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Newslinks for 6/27/2013

Cop rape case highlights life-endangering outrage of ‘Only Ones’ mentality
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "But at what point would physical resistance to officer abuse under color of authority become appropriate, from both a moral and legal standpoint? At what point would a citizen be able to engage in self-defense against an attacker with a badge, up to and including using lethal force to stop a threat?" ...

Submitter's note: Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary adds another dimension to that "national conversation on guns" the antis say they want to have. Why not see if they're serious? Send them this link, then watch them shuffle, evade, change the subject, attack, ridicule and do everything but directly answer the following question: Under what circumstances would you find it morally justifiable to shoot a police officer?

Daily Digest: Politics as Usual Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember the stunt the NJ State Assembly pulled when the leadership realized they didn’t have enough votes to pass their gun control measure? A coalition of gun groups today accused the Assembly of vote-rigging and said ten other gun control measures, some of which have already been approved by the legislature, are invalid due to their improper procedure. Of course a spokesman for the Assembly Democrats said they did nothing wrong. 'Nothing improper happened… There are no specific rules for committee votes (and there was) no problem at all with any procedure… the rule cited by the gun advocates pertains to floor roll call votes and not committee votes.' Pop some popcorn. This should be a fun one to watch . . ." ...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Gun Control Myth?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a prior posting on Federal Firearms Laws, I mentioned that I am in the process of writing a book about firearms for newbies and anyone who wants to learn more about guns. As I said in one of my comments on that article, I really like the book that Nick wrote last year. It was clear, concise, and loaded with a lot of good info. I’m not trying to improve on his work – like that’s even possible – rather, I’m covering a lot more ground to really give newcomers and experienced hands a one-stop reference to the whole firearms culture . . ." ...

Debunking’s Misunderstanding of Universal Background Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'It defies logic that in a country like the United States, a firearm can be purchased with no record of the transaction, and no review of whether the purchaser is legally prohibited from possessing a firearm.' That’s how Benjamin Hayes starts his 6 biggest lies about background checks article. And things don’t improve much from there. Hayes’s position is that every firearm transaction should have a record, period. And in furtherance of that goal, he penned an article based on flawed logic and a fundamental misunderstandings of the facts to try and browbeat people into accepting the 'universal background check' proposal that’s currently on the table. Let’s take a second to appreciate exactly how little actually knows about gun laws in the US . . ." ...

A Left-Leaning Reader’s Guide to Winning the Gun Control “Debate”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m probably one of your most left-leaning readers. The whole 'slave state' stuff is a turn off. Anyway, I’ve been reading for around a year, and decided that once AR parts were reasonably priced again, I’d get my first firearm–a stripped lower, destined for an 18″ SPR. That was back in April. I’ve since realized that the design and use of firearms, particularly the AR pattern, is an incredibly cerebral exercise. It flies in the face of the uneducated and fear-stricken stereotypes. I personally don’t have that problem, as a well-educated former Californian living in Alabama. But I understand that’s not the case for most gun owners. There’s a massive problem in optics in the current debates we aren’t effectively addressing . . ." ...

Halfway Crooks and Halfway Patriots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We all know there ain’t no such thing as halfway crooks. If you are a thief, you are a thief, plain and simple. If you wish to take from me my life, liberty, or property, you are a crook. Since there is no such thing as a halfway crook, I contend there is no such thing as a halfway patriot. You either believe there is no rightful reason for taking my life, liberty, or property other than in defense of your own, or you don’t. Restricting my liberty or the use of my property to those uses that appease you or your cause is one and the same, and it makes you a crook." ...

Youth unhappy with Obama on Gun Control. Not what they wanted.
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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"Looks like our young people are on our side after all when it comes to gun control. In the video below it is stated that recent polls show that young people are not in favor of gun control and in fact many consider buying a gun as they start a family of their own. Seems that the Obama campaign appealed to qualities favored by young people but with no specifics given. The young people who voted for Obama were not voting for big government spying on them or gun control, so it seems. ..." ...

The Ms. and the Gun, Redux
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Someone walking around carrying a gun she admitted she didn’t know how to use was so scary a concept that I still consider it both a false premise and a false flag. The lady in question did so because she is an avowed anti-gunner, and wanted to show the world how dangerous guns are."

"Well, in hands like hers, they are."

"Go to the links ... You’ll see that in each, many people warned her of the danger she was presenting to herself and others."

"Apparently, MS Magazine agreed: they have stopped her insane experiment, at least under their aegis, but it appears that the madness will continue in the Huffington Post." ...

