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Newslinks for 6/25/2004

Both sides on gun issue target voters
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Rifle Association has a new tactic for spreading the word about the Second Amendment and the presidential election: a live radio show beamed to gun owners across the country."

"The message is clear: Democrat John Kerry may dress like a hunter, but he is no friend of the NRA." ...

"The show is one of the ways the gun issue is showing up in November's presidential race."

"Both sides are gearing up for the contest and say they can make a difference in battleground states. Half of the NRA's 4 million members live in highly contested states, said the group's executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre."

Mike S. Adams: More Lott, Less Moore
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"So my request to the Women’s Center is also very simple. In the name of intellectual honesty (and diversity), let us critique the reasoning of gun control advocates with the same diligence that we use when critiquing those we consider to advocate extreme methods of punishment."

"...In the name of intellectual diversity, I am asking the Women’s Center to invite John Lott to speak at UNC-Wilmington." ...

"Recently, the second murder of a UNC-Wilmington student occurred in the span of a single month. There has been plenty of talk about the fact that the killer had a gun. There has been little talk about the fact that the victim did not."

"Before the next unarmed student loses her life, let’s have a real debate on gun control. ..."

L. Neil Smith: Save America-- Enforce the BILL of Rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution -- commonly known as the Bill of Rights -- are the highest law of the land."

"Over the 200 years it's been in force, certain people -- usually politicians and bureaucrats who wanted more power and found the Bill of Rights an inconvenient obstacle (exactly as it was intended to be) -- have argued over its proper interpretation."

"During the Lincoln, Wilson, and second Roosevelt Administrations, the Bill of Rights was openly violated and even set aside, using an ongoing war as a handy excuse. As a result, the size and power of government grew at the expense of individual liberties which, for the most part, were never given back even when the war was over. Similar violations have been committed in the name of the War on Drugs."

"However no legal provision exists for the suspension of the Bill of Rights, in time of war or any other emergency. Any government employee, elected or appointed, from policeman to President, who violates it, no matter what justification he offers, is a criminal."

Paul Craig Roberts: Say Good-bye to the Attorney-Client Privilege
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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The Justice Department thinks winning cases is more important than your rights.

"Once upon a time the US Department of Justice respected the legal rights that make law a shield of the innocent rather than a weapon in the hands of government. No more. What the great English jurist William Blackstone called 'the Rights of Englishmen' have been eroded beyond recognition."

"The last remaining right – the attorney-client privilege – is under full-scale assault by DOJ prosecutors in the tax shelter case involving the accounting firm, KPMG. The Justice Department has demanded, and the accounting firm has agreed, to waive the attorney-client privilege for communications between lawyers and KPMG employees involved in marketing tax shelters that the IRS has challenged."

Devvy Kidd: Election 2004 Campaign Issue: No More New Laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I have long been saying that there should be no new laws passed in Congress and the state legislatures for the next five years - except emergency sessions. What needs to be done is an examination of all laws on the books. Those that are so ridiculously outdated or don't meet with strict constitutional conformity - throw them out. That means all these gun laws - gone. That means everything to do with the EPA - gone and shut down. If it isn't authorized in Art. 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution - it's gone. If it isn't in your state constitution or your state constitution forbids such and such a law - it's gone."

Feds to Tackle Violent Crime in 15 Cities
Submitted by: Doug

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"The Justice Department is dispatching teams of federal agents to 15 cities struggling with violent crime problems despite a dropping U.S. crime rate, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Thursday."

"...Firearms offenses are the main focus because they are often more readily proven in court than other crimes."

"Concentrating on gun crimes allows prosecutors to 'focus on the thugs who are plaguing these neighborhoods' and are likely responsible for a long list of other offenses."

"The 15 cities are Albuquerque, N.M.; Baltimore; Chattanooga, Tenn.; Tampa, Fla.; Miami; Richmond, Va.; Greensboro, N.C.; Tulsa, Okla.; Pittsburgh; Las Vegas; Columbus, Ohio; Philadelphia; Los Angeles; Tucson, Ariz.; and the Washington, D.C.-Northern Virginia region."

NC: Justice sending federal agents to Greensboro to help with crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A North Carolina city is among 15 to which the Justice Department is dispatching teams of federal agents to help deal with violent crime problems, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Thursday."

