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Newslinks for 6/26/2003

UK: Firearms amnesty slammed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun shop owners in Coventry and Warwickshire yesterday claimed the recent firearms amnesty was a 'smokescreen' to mask the problem of gun crime."

"More than 1,200 firearms and over 53,000 rounds of ammunition were handed in to West Midlands police stations during the month-long amnesty."

"Police are adamant that the campaign was a success, stressing it had pulled hundreds of deadly weapons off the streets."

A Critique of the Declaration of Independence
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Thus, there never has been, is not and will likely never be such an entity as 'one people' - a collection of humans which jointly thinks and acts as one simply does not exist (humans are not 'Borg'). Given this obvious fact of nature, it was both presumptuous and factually false for the Framers to declare that they were speaking for all the people within the thirteen colonies. Moreover, this exaggeration was entirely unnecessary, since all that each of them needed to do was to declare his own individual independence, and that of any particular individual who he knew for certain to agree with him and had given him permission to do so. This same philosophically flawed collectivist thinking and pompous language, by which the Framers presume to represent the views of all, continues throughout TDOI (and, of course, has now become a characteristic of politicians, 'leaders' and 'public' officials - not to mention social philosophers - everywhere). It was truly unfortunate that the Framers did not recognize that humans are individually thinking, independent volitional beings each of whom can only evaluate for himself according to his own personal inner value code - a code moreover which is unknowable in any significant detail by anyone else. Or if they did realize this fact of reality, that they did not give it a fundamental role in their Declaration."

UK: 'Tough justice' for criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. Brennan, a serving police officer, said there was 105 organisations to represent the criminal."

"This country is sick and tired of people like the bishop pontificating on how society should behave towards the offenders."

"We rarely, if ever, hear condemnation of those that blight society through burglary, robbery, rape and by carrying guns."

Notice how carrying a gun, regardless whether or not it is for self defense, is comparable to burglary and rape in the eyes of this particular Brit. It's a "blight" to effectively defend yourself against all those well-represented criminals, apparently.

OH: Vermont/Alaska for 5 months and counting - 'NO PROBLEMS'
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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"Local law-enforcement officials say a February ruling in Seneca County Common Pleas Court which found Ohio's law against carrying a concealed weapon to be unconstitutional has had little impact on day-to-day operations." ...

"Records from his office show that deputies have responded to three calls originally reported as having a weapon involved since the ruling was issued, and none between the first of the year and the ruling."

UT: Judge Upholds Part of New Initiatives Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge has upheld part of the state's new initiatives law but left open the possibility that a more comprehensive challenge could be mounted to the law." ...

"The Utah Safe to Learn-Safe to Worship Coalition has been trying to get an initiative on the ballot to ban guns from schools and churches."

UK: MPS to back tougher laws on fireworks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tougher fireworks laws were due to be included in anti-social behaviour legislation being finalised today in Parliament."

"They were to be tagged onto the final stages of the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill - as an insurance policy against the Private Member's Fireworks Bill being scuppered in the Lords next Friday. The Post has been campaigning for better firework safety through its Be Safe Not Sorry campaign."

"Amendments to the anti-social behaviour legislation were being planned to cover limited areas of the misuse of fireworks, such as throwing them, causing excessive noise and a nuisance."

Turkey: Kurdish woman abducted, raped and tortured by Turkish police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rape of Gulbahar Gunduz is an attack on everyone who fights for justice and peace. Member of DEHAP Women’s Section Istanbul Committee Gulbahar Gunduz was abducted this week by police, raped, and tortured for eight hours. This is a deliberate attack on women because they are active in the battle for peace, democracy and justice in many parts of the world, not only in Turkey and Kurdistan."

Iraq: Dispute over killing of U.K. troops
Submitted by: Michael Lomker

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"Armed Iraqis killed two of the British soldiers on Tuesday at the scene of the demonstration — in front of the mayor’s office — and then stormed a police station and killed four other British soldiers after a two-hour gunbattle, a pair of Iraqi policemen who were at the scene told the Associated Press."

"The violent demonstration was the second in two days, apparently sparked by British soldiers’ searches for heavy weapons in homes, said Abu Zahraa, a 30-year-old vendor."

