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Newslinks for 6/27/2009

The deadly fallacy of believing "The boogeyman will go away."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Hitler willed, wanted, craved war and the destruction wrought by war. He did not want the war he got. Its origins lay through his own miscalculations and misperceptions, as much as through those of his eventual opponents, not least in their belief that he was bluffing, that he would recoil, that in Paul Claudel's words, "Croque-mitaine se degonflera" (the boogeyman will go away). . . The only people who could have stopped him permanently were those least conditioned to do so, his Generals, and their soldiers, if they had been ready to obey, by coup d'etat, or an assassin capable of penetrating into the Reichs Chancellery from which, in the last days of peace, Hitler never emerged. History knows this did not happen.

Taxation: The other gun ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As Congress considers the global warming bill, it is important to keep in mind that there are consequences beyond the belief that taxing people will somehow influence the environment. The most important one is the loss of the tools of Liberty." ...

Anti-Gun Book Reviews Hide an Agenda
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I wasn't going to say anything about Joshua Horwitz and Casey Anderson's new book Guns, Democracy and the Insurrectionist Idea. First, because I've seen the ideas they're promoting and I think they're...mistaken, and secondly because I see no reason to publicize efforts by people who are working to subvert my rights. Besides, I've engaged with Horwitz before, and quite honestly, I found him to be...disagreeable."

"I'm being polite."

New Jersey to implement rationing of rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"After literally years of effort, the powerful anti-gun forces in New Jersey politics have finally succeeded in passing a 'one handgun per month' bill, which now heads to Governor Corzine's desk for his inevitable signature." ...

"Unless I'm missing a state or two somewhere, that makes New Jersey the fourth to pass this kind of law ... The others that still have such a law are California ... Maryland ... and Virginia. The fact that Virginia is one of only three (soon to be four) states with such a law is probably a surprise to some. Virginia, after all, is blamed for having 'lax gun laws' that contribute toward it being part of the so-called 'Iron Pipeline' of guns that end up illegally in places like New York City." ...

One Year After Heller
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One year ago today, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in District of Columbia et al. v. Heller. The decision affirmed the Second Amendment as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms and invalidated the District of Columbia's draconian gun control regime."

"The case generated a storm of media attention. The Cato Institute filed an amicus brief, one of nearly four dozen in the case."

"The Cato Institute held a forum for Brian Doherty's book chronicling this victory for liberty, Gun Control on Trial: Inside the Supreme Court Battle Over the Second Amendment. The Heller case also figured prominently in Cato multimedia from Robert A. Levy and Clark Neily." ...

Question for Nominee Sotomayor: I'll go first
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "In learning just who Judge Sonia Sotomayor really is in confirming her for Supreme Court Justice or not, America might suggest certain areas to probe. I'll go first."

"Is the Nominee aware that police in America have no duty to protect individuals from the criminal acts of others?"

"Liberty writers have been educating the electorate on this truth for decades. ..."

"Courts have ruled again and again that there is no constitutional right to police protection ..."

"... Gun control and rulings against gun rights obfuscate the fact that police have no duty to protect them. ..."

"The nominee’s answer to this question should be probed for further details and understanding ..." ...

Revisiting the DC v. Heller ruling - Part II
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Today marks the one year anniversary of the District of Columbia v. Heller lawsuit which went all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States and resulted in a ruling that although reasonable restrictions on the Second Amendment are not unconstitutional, there cannot be a complete ban and settled the debate (legally at least) regarding whether or not the Second Amendment is an individual or collective right."

"To commemorate this occasion, I present an analysis I did last year in the three days immediately following the issuance of the ruling. This is part II of a three part series." ...

Going Great Guns with Fear Marketing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Don't let the title fool you. Lethal Logic sounds like an anti-gun polemic ... It is, in part, but the book offers much more. Read from a business perspective, it dissects the marketing genius of an industry that moves merchandise despite a saturated market and broad support for tougher curbs on the sale of its products. Anyone interested in manufacturing, retailing, or the interaction of culture, psychology, and commerce can learn valuable lessons here."

"While most companies struggle through the recession, firearm makers and dealers are on a roll. Lethal Logic: Exploding the Myths that Paralyze American Gun Policy explains why: The gun industry figured out decades ago how to capitalize on seeming adversity." ...

Praxis Question: "One man's 'dunnage' is another partisan's supply material."
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "I have read some of the articles on the 'SipsyStreetIrregulars' blog but have not seen this topic discussed: What about the capacities/capabilities of 'Patriot Magazines'?"

