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Newslinks for 6/23/2006

Chicago's 'Gang Book' Attacks Gun Rights as Tool Against Drug Gangs, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today accused the Chicago Crime Commission of exploiting the activities of drug gangs to attack gun rights."

"The Commission's new 272-page 'Gang Book' details Chicago's drug gangs and offers several recommended strategies to fight these criminals. Incredibly, at the top of the list, is a recommendation to limit handgun sales to one per month, and impose a ban on .50-caliber long range sport-utility rifles."

"'If this proves anything,' observed CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron, 'it's that the anti-gun obsession rampant in the office of Mayor Richard Daley is now infecting the Crime Commission. What's next? Will the city's public health experts decide that banning handguns and ugly rifles is one way to cure alcoholism or cancer?'" ...

NRA unloads on U.N.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The chairman of an upcoming U.N. conference on the illegal trade of small arms has received more than 100,000 letters of complaint from Americans who say it could impinge on their constitutional right to bear arms, he said Wednesday."

"Many of the letters contained a form message available on the National Rifle Association Web site that complains the June 26-July 7 conference will take place on the July 4 Independence Day holiday, U.N. officials said. The message argues that the conference is meant to limit Americans' right to carry weapons." ...

"Kariyawasam said the conference will focus only on efforts to ban the illegal sale of weapons and would have no impact on private ownership." ...

Sure, let's open the door for SWAT teams
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It's hard to know how many botched and unnecessary raids there have been ... But in a forthcoming report for the Cato Institute, Radley Balko concludes that mistakes have been made in more than 200 raids over the past decade."

"He finds that overzealous raiders caused the deaths of a dozen nonviolent offenders, like recreational marijuana smokers and gamblers." ...

"'Prosecutors typically let police officers off the hook when they mistakenly shoot a civilian,' Balko says, 'on the theory that mistakes are understandable during the confusion of a raid. Fair enough. But civilians don't get the same deference. My research shows that when someone on the other end of a botched raid mistakes a police officer for an intruder and shoots in self-defense, his odds of facing jail time are about one in two.'" ...

American Civil Rights Union Supports Case in Defense of Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) filed a brief amicus curiae on Friday, June 16 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in support of the plaintiffs in the case of Shelly Parker et al. v. District of Columbia."

"This is a potential landmark case where the plaintiffs are asking the Court to recognize that the Second Amendment does, indeed, establish a right of individual citizens to keep and bear arms." ...

"The brief also states, 'The courts cannot treat the Second Amendment as a politically incorrect, disfavored stepchild of the Bill of Rights. Fidelity to the Constitution requires that the Judiciary give it the same zealous protection as every other right stated in our founding document.'" ...

FL: Self-Defense Shooting Leaves One Man Dead
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"The State Attorney's office will determine if charges will be filed against a man who said he shot and killed a 25-year-old in self defense. Orange County deputies said the fatal shooting was justified."

"Late Wednesday night, Orange County deputies said 39-year-old Sylvester Andrews shot Antoine Jones when Jones charged at him with a knife."

"The incident allegedly started when a dispute broke out inside the home on Brook Hollow Drive. Andrews said he had no choice to shoot Jones, because he feared his two daughters and his girlfriend's daughter were in danger." ...

"The State Attorney's Office was reviewing the case."

TX: Teen Remains In Jail After Shooting Father
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A San Antonio teenager accused of shooting his father in the head remained in juvenile custody Wednesday."

"The 16-year old allegedly shot his father once in the head to protect his mother. Bexar County sheriff's deputies tell us the father was beating and choking his wife, when the teen pulled the trigger."

"'We do believe this was a domestic violence situation. Um, we do believe that the son came to the aid of the mom during an altercation with the father,' said Lt. Dale Bennett of the Bexar County Sheriff's Department." ...

"However, fearing he was a threat to himself and others, the judge ordered the teenager back into custody. So far no charges have been filed and investigators say there may not be." ...

Submitter's Note: Obviously he is a threat to others, just the way Tony Martin is a threat to burglars.

