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Newslinks for 6/22/2010

MA: Dueling bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The legislation would limit gun owners to the purchase of one gun per month, and unlike the handful of other states with a one-gun-per-month provision, contains no exemptions for hunters. The legislation would ban private firearms sales between legally licensed individuals, requiring all such transactions to be conducted at a gun shop with a fee paid and information transmitted to the government. ...

If such provisions do not constitute “infringement” of the rights of law-abiding Americans, the Second Amendment — along with a series of U.S. Supreme Court rulings — have no meaning. Taken together, such an approach constitutes an assault on the constitutional rights of Massachusetts residents

MI: Firing at carjacker called self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 65-year-old Detroit man who accidentally killed a 69-year-old grandmother last month while shooting at a fleeing carjacker fired to protect himself, his lawyer said Monday.

Attorney Terry Price said Edward Bell thought the carjacker was pointing a gun at him -- one that turned out to be fake -- when he fired the shot that killed Geraldine Jackson on May 12 while she was inside her home preparing a family meal in northwest Detroit.

"He was in fear for his safety," Price said, adding that Bell was justified to shoot even though it produced tragic consequences.

The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office wouldn't comment Monday.

CA: Owner Wants Confiscated Guns Back
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Carmichael business owner said he is getting the runaround from Sacramento County law enforcement.

He said officials confiscated his property and won't give it back, even though he is not accused of doing anything wrong.

The store owner in question is also a longtime state prison counselor who said he has always had a good working relationship with law enforcement.

Bill Dunbar said he was acting in self-defense when he used a Smith & Wesson handgun to shoot and kill one of two men who broke into his store and threatened him a year ago.


Adding to Dunbar's concern is that the district attorney told KCRA 3 it has sent a letter to the sheriff directing the department to release Dunbar's property.

IA: Shooting was in the cards
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police have said they don't foresee filing any charges against the 65-year-old clerk. While a vigil was held Wednesday in memory of those killed, our thoughts also reside with that clerk, a retiree holding a night-time job who was forced to take potential life saving measures that will stick with him for the rest of his days.

The weapon used by the clerk is a .44 caliber revolver that is kept at the store for protection. This certainly seems to be a case of a citizen trying to protect his life, not the act of a vigilante. We also believe these types of situations reinforce the stance that law-abiding and qualifying citizens have the right to keep firearms for their protection and self-defense.

MA: Gun bill would restrict constitutional right
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Massachusetts is at it again. Gov. Deval Patrick is crafting heavy-handed, ignorant gun policies in light of recent Boston-area shootings.

As a gun owner, I take great offense to these often "one-size-fits-all" bills that frequently get passed without a second glance by our many leftist legislators. The bill will limit gun owners to one purchase a month maximum, while doing nothing to combat actual gun violence on the streets.

Whether you buy one gun a year or 10 is not the issue; it is not the business of our government to dictate to us our lawful purchases. If I want to buy 25 guns to keep in my place of residence, that is my concern and nobody else's.

Under fire, Dem leaders standing by DISCLOSE act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The DISCLOSE act is also under fire from some liberals in Congress who are angry about the "carve-out" for the NRA, and its prospects for passing are looking less certain than they once did. So the memo is an effort by the Dem leadership to get Dems back in line by underscoring that it represents an opportunity for real reform that mustn't be squandered.

52 Shot, 8 Dead and Mayor Daley Still Resists Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fifty-two people shot, eight of them fatally in a single Chicago weekend, yet Mayor Richard Daley appears poised to go down screaming in his opposition to the Second Amendment Foundation's lawsuit to overturn his city's handgun ban.

The U.S. Supreme Court could rule any day on the case of McDonald v. City of Chicago, filed by SAF, the Illinois State Rifle Association and four Chicago residents. That ruling will likely strike down the handgun ban, thus opening the door to legal self-defense by Windy City residents.

WA: Before you go for your gun, use some common sense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The recent shooting of a thief/innocent scrap recycler (take your pick) in the McKenna area produced one of the most heated online arguments I’ve seen in a while.

