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Newslinks for 6/27/2006

Ron Paul: The Worldwide Gun Control Movement
Submitted by: News Director

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"The United Nations is holding a conference beginning this week in New York that ironically coincides with our national 4th of July holiday. It’s ironic because those attending the conference want to do away with one of our most fundamental constitutional freedoms—the right to bear arms."

"The stated goal of the conference is to eliminate trading in small arms, but the real goal is to advance a worldwide gun control movement that ultimately supercedes national laws, including our own 2nd Amendment. Many UN observers believe the conference will set the stage in coming years for an international gun control treaty."

"...founded on the inherent and inalienable right of all men to resist oppression..." (Blog)
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"Another part that was particularly interesting though, at least to me, is a state making the stand for the Law of the Land - Our Constitution, and the sovereignty of it. It would be nice if we had quite a few more like that today, wouldn't it? (Not to mention an honorable Federal government, in ALL its branches). What do you suppose has happened to honor? I have been seeking it earnestly and can say that it is very difficult to find these days...."

AZ: Martin's gun measure missed its target
Submitted by: News Director

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"State Sen. Dean Martin wanted us to imagine the worst of scenarios: A serious disaster in the Valley has left gangs of thugs roaming the streets unchecked. ..."

"This was the Phoenix Republican's justification for a proposal to deny the governor any unilateral control over privately held firearms and ammunition during a state of emergency. ...lawmakers demurred after the National Rifle Association launched a surprise last-minute attack."

"We understand the desire to protect our fundamental rights under the Second Amendment and the state constitution. But HCR2010 was an overreaction to what happened in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. ..."

Gun ownership not a partisan issue in rural America
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gov. Brian Schweitzer won't say exactly how many guns he owns, other than it's 'more than I need, but less than I want.'"

"An unabashed shooter, hunter and gun-fancier in a state deeply in touch with its Old West heritage, Schweitzer is a member of the National Rifle Association and was happy to receive the NRA's endorsement for governor in 2004."

"He is also a Democrat."

"Like many Democrats, especially those beyond the nation's big cities and urban coasts, Schweitzer doesn't see gun ownership as a partisan issue."

CA: Gun culture seen at root of violence
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In the life-is-cheap world of violent street gangs, guns are maybe a little harder to get than dope. But not by much."

"Stolen from homes. Taken from a parent. Bartered for drugs. Bought by a friend or relative."

"'The problem is they get them - no matter how, they get them,' said Wes McBride, a retired Los Angeles County sheriff's sergeant and president of the California Gang Investigators Association."

CO: Speakout: Despotic city, courts fret gun owners
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The city of Denver has long criminalized what has been legal elsewhere in Colorado, namely the ownership, use and transportation of firearms. ..." ...

"Denver has for years claimed that, as a home rule city, they are free to treat gun owners anyway they want, including nonresidents who happen to be in Denver. Our state constitution never intended to create a city-state with home rule or to use home rule as a means to cancel other constitutional rights."

"So, after the legislature in 2003 handed Denver a loss on this issue and affirmed our constitutional rights to possess, use and transport firearms, Denver turned to the courts to achieve its desires. Denver lost on some of these issues when Judge Joe Meyer ruled that Denver must comply with the new state law regarding concealed carry and firearms in vehicles and more. Denver won when Meyer ruled that Denver can continue to enforce a slew of laws that only strike fear and confusion in the minds of gun owners. These include bans on openly carrying guns, and on the sale of so-called Saturday-night specials and assault weapons. Denver also won on its requirement for safe storage of guns."

"I was not satisfied that gun owners' interests would be properly represented when Denver originally filed suit against the state and governor, so I filed a motion to intervene in this case but was denied by Meyer. I then filed a separate suit against Denver. In my case, I forced Denver to produce evidence to support my claim that the constitution and legislative intent of preventing Denver from abusing gun owners' legal and constitutional rights was proper."

PA: Pistol fund-raiser fails for long-shot candidate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Already a long-shot, Tom Lingenfelter's independent campaign for Pennsylvania lieutenant governor seriously misfired last week."

"Running under the aegis of PACleanSweep, the anti-incumbent group formed after the state legislature's middle-of-the-night pay raise, Lingenfelter announced he was putting a genuine Buffalo Bill-owned revolver up for auction to raise money for a full-time campaign."

"Lingenfelter, of Doylestown, an antiques dealer, said in a pre-auction statement the Colt Model 1849 .31-caliber weapon was 'the very revolver carried and used by young Buffalo Bill Cody as he fought off armed Sioux Indians and outlaws as he carried the U.S. Mail for the legendary Pony Express in 1860 ... It would be quite fitting if this 'gun that made the West' ends up helping to bring freedom back to Pennsylvanians nearly 150 years later.'"

MD: Happy Open House, Senator Giannetti: For Maryland's Criminals, It's Open Season on Assault Weapons, Says Brady Campaign
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Because Senator Giannetti killed a bill in the Maryland Senate in 2004 and kept it from being sent to Governor Bob Ehrlich, the bill has never passed, and military-style semiautomatic assault rifles like the weapons used by the bank robbery gang and the Washington D.C. area snipers are still legal in Maryland."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, based in Washington D.C., believes Senator Giannetti should not be re- elected."

