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Newslinks for 6/25/2005

New Castle Doctrine
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On June 24, 2005, the Supreme Court put a big UP FOR GRABS sign on your home."

"The US Supreme Court said it’s perfectly OK, under the U.S. Constitution, to take your home or business and give it to a politically connected private developer because that developer might be able to produce more taxes and more jobs off of your land."

"In the face of this disgraceful decision upholding takings for private development, it might seem like the fight is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have been overwhelmed by emails and phone calls from citizens who are shocked and outraged by what the Supreme Court has done." ...

Gadsden flag raised in protest of Supreme Court property rights decision
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"We at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation (EFF) are outraged over today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Kelo v. City of New London that local governments can seize private property for private development even when that property is not 'put into use for the general public.'"

"To protest the Supreme Court's gross violation of the Constitutional right to private property, EFF president Bob Williams raised the Gadsden flag outside of EFF's office." ...

Nat Hentoff: FBI Turned Loose -- Privacy rights may disappear if a new Senate Intelligence Committee bill passes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Civil liberties had their origin and must find their ultimate guarantee in the faith of the people. If that faith should be lost, five or nine [votes on the Supreme Court] could not long supply its want. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, Douglas v. City of Jeannette (1943)"

"On June 6, in a closed-door session, the Senate Intelligence Committee approved a bill that, if Congress and the president agree (and he will), would dramatically expand the FBI's powers under the Patriot Act to issue secret administrative subpoenas for an unprecedented range of personal records—without having to go to a judge." [emphasis in original] ...

KABA Note: As pointed out in an earlier study, the 'yellow form' that FFLs are required to keep on every gun transaction are business records.

Destroying Your Privacy Through Technology
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"An interview with software engineer and cryptographer Sean Glazier." ...

"Q. There is a lot of concerned raised among Gun Owners and other privacy advocates that we are being watched. From you’re perspective as an engineer in the software field and working in cryptography, how far does the rabbit hole go?"

"A: I will answer this in 6 parts."

"a. It goes pretty deep and most people are not aware of the invasion into their everyday life. Cell phones and OnStar® systems in your car are great conveniences, but do you know they can and have been used to record your conversations covertly? The computer you are using, especially if it is Microsoft Windows, can and does record your browsing and reading habits on the web. ..." ...

Fingering the Problem (NR)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The U.S. has seen the future of border security, and it is the fingerprint. The swirly pattern on a fingertip is what is called in the security business a 'biometric identifier.' It is a feature unique to every person, and therefore key to establishing someone's identity."

"Privacy advocates on the left and the right get suspicious at the mere mention of the word 'biometrics,' and people have a natural resistance to being fingerprinted because of its association with the criminal-justice system. Get over it. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Speak for yourself, Rich.

Seegars v Gonzalez: Petition for rehearing denied... (Blog)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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As if Kelo v New London wasn't bad enough for one day, the petition for rehearing in Seegars v Gonzalez has come back denied. That leaves the decision from the three-judge panel as the current law. Options for the Seegars plaintiffs now include petitioning the Supreme Court to hear their case, or simply giving up and allowing the ruling to stand." ...

Eliminating lead fouling in firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many pistol shooters aren’t anxious to shoot a lot of pure lead bullets. The reason is lead fouls the bore and requires constant cleaning. Handgun reload-ers usually load jacketed bullets. The copper jacket rubs against the bore and prevents lead fouling from building."

"Today, that has changed. Corbin Supply and Mfg, Inc, Box 2859, White City, Ore. 97503 now offers its Base-Guard bullet design. The base guard on the back of the bullet (not a gas check) allows the use of pure lead that can withstand velocities up to 1,400 feet per second without fouling the bore." ...

Carrying a Concealed Firearm
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"People who carry a concealed firearm for self-defense generally believe they are socially responsible, and they hope you to agree with them even if you do not own a gun."

"Just over a year ago Tim Schmidt founded the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, and today he already has over 7,000 dues-paying members. They come from all walks of life, men and women, young and old, and from all ethnic backgrounds." ...

NC: One Man Dead, Another Arrested After Attempted Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say Brian Dalton Rivenbark is dead after trying to hold up Jerry's Furniture Refinishing on Cinema Drive. Now his accomplice, Dewayne White, is arrested and charged with attempted armed robbery."

"Police say Rivenbark and White walked into the store and pulled out a hand gun. The store clerk, Joseph Daggs, III had his own gun. Lt. Marshall Williamson says the men got in a struggle, but Daggs broke free."

"'Daggs released himself from the individuals and reached for his personal gun and fired one shot.'"