More than 2,500 students caught with firearms at school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A total of 2,554 students were expelled for bringing a firearm to school in the 2001-2002 school year. The Gun-Free Schools Act requires that each state ...have a law that requires all local educational agencies to expel for at least one year any student found bringing a firearm to school. Here's how those expulsions break down:"

"Grade level: Fifty-seven percent of the expulsions were students in high school, 30 percent were in junior high and 13 percent were in elementary school."

"Type of gun: Fifty percent of the expulsions were for bringing a handgun to school; 38 percent were for some other type of weapon ... and 12 percent were for bringing a rifle or shotgun to school." ...

OH: Ken Blackwell Fires Ceremonial First Shot At New Facility (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OFCC endorsed Gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell was on hand Tuesday, June 20th, at the Ohio State Trapshooting Tournament at the Cardinal Center Campgrounds in Marengo. The campgrounds are the new home of the Ohio State Trapshooting Association."

"As the guest of Honor Blackwell fired the first shots at the campgrounds' new trapshooting field. Blackwell went 8 for 10 from the 16 yard line, demonstrating that he doesn't just talk about guns, he can shoot well too! You can watch Ken shooting on the range here." ...

NY: Finest back Cuomo for top cop
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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Attorney general hopeful Andrew Cuomo is expected to snag the support of the city police officers' union today at its Manhattan headquarters.

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association nod comes two weeks after Cuomo rolled out a gun-control plan that mirrors Mayor Bloomberg's crusade - including a statewide coalition of mayors and a call for better technology to ensure only authorized owners use the guns.

Cuomo, who leads the polls in the four-candidate Democratic race, has already received the endorsement of the Sergeants Benevolent Association and the Uniformed Fire Officers Association. The winner of the Democratic primary will face former Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro.

NY: Assemblyman, rival trade harsh words over NRA contributions
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Election campaigns have barely begun and the mud already is flying in one race."

"Assembly hopeful Joel Tyner has accused incumbent Assemblyman Joel Miller of telling an 'outrageous falsehood' when he denied receiving money from the National Rifle Association." ...

"But according to financial records filed with the state Board of Elections, Miller received a $175 donation from the NRA in 1999 and a $250 donation from the group in 2000. Those were the only two donations made to Miller from the NRA during his 12 years in the Assembly."

"'It turns out that I did, but it also turns out that I had no recollection,' Miller said. 'I'm not even sure I was even aware they ever came. ..." ...

MI: Election 2006: On the trail...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Gun owners group backs Walberg"

"Republican Tim Walberg Wednesday picked up the endorsement of the Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund in his bid for the 7th District congressional seat."

"Walberg, a former state representative from Tipton, is challenging U.S. Rep. Joe Schwarz, R-Battle Creek, in the Aug. 8 primary."

"'Tim Walberg is a consistent Second Amendment rights supporter; Joe Schwarz is not,' said Tim Macy, political director for Gun Owners of America." ...

TX: Texas Republicans Support Right of Criminals to Purchase Guns, Says Brady Campaign
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"There are a million stories in the Texas Republican party platform completed last week: Hatred of gays, opposition to a minimum wage, opposition to the endangered species act, establishment of Christianity as a national religion."

"And opposition to the Brady Law. The platform calls for the abolishment of background checks on firearm purchases mandated by the Brady Law, which has prevented some million and a half criminals from purchasing guns." ...

KABA Note: The vast majority of these "criminals" prevented from purchasing a gun are law-abiding citizens who have similar information to criminals.

OH: Principled Statesman Mike DeWine Endorsed by Brady Campaign
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Senator Michael DeWine of Ohio today became the first Senate candidate of the 2006 election season to get the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization."

"In a political world that appears ever more likely to serve powerful special interests, Senator DeWine 'consistently and reliably does the right thing for his country and for the people of Ohio,' said Sarah Brady, honorary Chair of the Brady Campaign. 'While many politicians pander to ideologically out of touch special interests, Mike DeWine does the hard work on bread and butter issues and defends the rights of the majority. Ohioans are very, very lucky to have this man on their side.'" ...

NY: New City Council Bills - June 13, 2006
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"At its most recent meeting on June 13th, 2006, the New York City Council introduced 20 new bills, including efforts to rid the city of illegal guns, cleanup graffiti, lower gasoline taxes, and protect the city’s drinking water." ...