In Defense of the Original Black Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One category of firearm has been under relentless attack since even before the latest push for gun control; I’m talking of course about black powder rifles. Oh sure, few want to ban them (yet), but they come up all the time in arguments for gun control. I’ll often hear something along these lines, 'Well when the framers came up with the Second Amendment, they only had black powder muskets, they couldn’t hit anything with those, that’s why they only fired when they saw the whites of their eyes. The framers never could have imagined a gun that could hit anything past five yards, or be reloaded quickly; the second amendment is out of date and needs to be repealed!' . . ." ...

The Value of Competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Owning a handgun doesn’t make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician.' - Jeff Cooper

"Like many people that grew up in the city, my first exposure to firearms occurred while I was serving in the US Army (sometime during the Pleistocene Era). After spending a considerable amount of time learning the nomenclature, disassembling, cleaning, reassembling, marching with, cleaning, sleeping with, cleaning, drilling with, cleaning ... the well-worn M-16A1 that I had been issued, I managed to qualify ‘Expert’ on the rifle range. At the time, this meant that I was able to put a round somewhere on to a human silhouette target out to 300 meters. Flash forward a decade and . . ." ...

Timeless Protection Of The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the debate rages over the interpretation, and even the relevance of the Second Amendment, we must look to history in order to understand why the Founding Fathers wrote this amendment."

"The most obvious point of reference is that the men who wrote our Constitution were 'revolutionists.' They had just used arms to overthrow a government they believed unjust, and they wanted to insure the future citizens of this great country the opportunity to do the same, should the need ever arise." ...

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Call me crazy if you want, but I personally find cleaning handguns to be almost as much fun as shooting them. I know many people, my wife included, who look at me like I’m crazy when I say that. I have friends who have firearms that go unshot for months at a time because they don’t want to clean them when they get home. To me this is unfathomable. While it is true that I don’t clean my guns after every trip to the range, I do clean them fairly often, especially my carry gun. To me, cleaning my firearm is another way to become and stay familiar with it . . ." ...

Gear Review: SIGTac SB15 Pistol Stabilizing Brace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The concept of an AR-15 pistol is pretty cool. The practicality of using one, not so much. For one thing, an AR-15 pistol is heavy; a lot of the pistol’s weight lies forward of the pistol grip.Stabilizing the side-to-side motion is a challenge as well. It is, to put it mildly, awkward to shoot. Enter the SIGTac’s SB15 Pistol Stabilization Brace for the AR15, invented and manufactured by Alex Bosco of SB Tactical. As the name implies, it’s designed to help shooters support and stabilize an AR15 pistol. Which is just as well. Other than the brace, options for taming the AR-15 pistol without the brace include . . ." ...

Smith & Wesson doubles earnings over past months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp., one of the nation's foremost gun manufacturers, has more than doubled its earnings in the past few months."

"The reason for the revenue rise is simple, company executives say in their most recent quarterly earnings report: Demand is huge." ...

Grandmother fights gun violence - politely, forcefully
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For an activist, Kathleen Glueck is exceptionally polite. When speaking, she reflexively checks her tone, careful to not monopolize a conversation."

"After sending me data to make her case, she writes, 'Don't want to inundate you with too many reference materials cluttering up your email!' Bring it on."

"America needs to hear more from the likes of this Cape Cod grandmother. And they will. Despite her gentle demeanor, Glueck admits she is 'a dog on a bone' about gun violence."

"There is a reason. She has eight grandchildren. One was a fourth-grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School ..."

"Glueck's grandson survived. But he heard the entire killing spree while hiding inside a cabinet. ..." ...

Latest Gun Grabber Taxation Scheme Wants Gun Owners to Pay for Victims of Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti second amendment advocates, LUCINDA M. FINLEY and JOHN G. CULHANE recently wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times, titled 'Make Gun Companies Pay Blood Money', promoting that people exercising their constitutional right to keep and bear arms be made to pay a tax, that could then be used to pay victims of gun violence." ...

SAF, CCRKBA file FOI request for all Bloomy-MAIG records
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today sent a Freedom of Information Law request to the office of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, asking for all records relating to the Bloomberg administration’s involvement with Mayors Against Illegal Guns."

"SAF and CCRKBA are joined in the request by Tom Gresham, host of the nationally-syndicated 'Gun Talk' radio program. The request, prepared by SAF Special Projects Director Philip Watson, was sent electronically and via overnight mail. Gresham and the two gun rights organizations are asking for the following:" ...

Bloomberg, MAIG now linked to questionable Nevada anti-gun lobbying effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns are under new fire today after the New York Post and Politico reported that a “special counsel” to Bloomberg’s office was sent to Nevada to lobby gun policies, apparently on behalf of the MAIG group."

