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Newslinks for 6/24/2015

Why the SCOTUS Raisin Case May Be Good News for Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Supreme Court handed down a major decision in Horne v. Department of Agriculture, in which it struck down a New Deal-era program that governed the production of raisins. In short, the program required raisin growers to give a percentage of their crop to the federal government (without payment), for the ostensible purpose of limiting the supply of raisins on the market ... Among other things, the opinion unambiguously held that the Fifth Amendment’s requirement that private property not be taken for public use without payment ... While to most of us, this is pretty obvious, believe it or not this question had not been settled previously . . ."

"All well and good, you may say, but what does this have to do with guns?" ...

Perhaps the time has come to put gun control out of our misery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday’s comment by White House spokesman Josh Earnest to The Blaze that it is 'difficult to say whether one piece of legislation or one rule if changed' might have prevented the Charleston church shooting was a text book dodge of the obvious answer."

"That answer would have been a simple 'No,' and he knows it. President Barack Obama, quoted over the weekend by the Daily Mail, 'acknowledged on Friday that a 2013 bill he heralded and polls showed nine in 10 Americans supported that would have expanded background checks to gun shows 'wouldn't have prevented every act of violence, or even most.'" ...

Sara Tipton: A Lapsed Catholic’s View of the Pope’s Contempt for Arms Makers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I grew up Catholic. My mother is still a devout Catholic. My dad follows the best he can, and my sister and her kids are all Catholic and my brother’s wife recently converted from Mormonism to Catholicism. My parents sent me to a Catholic school ... kindergarten through 6th grade. ..."

"Although I’m no longer Catholic, my Catholic father is responsible for my love of guns and shooting. My Catholic brother (who is also a Marine) is by far one of my favorite people to go shooting with. His newly Catholic wife took her concealed carry class with me in Colorado. I’ve never seen the Catholic faith and firearms production, ownership or use as mutually exclusive. Until now . . ." ...

Gay Open Carry Group Kicked Out of Gay Pride Rally Due to “Psychological Harm”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you may have noticed, we here at TTAG are big believers in individual rights. All of them. As we have said many times (in one way or another), we want to live to see that day that homosexual married couples defend their legal marijuana plantations with machine guns. Civil rights aren’t mutually exclusive — you actually can be pro-gun and pro gay marriage at the same time. Unless, apparently, you want to attend the Capitol City Pride Parade in Olympia Washington. In that case, event organizers will demand that you leave your evil (legally owned and carried) guns at home because they cause psychological damage to others . . ." ...

Gun Rights Advocates Don't Just Want Guns in Order to Kill Criminals (Believe it Or Not!)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Believe it or not, guns can and do help ensure personal safety or at least provide an insurance policy of sorts toward the time one might want or need to ensure your or your family's personal safety even if you don't actually plug some human varmint dead."

"Certain anti-gun folk seem to sincerely believe that the only reason Second Amendment advocates want to have a gun, or want other people to have the right to have a gun, is because guns are so great at killing people; that a gun not used to kill someone isn't really worth having. But it isn't true." ...

NRA Declares Victory, Says Gun Control 'Thoroughly Rejected ... Utter Failure'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Washington largely silent on gun control after the Charleston, S.C., shootings and the national debate steering to a fight over flying the Confederate flag, advocates of the Second Amendment are declaring victory."

"Citing recent surveys in support of arms, the National Rifle Association said, 'The polls suggest that the public has thoroughly rejected the gun control talking points.'"

"Without mentioning the Charleston church shootings, the NRA's lobbying arm posted a story on its blog that said efforts by gun control advocates such as former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg have not worked." ...

America's gun rights under attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right to bear arms has been regulated into a privilege granted by government and is under continuous political scrutiny and attack."

"As a believer in the rule of law, I find the language of the laws that govern my right encumbering. If I have a right to life, then I have the right to protect my life. When I am confronted by someone or something that threatens my life, I am the first responder. ..."

"The only thing that stops a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun. Government and its laws are applied after an illegal act occurs. Laws are words on paper that had no power to stop the murder of nine people in South Carolina. Self-defense is an individual responsibility; calling 911 won't stop an attacker. ..." ...

