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Newslinks for 6/25/2012

NY: Unplugged metal detector triggers JFK chaos: sources
Submitted by: Anonymous

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These fools are keeping us safe?!?
The TSA’s bungling reached a new low yesterday when a JFK Airport terminal had to be evacuated and hundreds of passengers marched back through security screening all because one dimwitted agent failed to realize his metal detector had been unplugged, sources told The Post.
The stunning error led to hours of delays, two planes called back from the runway and infinite frustration for furious passengers.
“The truth is, this is the failure of the most basic level of diligence,” a law-enforcement source said.
“How can you expect the public to feel confident of the mission of the TSA if they don’t even know if the lights are turned on?”

Obama’s ‘DREAM’ order may give illegal aliens Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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‘DREAM’ order aliens will be more registered and traceable than most US citizens who don't even hold passports, making it substantially more difficult for courts to deny these aliens their Second Amendment rights even under the intermediate scrutiny standard. After all, ‘DREAM order’ aliens are going to be openly working and serving in our national community as teachers, business owners, firefighters, day care workers homemakers, and other vocations where they clearly will be part of “the people” with “substantial connections with this country” as explained in Verdugo-Urquidez.

. . .

AZ: 14-Year-Old Shoots Armed Intruder While Babysitting His Younger Siblings in Phoenix
Submitted by: Wildfire

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A 14-year-old boy shot and nearly killed an intruder who broke into his Phoenix home and pulled a gun on him while he was watching his three younger siblings, police said Saturday.

The teen and his siblings, ages 8, 10 and 12, were at home alone when a woman rang the doorbell on Friday. ..., the boy ... didn’t recognize the woman.
Quickly escalating into a far more dangerous situation, the 14-year-old rushed his siblings upstairs after he heard a loud bang on the door, grabbing his father’s handgun on the way.

When he got to the top of the stairs, he saw an armed man break through the front door and point a gun at him.

NJ: Report: NJ trooper stole $7,000 worth of gasoline
Submitted by: jac

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A veteran New Jersey state police trooper has left the force after admitting he stole more than $7,000 worth of gasoline from state fuel pumps for his personal vehicles, according to a published report.

Citing disciplinary records it obtained, The Star-Ledger of Newark reports the trooper was suspended without pay in March and retired in April. He was not criminally charged.

The trooper stole 3,128 gallons of gas valued at $7,038 from October 2007 to March 2011. He didn't respond to the newspaper's request for comment.

AZ: 14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots, nearly kills armed intruder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 14-year-old boy shot and nearly killed an intruder who broke into his Phoenix home and pulled a gun on him while he was watching his three younger siblings, police said Saturday.
The teen and his siblings, ages 8, 10 and 12, were at home alone when a woman rang the doorbell Friday afternoon, Phoenix police Officer James Holmes said. ...
Soon after, the teen heard a loud bang on the door, rushed his siblings upstairs and got a handgun from his parent's bedroom.
When he got to the top of the stairs, he saw a man break through the front door and point a gun at him.
The boy shot the 37-year-old man, who was taken to a hospital in extremely critical condition and underwent surgery.

NJ: State trooper pumped $7K of gas on the state's dime; theft of fuel for personal use points to a lack of oversight
Submitted by: Anonymous

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For more than three years, a veteran State Police trooper stole thousands of dollars worth of gasoline from state fuel pumps for his personal vehicles without being detected — and when authorities did catch on, he was not charged criminally and was allowed to retire with pension.
Disciplinary records obtained by The Star-Ledger show Staff Sgt. Steven M. Jones admitted in April that he stole 3,128 gallons of gas valued at $7,038 from October 2007 to March 2011. The 25-year trooper then retired under a negotiated plea agreement with internal affairs.

Submitter's comment: The real crime is that this uniformed dirtbag was allowed to retire with a pension. This will cost the taxpayers far more than his gasoline thefts.

WV: National group wants WV to overturn 'stand your ground' law
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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The right to protect one's home with reasonable, sometimes deadly, force has been a common law since before West Virginia's formation.

