do you do now?"

"For most Americans, the answer to this question is clear—do whatever it takes to protect yourself, your home and, most importantly, your family. Unfortunately, in Ohio, this right to defend oneself and one’s family is not so clear. ..." ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Supports Rifle Hunting Bills
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association would like to thank Assemblyman Jim Bacalles and Senator George Winner for sponsoring companion bills A-6064A and S-3219A allowing the use of rifles for hunting deer and bear in Chemung, Steuben and Yates counties. Successful implementation of the rifle hunting change in several other counties in the southern tier region in 2005 demonstrates that rifles can be used safely for big game hunting in this part of the state. The NYSRPA encourages Gov. Spitzer to sign this legislation into law as soon as possible, in time for the start of the fall hunting season.

NV: Former police officer charged in embezzlement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former Reno police officer is being charged in Fernley Justice Court with multiple counts of embezzlement.

A preliminary hearing for Ross Aguiar is scheduled Sept. 6 in Fernley Justice Court on six counts of felony embezzlement for allegedly selling items from Feldmeier Equipment from April 2004 to May 2006 but keeping the money. Aguiar was an employee of the company in the Dermody Industrial Park off Lyon Drive.

The Fernley plant opened in 1999 and manufactures tanks and vessels for the dairy, beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries. Aguiar was manager of the company when the plant first opened.

IN: Officer Charged After Incident Caught On Tape (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Portage, Ind., officer is charged after he allegedly used excessive force against a woman.

PA: Wiretap charge dropped in police video case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A case that attracted nationwide attention has ended with the dropping of a felony wiretapping charge against a Carlisle man who recorded a police officer during a traffic stop."

"Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed said his decision will not only affect Brian Kelly, 18, it also will establish a policy for police departments countywide."

"'When police are audio- and video-recording traffic stops with notice to the subjects, similar actions by citizens, even if done in secret, will not result in criminal charges,' Freed said yesterday. 'I intend to communicate this decision to all police agencies within the county so that officers on the street are better prepared to handle a similar situation should it arise again.'" ...

Japan: GSDF colonel arrested for alleged bribery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Ground Self-Defense Force colonel was arrested Friday on suspicion of receiving several hundred thousand yen in bribes from a trading company executive in return for favorable treatment to the company on procurements of GSDF equipment, the police said.

Shingo Nishi, 44, is believed to have received the bribe in cash from Tomonori Matsui, 44, an executive at the Tokyo-based Shinseishoji Co., which provides the GSDF with various types of equipment, including field cookers and field washing supplies that were used on GSDF missions in Iraq.

MI: Supreme Court: Cities have right to effectively ban hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld the right of cities to ban the use of firearms and bows and arrows within their limits, even if it interferes with someone's ability to hunt."

"Michael Czymbor had argued that such bans passed by the city of Saginaw in 1999 unfairly kept him from hunting on a 56-acre parcel within the city boundaries where he had hunted in the past. He said the municipal ordinances were pre-empted by the state Department of Natural Resources' right to regulate hunting."

"But in a 4-3 ruling, the court disagreed." ...

AL: Means what it says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Responding to Jonathon Atchley's May 15 letter, 'Still relevant': I'm glad Atchley acknowledges the reading of the Second Amendment is technically correct. In other words, it means what it says ."

"However, it laughable for him to indicate that this right is not even relevant today." ...

"As far as I know, the Second Amendment has never been rescinded nor modified by a constitutional amendment. ..."

"Atchley hangs his argument on overthrowing the government. I don't recall anything in the Federalist Papers that argues that overthrow of the government was the main purpose of the Second Amendment."

"Instead the purpose was for self-protection and having a pool for militia to assist the small standing army, when needed." ...

IL: ISRA Wonders Whether Saturday Gun Shop Protest Will See Father Pfleger Restore Dignity To His Vocation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ISRA has learned that Fr. Michael Pfleger, Pastor of Chicago's St. Sabina's Church, is planning yet another march on Chuck's Gun Shop, located in south suburban Riverdale. Late last month, Fr. Pfleger sparked an embarrassing controversy for the Chicago Archdiocese by urging those attending a similar protest to 'snuff' Chuck's owner as well as any state legislator who votes against gun control legislation."

"In a recent e-mail alert, the ISRA urged area firearm owners to attend a counter-protest at Chuck's scheduled for Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 12:30 PM. The purpose of the counter-protest is to demonstrate support for Chuck's embattled owner and to rally opposition to gun control bills pending in the state legislature." ...