Gun Review: TISAS ZIG M1911
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve come to my senses over the last few years when it comes to the 1911. I used to think of it as a dated and archaic design, but the more I learned about firearms design the more respect I have for the firearm. I now own a couple copies myself, a nice Wilson Combat and an okay Springfield. That Springfield always irked me a bit, though — the gun is inexpensive, and it shows in the details, but it would take such little effort to make that ~$500 gun feel like a $1,000 gun. When TISAS sent us an email and offered to send us a copy of their ZIG 1911, I was looking forward to seeing if the Turks could succeed in providing a quality budget-priced 1911 where the Americans had failed."

"As soon as I opened the box, I was impressed." ...

Gear Review: Taran Tactical Innovations +2 Baseplate for the Glock 43
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently wrote about my first trip to the range with my new GLOCK-brand GLOCK 43. At the time, some characterized my literary investigation into the micro-GLOCK’s advantages and disadvantages as 'whining.' A new product from Taran Tactical Innovations has elevated my opinion of the 43’s suitability as an everyday carry pistol, reducing my whining concerns considerably . . ." ...

Bearing arms: Militias and individuals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun control debate hit a fever pitch after the tragedy of Newtown and now, once again this country finds itself with another tragedy involving guns in Charleston, S.C. Nothing has changed. In fact, some jurisdictions have loosened laws regarding gun control. You probably know the points made by each side and most discussions end in gridlock with the only consensus being that something needs to be done in this country. To understand the issue and resolve the problem, open mindedness rather than strict dogma might help. The fact is that other industrialized democracies don't have anywhere near the gun deaths that the U.S. experiences. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Nothing in this piece explains why those same countries also have lower non-firearm related homicide rates.

The right to live should outweigh right to own gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our country currently prioritizes the Second Amendment over the First Amendment and common sense. Reasonable measures to prevent gun injury and death, such as universal background checks, go down because too many politicians are more worried about their NRA grade than the wishes of an unmistakable majority of Americans."

"Gun advocates talk about schools and churches choosing to be 'gun-free zones' as if it’s a safety breach. They frame violent attacks in these places as the product of a lack of guns. The gist is this: 'If you don’t let people carry guns on these premises, you may as well put a target on it.' How’s that for peddling fear with a whiff of extortion?" ...

Confederate Ideology and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is all to the good that the Confederate flag is now being seen as odious and hateful ..."

"But we should go deeper than asking for symbolic change ... I'd like in particular to call attention to a troubling development found mostly in deep red, Republican states, and that is the unholy marriage between Confederate ideology and the Second Amendment."

"The bond that unites Confederate ideology and the Second Amendment is the idea of 'nullification.' This is the belief that the states are the ultimate arbiters of what is or is not constitutional and that the states are thus always free to ignore federal law. States and not the courts, on this warped view of the Constitution, judge what is or is not constitutional." ...

Four Steps Toward Ending Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Knowing all this, what can we imagine would be important to ending gun violence in our increasingly Tombstone Territory USA, where cars are getting safer and guns are getting more lethal? I’d offer four starter steps toward addressing a combination of necessary and contributory causes."

"1. Repeal the Second Amendment. It undergirds every rotten Supreme Court ruling that deprives states and local governments of their jurisdictional rights to regulate firearms as they see fit. ..." ...

NY: Statement By New Yorkers Against Gun Violence On Assault Weapons Registrations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NYAGV commends the 23,000 law abiding citizens who registered 45,000 military style assault weapons with the NY State Police since April 15, 2013. We also commend Federal Judge Skretny for his December 31, 2013 ruling that the NY SAFE Act was constitutional, including the provision requiring gun owners to register their weapons, and State Judge Thomas McNamara’s recent ruling requiring the release of the registration numbers. NYAGV supports transparency."

"Gun owners who have failed to register their weapons are in breach of a law that is supported by a substantial majority of all New York voters. Furthermore, 75% of New York voters and 67% of gun owning households support the assault weapons provisions of the law." ...