"Ashcroft told reporters that the effort would be targeted at "the hottest zones of criminal activity" in cities where high murder and violence rates persist despite a violent crime rate that is at a 30-year low nationwide, based on federal victimization statistics."

"The initiative also is aimed at reducing the traditional summer increase in murder and violent crime, he said. Firearms offenses are the main focus because they are often more readily proven in court than other crimes."

Does anyone else see the slow, systematic demise of states' rights?

NV: New ATF task force to target Las Vegas
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Las Vegas is one of 15 cities that will be getting extra help in fighting violent crimes as part of a violent crime initiative involving Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives-led task forces, Attorney General John Ashcroft announced today."

"Dan Bogden, U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada, was scheduled to announce the Las Vegas Violent Crime Impact Team at a press conference this morning."

Brady: Since Congress Has Fewer Than 20 Working Days Before Assault Weapons Ban Expires, President Needs to Stop Playing Games
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"The federal assault weapons ban will expire Sept. 13 if President Bush doesn't get Congress to reauthorize the ban."

"The White House says the President is waiting for the House to act. Aides to the Speaker of the House say they are waiting for President Bush to ask."

"Why in the world would anyone want to play politics with an issue this serious?"

That's right. The same question gun rights advocates are asking. Why in the world would someone want to play politics with your inalienable rights?

Ed Montini: Guilty of carrying a loaded opinion without a license
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Alan Korwin, author of the Arizona Gun Owner's Guide, believes that I'm ducking his question, which I am. 'Really,' he says, 'why wouldn't you support a license for opinion writers?' "

"What about Korwin's other loaded question? 'Would you support a license for opinion or editorial writers?' he asks again.
Actually, I would. As long as the procedure for gaining a 'writer's license' is modeled on our concealed weapons requirements and involves a total of 16 hours of training. That would make it only slightly more rigorous than the work I did to earn a degree from Penn State."

Well, at least we know he's an equal opportunity fascist. He has as little respect for the First Amendment that allows him to vomit forth his ignorant spew as for the Second Amendment, which would defend his life.

Arianna Huffington: Paranoid delusions in a deranged worldview
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"Attention al-Qaida sleeper cells, domestic terrorists, school shooters, David Koresh wannabes and bloodthirsty lunatics everywhere: Be sure to mark Sept. 13 in your day planners because -- thanks to President Bush and his GOP pals in Congress -- your murderous missions are about to get a whole lot easier."

"You see, that's the day the 10-year old federal ban on assault weapons is set to expire, making it perfectly legal to buy, sell and own a whole new line of domestically produced rapid-fire killing machines."

Never mind that Bin Laden's murderers used box cutters to murder thousands of Americans.

Never mind that no US law has ever stopped terrorists from getting weapons from nations that sanction and support their activities free of charge.

Never mind that Harris and Klebold managed to murder teachers, classmates and themselves despite the ban.

And never mind that prior to the ban, these weapons were used in less than 1 percent of all crimes.

Nothing will stop frothing paranoiacs such as Huffington from scaring the ignorant public into accepting their fascist agenda.

TX: Fort Worth Homeowner Chases Intruder Across Town
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Fort Worth homeowner refused to let a burglar inside his home get away Wednesday, deciding instead to chase the man across town."

"The chase ended in a ravine near Interstate 30 and Oakland, when the fire department had to call in a rescue unit."

"According to police, the man who needed rescuing was the man who broke into the Fort Worth home. The homeowner came home while the burglary was in progress and chased the suspect out of his house and then across town, by car."

UK: Rapist jailed for seven years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A RAPIST who stalked and attacked a teenage girl in a wood saying he had a gun and would put a bullet in her head has been jailed for seven years."

"John Ambrose was told by a judge that he would be under additional supervision for three years after his release because he is considered a 'continuing danger to young women'."

The young women to whom the judge refers are completely disarmed. The police cannot protect them. The judge admits this perv is a "continuing danger." WHY WOULD THEY RELEASE HIM?

OH: Gun Restriction Not Improper
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Employers, including local governments, are well within their rights to set certain restrictions on their workers. Often such rules are necessary to protect the safety and health of workers themselves."

