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Newslinks for 6/23/2015

What, exactly, are these ‘common sense’ gun ‘reforms’ antis want?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was much news over the weekend, the most recent being a piece in yesterday’s Christian Science Monitor, quoting would-be president Hillary Rodham Clinton, who said Saturday that the nation needs 'common-sense gun control reforms.'"

"She was speaking to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, many of whom have belonged to anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s [MAIG]. That’s the group with the public relations problem of explaining how so many of its former members have been convicted of various crimes that landed at least some of them in prison."

"A Wall Street Journal blog indicated that among Clinton’s 'reforms' would be the so-called 'universal background check.' Background checks have worked so well in recent years ..." ...

Enemies of liberty tip their hand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Conservatives, libertarians, and gun rights activists have long suspected that many elected representatives, political consultants, and even some religious leaders secretly push a nefarious agenda that directly attacks the liberties and rights of ordinary citizens. Today at least two of these persons tipped their hand, making comments that raised the eyebrows of even the most seasoned journalists."

"Karl Rove, appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, stated in no uncertain terms that the only way to stop gun violence is to remove the Second Amendment rights of citizens. Another journalist referred to Rove as a longtime advocate of gun control." ...

Is The Justice Department About to Make a Move on Gun Rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The U.S. Supreme Court dealt Second Amendment supporters a major defeat by refusing to hear an appeal filed by San Francisco gun owners seeking to overturn that city’s requirement that all handguns kept at home and not carried on the owner’s person be 'stored in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock.' wrote earlier this month. 'The action by the Court leaves that gun control ordinance on the books.' Justices Thomas and Scalia wrote a stirring dissent (available here). Regardless, the denial of cert highlights a serious problem . . ." ...

Were Guns “Much More” Strictly Regulated in the 1920s and 1930s?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Time magazine published a piece that pushes the narrative that today’s firearms laws are permissive in comparison to those of the early 20th century."

"Titled, 'Guns Were Much More Strictly Regulated in the 1920s and 1930s than They Are Today,' the piece contends that 'Those who look to America’s past to extol a time when nothing stood between an American and a gun need to look again.'"

"The obvious goal of the work is to convince the uninformed that any notions they might have about America’s long-standing culture of gun ownership should pose no barrier to future restrictions, particularly on the ownership of semi-automatic firearms." ...

Sorry, Josh Earnest, But The Second Amendment Isn’t About Hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following last week’s shooting in Charleston, White House press secretary Josh Earnest implied during his daily press briefing that Americans don’t need to own weapons that aren’t used for hunting."

"'You don’t need an assault rifle to go hunting,' Earnest said. 'It’s not part of your family heritage.'"

"Whether his mischaracterization of the Second Amendment and its defenders was intentional or merely based on ignorance of this country’s history and laws, we can’t say. But his statement was most certainly ignorant on multiple counts." ...

Four Gun Rights Arguments We Need to Stop Making
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But I think the rest of us can have a discussion about what the best policy on guns is without involving those in mourning. Doing so isn’t some sinister attempt to 'never let a crisis go to waste' or politicize or exploit the tragedy; it’s entirely appropriate to talk about what can be done to minimize derailments after a train goes off the tracks ... We can do the same with guns, without descending into name-calling, and without trying to get those who have lost loved ones take a side in the debate."

"That said, as a supporter of gun rights, I’d like to see us get rid of some of the bad arguments for owning and carrying guns that are once again getting attention:" ...

Gun Control Called "Absurd" on Anti-Gun Website
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To say the very least, articles questioning the advisability of gun control are few and far between on Recently, however, a blogger on the normally anti-gun website expressed views that are liable to work gun control supporters into a tizzy."

"In a piece titled In Gun Control Controversy, Can Americans Handle the Truth?, self-described public relations consultant Mario Almonte says that in countries plagued by corrupt governments, violent religious fanatics, and civil war, people would 'welcome guns to protect themselves and their families' and would consider gun control 'absurd' and its advocates 'extraordinarily naïve.'" ...

12 Effects of Post Shooting Syndrome
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defending yourself with a gun is not something any rational person ever wants to do. It's something you do only when there is no other choice."

