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Newslinks for 6/25/2008

Pimping for NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The recent scare from toxic tomatoes and their swift removal from the marketplace shows an enlightened government moving immediately and decisively to protect human life."

"When it comes to the threat of firearms, with 30 children killed every day along with 52 adults, we find a stunning, dull-witted apathy. If handguns alone - not rifles or shotguns - had extremely tight controls, the death toll would drop precipitously, and America could be as safe as citizens in every other advanced nation. Responsible gun owners share this concern. ..." ...

KABA Note: "30 children killed every day" means anyone under 31 years old is considered a child.

NRA Nemesis Alive and Well, and Supporting Obama
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Even when you're the biggest and toughest of them all there's always somebody there to challenge you, as the National Rifle Association (NRA) has learned. The NRA's two-year-old nemesis, the American Hunters and Shooters Association (ASHA) just won't go away."

"'I’m here to tell you we're alive and well and plan to continue being a viable alternative to the NRA,' announced AHSA President Ray Schoenke at a news conference at the annual conference of the Outdoor Writers Association of America currently being held in Bismarck, North Dakota." ...

"Pushed hard by skeptical writers in the audience, Schoenke declined to say how many members AHSA had, but said that more than a thousand members paid membership dues in the past year." [emphasis added] ...

So Let's Say Justice Scalia Writes D.C. v. Heller ...
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Tomorrow may be the big day. ... Court-watchers have noticed that, with the issuance of yesterday's opinion ... the only case left from the Supreme Court's March sitting is D.C. v. Heller, and the only Justice who hasn't written any majority opinions from that sitting is ... Justice Antonin Scalia. Tom Goldstein thinks it's 'exceptionally likely' that Scalia was assigned to write the Court's lead opinion in the most important Second Amendment case in American history."

"What could that mean for the decision in Heller? As I'll explain, I think a Scalia-authored opinion would be great news for those who are mainly concerned with the Second Amendment as a limit on federal gun control ..." ...

DC: Feelings Mixed Over Pending Ruling on DC Handgun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Supreme Court's decision over the District of Columbia's handgun ban looming, residents and visitors in the nation's capital, in speaking with Cybercast News Service, expressed concern over the direction the Court may take."

"The decision, which is expected this week, will determine the future of Washington's 32-year-old ban on individuals owning handguns."

"Cybercast News Service sampled opinions of D.C. residents and visitors on the ban and on whether they support individual gun ownership." ...

CNN Legal Analyst Spouts Liberal Claims About Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin, when asked about the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling in the DC handgun ban case on Monday’s 'American Morning,' repeated the gun control lobby's argument that 'most federal courts and the Supreme Court has found is that really doesn't mean that you can possess a gun. It means that the military can possess a gun, that it's a collective right.' She later made the usual liberal claim that the current Supreme Court is 'conservative.'" ...

AL: Guns: rights & laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The high court keeps America waiting a few more days"

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

"What do those words really mean? What did they mean when they were ratified as the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? What do they mean today?"

"The American people are divided. So, apparently, is the U.S. Supreme Court, which is expected to rule on the meaning of the Second Amendment when it hands down a decision in a case known as District of Columbia v. Heller." ...

Ireland: I want my gun back: Nally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Manslaughter acquitted Padraig Nally says he now wants gardai to return the gun he used to kill burglar John 'Frog' Ward."

"The Mayo farmer has demanded the return of his shotgun, claiming he is living in fear of being attacked at his home again."

"Mr Nally (64) was cleared of manslaughter after shooting dead Traveller Mr Ward, who he caught breaking into his home four years ago."

"He now maintains: 'Everyone is saying I should have a gun.'"

"Mr Nally said he was informed at the time of the trial that he would not be allowed to have a firearm again under any circumstances, but had since been told he was now entitled to one because of his acquittal." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Brinks Home (False Sense of) Security
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"The commercials are little more than a joke. A couple is at home and in the bedroom when they hear an intruder. Instead of the able-bodied male figure grabbing a gun he slams the flimsy bedroom door cowering behind it."

"An alert looking call center employee calls and asks if everything is alright. When the male homeowner informs the call center of the intruder the call center fellow says, 'Help is on the way!' Everyone is seen smiling. The story ends and everyone lives happily ever after."

