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Newslinks for 6/24/2005

Homes may be 'taken' for private projects
Submitted by: Justin45guy

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"The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people’s homes and businesses — even against their will — for private economic development."

"It was a decision fraught with huge implications for a country with many areas, particularly the rapidly growing urban and suburban areas, facing countervailing pressures of development and property ownership rights."

"As a result, cities now have wide power to bulldoze residences for projects such as shopping malls and hotel complexes in order to generate tax revenue."

"The 5-4 ruling — assailed by dissenting Justice Sandra Day O’Connor as handing 'disproportionate influence and power' to the well-heeled — represented a defeat for some Connecticut residents." ...

They have no respect for the Fifth Amendment... (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"...Why the hell would they have any respect for the other nine in the Bill of Rights?" ...

"So let's get this straight. You work, scrimp and save to purchase a home of your own -- an American dream come true. It's your property. Your work paid for it. It belongs to you. You've earned it."

"Not so quick, Slappy! If your local politicians feel that they haven't gotten their dirty paws on enough of your earnings..."

"...if a Wal Mart or a Holiday Inn or a strip mall developer decides your little place in the sun is juuuuust right for their newest flophouse or shopping trough..."

"...and your elected representatives feel they could suck more tax dollars out of said concern than they can out of your piddly shack, which only brings in a couple of thousand per year in real estate taxes..."

"...they can appropriate your property. Just bulldoze it to the ground. Screw you. Screw your property rights. Screw the Constitution." ...

GOA Alert: Senate Bill Would Grant FBI Unlimited Access To Gun Sales Records
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Registration leads to confiscation. We all know that, and that is why GOA has vehemently opposed all attempts by government forces to compile or retain information pertaining to lawful firearms purchases."

"But the United States Senate does not appear to see it that way. People on Capitol Hill seem to think that any 'edge' in the war on terror is worth trampling on the rights of law-abiding Americans, no matter what the Constitution (and current law) happens to say." ...

"In short, Sen. Roberts' language would allow the FBI to seize ANY business records it believes would be relevant to an anti-terrorism investigation... without first seeking permission from any court in the land."

"Gun sales are business transactions ..." ...

How Liberty Dies: The Patriot Reauthorization Act (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years ago, I wrote a paper on the Patriot Act for one of my Master's classes in National Security Studies. My conclusion was that while the Patriot Act doesn't directly violate the Constitution, it provides the government with loopholes to subvert the Law of the Land. These loopholes make it easier for the 'authorities' to circumvent the Constitution -- and do so in a legally sanctioned manner. ..."

"'The Slow, Systematic Death of the Bill of Rights' took merely a cursory look at the "Patriot" Act, but even a glance was enough to know what kind of danger this legislation represented then, and the threat it holds now. A portion of the article, describing the danger the PA poses to the Fourth Amendment can be found below." ...

GOP plan would shield gun retailers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Civil lawsuits against gun shops - one way for gun victims to punish fast-and-loose firearms retailers - are likely to be banned under Republican-backed legislation now sailing through Congress."

"Bills moving through the House and Senate would give gun manufacturers and retailers broad liability protection afforded to no other industry. The bills shield gun dealers and manufacturers from liability if they legally sell a gun that ends up being used in a crime." [emphasis added] ...

In 1776 Were Americans Patriots or Rebels?
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Many sincere Christians have confused, conflicting, and convoluted notions about the War for Independence or as some call it the Revolutionary War. However, it was not a revolution, but a war of self-defense ..." ...

"The year 1775 was a pivotal year for the colonists. Late night on April 18, Paul Revere and William Dawes saddled up for their famous midnight ride to Lexington and Concord to warn the locals that the British were approaching to take the guns and ammunition stored there. (Gun control was an issue even back then!) ..." ...

"King George declared war on the colonies so that made the Revolutionary War a war of self-defense, not one of rebellion! ..."

Former Attorneys File Court Brief
Submitted by: Tyree White

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"More than 150 other ex-Justice Department officials also signed the 'friend of the court' brief with the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which seeks to overturn a 55-year sentence given to a man for carrying a pistol during a string of marijuana deals." ...

KABA Note: You mean the AGs are finally admitting that the gun is not the problem?

Michael Moore disarms America
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In late summer 2000, as the presidential campaign headed into the homestretch, Alfred A. Knopf released respected Emory University historian Michael Bellesiles' 'Arming America,' and the response from the cultural establishment was pure gush."

"Garry Wills' 2000-word review in the New York Times nicely captures the establishment embrace of Bellesiles' thesis. Although guns are a 'holy object' in American mythology, writes the happily re-educated Wills, 'they were barely in existence' before the Civil War. Those few guns that did exist – here he quotes Bellesiles – 'were state-controlled.' The joy in Wills' review is unmistakable." ...