"And the personal toll it can take on your mental wellbeing can be surprising, often referred to as 'post shooting syndrome.' TV dramas and blockbuster movies portray good guys shooting bad guys in heroic fashion. But in the real world, it seldom feels heroic."

"Here's a list from an article on PoliceLink that summarizes a few of the psychological effects of post shooting syndrome. This information focuses on police officers who have had to shoot in the line of duty, but the effects are the same for civilians." ...

Gear Review: MDT HS3 Chassis System
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Accuracy is everything in my world. A gun isn’t good if it can’t hit the target. One of the ways to improve the accuracy of your rifle is to change the chassis, since the usual stock that comes with most bolt action rifles is terrible in every way. For a good chassis, you would normally expect to pay a ton of money — Dual Strike demands north of $2,000 for their chassis system. But MDT is a company constantly improving their chassis for the budget minded shooter, and the latest incarnation is the HS3." ...

Gun Review: Rock Island Armory 22TCM Midsize Ultra Combo 22TCM/9MM
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s like holding onto a fistful of thunder. Wrapped in the world’s most comfortable cactus. Yeah, I know. We’ve taken you down a similar road before. But there have been a quite few changes at Rock Island Armory in the past twelve months, and their Ultra MS Combo 1911 is one of them. RIA had introduced a single stack 1911 chambered for their their 22TCM. I picked up their MS model, (or Commander sized, if you don’t fear Colt’s lawyers). I thought it was the most fun gun I had ever owned. I was wrong . . ." ...

Silencers are Neighborly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I need to do some shooting (and boy do I), I have two options. I can head forty five minutes north to Best of the West or two hours to the west to my family ranch. Best of the West is certainly nice, and for times when I have just one thing that needs testing, I’ll head that way. But I do my best thinking behind the windshield, I have a boss who is supportive of me taking a random Wednesday off, and my parents are working on trying out retirement. More often than not, a trip to the ranch seems to be winning the tossup. Long story short, I’ve been shooting a lot more over the last eight months, and a lot of that lead has been hitting a berm I didn’t have to pay an hourly rate for. But that shooting isn’t without a price . . ." ...

How many civilian guns does a well-regulated militia need?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There is one aspect of the massacre, though, that is barely talked about in public: the nation’s gun laws. This might seem strange to Europeans, but America is a historically and culturally different environment when it comes to the use of firearms by private individuals."

"Politically, the issue of gun ownership has become poisoned over the years. Today, it is quite impossible to pass stricter gun control legislation, as the gun lobby has a firm grip on national and state lawmakers and fends off even the most minimal changes to the status quo – despite the fact that public opinion is highly favorable of, say, stricter background checks of prospective gun buyers." ...

Evaluating the Left's Madness on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let’s address the first and most basic problem in his tirade: that his anger is entirely misdirected. The NRA had nothing to do with the heinous murders in Charleston, and neither did Congress, or the Americans wishing to preserve their own rights to self-defense via personal firearms. This was the evil and murderous act of one man. And yet only a few days after the tragedy, O’Malley and the president and millions of others had constructed a pulpit over the yet unfilled victims’ graves, targeting Second Amendment advocates and extracting the usual political currency that gun control advocates immediately seek to gain in the wake of such crimes." ...

Why the Charleston Massacre Is a Local Story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Still, as James West wrote Friday in Mother Jones, 'From Boston to Ferguson, Baltimore, and Charleston, one thing has become crystal clear: To get real reporting—and to get it fast—you've got to switch off cable and go local. It's here you'll find the scoops, the sense of place, the authentic compassion; it's here you can avoid the predictable blather from a candidate, or pundit, or hack filling airtime. . . .'"

"As the city's major daily, it fell to the Post and Courier to express a city's grief." ...

Gun control would not have prevented deadly shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The cold blooded attack on the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in South Carolina on Wednesday, June 17, leaving nine black American parishioners dead, leaves a peace loving nation stunned as it searches for answers."

"Such a sub-human act can only constitute the antithesis of values good and loving people hold dear. A day of prayer for the victims and their families as they mourn the loss of loved ones would be the responsible and compassionate thing to do."

"What we're seeing instead is the media and opportunists use this tragedy to engage in election year theatrics to advance their anti-gun agendas. ..." ...