"Intro 362 would require anyone convicted of criminal possession of a weapon to register with a local gun registry, the first of its kind in the country. ..."

"Intro 363 would require gun dealers to perform physical inspections of their inventory twice each year, doubling the number of inspections required by current law. ..."

"Intro 364 would limit the purchase of handguns in New York City to no more than four in one calendar year. ..."

"Intro 365 would outlaw the possession of firearms that have been painted in order to look like toy guns. ..." ...

NY: First pro-gun legislation in 11 years passes! (NYSRPA)
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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For the first time in years both houses of the legislature approved pro-gun legislation!

The Senate just passed S-2742A, provides an exemption allowing supervised possession and use of a handgun at a range by persons 14 - 20 (originally it was 18 - 20), by a vote of 56-4. The Assembly companion A-11864 passed on Tuesday 131-12.

Start contacting the Governor and ask he sign this bill!

Governor George E. Pataki
State Capitol
Albany, N.Y. 12224
Phone: 518-474-8390
E-mail at

I think the last time pro-gun legislation went to the Governor was in ‘95, extending the term of Suffolk pistol licenses to 5 years.

AZ: Defense law focus of case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arizona Supreme Court will decide whether a change in state law dealing with self-defense cases is retroactive or starts from the date it became law."

"At stake is the recent conviction of Harold Fish, 59, who could serve up to 22 years for killing Grant Kuenzli ... and the case of Marcus Mendez Jr., charged with two counts of aggravated assault."

"Fish and Mendez say they acted in self-defense, but separate judges in the two cases had differing opinions on how a law signed in April by the governor affects their cases."

"The legal debate is over whether the change in state statute is substantive or procedural, with substantive meaning it applies only to future cases and procedural meaning it would be retroactive." ...

OH: Concealed carry bill boils down to safety, city rights issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The focus of a bill that would remove restrictions in the law allowing Ohioans to carry hidden guns has narrowed to a few issues, notably the safety of permit holders in cars and police officers who approach them and the rights of cities to set their own weapons bans."

"Senate leaders say the issues aren't likely to be resolved before the November elections."

"The House-passed version of the bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim Aslanides, a Coshocton Republican, removes the requirement that gun-carrying motorists have the weapon in plain sight or locked in a container." ...

PA: Hearing set July 6 for former chief -- West Mifflin police veteran portrayed in affidavits as stealing from borough for years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state and federal investigation into the activities of former West Mifflin police Chief Frank Diener eventually focused on seven video gambling machines that disappeared ..." ...

"... Mr. Smith said he paid Mr. Diener $700 for a pistol, but they never finished the paperwork ..."

"The pistol was owned by Alan Devine, a former West Mifflin patrolman who died Aug. 26 at age 39.

"According to the criminal affidavit, Mr. Diener took all of Mr. Devine's pistols and guns into his possession after the patrolman's death."

"Those are just some of the allegations in a 19-count criminal complaint filed against Mr. Diener, 57, who worked in West Mifflin for 27 years and was chief from 1997 until his resignation last fall." ...

VA: Ex-lawman, robbery suspect, is arrested
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former sheriff's deputy wanted in the robbery of a Spotsylvania County convenience store has been arrested in Charleston, S.C."

"Brian O'Keith Freeman, 32, was arrested Tuesday by U.S. marshals ..." ...

"Freeman, a former deputy in Stafford and Caroline counties, is charged with robbery and abduction in a May 16 holdup at a Wawa in the Massaponax area of Spotsylvania. Authorities say the suspect told the clerk he had a gun and threatened to shoot her in the head."

"Freeman was fired from the Stafford Sheriff's Office in 2001 for allegedly stealing cocaine evidence. He was convicted of three counts of cocaine possession and served six months in prison."

TN: Police officer charged with assaulting wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was accused of assaulting his wife during an argument late Tuesday night."

"Officer Kelly Hewett, 36, was arrested and charged with aggravated domestic assault and was released Wednesday on $5,000 bond."

"Hewett's 30-year-old wife, Angela, told police she was in argument with her husband earlier in the night and took a pistol with her for protection when she went to sleep in the car."

"According to a police report, the husband went to the car, grabbed the gun from her hand and struck her in the head with it."

