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Newslinks for 6/23/2010

Perdue gun bill actions show danger of mistaking sport shooters for Second Amendment supporters
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "And this latest should serve as yet more evidence--it any is still needed-- that just because a politician passes himself off as a sport shooter doesn't mean squat. " ...

Father's day and safe churches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On this Father's day, my thoughts are full of memories of my late father, a man who had strong convictions of right and wrong, a man who never harmed anyone outside of World War II. One of my favorite recollections related to him is our frequent travels to the hills north of Alma, Arkansas to attend Sunday morning church. ... My grandmother's church was a sanctuary from the tough world of the 1960's, a place we could relax and enjoy life with family. ..."

"This old country church, in our minds, was truly a safe sanctuary for us. But was it, really? How easily could an evil person have invaded our haven and wreak havoc on our lives? These thoughts have been forced upon me recently due to a murder in Wynne, Arkansas on June 6th." ...

Bravo to those who open carry their weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Those who choose to carry their weapons openly are making a statement every time they step out their door. It forces everyone who sees them to confront the whole gun issue. There may be some who are morbidly afraid of the kind of people who would carry a gun, and they will run away. There may be some who come over and slap you on the back and commend your civic spirit. There may be some who promptly call 911 to report you, and when the police come you get to have a nice conversation about municipal laws and the Second Amendment to the US constitution. Educating is important, but it might make you late to a meeting." ...

Obama Democrats have Declared War on the States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Obama and all who stand with him today - have openly declared war on the states and the American people and Obama & Co. plan to win that ideological war before the average American figures out that they are indeed at war with their federal government for the future of freedom." ...

"Assaults on Individual Rights
Obama Democrats have not only declared war on the states—they have declared war on the vast majority of American citizens as well."
"The right to peacefully assemble is being prosecuted as a 'riot' today.
The right of peaceful redress is being denied on the basis of 'no legal standing.'
Second Amendment rights are being denied by federal laws and the BATF." ...

Supreme Court Ruling On Second Amendment Expected Any Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme court is expected to announce its decision in the landmark case against Chicago's handgun ban."

"It is believed the justices will hand down the ruling before their summer recess begins at the end of June. Rulings are announced at approx. 9:00 a.m. Central Time on Mondays and Thursday, leaving Monday June 21, Thursday June 24, or Monday June 28 as the potential dates for the big news to be released. Posting of the court's rulings can be followed live at" ...

Chicago Shootings and McDonald v. City of Chicago
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it was learned that more than 50 people were shot, some fatally, over Fathers Day weekend in the poorer sections of Chicago, it didn’t even make the front page of Chicago newspapers." ...

"Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, one of the plaintiffs in [McDonald], was quick to make the point that 'Chicago has become a slaughterhouse where defenseless victims are terrorized by armed thugs who have taken full advantage of an unarmed populace. [Chicago Mayor] Daley and his predecessors who perpetuated this ban are wading knee-deep in the blood of hundreds of crime victims who should have had the means to defend themselves. ...'" ...

Firearm Travel Guide: Stay on the road and out of jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Summer is here. And if you're like many people, you're planning a trip that may take you out of state or across many states."

"But what if you plan to carry or pack a gun for protection, target shooting, or hunting? ... if you're not careful, your fun vacation could turn into a terrible nightmare if you're caught breaking local laws."

"My solution? The Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the 50 States ...

"It answers all the most important questions. Can I open carry in Texas? Is my concealed handgun license honored by every state I drive through on my way to Florida? Does California have state preemption of firearms laws? ... How must I store my long guns?" ...

House Democrats Take NRA Cash, Block Disclosure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A funny thing happened on the way toward shining a light on big money's influence in political campaigns. Apparently, the 53 House Democrats who get money from the NRA decided to stand in the way. Not on principle. They've got no problem with disclosure rules for big corporations, small corporations, unions, or advocacy groups in general."

"And it's not because H.R. 5175 has anything to do with the Second Amendment or regulations on gun ownership. It doesn't."

"Rep. Chris Van Hollen’s (D-Md.) proposal ... seeks to strengthen campaign finance disclosure rules in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling in January. There's not a single word about guns in the bill." ...

CA: South Los Angeles woman fatally shoots pit bull in effort to break up dog fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An unidentified woman shot and killed one of two pit bulls during a dog fight in South Los Angeles on Saturday morning ..."