"That shot killed Rivenbark, but police say it was self-defense." ...

OK: Armed and ready -- 10 years with the Oklahoma Self Defense Act has seen violent crime rates fall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the 10 years Oklahoma citizens have been allowed to carry weapons concealed, crime has fallen, gun owners and advocates say."

"Muskogee residents who carry concealed weapons, and who live in an area with a higher than average crime rate, say that at the moment of a crime, only two people are at the scene - the criminal and the victim - and victims should have the right to defend themselves." ...

"The state Legislature passed the Oklahoma Self Defense Act in 1994, which became effective in January 1995, and concealed carry license holders agree that the law has been effective at suppressing crimes against individuals in Oklahoma. Other states are beginning to adopt concealed carry laws of their own to help combat violent crime." ...

PA: Crime Guns: Who sells them?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A THRONG of people stood outside the dingy-looking gun shop on Spring Garden Street, their chants and shouts piercing the afternoon calm."

"Some had lost sons and daughters to murder. Others simply wanted the onslaught of senseless shootings to end."

"They chose to camp outside Colosimo's on a recent Sunday because the shop ranks as the number one seller of guns that police find at Philadelphia crime scenes."

"The shop, one of the most popular in the city even amongst cops and gun collectors, stocks almost every pistol or rifle imaginable, many tagged and encased in glass display cases." ...

KABA Note: The BATFE itself has said that number of crime guns sold is an absolutely meaningless statistic.

Brazil: Brazil's Roberto Carlos mugged live on radio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brazilian soccer star Roberto Carlos was giving a radio interview on his cellular phone on Friday when he said armed robbers approached the car in which he was traveling and robbed the driver."

"'They just robbed my car, they just robbed my car,' said the Real Madrid leftback and Brazilian international, breaking out in nervous laughter."

"Roberto Carlos was visiting the southeastern city of Belo Horizonte in Brazil when he said he was mugged."

"Police were not immediately available for comment."

"The player was traveling with a local journalist, a girlfriend and an unarmed bodyguard. The journalist, who was driving the car, had to give up his ring and cellular phone." [emphasis added] ...

PA: He loves guns, but he won't sell you one if he's suspicious
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Dominic Valentino doesn't just love guns. The 57-year-old auto repair shop owner believes gun ownership is part of what it means to be American."

"The stocky Army vet carries a silver .45-caliber Glock on his belt and wears a faded black military cap over his fine gray hair. He's a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association and rails against anything that would curb legal gun ownership."

"But when it comes to selling guns, the man known in the neighborhood as 'Dom' follows strict principles - at considerable financial sacrifice - to make sure his guns don't end up in the wrong hands." ...

Thailand: Teachers to get guns for self-defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Education Ministry plans to find cheap, second-hand guns for teachers in the southern border provinces ... to protect themselves because buying brand-new guns is too expensive and time-consuming."

"Twenty-one teachers have been killed since southern violence flared up in January 2004, including a female principal in Narathiwat yesterday."

"Deputy Education Minister Rung Kaewdaeng said yesterday he was discussing the idea ... to develop a market for used guns which were affordable especially for teachers and education staff in the South."

"Although the Interior Ministry allows teachers and education personnel in the three southern provinces to carry guns for self-defence, the majority could not afford one, he said." ...

RI: Taking away guns won't stop domestic violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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... "... [C]onsider the impending vote on a piece of legislation coming up for a vote in the Rhode Island House of Representatives. It is H-5812 Sub A, this year's reintroduction of the domestic violence bill."

"Since its counterpart has already been passed in the Senate, its passage casts a shadow over law- abiding gun owners in our state. According to the bill's language, anyone who is accused of physical violence against someone must surrender their firearms to the police. who will charge storage fees or sell them at a loss to a gun dealer." ...

PA: Court: Separate domestic violence law could help enforce gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many states, Pennsylvania does not make 'domestic assault' a distinct crime, and a court ruling issued Friday said that can make it harder to enforce a federal law keeping certain criminals from owning guns."

"A Commonwealth Court panel ruled 2-1 that Pittsburgh businessman Ronald B. D'Alessandro was entitled to buy a gun despite his 1990 guilty plea to simple assault for a fight that left his girlfriend bruised and unconscious."

"Under federal law, a person convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence crime ... cannot own a gun, and the case centered on whether D'Alessandro and the woman had been living together at the time. A Pittsburgh police report said they were ... but D'Alessandro insisted that was wrong." ...

