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Newslinks for 6/24/2010

Second amendment freedom riders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... When I wrote that the people with obvious weapons would be shot first I was thinking of the murders of the four police officers last November ... The thrust of what I was trying to say was that people who open carry are the Freedom Riders of the second amendment rights movement. The Freedom Riders were brave blacks who rode buses across the south to challenge segregation. The Interstate Commerce Commission had already technically removed the 'separate but equal' rules but interstate bus companies still segregated people. ... The riders forced the country to face the laws and enforce them as they were written. It took brave men and women to finally get the equality the laws had given them."

"Those who choose to open carry open themselves up to trouble of a similar nature. ..." ...

Mayor Daley channels Ozzy Osbourne in defending Chicago's handgun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, we looked at an attempt on the part of Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig to debunk what they call five 'persistent myths' about 'gun control.' To show us the illogic of the 'myth' that 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people,' Cook and Ludwig tapped into the timeless wisdom of Ozzy Osbourne."
"As Ozzy Osbourne once said in an interview with the New York Times: 'I keep hearing this [expletive] thing that guns don't kill people, but people kill people. If that's the case, why do we give people guns when they go to war? Why not just send the people?'"
"As problematical as that . . . reasoning is, apparently Chicago's Mayor Daley was quite taken with it. ..." ...

What would the founding fathers do: Firearms and my right to own them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second amendment is often debated by the Supreme Court, legislators, and more. What is almost always left out of these debates is the simple fact that the founding fathers used their firearms and training in defense of themselves against an oppressive government. They took the steps necessary to create this country with its freedoms, space, and people. They did this when many of their neighbors would not support them, when many of their neighbors were afraid of what may happen as a result. The Pennsylvania state Constitution (1776) says, 'That the people have the right to keep and bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state ...'" ...

This Week's Show: Guns Save Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court is expected to rule on McDonald v Chicago next week, determining whether Chicago -- or any other city -- can establish gun bans without running afoul of the Second Amendment. On my FBN show this week (New Time: Thursday @ 9pm ET), I'll look at what will happen if gun bans are ruled unconstitutional."

"I know the MSM and most of my neighbors in New York City believe that allowing Americans to carry guns would lead to chaos. I used to believe the same thing. But as I point out in my syndicated column, those predictions don't pan out:" ...

Safer Streets 2010: The Ambassadors of the second amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many, many Americans think of liberty purists as Good Will Ambassadors of the Bill Of Rights. We are."

"The obligation is that if you're going to be an ambassador of anything, you have to come a-calling. You have to spread the word."

"90 million gun owners span the nation, owning and maintaining some 300 million guns ... One of the very best subtle illustrations of this safeguard of the United States during World War II was Admiral Yamamoto's admonition to his own Japanese Navy not to invade the mainland because '..there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.' Yamamoto studied in the U.S. and came to appreciate the culture. We are a liberty culture, and that liberty is ensured by being armed." ...

Gun Rights: Crime Rises Across College Campuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In other words, multiple factors on a college environment make these crimes even less preventable. In fact, the report states that there were warning signs or 'concerning behaviors' present in only 31 percent of the cases. That means that a sturdy 69 percent of attackers don't exhibit detectable signs or behaviors ..."

"Maybe that's why college campuses across the nation saw 3,287 rapes, 60 killings, 5,026 assaults and 4,562 robberies just in 2008.
One of the most disturbing trends is the dramatic rise in crimes in recent decades. The survey spanned 108 years, yet 60 percent of incidents were recorded within the past 20 years. The number of documented incidents has risen every decade since 1900." ...

Mexico: Military Finds a Zeta Narco-Camp in NL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About sixty Mexican soldiers attacked a training camp of the armed group Los Zetas in Nuevo Leon from helicopters and land vehicles, leaving one gunman dead and the seizure of an arsenal of powerful weapons, said a general who coordinated the operation."