NJ: Turn the Hose on Gun Rights Protestors! (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A group of gun rights fanatics protested last week at the home of Senate President Steve Sweeney,' an editorial reports (substituting the word 'fanatics' for 'protestors'), 'throwing reckless accusations at him, annoying his wife, and scaring the wits out his disabled daughter. Sweeney, after holding his crying daughter in his arms for two hours, turned on his sprinklers to soak the motley crew of malcontents. To which we say: Right on.' Does the idea of dousing civil rights advocates remind you of anything? [Click here for a trip down memory lane.] The protesters took their 'punishment' in stride. But that wasn’t good enough for . . ." ...

What’s Missing from This Post-Charleston Church Shooting Letter to Community Colleges?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Our hearts are broken. How can words possibly respond to the ongoing butchering of precious Black lives? The heartless and horrific terrorism visited upon our brothers and sisters at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina by a white supremacist invoked the historical rhetoric of lynching and the global signifiers of European imperialism. [Redacted] is part of a movement and culture that is an integral part of the fabric not just of America’s past but also its present. [Redacted]'s ideology and stated justifications reflect a virulent mix of white entitlement and resentment, male sexual anxiety, and the willingness to use obscene violence in response to Obama’s presidency and the demands for dignity and justice ..." ...

Bitcoin and Bullets: An Unexpected Alliance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At first blush, one might not expect the digital currency and firearm industries to have much in common – when was the last time you heard someone utter Bitcoin and guns in the same breath? Recently, however, the two industries’ interests have aligned, and the pro-Second Amendment lobby’s efforts might yield unexpected benefits for digital currency companies seeking access to banks."

"Beginning in 2013, the [DoJ] initiated 'Operation Choke Point,' ... Through burdensome subpoenas ... the DOJ has pressured banks to stop doing business with 'high-risk' merchants ... Among the merchants that have been cut off from their banks are those in the firearm/ammunition and digital currency-related businesses. ..." ...

Another shooting ... time to crank up the propaganda machine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Umm, guys, you can stop sending me the emails. I’ve learned my lesson."

"I know, I know, any time there’s a tragedy in which innocent people are killed by guns — nutcase [redacted]’s slaughter of nine churchgoers in South Carolina the latest example — you’re supposed to reach out to all the liberals you know of and remind them that a) guns have never killed anyone, it’s the people pulling the triggers who do the killing; b) you are appalled that Obama and Pelosi ... would threaten to take away your Second Amendment rights, and c) the only way to combat crazies with guns is to make sure the good guys have more guns." ...

"I’m a little too heartsick right now to debate gun control. ..." ...

Ask questions first: Shoot later
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whenever something like the South Carolina mass shooting happens, I always have to brace myself."

"Among all the letters advocating forgiveness, universal concealed-carry, universal disarmament and the like are usually more than a few featuring misleading or downright false information."

"No, George Washington did not say, 'Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty, teeth and keystone under independence.' That and several other spurious quotes are listed on the website for Washington's Mount Vernon as not appearing in his writings or reported utterings. ..." ...

Manchin, Toomey both interested in reviving gun control push
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Charleston shooting, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are considering ways to renew their failed push to pass meaningful gun-control legislation."

"In separate interviews Tuesday night, at a reception before a ceremony hosted by Sandy Hook families where Toomey was honored, the senators discussed their desire to find a new way forward." ...

Churches should welcome heat-packing attendees
Submitted by: Wayne

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"Gun control only affects the law-abiding because criminals (by definition) do not obey the law."

"Why, therefore, control the guns of the law-abiding while criminals continue heavily armed?" ...

"President Obama, who personally knew the slain pastor, called the killings 'senseless' and used the attack to renew his call for gun control."

"That led Erich Pratt, spokesman for Gun Owners of America, to note with obvious regret that the Rev. Pinckney was 'an anti-gun activist who had voted against concealed-carry legislation.'" ...

Should Pastors Protect Their Church with a Gun? (videos available)
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"Among Christian ministers, there is a strong appeal to be a defenseless victim. I disagree. I think pastors should protect their congregation."

"So does Pastor Pastor E. W. Jackson." ...

"So does Reverend Kenn Blanchard." ...

"So does Pastor Doug Giles." ...

PA: Guns falsely blamed in shootings (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember when President Barack Obama said, 'When what you're doing doesn't work for 50 years, it's time to try something new.' Well, it's been nearly 50 years since the gun control act of 1968, and ever-increasing infringements of the Second Amendment, and we still have too many shootings."

