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Newslinks for 6/26/2006

UN hosts worldwide assault on gun owners
Submitted by: News Director

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"...On the surface, it appears to be a treaty among nations to reduce the illegal trafficking of small military arms and light weapons in order to curb civil strife in some countries by establishing general guidelines for the manufacture and import and export and possession of those firearms."

"But to Americans, who are too smart to swallow this façade, it's no doubt a worldwide assault on the private ownership of firearms by peaceful, law-abiding U.S. citizens by super ceding our national and state laws and our Constitution, and those of other nations. ..."

Owning a Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"As one might expect of a man so brilliant, Thomas Jefferson had the perfect answer to modern politicians itchy to disarm the ordinary citizen."

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

"This is an entry in his Commonplace Book, dated sometime between 1774 and 1776."

"Can anyone argue against his logic? ..."

Canada: 'Bodies' push to keep gun registry
Submitted by: News Director

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"The outlines of bodies on the pavement of Queen St. W. made passersby stop and look yesterday."

"Four 'crime scenes' from John St. to Yonge St. were set up by International Action Network on Small Arms Youth Network to raise awareness of gun violence in the world." ...

"IANSA Youth said half the illegal handguns come from the U.S., and about 800 people are killed in Canada with guns each year, including suicides and accidents."

KS: Kansans plan for new gun permits
Submitted by: News Director

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"Don Holman is bracing for an onslaught of business."

"Come July 1, Kansans can apply for permits to carry concealed handguns."

"Holman, owner of the Bullet Stop, 2625 W. Pawnee in Wichita, saw a 30 percent spike in sales when lawmakers passed the new law earlier this year over Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' veto."

"He's expecting more sales as people begin applying, even though no permits will be issued before Jan. 1."

CA: La Verne to help police buy gun safes
Submitted by: News Director

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"City police officers will have extra security for their firearms when off-duty through a loan program offered by the city and the police department intended to help officers purchase safes for their guns."

"The program is one of the new initiatives listed in the La Verne's 2006-07 fiscal year budget for the police department."

"It will be implemented next month and allows for officers to receive an advance of $400 from the city to buy a pre-approved safe. The money will be reimbursed within two years through automatic deductions from their paycheck."

Gun Rights Protest Scheduled at the UN Monday June 26 10:00 AM
Submitted by: News Director

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"Who: The 'U.N.-Welcome' protest event is organized by Gun Rights Activism Partners, a new organization devoted solely to doing political activism in support of the individual's human right to own and carry concealed firearms and to excercise their human right of self-defense. Gun Rights Activism Partners was founded by Dave Forgione, Stephen Harwood and Nic Leobold, each of whom are gun rights activists in New York City and who are concerned about the increasing erosion of the individual rights, propery rights, freedom, self-ownership, and privacy security of the American people."

UK: "He told me he was a policeman and he could do what he wanted. ..."
Submitted by: News Director

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"...He has returned more than 50 balls to policeman neighbour Stewart Bosworth and his two sons over the last two years."

"But when one leather ball crashed into his greenhouse recently, breaking a pane, the retired taxi firm manager decided to take a stand and refused to hand it back."

"The incident prompted Sergeant Bosworth to call in four colleagues from Warwickshire police to arrest Mr Markham, 68, for alleged theft of the ball." ...

"I told Stewart I would only return me the ball if he guaranteed this wouldn't happen again, but he refused..."

"He told me he was a policeman and he could do what he wanted. The next thing I knew, two police officers turned up saying they were investigating the theft of a football."

Josh Sugarmann: Want to Know the Top Crime Gun? Tough Luck
Submitted by: News Director

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"Before the ban, the publicly available tracing data was used by city officials and law enforcement agencies to determine the sources of illegally trafficked firearms and identify the top guns traced to crime. ..."

"The non-disclosure language prohibits ATF from releasing information related to crime gun traces performed by the agency except in connection with a bona fide criminal investigation. ..."

MA: Warren police officer charged with pointed gun on colleague
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Warren police sergeant is facing charges that he pointed a gun on a colleague."

"A criminal complaint has been issued against Sgt. Jeffrey Y. Bednarz, 27, charging him with one count of assault with a dangerous weapon after a show-cause hearing Thursday."

"Bednarz will be arraigned on Aug. 28."