"The reality is the call center has to actually get through to the police and then the police must dispatch officers to the scene. ... We can only hope the cops will arrive while the bodies of the homeowners are still warm." ...

Israel: New law allows shooting at burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A license to kill or a leg up for law enforcement - the verdict may still be out, but the Knesset approved into law Tuesday evening the legislation known as the 'Shai Dromi Bill,' ... aimed at giving property owners more freedom to use fatal force against intruders who break into their homes, businesses or farms."

"The legislation, named for the Negev farmer who in January 2007 shot at a group of people who broke into his farm ... Dromi was charged with manslaughter, a decision that caused a public uproar. In the ensuing year, bumper-stickers blossomed on cars nationwide bearing the phrase 'We are all Shai Dromi', expressing lack of public faith in the police's ability to stop property crime, particularly in rural areas." ...

Time running out to comment on park guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Department of Interior proposes to change a long-standing rule in America's national parks that prohibits visitors from keeping loaded firearms within reach. ..." ...

"We suggest that national parks with crowds of people in unfamiliar territory are one of those places for reasonable restrictions to ensure public safety without seriously impinging on Second Amendment rights. The incidence of crime is lower in national parks than in surrounding states. The existing park rules don't take guns away from anyone. They don't keep hunters or other people from bringing their guns on vacation. They simply say the guns can't be loaded and within reach." ...

Proposed National Park gun law changes in final week of comment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal to change firearms regulations in national parks is in its last week of public comment."

"The proposed update to existing regulations would allow an individual to carry a concealed weapon in national parks and wildlife refuges, if the individual has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and is authorized to do so on similar state lands in the state where the park or refuge is located."

"In February, Secretary of Interior, Dick Kempthorne responded to letters from 51 Senators, both Democrat and Republican, urging him to update existing regulations which prohibit carrying firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges." ...

OH: What SB184 means to you: Part II – Seizure and Return of Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... This is part of a series of articles looking at specific sections of the bill and how it will affect you. Keep in mind that I am not an attorney ..." ...

"Sec 2923.163 requires that when a firearm is seized or surrendered to law enforcement, it shall be identified and stored in a manner that it can be returned to the person in the same condition as when it was seized. It further specifies that the court 'shall award reasonable costs and attorney's fees to the person who sought the order to return the firearm' if law enforcement fails to return a firearm when ordered."

"In practical terms, this means that you no longer have to spend $2,000 in legal fees in hopes of recovering your $500 gun. ...

WV: Eastern Panhandle town to drop gun ban proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Mayor David A. Hamill says he doesn’t expect the Ranson City Council to approve a proposed firearms ban because of the opposition it has drawn.

The proposed ordinance would ban firearms from city-owned property. It was drawn up after a man carrying a gun attended a recent semipro football game at Ranson’s Charles C. Marcus Field. The man had a concealed weapons permit but agreed to remove the gun from the field.

The National Rifle Association and the West Virginia Citizens Defense League opposed the proposed ban.

Hamill says he doesn’t believe there is enough support from the council to approve the ban.

Ranson is located near Charles Town, W.Va., in Jefferson County.

NJ: New Jersey Assembly Passes One Handgun A Month Legislation In Major Defeat for Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Assembly, in a bipartisan vote, passed A-339, commonly known as One Handgun A Month, a bill intended to dramatically diminish the illegal intrastate trafficking of handguns by limiting buyers to the purchase of no more than a single handgun in any thirty-day period. A-339 limits only handgun purchases and has no effect on purchases of rifles or shotguns. It also allows the law-abiding to purchase up to 13 handguns per year, hardly a burden."

"Bryan Miller, Executive Director of Ceasefire NJ ... said: 'The Assembly took a strong step today toward making it more difficult for criminals, violent teens, the underaged and the emotionally disturbed to obtain handguns on the illegal market. ..." ...

NJ: Gun Rationing Bill A339 Targets Victims, Interferes With Law Enforcement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New Jersey Court recently pronounced: 'There is no rational relationship between restricting the number of guns that a licensed gun dealer and a licensed gun owner can transact per month and the frequency of illegal gun possession and crime.'"

"In so holding, the Court voided a local ordinance that rationed firearms specifically to law abiding citizens pre-certified by the State as having no criminal or mental health record after passing a 13-point background investigation."