"It's time to try something new. How about giving back to the people the right to defend themselves? Almost every one of these mass shootings has been in a supposed gun-free zone, which only creates defenseless victims." ...

MI: To have an honest conversation on guns, left must stop lying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Already, many on the left, including our Democratic president, are trying to use the shooting as a lever to get the majority of Americans, as well as Congress, to support more stringent gun control laws. ..."

"The idea that people like Roof hold such perverted ideas like racism saddens me. That any person drifted so far from reality to kill nine people is hideous and heartbreaking."

"Yet, when addressing the country over such a wretched event, President Obama seemingly couldn’t help himself. He abandoned his role as our national leader, one in which he could have both consoled us and maybe addressed the issue of racism, and decided to flat out lie to America and play partisan politics." ...

Dem Hopeful O’Malley Doubles Down on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Martin O’Malley used to be the governor of Maryland, one of the states which enacted some of the most ridiculous and restrictive gun control laws in the United States. And despite all of those laws putting roadblocks up to make civilian gun ownership more difficult, shootings in Maryland have increased. In short, looking around the country, gun control legislation seems to spur 'gun violence' rather than reduce it. Nevertheless, in the wake of the Charleston church shooting, presidential candidate O’Malley has decided to dedicate his campaign to spreading the gospel of gun control and making it known that infringing on the civil rights of Americans is one his top priorities . . ." ...

Here is where all the presidential hopefuls stand on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Whether you believe fewer guns will lead to fewer mass shootings — or that more guns will give people the ability to defend themselves — the needle is unlikely to move in either direction until a new president takes office in 2017."

"But with the issue back in the limelight, it will likely become a featured topic on the campaign trail. Here's a look at each official and likely presidential candidate's stance on gun control and gun issues:" ...

Legal gun owners aren't the problem in U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thirty years ago, national Democrats empathized with tens of millions of Americans on the politically muscular Second Amendment issue cluster."

"Back then the struggle for the heart and soul of the gun rights movement was rabidly bipartisan."

"Democratic Congressional leaders like John Dingell and Harold Volkmer spoke energetically about firearms and gun rights."

"House Speaker Tom Foley and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks would highlight NRA meetings as honored speakers."

"Even Wayne LaPierre's NRA predecessor, Harlon Carter, was a former Lyndon B. Johnson-appointed head of Border Patrol."

"The gun rights movement was politically pluralistic if nothing else. What happened?" ...

Karl Rove Walks Back ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’ Comments After Uproar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During a Monday interview with Fox News’ David Webb, Fox News’ contributor Karl Rove walked back his Fathers’ Day comments in which he said 'violence involving guns' is not going away 'until somebody gets enough oomph to repeal the Second Amendment.'"

"Although Rove made these comments during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, a video of the comments was never posted by Fox News. Other videos from that show were posted, but not Rove’s comments on the Second Amendment."

"With the backlash against the comments growing, Rove appeared with Webb the next day to address the situation." ...

Mass violence has happened elsewhere
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When President Obama took to his 'bully platform' recently to denounce the shooting deaths in Charleston South Carolina, he stated, and I quote, 'We as a country have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.' And no doubt many of Obama’s progressive disciples, including Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, and Nancy Pelosi will, in lock step, swallow their party leader’s bovine excrement. However, here is some factual 'ammunition' for supporters of the Second Amendment."

"Mass public shootings in other 'advanced countries:'" ...

Sandy Hook families gather, Toomey speaks on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The event was scheduled months ago, well before nine people were killed while praying in a South Carolina church."

"But that shooting added a fresh, raw layer of emotion to Tuesday's inaugural Sandy Hook Promise dinner here."

"Arranged by relatives of victims in the 2012 Newtown, Conn., school massacre, family members and lawmakers gathered in the hope of furthering their work to prevent gun violence. Last week's slaughter underscored that mass shootings have failed to change the politics of gun control." ...

NY: Sharp debate: Bill to decriminalize possession of some pocket knives in NY held up in Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New York City assemblyman's attempts to decriminalize possession of gravity knives has met resistance in the New York State Senate."