Take focus off weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are all aware of the horrendous carnage at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston last week, resulting in nine dead at the hands of a 21-year-old sociopathic killer. It was sadly reminiscent of another attack not too long ago somewhat closer to home."

"In 2007, another 20-something maniac burst into the New Life Church in Colorado Springs and opened fire. ..." ...

"Both incidents are horrific, but one is inarguably worse than the other. There is a difference worth noting between the two churches involved: The church in Charleston is a gun-free zone where no one is allowed to be armed. The Colorado Springs Church respects every law-abiding citizen’s right to exercise his or her Second Amendment privileges." ...

Our sad response to mass shootings is to pack more heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s often said following each mass shooting that America will numbly do nothing about its guns and violence problem. But that isn’t quite true. We do respond."

"What we do is we arm up even more."

"By now maybe it shouldn’t be surprising — but still, it was — that the massacre at the Charleston church Wednesday night touched off a call not for fewer guns in our society, but for more. And that you should bring your firearm with you right into church."

"'Arm Our Churches' reads the emailed statement from a gun-rights group called the Second Amendment Organization (or 2AO.) It called Friday for its 160,000 members to bring guns to church and help provide comprehensive gun training for church communities." ...

Serial Lies: Politifact Blasts Obama Over Gun Claim About Mass Killings In Other Countries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Serial liar President Barack Obama has been busted in yet another one of his serial lies. This time it is a lie he told Thursday in the hopes of politically exploiting the cold-blooded murders of 9 innocent people into legislative action that would restrict the Second Amendment civil rights of law-abiding Americans."

"Just hours after a racist terror attack took the lives of nine black parishioners guilty of nothing more than attending Bible study at a Charleston, South Carolina, church, Obama stood before America and did what he usually does when standing before America: He cynically exploited a tragedy to further his political agenda, and he lied:" ...

An ideology of terror
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After some initial pessimism on Friday, Barack Obama has geared up over the weekend, pushing to enact some as yet undefined reform of gun laws in the United States. When he first addressed the actions of the murderer and white supremacist [redacted], he noted that 'this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries'. Then immediately he pointed to the contradiction that defines the issue – the same contradiction that has defined the latter half of his presidency. 'It is in our power to do something about it,' but 'I say that recognizing the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now.'" ...

A Southerner's message: This is not who we are
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Along with every other human being capable of empathy I was profoundly saddened to learn of the massacre in Charleston of nine African-American churchgoers at the hands of one white male driven, apparently, by racial hatred."

"In the days following this evil act many questions arose. Among them are:" ...

"Turning finally to the issue of whether more gun control laws are needed, my answer is a definite 'No, but. ...'"

"To blame the Charleston massacre on the gun is like blaming my bacon double cheeseburger for my high cholesterol. ... But some common-sense measures could be implemented fairly easily and, while they may or may not have prevented this tragedy, they should be considered." ...

Don’t Blame the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I have spent a good deal of time during the last three years making the moral, legal, and philosophical case for the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and I shall not repeat that brief here. Likewise, I shall not repeat my earlier observation that nothing President Obama has proposed so much as intersects with what happened in Charleston. Instead, I would like to explain briefly why I think that to blame the Second Amendment itself — and, for that matter, to propose its repeal — is not only to rather miss the point, but to expose the root flaw in the way that the skeptics view the whole question of firearms in the United States." ...

Obama calls for stricter gun control laws (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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GA; VIDEO: Black middle schooler accuses Obama of ‘politicizing’ Charleston deaths
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Georgia middle schooler CJ Pearson just knew President Obama couldn’t help but try to take advantage of the deaths of 9 church-goers in South Carolina."

"According to Pearson, Obama 'politicized this entire thing.'"

"'He took to the podium and talked about how this couldn’t have happened –or shouldn’t have happened — if we would have had gun control … That things like this only happen because people carry guns,' Pearson said."

"He grew emotional recalling the lives that were cut short by a gunmen who sat with them for an hour, only to kill them."

"And you’re (Obama) going to sit there ... and talk about how the Second Amendment doesn’t matter! And how you have a solution to this by taking their guns away?" ...