"Among the weapons seized were more than 230 long and short guns, 60 grenades and rocket launchers, as well as trucks and communication equipment." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: So that's why all those unlicensed dealers have been raising their grenade prices on me...y'know, if we would only enact a domestic ban on semi-autos, deserting members of the Mexican military and police would fall right into line.

Sixguns Ain't Just For Seniors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The reader commentary on the blog entry located just below this one, about senior citizens with six-shooters, gives me hope that there are some 'young guns' who haven't consigned the old ways to 'the dustbin of history.' Some other recent events point in the same direction."

"While I was teaching at the Reichard family's Sand Burr Gun Ranch, at the end of the first week the top shot in class was Denny Reichard's son in law, Austin Gibbons. The kid used a Smith & Wesson Model 386 revolver to beat everyone on the range (including me, on tie-breaker, the little brat!). His gun was chambered for .357 Magnum and had a SNUB BARREL no less ..." ...

Modding The Cold Steel Trail Hawk, Part 1: Destruction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My Trail Hawk arrived yesterday! I already have a Rifleman’s Hawk, but after swinging nearly 2# of metal on the end of a stick, I was really looking forward to something more lightweight with a thinner blade."

"The Trail Hawk is a beautiful piece of machinery; it has a nice hammer poll on the back, which is not only handy for pounding stuff, but also provides a good counterweight to the blade. The blade may look small, but it is more than enough for cutting (or scalping). At just over 19oz, it is half the weight and size of the Rifleman's hawk, which makes it a lot easier to control. Like I said, absolutely gorgeous. Right away, I got down to work." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh.

Modding The Cold Steel Trail Hawk, Part 2: Construction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that I have worked so hard to destroy this once-pristine tomahawk, the time has come to begin making her pretty again. Gouges and remaining file marks need to be smoothed out and removed. I do this with 400 grain wet/dry, which is also what I use for the 1st stage of sharpening. Further sharpening will be done with 2000 grit wet/dry." ...

"While we're waiting for the head to take on a patina, we'll do some work on the haft. If you remember, the factory shaft is considerably shorter than the improved mod. The 24" haft that I intend to use has been fire-hardened by one of my Brothers ... After the fire-hardening, I gave it a light sanding with the 2000 grain wet/dry to make it nice and smooth. Here they are side by side." ...

MA: Only one gun a month? A travesty!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is strong opposition to a bill under consideration in the House that would restrict Massachusetts residents to buying only one gun a month. Filed by Governor Deval Patrick and supported by the law enforcement community, this modest effort is an attempt to limit the number of guns in circulation in light of recent shootings in Boston."

"The opponents believe this would be a violation of the Second Amendment that, in their view, permits a citizen to have as many guns as he wants and can afford. Any effort to restrict gun ownership in our 'shoot-em-up' society is viewed by many as a threat to personal freedom that endangers our democracy notwithstanding the bloody toll exacted each year in the streets of our cities." ...

The First Amendment Is Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm dead serious about this. No hyperbole. The First Amendment is truly dead. It has been on its last leg for many decades now, but it's officially dead today. RIP 1A, 1791-2010." ...
"'On Monday, the appeals court reversed the lower court’s ruling and said there’s no problem with the First Amendment because copyright law 'addresses a substantial or important governmental interest.' This is, plainly speaking, ridiculous. The argument effectively says that the government can violate the basic principles of the First Amendment any time it wants, so long as it shows a 'substantial or important government interest.' But that makes no sense. The whole point of the First Amendment was to protect citizens' interests against situations where the government's interests went against citizens' interests. ...'" ...

MO: Armed homeowner saves his wife from a burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner reportedly used his gun to stop a burglar who had roughed up his wife and broken into their home."

"Police say that the husband and wife were doing yard work outside their Kansas City, MO home when a man approached and began acting aggressive. The man reportedly grabbed the wife and dragged her inside the house, while also picking up the couple's belongings, including a flat screen TV. As this was happening, the husband is said to have grabbed his self defense gun from his truck, at which point he ordered the intruder to stop. When the burglar refused to stop, the husband reportedly shot the burglar in the leg, ending the attack. ..." ...

