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Newslinks for 6/28/2010

John Stossel's Full Report: More Guns = Less Crime (Video)
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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Submitter's Note: This is an outstanding report, backed up with statistical evidence, about how increased gun ownership reduces crime. This report also discusses the advantages of concealed carry laws, and has testimony from people who have lost loved ones due to gun control laws. Don't miss this.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

Safer Streets 2010: Leftists do not dispute second amendment facts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fox News' John Stossel has been a friend of the second amendment from the beginning. John is a great example of critical thinking and he is a good ambassador for the libertarian movement. On the other hand, anti-gun folks lack critical thinking, and confuse carping and smug remarks with germane analysis. Some of the most compelling facts about our second amendment are not disputed by even the most vociferous gun control activists: they are ignored." ...

California town can actually mandate Crime Free Zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As innovative as I thought I was with the invention of the Crime Free Zone, I was not the first. Incredible as it may seem, I have found a municipal ordinance in Lancaster, California (That is about 40 miles north of Los Angeles), written in 2003, that explains how to create a Crime Free Zone in their city. The hard working folks there created Chapter 9.32 of their code of ordinances precisely to establish crime free zones. According to the ordinance, the city council has the power to establish the zone by defining its boundaries, announcing it and putting up signage announcing its existence. The procedure is summed up like this:" ...

This Is Why We Need No Linkage Between Guns And No-Fly List
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AOL news reports that a six year old child was placed on the anti-terror no fly list. While it did not interfere with the immediate flying plans of this Ohio family, it was inconvenient. It might have been worse. The article admits that the no-fly list is classified and how you get on it is also classified:" ...

"This reminds me of Harold Meyerson's recent critical article in the Washington Post after the California primary that suggested that Carly Florina was unelectable in California for, inter alta, not supporting taking Second Amendment rights away from people just because they are on the no-fly list:" ...

Crime free Milwaukee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Until open carry was re-established as lawful in Wisconsin last year, no one complained very loudly about the State or Federal Gun Free School Zone laws. Rarely was news ever written about anyone being arrested for carrying a gun too close to a school, although it probably happened all the time."

"Now that citizens are beginning to openly carry guns more and more, they and law enforcers are paying more attention to these laws. The fact of the matter is this is only an issue in states where citizens who are not prohibited from possessing a gun, can carry it without a permit. Permit holders in the other states are granted an exemption under the Federal Gun Free School Zone law." ...

Supreme Court set to offer opinion on the Chicago Gun ban tomorrow
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court will release its opinion on the McDonald v. Chicago gun ban case on Monday. The opinion will decide whether the 2nd Amendment applies to the states."

"From the SCOTUS blog:"

"The first opinion that could emerge is a historic ruling on gun rights, resolving whether the Second Amendment restricts the gun-control powers of states, counties, and cities, and not just the federal government's powers (McDonald v. City of Chicago, 08-1521). That's because the author of the opinion (according to Tom's analysis) could be Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. He is the most junior Justice likely to announce an opinion Monday, and opinions are usually released in reverse order of the authors' seniority." ...

Waiting for the McDonald vs. Chicago decision to arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is reported that the decision that gun rights activists have been waiting for all year will be released on Monday. At that time, the United States Supreme Court will issue a verdict in the McDonald vs. Chicago case. If the decision is favorable to the plaintiff - which is the expected outcome - it will effectively incorporate the 2008 Heller decision to the states and would be a victory for pro-gun rights activists."

"But is this just a temporary victory?" ...

Supreme Court Finale
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The US Supreme Court is expected to wrap up work for the year this week ... including a much-awaited decision on whether the Second Amendment applies to the states."

"'Well, of course it does,' most people might say."

"But, the Supreme Court has never ruled directly on the matter, which seems sort of odd, given that the Second Amendment was part of the original Bill of Rights ..."

"The case involves a handgun ban in the City of Chicago ..." ...

"Tom Goldstein of believes that the Constitution will win out, but isn't sure how far the Court will go in terms of raising questions about firearms regulations."

"That will be an important part of today's decision." ...

Chicago Awaits Fate of its Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States Supreme Court will most likely announce the fate of Chicago's handgun ban Monday morning."

"In 2008, the high court ruled that Washington, D.C.'s gun ban violated the Second Amendment right to self-defense with a firearm. After that, gun bans in Oak Park and Chicago were challenged."

"Chicago's top lawyer, Mara Georges, says there's a menu of regulations Chicago could adopt if the ban is overturned."

"GEORGES: The Council could consider limitations on number of firearms, insurance and training requirements, ballistics testing and minimum qualifications for handgun eligibility." ...

Submitter's Note: How about a literacy test or a poll/gun tax or a residency requirement?