The police think the 69-year-old who killed the 20-year-old on June 9 committed a crime. But he has a slew of cheerleaders out there who – knowing no more than the police (and probably a lot less) – have decided he’s a hero.

The 69-year-old has a great self-defense case, for all I know. It’s his fans who worry me. Most of them have some very relaxed notions about when a “law-abiding” citizen can shoot a suspected thief.

CA: Shooting suspect: 'Any man would have did the same thing'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Michael Watkins said he was acting in self-defense when he shot Sheridan Rogers late last week.

Rogers came to Watkins' house Friday in what Watkins said was a dispute over a car. Rogers was shot multiple times in the incident, according to police.


"That's when I was grabbed and, you know, tried to get in my house where my family was and my kids were crying and my wife was trying to grab the kids and one thing led to another," Watkins said. "I wish we could have talked about it, act like men and have lunch or dinner and discuss it. But, he had other things on his mind. Way other things."

CO: Marcus Duran shooting: Will justifiable homicide ruling end alleged threats?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lynn Kimbrough, spokeswoman for the DA's office, says she hasn't received information about threats against the homeowner, either. Regarding the decision, she notes that Duran's multiple wounds were among many factors personnel weighed before coming to a final determination.

"The information that came from the office of the medical examiner, as well as all the other pieces of information that were gathered from witnesses, interviews and from the scene, were all taken into consideration in the review," she says.

She notes that the so-called "Make My Day" statute was only one of the self-defense regulations used to determine that charges against the homeowner weren't justified.

PA: Police levy charges against man who shot intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police said Neil L. Felver, 29, used a .22 caliber Ruger handgun to shoot Abdul Miller, 33, of Milton after Miller invaded Felver's home at 1510 Scott St. just after 2 a.m. June 14.

The district attorney is not charging Felver with homicide as the shooting was determined to be in self-defense, but other drug-related charges are "justified."

City police Agent Stephen J. Sorage said Miller was shot in the chest and shoulder. Miller died at an area hospital.

While not charged in Miller's death, Felver is being charged with persons not to possess firearms, possession with intent to deliver controlled substances, possession of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia possession.

With Elena Kagan Hearings Set to Begin, Concern Over Gun Views
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following the release of documents from the Clinton library last week in which it appears United States Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan equated the National Rifle Association (NRA) to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), NSSF has become increasingly concerned about the nominee’s views on firearms issues and her temperament to serve on the high court. The White House has subsequently denied the charge, which appeared in National Review Magazine; however, even if Ms. Kagan did not intend to directly equate the NRA to the KKK, she did undeniably list the NRA as a "bad guy” organization.

NY: Microstamping law fails by 2 votes in NYS Senate; grassroots push is on before next vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Why do Republican State Senators and a few Democrats want to coddle criminals? Why do they hate police officers? Why do some of the very "tough on law-and-order" crowd want to make it easier for criminals who have killed or maimed to escape capture or conviction, to kill or maim another day?

This is the question that should be asked after a law to require gun manufacturers of semi-automatic guns to be capable of microstamping an identifying number on ammunition was defeated by just two votes in New York's Senate last week.

Ed.: This story relates to the bill's initial defeat. The bill is up for reconsideration.

CT: Republican attorney general hopeful takes issue with opponent's 'guns for schoolchildren' agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dean, however, defended her position, noting many public and private schools in the state offer firearms accident prevention programs and competitive rifle teams.

Both programs, she said, provide opportunities for public benefit and safety.

"My platform is based on restoring common sense to the attorney general's office to allow Connecticut citizens and businesses to flourish," Dean said. "As Connecticut attorney general I will be swearing to uphold the Constitution, and I will do that." Dean apparently made the comments on firearms training during a rally sponsored by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League at the state Capitol in April.

MS: NRA To Endorse Childers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Various outlets are reporting that the NRA will once again be backing Rep. Travis Childers in the First District. This comes on the heels of an email from the Alan Nunnelee campaign stating that they anticipated the NRA would back Childers, the incumbent. Obviously, they knew the endorsement was imminent. Personally, this is what I expected all along but am a little shocked they did this so early. What if Childers is losing by 10 points in September?