IN: Deer hunting in Warsaw’s cross hairs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to control an overpopulation of deer, Warsaw officials have had preliminary discussions about conducting a deer hunt within city limits, but said significant questions and matters must be addressed before a decision is made."

"District 5 Councilman William Rhoades said the deer are most prevalent near Kosciusko Community Hospital and surrounding woods in an area north of downtown Warsaw."

"Rhoades, who lives on a channel abutting a lake, said he sees several deer daily roaming around his property."

"'They damage stuff, but mostly shrubs and certain types of flowers,' he said."

"Hospital spokeswoman Joy Lohse said deer roam near the hospital and a nearby nature trail, but do not disturb traffic." ...

OR: Democrats in Baker County want state party to adopt gun ownership language
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A group of rural Democrats is hoping state Democrats will agree to add more explicit support of the right to bear arms to the official party platform."

"The gun control issue costs them dearly at election time in parts of Eastern Oregon, Baker County Democrats said."

"The county party has drafted a resolution that it hopes will be taken up at the state party platform committee when it meets this weekend in West Linn." ...

OR: Court upholds law barring felon gun possession
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A law barring felons from having guns doesn't violate the right to bear arms under the Oregon Constitution, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled Thursday."

"The court said certain groups of people are 'identifiable threats' to safety and that their rights can be limited."

KABA Note: If it can be limited it is not a 'right' it is a 'privilege'.

"The ruling is the first one by the court 'especially dealing with the issue of possession of firearms by felons,' said Kevin Neely, spokesman for Attorney General Hardy Myers." ...

CA: Fair Will Get Formal Opinion On Gun Policy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The San Diego County Fair has agreed to seek a formal state attorney general's opinion on its policy of barring off-duty law enforcement officers from carrying guns into the fair, it was reported Thursday."

"Officers throughout the county have publicly protested the policy, which was first used at last year's fair, saying it is unsafe for the officers and the public, the North County Times reported." ...

IL: Blagojevich signs bills on tougher gun sentences
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"People convicted of a crime using a firearm will get tougher prison sentences under two bills Governor Rod Blagojevich signed into law today."

"Blagojevich says the bills will help ensure criminals who use firearms get tough sentences and serve their time."

"The first bill takes effect January First. It says anyone convicted of using a firearm in places such as public housing, public parks or courthouses faces a mandatory prison sentence of between three and seven years. Currently, a judge determines whether the person would get prison or probation."

"The second bill takes effect immediately. It limits the good conduct credit time prisoners convicted of aggravated discharge of a firearm can get ..."

IN: Criminally insane... but it's not what you think (Blog)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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From Alphapatriot comes this report of a man whose family claimed he was threatening suicide (presumably because he has been battling a life-threatening illness). The response from the police? Invade his home, forcibly put him into a psychiatric hospital for 'evaluation', confiscate all his firearms, and destroy his reloading supplies because the police don't know how to store them properly. The man's firearms and ammunition are being 'held until prosecutors and the county attorney can determine whether Wilkinson is stable enough to have them back'." ...

OR: Safety first, last and always
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A recent day camp on a farm in Oregon’s Willamette Valley exposed more than 250 elementary schoolchildren to some of the dangers that are commonly encountered on and around farms."

"The youngsters, mostly from third-grade classes ... attended 14 sessions on topics such as first aid, gun safety, tractors, fires, lawn equipment and power take-offs." ...

"[Officer] Aaron Bales ... demonstrated the use of gun locks and handed out locks and fingerprint cards to each youngster. ..."

"He showed them a shotgun and a pistol, but he cautioned them about handling them at all: 'If you find a gun, don’t touch it – go tell an adult. You don’t even know whether it’s a toy or real, whether it’s loaded or empty.'" ...

MN: Gun shop loses another round with council
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The owner of the last gun shop in Minneapolis lost another zoning battle Thursday with the City Council, moving him toward closing his store."

"Mark Koscielski, owner of Koscielski's Guns and Ammo at 2926 Chicago Av. S., lost an appeal to the council's Zoning and Planning Committee, which voted against him unanimously. He isn't done yet, however."

"He and his lawyer, Randall Tigue, say they have various legal and city appeals to try. They argue that the city has attempted to put Koscielski out of business with its zoning ordinance, leaving him without viable options for a new location." ...

ME: Brewer Eyes Firearms Restrictions -- Panel Recommends More Limits Because of Increasing Development
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Using a rifle for hunting or target shooting has always been allowed in the city's outlying areas, but increased residential development over the years may result in changes to Brewer's discharge of firearms ordinance."