'The law of the land'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley says 10 people died in his city as a result of being shot. Chicago is a city where handgun bans prevent law-abiding people living in the city from owning a gun."

"'Look at all the guns that shot people this weekend.' That's like saying my car sitting in the driveway started up, drove down the street and ran down four people and killed them. In Volusia County, four people were bludgeoned to death beyond recognition with a baseball bat."

"Daly should get in touch with reality. The guns in Chicago were in the hands of criminals who committed crimes. The same applies to the car and the baseball bat." ...

Gun Rights Orgs Predict Second Amendment Incorporation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense has once again applied a unique analysis tool to predict the outcome of the McDonald v. Chicago case currently being considered by the Supreme Court."

"Using what’s known as the KJ Analysis, the NJCSD concluded that the justices will find in favor of McDonald and that the Second Amendment will be incorporated against the states under the 14th Amendment."

"KJ is a method which analyzes reactions to a product, service or statement, compiles the voices, and organizes them into a hierarchy to understand key issues or needs. In this particular case the NJCSD team organized the Justice's statements culled from the transcript of this important Supreme Court Case." ...

The Second Amendment x 1/2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to rule on a key Second Amendment case, McDonald v. Chicago, Carl Bindenagel explores the court’s record on past gun rights cases. He argues that it has improperly overturned a long history of precedent and radically re-interpreted the Second Amendment as an individual right — a politicized error that has cost lives." ...

Submitter's Note: Doubtless Carl was horrified when Brown v. Board of Education overturned the long established 'separate but equal' precedent of Plessy v. Ferguson, or when Loving v. Virginia threw out the anti-miscegenation laws endorsed by Pace v. Alabama.

Turning our guns against us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few words have been pored over more strenuously and passionately than those of the Second Amendment: ..."

"Understanding exactly what the Founding Fathers meant with this language ... likely is a never-ending conversation. One issue is indisputable, though — the 'militia' they referred to is an American one. The Bill of Rights positively did not intend to protect the rights of foreign militias to keep and bear arms."

"That, however, is exactly what is happening. Over 20,000 weapons (87 percent of the total) recovered from drug traffickers by Mexican law enforcement from 2004-2008 originated in the United States. These weapons commonly include AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifles ..." ...

Canada: Armed homeowner shoots intruder in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A home invader was reportedly shot in self defense by his would-be elderly victim."

"Police say that an intruder attempted to break in through a window of a Colton, Ontario home. The 79 year old homeowner is said to have noticed the home invasion attempt, grabbed his handgun, and fired in self defense, striking the intruder in the shoulder and ending the attack. A dead suspect, reportedly identified as 37 year old Fidel Escanuelas was found at the scene, and two suspected accomplices were taken into custody. No injures to the elderly resident were reported."

"It is a sad fact that criminals prey on senior citizens, seeing them as easy targets ..." ...

PA: Man charged in Pa. stabbing rampage that killed 4
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"A man who served prison time for a 1992 murder was charged Sunday with fatally stabbing four people, including a woman described as the suspect's former girlfriend and her 87-year-old grandfather."

"Police charged Michael Eric Ballard, 36, with four counts of homicide for Saturday's rampage ..."

"Police alleged that Ballard killed 39-year-old Denise Merhi, her father and her grandfather along with a neighbor who rushed over to help when he heard the initial screams from Merhi's home." ...

"Zernhelt, who lived in the adjoining twin, heard the commotion, ran over to help and was stabbed as he got through the front door, according to his brother." ...

Submitter's note: The neighbor went over to help, but was defenseless, and became an instant victim for nothing. DON'T try to help if you have no means to help, and can't even defend yourself. ABC = Always Be Carrying.

NRA Keeping Close Eye on Elena Kagan Hearings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, June 28, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will begin confirmation hearings on the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. With a Supreme Court decision expected that same day in the critical Second Amendment case of McDonald v. City of Chicago and many more Second Amendment cases likely to come, the NRA is following the debate over the Kagan nomination extremely closely."

"Because Ms. Kagan has no judicial record and few academic writings, the NRA is carefully reviewing her record in other government posts, including her clerkship for the late Justice Thurgood Marshall and her involvement in formulating anti-gun policies at the Clinton White House. ..." ...

NRA didn't sell out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the letter about HR5175, the Disclose Act, in which the writer claimed the NRA has sold out:"

"You are dead wrong and your accusation is false. You claim to be a life member of the NRA and are willing to flog them over something you 'heard.' Don't you read? How long have you been a life member?"

"... Had you been in the habit of reading [America's First Freedom], you would know the NRA would never strike a deal with Congress that would infringe on any right of the people or of any other organization that is not in the business of trampling on the Bill of Rights, especially to benefit themselves (that's what politicians do). It doesn't matter which right is in question." ...