It would seem that the Iraqi people don't appreciate being disarmed. A pity that the British don't see the irony in this.

UK: "I feared for my life" says murder accused
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A Newsome man stabbed a woman's ex-boyfriend because he feared for his life, a court heard."

"Murder accused James Robert Samuels, 22, of Littlewood Croft, told the jury at Leeds Crown Court that he acted in self-defence when he stabbed 18-year-old Mark Fisher at the home of his friend and Fisher's ex-girlfriend, Kristienne Wood."

No such thing as self-defense in the UK anymore...

UK: Musician Leads Campaign Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After being released from jail for carrying a loaded firearm, Asher D, a member of the group So Solid Crew, said he would help fight to curb gun violence."

"The 20-year-old is helping to launch the Disarm campaign so that young people can learn from his mistake."

" 'If you carry a gun you could end up having a gun to your head and being killed,' he said. 'To some, weapons have a feeling of power. But guns lead to death. If we get one gun off the street then that's a good thing.' "

Guns also save lives. But, of course, the disarmed populace of the UK doesn't realize this, as they're constantly left at the mercy of armed criminals.

GA: Hall deputy, Gainesville woman bitten in dog attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Gainesville woman and a Hall County Sheriff's Office deputy were injured Saturday in separate attacks by a pack of mixed-breed dogs."

"According to [a] Sheriff's Office spokesman, Maria Andrade was walking around 5 p.m. when four dogs came after her, knocking her down."

" 'She was being treated by Hall County EMS when the dogs threatened again,' he said. 'Deputies were called for assistance while EMS waited for animal control to get there.' "

Note that neither woman was armed and had to rely on the police to come protect them from charging animals, instead of taking responsibility for their own safety.

Teens Victimized in Boy Scouts' Police Explorers Program
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"At least a dozen teenagers assigned to work with police departments as part of the Boy Scouts' Law Enforcement Explorers program have been sexually abused by officers during the past year. In the past five years, such molestations number at least 25, according to criminologists' research being released Wednesday."

"Almost half of the reported teenage victims of police sexual abuse in the past decade were enrolled in police Explorer programs".

CA: Father caught in violent feud between two Asian gangs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When Soeun Hem fled war-torn Cambodia 24 years ago, he vowed he would never pick up a gun again. As a member of the Cambodian monarchy's special forces, the opposition to the ruthless communist Khmer Rouge, he had seen enough killing."

"But Friday, the 43-year-old Stockton translator and paralegal took up a shotgun. Hem was trying to defend himself and his family from alleged gang members who had showered his north Stockton home with bullets."

"His home was hit 43 times."

OH: Taft aides meet with lawmakers about weapons bill
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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"The two lawmakers in charge of getting a concealed weapons bill through the Legislature met with Governor Taft's top aides to try to work out an agreement that will satisfy all sides on the matter."

"Representative Jim Aslanides, a Coshocton Republican who sponsored the bill, and Senator Steve Austria, a Beavercreek Republican who carried the bill in the Senate, met for about an hour with Taft's aides yesterday. Talks continued last night between representatives of the Senate, House, and governor’s office as lawmakers moved toward recessing for the summer."

"Taft supports the Senate version of the bill, but not the House version. It's the first time Taft has supported any bill allowing Ohioans to carry hidden guns."

UK: Give Police help in gun crime battle
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Police were today briefing MPs on the problems of gun crime in inner cities, including Bristol. The House of Commons all-party parliamentary group on gun crime has launched an inquiry into what their chairwoman described as a surge in violence involving firearms over recent years."

"In Bristol there has been a massive 200 per cent rise in the number of armed operations carried out by police."

TX: Better an M-16 (Letter)
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"I doubt, however, that the modern issue of gun control would have ever come up if the small arms industry had not advanced and only muzzleloaders were available, ready to be used by mentally ill teenagers, gang members, and criminals, as well as the honest public."

"Honesty would have been better served had Heston held an M-16 assault rifle over his head and uttered those immortal words: '...not from my cold, dead hands.' "

I agree, better an M-16, but for different reasons!

MI: Cop's case heads to trial
Submitted by: Earl Ott

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"Craig Brown will stand trial on charges he allegedly sold steroids."