"... The criminal misuse of any lawful product is not a function of the number of units sold to honest citizens; it's a function of how effectively society deals with those who misuse them." ...

CO: Tougher gun laws to get a look
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper will consider tougher gun laws ... after a child was shot in the Curtis Park neighborhood and a gunfight erupted in Lower Downtown over the weekend." ...

"'Let me be clear: This community will not accept violence ...' the mayor said Monday."

"Hickenlooper will look at Denver's gun laws to ensure they are as effective as they can be in keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals and young people." ...

"He offered no specifics but pointed to Philadelphia, where authorities have tried to restrict gun owners to one purchase per month and allow judges to order guns taken from people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others." ...

NY: Ball stands up for Second Amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"This year, the New York Rifle and Pistol Association honored Assemblyman Greg Ball as Legislator of the Year for an unprecedented second year in a row, receiving the award directly from the hand of NRA President John Sigler. Ball was recently awarded an 'A+' rating for his legislative efforts in support of the Second Amendment and was officially endorsed by the National Rifle Association. As an outdoorsman, sportsman, and law-abiding gun owner, I am proud to thank Greg Ball for standing up for all sportspeople's rights in New York."

"We had an assemblyman for 12 years who frequently ran unopposed, yet whose representation of his constituency was indifferent at best. ..." ...

TX: Former officer charged with stealing gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former West Columbia police detective Joseph McElroy is in the Brazoria County Detention Center, charged with pawning a pistol taken from the department's property room."

"McElroy resigned from the West Columbia department May 20 after Chief Michael Palmer asked him to produce a small amount of cocaine that belonged to the department. No charges have been filed against McElroy in connection with the cocaine."

"A subsequent investigation by Texas Rangers showed that McElroy, 32, pawned a Ruger .22-caliber revolver and a woman's ring at a pawn shop in Brazoria for $200."

"The pistol had been included in a list of 28 handguns in the police department property room." ...

MD: Campus police officer charged with forgery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bowie State University campus police officer has been charged with repeatedly forging and counterfeiting prescriptions for a powerful pain medication."

"Cpl. Marc Ducellier was indicted on June 5 and arrested a day later after a Prince George's County grand jury found enough evidence to charge him with forging prescriptions on three occasions in January and using them to obtain oxycodone, a highly addictive drug typically used to ease the pain of late-stage cancer patients."

"According to the 19-count indictment, on Jan. 13, 26 and 31, Ducellier obtained oxycodone by using fake and forged prescriptions. The charges say he counterfeited the prescriptions on each occasion ..." ...

CT: Waterbury officer charged with warning friend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Waterbury police have charged a city police officer with warning a friend about a drug investigation.

Officer Israel Lugo is accused of illegally disclosing information about a state police drug investigation that netted 20 pounds of marijuana.

Police say the 29-year-old officer was arrested Monday, accused of illegally using a police computer to check the license plate of a state police surveillance vehicle.

Police say Lugo is a lifelong friend of 29-year-old Shaun Ducham whose home was raided last Friday. Police say before police raided the home, Ducham suspected he was being followed by police and called Lugo.

PA: Former Officer Sentenced In Prostitute Solicitation
Submitted by: jac

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"A former Pennsylvania police officer has been sentenced to five years probation for soliciting sex from a prostitute while in uniform, then lying to police to cover up the crime."

"Defense attorney Marc Steinberg argued that Thomas Crow was going through a bad marriage last summer and was unhappy with his job ..."

"Crow pleaded guilty and Judge Richard Hodgson sentenced the 36-year-old Montgomery County man on Monday."

"Prosecutor Todd Stephens sought jail time, saying Crow disgraced the badge and the uniform."

"Crow faces a preliminary hearing Wednesday on insurance fraud charges. Prosecutors said he reported some items stolen from his home six years ago, but his estranged wife recently found them in the house."

MN: Lakeville police surprise sleeping man with 3 a.m. reminder to lock his doors
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Troy Molde awoke at 3 a.m. Thursday to police flashlights shining in his face. Two uniformed Lakeville officers were in his bedroom, knocking on the wall to wake him up."

"They were there, they said, to warn him to keep his doors closed and locked."

"Their surprise visit was part of a public service campaign. ..." ...

"'I was violated, but ... I wasn't physically damaged,' Molde said of what he considers an invasion of privacy." ...