When legislators made that right an official law in 2008, they expanded it to permit justifiable force away from home and to protect gun owners against civil liability. Similar codes passed by at least 26 states since 2005 have become known as "stand your ground" laws.

UT: Utah shooters spark 20 wildfires -- and a gun rights controversy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That’s the number of wildfires officials believe recreational shooters have caused so far this summer in Utah. One of those wildfires — the Dump fire 40 miles south of Salt Lake City — prompted 2,300 evacuation notices and has led to a 6,023-acre blaze.

It has also led to something of a constitutional controversy in Utah, where state law prevents state agencies from enacting any rule to restrict recreational shooting without the Legislature’s permission — even in areas at high risk for fires, even during a drought.

Don’t Be Paranoid. We’re Out to Get You
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"If Issa really wants to save U.S. and Mexican lives, he should convene hearings on banning the sale of high-powered weapons."

That will reassure Second Amendment enthusiasts who suspect the otherwise indefensible Fast & Furious fiasco was really an effort to lay the groundwork for a … ban on the sale of weapons (by confirming the Mexicans’ complaints about the origin of guns involved in Mexican drug violence).

WA: Local-federal team takes aim at crimes committed with guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Message to the public: For Pete's sake, lock up your guns. It is not an infringement upon anyone's Second Amendment right to require responsible gun ownership, including keeping weapons locked away.

In addition to the plethora of stolen guns, gun owners ought to be persuaded by the heartbreaking Puget Sound-area stories of kids killed by guns they, a sibling or a friend found lying around.

IL: City to revamp gun-control ordinance after loss in court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The city of Chicago is taking another shot at a drafting a gun ordinance it hopes will pass muster with the courts.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is expected to introduce a revised ordinance Wednesday barring anyone with a misdemeanor conviction for a violent crime within five years from obtaining a city gun permit.

The proposal is a reaction to a federal judge’s ruling Tuesday striking down part of the city’s 2010 firearm ordinance.

IL: More than 5,500 guns collected at turn-in program
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I’m quite certain that if you look at some of these heavy weapons, we certainly are making a difference here, just by getting these guns off the street,” McCarthy said at a news conference to show off some of the weapons.

The firearms ranged from an M-60 machine gun and sawed-off shotguns to pen-like “zip” guns that can fire a lethal round.

Of the more than 5,500 weapons, about 700 turned out to be BB-guns or replicas, McCarthy said.

MI: Library wants to keep guns out
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The board wants libraries added to the list following a June 11 gun rally at Shain Park, in which some of the supporters decided to visit the library. All of them were openly armed, which alarmed some of the patrons and employees.

“All eventually exited the building without incident, but some library employees were deeply concerned that this was allowed to happen at all,” Library Director Doug Koschik said Thursday. “The Library Board feels that only law enforcement officials ought to be allowed to bring guns into the library building.”

Arms bill supporters fight claims US citizens will be robbed of guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Advocates of a pending arms trade treaty are billing it as a way to strengthen U.S. import/export laws as they seek to counter claims that it will rob citizens of their guns.

The United Nations is slated to craft a long-delayed international treaty next month, with the Obama administration's blessing. Groups that support the treaty's stated goal of crafting “common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons” are organizing a slew of events starting next week to build support with the U.S. public and a skeptical Senate, which would have to approve it for the United States to join.

Obama Pioneers White House Gun Scandal Cover-Up, says Gun Dean
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"There's no doubt about it now," said Snyder. "President Obama has put himself right in the middle of the Fast and Furious scandal. His invocation of executive privilege places him at the center of the situation as he seeks reelection."

Snyder said that, "Obama's move could be a crucial factor in November. The Fast and Furious scandal has upset the entire Second Amendment community. It also has upset citizens who are sick and tired of government incompetence, chicanery, and deception.

FL: George Zimmerman re-enacts Trayvon Martin shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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George Zimmerman appears believable when he re-enacts for police what he says led to the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, but some of his statements are questionable, lawyers who reviewed the footage said Thursday.

