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Newslinks for 6/26/2012

Apologists resort to talking point ridicule, attacks as contempt vote looms
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The 'sideshow' analogy is curious, but hardly a coincidence. The Brady Campaign put out another of their 'people are dead-send us money' solicitations a week ago characterizing the Fast and Furious investigation as 'the circus in Washington,' and charging the 'scandal… was cooked up on a right-wing blog.'”

NY: 11-Year-Old Boy Heroically Stabs Mom's Abusive Boyfriend as He Chokes Her
Submitted by: Bob Anderson

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On Saturday night, a brave 11-year-old Brooklyn boy became a hero in a way he should never have to. Terrance Allen watched in terror and horror as his mother's live-in boyfriend allegedly attacked her, trying to strangle her.


Although terrified, Terrance felt he needed to act. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a small knife.


So Terrance stabbed the man in the back.

VA: New Virginia Gun Laws Take Effect July 1st, 2012
Submitted by: John Pierce

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Once again, the Virginia Citizens Defense League has delivered for Virginia gun owners. Thanks to the tireless efforts of VCDL activists, the 2012 Legislative Session was even more of a rousing success than the 2011 Session. Not only was every single anti-gun bill opposed by VCDL defeated but the session ended with almost a dozen VCDL supported bills passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor McDonnell.

These important changes will take effect on July 1st …

Teen Who Saved Siblings From Intruders Is Why I'll Teach My Kids to Shoot a Gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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How often does a story about a teenager and a handgun have a happy ending? This one definitely does: A 14-year-old boy in Phoenix saved his younger siblings' lives by shooting and critically wounding an armed intruder with a handgun. ...
I'm not saying guns and kids are always a good mix -- indeed, often they're an incredibly dangerous combination. But maybe that's because kids generally aren't educated about guns and how to use them properly. I don't have a gun in my house and my kids can barely use a can opener, but if I did have a gun and they were older, I'd want them to learn how to shoot it.

Submitter's comment: This mom gets it!

MN: Beaten for being Black and carrying
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Minneapolis man says he was beaten by police as he left a downtown nightclub.

Zachary King says he was walking to his car when police noticed his gun in his waist band. He claims he told police he had a permit to carry, but they still attacked him.

King suffered a concussion after five officers beat him on Father’s Day night. King says video of the assault was taken by a bystander. He says it all started when police noticed a bulge near his waist band.

Submitter's note: As a permit holder, this smells big time. I can see this happening in Minneapolis

IL: Critical 2A Ruling – Federal Court Defends Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled this week that it is unconstitutional for Chicago to treat people with non-violent misdemeanor convictions the same as convicted felons.

The NRA-supported case, Gowder v. Chicago, involves plaintiff Shawn Gowder, who was convicted as a first-time offender for mere possession of a firearm in violation of Illinois law in 1995. His misdemeanor record did not block him from getting a state Firearm Owner’s Identification card, so he could still legally possess a gun in Illinois.

Remington Equips Zombie Hunters for OUTBREAK- OMEGA 5
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Remington Arms Company, LLC made sure zombie hunting enthusiasts had plenty of firepower and ammunition for Outbreak: Omega 5 on Saturday, June 23.

In addition to several special-edition VersaMax Tactical shotguns in Reaper Z camo patterns, the company also provided an assortment of firearms for the prize table.

Outbreak: Omega, hosted by DPMS Firearms of St. Cloud, MN, is the original, largest, and most well-attended 3-gun “zombie shoot” in the nation.

PA: Are You OK With Guns on the Rail Trail?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A PAFOA user from Northampton County named Micky writes that when walking the popular trail in the borough, he stopped to read a sign that outlines rules for its use.

"Now, for once, I did not have my weapon on me, nor did my wife," Micky wrote June 13. "Part of (the sign) said 'no weapons.' Now, the trail isn't privately owned, so I was asking myself 'wtf?'"