"Bednarz allegedly pointed a pistol at Patrolman Mark J. Chase, 32, while the two sat in a marked police cruiser last November, according to a statement filed by the district attorney's office in support of the complaint."

GA: Off-duty officer kills gunman at sports bar
Submitted by: News Director

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"Authorities say an off-duty Clayton County police officer exchanged gunfire and killed a 23-year-old man outside a sports bar last night."

"Clayton County Assistant Police Chief Jeff Turner says the officer -- who was not identified -- was visiting the Sports Emporium Cafe to honor the birthday of his son, who was killed by gunfire outside an Atlanta nightclub several months ago."

"Turner says the officer overheard an argument between four or five men. Turner says one of the men pulled a gun and shot one of the other men in the shoulder, which prompted the officer to pull his own gun."

Canada: Caledon OPP officer faces gun-related charges
Submitted by: News Director

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"A veteran provincial police officer is facing two charges after allegedly pointing his firearm at a colleague."

"Thirty-seven-year-old Const. Sanjiv Parashar of Brampton, Ont., was arrested today and appeared in court to face charges of pointing a firearm and assault with a weapon."

East Timor: Gusmao acts on civilian gun fears
Submitted by: News Director

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"AT his home yesterday, East Timor's President Xanana Gusmao accepted weapons handed over by civilians."

"Mr Gusmao said he expected more people to turn in their arms as the political crisis dragged on."

"The popular president, embroiled in a stand-off with Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri over recent violence, was handed seven rifles by civilians."

"However, he declined to allow the civilians to be named or be photographed."

OH: Political rivals stake outcommon ground on guns
Submitted by: News Director

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"Ohio’s marquee statewide races make for a strange summer double feature: Dirty Harry and Bambi."

"In one, the Democrat and the Republican are sniping over who supports gun rights more. In the other, the candidates have gun control groups doe-eyed." ...

"Mr. Irvine’s organization and other pro-gun groups praise both Republican Ken Blackwell and Democrat Ted Strickland, the leading candidates for governor. Gun-control proponents prefer Republican Mike DeWine and Democrat Sherrod Brown, who are running for Mr. DeWine’s U.S. Senate seat."

Canada: Is Harper trading guns for votes?
Submitted by: News Director

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"You have to hand it to the federal Conservative government spin doctors. They would have us believe that Stephen Harper's government is big on fighting crime."

"So why, then, is the government ignoring protests of police organizations across the country by announcing an amnesty on long-gun registration and licensing renewals, a waiving of long-gun owner licensing fees and introducing legislation to scrap the highly successful long-gun registry?"

For Mary's sake, bring in gun control
Submitted by: News Director

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"Tomorrow, the UN world conference on the small-arms and light-weapons trade begins in New York, a chance for world governments to stop the uncontrolled flow of weapons around the world."

"Every year, small arms kill more people than the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A survey just released by the Control Arms Campaign shows that almost one in three people across six selected countries - UK, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Guatemala and India - has been affected by gun crime in the last five years. In countries such as South Africa and Brazil, that figure rises to more than half."

Australia: 200 police to miss gun training deadline
Submitted by: News Director

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"The New South Wales Opposition is calling on the Government to extend a deadline for police gun training to prevent hundreds of detectives being removed from frontline duties."

"The Opposition's police spokesman Michael Gallacher says officers have until Friday to complete the live fire training."

"There are more than 200 officers from the State Crime Command still to undergo the training."

MA: Is that a gun?
Submitted by: News Director

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"As summer heats up and guns proliferate on the streets of the cities of Massachusetts, a recent appeals court ruling restricting 'stop-and-frisk' procedures is frustrating police and upsetting neighborhood leaders but encouraging some criminologists and defense attorneys for what it says about the rights of a person who finds himself walking the sidewalks of a high-crime area."

"New Bedford Chief of Police Ronald Teachman told The Standard-Times that the state Court of Appeals' 2-1 ruling in a Dorchester case is a 'horrible decision,' and for now, while a further appeal runs its course, city police will be 'instructed to do their job as they're doing it.'"

MA: Buyback brings in 382 weapons so far
Submitted by: News Director

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"Pistols, revolvers, semi automatics, and other guns filled six long tables at Boston police headquarters yesterday, all collected during the first two weeks of a month long gun buyback program."

"The 382 weapons -- .44, .45, and other high-caliber guns -- included some worth up to $700 on the street, police said. There was also a Remington shotgun with an estimated street value of $800."