FL: Florence robbers leave gun behind
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The two men who attempted to hold up a Florence pawn shop at gunpoint earlier this week remain at large." ...

"The suspects initially entered the Ivey’s Pawn Shop on 130 N. Dargan St. posing as customers about 3 p.m. Tuesday. They purchased a couple of items before one of them jumped the counter and fired two shots at close range at a man identified as J.P. Costas, a friend of the store’s proprietor, hitting him once in the abdomen, Florence police investigators said."

"'Meanwhile, (Ivey’s) owner Kenneth Alvin Davis retrieved a pocket pistol and returns fire, in self-defense, shooting at the individual holding the gun on him,' Lt. Ron Swaggard said." ...

KY: No indictment in fatal [self-defense] shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A grand jury has dismissed murder charges against a University of Kentucky student who shot a Louisville man in a struggle outside a Lexington apartment complex."

"Twenty-year-old U-K junior Brian Briggs said in an interview that he told a grand jury Tuesday that he shot 22-year-old Cory Harris in self defense. He says Harris threatened to kill him during a May second robbery. Harris died a day later." ...

"It was the second time in four months that a Lexington grand jury has dismissed murder charges against a suspect. Charges against Lucian Anderson, who shot a man in his driveway on Christmas Day, were dismissed by a grand jury in March."

PA: Guns for sale
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The gun shop owner asked no questions when Perry Bruce walked into his store."

"Jon K. Sauers, owner of Sauers Trading, in Williamsport, Pa., never did. He welcomed Bruce by name, recognizing him from the nine other guns he'd bought at Sauers Trading. ..."

"Bruce pointed to a big .44-caliber Rossi revolver through a glass case. He showed Sauers a welfare ID and a license to carry a firearm and paid $200 for the weapon."

"... Sauers had already been told by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which polices the nation's gun dealers, that a gun Bruce had bought at Sauers Trading months earlier had been found at a crime scene."

"But none of the red flags were enough to stop Sauers from legally selling Bruce another gun." [emphasis added] ...

IL: Gov. Blagojevich signs law requiring firearm license to own a stun gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich signed legislation today regulating the sale and purchase of stun guns and Tasers. The new law, Senate Bill 1962, requires Tasers and other stun gun purchasers to obtain a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card and submit to background checks, just like they would to obtain a gun. ..."

"'Tasers and other stun guns can be very dangerous in the wrong hands – the amount of voltage they exert alone can be lethal. By treating these weapons just as seriously as we treat firearms, we can make our streets and neighborhoods safer,' said Gov. Blagojevich." ...

NC: Neighbors take shots at gun range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A shooting range on the same street as an elementary school has many parents outraged."

"The Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club built a range in Union County nearly a half century ago, but now there are some new people in town who want the range closed down. With that in mind, the gun club held an open house Saturday." ...

"A new elementary school is being built just down the road from the shooting range, and down the road a little more are dozens of new subdivisions. Some of the new neighbors are not happy about the location of the range."

"'It will make me nervous when they are playing on the playground,' said parent Dorian Nicolosi. 'It does not sit well with me.'" ...

KY: Gun found on school grounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A loaded rifle was discovered by a maintenance worker at Louisville Deaf Oral School early Thursday morning.

"We heard that it had been found, we wanted to just make sure we called the police," said school director Mona K. McCubbin.

Metro Police confiscated the rifle, which was found in some bushes near the building. No students were present at the time of the discovery.

Employees plan to monitor the situation.

"I think we all are trying to be careful when we come to work, so I think it will maybe heighten our sensitivity a little bit, but hopefully, not be too frightening for anybody," said McCubbin.

Police are investigating.

New Zealand: Parents go off at half-cock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now we have a Hawke's Bay father hopping up and down because the police have visited his daughter's school and allowed youngsters to fire a BB gun at a target as part of a programme to teach pupils about firearm safety and the role of police and their training procedures." ...

"There was also an earlier story of two young Hastings Ross Shield rugby boys who found their coach's rifle and ammunition and clearly hadn't been exposed to the sort of police programme available to the kids at Nelson Park School and began shooting up a neighbouring house."

"If they had had training, they may have been a bit more aware of the stupidity, and possible consequences of their actions." ...

FL: Armed Man Mugs Woman Walking Near Police Station
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Police are searching for an armed man who mugged a woman just a block away from the police station. [emphasis added]

The sheriff's office brought out K-9s and a helicopter to search for the suspect.

Eyewitnesses say a man flashed a knife and grabbed a woman's purse as she was walking down the sidewalk. Some nearby workers tried to stop the man.