"When she yelled for help, he then grabbed her by the hair, put her in a chokehold and threw her onto a stairway, police said."

"The wife was treated for injuries at Gateway Medical Center." ...

PA: Sheriff's Deputy Accused Of Molesting Children
Submitted by: jac

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"A man who had served more than 10 years with the Dauphin County Sheriff's Office, where he was considered a good employee, was arrested Wednesday and accused of molesting two children."

"The arrest of Steve Lincoln, 50, stems from the accusations of two young girls, according to court documents. Those documents recount accusations from one girl who said that in 2000, when she was 7 years old, Lincoln drove her to his apartment and sexually assaulted her."

"The other accuser said that in 2004, when she was 8 years old, Lincoln drove her to his apartment, showed her pornography and assaulted her, according to the documents." ...

IL: Two Chicago police officers fired for running away while fellow officer fights for life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Chicago police officers have been fired and a third one is under investigation after a videotape showed them running away as a fellow officer was fighting for his life with an armed suspect, authorities said."

"The incident happened the night of June 3, when the four officers responded to a shoplifting call at a Dominick's grocery store on the city's South Side, the police department said. When one of the officers tried to arrest a man for leaving the store with stolen goods, the man began fighting with him."

"The man then broke away when the officer tried to handcuff him, pulled a pistol out of his pants pocket and pointed it at the officer. The officer shot and killed the man ..." ...

Philippines: 2 soldiers caught stealing weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Army major and sergeant were arrested after they were caught stealing guns and ammunition from the military's armory here, according to Armed Forces Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Gabriel Habacon."

"Habacon identified the two arrested soldiers as Maj. Rauline Diploma of the Ammunition and Supply Office and Sgt. Benido Damacino, both assigned at the Army Support Command in Camp Enrile here."

"'The search team found in the possession of Major Diploma an M-16 Armalite rifle, three .45 cal. pistols with 810 rounds of ammunitions and 200 rounds of .30mm cal. and carbine rifle. Sergent Damacino, on the other hand, yielded 500 rounds of .45 cal. ammunition,' he said." ...

TX: Safe storage of guns is key to keeping kids safe
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"In 2003, the last year for which figures are available, 248 Texas children between the ages of 0-19 were killed by firearms. Across the nation, authorities say approximately eight children die each day from accidents involving firearms. For Southlake resident Sarah Close, the death of even one child is unacceptable." [emphasis added]

"Close has organized a chapter of Asking Saves Kids, a national organization devoted to protecting children from the hazards of handguns and other weapons that may be in their homes or the homes of friends. Safe storage of any firearm is essential to the safety of everyone who lives in a house and everyone who visits that house." ...

KABA Note: Eight "children" a day is a lie, because it includes homicides and suicides of teens and adults up to 19 years old. You can contact staff writer Linda Taylor at 972-538-2116 or

FL: In Memory of Shooting Victim, Jacksonville Business Takes Stand Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, is thanking the owner and employees of a local restaurant here for taking a stand against rising gun violence in Jacksonville."

"REF Holdings, authorized owner and operator of the Jacksonville La Salsa Fresh Mexican Grill(r) franchise restaurant, is making a donation to the Brady Center. The donation is in memory of Martaze DaShane Harris, the Jacksonville teen who was shot to death in the restaurant last week. Eric Farr, president of REF Holdings, will be reopening the restaurant's doors on Friday. All sales from Friday's reopening will be donated to the Brady Center in honor of Harris." ...

CA: Thousands of Confiscated Guns Melted Down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Thousands of guns confiscated in Los Angeles County were melted down at a Southland foundry Thursday to be recycled into rebar.

'These weapons are an example of the firepower that law enforcement personnel throughout the nation face on a daily basis,' Sheriff Lee Baca said as he held a Mac-11 semiautomatic pistol.

'All these weapons will be melted into construction steel to become freeways, parks, hospitals and schools,' he said.

More than 6,000 guns were scrapped -- because of their high nickel and chrome content -- at TAMCO Steel Inc. in Rancho Cucamonga.

Today's event was the 13th annual melt-down as part of 'Project Isaiah,' named for the biblical passage about beating swords into plowshares.