Submitter's Note: The NRA performed an action which allowed this horrendous bill to pass. Regardless of what they call it, in my book that constitutes support, which constitutes a sell out.

NRA's aim is off its political targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, I went over to the Highway Safety Patrol office, where they fingerprinted me, took my picture and charged me $82."

"That's what it takes to renew a firearms 'carry' permit in Mississippi."

"Yes, I am a gun owner. No, I am not the NRA."

"The [NRA] is one of the most powerful special interest groups ... I believe the 2nd Amendment must be protected. However, the NRA's incessant, paranoid claims and partisan intrigues do more damage than good for gun rights."

"Recently, the NRA's conservative Republican supporters were aghast because it cut a deal with House Democrats to get exemption from a bill requiring special interest groups to disclose top donors. I was amused because it was just usual NRA tactics." ...

NRA blew it big time on Disclose Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Do you wear a crash helmet to work?' I asked Bruce Josten, executive vice president for governmental affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ... the same day the House of Representatives passed the Disclose Act."

"Josten is widely recognized as a talented and influential voice of reason on the Hill, but these past 18 months have seen one setback after another for America's small businesses. The chamber often has had all the right arguments, but, as Disraeli noted long ago, a 'majority is better than the best repartee.'"

"The majorities commanded by President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have swept all common sense before them and now are taking direct aim at the First Amendment." ...

MS: Travis Childers faces flak over D.C. gun feud
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Travis Childers, facing a tough November re-election challenge from Republican Alan Nunnelee, has been doing battle in recent days with an unlikely constituency -- the city of Washington."

"Political blogs have been hopping with the less-than-civil feud between Childers, a Democrat representing North Mississippi's 1st District, and a group called DC Vote, which is angry over Childers' support of legislation that would weaken gun control measures enacted by the city." ...

From citizen to 'smart ass' (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Vice President Joe Biden is in Wisconsin to help raise money for Senator Feingold's reelection bid. Real Politics posted a video of Biden in a local frozen custard shop. When Biden asked what he owed for the treat, the manager responded 'lower our taxes and we'll call it even.' Biden’s response was to call him a 'smart ass.'" ...

CA: Open carry legislation loaded issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before heading out the door, it's not unusual for Richard Mafera and Mario Carvajal to grab their keys, their wallets and their handguns."

"Mafera, who is from Rancho Cucamonga, and Carvajal, a Temecula resident, are among the unknown number of Inland residents who practice 'open carry' -- carrying firearms in plain sight."

"Under current law, residents can carry unconcealed guns in public that are not loaded. They also can have ammunition on their person, but cannot go within 1,000 feet of schools or take guns to places like government buildings."

"'It's just your natural right to defend yourself,' said Carvajal, 39. 'Open carry is nothing more than a tool to achieve that goal of self-defense.'" ...

More on Tazering Granny, and Similar Atrocities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... About a week before the incident in El Reno, 62-year-old Linda Hicks was shot to death by Officer Diane Chandler ..."

"The manager called the police for help after Hicks, who was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, threatened her own life with a pair of sewing scissors. When Chandler and her partner arrived, Hicks was lying in bed."

"The officers used a Taser on Hicks when she refused to remove her arms from beneath a pillow ..."

"After the Taser misfired, Hicks allegedly threatened the officers with the pair of sewing scissors she had concealed. ... Officer Chandler shot her four times at point-blank range. The Toledo PD's Firearms Review Board later ruled that this shooting was fully justified." ...

OK: 'Don't Taze My Granny!'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Lonnie Tinsley of El Reno, Oklahoma made a nearly fatal mistake last December 22 when he went to check on his grandma, Lona Varner."

"Concerned that Lona hadn’t taken her medications, Lonnie called 911 in the expectation that an emergency medical technician would be dispatched to the apartment to evaluate the bedridden 86-year-old woman."

"Instead, that call for help was answered by nearly a dozen armed tax-feeders employed by the El Reno Police Department."

"Understandably alarmed ... by the presence of uninvited armed strangers in her home, Lona ordered them to leave. This directive, issued by a fragile female octogenarian confined to a hospital-style bed and tethered to an oxygen tank, was interpreted as 'aggressive' behavior by Officer Thomas Duran, who ordered one of his associates : 'Taser her!'" ...

TX: Decision to use on-duty officers for funeral procession of David Brown Jr. spurs outrage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A cop-killer who is the son of the Dallas police chief continued to stir deep emotions Friday as he headed to his grave."

"An apparent last-minute decision by a deputy police chief to provide assistance during part of David Brown Jr.'s funeral procession angered some police associations. The city manager quickly issued a written statement distancing herself and Chief David Brown from the decision."