"What appeared to be somebody having a fight, when one person got up and started to run, had a purse in his hand. We jumped in our truck. We followed him to see which way he was heading," said eyewitness Victor Garcia.

The manhunt continued for almost two hours. The Cocoa Beach Police Department has not released a description of the suspect.

Submitter's Note: The Police will protect you ... only a block away

TN: Former Officer's Threats Caught on Tape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Memphis Police Officer David Tate told a judge he's guilty Tuesday afternoon. He now admits taking bribes, transporting prostitutes across state lines, and planning the robbery of pro-wrestler Jerry Lawler's Memphis home."

"NewsChannel 3 has obtained the undercover audio tape prosecutors planned to use as evidence if the case went to trial. Agents say it's Tate on the tape having a conversation with co-defendant April Veach. The two talk about what might happen if anyone gets in the way if they went through with the robbery." ...

"Tate told investigators he never really planned to pull off the robbery during an interview after his arrest. The government is willing to give Tate 14 years in prison in exchange for his guilty pleas. ..."

VA: Navy calls safety stand-down after more shooting accidents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three sailors were injured by shrapnel during machine gun training aboard a landing craft off Virginia Beach and a fourth was shot in the leg in a separate incident aboard the carrier Enterprise, undergoing overhaul in Newport News, the Navy said today." ...

"They are the latest in a string of apparently accidental discharges of weapons during a time when the Navy has increased security aboard its ships following terrorists attacks. As a result of these latest cases the Navy has called for a safety stand-down to sort out its problem."

"Wednesday’s events follow a June 6 incident when a .50-caliber machine gun discharged aboard the destroyer Ross as it was leaving a shipyard in downtown Norfolk. ..." ...

Belgium: Police banned from taking gun home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to alarming suicide rate figures, the Belgian government has banned federal police officers from keeping their service pistols at home."

"Interior Minister Patrick Dewael has confirmed the new guidelines ..."

"The police suicide rate is double that of the general public. Officers frequently use their own weapon when committing suicide."

"Responding to concerns raised by Spirit MP Stijn Bex, Liberal VLD minister Dewael admitted 11 local and two federal police officers have already committed suicide this year."

"Citing the annual report from police supervisory authority Comité P, Bex came to the conclusion the 'easy availability of police weapons' were the basis of many family tragedies." ...

Submitter's Note: I see the politicians are still blaming the tool and not the hand that wields it.

Australia: On Target - Rifle Club news
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In rather trying weather conditions (cold wet and windy ) the Grenfell Rifle Club staged their Open Prize Meeting shoot on the 18 and 19-6-05." ...

"Sunday brought more inclement weather. The rain is welcome. After a cooked breakfast a decision was made to continue with the meeting and everyone donned their wet weather gear and fronted at the 300 yard mound although a couple of competitors chose pink skirts to wet weather gear. Results 300 yards: A grade 1st Spencer Dunstall 50-5, 2nd Dave Elliot 50-3, 3rd Keith Hills 49-4." ...

KY: Museum's draw goes beyond guns, swords
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My son was born 11 years ago, which, to his way of thinking, was several centuries too late."

"While his twin sister, Julia, is considering all sorts of 21st-century career possibilities, Ben wants to be a blacksmith so he can make his own suit of armor."

"Last fall, he plugged some combination of 'armor' and 'weapons' and 'Kentucky' into Google (he likes some modern things) and found the Frazier Historical Arms Museum in Louisville."

"We've visited twice, both times with his boy buddies."

"The Frazier is fabulous, even for non-boys." ...

"Frazier inherited a Kentucky long rifle from his grandfather in 1952, lost it in a 1974 tornado and began decades of collecting mostly American firearms and artifacts." ...

MI: Company urges Replacement of Bullet-resistant Vests Containing Zylon
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Battered by lawsuits, the nation's top supplier of bullet-resistant police vests is abandoning the lightweight filling material it once considered the key to overcoming many officers' dislike of protective armor."

"Second Chance Body Armor Inc. on Wednesday urged customers to replace vests made with the synthetic fiber Zylon, saying test results suggested they 'may fail to perform and result in serious injury or death.'" ...

"Tests designed to determine the cause of the vests' degradation detected unexpectedly high levels of acids that 'can lead to a sudden and dramatic loss of tensile strength,' the company said." ...

NY: Ithaca Gun Closes After 124-Year Run
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Mired in debt and struggling to compete, the Ithaca Gun Co. has ended production after more than a century in business."

"'We're just tapped out, we can't do it any longer,' Andrew Sciarabba, one of seven investors who own Ithaca Gun Co., told The Post-Standard of Syracuse." ...