"Not the ones you read, but the ones ... where munitions are stored and/or manufactured. With all the re-loaders in the country has there been given any thought to the capabilities/capacities for the eventual resupply requirement of a partisan force? ..."

"Additionally ... I remember Mater and Pater talking about spending dark nights while the bombers flew overhead re-charging stripper clips and bandoleers left on the battle fields by wasteful Nazis. One man's 'dunnage' is another partisan's supply material. ...
" ...

The Fast-Draw-but-Don’t-Drink Law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Beyond farce in statehouse politics — think New York, Illinois and South Carolina — there can be danger. Think Tennessee, where the Legislature just overrode the governor’s veto and rescinded a law barring patrons from carrying handguns in bars and restaurants."

"Once again, politicians caved to the gun lobby’s 'right to carry' agenda which insists that there is no place — campuses, workplaces, churches — that should be off limits to guns."

"We fear that Gov. Phil Bredesen, a gun owner and hunter, was right when he warned his state: 'It's an invitation to a disaster.'"

"The governor found no safety in provisions that ban the licensed gun toters from drinking alcohol — is it the honor system or will bartenders do a search? ..." ...

New Jersey Senate Passes Critical Public Safety 'One Handgun A Month' Bill
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The NJ Senate passed Senate bill S-1774, colloquially known as the One Handgun A Month bill, early this morning."

"Tom Jardim, Board Chair of Ceasefire NJ ... said: 'At 12:15 this morning the Senate took an important step toward making the illegal trafficking of handguns in our state less likely. There can be no doubt that S-1774 is life-saving legislation, intended to reduce the movement of handguns from legal sale at New Jersey gun shops to illegal street sale. These illegal handguns are the ones that fuel gun crime and violence. It is illegal guns that are used to threaten, wound, maim and kill.'" ...

KABA Note: To purchase a handgun in NJ you need to fill out an application and get fingerprinted. You must have a separate permit for each pistol you are going to purchase, and permits are only good for 90 days. Police have up to 30 days to process your application (although many take longer). So tell us one more time just what this law is going to accomplish besides making felons out of innocent dealers and purchasers if they make a mistake?

God, guns, and church violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I don't want this to be just another blog ranting about gun control, so let me state my bona fides up front: I come from a hard-hunting, gun-toting family. ..."

"Having grown up around guns and knowing lots of good people who not only own them but love them, I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would have to write an opinion piece stating my opposition to bringing guns to church. I thought this might have been self-evidently a bad idea." ...

"I’ll be honest that I'm a little zealous about gun control. ... I proudly took my baby with me ... to be a part of the first Million Mom March ..."

"Maybe you don't agree with the gun-control agenda. But isn't bringing guns to church over the line even for most pro-gun folks?" ...

Submitter's Note: Now that you ask, no it isn't 'over the line'.

IL: Despite 36 Public School Students Killed By Gun Violence, and Days After 9-Year-Old Girl Gunned Down Outside Her Home, the Illinois Gun Lobby Holds Rally To End Chicago's Handgun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The [ICAHV] sharply criticized [ISRA] and Illinois Carry for holding a public rally today calling for ending Chicago’s 27-year-old handgun ban only days after the tragic shooting of 9-year-old Chastity Turner who was gunned down while bathing her dog in front of her own home. Thirty-six Chicago Public School students were also killed during the '09 school year in a continuing rash of gun violence."

"Most troubling is the language, tone and materials that pro-gun groups are using to promote their rally in downtown Chicago. Ralph Connor, an African-American conservative who will speak at the rally, continues to preach a divisive message that 'gun control is racist' and is eagerly promoting a film ... called 'No Guns for Negroes.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So ICAHV, how's that gun ban working out for you guys in Chicago?

A solid Foundation
Submitted by: Jim McNair

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... "While I have no problem with keeping terrorists off of our airlines and I'm sure there are people who should be on a no-fly list, I have a fundamental problem with the concept of government black lists, without due process of law or a reasonable means of appeal. ..."

"Now we learn that the [GAO] has decided that this black list is also now an acceptable reason for the denial of our Constitutionally Guaranteed civil rights. ..."

"Instead of asking why those 963 people ... were on the black list with no means of appeal, the GAO is now recommending to congress that the no-fly black list be used to deny firearm purchases and, therefore deny the individuals Constitutional Rights under the second amendment. ..." ...