"Officers responded to a call of a dog shooting around 10:30 a.m. ..."

"A woman told officers that she was about to walk her basset hound when two unleashed pit bulls charged and attacked her dog. The woman and the owner of the pit bulls attempted to break up the fight."

"'They were unable to break up the dogs so she ran to her apartment and grabbed her gun,' [LAPD Sgt. Philip] Thompson said. 'She shot one of the pit bulls to stop the fight,' Thompson said, adding that he did not know exactly how many shots were fired. The second pit bull fled." ...

Remember Hungarian Jews, too
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"I commend both R. MacQueen and Murray LaHue for their recent letters commemorating the June 6, 1944 Allied Normandy invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. Like the defeat of Japan, this must be remembered."

"Concurrent with the Normandy invasion, also in 1944, was the forced deportation and mass murder of Hungarian Jews via the Holocaust." ...

"Had Hungarian Jews owned firearms and used them defensively, much of Hitler's 'Final Solution' in Hungary could have been forestalled. The Nazis and German Army (Wehrmacht) were losing militarily by summer 1944, thus practically unable to spare additional troops to quell armed resistance." ...

TN: RouXBarbecue - bring your money, leave your gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday afternoon, in celebration of Father's Day, my wife asked what I would like for dinner? Being a BarBQphile, I suggested we try a new place, the RouXbarbecue at 7428 S. Northshore Drive Knoxville, TN 37919, (865) 951-2880 (35.904 N, 84.018 W)."

"We arrived and parked in the shade, and headed to the door. The aroma had my mouth watering."

""BUT, right above and to the right of the door was a sign that prohibited firearms!"

"Well, a gentleman does not escort a lady around town without the means of defending her . . . and, like Froggy, . . . We turned and left, without being able to sample the barbecue, though from the aforementioned aroma, I had anticipated it would be good." ...

Statement From The National Rifle Association On H.R. 5175: DISCLOSE ACT
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We appreciate the concerns that some NRA members have raised regarding our position on H.R. 5175, the 'DISCLOSE Act.' Unfortunately, critics of our position have misstated or misunderstood the facts."

"We have never said we would support any version of this bill. To the contrary, we clearly stated NRA's strong opposition to the DISCLOSE Act (as introduced) in a letter sent to Members of Congress on May 26 ..." ...

Submitter's Note: But I see your "strong opposition" to the bill (which would have been sunk without your support *ahem* I mean lack of opposition (which is different from passive support, how?)) was not sufficient to continue your resistance once you were assured that you would be the sole voice for gun owners nationwide, thus throwing groups like GOA, SAF, CCRKBA, JPFO, VCDL, GRNC, ISRA, Cal-Guns, GOCRA and dozens of others, under the bus.

Democrats' Campaign Finance Bill Faces Hurdles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Democrats this week will take another run at passing a campaign finance bill that would lay down extensive new requirements for disclosing campaign money from corporations, unions and wealthy individuals."

"The so-called Disclose is a response to the Supreme Court decision that lets corporations and unions spend unlimited amounts in campaigns. But that ruling came five months ago, and the bill's advocates are still scrounging for votes." ...

"What makes it less than perfect — even in the eyes of its backers — is a special loophole for the [NRA], the gun-rights group ... that didn't want to disclose its big donors. The NRA had been promising to take revenge on lawmakers who voted for the Disclose Act ..." ...

Pelosi Schedules Vote on DISCLOSE Act For This Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though the pressure activists placed on Congress and the NRA last week made Nancy Pelosi postpone the vote on the DISCLOSE Act, she's now scheduled a vote for this Thursday."

"It's vital that every Second Amendment activist understand what’s at stake here, and act today!"

"We're not just talking about legislation that would shut down groups in Washington, D.C."

"The DISCLOSE Act will kill off every state-level association and group in the entire country, while keeping major left-wing radical groups intact — and, with their exemption, the NRA." ...

Pelosi Trying to Shove DISCLOSE Act through Congress Once Again -- NRA remains on the sidelines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post corroborates what [GOA] has been hearing on Capitol Hill. Top Democrat leaders in the House are trying to make another go at the DISCLOSE Act... and they think they are very close to getting the votes to pass it. According to the Post article ..."