"Assemblyman Dan Quart first introduced legislation two years ago to address concerns with the state's current law covering knives, including common pocket knives. One issue that has been raised is people have been arrested in New York City's five boroughs simply for possessing a pocket knife." ...

RI: Sharp divide over guns in R.I. schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony for more than three hours Tuesday from almost two dozen witnesses about who — if anyone — should be allowed to carry a gun on school grounds."

"Current law bans guns in schools but exempts anyone with a license or permit to carry a concealed pistol. Initial bills introduced on behalf of Attorney General Peter Kilmartin would repeal that exemption for everyone except those carrying a firearm into a school 'in the performance of his or her official duties.'" ...

TX: Texas “No Guns Allowed” Signs – Winning!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The next tussle over Texas’ new open carry law is likely to come over one of its more mundane requirements: signs,' conjects. Erroneously. Sorry guys, but this one’s a done deal. Come January 1, Texas businesses that wish to ban concealed carry will have to update their 30.06 signs (with mandatory 1″ tall letters in contrasting colors, prominently displayed at the entrance of a business) to conform to the new law, which changes the wording from 'concealed handgun' [as above] to 'handgun.' But wait! That’s not all . . ." ...

WI: Scott Walker to sign legislation expanding gun rights in Wisconsin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) plans to sign two new laws on Wednesday that expand the rights of gun owners by removing a 48-hour waiting period for those looking to purchase a firearm and allowing off-duty or retired police officers to carry concealed weapons at public schools. This action will come one week after a suspected gunman shot and killed nine people in an African American church in South Carolina, yet again prompting a national discussion about gun laws in the U.S."

"Walker plans to sign the two pieces of legislation — Senate bills 35 and 70 — at a ceremony at the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday afternoon ..." ...

Nonresident's Fight for Gun Rights Advances
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A divided D.C. Circuit reinstated a Second Amendment lawsuit brought by a nonresident U.S. citizen who lives in Canada but wishes to buy firearms here."

"Stephen Dearth is a U.S. citizen but permanently resides in Winnipeg, Canada."

"Dearth says he attempted to purchase a firearm on two visits to the States, in 2006 and 2007, and was unable to do so."

"He filed a federal lawsuit in Washington, joined by the Second Amendment Foundation, claiming that the federal law preventing a nonresident from purchasing a firearm violates his Second Amendment rights." ...

VT: Vermont gun club sues town over noise ordinance citations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A half-century-old gun club in Vermont is suing the town of Williston over noise ordinance citations, which, owners say, violate members’ gun rights."

"The North Country Sportsman’s Club has filed a lawsuit in response to incidents in which Williston police tried to shut down routine shooting sport activities in May."

"The complaint ... claims the town acted with 'malice' and violated state and federal law by issuing noise ordinance citations against the club. It further states the citations were 'an attempt to prohibit, reduce or limit discharge at an existing sport shooting range' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: They prohibit suppressors and then bitch about the noise . . .

NJ: NJ Court Denies Man Pistol Permit Due to Wife’s Drug Abuse Convictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is New Jersey America’s black hole when it comes to gun rights? You could make the case that Hawaii deserves that honor. Or California. But this story out of the Garden State elevates Governor Christie’s home to a new level in the annals of gun control-related Constitutional infringement. Specifically, “A state appellate court has ruled that a southern New Jersey man cannot buy guns because his wife is a convicted felon who’s been accused of domestic violence . . ." ...

Police Killed More Americans In 2014 Than All U.S. Mass Shootings Combined
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With another recent mass shooting having taken place last week in Charleston, South Carolina – such a crisis is the perfect opportunity for the President to yet again stop just short of using the 'C-word' – confiscation. Or 'C' for the gun Control he promoted."

"Before any victims were even in the ground, he exploited the tragedy for politicized gun control agendas."

"Obama is tired of making speeches about mass killings. He’s tired of them. He doesn’t want killings to be the 'new normal.' I agree with the President. Random, mass murder whether by guns, caused by mental illness, or by hatred needs to stop."

"Therefore, I took the liberty of finding its biggest source…" ...

OH: Columbus police officer injures 4-year-old while shooting at dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Columbus police officer accidentally wounded a 4-year-old girl in Whitehall on Friday when he fired at a charging dog, police said." ...