Micky writes that he was concerned about his Second Amendment right to possess a firearm possibly being infringed upon, and subsequently called the Borough of Hellertown for more information about the posted rule.

He ultimately visited Borough Hall, where he spoke to a Hellertown police officer, acccording to the account posted online.

WV: Owner says gun range is safe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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undowner Gun Range owner Kendall Richards said his private members-only Gihon Road range is safe, that it presents no danger to nearby residential neighborhoods.

During a meeting last week, representatives of the Wildwood Homeowner's Association and other neighbors lodged complaints about what they contend are bullet holes in their homes, bullets found in various locations and noise of constant gunfire with the range open seven days a week.

CA: Charges not filed against man arrested in fatal San Bernardino stabbing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prosecutors declined to file charges against a Long Beach man who was arrested June 19 in a fatal San Bernardino stabbing.

John Tomlinson, 55, was released from West Valley Detention Center on Friday after the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office turned down the criminal case.

"The defendant acted in self defense," said Chris Lee, District Attorney's Office spokesman.

San Bernardino police arrested Tomlinson after he stabbed 52-year-old Clemonsey Thompson in the 3000 block of North Mojave Court. Thompson died about an hour later at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

TX: The Right to Bear Arms to be Topic of Pecan Valley Republican Women Luncheon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Pecan Valley Republican Women will be hosting a luncheon on Wednesday, June 27 at the Brownwood Country Club and the topic for the month will be the 2nd Amendment, the right of people to keep and bear arms. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. The cost of the buffet luncheon is $12, which is payable at the door.

No ‘Fast and Furious’ Cover-Up, Obama Aide Says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Asked about the President’s assertion of executive privilege in the Congressional investigation of the “Fast and Furious” matter, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney quickly jumped on what committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., told FOX News over the weekend: that “there is no evidence, let me repeat no evidence, of White House involvement in any cover up or attempt to cover up this issue,” Carney said.

Is mandatory ‘safe storage’ really a good idea?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A weekend shooting in Arizona involving a 14-year-old might give some people second thoughts about a proposal for mandatory safe storage of firearms here in Washington State.

In this case, the teen was defending his home and three younger siblings from a bold daylight home invasion. The boy, according to Fox News and the Associated Press, was able to access a firearm kept in his parents’ bedroom and shoot a 37-year-old armed burglar who was aiming a gun at the youth after smashing through the front door.

Gould Brothers Exhibition Team Joins the Winchester Repeating Arms Pro Staff
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Winchester Repeating Arms is proud to announce a new member to their Pro Staff Shooting Team; the Gould Brothers Exhibition Shooting team.

Aaron and Steve Gould are one of the most exciting exhibition shooting teams in the industry.

GBX travel the country wowing crowds with incredible shooting demonstrations using the Winchester Super X3 and Super X Pump.

CO: Colorado gun group fails to file with IRS, could be hit with tax bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, the state's most strident gun-rights group , lost its tax-exempt status last year after failing to file with the IRS for three straight years.

But the group, known for its hard-ball politics, as of Friday was still claiming to be a tax-exempt nonprofit on its web site, although the IRS revoked its status in May 2011.

In addition, the Colorado secretary of state this May suspended the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners' registration as a "charitable organization" for failure to file timely reports. Nonprofits that solicit funds must be registered with the secretary of state under Colorado law. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor, secretary of state spokeman Andrew Cole said.

IL: Woman freed after self-defense verdict in 2010 Aurora murder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 26-year-old Aurora woman was acquitted Monday of first-degree murder charges that she stabbed her live-in boyfriend to death in November 2010 during an argument.

“This is the best case of self-defense this court has ever witnessed,” said Kane County Judge Timothy Sheldon in announcing his not guilty decision for Faith M. Martin.

Ed.: *This* is why we need SYG provisions that prohibit an arrest and charges without substantial evidence in likely self-defense cases.