"Democrats are 'in striking distance of getting the votes' for the package, which would require corporations, nonprofit groups [like GOA] and unions to disclose details about their political spending."

"The big news last week was a 'carve out' that Democrat leaders made to exempt the NRA from the provisions of the bill. This week, in order to gain more votes, there is talk about exempting many more non-profit organizations -- which may include GOA." ...

Insiders racket
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress' latest campaign-finance 'reform' bill known as the Disclose Act was a rotten piece of legislation even before its sponsors last week carved out an exemption for one of the Beltway's largest lobbying groups. This move — breathtaking in its ice-cold cynicism even by Washington standards — demonstrated that the measure isn’t about principled reform, but about maintaining the incumbent power-game status quo." ...

"[These] Byzantine new regulations are promoted as bringing much-needed transparency to campaign financing. But what they really will do is silence critics of politicians by making speech so burdensome that people will throw up their hands and stay silent rather than attempt to navigate the complex rules and risk incurring penalties for non-compliance." ...

Submitter's Note: Hmmm, sort of like all those 'common sense' gun laws.

'Reinventing Journalism,' Courtesy Of the Censors' Cabal, Part One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The slings and arrows of outrageous legislation, proposed and enacted, fly at you in fusillades from every direction. The enemy lurches towards you, massive, determined, unstoppable. The cavalry you expected to throw him back in confusion has decided to sit this one out. Betrayed, you’re on your own."

"In this case, it is the National Rifle Association that has literally decided to sit this one out. After swearing that the freedom and right to bear arms is also dependent on the freedom of speech, it has decided to recuse itself from the First Amendment objections in exchange for a protected status. ..." ...

"The rest of you can pound sand." ...

Dems Not Yet Prepared to Let DISCLOSE Act Go Away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is nothing sadder than witnessing a populace that truly believes in the sincerity of their elected officials as it gets trampled by the corruption of the same group of people in whom it has placed its trust. This scenario continues to play out each day as lawmakers forego any of the alleged genuine intentions of the DISCLOSE Act ... to gain support and assure its passage." ...

"Supporters initially voiced their support for the act, defending its necessity by citing the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United ... According to, the purpose of the act was to 'rein in the increased influence of special interest money.'"

"Unfortunately, the exact opposite is unfolding ..." ...

DISCLOSE Act sellout: NRA says you just don't understand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Responding to the maelstrom it created by selling out gun rights supporters on the misnamed 'DISCLOSE Act,' the NRA is now sending forth a propaganda brigade of NRA board members and other apologists to convince you that you just don't understand."

"Given the NRA's probable bleed of hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of dollars in cancelled memberships, statements issued by NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox to the effect that it doesn’t 'support' HR 5175 are not surprising."

"But unfortunately, his is a game of semantics: Nobody has accused the NRA of supporting attempts to muzzle gun groups during elections. What Politico ... and others are reporting is that the NRA is removing opposition to the bill. ..." ...

AZ: NRA Gives Buz Mills an 'A' Rating
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association of America Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has given Republican candidate for governor Buz Mills an 'A' rating, which is the highest rating bestowed to non-incumbent candidates for office."

"The NRA-PVF rates candidates with sole regard to their position on Second Amendment issues and not where candidates or incumbents stand on fiscal or social matters. In rating Mills, NRA-PVF Chairman Chris Cox wrote:"

"'Your dedication to gun owners is demonstrated through your operation of one of the leading firearms training centers in the country, which every year trains thousands of shooters of all experience levels. ...'" ...

OH: Gov. Ted Strickland's running mate mum about NRA endorsement; pledges to work to improve cities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Ted Strickland last week made campaign stops with a National Rifle Association lobbyist in tow, championing his new endorsement from the gun rights group in his race to be re-elected in November."

"The Democratic governor's running mate Yvette McGee Brown, however, wasn't with him -- and maybe for a reason. Brown is not a gun owner and when questioned by the media today following a speech in Columbus, she refused to state her position on the Second Amendment."

"'I am supportive of the governor and I am happy the governor received that endorsement,' Brown said following her first campaign speech as a lieutenant governor candidate."

"'I don't know that my position is relevant. ...' Brown said. ..." ...

CA: Sen. Boxer tries to cast foe Fiorina as Palin clone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carly Fiorina received a well-timed endorsement from Sarah Palin, shoring up her right flank and helping her win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate."