"Police said the intrusion was justified because the officers' initial door knocks went unanswered. Police went inside to check if anything was wrong, Sgt. Jim Puncochar said." ...

"'It really was suspicious,' Puncochar said." ...

SC: Store Clerk Shot; Suspect Arrested; K-9 Killed - Deputy Shoots Police Dog After Being Bitten
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Greenville County deputies said a store clerk was wounded and a police dog was killed by a deputy during a chain of related events that began with a fight between a woman and her boyfriend." ...

"When Whitmire ran out the back door, deputies approached the house from several directions, Smith said."

"He said that a deputy released Wes to go after the suspect, but the other deputies did not hear the deputy call out that he had released the dog. Smith said as deputies were handcuffing Whitmire, Wes began to bite the leg of one of the deputies."

"[A witness] said, 'He had to shoot him to get the dog to turn him loose,' she said. 'The dog was biting that leg and wouldn't let it loose.'" ...

Submitter's Note: If a civilian had shot the K9 they would be charged with assaulting a police officer.

IL: Officer charged with restraining, sexually assaulting woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A north suburban police officer is in Lake County Jail on Tuesday after he was charged with restraining a woman and forcing her to perform sexual acts against her will in January."

"Delatwon A. Haynes, 32, of Waukegan, was order held on $2 million bond ..."

"The charges were filed as a result of an investigation prompted by a complaint filed on Jan. 7 ..."

"The woman said that in the early morning hours of Jan. 6, an officer confronted her as she was walking ... he told her to go home."

"About 30 minutes later, the officer confronted the woman again and ordered her into the back of his squad car ... He then told the woman she was 'required' to perform sexual acts with him, after which he released her ..." ...

Israel: Policeman dies from self-inflicted shot at Sarkozy farewell
Submitted by: lior

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"An Israeli Border Policeman on the perimeter of a farewell airport ceremony for French President Nicolas Sarkozy apparently shot himself on Tuesday in a incident that did not endanger the visiting leader, Israel Radio said."

"The shooting occurred while a military band was playing and went unnoticed by Sarkozy and Israeli leaders at the ceremony. Dark-suited men then quickly ushered Sarkozy and his wife up the stairs of their plane. ..." ...

"There were conflicting reports as to the source of the incident. Police and rescue workers initially said the shooting was an apparent suicide, but according to other reports, the officer's weapons was discharged accidentally when he fainted during the ceremony."

ShotSpotter to Deploy 30th ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System, 100th Square Mile of Coverage
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"ShotSpotter, Inc., the world leader in gunshot location systems (GLS) for public safety and the military, announced the thirtieth public safety installation of its flagship product, the ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System, in Nassau County, New York. This deployment brings the total area protected by ShotSpotter GLS systems to approximately 100-square-miles and showcases public safety's increasing reliance on violent crime reduction tools like the ShotSpotter gunshot location technology. Approximately 680,000 residents currently live in an area protected by a ShotSpotter GLS. Each night these systems detect in aggregate between 80 and 150 gunfire incidents nationwide." ...

OR: Ashland Gun Club's lease up for renewal amid complaints
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Reduced hours and other uses for the land are among options the City Council will address when it decides next month whether to renew the Ashland Gun Club's lease for another 10 years."

"The club's lease on 66 acres of land near the municipal airport expires in May. The club has requested the lease be extended to 2029 to secure grants from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Friends of the National Rifle Association for improvements to the site, including lead cleanup. The grants require recipients have at least a 10-year lease agreement."

"Neighbors expressed concerns regarding noise, hours, traffic and lack of environmental testing on possible pollution during a council study session June 17." ...

Canada: Council pulls trigger on gun clubs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two gun clubs on city property - including one in the rafters of Union Station - will get the boot under Mayor David Miller's new rules aimed at curbing the number of handguns in the city, approved yesterday by city council."

"After a near daylong debate, council voted 31-9 for a policy that prevents new gun clubs and manufacturers from setting up in the city."

"The two affected gun clubs - the Scarborough Rifle Club at the Don Montgomery Community Recreation Centre, and the CNRA Gun Club at Union Station - will be given the opportunity to relocate elsewhere on private property."

"Some right-leaning councillors criticized the move as a symbolic gesture that would punish law-abiding gun owners instead of criminals." ...

It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds. — Samuel Adams American Patriot

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