Anti-Gun Activists Call for Global Small Arms Treaty
Submitted by: News Director

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"Guns kill 200,000 people a year. Nearly half the victims are young men. A quarter of the $4-billion a year small arms trade is considered illicit, that is, not legally recorded."

"Bolstered by a raft of alarming statistics, 2,000 anti-gun activists are at U.N. headquarters to push for a strict set of international rules to curb the spread of illicit small arms."

IN: Free gun locks available
Submitted by: News Director

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"The annual Project ChildSafe gun lock program of the Terre Haute Police Department begins today and will go on while supplies last. Anyone is entitled to two of the devices, free of charge."

"George Ralston, chief of police, said the locks will be distributed 24/7 at Terre Haute Police Department headquarters at 12th St. and Wabash Ave."

UK: Family's gun ordeal as house targeted
Submitted by: News Director

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"A FAMILY survived a terrifying ordeal today when a gunman fired shots at their luxury home in Glasgow."

"Taxi boss Stephen Conley and wife Colette were asleep with their nine-month-old baby when shots were fired through security gates of their sprawling south side home."

MI: Joseph on target with gun shop
Submitted by: News Director

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"When Yvonne Joseph's father died in 1993, people said she and her mother wouldn't be able to take over his business."

"Her father, Carl, had started Classic Arms in a basement in 1965. Over the years, it had grown to be a respected gun store and one of the region's few black powder specialty shops."

"It wasn't the financial state of the store on Lake Lansing Road in Lansing that had people doubting Yvonne Joseph. Some thought she and her mother, Luba, couldn't run the store because they were women."

"But Joseph thrives on challenges like that."

Take a stand: protect your privacy
Submitted by: News Director

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"While we were sleeping, our right to maintain privacy in the sanctity of our own homes has become the latest victim in the continuing onslaught against our constitutional liberties. The watering down of the most cherished document of our American heritage, The Bill of Rights, may become the legacy of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts, as our ability to be free from unwanted government intrusion is diluted. ..."

MA: Gun buyback nets allies on MySpace
Submitted by: News Director

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"The hottest new hit on isn’t a wacko with a manifesto, but a teetotaler Gemini who’s into firearms reduction."

"As of early last night, 183 'friends' had linked their MySpace profiles and their moral support to Boston Gun Buyback, a peacekeeping police initiative that so far this month has taken 382 firearms off the city’s streets and put Target gift certificates into the hands of those ready to trade, 'No questions asked.'"

Annan: states must monitors arms supplies
Submitted by: News Director

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"Governments must do more to keep their stockpiles of small arms secure from thieves and smugglers, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said on the first day of a major conference on reducing the illegal trade of such weapons."

"In a speech to the conference Monday, Annan told delegates that some progress had been made in the five years since states promised to do more to curb the illicit trade of small arms. Yet they have fallen short in updating their laws or collecting and destroying illegal weapons."

OH: Gun violence takes fiscal toll, too
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"You can walk into your local sporting-goods store and buy a 50-round box of 9mm ammunition for about $6, or 12 cents a bullet."

"The cost of that bullet increases exponentially on the streets of Greater Cincinnati if it rips through the gut or the spleen or the spine of a victim of a gun crime."

"Yet that scenario will be repeated more than 370 times this year if the city continues on its projected record-breaking pace of shootings and homicides in 2006."

Canada: Gun fears resurface after five shootings
Submitted by: News Director

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"The first official weekend of summer was marred by a spate of shootings in Toronto that sparked comparisons to last year's bloody gun violence."

"During the weekend, six people were shot in five incidents. Two of the shootings involved police officers who, in separate cases, injured drivers who allegedly tried to run them down."

OH: Driver wrestles gun from carjacker, suspect killed
Submitted by: News Director

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"Authorities in eastern Ohio say a suspected carjacker is dead, shot and killed by the motorist whose vehicle he was trying to steal."

"Guernsey County Sheriff Mike McCauley says 44-year-old John Toubell of Antrim sneaked into the back seat of the parked car while the driver was inside a gas station early yesterday."

"Twenty-nine-year-old Brian Starr of Cambridge says he saw a head in his rearview mirror as he drove away, and then he saw a gun."

"Starr was shot in the leg as the men scuffled for the gun. Starr got the gun away from Toubell and shot and killed the suspect."

FL: Deputy charged with threatening colleague with gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Palm Beach County sheriff's deputy serving as a disc jockey at a neighbor's birthday party was arrested Saturday night after he allegedly pulled a gun on a fellow deputy responding to a complaint about loud music."

"Howard E. Howell, 39, was charged with aggravated assault on a law-enforcement officer, resisting arrest without violence, obstruction of justice and violation of a county noise ordinance."

CA: NRA-backed gun measure truly horrible (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"The National Rifle Association lobby is at it again. The latest bill it is trying to push through the Republican Congress has some truly horrible provisions." ...

