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Newslinks for 6/24/2006

SAF, CCRKBA File Brief Supporting Right to Bear Arms Case in Washington, D.C.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) have joined with the Madison Society and a dozen law professors from major universities in filing a Brandeis brief in a Washington, D.C. case that has significant implications on the individual right to keep and bear arms."

"The case, Shelly Parker et al v. District of Columbia could result in a landmark ruling on the meaning and authority of the Second Amendment."

"SAF Founder and CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb said the Parker case has the potential of bringing the Second Amendment 'clearly, and unmistakably into focus as an individual civil right.'" ...

CA: Quill Pens, Guns, Ink and Bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the Founding Fathers took the initiative to permanently inscribe our natural rights on paper, one can imagine it being done so with a quill pen. The first copies enshrined our liberties in the constitution as the Bill of Rights to include the freedom of religion, freedom of the press and the right to keep and bear arms and were printed with a manual printing press."

"This freedom of speech includes our right to express ourselves with every available medium. ..."

"So why is it that our Second Amendment is not treated the same as the First? The majority party in California, and their anti-civil rights allies, views our natural right to self defense to be limited to the musket and the flintlock." ...

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"If you can’t beat them, join them. Or at least make them think that you did. That seems to be the latest game plan of the gun-grabbers. The anti-gun and anti-hunting organizations are changing their tactics after a series of humiliating defeats at the hands of gun owners."

"What better way to defeat the gun lobby than to fool unsuspecting gun owners into thinking that you are one of them? Not only will you being taking monetary donations from real pro-gun organizations, but you could get gun owners to vote for anti-gun candidates by making some key endorsements. That appears to be the strategy of at least one organization, the American Hunters and Shooter’s Association (AHSA). The scary part is that it might work." ...

AL: Teen shot in self defense, police say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police are classifying as self defense the Thursday afternoon slaying of a Montgomery teenager who was shot after a fight over a dice game." ...

"'Basically, Mr. Stringer was firing back in self defense,' said Lt. Ronald Cook ... 'And so the case will be bound over to a grand jury, who will decide whether or not charges will be brought.'"

"Cook said the two teenagers got into an argument over a craps game, at which time Seawright allegedly went into his home and got a shotgun. He began firing the shotgun toward Stringer, who fired back and struck him in the side. Seawright retreated into his apartment, where he died."

"The pair had also gotten into a fight the night before, Cook said. It was unclear what that argument was about."

AK: Man shoots big griz while answering nature's call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's one of those only-in-Alaska-type stories that is almost too unbelievable to be true."

"But Chris Yeager swears it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and he has the hide of a trophy Interior grizzly bear to prove it." ...

"... Yeager pulled over ... to answer nature's call. He grabbed a roll of toilet paper and slung on a shoulder holster containing his .460-caliber Smith & Wesson handgun."

"... he basically takes a gun with him everywhere he goes, which is not unnatural behavior considering he is a bona fide gun nut ..."

"Besides, he was walking into the woods in Alaska and Yeager is the type of person who believes anyone going into the woods in Alaska should be carrying a gun." ...

FL: It was his life or ours, shooter says about fatal blast (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Antoine Jones died from a shotgun blast early Thursday after he kicked down a bedroom door and threatened his mother's boyfriend with a knife, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

"The killing of the ex-convict was the 14th time this year that a Central Florida resident claims to have fired in self-defense under the state's new 'Stand Your Ground' law."

"The law allows residents to use deadly force to stop a forcible felony crime or prevent being seriously injured or killed."

"Sylvester Andrews III, who told deputies he shot to protect himself and three teenage girls, was not arrested." ...

A shot in the dark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association, one of America's most vociferous and effective lobby groups, is up in arms, as it were, over a UN initiative to curb the spread of small arms."

"Next week, government officials and NGOs will meet in New York for a follow-up conference to a programme of action adopted in 2001. ..." ...

"Prasad Kariyawasam, the president-delegate of next week's conference and UN ambassador from Sri Lanka, has said that the conference and programme of action were not aimed at banning the individual use of firearms if they were held legally."

"'The UN programme of action covers only illegal trade, illegal trafficking and illegal brokering,' he insisted. Those protestations will not cut much ice with the NRA."

UN is not taking guns away from Americans: Annan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A renewed controversy erupted Friday before next week's UN conference on small arms and light weapons, as UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan insisted organization has no plan to take away Americans' right to bear arms."

"The US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, charged that the conference may infringe on Americans' constitutional right to bear weapons."

"He vowed to defend that right ... saying that some UN members may have a 'larger agenda' aimed at the US Constitution's Second Amendment, which protects the right to own weapons."