"After a preliminary exam Wednesday, District Judge Laura Barnard bound the Almont police officer over to Circuit Court on three counts of delivery of anabolic steroids, a seven-year felony, and neglect of duty as an officer, a misdemeanor offense."

"Brown is free on a $25,000 personal recognizance bond. He’ll be back in court on July 28."

WV: Vacationing officers nab shooting suspect at campsite
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Camping in West Virginia last weekend, a pair of county police officers hoped to focus on family."

"A shotgun-toting man changed that Sunday when he allegedly fired on a camper in a bizarre attack spurring the officers into action." ...

" 'There's no telling how many lives those men saved Sunday afternoon,' said Sgt. Sam Harmon of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department. 'These guys are my heroes for life.' "

Good thing there were people with guns there!

PA: Sidorek medals at State Junior Olympics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Corey Sidorek, 17, of Beaumont, recently took a gold and a silver medal at the Pennsylvania State Junior Olympics."

"Corey, son of Roxanne and Leon Sidorek, is training to become a world class shooter, with an eye on the Olympic Games."

"He competed in the Pennsylvania State Junior Olympics on May 16 and placed second in Olympic double trap and first in Olympic trap."

"He began shooting when he was 15, going to sporting clay events with his Uncle Paul."

OH: Concealed carry appears to be dead
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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"At least one news organization (the Ohio News Network) is reporting that HB12 'appears to be dead.' Others seem to be suggesting that summer break will be used as a cool-down period, and that the matter will be readdressed when the General Assembly reconvenes."

"Representatives from Governor Taft's office and the Legislature ended talks aimed at reaching a compromise Wednesday. Lawmakers are scheduled to leave the Statehouse Thursday for the summer."

UK: Innocent game sparks armed alert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An innocent game plunged a quiet village into mayhem when three schoolboys who appeared to be brandishing firearms sparked a full-scale armed incident." ...

"A police spokesman said no action would be taken against the boys but urged people not to play with imitation firearms."

" 'We treat each incident as if it is genuine. . . . we cannot afford to deal with matters like this lightly... Anything that could be a risk to the public has to be dealt with to ensure public safety."

UK: Warning over rifle gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have today issued a stern warning after youths were spotted with air rifles."

"Several people rang in after spotting the groups roaming the Moldgreen and Dalton areas firing the weapons..."

"Sgt. Tim O'Sullivan, of Huddersfield police, said: 'Reports involving weapons are treated extremely seriously and people should never take them on to the streets.' "

MI: Johnston student suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 16-year-old A.D. Johnston High School student who manufactured look-alike weapons in his shop class will be suspended for a year, the Bessemer Area School Board decided Monday."

"A suspension differs from expulsion in that the student can return to the school if he meets certain criteria. An expulsion would be for a term longer than 181 days, effectively preventing him from returning."

For making fake weapons. Zero tolerance requires zero sense.

UT: Jordan District Teachers get Preliminary OK to Carry Weapons
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"The Jordan School Board gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a policy outlining the conditions under which district employees may carry a concealed weapon on school property with a valid permit."

"Employees must keep the weapon concealed and employees who legally use a concealed weapon on school grounds do so in their individual capacities, not their scope of employment."

"The Jordan board will formally vote on the policy at its July 16 meeting."


MN: Ramsey County bans guns from its buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ramsey County Board decided Tuesday to ban guns from all county buildings, saying it's the right thing to do to protect its employees and the public."

"Dismissing threats of being sued by proponents of Minnesota's new conceal-and-carry law, commissioners voted 5 to 2 in favor of the ban, making it a misdemeanor to carry a gun or other dangerous weapon into any of the county's 48 buildings, including libraries, ice arenas and its nursing home. Ramsey County already bans guns at its parks, beaches and golf courses. The gun prohibition goes into effect in 30 days."

It's not their property - it belongs to the taxpayers - to us.

OH: Editorial - Taft, Senate blocking rights
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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"Gov. Bob Taft and Ohio Senate President Doug White stubbornly are blocking Ohioans' right to carry concealed weapons. The Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice last week altered a bill passed by the House of Representatives, and now White refuses to name conferees to iron out differences in the bills until the House and Taft resolve their differences."