"'This was not a planned event nor a full honor escort,' according to the statement issued late Friday afternoon evening by Dallas City Manager Mary Suhm. 'The action will be fully investigated and may lead to disciplinary action.'"

"Officers said the assistance included 10 to 12 motorcycles and at least one squad car." ...

Canada: Crossbow arrest not related to G20: police -- Car contained sticks, axe handle, gasoline, other suspicious materials
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man who drove into downtown Toronto with implements including a chainsaw, gas cans and a crossbow in his car is not connected with the G20 summit, police say."

"But a spokesperson with the Integrated Security Unit said the Whitby man, 53, has been charged with weapons dangerous. The spokesperson would not say whether the charge was related to the crossbow."

"Officers arrested the man, who was driving an older silver Hyundai with a homemade box on its roof, during a routine stop ... a few blocks from the summit site." ...

Submitter's Comment: Anything could be used as a weapon or might be construed as a weapon, especially your brain. Don't miss the comments.
Video available.

KABA Note: I especially like this comment: "I agree, no one who lives in the country should have dangerous weapons like cross bows, chain saws, or gasoline. Because it's not like your car will ever run out of gas, or a tree will fall in the road, or a dangerous animal will attack you or your family ..."

North Alabama Regulators recreate the Old West with shooting competitions in Grant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A big, bearded man wearing an even bigger sombrero reaches into his leather holster, draws his shiny silver revolver and starts shooting."

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

"Sweating and in a hurry, he picks up his rifle and shoots five metal targets. ... Then he grabs his single-action shotgun. Shell by shell, he loads the powerful weapon, aims and fires. The sound is awesome and deafening."

"'Time, 32.85 seconds,' the scorekeeper says."

"'Dadgummit,' says Richard Fischer, who around these parts is known as El Chivo." ...

"These are the North Alabama Regulators. On the first Sunday of each month, these gun-totin', cowboy-dressin' folks get together for an Old West-inspired shooting competition in Grant." ...

IL: Are you packing heat? Concealed-carry gains momentum in Illinois
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With 15 killings in six months, East St. Louis is on track to once again earn the label of one of the deadliest cities in the country."

"But residents there, like all Illinois citizens, cannot legally walk around with a concealed pistol for protection."

"Steve King, who operates the Belleville Indoor Shooting Range, says law-abiding residents of East St. Louis and throughout Illinois should be able to legally carry concealed handguns to defend their lives." ...

"And some top metro-east lawmen agree. They urge that a law be adopted in Illinois to make it legal for qualified persons to pack a handgun. Illinois and Wisconsin are the only two states to entirely ban concealed firearms." ...

WV: Exercising his rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Independence Day to Ian Masters of Chester is a celebration of the freedoms afforded Americans by the U.S. Constitution, and in particular, the Bill of Rights."

"Masters, 24, is a 2004 graduate of Oak Glen High, and a third-year law student at the West Virginia University College of Law. He plans to exercise one of the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during Chester's Fourth of July community celebrations on July 3: his right to carry a gun." ...

"Masters is not planning any soap-box speech making or any kind of protest or rally. He and possibly a few friends plan to attend the Chester celebrations July 3, quietly displaying their right to bear arms by openly carrying holstered handguns." ...

IN: Red Brush helps kids develop aims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six years ago, Charlie Hallam and other members of the Red Brush Rifle Range saw kids were fast getting addicted to video games that promote violence above common sense. Concerned, they chose to counter by offering a day of safe shooting at their accredited facility."

"Red Brush members decided to ask the National Rifle Association for ideas and help in funding. The NRA contacted Brent Weil, chairman of the local chapter of Friends of the NRA, who agreed to furnish $5,000 if Red Brush would raise $2,500."

"When word got out, area kids and their parents hurriedly signed on. Each year both attendance and the number of shooting opportunities has grown ..." ...

CA: Guns and grades land trip to capital
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local renaissance girl Brooke Bradshaw will be going from the water to the nation's capital on the National Rifle Association’s dime."

"The 17-year-old incoming senior at Holtville High School has been the sole Viking swimmer for her school for the past three years and the 2009 Holtville Carrot Festival queen, in addition to various other activities."

"But it is her love for the sport of shooting and her academic aptitude that have enabled her to participate in the NRA's annual National Youth Education Summit from July 12-18." ...

PA: Young sharpshooters headed for Mansfield
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Some of the best young shooters in the country will converge on the Twin Tiers next month for the annual National Rifle Association International Youth Hunter Education Challenge."

"The event, launched in 1985, alternates between Raton, N.M. and Mansfield, Pa."

"The competition will be held July 26 through 30 at the Mill Cove Environmental Area in Mansfield." ...

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — WINSTON CHURCHILL

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