South Africa: In the shadow of the gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"Shootings, most of them fatal, by hand-held guns and other small arms are the leading cause of non-natural deaths in South Africa, far in excess of road accident fatalities. Every day newspapers carry grisly accounts of four-year-olds accidentally killing someone with their father’s gun, of husbands shooting wives and of bank robbers storming shopping malls with AK-47 assault rifles."

"A recent report by Oxfam estimates that more than 100,000 South Africans died in gun-related violence in the first 10 years of their country’s post-1994 democratic transition."

NY: New York police find a flashlight that fires bullet
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Narcotics officers investigating a drug crew in New York have made a startling discovery — a gun disguised as a flashlight, law enforcement sources said."

"The flashlight gun, as Police Commissioner Ray Kelly noted in a departmental order issued recently, 'has the appearance of a flashlight but is capable of firing a round.'"

NY: Got an illegal gun? State says you could do time, no matter what
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The simple act of possessing an illegal, loaded handgun could mean a stint behind bars under legislation passed yesterday by the Democrat-ruled Assembly."

"The law, sponsored by Assemblyman John Lavelle (D-North Shore), also won approval in the GOP-ruled Senate under state Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn)."

NY: Hizzoner's fan of new pistol law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg yesterday hailed the state Legislature's passage of tougher sentencing laws on handguns, calling it a 'major victory for all law-abiding residents of our city and state.'"

"The Democrat-dominated Assembly and the Republican-run Senate voted to increase the mandatory minimum sentence for illegal possession of a single loaded handgun to 31/2 years."

"Bloomberg, who has made fighting gun violence a cornerstone of his second term, said Albany's move fulfilled a goal he set out in his State of the City address."

NY: L.I. woman slays armed ex
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Long Island woman shot her armed ex-boyfriend to death when he barged into her bedroom early yesterday morning, police said." ...

"Lama told police that Travers had physically abused her in the past. She said the two had not been romantically involved for years, but Travers had been stalking her."

CA: Annual NRA dinner and auction to be held
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sellouts have occurred three years in a row for the National Rifle Association annual dinner and auction that directly benefits many of the local area shooting sports. This must-do event for the sportsmen and sportswomen of the greater Tehachapi area is on schedule once again for this year."

"This year’s banquet will be held on the evening of Aug. 5 at the Benz Barn in Bear Valley Springs. Dinner will be the Central California stole, a man-sized tri-tip barbecue, served with all the trimmings. Its hearty flavor satisfies and fills like no other. Of course, it’s still true that man, and woman, does not live by food alone, so a full bar will also be available."

NY: Police: L.I. woman shoots ex-boyfriend in her bedroom
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Long Island woman used a gun she kept by her bed to fatally shoot her ex-boyfriend when he turned up in her bedroom as she slept early Saturday morning, police said."

"The woman told police she had the shotgun for protection."

"Her ex-boyfriend, Robert Travers, 50, died at her house in Huntington Station ..."

New group defies NRA, Brady outfit on gun issues
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Robert Ricker wants people to take a close look at him and not be afraid." ...

"Not everyone would agree."

"Ricker is executive director of the American Hunters and Shooters Association, an organization that stepped under the microscope this past week at the Outdoor Writers Association of America annual conference in Lake Charles, La."

"Still in its infancy, Ricker’s group says it wants to provide alternative representation for gun owners – specifically hunters and target shooters – in a way that, according to its Web site, 'represents their views, avoids angry political rhetoric and delivers well thought out, rational programs and policy proposals.'"

KABA Note: In other words, compromise away our rights.

NY: Pols shoot for guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun-toting thugs will end up doing hard time under a measure passed by the Senate and Assembly yesterday."

"The legislation, which is backed by both Gov. Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg, is designed to protect both cops and average citizens from gunslingers, said state Sen. Marty Golden (R-Brooklyn), the bill's prime sponsor."

DE: Time runs out on concealed-handgun bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Legislation to make it easier to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun is dead for this legislative session, the bill's chief sponsor said Friday."

"Rep. Deborah Hudson, R-Fairthorne, said she wanted more time for the Attorney General's Office, the Delaware Police Chiefs Council and the National Rifle Association to produce a compromise bill."

The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society. — HENRIK IBSEN (1877)

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