"Now, Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer is doing her darndest to turn Palin's backing against Fiorina. Boxer is counting on the fact that Palin is far less popular among general election voters than among conservative Republicans."

"A web video posted on Boxer's fund-raising website calls Fiorina and Palin 'peas in a pod' who are 'wrong for California.'" ...

"And it shows them supporting gun rights, including Fiorina saying during a primary debate that people on the 'no fly' list shouldn't lose their Second Amendment rights." ...

MS: GOP Tries to Soften Blow of Childers' NRA Endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A day after the National Rifle Association announced it's[sic] support of Rep. Travis Childers (D) in Mississippi's conservative and very gun friendly 1st district, Republicans continued to downplay the significance of the endorsement."

"The goal, one GOP operative said, is to demonstrate that the NRA endorsement was made not because Childers is any stronger on gun rights than state Rep. Alan Nunnelee, who earned the GOP nomination earlier this month, but rather because the NRA was following a policy of backing incumbents who are able to achieve the group's top rating." ...

CT: Conn. AG candidates spar on gun training in schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ross Garber, a Republican candidate for attorney general, questioned his GOP opponent's promise to advocate for 'firearms training for boys and girls in schools, in Scouts and at camp and elsewhere.'"

"Garber feared Martha Dean, the party-endorsed candidate for the office, would use the attorney general position to promote her own personal agenda."

"Garber said he 'believes in the rights protected by the Second Amendment, but I think Martha's positions cross the line.'"

"'We teach sex education, yet we omit the most basic skills needed to exercise our fundamental constitutional right,' Dean said referring to training youngsters to use guns." ...

Submitter's Note: You can see the video of her speech here. The quote occurs about the 5 minute mark, but listen to the whole thing.

TX: Bastrop TEA Party this Saturday features Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This coming Saturday, June 26, from 6-8 PM, the Bastrop County TEA Party hosts an event on the Bastrop County Courthouse lawn. Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams is the keynote speaker."

"From their announcement:"
"The Bastrop County TEA Party group is an informal group of interested individuals in Bastrop County that share a concern about our country’s future. The TEA Party name derives from 'Taxed Enough Already' and is an excellent fit with our concern that our government has grown too large and requires the consumption of too much tax for sustenance." ...

CA: Open-carry gun ban barely passes Senate panel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that would ban the public display of unloaded guns narrowly passed the Senate Public Safety Committee Tuesday."

"The 4-3 vote sent the legislation carried by Assemblywoman Lori Saldańa, D-San Diego, to the Senate floor where the final outcome is in doubt, particularly in this election year atmosphere." ...

"Saldańa’s measure, Assembly Bill 1934, is supported by a statewide police chief’s organization and major gun-control groups." ...

"Responding to complaints that the guns intimidate and make people uncomfortable, Wright said he has a tall friend with tattoos who intimidates and makes people uncomfortable."

"'Are we going to ban him next?' Wright asked as he voted against the bill." ...

IL: Current Status of Right to Carry Bills in Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of you are asking about the status of Right to Carry bills in the IL General Assembly."

"The legislators adjourned for the summer at the end of May and current carry bills (HB5221, HB6249, HB462) have been returned to committee where they wait further action which could possibly come during the fall veto session which begins Nov. 16, 2010."

"Now is the time to concentrate on much needed efforts to insure pro-carry candidates are elected in the House, Senate, and the Governor's office this fall!"

"A pro-carry governor who knows what the Second Amendment means and supports our right to protect ourselves and our families is essential! Gov. Pat Quinn has vowed to veto any Right to Carry bill that makes it to his desk." ...

DE: Del. House Votes To Allow Guns In Public Housing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill allowing tenants in government-run public housing to own firearms received overwhelming approval in the state House on Tuesday despite opposition from Wilmington Democrats who fear it could lead to more gun violence in the crime-plagued city."

"The bill was approved after lawmakers narrowly passed an amendment allowing a public housing authority to restrict the possession of firearms in the common areas of property it owns or operates, such as playgrounds, community centers and offices."

"The bill ... states that housing authorities cannot restrict the rights of residents under the state constitution from owning firearms 'for the defense of self, family, home and state, and for hunting and recreational use ...'" ...

NY: Reader speaks out against Microstamping
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"I would like to respond to the article June 16th concerning Micro-Stamping. ... The following reasons that this legislation will do nothing to accomplish what Sen. Schneiderman claims it will are as follows."