CA: Our Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the people of Fallbrook are aware, our local businesses have been robbed by armed gunmen several times this year. I can see why these criminals continue on because of our amendments to protect law-abiding citizens has been infringed upon."

"It is a travesty that we have been disarmed in public. There is no balance of power. Add all the gun laws and bans you want and it changes nothing, but disarms only those who abide by the law."

"Our founding fathers knew it was vitally important to ratify our Second Amendment right ... To 'bear' is to 'carry' and to be 'infringed' is to be 'violated.' Our given right to carry arms has not only been violated, but taken away." ...

IL: Gun makers in limbo, with one eye on lawmakers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Area gun manufacturers remain in limbo, unsure if Illinois legislators could put them out of business."

"Bills were introduced this year in the Illinois legislature to outlaw high-capacity gun magazines, to ban the .50-caliber rifle, and to ban some types of semi-automatic weapons."

"The assaults on the industry were tougher this year ..."

"Most have made plans to move to other states if necessary, while one firm -- Les Baer Custom of Hillsdale -- has called it a day."

"The firm is in the process of moving operations to LeClaire. ..."

"Mr. Baer said the move was in large part due to the constant threats of new Illinois laws that would ban or curtail his gun manufacturing business." ...

MT: Single-action revolver contest this weekend
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Montana Territory Peacemakers, a Billings-based cowboy action shooting group, will host the Yellowstone Valley Buffalo Stampede at the Billings Rod and Gun Club this weekend.

From noon to 4 p.m. Friday, they will have side matches, which are more like practices where people can shoot a course over and over.

From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, every shooter will go through the same scenario once and be timed through the course.

About 40 contestants, who are required to be in period dress, are expected. For information, visit the Montana Territory Peacemakers Web site.

CO: Recreational shooting has Forest Service's all-clear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Target shooters in Boulder may be safe after all.
U.S. Forest Service officials said Wednesday that they will not be looking to ban recreational shooting on national forest land in Boulder County."

"Meeting with state lawmakers, Forest Service Regional Forester Rick Cables said earlier accounts of banning shooting on national forest land in the county were incorrect and not in keeping with the agency's ideals."

"'The Forest Service honors the Second Amendment, period,' he said."

"The discussion Wednesday at the Capitol came on the heels of a series of open meetings in Boulder County discussing the Forest Service's Urban Front Country Initiative." ...

UK: Boys admit gunpoint store robbery
Submitted by: Russell M Middleton

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"Two teenagers held up a Stranraer grocery store to get money for video games and jewellery, a court has heard."

"The robbers, aged 13 and 14, walked into the shop on 4 January with their faces masked, pointed an air pistol at an assistant and demanded money."

"The pair ... admitted assaulting the shop worker, threatening her with violence and stealing money and cigarettes." ...

Submitter's Note: In the land that outlawed handguns a decade ago robbing a store by pointing an air pistol at a shop assistant is, according to Judge Lord Hodge "bad and anti-social."

UK: Porn star sent to jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With a university degree, striking looks and an ambition to work with disadvantaged children, Melissa Walker appeared to have a bright future."

"But yesterday the glamorous blonde was put behind bars as her descent from model student to one of Britain's top porn film stars was revealed for the first time."

"In an incredible tale of greed, lust and drugs, Walker, 26, was jailed for two and half years for plunging an ornamental dagger into the chest of her lover."

"Sporting an expensive designer trouser suit, fake tan and false eyelashes, she looked stunned as a jury found her guilty of the vicious attack at her flat in Hove." ...

UK: Loner 'knifed officer in self-defence'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AN eccentric loner accused of stabbing a police support officer in the neck has claimed he acted in self-defence."

"Albert Williams, 63, who allegedly slashed Gary Etchells with a carving knife as he was about to be evicted from his rented home, denied he was carrying out threats."

"He also threw pans of boiling water at bailiffs and housing officials who arrived with a warrant to take possession of his one-bedroom flat ..."

"He attacked 47-year-old Mr Etchells with one of two knives he was brandishing, puncturing his carotid artery and paralysing a vocal cord ..."

"Afterwards, Williams calmly put the knives back in his kitchen and waited for the arrival of uniformed police, it was claimed." ...

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak. — George Orwell

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