"It is the latest in a series of public relations nightmares for Bloomberg and MAIG. Earlier this week, news broke that two mayors dropped out over the group’s anti-gun politics and that followed revelations about the use of a New York City computer server to host the MAIG website." ...

NY: Ulster activists support gun background checks
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A handful of members of the Organization for Action (OFA) gathered on the Woodstock Green Wednesday night to support the House of Representatives’ bill expanding background checks on gun sales."

"OFA works in support of President Obama’s agenda. Their goals are to bring backing and awareness to issues for which the President is working." ...

FL: Homeowner shoots, kills intruders (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said a homeowner shot and killed two would-be robbers during a home invasion Wednesday night." ...

"'Not even two seconds later, the door is getting kicked in and someone's yelling, 'Get on the ground, get on the ground, shut up,' said one of the men inside the home ..."

"He said they jumped to the ground and remained there for about one minute."

"'I look up and there's a man on the ground and everyone else is on the ground doing the same thing I am, slowly looking up. To my amazement, my best friend Tommy saved our lives,' said the witness."

"The man named Tommy lived at the home and grabbed his 9mm from his bedroom when the intruders broke in." ...

CA: Manhattan Beach cigar shop robber gets 40 years to life for slashing clerk's throat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Los Angeles man who had displayed bizarre courtroom behavior during his trial was sentenced Wednesday to 40 years to life in prison for robbing a Manhattan Beach cigar shop, handcuffing the clerk and slashing his throat from ear to ear." ...

"Mirza said Rodgers then demanded he raise his head to expose his neck. Rodgers jabbed the knife into him under his left ear and sliced across his neck, just shy of his right ear. He wrapped metal wire around his neck, stuck the knife into his cheek and fled with $240."

"Mirza said he could feel the blood and his life rushing from his body, but he survived." ...

NJ: Video: Home invasion, beating stuns Millburn
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Perched on the mantel, a nanny cam quietly records a young mother and her 3-year-old daughter watching cartoons in the living room of their Millburn home."

"A crash breaks over the sound of the television and the mother casually walks out of the edge of the frame to investigate. Suddenly, a man bursts into view, lunging and swinging at her head. He punches her in the face over and over again. He kicks her in the head, throws her to the floor, puts her in a headlock. Then he throws her like a rag doll down the basement stairs."

"The video shows the intruder making three trips upstairs to rifle through the family’s belongings, while repeatedly assaulting the woman, kicking her, punching her and yanking her by the hair." ...

Submitter's comment: Why would anyone need a gun? This is a safe town!

KABA Note: And what kind of paranoid nut-job practices home-carry?

Senator Tricked Newtown Families in Order to Get Them to Break GOP Filibuster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Chris Murphy. Get used to seeing his face. This man, the youngest member of the Senate at age 39 was a relatively unknown junior senator from Connecticut before the Sandy Hook shootings. Now, Murphy is at the forefront of the gun control debate and seems poised to become the next Dianne Feinstein in the US Senate."

"Murphy is already showing his tactics for getting the gun control policies he wants. In a recent New York Times interview, Murphy actually admitted to tricking the families of Sandy Hook victims." ...

Carolyn McCarthy, barrel shrouds and 'assault slings'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few who have participated in the gun rights/'gun control' debate are unaware of rabidly anti-gun Congresswoman Carolyn 'What's a Barrel Shroud' McCarthy's (D-NY) inability, when asked by TV journalist Tucker Carlson in 2007, to define barrel shrouds, despite those being among the verboten features by which she proposed to identify evil 'assault weapons' in H.R. 1022, 'Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007.'"

"For those who are unfamiliar with the story, you can watch the 53 second sidebar video of her appearance ... immediately after the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. In it, Carlson asked McCarthy about H.R. 1022--specifically, what is a barrel shroud, and why should it be banned?" ...

Manchin sticks with gun buyer check proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"He doesn’t know when the next vote may come, but U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin said in an interview this week that he isn’t giving up on his quest to broaden gun buyer background checks."

"The Democrat and lifelong gun owner, who famously fired a rifle in a 2010 campaign TV ad, said he continues to seek needed supporters for expanding background checks to all transactions at gun shows and online. The proposal he co-sponsored with Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., needed at least 60 votes to advance in April but fell short, 54-46." ...

IL: Ill. Dems call for gov.’s gun verdict
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some Illinois Democrats on Thursday urged the governor to act quickly on legislation allowing the carrying of concealed weapons in the state, saying they need him to accept or reject the measure so lawmakers can avert a 'public safety and constitutional crisis' as they try to meet a court-ordered deadline."