"St. Clairsville City Council has adopted an ordinance that prohibits municipal employees from carrying firearms while they are on the job and/or on city property. Clearly, a majority of council members believe the restriction is a good idea for safety's sake."

"But not everyone in St. Clairsville agrees. ..."

It would be instructive to know why a peaceable, trained citizen exercising his or her constitutional rights represents a threat to the safety and health of workers.

Founders' Foresight
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The Fourth of July is coming up so it's a good time to pause and reflect about who the framers of our country's birth certificate, the Constitution of the United States, were and why they were willing to put their lives on the line so that we could be free. ... Fifty-five delegates attended the Constitutional Convention but only 39 actually signed the document. They put their very lives and livelihoods on the line by doing so ..."

Saudi Arabia: Saudis to Let Foreigners Carry Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Foreign residents of Saudi Arabia will be allowed to carry guns, the police minister announced after a series of militant bombings, attacks and kidnappings targeting Western workers in the kingdom."

" 'In principle, a citizen has the right to carry a licensed weapon, and so does the resident. If he senses danger, he can carry a personal weapon as he does in his country,' Prince Nayef said late Wednesday."

MN: Minneapolis reaches record settlement on brutality suit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city will pay nearly $1 million to a man who lost his colon and part of his small intestine after he claims he was beaten by police."

"The payment is the largest single out-of-court police brutality settlement in city history, said Deputy City Attorney Peter Ginder."

"Several city leaders said Wednesday the settlement does not mean they believe officers Lee Meili and Matthew Hobbs acted inappropriately while arresting Michael Polley during a domestic dispute ...." ...

"Police never opened an internal investigation into the case, but Police Chief Bill McManus said that the department will now review the case to see if one is warranted. Both officers remain employed with the Police Department." ...

PA: Women learn self defense at college
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to a study done by Ms Magazine on sexual assault and rape, one out of every four college women polled was sexually assaulted during four years at college. Dale Boyer, assistant director of campus security at Elizabethtown College, doesn't like those odds. And he's working to help change them."

"Dale is one of over 3,500 certified instructors in the Rape Aggression Defense Systems program. In its brochure, RAD describes itself as a 'program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques.' The program is designed especially for women." ...

"Another important part of the textbook instruction is weapon defense. Dale said that he presents this portion to his students as a personal choice they must make, but they do discuss the pros and cons of various weapons. He said it's important to remember that a woman must be properly trained on how to use any weapon she chooses to carry." ...

According to a DOJ study, "When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks are completed, compared to 32% when unarmed."

TX: Gun, knife show set this weekend in Brownwood
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Organizers expect more than 150 exhibitors at the Texas Gun and Knife Show at the Brownwood Coliseum this weekend."

"Kim Hill, vice president for Texas Gun and Knife Association, Inc., said, 'Brownwood's been a good show for us. Altogether I'd say we've had shows there about eight out of the last 12 years.' "

"Hill said the event this weekend will be typical -- vendors will have both new and used guns and people may buy, sell or trade merchandise." ...

"The 150 exhibitors are from all over Texas, Hill said, and a variety of merchandise will be available to enthusiasts, whether they're hunters or collectors."

Australia: League legend caught in armed robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RUGBY league legend Laurie Daley was last night caught up in a terrifying armed hold-up as he dined in a popular Sydney restaurant."

"Declaring the incident 'the most terrifying moment of my life', Daley told how three balaclava-clad men burst into Leichhardt's Grappa Ristorante and forced patrons to the floor at gunpoint before fleeing with cash."

"The robbery occurred about 8.45pm at the upmarket Norton St restaurant."

" 'It was terrifying, the scariest thing I have ever encountered,' Daley told The Daily Telegraph just 15 minutes after the incident."

"'We were all just sitting around having dinner when all of a sudden we heard screaming and yelling.'" ...

Weren't gun laws supposed to stop these incidents?

TX: "Air guns look too real"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Side by side, there's almost no way to tell the difference between the real gun and the air-soft gun."

"The markings are the same on the air gun. The mechanics are almost the same. The bullets and the potential for death are just two of the few differences."