TN: Officer blocked us from ER during bride's stroke
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A patient, believed to be having a stroke, says an officer with the Chattanooga Police Department blocked her husband from taking her to the emergency room at Erlanger Wednesday night.

Aline Wright is a cancer survivor, amputee and a newlywed. Wednesday night she began to show signs she was having a stroke.

That's when her husband of four days, Jesse Wright, put her in the car and ... treated two red lights like stop signs.

... the officer caught up with the couple as they were attempting to enter the emergency room at Erlanger Medical Center.

"He picks me up in his arms and the officer continues to block the way into the emergency room," said Aline.

... Jesse was released on $7,500 bond,...

NY: Kimber Manufacturing LTE Sets the Record Straight in Yonkers Tribune
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Currently proposed microstamping legislation is not the “common-sense legislation” NYAGV’s Jackie Hilly and other proponents would have you believe. The truth is that three independent studies have reached the same conclusion – that this sole-sourced technology is unreliable and easily defeated by criminals. These studies found that repeated firing pin strikes resulted in illegible marks, that the markings wore over time, and that they were easily removed in seconds with common household tools. Moreover, a National Academy of Sciences’ report recommends further study, as does the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest law enforcement group. All agreed that further testing, analysis, and evaluation are required.

TX: Source: Dallas police chief's son killed Lancaster officer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The son of Dallas Police Chief David Brown killed a Lancaster police officer and another man during a Sunday melee that left three people dead, according to a law enforcement official.
David Brown Jr., 27, was himself shot and killed by officers, according to the official.
A law enforcement source who is familiar with the case and who asked that he not be identified said Brown had been behaving erratically at the apartment complex where the shootings occurred, in the 900 block of River Bend Drive near West Pleasant Run Road in southern Dallas County.
Wearing boxers, sunglasses and no shoes, Brown apparently killed a man who had just pulled into the complex in his car with his wife and children.

NY: Revived weapons expo draws thousands
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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One could tell something was a little different at the Westchester County Center this weekend when the woman taking tickets asked everyone walking through, "Are you carrying a firearm?" The venue's first gun and knife show in 11 years came with a heady, eclectic mix of Americana, modern and centuries-old guns, random antiques and a few unsettling juxtapositions.

NC: Third Butner officer fired in trooper's DWI stop
Submitted by: jac

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Butner, N.C. — A major with Butner's police department was dismissed Monday for personal conduct violations for his involvement in covering up a DWI stop involving an off-duty State Highway Patrol trooper.

Maj. Anthony W. Moss' dismissal comes more than a month after the trooper, Capt. James Williams Jr., and two other Butner Public Safety officers, Capt. Walter Williams and Lt. Daniel Parrott, were fired.

"The officers involved in this incident failed to enforce the law and abide by their oaths of office, and we cannot tolerate that," Butner Chief Wayne Hobgood said in a statement. "The public trust was betrayed along with our commitment to serve and protect the citizens of this community."

More Handguns, Less Crime -- or More?
Submitted by: Paul

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In 1998, John R. Lott Jr. dropped a bombshell on the academic and legal worlds with More Guns, Less Crime. The University of Chicago Press has just released a third edition of the book, with updated numbers and more than 100 pages of new material.

Three things are clear. One, this book's central argument about right-to-carry laws has failed to create any kind of consensus. Two, the dire predictions of right-to-carry opponents have not come true. Three, the next great gun-control debate will concern handgun bans.

The more-guns-less-crime theory is more than plausible, and it retains the support of many academics.

Gun-rights supporters shouldn't have to prove anything. They are on the side of freedom.

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox's Message on H.R. 5175
Submitted by: Tom Price

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The NRA has never supported--nor would we ever support -- any version of this bill. Those who suggest otherwise are wrong.

The restrictions in this bill should not apply to anyone or to any organization. My job is to ensure they don't apply to the NRA and our members. Without the NRA, the Second Amendment will be lost and I will do everything in my power to prevent that.

We believe that any restriction on political speech is repugnant. But some of our critics believe we should put the Second Amendment at risk over a First Amendment principle to protect other organizations. That's easy to say--unless you have a sworn duty to protect the Second Amendment above all else, as I do.


Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry

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