SC: Watch Gov. Haley Answer NBC Host Asking ‘Should We Rethink’ The Second Amendment? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Today' show host Savannah Guthrie asked South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley if, after the tragic terrorist attack in South Carolina, maybe it was time to “rethink” the Second Amendment.What do you think?"

"Guthrie, in an interview that aired Friday morning, asked Haley, 'I know the president called you yesterday. He then made some public remarks and he openly vented about mass violence, and in particular gun violence in this country. I know you are a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Is there anything about this situation that makes you think, OK, should we rethink? Is it time for some kind of change?'" ...

“Collectible Firearms Protection Act” Introduced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) recently introduced H.R. 2611, the 'Collectible Firearms Protection Act.'"

"This bill would aim to reverse a State Department decision blocking the importation of wildly popular and historic M1 Garand rifles and M1 carbines from South Korea." ...

Ted Cruz: Charleston Attack Shows Need For Death Penalty, Not Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At a Johnston, Iowa, gun range on June 20 Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)93%
said the attack on the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston shows the need for the death penalty, not gun control."

"He made clear that we should be punishing the individual who commit such crimes, rather than responding with a gun control push that punishes the 100 million law-abiding gun owners who did not." ...

Bull's eye? AP defends itself over controversial Ted Cruz photo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Associated Press has come under fire in social media for a photo of Ted Cruz at a campaign event in which a drawing of a handgun is pointing directly at the senator’s head."

"Taken from the candidate’s right-hand side, the images captured Cruz, who was at a campaign event at CrossRoads Shooting Sports in Johnston, Iowa, in front of a large poster about safe handling procedures for firearms while speaking about the need to defend Americans’ Second Amendment rights." ...

Correcting a President in Hollywood
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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"President Obama said that in order to stop violent attacks we have to turn the legally armed United States into the disarmed AME church. I am impressed. It takes a heck of a speech writer to pull off that claim without sounding like an idiot. Then again, the speech was not written for a critical audience, but for a gullible mainstream media ..."

"As a public service, let me point out that President Obama also lied about gun laws when he spoke at his two Hollywood fundraisers. I doubt the glitterati caught the president’s mistakes. I hate to be the one to dash their hopes after the Hollywood set heard about a firearms purchase loophole that would allow them legally buy a gun. Here is a sobering pro-tip before they try it themselves-" ...

Karl Rove: I Did Not Suggest Repealing Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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operative Karl Rove says he wasn't quoted accurately by people who thought he suggested repealing the Second Amendment to end gun violence in America."

"Rove was ... asked by host Chris Wallace, 'How do we stop the violence?' Rove said there isn't an easy answer."

"Rove said there might be 'some magic law' that would stop the string of gun-related killings in America, but added, 'basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society. And until somebody gets enough oomph to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.'"

"He added, however, that repealing the right to bear arms is not the answer in his opinion. ..." ...

Rep. Steve King: Unrestricted access to guns is a ‘higher calling’ than stopping ‘one event of violence’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reflecting on the horrific murder of nine churchgoers who were gunned down in Charleston, South Carolina, Rep. Steve King (R) told an Iowa radio host that — while the deaths were tragic — Americans had a higher calling to defend against tyranny and that includes lots of guns."

"In audio recorded by Right Wing Watch, the Iowa Republican diminished the shooting in Charleston as 'one event of violence' while looking at the bigger picture as envisioned by the Founding Fathers."

"King began by criticizing President Obama’s comments that gun violence is an epidemic in the United States before launching into an impromptu history lesson on the 2nd Amendment." ...

NY: New York SAFE Act gun registration numbers are released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since New York's SAFE Act gun control law went into effect in January 2013, a total of 23,847 people have applied to register their newly defined assault-style weapons with the State Police."

"Those individuals have registered a total of 44,485 weapons."

"The statistics, hidden from the public for more than a year by state officials, were given to Rochester-area lawyer Paloma Capanna on Monday in response to a lawsuit she filed ..." ...

"Capanna called the state's tally of fewer than 45,000 weapons a sign that the law was being ignored by many."

"While there is no firm count, observers have estimated there could have been hundreds of thousands or even a million assault-style weapons in New York when the law passed." ...