"The officer was at a house in the 4100 block of Chandler Drive investigating a hit-and-run case about 3:10 p.m. ..."

"As the officer was walking from the home to his patrol car, a woman a few houses away called out to him, saying her sister and the girl’s mother, Andrea Ellis, had cut herself."

"The officer was at the doorway when a dog charged at him ..."

"The officer fired once, missing the animal but striking the girl in the right leg. It was unclear whether the girl was hit directly or by a ricochet. The officer has not been identified." ...

MS: Mississippi investigator shoots family dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Muzzi said the police officer who shot the dog apologized to Muzzi and told him that he felt threatened and didn't see the leash, but later on, Cleveland Police Chief Charles Bingham told Muzzi and his wife Bethany that the investigator saw the leash but had the right to shoot the dog since he felt threatened. The Muzzis were shown videos of the incident as it happened. The cameras did not capture the investigator shooting the dog. They could only hear the dog bark, and they heard the officer open fire in a span of 4 seconds in the background, Muzzi said. Bingham told Muzzi that the police department would pay for Miller's vet bill and buy another dog for his family. ..." ...

OR: Ex-cop John Umenhofer’s lawsuit settled by Springfield for $250,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Springfield will pay $250,000 to settle a federal lawsuit filed by a former Springfield police sergeant who alleged that his efforts to fight corruption in his department were repeatedly stymied and eventually cost him his job."

"Attorneys representing both the city and former police Sgt. John Umenhofer filed paperwork Thursday in U.S. District Court announcing that Umenhofer’s 'whistle-blower' lawsuit had been dismissed. City officials subsequently released documents outlining the settlement agreement that brought the litigation to a close." ...

NY: Surveillance Camera Catches Undercover Police Informant Planting Crack Cocaine (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Who knows how many potential customers I lost' all because of a police information planting 'evidence' – all because 'the Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office — tried to ruin my life' a New York business owner asked."

"Assistant District Attorney William Sanderson told Visiting Judge Polly Hoye that the police informant 'seriously put into jeopardy the integrity of the criminal justice system and the grand jury procedures.'"

"The unbelievable video was captured by Donald Andrews, Jr., who owns a smoke shop on Mohawk Avenue in Scotia, New York." ...


IN: New security measures in full swing at Clarksville Town Hall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The atmosphere was casual at Clarksville Town Hall on a recent court-in-session day."

"The tall metal detector and black barrier stationed at the front entrance didn’t seem to phase[sic] any of the building’s visitors, especially regulars like consultant engineer Harold Hart."

"'I passed,' he said cheerfully as he filed through the detector without setting off any alarms. 'It doesn’t bother me at all.'"

"It’s an attitude that Chief Bailiff Matt Palmer said has been fairly prevalent since June 1 when enforcement began on new security measures that ban deadly weapons from Town Hall. Positive feelings, however, didn’t prevail at the Clarksville Town Council meetings leading up to the ban’s implementation." ...

UT: Concealed weapons law misunderstood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a licensed Concealed Firearms Permit instructor for the State of Utah and have been since 2002. I have seen a lot of misinformation spread out there by word of mouth and the media about where a person can and cannot carry a concealed firearm in the state. Specifically, businesses that post 'no firearms allowed' signs. Utah law 53-5-710 clearly states:" ...

ID: Gun supporters protest Mountain Express
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[A] group of more than 30 armed supporters of gun rights marched Saturday through downtown Ketchum to the steps of the Idaho Mountain Express to protest an editorial column published in the June 10 edition of the newspaper."

"The gathering of members of the organization III% Idaho featured men, women and some children marching down Main Street—many with handguns holstered on their hips—carrying flags and signs to express their support of gun rights, specifically Idaho’s law allowing citizens to carry firearms openly. ..." ...

NY: Only 44,000 assault weapons registered to comply with NY Safe Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group opposed to New York's two-year-old gun law says registration data show few owners complied with the requirement to register firearms reclassified as assault weapons."

"NY2A, which advocates for Second Amendment rights, says newly reported data show only 23,847 people registered 44,485 firearms while Gov. Andrew Cuomo estimated New Yorkers owned one million such guns before the 2013 measure banned sales in New York." ...

The power to tax is the power to destroy. — JOHN MARSHALL

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