"'The message is clear: to the extent that there is a larger different agenda dealing with domestic gun control issues in the US, I don't think that it's an appropriate forum to discuss that,' Bolton said." ...

Protest letters against gun meeting swamp U.N.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.N. officials have received more than 100,000 letters, many of them generated by a National Rifle Association campaign, protesting a U.N. forum on illicit small arms that starts Monday and runs through July Fourth." ...

"Mr. Kariyawasam, who sought to allay American concerns at a press conference this week, said he had received more than 100,000 such letters 'from the U.S. public, saying you're having this meeting on the Fourth of July, and you will not take our guns away on this day.'"

"Mr. Kariyawasam insisted that the timing of the two-week Small Arms Review Conference was purely coincidental and that the conferees would not discuss the legal possession, manufacture or transfer of weapons." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course they might discuss redefining "legal possession" to mean "in the hands of UN sanctioned troops" . . .

US sees no need for new UN measures on small arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States said on Friday it saw no need for new international agreements at a U.N. conference opening next week to weigh a tightening of a five-year-old crackdown on illegal trafficking in small arms."

"'The purpose of this conference is simply to follow up on activities authorized by the 2001 conference, and we don't see any need for treaties or agreements coming out of this,' said John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations." ...

"Anti-gun activists say they want the 2006 review conference to back a new treaty or, failing that, international guidelines governing arms transfers. Those would aim to prevent, for example, deals with criminals or terrorists, or for use in a genocide or in violation of a U.N. arms embargo." ...

CA: NRA's Wayne LaPierre to Discuss His Strategies for Bypassing the 'Elite Media' This Week on KRLA's 'Newsroom Confidential'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, says his latest book -- The Global War On Your Guns -- aims to speak directly to the American public without having to pass through the 'filter' of what he describes as America's 'elite media.'"

"LaPierre explains one of his chief reasons for writing the book in an exclusive interview with NewsTalk KRLA 870's Newsroom Confidential, a one-hour weekly radio program that provides an insiders' guide to journalism and public relations. The program airs live Sunday nights in Southern California and is simulcast on the Internet. ..." ...

AZ: NRA sinks Senate pro-gun ballot measure
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Arizonans won't get to vote on restricting the governor's ability to seize weapons in time of emergency because of last-minute opposition from an unusual source: the National Rifle Association."

"Senate Majority Leader Tim Bee said NRA President Sandy Froman indicated the organization wanted 'some tweaks' in the language that could not be made this late in the session."

"Sen. Toni Hellon, R-Tucson, said Froman's opposition was not so much the language, but the fear of putting the measure on the November ballot and then having to spend potentially millions of dollars to ensure it was not defeated."

"But Sen. Dean Martin ... said the organization is miffed the Senate refused to confirm an NRA-backed nominee to the state Game and Fish Commission." ...

MI: Candidates shooting for gun vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No. 1 with a bullet? In the heated GOP 7th Congressional primary race, it depends on who's pulling the trigger."

"On Wednesday, challenger Tim Walberg said he secured the backing of the Gun Owners of America."

"A day later, incumbent John 'Joe' Schwarz countered with a letter of praise and a campaign donation from the National Rifle Association."

"Both candidates are quick to paint themselves as friends of gun owners."

"In a campaign pamphlet photo, an orange-vested Walberg holds a rifle in one hand while shaking the paw of a hunting dog with the other."

"Schwarz is not all thumbs around firearms, his spokesman said."

"'He's a big supporter of the Second Amendment,' said John Truscott, Schwarz campaign spokesman. ..." ...

NE: Concealed Carry Clash Continues
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When a new law takes effect in January allowing people to carry concealed weapons, it won't be allowed in Omaha. Lincoln is now looking into banning it there as well."

"Lawmakers passed the concealed carry legislation in the last session but Omaha's ordinance prohibiting concealed carry will supersede the state law."

"Lincoln Mayor Coleen Seng, supported by several domestic violence groups, is now pushing for a similar ordinance to ban the weapons." ...

"But Jim Powell, who also owns his own store says, 'A concealed weapon, you don't know if they have it or not. If they pull it on you, what are you going to do?'" ...

KABA Note: Jim perfectly demonstrates the stupidity of the antis' argument. Lemme clue you in, Jimbo: If they're going to rob you, a ban on concealed carry won't stop them!

OH: Aslanides Holds Out Hope For HB347 (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite reports from the Associated Press that HB347 is dead in the water, Representative Jim Aslanides (author of the bill) believes there is still a possibility for progress before the session is over."