" 'They are extremely realistic,' said Cpl. Jerry Neufeld of the Amarillo Police Department, holding a SIG SAUER P228 9mm handgun in one hand and an air gun clone of the real thing in the other."

"The two were nearly identical, even down to the SIGARMS, Inc. license on the barrel."

"The air gun takes a magazine you feed into the grip, the slide action works on it... It resembles exactly the real thing."

Zimbabwe: 4 cops stand trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE trial of four policemen who allegedly teamed up with an accomplice and allegedly committed a series of armed robberies involving goods and cash worth $4 million from various people started at the Chitungwiza Magistrates Courts on Wednesday." ...

"In their defence, the four accused persons are denying the charges saying they were only investigating people who were selling fuel on the black market along the Harare-Masvingo highway for Norton Police."

"The court also heard that the accused persons confiscated 120 litres of diesel, 50 litres of petrol, personal documents and $ 103 000 cash in separate incidents from illegal fuel dealers who were operating along Harare-Masvingo road." ...

FL: FBI silent on arrest of Jordanian-born man
Submitted by: Z. Kidd

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"MANATEE - A Jordanian-born Bradenton man was arrested by federal agents Wednesday after authorities discovered $5,000 cash in his suitcase, according to the man's brother."

"FBI spokeswoman Sara Oates confirmed that one person was taken into custody but said the arrest warrant was sealed and details regarding the case could not be discussed."

The FBI swoops in, arrests someone because he had money, demands everyones' papers, then claims the whole thing is secret. Sounds like the MO of the SS.

CA: Hospital Bans Police Stun Gun Use On Patients
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Martin Luther King Junior/Drew Medical Center has temporarily barred police from using Taser stun guns to subdue mental patients after federal health officials threatened to pull millions of dollars in funding."

"The hospital was told to make changes by Saturday or face the potential loss of federal funds that account for more than half of its $350 million budget."

"The threat was rescinded Wednesday after the hospital agreed to temporarily bar police from using Tasers or leather restraints on patients. The hospital also agreed to develop a special response team to handle problem patients without using force."

LA: Store clerk kills robber
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A convenience store clerk shot and killed a would-be robber in what police said was a justifiable homicide. "

"Tamer Abdulwahab, 20, and his cousin, Abdulwahab Zeidan, 24, were talking at the counter near closing time Tuesday night when Samuel Lucky Parker, 25, walked in wearing a camouflage mask, dark clothing and a glove on one hand."

"Abdulwahab said Parker pointed a gun at Zeidan, who was behind the counter, and began shouting for Zeidan to put money from the register into a bag."

"Abdulwahab slipped down an aisle and hid out of sight. He drew his gun, which he said he carries for protection, and pointed it toward Parker but didn't fire."


The frightened clerk apparently wasn't moving fast enough for the thug, so he began firing. That's when the other clerk fired upon the criminal.


NY: Mayor rips a Rep., this time over guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Another day, another spat between Mayor Michael Bloomberg and a congressional Republican."

"His most recent target is Kansas Rep. Todd Tiahrt, a Wichita conservative who introduced a bill that would deny local investigators access to a federal database that traces guns."

" 'It is an outrage,' Bloomberg said. 'It would take away the city's ability to look at the list of who has guns that may very well be used to kill people.' "

Translation: This is an outrage! It would take away my ability to persecute and revile New York citizens who exercise their Second Amendment rights and make it more difficult for me to be a small-minded, paranoid tyrant!

NY: Cops issue gun locks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As every parent knows, kids and firearms make a worrisome combination." [KABA Note: They're only a worrisome combination if the parents neglect their duty to properly train and supervise their child.]

"Bath Village Police recently announced a free program to ensure that match-up is less likely to occur." [KABA Note: "Free" at whose expense?]

"Last weekend, the department distributed roughly 100 cable-style gunlocks to be used as a barrier against young children handling firearms in the home." [KABA Note: Oh! At taxpayer expense!]

" 'We want to promote safe firearm handling and storage, in order to reduce the risk of tragic accidents, especially among children,' said Police Office Andrew DuBois." [Translation: We want to ensure that people's self defense tools are rendered inoperable, so that they depend more on us to provide them with protection we are unable to provide.]