KY: Lexington Homeowner Shoots At Home Invasion Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lexington man fired shots at a suspect who broke into his home early Wednesday morning."

"Police say a man kicked in the front door of a home along Republic Court around 3 a.m. and entered the house. The home owner woke up when he heard the noise and grabbed his gun. He says that when he went into the hall and flipped on the lights, he saw the suspect standing there. The homeowner fired a few rounds and the suspect ran out of the house. Police say they don't think the suspect was hit. The homeowner says he saw another man running with the suspect as he fled."

"The suspect didn't get away with anything in the house." ...

TN: Alleged Piney Flats burglar in serious condition after being shot by resident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Telford man is in serious condition after being shot early Monday morning during an alleged Piney Flats burglary attempt."

"According to a report at the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, a deputy responded to find the man lying in the driveway with a gunshot wound to his leg. The incident is still under investigation, with charges pending."

"Police report it occurred at about 12:50 a.m. at 920 Piney Flats Road. The resident, William Lusk, 46, reported that he was in his bedroom when he heard someone banging on the front door."

"Lusk said three men then broke into his home. He allegedly grabbed a shotgun and fired one round at the suspects, not knowing he had hit anyone until he found a man in his driveway." ...

FL: 2 charged in Carrollwood slaying, home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A home invasion victim fatally shot one of the invaders Sunday in Carrollwood, and investigators have since arrested two other people involved in the crime, Hillsborough County deputies said."

"Victim Anthony Dipaolo, 23, shot and killed suspect Jonathan Fernandez, 23, sheriff’s spokeswoman Debbie Carter said. Fernandez died at the scene."

"Dipaolo was shot in the left leg."

"Though Dipaolo fatally shot Fernandez, two other home invasion suspects also have been charged with murder: Willie Goff and Katherine Schaeffer. Sheriff’s spokeswoman Debbie Carter said they were charged because their involvement in the offense led to the fatal shooting." ...

IL: Illinois woman gunned down in front of horrified, helpless witnesses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From AOL News:"
"Dozens of drivers crawling along in Sunday traffic on a busy St. Louis-area highway watched in horror as a woman, bleeding from a gunshot wound, leapt from a car and across several lanes of traffic, banging on vehicle windows and begging for help before her boyfriend chased her down and shot her in the head, then killed himself, authorities said."
"When Ashley Oliver most needed help, none was to be had. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:"
"'She was running to cars saying 'Please help me! Please help me!' said Scott Cross, 38, of East St. Louis. 'We were going to help until we saw that gun.'" ...
"This being Illinois, the killer, Tommie Hill, had the only gun on the scene ..." ...

AR: Home invasion robberies becoming dangerous problem in Arkansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Home invasions are rapidly becoming a serious problem in Arkansas." ...

"Arkansans should take heed of this growing problem. Home invasions are real, and they are happening across the state. Know your state laws and what your right is to defend yourself. Make yourself aware of how to handle someone who claims to be a law enforcement officer, and what to do if they force their way into your house."

"Unfortunately, if it really is the police at your door and they are at the wrong house while they are serving a 'no-knock' warrant (busting down your door), your life may be in danger." ...

'Disclose Act' leaps back to life as desperate Dems scramble for votes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Various published reports and sources in the Capitol say that the embattled 'Disclose Act' – H.R. 5175 – has been resurrected and will be pushed in the House Rules committee today and sent up for a floor vote before the entire House on Thursday."

"Once again, political pundits are focusing most of the attention on a 'sweetheart' deal offered to the National Rifle Association to drop its opposition to the legislation, which would, according to the Union Leader in Manchester, N.H., put a stranglehold on opponents of Democrats during this fall’s election cycle." ...

DISCLOSE Act Vote Set for Tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you might be already aware, House Speaker Pelosi had to pull the DISCLOSE Act ... when widespread outrage erupted over a special exemption for the NRA in exchange for not opposing the bill. Well, the bill is still alive and well with a vote now scheduled in the House for tomorrow, June 24. The Senate leadership has already promised Pelosi that if the House passes the bill, then the Senate will vote on it in time for it to take effect for the elections this fall."