"'As soon as we go back into session, I believe the bill will be up for a vote. I am confident,' he told NRA News in a live interview on Friday."

"Aslanides holds out hope that the Ohio legislature will be called back into session before the November elections to work on passage."

"He also told NRA news that he believes they have the votes in both the House and the Senate if they need to override a veto by Governor Taft." ...

AK: Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski Signs NRA-Backed Castle Doctrine Bill Into Law (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Frank Murkowski has signed the National Rifle Association (NRA)-backed 'Castle Doctrine' self-defense bill into law in Alaska."

"'I want to thank Governor Frank Murkowski for signing this victims’ rights bill into law,' said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. 'When you’re confronted by a criminal, you don’t have the luxury of time. This bill states that if victims choose to stand their ground and fight, their decision will not be second-guessed by the State of Alaska. The ability to protect yourself, your children, or your spouse from harm is important, whether you're in your home or outside.'" ...

MI: Self-defense rights clash in deadly force debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Proposed state legislation that would expand a citizen's right to self-defense has entered the crosshairs of local supporters, critics and law enforcement."

"The bill package would allow a person to thwart an attacker with deadly force if the defender feels a reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm. Particularly, a defender is allowed to fight without a requirement to retreat when an attacker breaks into the defender's home or occupied vehicle."

"... the legislation would also allow people to protect themselves in any location where the defender is legally allowed to be."

"However, the bills don't sanction the use of force in a few cases. For instance, the bills wouldn't apply to fighting the police ..." ...

MS: Testing Taser on officers goes too far
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Subjecting Moss Point police officers to a jolt from a Taser gun so they can gain respect for the weapon doesn't make sense and the procedure ought to stop."

"Police Chief Demetrius Drakeford should eliminate this part of the training with the Taser, which delivers an electric charge to officers. The chief said the first step in implementing the weapon is personal experience. He explained the Taser's five-second burst of 50,000 volts causes a loss of muscle control, which renders a person temporarily immobile. ..."

"The department obtained 11 Taser guns using about $10,000 from money seized in drug arrests and is in the process of training officers to use the weapon." ...

RI: Judge denies new trial for trooper convicted in beating
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Superior Court judge yesterday denied a new trial for a suspended state trooper convicted of beating a man in the custody of South Kingstown police and then lying about it."

"Judge Edward C. Clifton rejected defense lawyer Kevin Bristow's claim that the evidence presented at trial did not sufficiently prove that Jeffrey L. Clark had committed felony assault."

"The court, as the 13th juror, was not persuaded, Clifton said. 'The court does not find issue with the jury's verdict.'"

"On June 1, a Washington County Superior Court jury found Jeffrey L. Clark, 34, of 254 Laurel Lane, guilty of assaulting then 22-year-old William Skwirz Jr. as he was handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser on Labor Day weekend 2004." ...

LA: New Orleans sheriff's deputy, 3 others busted in drug deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Orleans Parish criminal sheriff's deputy was arrested in Harvey on Wednesday, accused of driving a car used in a heroin transaction."

"The deputy, Brandon Banks, 20, was arrested with three other men in a car that also included a 4-year-old child, heroin and a high-powered rifle, Gretna Police Chief Arthur Lawson said Thursday."

"The arrest was the product of a new West Bank strike force, which was formed six weeks ago and includes officers from the Gretna and New Orleans police departments and the Jefferson Parish and Plaquemines Parish sheriff's offices."

"At the time of his arrest, Banks was wearing a T-shirt with the word 'sheriff' emblazoned across it, Lawson said." ...

WA: Sheriff's Deputy Mistakes Pistol for Taser
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sheriff's deputy who was trying to get a man down from a tree shot and wounded him after mistakenly pulling a gun instead of a Taser, authorities say."

"The deputy, a five-year veteran of the force whose name was not released, was placed on leave while Thursday's shooting is investigated."

"Deputies carry both a Taser and a gun on their utility belts. The Taser, or stun gun, is similar in shape to the compact .40-caliber gun the deputy carried, sheriff's spokesman Scott Wilson said." ...

"The man had been climbed a fig tree and stayed there for hours, talking to himself. Deputies were unsure whether he was intoxicated or psychotic, and they wanted to get him down before he hurt himself or others, Wilson said." ...

Germany: Fan forgets hotel location in six-hour ordeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"German police rescued an American soccer fan lost in Hanover and unable to find his hotel again after helplessly wandering around the city for more than six hours after a match ..."

"The 25-year-old Boston man had checked into his hotel in the afternoon before going to see a match ... but could not remember his hotel's name, its address or anything else about it, police spokesman Holger Jureczko said."