NV: Girl Shoots, Kills Father After Abduction
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Authorities are investigating whether a man sexually abused his three daughters after he shot his estranged wife in the face and kidnapped the teenagers at gunpoint."

"One of the girls fatally shot Walter N. Ball Wednesday night as he slept in his car, about 30 miles east of Carson City, police said. He apparently had been drinking heavily."

"The girls, ages 13, 16 and 19, led officers to the body, Lyon County Sheriff's Capt. Jeff Page said. He declined to reveal which of them fired the fatal shot." ...

"He had been served with a temporary protective order June 1, brought against him by one of his daughters, the Nevada Appeal reported. ..."

South Africa: Shop owner's running gun battle with the law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At night, the shadows dance silently in downtown Johannesburg."

"It is a dangerous place to be."

"This is the twilight world in which a 68-year-old gun dealer has to run his business - yet the national Central Firearms Registry (CFR) says he does not need a gun to protect himself and his property."

"Even though there are hundreds of firearms in his shop, he has been barred by law from using any of them in an emergency."

"The dealer has been in a running battle with the CFR for more than a year."

CO: Jury asks if gun activist will know where they live
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"BRIGHTON - The jury deliberating the case against Rick E. Stanley asked the judge a rare question Wednesday that didn't sit well with the gun rights activist."

" 'Does Mr. Stanley have the names and addresses of the jury?' was the question posed to retired Supreme Court Justice Joseph R. Quinn, who is presiding at the trial."

"With that, Stanley bowed his head in apparent disappointment."

This is what happens when a society is indoctrinated into a victim mentality and paranoia in order to make them more dependent on the state. RIP, America.

UK: Siege ends in suicide
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Retired egg farmer with 'a fascination for firearms' committed suicide during a 17-hour siege.

"Norbert Fraenzel fired at police officers during the stand-off at his north Notts farmhouse."

"His cottage was surrounded by armed police and dog handlers, with the police helicopter hovering overhead."

"An inquest in Nottingham heard yesterday that at some point during the siege - exactly when is unknown - he turned his rifle on himself."

There's no end to the press bias in the UK! This was a grown up individual, capable of making his own choices in life, and yet, by implication, it's his "fascination with firearms" that was somehow responsible for him blowing his own head off.

NY: Mayor unveils anti-crime program
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced an initiative that focuses on reducing crime in public housing projects, including new efforts at combatting drug dealing and gun violence and tracking sex offenders."

"The initiative, called Operation Safe Housing, offers no new programs but simply directs law enforcement agencies to aggressively enforce existing laws, Bloomberg said Thursday."

Let's see... guns and drugs are already illegal there. But the problem is the police haven't been trying hard enough to enforce existing laws? Is that it? They just need to be more aggressive, and things will be OK? How delusional can one politician get?

Australia: Bandits hit bottle shops
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"BANDITS wearing balaclavas and carrying a gun have targeted three bottle shops in Sydney's south in robberies police believe could be linked."

"Police today said the first robbery took place about 4.55pm (AEST) yesterday when two men wearing balaclavas entered a bottle shop on Slade Road at Bexley and threatened a shop assistant."

"Staff told police one of the men was carrying a handgun." ...

"The second incident happened about 5.10pm (AEST) when two men also wearing balaclavas robbed a bottle shop on Carlton Parade at Carlton in similar circumstances."

"About 15 minutes later, staff at a bottle shop on Botany Road at Mascot were robbed by two men, again described as wearing balaclavas, one holding a handgun."

MO: Felons Paid in Voter Registration Drive
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Democratic group crucial to John Kerry's presidential campaign has paid felons — some convicted of sex offenses, assault and burglary — to conduct door-to-door voter registration drives in at least three election swing states."

"America Coming Together, contending that convicted criminals deserve a second chance in society, employs felons as voter canvassers in major metropolitan areas in Missouri, Florida, Ohio and perhaps in other states among the 17 it is targeting in its drive. Some lived in halfway houses, and at least four returned to prison."

A Democratic Party tradition.

Canada: Massacre averted by friendly dog, not by $2 Billion gun registration system
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Canadian man, driving a car packed with weapons and ammunition, was intent on killing as many people as possible in a Toronto neighborhood but gave up the plan at the last minute when he encountered a friendly dog, police say."