"The gun company, which had operated on a 2-acre site on Ithaca's Lake Street continuously since 1880 manufacturing shotguns, went bankrupt in the 1980s and was bought by new owners in 1989 and relocated to King Ferry." ...

KY: Shooting to win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"E.A. Diddle Arena’s auxiliary gym at Western Kentucky University will become a shooting gallery for parts of the next three weeks."

"Beginning Monday, the school will be host to three competitions. First is the National Guard Air Rifle Competition, which runs through June 30."

"That is followed by the International BB Gun and Air Rifle Competition from July 1-6 and the USA Shooting Air Rifle Competition from July 7-12."

"Some of the teams will be competing in more than one competition, so a couple of years back David Woodard with the National Guard Marksmanship Training Unit made an effort to combine the events into a triad." ...

PA: Sunday hunting would be windfall, state report says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Sunday hunting was open in all seasons for all game species in Pennsylvania, hunters say they would spend an additional 4.7 days per year hunting, which could mean additional economic impact of $629 million, according to a report released last week by the state Legislative Budget and Finance Committee."

"The additional spending could result in 5,300 new full- and part-time jobs and $18 million additional state tax revenue, according to Southwick Associated Inc., a company specializing in fish and wildlife economics."

"Sunday hunting has been prohibited in Pennsylvania since 1873. Only three exceptions have been granted in that time, for crows, foxes and coyotes." ...

MD: NRA Honors Byczkowski for Leadership in Shooting Sports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mrs. Roxanne Byczkowski is one of four recipients of the National Rifle Association’s prestigious 2005 Marion P. Hammer woman of Distinction Award."

"Byczkowski has demonstrated outstanding performance in competitive shooting, promotion of the shooting sports and volunteerism. She is an NRA Certified Firearm Instructor in five disciplines - home firearm safety, pistol, personal protection, rifle and shotgun; a Chief Range Safety Officer; a Women on Target® instructional shooting clinic coordinator; and Refuse To Be A Victim® certified instructor. She volunteers countless hours to her positions within the Monumental Rifle and Pistol Club, and doing so may find her teaching a new shooter on the firing line or speaking at a legislative hearing." ...

KY: Kentucky riflewoman aiming at Olympics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fresh Lyon County High School graduate Jessica Jasis has set her sights on making the Olympics in 2008, and lately her aim has been right on target."

"Jasis, who turned 18, June 13, recently won a spot on the Olympic Development Team after winning gold in air rifle at the U.S. Junior Olympics in Colorado Springs, Colo."

"'I'm excited,' Jasis said. 'I really want to go to the Olympics.'"

"Jasis began competing in air rifle and .22 firing during her freshman year after hearing about a new 4-H shooting sports club."

"'I had never heard of it before,' she said. 'Some boy said he didn't know why I was listening (about the club) because girls couldn't shoot.'" ...

PA: Their best shots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the command of 'pull,' the peaceful hills of rural Sullivan County came alive with persistent, reverberating blasts from Perazzi and Beretta shotguns."

"Such are the sounds of trapshooting."

"Nineteen young shotgunners from around the country, ages 11 to 20, participated in the North Mountain Sportsmen’s Association’s third annual NRA Advanced Junior Shotgun Camp this week."

"Shotgun competitors in American trap, skeet and sporting clays learned safety training and shooting techniques on Monday through today, according to U.S. National Shotgun Team coach Lloyd Woodhouse."

"'It used to be that there was only one real recognized shooter east of Detroit,' Woodhouse said. 'Now that’s changing. We’re producing shooters for nine national teams.'" ...

NJ: A bear policy hearing, without the growling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Jersey's bears are roaming free now but that could change if state officials agree on a policy to manage the bear population."

"More than 70 New Jersey residents, including hunters and animal rights activists, attended a public hearing of the Fish and Game Council held Tuesday at the State Museum."

"A bear hunt is included in the proposed code, which requires the approval of state Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell, who canceled last year's bear hunt."

"The council will vote on the code when it meets at 1 p.m. on Aug. 9 in Robbinsville. The council will accept written comments until Aug. 5, Chairman Ernest P. Hahn said." ...

Ireland: Ban those realistic replica guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Waterford Fianna Fáil TD, Ollie Wilkinson, wants a ban on the manufacture, import and sale of realistic imitation guns to reduce the number of raids carried out using replica firearms."

"'Gardaí have told me that an increasing number of raids are carried out using realistic replica or imitation guns. They are enough to intimidate businessowners and allow the raider to escape with money or goods.'"

"'Elderly shop-owners are especially vulnerable to being duped by realistic guns. We can no longer allow raiders to get away with this,' said Deputy Wilkinson. He stressed that he is not proposing a blanket ban on toy guns." ...

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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