"So much for political leadership from the Senate."

Canada: Gun registry boss spent $205,000 travelling to work in Ottawa from Edmonton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former federal gun registry boss lived only a hop, skip - and a plane ride through two time zones away from Ottawa, where his job required him to attend frequent meetings at a cost to taxpayers of $205,000."

"The Canadian Alliance pounced on the information Wednesday, calling it the latest example of government waste. Taxpayers funded 56 trips to Ottawa from Gary Webster's home in Edmonton."

Would this explain at least some of the cost overruns of this bureaucratic fiasco?

Do Guns Keep Communities Safe from Burglary?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We didn't intend this article to be a risk/benefit assessment of people owning a gun, but more about whether you want to live in a neighborhood where your neighbors own guns. Our research shows that if your neighbors are heavily armed, you're not getting any protection. In fact, it might makes things more dicey. That dovetails nicely with Dr. David Hemenway's research. He asks: Do you feel safe with a gun in your home? Most people say yes. Then he asks: would you feel safer if your neighbors had guns. Most say no."

MN: Women’s shooting firearm safety classes offered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Women have an opportunity to join the rapidly growing segment of outdoor enthusiasts who are enjoying shooting sports."

"The Minnesota Becoming An Outdoors Woman (BOW) program is offering a pair of courses in July and August to teach firearm safety and trap shooting, according to Jean Bergerson, BOW coordinator."

MN: No guns allowed in Hennepin County buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners has passed a resolution prohibiting possession of dangerous weapons in any building owned, leased, or controlled by the county in which county business is conducted." ...

" 'Citizens who visit Hennepin County buildings, as well as the employees who work there, should not have to worry about their safety,' said Dorfman."

And what exactly would the employees have to fear from law-abiding citizens who have already jumped through a myriad of bureaucratic hoops just to be granted permission from the nanny state to be armed?

AL: Guns and teens (letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old boy shoots and kills a store owner at 3 a.m. and a caller asks 'Why was the boy allowed to be out at 3 a.m.?' A bigger question as far as I am concerned is, 'Where did he get the gun?' I bet the NRA had something to do with that."

Of course it had to be the NRA. It couldn't be that he was a gang-banging little thug who picked it up (illegally) on the street.

MN: Guns banned from Crow Wing County courtrooms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Signs will be posted on the doors and walls of Crow Wing County courtrooms banning people from carrying any firearms into these facilities." ...

"This order does not apply to licensed peace officers or federally authorized law enforcement agents who have their badge conspicuously displayed."

"County Chair Dewey Tautges said there is no reason for anyone to carry a gun while they are conducting county business at the courthouse."

Then why the exemption for LEO's? Why create an elite class of people who don't need to abide by absurd directives?

Iraq: Shia anger at British search for arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The problem in Majar started on Sunday, when a dawn raid by British troops with dogs aimed at confiscating weapons angered residents."

" 'They kicked down our doors,' said a man sitting at the police station named Abu Zahra on Wednesday. 'When our dogs barked, they shot our dogs.' "

"The next day, the town held a demonstration against the continued searches."

And now six soldiers are dead because of gun grabbing.

MN: Concealed guns are banned on any city property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Virginia City Council Tuesday approved an ordinance that prohibits firearms on city property, which is contrary to a new state law."

"Councilor Charlie Baribeau supported defying the state law and said it was “crazy’’ that city buildings weren’t exempted in the first place."

"The new city ordinance defines city property as any building or recreation center that is owned or controlled by the city."

But, again, they aren't your buildings, they are our buildings - we, the taxpayers.

Iraq: Weapons searches caused shootings say Iraq (Another report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anger over weapons searches in private homes triggered the killing of six British soldiers in the southern Shi'ite town of Majjar, Iraqis claimed last night."

"Residents and witnesses said tensions had been running high as the British military policemen used sniffer dogs and aggressively searched local homes."

WI: Wisconsin Group Wants Tougher Ban On "Assault" Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, or WAVE spoke about the National Rifle Association's stance against renewing the ban."