Brady Center Ordered to Pay FFLs’ $200,000+ Attorney’s Fees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Those who ignite a fire should be responsible for the cost of suppressing it before it becomes a conflagration.'"

"With this rebuke, a district court has ordered the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence to pay more than $200,000 in attorney’s fees and costs to several Internet-based FFLs that the gun control organization wrongly sought to hold liable for the tragic and criminal Aurora movie theater shootings."

"In striking this blow to the Brady Center, the court chided the lawsuit as being nothing more than a political ruse and an opportunity for the Center to propagandize the public and stigmatize online retailers." ...

Puerto Rican Court: 2nd Amendment Means No Gun Registry Required For Open Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On June 19, a Puerto Rican commonwealth court abolished the territory’s registry and licensing requirements for firearms, thereby making the Second Amendment the only requisite necessary to carry firearms openly or concealed."

"The suit was brought by the Ladies of the Second Amendment (LSA), which 'is affiliated with the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) through the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights.' The suit also involved approximately '850 individual plaintiffs.'" ...

Is NFA Paperwork for CT Being Deliberately Delayed By ATF?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of our readers tipped us off to a worrisome trend in Connecticut. Transfers for firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) have always been slow, but in the last few months things have started coming back down to a reasonable waiting time. That is, for most of the country. For those living in the Nutmeg State it seems that the ATF might be deliberately slowing down the processing of NFA paperwork in order to more accurately discern whether the guns being registered are, in fact, legal to own there . . ." ...

SC: Former Simpsonville police officer admits misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Simpsonville police officer has pleaded guilty to a charge of misconduct in office."

"Multiple news outlets report Ralph Bobo agreed to permanently resign from law enforcement as part of a plea deal Tuesday."

"In exchange for the guilty plea, a more serious charge of obstruction of justice against Bobo was dropped." ...

OK: Owasso Officer Put On Administrative Leave After Allegations Of Using Excessive Force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An officer of the Owasso Police Department has been placed on administrative leave due to allegations that excessive force was used on a driver after a police chase concluded near Nowata, Oklahoma, this past Sunday."

"The department is currently conducting an internal investigation into these allegations." ...

TX: APD officer fired after sex assault accusation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Amarillo police officer was fired Monday night after investigators determined he had sexual contact with a woman who reported that the officer sexually assaulted her on Sunday, police said."

"On Monday, a woman reported the on-duty officer, later identified as Micah Meurer, had sexually assaulted her in her northwest Amarillo home." ...

FL: Miami-Dade detective relieved of duty after alleged jewelry theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Miami-Dade police officer has been relieved of duty with pay after a jewelry theft accusation."

"Authorities said Miami-Dade Police Detective Karel Rosario stole some custom-made jewelry during a raid in late May. The nine-year law enforcer, who once was known for his short stint playing professional basketball for a Puerto Rican team, has been charged with one count of dealing in stolen property and one count of grand theft. 'The whole thing is just one huge tragedy,' said Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle." ...

Canada: Canadian RCMP Claims Power To Decide When New Gun Laws Come Into Force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s not every day that you learn about sweeping new powers assumed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) but, June 18, 2015, is a day to mark in our history books."

"Contrary to both current law and Parliamentary tradition, some RCMP bureaucrats decided they, not the Governor in Council, now have the power to tell Canadians when laws come into force."

"The law at issue is, of course, Bill C-42, the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act. Clearly there are some that are distinctly unhappy this legislation received Royal Assent yesterday. Those unhappy bureaucrats issued an official RCMP press release dictating the terms of when and how the relevant changes to law would be made." ...

GA: Georgia's Safe Carry Protection Act allows gun owners to carry in more places, but could create tension
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What’s to keep you from taking a loaded gun into Augusta Regional Airport?"

"Because of lax gun laws in Georgia, there isn’t much that law enforcement can do to prevent it, Richmond County Marshal Steve Smith said."

"The issue came to light this month when Winder, Ga., resident and political activist Jim Cooley strolled into Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport with a loaded AR-15 rifle strapped to his chest. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cooley was tailed by airport police while he dropped off his daughter, and other travelers 'showed concerns on their faces' at the sight of his exposed weapon." ...

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