"Illinois' General Assembly sent Gov. Pat Quinn a bill to end the state's holdout as last in the nation to prevent concealed carry after a federal appeals court ruled in December that the ban violates the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The Democratic governor has been tight-lipped about his intentions." ...

LA: Louisiana Passes Law Criminalizing Journalists Who Publish Identity of Gun Permit Holders, Applicants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Journalists in Louisiana who publish the identity of individuals who possess or have applied for concealed handgun permits can now be fined or thrown in jail."

"Republican Governor Bobby Jindal signed legislation last week that outlaws the publishing of 'any information regarding the identity of any person who applied for or received a concealed handgun permit.'"

"Doing so can mean jail sentences of up to six months and fines of $10,000."

"The only exceptions are cases where the concealed handgun holder is charged with a felony offense involving the use of a firearm." ...

NJ: NJ Gun Groups Warn Assembly Democrats On Illegal Vote-Rigging
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A coalition of Garden State gun owner and sportsmen's groups today served legal notice on Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, warning that impending action on several gun bills would be invalid and subject to legal challenge as a result of illegal vote-rigging in an Assembly committee earlier this month."

"The warning cites a serious violation of legislative rules by the Assembly Law & Public Safety Committee at a June 6 th hearing. When the Democrats' self-described 'centerpiece' of their gun bill package (A4182) failed during a roll-call vote, the committee chairman aborted the roll-call ... in violation of rules requiring that voting must be completed once it has started before any further action can be taken." ...

NY: Part-time residents’ gun possession challenge
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Addressing a longstanding injustice that affects retirees and others who divide their time between different states, the case of Osterweil v. Bartlett challenges New York’s refusal to issue handgun permits to part-year residents. The plaintiff lives part of the year in Louisiana and part of the year in upstate New York, where local authorities denied him the permit that is required to possess any handgun in the home under New York law." ...

CA: Oakland Police Department Settlement: City May Pay $1 Million To Protesters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City of Oakland has agreed to pay approximately $1 million to end a lawsuit filed on behalf of 150 demonstrators alleging police misconduct in their 2010 mass arrest."

"The preliminary settlement approved by a federal judge ends the class-action lawsuit filed by the National Lawyers Guild on behalf of 150 people arrested but not charged with a crime during a protest in November 2010. The protest followed the sentencing of former BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle for the shooting death of Oscar Grant, which the demonstrators complained was unacceptably light."

"During the demonstration, protesters said, police funneled them onto a side street, where officers surrounded them and announced they were under arrest." ...

FL: Florida "bra-shaking" police search to be investigated, report says (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer in Lakeland, Fla. reportedly instructed a woman to shake out her bra during a drug search and now the state attorney representing Polk County is calling his actions 'highly questionable,' CBS affiliate WKMG reports."

"In a letter to the Lakeland Police Department this week, State Attorney Jerry Hill also called Officer Dustin Fetz's actions 'ineffective and possibly dangerous,' according to the station." ...

MO: Cary Ball’s family files lawsuit against city police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of Cary Ball Jr., who was shot 25 times by police on April 24, filed a wrongful death lawsuit at 1 p.m. today against the St. Louis City Police Department, the individual officers and the Board of Police Commissioners."

"In the four-count lawsuit, the family alleges that officers initiated a high-speed car pursuit that was in violation of the department’s 'no chase' policy. Witnesses report Ball raising his hands in surrender before officers shot and killed him, according to the lawsuit." ...

IL: Chicago police sergeant charged with attempted extortion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran Chicago police sergeant mired in personal debt was arrested Monday on a charge that he attempted to extort a West Side liquor store employee by offering to look up police reports, license plates and other information in exchange for cash."

"'You gotta get amnesia, you know, forget about it,' Ray M. Ramirez, 49, a Monroe District patrol sergeant, was quoted by the FBI as saying in a conversation captured on audio and video recordings shortly after he allegedly pocketed one $200 payoff last month." ...

The Zimmerman Case, Day Three
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Tuesday ended well for the defense, Wednesday couldn’t have been much worse. Zimmerman’s prior calls to the Stanford PD were ruled admissible, one neighbor testified that she heard a cry for help from a boy, the same neighbor and another testified that Zimmerman was on top of Martin, and the girl who was on the phone with Martin just before his deadly confrontation with Zimmerman directly contradicted many of Zimmerman’s prior statements. Anyway, none of the defense team suffered a myocardial infarction or a case of the hiccups, so things could have been worse . . ." ...

The Trayvon Martin case and the limits of self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The trial of George Zimmerman -- the neighborhood watch volunteer accused of killing an unarmed teenager at a Florida townhouse complex -- has prompted demonstrations across the country by groups demanding justice for victim Trayvon Martin. ..."