The videotapes and audio released by Zimmerman's attorney give Zimmerman's most detailed account yet of what led to the Feb. 26 shooting, but it still leaves unanswered whether the shooting was justified.

No evidence of White House cover-up in gun case: lawmaker
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The congressman heading an investigation into a botched gun-trafficking case said on Sunday he had no evidence the White House was involved in a cover-up about the operation or in providing misleading information to Congress.

However, Republican Representative Darrell Issa said documents the White House was shielding under an executive privilege claim would shed more light on how much high-level officials knew about a misleading February 4, 2011 letter to Congress denying that guns had been allowed to "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.

FL: Get a big bang out of this giveaway
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The giveaway is a gun. Specificially, a high capacity, 9mm FMK Firearms model 9C1. With a "snag-free design ideal for concealed carry." Believe me, I am not making this up, even though I wish I were.

Of course, gun nuts always come up with ludicrous ways to promote weapons. Just recently — again, I am not making this up — gun fanatics were agog over National Take Your Daughter to the Range Day. Kind of makes your toes tingle, doesn't it?

Anyway, the gun giveaway comes to us courtesy of conservative website the Daily Caller, which proudly states that it is giving away a gun a week until election day (one of the site's "reporters," by the way, boorishly heckled President Obama at his immigration announcement last week. Real classy).

FL: Scott defends RNC gun stance in Tampa speech
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Scott ridiculed a request from Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and the Tampa City Council that he use emergency powers to ban permit holders carrying guns in an "event zone" in downtown around the area of the convention.

Because of state law, the city doesn't have authority to institute such a ban on its own.

"Can you imagine somebody's suggestion that … the governor of the state should say, no, you don't have … your Second Amendment rights, in the city?" he said. "We have the Second Amendment for a reason and that's to make sure that we can always defend our freedom."

Whatever Is Wrong With The Supreme Court Can’t Be Fixed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The second reason, closely related and perhaps a result of the first, is that there are big differences among scholars, judges, and politicians about the meaning of the Constitutional provisions. Political positions are heavily implicated in the constitutional positions. Consider, for a case in point, the Supreme Court's recent decisions on the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Conservatives like to think that there is a remedy for this. They offer such doctrines as original intent and strict construction as ways to distinguish the Constitution as the rules of the game from the actual play on the field. That the Left views conservative judicial decisions as not only wrong but illegitimate tells us that the conservatives have a point.

Guns, politics bad mix in Obama White House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When White House spokesman Jay Carney said in his briefing that the claim of executive privilege was all about principle, reporters laughed. Executive privilege is important to protecting communications involving the president and his staff. It was never meant as an all-purpose shield to keep cabinet agencies from having to cooperate with congressional investigations. Obama’s claim in this instance is so risible it naturally raises the suspicion that the documents must contain more discomfiting information for Holder.

WI: Who gets to 'carry' at county courthouse?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The crux of the dispute is simple. The new concealed carry law passed by the legislature explicitly allows prosecutors to have weapons in state courtrooms. The judges in Oshkosh don't like that. In a series of court orders, they have created their own law. They say prosecutors must get written permission to carry a weapon and are threatening to throw any prosecutors who fail to comply into a cell.

"I think it is a little bit personal," said Gossett, "but what is weird is it was unprovoked."

Canada: Banning bullets: Toronto councillor shoots from the lip and misses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Canada's stringent requirements for gun ownership, storage and licensing already weed out those prone to impulsive acts of violence. But if Vaughan won't be swayed by factual explanations from people such as his own police chief, Bill Blair, perhaps he might drop in to one of the several revolver clubs in the metro Toronto area.

Guam: Gun owners must be responsible
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The shooters apparently did not evaluate the location of several homes when they decided to shoot into the side of a small hill. They fired several shots. Unfortunately, the berm was too low for safe fire. The errant rounds traveled over the nearby homes, which are directly in the line of fire. The astonished homeowners feared for their lives as the bullets streaked over their heads.

A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless. — Justice Antonin Scalia

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