"Do you remember how President Obama called out the Supreme Court during his State of the Union address ..? He was referring to the Court's 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that unexpectedly upheld the Constitution ..." ...

FL: NRA Backs John Thrasher
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Facing a tough Democratic opponent in veteran Jacksonville news anchor Deborah Gianoulis, Sen. John Thrasher, R-Jacksonville, won the backing of the [NRA] and the Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF)."

"'This position reflects our appreciation for John Thrasher and the strong stance that he has taken on supporting and defending our Second Amendment rights,' said Marion Hammer, who was the president of the NRA and currently serves as the executive director of USF. 'His record has proven that he is a staunch and unwavering supporter of gun owners and sportsmen ..."

"'Our Second Amendment rights are guaranteed and, if elected, I pledge to continue to defend and advocate for the rights of gun owners in ... Florida,' said Thrasher ..."

IA: Brenna Findley is the logical choice for Iowa firearms owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While much of the attention in Iowa politics is on the Branstad vs. Culver race for Governor, there is another race that is even more important to those who own firearms in the Hawkeye State. The position of Attorney General has been held by Tom Miller since 1978. Mr. Miller has proven himself to be no friend of the Second Amendment. In recent years, he has refused to sign on with 23 other state Attorneys General telling USAG Eric Holder that they are opposed to the renewal of the [AWB]. He also refused to sign on with 31 AGs who filed an amicus brief in support of Heller ... In Iowa, Mr. Miller issued an opinion regarding local pre-emption that flies totally in the face of what is already enumerated in Iowa law, section 724.28." ...

MS: Is DC Gun Control Group Helping Alan Nunnelee?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite recent attacks from a radical anti-gun group, Travis Childers has remained firm in his unwavering support for Americans' Second Amendment rights. This morning, members of the anti-Second Amendment group, DC Vote, handed out fliers and ran a newspaper ad in North Mississippi mocking the importance of Americans' right to bear arms, directly attacking Travis' record of protecting this constitutional right."

"'The Second Amendment is a fundamental right, and it is unconstitutional to deny any American citizen this right,' said Travis. 'If the local city government in Washington, DC can snub the constitution and take away citizens' gun ownership rights, what’s to stop any city from doing it? ...'" ...

NH: Candidate takes her campaign to firing range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Making her mark with her pink 9 mm Glock was District 2 State Senate candidate Jeanie Forrester, an avid gun owner and a woman looking to make a change in Concord."

"As a way to do outreach in her district, Forrest held an event Tuesday evening at Belmont Firearms and Range, showing her support for the gun owner rights. She came to the range with her husband, Keith, to welcome gun owners and help spread the word of her candidacy. This has been one of several events that Forrest has held as a way to meet people she would be representing and for those residents to meet and greet her." ...

FL: Jeff Kottkamp Gets Three More Legislators Backing His AG Bid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp's bid for attorney general is getting some backing from legislators in the eastern part of Central Florida today as three legislators, two of them former candidates for state Cabinet offices, endorsed the campaign."

"Sen. Carey Baker, R-Eustis ... backed Kottkamp today. So did Rep. Pat Patterson, R-DeLand ... Rep. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, also came out behind Kottkamp ..."

"'I'm supporting Jeff Kottkamp for attorney general because I know he has fought for the issues that are important to me,' said Baker. 'As an owner of the oldest gun shop in America, I know that Lieutenant Governor Kottkamp will defend our Second Amendment rights. He staunchly supports protection of our Constitution ...'" ...

NV: Even out-there Angle appeals to 'Anyone But Reid' voters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nevada's Republican Senate nominee and Tea Partier Sharron Angle must be a dream come true for 'Elect Anyone 'Butt' Harry Reid' enthusiasts. She is the perfect candidate; she is not Harry Reid."

"As a bonus, her ultra-conservative views provide a clear contrast with the Senate majority leader's. Angle has cultivated a political career by claiming the far right of the political spectrum. ... Unfortunately Sharron Angle's reactionary politics may carry the day in Nevada — Election Day." ...

