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Newslinks for 6/22/2015

Why are gun free zones a bad idea?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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"In this article I will discuss gun free zones, and look at the reasoning behind creating them. I will also discuss the futility of these, and point out a more logical alternative."

"For whatever reason, some people have the notion that posting a sign will cause universal obedience. The sign may be in the form of a sticker on a door, or to stretch the point, an order of protection." ...

Submitter's Note: Designating areas as gun-free is a very dangerous undertaking. They could be called gun-ban areas more accurately.

Massacres cannot be totally prevented, but the carnage can be limited by someone with a gun.

Why are gun bans a bad idea?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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... "The United States was established, in contrast with all the regimes on earth before and since, with the unique ideal that government is a social contract between the government and the governed. Our forebears declared their independence from King George III of England, and fought and beat the mightiest army that had ever marched on the face of the earth. Although the ideal was tarnished by the continued scourge of human slavery in the new nation, that social contract was established."

"The modern history of gun bans in the United States begins in with the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934. Prior to that time, the Second Amendment to the Constitution was generally recognized and honored insofar as gun bans are concerned. ..." ...

Are Establishment Republicans Any Better Than Dems on the 2A?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As our ‘I Am A Gun Owner’ Facebook album illustrates, gun owners come in all shapes, sizes, colors, predilections and points on the political continuum. Which is as it should be. That said, it’s safe to say that the majority of our readers — and gun owners in general — tend toward the right/libertarian segments of the spectrum. Generally speaking, opponents of Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms reliably line up stage left. So again, generally speaking, friends of the RKBA will be found among members of the GOP. But as a couple of recent examples make clear, blindly assuming that Republicans are gun owners’ friends can be hazardous to the health of your civil rights. Take bloviating egotist extraordinaire Bill O’Reilly for example . . ." ...

A Look at “Medical” Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to this bio, Sean Palfrey MD is a pediatrician, teacher, parent, photographer, advocate for improved child health and safety. They forgot to add 'civilian disarmament advocate.' Reading the Harvard grad’s editorial What a Public Health Approach to Gun Violence Would Look Like, there’s no doubt that Palfrey would degrade and destroy gun rights in the name of public safety. Here’s his vision of applying the disease control model to Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms . . ." ...

Who’s ‘Delusional’ Where Guns and Crime are Concerned?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dale Hansen over at HuffPo is using his bully pulpit (okay, with 798 likes and 18 shares, maybe that’s being charitable) to lambaste Vince Vaughn (whose recent pro-gun comments to GQ UK have stirred up a minor firestorm) and the various members of FoxNews’s The Five. In the process Dale manages to display either abject ignorance and credulity or an unusual willingness to lie through his teeth when it supports the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex agenda. Here’s the quote Dale’s knickers are so bunched over . . ." ...

VPC Study: Guns Used More to Murder than Defend- If You Cook the Books
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The holy grail for gun control activists: cold hard proof of that firearms are inherently evil. They seek the ability to point to a conclusive study that states, once and for all, that firearms do more harm than good. It’s their Holy Grail tipping point: irrefutable proof that we need to ditch a Constitutionally protected right. But every time such a study purporting to do that surfaces, the mental gymnastics required to make the data fit the desired conclusion are obvious. If you look closely enough . . ." ...

Piers Morgan goes on anti-gun rant after the Charleston shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Piers Morgan has heavily criticised US gun laws in the aftermath of the Charleston shooting."

"On Wednesday in Charleston, Carolina, a white man entered a historic African-American church and opened fire, killing nine people."

"Morgan, who has been denounced by the US right in the past for his trenchant views on firearms, took to social media to oppose the idea that guns should be owned by civilians." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: More whining from a sad pathetic twit who couldn't hold a job in England or the U.S.

MI: Detroit Coney Island employee shoots, kills armed robber
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"A worker at a Detroit Coney Island shot and killed a robber Sunday morning after the man walked into the restaurant with a gun and announced a robbery in front of customers."

"Police say the robber was an adult man who was attempting to rob the Pete's Grill and Coney Island at 1400 East Outer Drive on the city's east side."

"'Next thing I know, I saw everybody getting down on the ground,' said Robert Felton, of Detroit, who was inside the restaurant during the robbery. 'This guy was robbing the place. He had the gun on everybody. He was telling everybody, 'get to the register, I want the register.'"