NV: Public rifle range clean following volunteer effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The public rifle range off of Pete Hendricks Road has never looked more attractive to local firearm enthusiasts and the two men who volunteered nearly a week in an exhausting cleanup effort intend to keep it that way." ...

"The men raked glass for the better part of a day and removed items including old shot-up appliances, radiators and televisions and made at least two trips to the transfer station."

"This was, in part, an effort to keep the Mason Valley Trap Club from shutting the range down; however, it also comes from their desire to shoot on, and allow the community, an attractive range."

"'We're rifleman and sportsman,' Reiland said. 'Sportsmen don't shoot at junk and leave it there.'" ...

FL: Gun range, shop to open near fairgrounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Talk about good aim."

"Shoot Straight, an Apopka gun dealer, has managed to find a piece of land for a new store, which will include an indoor rifle range and fully outfitted gun shop."

"The site happens to be a shot down U.S. 301 from the Florida State Fairgrounds, home of the tri-annual Suncoast Gun Show, which the Central Florida dealer usually dominates."

"The new facility is scheduled to open in mid November at 3909 U.S. 301 S, half a mile south of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. At 23,000 square feet, it will far surpass most indoor gun ranges and shops in the Tampa Bay area."

"Think going from a snub-nose revolver to a long-barrel hunting Magnum. This will be a gun lover's big-box store." ...

MI: What's wrong with carrying a gun? (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Letters to the editor would have provided fodder for multiple Monday-morning columns, starting with Rob Britton's letter regarding gun ownership (June 6, "We don't need guns to be safe") and the right to carry a weapon ..."

"Being neither as droll nor literate as the late Bob Talbert, I'll just say, as a female pushing 60 (but not yet there, thank you) ... I carry a concealed weapon.

"Why? Because, like the 5-foot-4 police officer who tried to handcuff the 6-foot-11 miscreant, I, at 5-foot-3 and 105 pounds, just might need a little help, too, when faced with someone (or a gang) bigger, meaner, drunker or who didn't listen to his/her parents when they preached just say no to drugs, knives and, yes, guns, too." ...

OR: Blazer can get guns back if he checks in
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Blazers forward Zach Randolph is free tote his two semiautomatic handguns ... Clackamas County found no reason to revoke Randolph's concealed handgun license ... Last week's ruling came after the county reviewed a Portland police report of Randolph's involvement in street racing two weeks ago." ...

"... looking through the windshield, police noticed the handle of a handgun under Randolph's seat. Police asked if he had a gun in the car. Yep, Randolph replied, adding that he owned a concealed handgun license."

"Fair enough. Police asked for the keys to unlock the car so Randolph could get his gun before the tow. The response: Both Randolph and Portis said they didn't have a key. Sgt. Roger Axthelm told Randolph that not cooperating could affect his concealed handgun license. ..." ...

UK: Hundreds of knives handed in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MORE than 500 potentially lethal weapons have been handed in to Avon and Somerset Police since its knife amnesty began just under a month ago."

"Among the haul are 380 domestic knives, 86 non-domestic knives - such as sporting knives and those used for work like carpet laying - 48 weapons - such as sharpened screwdrivers, knuckledusters, flick knives and martial arts throwing stars - and 17 'items of interest'." [emphasis added]

"Several items handed in were of interest to the police, including five decorative swords handed in at Taunton, six kukri-style weapons at Bath, a letter opener at Keynsham, two small samurai swords, a spear and a sword in Yeovil and an ornamental double-headed axe handed in at Nailsea." ...

South Africa: Changes to gun control act a scam say owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill attempted to divert attention from Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula's managerial failings, the pro-gun lobby said yesterday."

"'The Amendment Bill is nothing but an elaborate scam designed to try to redirect attention from the gross managerial failings of Minister Nqakula,' Thomas Eastes of Gun Owners of South Africa (Gosa) Western Cape said."

"At the end of February this year, Nqakula published proposed amendments to the Firearms Control Act (FCA) that would have seen half of it being deleted." ...

"Nqakula was not 'playing Father Christmas out of a sense of charity', and it was common cause that implementing the Act had been a spectacular failure." ...

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. — JOHN BRADSHAW

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