" 'Their position may be good for street criminals. Their position may be good for terrorists, but their position sure isn't good for police officers or for law-abiding citizens and responsible gun owners,' said Dan Ullrich of WAVE."

Of course the fact that these weapons are HARDLY EVER used in crimes does nothing to stop their histrionics.

Games medalists in ESPY hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gold medals are special enough. But four ESPN Great Outdoor Games medalists have an opportunity to double the value of a gold with one of sports' most prestigious awards."

"Those four medalists have been nominated for ESPY Awards, which celebrate crowning achievements, relive memorable moments and recognize top performers and performances." ...

PA: At special camp, women learn outdoor skills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" 'Women in the Outdoors' is an outdoor educational workshop designed for women from ages 12 to 100. Activities on Saturday spanned the gamut of outdoor recreation, from archery and rifle marksmanship to Dutch oven cooking and bird watching."

"Workshops included fly fishing, turkey hunting, canoeing, shot gunning, orienteering and survival skills."

UK: 8-year-olds face electronic tagging
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In an effort to crack down on an epidemic of youth crime, Scotland is considering a proposal to electronically tag repeat offenders, possibly as young as eight years old, the daily Scotsman reported."

By Fusing Images, Lehigh Professor Detects Concealed Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As a car pulls up to a checkpoint in Iraq, wary American soldiers scan driver and passengers, wondering if one of them is preparing to fire a hidden gun."

"As VIPs line up for a reception with the President and foreign leaders, impassive security guards look each person up and down, alert to any clue of malicious intent."

"Rick Blum, professor of electrical and computer engineering, hopes to equip these soldiers and security guards with a device that can save them a few potentially life-saving seconds in the search for concealed weapons."

"Blum and his graduate students have devised a system that combines a photo taken by an optical camera with a photo of the same subject taken by a millimeter-wave camera (MMW). The result is a composite photo that exposes much more than either photo reveals by itself."

OH: Gun bill's fate negotiated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The fate of a bill allowing Ohioans to carry concealed handguns now rests with ongoing negotiations between legislators and the governor's office."

"Representatives of the House, Senate and governor sat down Tuesday to seek a compromise on the gun bill, which Gov. Bob Taft said he will sign in its current form."

"But the bill is unacceptable to many in the Ohio House who oppose a provision that eliminates a person's ability to carry a gun in a vehicle without a permit. Current law allows a concealed handgun if a person's life is in danger, or if he performs a dangerous job."

Guns, Self-defense, and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"The right to own a firearm, is based on the right to self-defense, i.e., the right to those means to defend oneself against those who wish to destroy one's life. The right to self-defense is itself is a corollary of the right to life (a corollary is here defined as a self-evident implication of a general principle)."

"It would be absurd to say one has the right to life, but does not have the right to the means necessary to protect that life. It would be like saying one has the right to life, but not the right to purchase food. Yet, this is what opponents to the right to own a gun are really against: the right to life."

UK: Man arrested after school gun incident (Alternate report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Drama unfolded at a Norfolk school at leaving time this afternoon when a man was spotted near the school gates with a handgun."

"Around 200 children were told to stay behind closed doors by the headteacher of Coltishall Primary while police, some of them armed, hunted the gunman and arrested him."

"The crisis lasted for around an hour and a quarter, with children being entertained by parents and staff while police officers and the force helicopter scoured the area around the school."

UK: Gunman arrested near school
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Armed police have arrested a man after he was seen brandishing a gun outside a school at Coltishall, Norfolk, on Wednesday afternoon."

"The man was spotted by a parent of a pupil at Coltishall Primary School at about 1515 BST."

"The parent told school staff who then called Norfolk Police."

"The police helicopter and an armed response team were brought in to deal with the incident."

NC: House Tenatively Approves Gun Seizure Bill
Submitted by: Paul.Parker

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"The state House has tentatively approved a bill that would allow judges to seize the guns of people who have domestic violence orders issued against them."

"The proposal would require judges to take any guns from defendants in certain circumstances when they are ordered to stay away from a spouse or lover. Guns could be seized if the person has threatened to use deadly force against a spouse or lover, has injured the person taking out the order or a child, or threatened to commit suicide."

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. — RONALD REAGAN (1986)

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