"Reason does not seem to be part of the extreme world view of Sharron Angle. ... She has caused confusion and consternation by speaking of 'Second Amendment remedies' if conservatives don't win in November." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually she predicted those remedies if gov't continues on its current over-taxing, over-spending, over-expanding course, which will probably come to pass "if conservatives don't win in November."

Guns to be allowed onboard Amtrak trains
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under language inserted into a transportation funding bill last year, Amtrak passengers will be allowed to carry firearms in checked luggage beginning in December." ...

"According to the provision, firearms and ammunition may be transported in secure baggage onboard Amtrak trains under several guidelines including:"

"- Passengers must declare to Amtrak within 24-hours of departure that the firearm will be placed in their checked baggage."

"- The gun must not be loaded and must also be carried in a hard-sided container."

"- The hard-sided container must be locked with only the passenger having the combination or key for the container." ...

Submitter's Note: Similar to flying with a gun, which I do whenever I fly, even if it's just a receiver, because in the locked, hardsided case also travels my laptop, expensive digital camera, wife's jewelry . . . anything that some light-fingered employee might be tempted to make off with.

NY: An open letter regarding microstamping legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The microstamping legislation (Se.6005A) you are wishing to 'putsch' through the Senate this week is something which shows a lack of intelligence, understanding, or discretion on your part. Since I don't think you lack intelligence, it has to be one of the latter. Please, let me explain."

"First, Combined Ballistic ID System (CoBIS) costs us $4 million per year. The similar 'IBIS' in Maryland has been deemed worthless by the Maryland State Police, even though law longer than CoBIS. They have asked that it be discontinued so that money could be used on better, meaning more effective, crime fighting techniques. This Pataki-era law... hasn't solved one crime since its inception, it hasn't even registered a true arrest ..." ...

The Police State's 'Cardinal Rule': The Mundane Must Submit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Marilyn Levias, a 19-year-old Seattle girl involved in a jaywalking incident during which a police officer assaulted another 17-year-old girl, displayed 'a dangerous refusal to observe a cardinal rule that civilians simply must comply with instructions from police officers,' insists Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes."

"For this, Miss Levias faces a gross misdemeanor charge of 'Obstructing a Police Officer.' During the confrontation, Levias's 17-year-old friend, Angel L. Rosenthal, intervened on her behalf and was punched in the face by officer Ian P. Walsh. As is typically the case when a Mundane's face obstructs the trajectory of a police officer's fist, the victim is the one facing criminal charges." ...

IA: Change for Iowa sheriffs and the issuing of concealed weapons permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By now, it's no secret that the 2010 Iowa legislative session changed the landscape for the Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons. As of January 1, 2011, citizens of Iowa who are law abiding and who choose to apply for an Iowa PCW will be able to obtain the permit with no subjective interpretation of the law by a sheriff. ..." ...

"Of course, that wasn't good enough for some of the hard core 'because I say so' Sheriffs. Word is already leaking out that these Sheriffs will not accept training that is not specifically approved by them (a violation of the new law) or they will outright deny applicants that would otherwise meet the requirements for approval." ...

Submitter's Note: The more I see problems in other states, the more I appreciate Prof. Joe Olson and the others who crafted MN's 'shall-issue' law. In MN when someone appeals and wins, the sheriff pays their legal fees (out of operating budget, not permit fees).

NY: NY Cop Batters Iraq War Veteran On Video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Walter Harvin, 28, was left covered in blood and bruises from more than 20 blows to his upper body during the beating in July 2008."

"Officer David London, 45, had confronted the war vet as Mr Harvin tried to enter his mother's building without a key."

"The policeman was clearing an obstruction to a jammed-open door, when Mr Harvin walked past him and into the lobby."

"The security camera footage shows London and the war vet arguing, as Mr Harvin steps towards a lift."

"Suddenly, the officer and the war vet shove each other. London quickly pulls out his baton and hits Mr Harvin's face."