"But as jurors heard opening statements in the trial Monday, an advocacy group for black conservatives called Project 21 tried to push back against the 'explosive voices that simply inflame.' After noting that Zimmerman is innocent until proved guilty, the group said the trial raises a broad and important question about the limits of self-defense." ...

FL: George Zimmerman trial: Is this the best the prosecutor Angela Corey has?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s early in the show trial of George Zimmerman on what is an open and shut case of self-defense to any disinterested party, but the prosecution has been a farce thus far."

"Yesterday, the prosecution’s witness made Zimmerman out to be responsible, respectful, thoughtful and most important, 'reasonable' in her testimony." ...

NY: Journal News at it Again: Newspaper FOILS New Gun Permit Data
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Rockland County Times has confirmed that the Journal News daily newspaper has requested from Putnam, Rockland and Westchester Counties a complete list of gun owners who did not file 'opt out' papers exempting themselves from pistol permit public records."

"Rockland County Clerk Paul Piperato said he is currently going through some procedural steps before releasing the data. He noted that Westchester has likely already delivered the information to the Journal News and Putnam County will most likely resist giving the information, just as they had last time. Piperato said he expects Putnam to take the case to court and lose." ...

The Day I Brought My Semi-Auto Rifle to School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was a warm September morning in 1996 when I reached into my closet to grab my rifle case and my range bag that I had prepped the previous night. I opened up the bag and the case to double check I had everything I needed. Rifle: check. 500 rounds of ammunition: check. Hearing protection: check. Eye protection: check. With any luck, I’d get through all 500 rounds today. Time to head to school . . ." ...

What 'everyone knows' about rise of gun violence is wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone knows that when the 1994 gun control law expired 10 years later, the number of gun crimes rose considerably, leading to today's much-higher-than-the-historic-average rates of criminal offenses with firearms."

"Except for one thing: Everybody who 'knows' that is wrong."

"Two recent news releases, one from the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics and the other from the private Pew Research Center, show that gun homicides peaked in 1993 and have been dropping ever since." ...

OH: This Will Drive Gun-Grabbers Crazy … And Change Our Schools Forever
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s going to drive the gun-grabbers crazy. But it’s going to change our schools forever." ...

"The Sandy Hook elementary school slaughter had just rocked the nation. Anti-gun activists lead by Mayor Bloomberg began screaming for gun bans and dozens of new restrictions."

"Ken Hanson, legal counsel for Buckeye Firearms Association, was invited to debate the issue at OSU. The debate was unremarkable … until Ken dropped a bombshell."

"He said that debate was pointless. ..."

"'We’re done debating,' Ken announced. 'We know what stops school killers. It’s not talk. Killers stop killing when someone makes them stop.' Then he told the crowd Buckeye Firearms Foundation would start providing 'active killer' training to armed teachers." ...

IN: Group plans Muncie gun rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pro-gun advocacy group founded in Delaware County plans a Second Amendment rally this weekend in downtown Muncie."

"Indiana Moms Against Gun Control plans to hold a rally at 11 a.m. Saturday near the Delaware County Building, founder MeLinda Porter told The Star Press." ...

UT: Group plans nation's first open carry 5k race (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners in Utah have come together to plan the country's first Open Carry 5k race."

"The idea behind the race is to promote responsible gun ownership, but the group is giving proceeds to local victims of gun violence. It's split into two separate events: a half-mile armed carry race and a 3.1-mile race." ...

AZ: Largest Straw Purchase of Guns in History Goes Uninvestigated, Phoenix Mayor, Council & Police All Complicit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How to buy 2,000 guns, out of state, with no paperwork."

"Someone anonymously provided $200,000, to buy 2,000 guns in Phoenix, AZ of May 2013, using $100 grocery gift cards as the money."

"If it was billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg as the well-founded rumors suggest, he would have had to do it anonymously, and wash the money pretty good, because it’s illegal to buy guns like that across state lines. Buying 2,000 guns that way would be 2,000 federal and state felonies." ...

China: China shooting spree ends with six dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a rare case of gun violence in China a man fatally shot five people and beat a sixth to death, including some of his factory colleagues and a soldier, police have said."

"The 62-year-old man's killing spree started when he used unspecified tools to beat a colleague to death over an economic dispute, according to Shanghai police. ..."

"The bureau said Fan then took a hunting rifle that was hidden in his dormitory, asked a driver to take him to another district and shot him on the way. After killing the man Fan drove the vehicle back to Baoshan and killed a soldier who was guarding the entrance to a barracks. He also took the soldier's gun." ...

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what have for dinner. — JAMES BOVARD (1994)

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