"The middle-aged man, who police say was mentally disturbed, had planned to carry out the shooting spree on Wednesday to ensure he would be put in jail permanently, Toronto police say."

"He had set himself up in an east-end park to load his weapons and then planned to drive around shooting. He later told police that a dog then approached and started playing with him."

"The encounter melted the man's heart and he then went in search of police to give himself up, police say." ...

MO: Ex-officer from Cape acquitted on all but one count
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Former Cape Girardeau police detective Paul Tipler was found guilty of forging a receipt form and not guilty of another count of forgery, theft by deception, tampering with evidence, tampering to hinder prosecution, possession of a defaced firearm, distribution of cocaine, and two counts of patronizing prostitutes." ...

"Tipler took the stand in his defense Wednesday and testified that he has done sloppy work, which resulted in him being reprimanded often and frequently suspended. He admitted to lying to his supervisor. Under direct questioning, Tipler admitted he had sex in patrol cars while on duty with at least three girlfriends. ..."

CO: Sheriff's investigator is charged with assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joe DiSalvo, the Pitkin County Sheriff's Office director of investigations, is on administrative leave after being charged with assault and battery stemming from an altercation at an Aspen restaurant Tuesday night."

"DiSalvo has hired attorney Pamela Mackey, who is representing Kobe Bryant in his sex-assault case in Eagle."

"She said DiSalvo acted in self-defense, adding that he was injured during the incident and had to see a doctor; she didn't elaborate."

"Aspen Police Chief Loren Ryerson said officers were called to an assault at Jimmy's Restaurant around dinnertime. He said DiSalvo was issued a summons for municipal assault and battery, a misdemeanor charge." ...

PA: Highway shooting heads to trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Investigators called it road rage, but the lawyer for an off-duty Pittsburgh police officer said his client acted in self-defense when he fired seven shots at a passing 18-wheeler."

"Paul Anthony Palmer, 35, of Sheraden, went before Bridgeville District Justice Elaine McGraw on Wednesday on charges of recklessly endangering another person, simple assault and two counts of aggravated assault. He was charged with firing into the front tire and wheel of a truck driven by Oliver Sherwood .... McGraw ordered Palmer to stand trial on all counts." ...

"'Then in mid-sentence he breaks off and says, 'I was driving down the road, and this truck made me mad, and I just lost it,' Murphy said." ...

But only cops and military should have guns.

CT: Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinic to be Held in Simsbury
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Rifle Association's Women On Target program is sponsoring an instructional shooting clinic for women only at the Metacon Gun Club in Simsbury on July 10. Shotgun instruction will begin at 9AM and go until 12:30PM. Rifle instruction will begin at 1:30PM and end at 5PM. The club is located at 106 Nod Road."

"The cost of attendance is $20 per person. Please pre-register for this event by July 1. All necessary equipment will be provided by the club, including firearms, ammunition and eye/ear protection. This clinic will feature training in the safe handling of rifles and shotguns to help participants learn the fundamentals of shooting in a relaxing and fun filled environment."

CA: Police officers controlling crime news (Letter)
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The Castro Star, like many papers that let police officers control much of the crime news they print, is small and has few resources at its disposal. But the difference between a meek lap dog and a serious newspaper, no matter what its size, is that a serious paper doesn't just take information fed to it by the authorities at face value."

"The SFPD has its own agenda regarding what it does and does not want to see in print. For example, you probably won't ever see an item like the following in Captain Ehrlich's column:"

"June 15, 9:05 p.m. Unarmed man shot by police at Haight and Ashbury streets, died en route to hospital. The department declined to release the names of officers involved."

CA: Gilroy Police Department takes aim with TASER technology
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As early as this weekend, every police officer in the city of Gilroy will begin carrying a second sidearm - a TASER stun gun that can briefly immobilize someone from up to 21 feet away with a 50,000-volt shock."

"The idea is that an officer with a TASER on his belt will have less cause to draw his pistol or baton. The officer will be able to keep a safe distance from a dangerous suspect without having to use or threaten lethal force or bludgeoning, Assistant Police Chief Lanny Brown said Tuesday." ...

"When word gets out about the new tools, Brown said he expects fewer people to bother fighting with police officers."