"'He came into the police station at 3 a.m. and asked for help,' Jureczko said." ...

"Police took the American to the area that matched his vague description in the city of 500,000 and spent an hour driving up and down streets in that quarter until he recognized his hotel just before dawn Wednesday." ...

Submitter's Note: Oath-honoring Peace Officers serving and protecting in the finest tradition.

UK: Police raid home and recover toy gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed police stormed a family's Hampstead home after a toy rifle was mistaken for a real weapon."

"John and Lucy Trimbos were in their mansion block flat when Met officers smashed down the front door."

"The couple ran out into the hallway with their two sons to find SO19 officers in body armour, helmets and goggles training semi-automatic weapons on them."

"Solicitor Trimbos and his eldest son, 15-year-old Oliver, were handcuffed and led out while officers searched the house."

"But all they discovered was a BB rifle that fires plastic pellets."

"The incident comes three weeks after the Met had to apologise for the Forest Gate raid in which a man was shot. Nothing was found and two brothers were released without charge." ...

OH: CPZ: Westlake Promenade at Crocker Park scene of abduction (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Shortly after Ohio passed concealed carry reform in 2004, Ohioans For Concealed Carry heard regularly from residents of the western suburbs of Cuyahoga County that the Promenade at Crocker Park was posted with 'No Guns' signs prohibiting you to have a gun even in your own vehicle in the parking lot."

"These signs advertise to predators that everyone within the confines of the property is disarmed -- and unlikely to resist attackers with a firearm."

"Late Tuesday night, a 23-year-old au-pair (childcare worker) from Brazil was abducted at gun point; proving that posting no guns signs simply creates a criminal protection zone, and puts even those people who may not consider carrying a gun at greater risk of criminal attack." ...

NC: Task force addresses gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the number of people killed in Mecklenburg County continues to rise, one group is close to finishing its task of finding ways to stop it."

"Charlotte's homicide task force met for the second-to-last time on Thursday. They say they have a plan to stop the growing homicide problem ..." ...

"The entire group agreed not to take on a person's second amendment rights, but did think it was important to prevent guns from getting in the wrong people's hands."

"'We have so many homicides related to the use of handguns and a number of violent acts committed by handguns that we can't ignore it if we want to get a handle on violent crime and homicide,' said Dr. Paul Friday, of the University of North Carolina ..." ...

TN: Top guns - Trap shooting popularity on the rise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine if the Gibson County football team had three full months of practice without playing a game."

"Or if the members of the boys basketball team had to get certified that they knew how to properly handle a basketball before they could step out onto the court and when they did, they weren't allowed to take their high-tops onto school property."

"But, that's exactly what the members of the school's trap shooting team go through."

"They've been practicing since February and on Saturday and Sunday, they'll have only their second competition of the season as they participate in the state meet in Nashville for the Tennessee Scholastic Clay Target Program championships."

MT: Replica Sharps shooters
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"No detail, no matter how small, is overlooked in the creation of the replica Sharps rifles crafted by the Shiloh Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Co. here."

"They even make their own screws."

"'We don't have to depend on nobody,' said Kirk Bryan, the company's president. 'We've been down that road before.'"

"The Sharps rifle is one of the most celebrated in the history and folklore of America in the 1800s. Its unique design, a movable breech block that slid down for loading, allowed its marksman to fire rounds quicker and farther than contemporary muzzleloaders." ...

Canada: Bid to end long-gun registry applauded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal government’s move to end the controversial gun registry is bringing cheers from local gun enthusiasts."

"'Excellent,' Clint Brydges said at the Fort McMurray shooting range Thursday. 'It’s the old story. Responsible gun owners aren’t the ones who commit crimes.'"

"Earlier this week, the federal government announced a law to scrap the registry first enacted in 1995 by the former Liberal government. People will still have to hold a licence to own a gun but will no longer have to register each one."

"'We believe in licensing the person, not the gun,' said David Todd, the president of the Fort McMurray Fish and Game Association. Gun owners, he said, have long viewed the registry as expensive and ineffective." ...

Canada: Glock, stock and barrel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I describe myself as a bit of a tree hugger, a peace-loving, recycling, back-yard-composting vegetarian."

"So stepping onto a firing range for the first time last week was a bit of a psychological stretch. I went out to the North Saanich Rod and Gun Club to meet Central Saanich police Cpl. Jack McClintock, observe some police officers firearm training, and learn to shoot a gun myself."

"I was one of those kids who grew up in the city. There were no rifles or shotguns stored in the basement or weekends spent hunting with grandpa. My impression of handguns comes from watching episodes of Barretta and Hawaii 5-0." ...

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. — DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

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