"An ad hoc committee created in April is recommending that the Brewer City Council amend the firearms ordinance to restrict the use of rifles in about half of the areas of the city that still allow use of guns."

"'The thinking is rifles have a lot longer range than shotguns,' Mayor Joseph Ferris, who initiated the review process, said Tuesday." ...

NY: Ithaca Gun loses buyer, closes its doors
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It was late May and Ithaca Gun Co.'s future finally looked promising."

"Andrew Gibson, the company's potential new owner, met with David Miller, Cayuga County's director of planning and economic development. Gibson, of Scituate, R.I., told Miller how the historically important firearms company was working to resolve some of its financial issues. He said there was new management in place and he showed Miller a new marketing plan, an extensive analysis of costs and a new labor structure. Gibson said he would be investing a significant amount of his own money."

"'He had great enthusiasm and he seemed to understand the business,' Miller said. 'I was very impressed. I don't know what happened to change his mind. It was a complete shock to me.'" ...

UT: Gunning for gold Summer Games shooting draws cross-section of competitors
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Thursday's free pistol competition at the Utah Summer Games drew an interesting cross-section of participants, ranging from first-time participant Leslie Nelson to 20-year veteran Paul Difrancesco. Recent Copper Hills High School graduate Allison Johnson fit neatly in the middle."

"They and about a dozen other participants gathered at the Iron County Shooting Range about 13 miles from downtown Cedar City, braving leaden skies and dusty roads to 'plink' and seek their share of Utah Summer Games medals." ...

AZ: Mesa girl raises her sights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Not many incoming college athletes have the chance to be part of a program's building blocks."

"Consider Mesa's Tanya Gorin, one of the fortunate few."

"Last week, the recent Mountain View High graduate signed a national letter of intent to continue her rifle-shooting career at Texas Christian University."

"One of three recruits in rookie coach Karen Monez's first recruiting class, Gorin will go to Fort Worth as one of the youngest on a young team." ...

Australia: Police alarm at gun thefts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE fear criminals will soon be using more than 30 guns stolen in a robbery on a Melbourne shop. Masked bandits stormed the St Albans gun shop, terrorising the two elderly owners at gunpoint before fleeing with the guns."

"The three armed offenders, wearing balaclavas, entered the front door of the Gunco store in Leslie St about 6pm on Thursday, as the couple were closing up."

"They forced owner Betty Eliades, 67, to the floor at gunpoint and made her husband, Con, 73, unlock the strong room. They carefully selected a cache of guns before fleeing."

"Police said it was the biggest gun shop theft in more than a decade."

"The haul included 30 automatic handguns, believed to be Glock and Magnum pistols, two shotguns and a rifle." ...

UK: Airguns targeted in gun laws clamp
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Tough new laws targeting armed robbers will allow police to arrest people caught carrying unloaded airguns and imitation firearms before they commit a crime, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal today."

"The new gun legislation was due to be considered by a House of Commons committee today and should be law in the province by September."

"The change comes just days after the Telegraph highlighted that the number of violent crimes involving airguns in Northern Ireland is soaring." ...

UK: Police Arrest Violent Gangster 'Untouchables'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed police are targeting an organised criminal gang believed to be behind a terrifying string of robberies in which victims were threatened with guns, Japanese samurai swords and knives."

"Three suspects allegedly linked to the so-called Tottenham Boys were arrested in a raid as they drank in a north London cafe last night."

"The gang are believed to have widened their reign of terror from the 200,000-strong Turkish-speaking community in London to attacking the vulnerable, using blackmail, witness intimidation and extortion."

"Some 15 armed robberies were also allegedly carried out by the group on businesses including snooker halls, clubs and prostitutes’ clients in 'working flats' between April 10 and May 25 this year." ...

UK: Gun crime - In the line of fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE .44 Magnum - one of the most powerful handguns in the world."

"Capable of immense destruction, it was one of 11 guns seized by cops this week. Others included the Beretta .9 millimetre - standard issue of the US Marines. Both were recovered in the first week of Operation Cruise Lambeth - a massive police drive to combat a 44 per cent rise in firearms offences."

"BEN ASHFORD reports..."

"POLICE can defeat the scourge of gun crime and gangster culture - but only with YOUR help."

"That was the hard-hitting verdict of Lambeth's Chief Superintendent Martin Bridger as he unveiled the fearsome arsenal of firearms."

"All were seized from homes across the borough in the last week." ...

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. Indeed I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order. — Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942. (Source: "Hitler's Table-Talk at the Fuehrer's Headquarters 1941-1942", Dr. Henry Picker, ed. (Athenaeum Verlag, Bonn, 1951).)

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