‘American Guns’ star Rich Wyatt’s thoughts on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rich Wyatt, star of “American Guns” and the owner of Gunsmoke, candidly expressed his thoughts on the Second Amendment during an online interview on June 25th. These are just a few of Rich Wyatt's opinions on the Second Amendment:

Does our Second Amendment right influence your vote? How does the Second Amendment influence your vote?

“The Second Amendment is critical to freedom and always influences my vote. If your not a believer in the Second Amendment and all the others, you will never get my vote."

MI: Gun-Toting Michigan Teen’s Arrest Angers Gun Rights Advocates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What does it mean to “brandish” a firearm? A Michigan jury will have to answer that question in next month’s trial of 18-year-old Sean Combs, who was arrested in April after being stopped by police while carrying a loaded M-1 Garand rifle strapped to his back.

An armed Combs was walking with his girlfriend through downtown Birmingham, an affluent Detroit suburb with a popular nightlife district. It was about 10 p.m. on a Saturday and sidewalks were crowded when police spotted Combs and suspected him to be under 18 — too young to legally carry a gun.

Ed.: An M16/AR15? Really? Must not be any free pictures of a Garand. Oh, wait:

The Rundown on “Fast and Furious”
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee recommending U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder be held in Contempt of Congress, and President Obama citing “Executive Privilege” and refusing to turn over numerous documents the congressional investigative committee has requested as part of their investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, this governmental debacle is all over the news. Gun owners should pay particular attention.

NY: 3 in GOP primary to take on Dem US Sen. Gillibrand
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three little-known Republicans hoping to take on Democratic U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in November will face off Tuesday in what is expected to be a low-turnout primary election.

Attorney Wendy Long, Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos and U.S. Rep. Bob Turner have been trying to energize Republican voters in a state where primary turnouts can be notoriously low.

Fewer than 7 percent of Republicans voted in April's presidential primary, and this year's congressional primary date has moved up from its traditional slot in September, raising additional concerns that voters will stay home.

IL: Tea Party petition for concealed carry growing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Rockford Tea Party says its collected 2,000 signatures in support of concealed carry in Winnebago County.

The group's goal is to get a total of 10,000 signatures by the end of July. Representatives of the groups say they're goal is based on a citizen's constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

IL: Emanuel reloads city's gun law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to rewrite Chicago's firearm ordinance in response to a ruling by a federal judge who struck down a section of the city's law he called vague and unconstitutional.

Emanuel said Monday he wants individuals with a violent misdemeanor conviction to be banned from getting a gun permit for five years. The mayor also wants violent convicted felons to face a lifelong ban.

Emanuel plans to introduce the revisions at Wednesday's City Council meeting.

Press discovers F&F just in time to ‘clear’ the White House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Count on the mainstream press, including Monday morning’s Seattle Times, to start devoting increased attention to Operation Fast and Furious, but only when it can find a way to distance the Obama White House from the scandal.

Unfortunately for Obama's media cheerleaders, The Hill reports Monday morning that a new poll reveals that a majority of likely voters in this fall’s election believe Barack Obama “exercised his executive power inappropriately – particularly in blocking the release of documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious.” More about that in a moment.

CA: Gun shop law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun stores are targeted in a new ordinance City Councilmen Kevin McCarty and Rob Fong plan to introduce at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, McCarty said last week.

The ordinance would require any new gun stores to go through a permitting process with the city – similar to a recently passed ordinance governing tobacco stores located within 1,000 feet of schools.

Tell the Senate to ban toxic lead in ammunition: because shooting wildlife should be enough
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I need my gun so I can shoot people who cut me off on the 405. Wait. Did I say that out loud? No, no. I need my gun so I can shoot animals who’ve done nothing to me.
And, I need to be protected by law to choose any toxic substance I want to shoot those animals with. Because animals on public lands are there for hunters to enjoy killing, not for those environazis who believe animals have a purpose beyond benefiting humans. The world and all its creatures were created specifically for me to kill, even if most of those creatures existed millions of years before humans.

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? [...] The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (Chapter 1 "Arrest")

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