NC: One dead after botched home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Jones said the trio entered the home of 62-year Edmond Cooper ... at about 12:30 a.m. through the back door, which had been left unlocked."

"Debbie Cooper, Edmond's wife, was still up and a suspect knocked her out by striking her over the head. The men then entered the room of the Coopers' 15-year old son. The suspects used ziploc ties to restrain the juvenile. The three men then entered the hallway of the residence, according to Jones."

"'Edmond Cooper came out of the bedroom with a gun,' Jones said. 'He fired several shots, hitting one of the suspects.'"

"He said the two suspects left standing returned fire, while fleeing from the residence."

"'Mr. Cooper was shot in the hand,' Jones said." ...

MD: Woman Kills Husband in Apparent Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Prince George's County woman fatally shot her husband in an apparent act of self-defense Saturday after he attacked her ..."

"... police were called to the home in the 700 block of Capitol Heights Boulevard on a report of a domestic dispute. In front of the house, they found Richard Marcellous Wilson, 30, with a gunshot wound. He was taken to a hospital, where he died."

"Police said Wilson's wife fired the fatal shot."

"The circumstances of the incident are unclear, but police think that the shooting 'appears to have been in self-defense,' said Cpl. Mike Rodriguez ... Wilson, police said, had violated an active protective order when he attacked his wife." [emphasis added] ...

OR: Dogs help couple fend off cougar attack
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The first camping trip of the season for a Cove couple turned into an encounter with a cougar that ended with dogs and people teaming up to send the big cat into retreat."

"Wesley and Lisa Wynn of Cove arrived at the Moss Spring campgrounds this month and set up camp with their two quarterhorses and two dogs." ...

"Wesley said that he pointed his flashlight into the eyes of the cougar and temporarily blinded it."

"One dog was on either side of the cat barking and growling, distracting the cat and protecting Wesley." ...

"As soon as Wesley felt the weapon shoved into his hand, he gave Lisa the flashlight and the cougar seemed to sense the danger.
Wesley fired once and the cat bolted away. He fired once more into the general area." ...

Submitter's Note: Who needs a firearm on a camping trip?

KABA Note: A .22 in the hand beats a 12 ga. 15 feet away.

GA: Could College Students Be Targets?
Submitted by: Mark

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... "On Tuesday, Georgia Tech and Atlanta Police officials announced they would deploy more officers around campus after a string of armed robberies." ...

"Graduate student Andrew deRussy said some students feel they are targeted because criminals may know they are unarmed. The university prohibits students from carry firearms." ...

"Since Feb. 7, 10 armed robberies — nine targeting students — have been reported in the neighborhoods surrounding Georgia Tech. None of the incidents actually occurred on campus — close enough to be a problem, but just far enough to fall into the Atlanta Police Department’s jurisdiction." ...

Submitter's note: Odd all this gun crime, since the GA Legislature has made it clear that GA Tech is a Gun Free Zone.

Nevada to recognize Ohio CHL
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The National Rifle Association is reporting that following a review of their recognition policy, Nevada will no longer recognize concealed handgun licenses from Utah or Florida, but are adding Ohio and West Virginia as recognized states. These changes go into effect July 1.

For Ohio, this means that our residents who have obtained a concealed handgun license will be able to carry their handgun while traveling to Nevada, subject to all laws of that state. Nevada residents will not be permitted to carry in Ohio as no reciprocity agreement has been signed at this time.

Minnick makes point about knives[.pdf]
Submitted by: none

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"Rumors that Idaho Congressman Walt Minnick pulled a switchblade on the House Rules Committee may be slightly exaggerated."

"But he did pull a knife."

"Minnick, together with Rep. Robert Latta, R-Ohio, met with the rules committee late Tuesday, seeking approval to attach an amendment to an appropriations bill."

"The amendment would have blocked a U.S. Customs effort to change a 50-year-old definition and reclassify certain spring-assisted knives as illegal switchblades. Spring-assisted knives can be opened one-handed, but they lack the button traditional switchblades have. ..." ...

Senate Confirmation of Anti-Gun Harold Koh a Disgrace
Submitted by: Nathan Slavik/

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"Imagine that. The Senate confirmed this week, by a vote of 62-35, a gun banner who stays up at night thinking of ways to impose more gun control upon American citizens."

"Harold Koh is that gun grabber, and he was confirmed yesterday to be the Legal Adviser at the State Department."