"It seems the NRA, which already opposes restricting machine-gun ownership, maybe will next propose that citizens should be able to buy their own howitzers. The NRA has bought Congress with its huge donations and is selling out law enforcement."

KABA Note:

1 - It is already legal for civilians to own machine guns.

2 - How many cops have been killed by machine guns?

NY: Bklyn cop accused of pulling gun during car sale
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Brooklyn police officer assigned to the 76th precinct was arraigned in Queens County Criminal Court Saturday for allegedly pulling a gun during an argument over a car sale, a law enforcement source said."

"Clark Duvilaire, 36, of Brooklyn, faces up to one year in prison and/or a $1,000 fine if convicted, according to a spokeswoman for Queens District Attorney Richard Brown."

"On Thursday Duvilaire allegedly was involved in a dispute with an East Elmhurst man, after the pair met at the intersection of Linden Place and Northern Boulevard so Duvilaire could make the final payment for a Volkswagen Jetta and receive the title, the source said."

UK: Club staff threatened, windows blasted in terror spree
Submitted by: News Director

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"A GUN gang went on the rampage in Leeds early today."

"The drama began when a man walked into a city centre night club and pulled out a sawn-off shotgun when door staff confronted him. No shots were fired."

"Minutes after the gunman had left the club with several accomplices, windows were blasted out at two houses in the Chapeltown and Harehills areas."

PA: New unit hopes to quell gun crimes
Submitted by: News Director

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"Worrying about whether one's 8-year-old daughter is safe is not a feeling exclusive to civilians. Police Officer Kenora Whitmore has the same worry every day." ...

"And it inspired the 31/2-year veteran to be one of the 180 officers to apply for 46 spots on Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson's new anticrime team, the Strategic Intervention Tactical Enforcement Mobile Unit. SITE, as the unit is called, is designed to curtail violent crimes, particularly shootings, in the city's most troubled neighborhoods. The officers will patrol the city at night - when most shootings happen - beginning tomorrow night."

Canada: Firearm fee worries outfitters, tourism industry
Submitted by: News Director

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"Air Canada's decision to charge passengers a new fee for carrying firearms is not going over well with Newfoundland and Labrador's tourism and outfitting industries."

"Representatives from both industries worry the fee will deter tourists from visiting the province for hunting trips."

"Passengers flying with Air Canada now have to pay an extra $50 each way if they are travelling with firearms. The handling fee went into effect on June 5 for tickets purchased on or after April 14."

"Air Canada says the surcharge will cover the cost of making sure firearms are declared, unloaded and secured in a case that cannot be easily broken in to during transport."

IL: Gov. Blagojevich signs law giving hunters more flexibility in using deer hunting permits
Submitted by: News Director

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"Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich today signed a new law giving hunters more flexibility in using their seasonal deer hunting permits. Senate Bill 2810, introduced by Sen. Gary Forby (D-Benton), allows unused gun deer permits left over from the firearm or muzzleloader-only deer hunting seasons to be rolled over and used during the Late-Winter Firearm Deer Season at no additional charge."

Canada: Need tighter restrictions on lawbreaking cops
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Canadian Bar Association wants Parliament to tighten the law that allows police, and people who are designated by them, to break the law when they're involved in criminal investigations."

"Earlier this month, Vancouver lawyer Greg DelBigio, chairman of the Canadian Bar Association's criminal law section, told the House of Commons justice committee that the system flouts the rule of law and is open to abuse."

Analysis: NRA spawns fear of U.N. takeover
Submitted by: News Director

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"Thousands of U.S. citizens, prodded by a misleading National Rifle Association-related campaign, have inundated the offices of U.N. officials with letters expressing concern the world organization will take away their right to bear arms during the U.N. Small Arms Review Conference." ...

"Their fears stem largely from a National Rifle Association fundraising campaign backed by Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, who says on an NRA Web site that those at the conference plan July 4 'to finalize a U.N. treaty that would strip all citizens of all nations of their right to self-protection, and strip you of your rights.'"

Activists press for US help in curbing small arms trade
Submitted by: News Director

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"With backing from the inventor of the world's most common assault rifle, activists will press for international help to control world trade in small arms."

"The issue is the subject of a UN conference opening today. Human rights groups would like to see governments forced to take responsibility for all weapons they sell, even after the deal is done." ...

"Gun control advocates got a boost when Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, sent a statement of support."

John Lott: No Safety Lock: The U.N. shouldn’t be so sure gun-control works.
Submitted by: News Director

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"The United Nations’ conference on small arms, which starts today, has an admirable enough goal: to save lives. Some conference attendees claim that guns used in armed conflicts cause 300,000 deaths world-wide every year. The 'international community’s' solution? Prevent rebels from getting guns with rules that include a registry of all small arms to enable tracing them and to ensure that weapons sales can be limited to governments."

"That is an understandable 'solution' for governments that don’t trust their citizens. But it also represents a dangerous disregard for their citizens’ safety and freedom."

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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