"#1 Any criminal can obtain a spent cartridge from any source and leave it at the scene. Was it yours or mine and not the one from his or her weapon."

"#2 Billions of spent cartridges are offered for sale to reloaders such as myself and would have the micro-stamping from whom ever on them."

"#3 Having contacted several sources who would be responsible for seeing that the weapon was suitably altered to Stamp the Cartridge, i failed to find even on that would accomplish this for the twelve dollar fee as stated in the bill." ...

MA: Gun bill would restrict constitutional right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Massachusetts is at it again. Gov. Deval Patrick is crafting heavy-handed, ignorant gun policies in light of recent Boston-area shootings."

"As a gun owner, I take great offense to these often 'one-size-fits-all' bills that frequently get passed without a second glance by our many leftist legislators. The bill will limit gun owners to one purchase a month maximum, while doing nothing to combat actual gun violence on the streets."

"Whether you buy one gun a year or 10 is not the issue; it is not the business of our government to dictate to us our lawful purchases. If I want to buy 25 guns to keep in my place of residence, that is my concern and nobody else's." ...

NY: Protect Public Safety With Microstamping
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"There is no greater responsibility for our State and City governments than protecting public safety."

"As policy makers, we are not on the front lines of the fight against violent criminals. But to the law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line each and every day, we have a duty to give them every tool they need to bring criminals to justice."

"Currently, when police arrive at the scene of a shooting, often the only clues left behind are the victims and the spent shell casings on the pavement. The ballistics technology that police in New York State currently use to analyze those shell casings is of limited value unless they've already recovered the crime gun ..." ...

KABA Note: But what about your 10 year old ballistics database that promised to "link shell casings to crime guns"? And if this is such a marvelous crime-fighting tool, then why is the National Fraternal Order of Police opposed to such legislation?

NY: Staten Island state Sen. Andrew Lanza says he is not 'soft' on gun criminals
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"State Sen. Andrew Lanza takes exception to being called 'soft' on crime because of a recent 'no' vote on gun-control legislation."

"The South Shore Republican yesterday brushed back criticism he has faced for opposing a bill that would have required gun manufacturers to identify bullet casings with a unique mark -- called a 'microstamp.'"

Proponents say the measure could help officers connect guns to crimes, and to their owners, but Lanza called it a disingenuous referendum on gun-owners' rights rather than a tool to fight crime." ...

"Lanza said he is concerned the bill would be tantamount to a ban of all legal semi-automatic firearms in the state, since manufacturers would deem them cost-prohibitive and refuse to produce them." ...

MA: Dueling bills -- Law-abiding gun owners not the problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to a bit of last-minute legislative maneuvering, Gov. Deval L. Patrick's gun legislation, H.4102, is making its way back to the Judiciary Committee for a second vote — in spite of losing on a 4-4 vote the first time around. A majority of House members appear to have agreed to give the measure new life out of a sense of collegiality and fairness, but it should be made clear to all that this bill should be quickly shot down if it reaches the House floor."

"The governor's bill purports to be about public safety and cracking down on gun trafficking. In fact, it contains numerous provisions that violate both the letter and spirit of the Second Amendment ... and would do little or nothing to curb criminal activity." ...

The unintended consequences of hugging fur: Would you kill a wolf or bear in self-defense?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Wolf advocates, and bear protectionists are much like mountain lion saviors. They understandably don't want their favorite animals harmed, claim these predators only take down weak animals and so rarely attack people that it's a non-issue. Recent current events say otherwise; the bear, wolf or cougar attack is darned important to the person it happens to. Mountain lions have killed people in California. Most assuredly, grizzly bears have attacked and killed or mauled people, as was the recent case just outside Yellowstone National Park, where a 70-year-old man was killed by a grizzly ... And has anyone forgotten the horrible demise of self-styled naturalist Timothy Tredwell ... in Alaska a few years ago?" ...

WA: Forget a new police chief, Seattle needs Inspector Harry Callahan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle's Belltown ('Helltown?') neighborhood has a problem, but not the kind that can be solved by a change in current police management."

"Maybe a change in the local attitude would help, and in an ideal world, perhaps a lateral transfer from the silver screen to the Jet City streets of a steely-eyed, lanky, tougher-than-nails and meaner-than-a-snake badass police inspector they called 'Dirty Harry' wouldn't hurt. ..."