"On Wednesday, Senate Republicans attempted to kill the Koh nomination with a filibuster -- until eight of them crossed the aisle to help Democrats confirm Koh." ...

"Koh is eager to assume his post at the State Department, having lamented that there is only so much that can be done from the outside to push gun control treaties, and that ultimately we need people like him in positions of power. ..." ...

NJ: Bill to limit N.J. gun purchases gets legislative approval
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Firearms sales in New Jersey would be limited to no more than one per month under controversial legislation that had stalled earlier this year but won final approval early this morning in the rush before the Legislature's summer recess."

"The bill's sponsors and supporters argue the law would stem the flow of guns from other states and prevent criminals from distributing handguns throughout New Jersey." ...

"If enacted, people would be able to purchase only one weapon per 30-day period. The measure also prohibits firearms sellers from 'knowingly delivering' more than one gun per 30-day period."

"Violators would face a fourth-degree felony charge, carrying a $10,000 penalty." [emphasis added]

AR: City council shoots down firearms ordinance
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Russellville City Council voted Thursday to end discussion of a proposed ordinance that would regulate the discharge of firearms in the city’s limits and prohibit shooting ranges near residential areas."

"Alderman Bill Eaton — who sponsored the measure, which failed to garner enough votes for a second reading — said after Thursday’s meeting he planned to introduce another ordinance regulating firearms and noise in the city."

"'I can assure you I will come forward with something else,' he said. 'I don’t know what ever happened to the idea of being a good neighbor.'" ...

KABA Note: How about an ordinance stripping the ATF of their power to enforce the silencer tax in town?

AZ: Lawmakers advance gun bills
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"State lawmakers agreed Thursday to let some gun owners take their weapons into restaurants — but only after they expanded the measure to apply to bars, too."

"That change in SB 1113 came ... after a push from bar owners. ..." ...

"The measure to let guns into bars and restaurants ... was one of three measures advanced on Thursday to expand the rights of gun owners."

"The same panel also agreed to SB 1243, which would allow individuals to 'display' their weapons when they feel in danger, without risking prosecution on charges of intimidation."

"And [a] Senate Committee ... voted to allow people to drive onto private property, including private businesses, and lock their guns in their vehicles ..." ...

NJ: Ignoring Known Gun Traffickers, Corzine Targets Gun Rights Instead
Submitted by: Anonymous

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You've got to wonder what Governor Corzine's political handlers are thinking these days.

Amidst an epic financial crisis, they've apparently decided that portraying the Governor as a gun banner is a distraction needed to win re-election. But they haven't done their homework and have picked a discredited issue fabricated by the gun ban lobby that's going to badly misfire and embarrass the Governor, not only for what it focuses on, but also for what it ignores.

TN: City defers vote on guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Concerned with how a blanket ban on guns in parks will affect the city, Murfreesboro City Council chose to defer voting on the issue Thursday night." ...

"City Manager Roger Haley proposed a city-wide ban in municipal parks after Tennessee's General Assembly passed a law that allows carrying guns in state and city parks legal, as along as the individual has a carry permit."

"'It's not our intention to interfere with the Second Amendment rights of the people … (but) to provide for a safe environment for the children and public use our park facilities,' Haley said last night." ...

Submitter's Note: If 'safety' is your concern, then ban guns and make the city liable for protecting everyone traveling to or from, or using the city parks.

The Hal Turner Diaries: Pity the poor neo-Nazi FBI snitch. Just because they buy you, doesn't mean they love you.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Well, the ever-loathesome web-Nazi and FBI paid snitch Hal Turner is in the news again. He is proving to be a most useful tool of the FBI, IF, and its a big if, this present case doesn't blow up in their faces. Not since the case of Mafia killer and FBI snitch Whitey Bolger have we had a better chance to find out the inner workings of the Kingdom of FBI Snitchdom. (What? You think it's a coincidence that Whitey's still on the lam?)

Outed as a paid FBI snitch when his emails with an FBI special agent were hacked and posted, Turner earlier this month was arrested by the FBI for threatening judges. The case has the potential to strike at the heart of the First Amendment on-line as Jacob Sullum reports here at Reason Magazine.

Navy censors Christian moms Tells chat group for relatives of U.S. sailors to change name
Submitted by: none

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"The U.S. Navy has ordered a chat group gathered on a special website the military set up for families of service members to drop the word 'Christian' from its title."

"It also has changed the website's rules to ban all 'religious discussions' because such speech 'contradicts our purpose by creating unnecessary divisions among site members.'"