"The employee shot the man, killing him." ...

NY: Police say off-duty NY corrections officer shoots, kills man who tried to rob motorcycle
Submitted by: jac

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"Police say an off-duty New York state corrections officer shot and killed a man who tried to steal his motorcycle." ...

"Police say a man approached five other men, brandished a gun and demanded the keys to their motorcycles."

"According to police, an off-duty corrections officer who was one of the five fired at the gunman and struck him in the head." ...

Submitter's note: This guy needed a lesson in victim selection and he got it. Too bad the average New Yorker doesn't have the option to defend himself and his property.

Quick on the trigger: Obama fires blanks exploiting a tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When President Barack Obama yesterday said it is time for more gun control in the wake of Wednesday night’s tragic attack at a Charleston, S.C. church, he was too quick on the trigger when he said such violence doesn’t happen 'in other advanced countries.'"

"In the vernacular, he went off half-cocked and fired blanks. ..."

"Not only did the president conveniently overlook the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris this past January, but he ignored several mass shootings that have happened in other countries with typically more stringent gun laws. The worst of the lot was the July 2011 attack in Norway in which Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in two separate attacks, eight with a bomb and 69 with gunfire." ...

S.C. church shooting suspect in custody; questions raised about gun acquisition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... CNN is reporting that authorities in North Carolina have arrested the suspect in last night’s mass shooting at the historic Emanuel AME church in Charleston, S.C., where state statute specifically prevents law-abiding citizens from carrying in a church or other established religious sanctuary unless authorized by church officials."

"That evidently did not stop the alleged shooter, identified as Dylann Storm Roof, 21, of Lexington, S.C., who has been charged in the murders of the nine people. He is now behind bars in South Carolina." ...

Nothing wrong with 'proudly closed minds on gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Horror novelist Stephen King took to Twitter yesterday to castigate Americans opposed to proposed new infringements on that which the Constitution itself declares shall not be infringed: the fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. King's latest assault on gun rights (it's not his first) was prompted by Wednesday's horrific massacre at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, apparently by a monster in human skin driven to rage and evil by his own racist hate. Another way to put it would be to say that the atrocity provided King with just what he needed to exploit in order to push the agenda of 'gun control.'" ...

Charleston shooting For every criminal killed in self-defence in the US, 34 innocent people die
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"'The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun," says Wayne LaPierre ..."

"That's become the kernel of the NRA's response to recent US mass shooting tragedies (such as Wednesday's massacre of nine people in a Charleston church) — if only more people carried guns for protection, the thinking goes, then they would be less likely to be victimised by gun-wielding criminals."

"The challenge to that argument is that, data shows, guns are rarely used in self-defence in the US — especially relative to the rate at which they're used in criminal homicides or suicides. A recent report from the [VPC] ... put those numbers in some perspective, and I dug up the raw numbers from the FBI's homicide data. ..." ...

Toby Keith and NRA: What they say about the Charleston shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the wake of the Charleston mass shooting, Barack Obama is again calling for gun control. But others say stricter gun laws will not make Americans safer."

"Country music star Toby Keith said on Thursday that stricter gun laws would not have made a difference in Charleston."

“'Countries all over the world that have really strict gun policies, like Oslo, Norway. It happens there,' said Mr. Keith probably referring to 2011 shooting and bombing in Norway which killed 77 people."

"Keith said that if a police officer had been praying at The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday, 'maybe seven or eight of those nine people would still be alive.'" ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Probably? Don't the reporter and the Christian Science Monitor have the financial or professional wherewithal to confirm what Mr. Keith was referring to?

NY: ‘Gravity Knife’ Law Reform Effort in NY May be Bad Omen for Eventual SAFE Act Fix
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we noted yesterday, you can’t always tell whose side a politicritter is on — whatever the issue — by the letter after his or her name. To wit, the current effort to decriminalize common pocket knives in the Empire State. Do you like to tote a Benchmade Mini Grip? Under current law, if you’re caught with one in the City that Never Sleeps, you’ll find yourself cuddling up with a flatulent guy with a cauliflower ear affectionately named Knuckles in a cell on Rikers Island. And a lot of the opposition to turning that state of affairs around is a gaggle of upstate ostensibly pro-2A GOPers. Which only makes you wonder what will happen if and when someone in New York gets the 'oomph' to take on the SAFE Act . . ." ...