"The policeman continues to rain down blows, as the former soldier crumples to the ground." ...

"But the officer's lawyer insists the silent security video did not record verbal threats the war vet had made and that his client used justifiable force to subdue him." ...

MO: Cops in Missouri once again record themselves killing a dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say the dog was acting vicious. The video shows the dog acting frightened."

"The video also shows police shooting the dog twice, killing it."

"The video shows Cammi, an American bulldog, dying as it wagged its tail."

"Now police in LaGrange, Missouri are feeling an onslaught of criticism from dog lovers and police critics throughout the country." ...

"Naturally, police said that dog was about to attack the officers, so they feared for their lives and had no choice but to kill it."

"But in this video, it is very clear that the dog posed absolutely no threat to the officers."

"In fact, the dog was already chained to a trailer so it wasn't posing any threat to anybody ..." ...

KY: 89-Year-Old Granny Becomes Oldest to Get Kentucky Gun Permit (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An 89-year-old woman has become the oldest person to pass Kentucky's firearms permit class. She lives alone and says she needs the weapon for safety reasons. The Associated Press has more:

Submitter's Note: Now that's a great grandma. Which reminds me of my grandmother. She and my grandfather were doing a country club business lunch sometime in the early '50s. One of the other businessmen at the table was proudly stating that he'd gotten a 'double' on the range the week before. He then turned to my grandmother and condescendingly explained that most shotguns had two barrels and getting two clays on a single pull was called a double. I can see her in my mind's eye, smiling vapidly and saying "That doesn't sound too hard." One thing led to another and the following day they were out on the range, my grandmother toting my grandfather's full sized double-barreled 12 guage. "PULL! Bang! Bang!" "PULL! Bang! Bang!" "PULL! Bang! Bang!" The businessman stood flabbergasted as she went through six clays in under a minute. "Gee, that was fun" she said, never bothering to tell the poor man that her father had been Iowa State Pistol champion for 10 years in a row, and had taught all of his children how to shoot.

AK: Some Convicted Felons Allowed to Own Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Sean Parnell signed House Bill 408, known as the Second Amendment Rights Restoration Bill, into law on June 22."

"The bill signing took place in Palmer at the Matanuska Valley Sportsmen's Range. 'Great chance for government to restore rights, rather than taking rights away,' said Governor Sean Parnell, R-Alaska."

"Alaskan lawmakers created the bill after the US Supreme Court ruled the Second Amendment rights restoration must pass an all-or-nothing test and that state and federal laws must be the same."

"The legislation, sponsored by the House Judiciary Committee, states it is now legal for a selected few convicted felons to bear arms. ..." ...

NY: Legislation would prevent further tragedies like the Theall shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Troopers were sent to a Blossvale home Tuesday morning on a domestic violence complaint. Once there, officers witnessed Adam Theall shoot and kill his three-month-old baby boy ... Assemblywoman RoAnn Destito touted pending legislation that she says would prevent tragedies like that ... in the future." ...

"However, it is uncertain if Assembly Bill 4320A would apply to the Theall case. So far, it has not been confirmed if Eithen Theall's mother, Jamie Baker, had an order of protection against Adam Theall. A judge would have only been forced to ask Theall about his ownership of firearms without that order of protection."

"It is also still unknown if the gun used to kill baby Eithen belonged to Adam Theall ..." ...

Germany: A petition to restrict gun ownership in Germany meets objections in reader mail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of a couple of instances of shooting sprees in Germany with multiple deaths, the question being asked is whether guns should be allowed in private homes. The idea of preventing such tragedies by banning guns is understandable, but it's neither wise nor effective, because people really intent on committing murder will find the means, legal or illegal, to do so. On the other hand, by banning guns from the hundreds of thousands of decent and responsible German gun-owners, the government makes it easier for the criminals to ply their trade ... Also ... the fact is that such tragedies in Germany are rare and infrequent aberrations. Laws passed due to rare aberrations are seldom good for the multitude of decent folks ..." ...

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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