"The issue was exposed by officials with Liberty Counsel, a public interest law firm that has written to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus demanding that the censorship on the website be reversed.

"'The prohibition of religious groups and religious speech on Navy for Moms by the United States Navy is unconstitutional,' said the letter ..." ...

CA: San Diego Jury: Police Are Above the Law
Submitted by: Larry

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"After three days of deliberations, a jury San Diego ... acquitted police officer Frank White of felony gross negligent discharge of a firearm and a misdemeanor count of displaying a firearm in an 'angry manner.'"

"The charges arose from a March 2008 'road rage' incident in which White shot Rachel Silva and her eight-year-old son. Silva had cut off White and backed into his car. She was shot twice in the arm and her son was hit once in the knee."

"White, who was off-duty at the time and accompanied by his wife, initially claimed that he fired in 'self-defense.' He later claimed that he fired his gun when Silva refused his demands to get out of her car. White never displayed a badge or identified himself as a police officer ..." ...

WY: Trooper charges should stand, judge rules
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A judge Thursday declined to dismiss charges against a Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper accused of kidnapping a truck driver as part of a plot to kill him and stage a crash."

"U.S. District Court Judge Clarence Brimmer rejected a defense attorney's contention that charges against Franklin Ryle Jr. should be dropped because the federal court lacked jurisdiction to try the former trooper."

"Ryle, 42, is charged with violating the Wal-Mart truck driver's civil rights by arresting and kidnapping him near Douglas in January. Federal authorities allege Ryle planned the trucker's murder in order to stage a crash and collect settlement money from the company." ...

Submitter's Note: But when these "officers of the law" tell you to get out of your car you have to do what they say.

Mexico: Police Chief and 91 Officers Detained in Mexico
Submitted by: gemalo

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A police chief and 91 officers were detained Thursday in a sweep on a city in central Mexico. The authorities are suspected of sheltering the Zetas, one of the country’s most violent drug gangs.

Federal Police Intelligence Coordinator Luis Cardenas told the AFP that the Zetas carried out kidnappings and extortion in liaison with local police around Pachuca.

A dozen army soldiers and police officers have been arrested for allegedly harboring organized crime, particularly drug trafficking.

President Felipe Calderon launched a military crackdown on Mexico’s powerful cartels two and a half years ago. Since the crackdown more than 10,000 people have died in suspected drug violence.

Submitter's Note: But it's OUR guns that is causing the problem?!?

OH: Strickland wrong about Obama not restricting rights of gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Last year, Ted Strickland made a promise to all gun owners in Ohio that they can be reassured that Barack Obama would be strong on gun rights if elected president. 'If you are a hunter or a gun owner, you have nothing to fear from Barack Obama,' said Strickland, as quoted in the Oct. 10, 2008, Columbus Dispatch. 'You spread the word -- Ted Strickland said so,' he added."

"As we all get to know the man who was elected president and his attempts to restrict our rights as gun owners, we have realized that Strickland's promise was nothing more than a typical political maneuver."

NY: Gun Shop Back Program to be held this Saturday in Johnson City, NY
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Pastor Charlie Muller of Victory Christian Church, Albany, NY, is joining forces with Jack Gilroy and the Broome County Sheriff and Wegman's to initiate a one-day gun shop back 'Put it Down' gun turn-in event.The event will be held at St. James Rectory Parking Lot, 155 Main Street, Johnson City, NY on Saturday, June 27th from 9:00am to 3:00pm."

"All illegal handguns will be collected no questions asked, so anyone in possession of a hand gun or assault rifle can turn them in and receive a $150 Wegman's gift card that will be good for Wegmans or the Oak Dale Mall."

"A press conference is scheduled today, 3:00pm at the St. James Rectory in Johnson City to announce this event." ...

KY: Pastor Urges His Flock to Bring Guns to Church
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ken Pagano, the pastor of the New Bethel Church here, is passionate about gun rights. He shoots regularly at the local firing range, and his sermon two weeks ago was on 'God, Guns, Gospel and Geometry.' And on Saturday night, he is inviting his congregation of 150 and others to wear or carry their firearms into the sanctuary to 'celebrate our rights as Americans!' as a promotional flier for the 'open carry celebration' puts it." ...

"The bring-your-gun-to-church day, which will include a $1 raffle of a handgun, firearms safety lessons and a picnic, is another sign that the gun culture in the United States is thriving despite, or perhaps because of, President Obama’s election in November." ...

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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