NJ: Court denies New Jersey man's gun permits due to wife's record
Submitted by: jac

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"A state appellate court has ruled that a southern New Jersey man cannot buy guns because his wife is a convicted felon who's been accused of domestic violence."

"In their ruling issued this week, the two-judge panel found that the guns' presence in the man's home would give his wife greater access to firearms, creating an unacceptable threat to public health, safety and welfare. They said the man's Constitutional right to own weapons was 'subject to reasonable limitations.'" ...

"The man had said he would keep the guns locked up and out of his wife's control. The weapons he wanted to buy were intended to replace antiquated' guns dating to the 1940s that he now uses for target shooting with his son." ...

Submitter's note: In most states this would not be an issue. It only becomes an issue in those states that require the emperor's permission to purchase a gun. Time to move to a free state.

MI: Erie officer suspended in shooting investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Erie Township police officer, who once served as chief of the department before being removed from that position, has been suspended for his investigative tactics at the scene of a shooting that involved a disabled man on a motorized scooter firing a gun during a family dispute." ...

NV: Sparks may settle for $70K in 'road rage' incident
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"At Monday's Sparks City Council meeting, officials will discuss a potential settlement of $70,000 for two men who claim that Sparks SWAT officers illegally detained them after an incident described as 'road rage' by the United States District Court of Nevada."

"In addition to the alleged violation of their Fourth Amendment rights, the men claim that they were subjected to assault, battery, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. They also claimed that the City of Sparks was vicariously liable for the officers' actions."

"The City of Sparks' legal representation, however, said that the officers reacted appropriately to one of the men allegedly assaulting a vehicle as a result of his road rage." ...

CA: Accidental shootings by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies doubles; new gun blamed
Submitted by: jac

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"The number of accidental shootings by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies has more than doubled in two years as the department switches to a new handgun."

"There were 12 accidental discharges of weapons in 2012 and 30 last year — most of which involved the new gun, the Los Angeles Times reported ..."

"In October, a deputy tripped over a stroller and fired a bullet through the wall of a house in Huntington Park. Last November, a deputy in Lancaster shot himself in the thigh while pulling his gun. In December, a deputy in Compton accidentally pulled the trigger on his gun as he approached a suspected stolen car and a bullet hit the door. Nobody was in the car, however." ...

Did Uber just announce ‘victimize me’ policy for drivers, passengers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two months after one of its drivers in Chicago became a hero by stopping a gunman in his tracks during a random shooting incident, ride-sharing Uber has announced a ban on guns for drivers and passengers, as reported yesterday by several news agencies including Seattle’s KIRO, the local CBS affiliate."

"Uber’s largest competitor, Lyft, already has such a policy, noted the Wall Street Journal in its coverage of the announcement. By announcing this prohibition, Uber may well have just told street criminals to rob drivers and victimize passengers, even though payments are made through the mobile app. Criminals may just figure that drivers and passengers are carrying cash for other purposes." ...

Pope: Weapons Manufacturers Can’t Call Themselves Christians
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian, Pope Francis said on Sunday,' according to 'Francis issued his toughest condemnation to date of the weapons industry at a rally of thousands of young people at the end of the first day of his trip to the Italian city of Turin.' By all accounts, the Pontiff’s speech was a long rambling affair that condemned the people who create the tools that some men use to defend innocent life in passing. Warning his audience to trust God rather than man, he digressed as follows . . ." ...

BREAKING: NBC’s Meet the Press Accused of Racism in “Gun Violence” Video (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This morning’s NBC’s Meet the Press ran the above anti-gun segment on 'gun violence.' The carefully-edited excerpt from a larger film presented incarcerated criminals who’d shot innocent people and lived to regret it. All of those interviewed were black. Todd asked his audience to ignore that fact. Yeah. No. Within minutes the Internet was abuzz with charges of racial bias. Host Chuck Todd hardly had time to strip off his microphone to pen a public explanation. It’s a combination of 'sorry if we hurt your feelings' and 'screw you, it’s our job to make you uncomfortable.' Seriously. Here it is . . ." ...

Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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