"A near-fatal shooting over the weekend by a couple of suspects now in the King County jail was just the latest demonstration that the Belltown neighborhood may be out of control. That can’t be blamed on the police (they arrested the suspects in the recent shooting rather quickly ...) ..." ...

NY: Gun show stirs concern
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"No doubt a good time was had by all at the weekend gun show at the Westchester County Center, hosting the emporium of guns, knives and collectibles for the first time in 11 years. We just hope that the event does not mark the end of the pragmatic bipartisan support for smarter gun policies that has been the regional norm these last few years." ...

KABA Note: I don't suppose you guys at the Journal 'News' actually have any, you know, evidence that gun show bans comprise "smarter gun policies"? Oh, and nice work avoiding the political minefield of saying 'gun control policies'.

NY: Nazi display at Westchester gun show draws ire
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A display of Nazi paraphernalia at this weekend's Westchester County Center gun show drew swift condemnation, as the county, in response, said it would review its policies." ...

"Despite clear scorn over the display, others viewed the Nazi memorabilia in a historical, and non-political, light."

"Warren Katz, a Montrose man who attended the weekend show, said he's been to gun and military history shows for decades and often sees displays of Nazi materials ..." ...

"The West Point Museum displays a number of items and symbols from the Nazi era, including Adolf Hitler's pistol, said Les Jensen, the arms and armor curator."

"The museum views the pieces, he said, not only as the spoils of war ... but as rare historical items ..." ...

WI: Fit enough for Ironman but not for the MPD
Submitted by: Federale

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"Dave Orlowski can swim 2.4 miles."

"He can bike 112 miles."

"He can run 26.2 miles."

"In fact, the 54-year-old athlete can do all of these one right after the other - several times a year. He completed six Ironman triathlons last year, has done three so far this ..."

"Orlowski can also play a round of golf, as he did recently at a fund-raiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation ..."

"But this is something the guy won't do:"

"He won't work for the Milwaukee Police Department."

"That's because the former homicide detective has been declared 'permanently and totally incapacitated for duty.'"

"As an injured ex-cop, Orlowski ... He is currently receiving $53,063 a year ... plus full health benefits." ...

DC: Teen killed after party thrown by officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-year-old District teen gunned down Friday was slain as he walked home from a graduation party held at a Catholic church and thrown by a D.C. police officer ..."

"The party was held in the basement of the Nativity Catholic Church ... The Archdiocese said a police officer had thrown a graduation party for her daughter ..."

"Jamaal Bell ... left the party about 11:30 p.m. after a go-go concert. ... About a half-block from the church -- and across the street from the 4th District police station -- Bell and two others were shot." [emphasis added] ...

"Bell later died at a hospital. The two other victims received non-life threatening injuries."

MI: Carrying firearms openly is right of Michigan citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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respond to the June 16 Times Herald editorial, 'Exhibitionists may bring us tougher laws.'"

"The author asks: 'Is it legal for two men to walk ... with handguns strapped to their hips? Sure, it's probably legal. Not smart, but legal.'"

"I will refrain from commenting on whether it's 'smart' until later, but I want to emphasize it isn't 'probably legal,' it's definitely legal. This is no legal gray area:" ...

"... In the United States, we don't need laws telling us what we can do. For something to be illegal, it clearly must be prohibited."

"For instance, just as there is no law authorizing open carry, there also is no statute permitting kite flying. That doesn't mean kiting is a 'legal gray area.'" ...

AR: Constitutional Amendment needed for gun rights in Arkansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the article last week about Attorney General Dustin McDaniel's outrageous opinion, many people informed me the [AG&FC]'s gun-control power over state lands has no affect on concealed carry in Wildlife Management areas."

"Not yet, anyway."

"After last week's drastically incorrect view by Attorney General McDaniel’s office, the Game and Fish Commission now wields unlimited control over current WMAs, National Forest and National Park lands. Concealed carry in these areas is legal for CHL holders, but only because WMA regulations currently allow the practice. Concealed carry in Arkansas is a privilege, not a right, and this fact has been driven home by the reality of the massive authority of the [AG&FC]." ...

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety. Nor, are they likely to end up with either. — Benjamin Franklin

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