Canada: Blaikie asserts NDP not 'soft' on gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"NDP Parliamentary Leader Bill Blaikie wants voters in the Kenora riding to know his party's real stance on the gun registry."

" 'I'm here just to set the record straight for the NDP on this issue,' said Blaikie from NDP candidate Susan Barclay's Kenora office on Tuesday. 'The national stance is that there isn't one. Candidates are free to choose their own stance.' "

"Blaikie said that because of this open party policy of allowing their candidates to determine whether or not to support the gun registry, they have been unfairly attacked by the Conservatives."

A Serious Contender
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Among men who dreamed of building their own business at the close of World War II was New York toolmaker Kenneth Thompson. From a Long Island garage, he began shipping molds and tools for investment casting. The K.W. Thompson Tool Company moved twice, settling in Rochester, New Hampshire, in 1963. ..."

"Two years after the Rochester move, toolmaker Warren Center had come to K.W. Thompson, having worked in the factories of Iver Johnson and Harrington & Richardson. In his basement he'd been designing a pistol he called the Contender. Tooling up for the Contender meant doubling the size of the Thompson plant to 20,000 square feet. Both men considered it a good investment, and by 1967 pistols were coming off the line." ...

CA: Sale of Bankrupt Gun Firm Postponed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal bankruptcy judge in Florida has delayed the sale of one of the nation's most controversial gun makers, giving most creditors and other interested parties time to file objections to the planned purchase of Costa Mesa-based Bryco Arms by its former plant manager."

"An auction of Bryco — one of the last of a group of Southern California companies that manufactured inexpensive handguns known as Saturday night specials — was scheduled for last week. But U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Jerry A. Funk ruled Tuesday that prior notice of the sale was inadequate and delayed it for 20 days."

"Funk also dismissed an effort by opponents to block the sale of Bryco for $150,000 to [former plant manager] Paul Jimenez of Chino ..." ...

Japan: Horror in Shibuya: Subway worker shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The bandit, a middle-aged bag-snatching man, flees into the rush hour crowd."

"The morning rush hour at Tokyo's Shibuya Station was thrown into pandemonium Wednesday when a gunman shot a subway employee and escaped amid the hordes of commuters."

"The assailant, a man who looked around 50 years old with graying hair, opened fire after 32-year-old Shigeo Nishioka refused to hand over a bag. Nishioka, shot in the abdomen and seriously injured, is expected to recover."

" 'When I rushed to the scene, I found Mr. Nishioka lying on the floor,' a subway worker said. 'I was terrified. Blood was splattered all over the floor.' " ...

Malaysia: Snatch theft victim irked by police inefficiency
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SNATCH theft victim had to spend three-and-a-half hours at two police stations before she could lodge a report, China Press reported."

"Clerk Ling Pip Fong, 26, had her handbag snatched by a motorcyclist in Jalan Depap at Taman Johor Jaya on June 21 at 7.30pm."

" 'I went to the Desa Cermelang police station at 8pm but was told that the place of the incident was not under its jurisdiction,' Ling said, adding that she was instructed to go to the Plentong police station."

"At the Plentong police station, Ling had to relate the incident to two different police officers." ...

Guns are banned because "that is the job of the police" but the police can't even be bothered to take crime reports efficiently.

OH: Ohio Supreme Court refuses to dismiss lawsuit against Sheriff Karnes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry has learned that the Ohio Supreme Court, on a 6-1 vote with Justice Pfeifer dissenting, has issued an alternative writ of mandamus, declining Franklin Co. Sheriff Jim Karnes' request to have a lawsuit against him thrown out."

"The lawsuit, filed on April 9 by Josephine Lee, centers around Josephine's application with Sheriff Karnes for a Temporary Emergency License to carry a concealed handgun, as well as her standard application for a concealed handgun license. Karnes had argued that the court should dismiss the case."

"After learning of the court's decision yesterday, attorney Ken Hanson told OFCC, 'I haven't received the Order yet, but an alternative writ usually means [Sheriff Karnes] is to show cause why he should not be ordered to do perform his duty under the law, and sets the briefing schedule for both sides.'" ...

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. — Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the Adoption of the Constitution [Boston, 1833].

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