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Newslinks for 6/29/2015

Codrea: ATF’s Left Hand Doesn’t Know What Its Right Hand is Doing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A complaint filed Tuesday in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia seeks an order to compel the [ATF] to comply with a [FOIA] request filed in March and ignored in violation of federal law. The FOIA sought copies of policies and rulings relied on in enforcement and determination actions . . ."

"The complaint was filed by attorney David T. Hardy of Tucson on behalf of plaintiffs including Federal Firearms Licensee Len Savage, the not-for-profit FFL Defense Research Center, and this writer. It charges that the ATF did not respond to a joint [FOIA] records request filed in March, with a required response period of 20 business days. And that administrative remedies for the plaintiffs have been exhausted." ...

Tunisian Mass Murderer Counted On Gun Laws and Culture for Success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Revising earlier reports that two attackers were involved, authorities are now saying only one man was responsible for killing dozens of tourists and wounding dozens more at a Tunisian beach resort. Reportedly armed with a Kalashnikov initially concealed with an umbrella, it took an after-the-fact armed security team response to stop the killer from adding to his unarmed victim count . . ." ...

"... Per, as far as world rankings go, 'In a comparison of the rate of private gun ownership in 178 countries, Tunisia ranked at No. 178.'"

"Mull that over for a minute." ...

Why is gun registration a bad idea?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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"Gun and/or gun owner registration is bad for a free society. In this article I will discuss briefly a bit of the ancient history of weapons prohibition. I will look at the 20th century's horrors of gun registration, confiscation, and subsequent genocides."

"I am not predicting that registration in the United States will lead to genocide. But, registration and confiscation have already occurred in California and New York. Additionally, remember our government ..." ...

Will Pope Francis Disarm His Guards?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Pope Francis'] criticism of those who invest in weapons manufacture is especially puzzling. Anyone, after all, who purchases a weapon could fairly be said to have invested in the manufacture of them. And as it turns out, the Pontifical Swiss Guard, who defend the Vatican and its most famous resident, are lavishly equipped with some pretty hefty investments in Sig-Sauer, Heckler & Koch, Steyr Mannlicher, and Glock semi-automatic handguns, personal defense weapons, assault rifles, and submachine guns ..."

"So, will the Vatican be melting all those guns and blades down, to be remanufactured into farming implements, or something similarly non-martial? If not, who is the real hypocrite here, Your Holiness?"

Random Thoughts About the Possibility of a Second Civil War
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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. While there’s no question which party works "Since 1855, the U.S. political scene has been divided between Democrats and Republicansharder to degrade and destroy Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms, I reckon the two-party political divide is a distinction without a difference. Both sides are part of the same political establishment. Maintaining the status quo – the system itself – is job one. Ideology is a merely a means to that end. A more fundamental fracture in the body politic lies beneath the surface . . ."

"It’s the gulf between citizens who believe in Big Government and those who favor small government. Those who want government to sort sh*t out and those who want the government to GTFO." ...

Essay in ‘The Week’ cuts to heart of U.S. gun rights debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An essay appearing in today’s edition of The Week, authored by Jeb Golinkin, so clearly explains the backbone of the Second Amendment movement in this country that anyone but a closed-minded gun prohibitionist should understand why millions of citizens so zealously defend their right to keep and bear arms."

"It’s not that Golinkin comes across as a hardcore right to keep and bear arms absolutist (he doesn't); he alludes in the third paragraph to another article, written earlier this week by David Frum, that no hardcore gun rights activist is going to like at all. But Golinkin’s piece does sum up why millions of Americans passionately resist and revile any erosion of their fundamental civil right." ...

A Response to Australian Comedian Jim Jefferies Anti-Gun Viral Video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I know Australian comic Jim Jefferies’s anti-gun gasser has been highlighted before on TTAG, but this video just will not go away. I keep seeing it on Facebook, and I have even had it emailed to be by family and friends with an implied, 'See? You’re wrong!' I will admit that this is best summary of the gun control lobby’s arguments that I have ever heard. Jefferies’s delivery is flawless, his timing is perfect, and some of the material is good for some positive introspection. But in light of the bit’s growing prominence, I believe that it deserves a thorough fisking . . ." ...

How to Legally Dispose of a Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Modern pistols and revolvers are pretty resilient. You can push upwards of tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition through them before mechanical parts start to degrade. With proper maintenance, it’s possible for a revolver or pistol to last a lifetime. But what if you’re sick of that pistol? After the barrel is worn down, the grips smooth, the striker pin bowed, you just want to be rid of it and move on to another firearm? There are a couple legal processes you can do to legally dispose of a firearm . . ." ...

Will We Learn From the Charleston Killings?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[Name redacted] is accused of murdering nine worshippers[sic] at the historic Emanuel AME church in Charleston, S.C. President Obama called the shootings 'senseless murders' and suggested more gun control is needed in the wake of the tragedy."

"But in this violent nation of ours, there seems to be a disconnect between our Second Amendment 'right to keep and bear arms' and the number of mass killings in this country. Americans with guns kill thousands of fellow Americans each year. And remember, the right to bear arms is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices." ...

The Right to Be Free From Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Advocates of a saner approach to guns need a new strategy."

"We cannot go on like this, wringing our hands in frustration after every tragedy involving firearms. We said 'Enough' after Sandy Hook. We thought the moment for action had come. Yet nothing happened. We are saying 'Enough' after Charleston. But this time, we don't even expect anything to happen."

"What's needed is a long-term national effort to change popular attitudes toward handgun ownership. And we need to insist on protecting the rights of Americans who do not want to be anywhere near guns." ...

Many rights fall to 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The gunman who entered the Coral Ridge Mall with his so-called Second Amendment gun and killed a young innocent woman, violated the Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments of the Constitution."

"The gunman who entered the Charleston church and killed nine innocent individuals, violated the same Amendments as the mall gunman. The Charleston gunman also violated the First Amendment of the Constitution as those individuals were gunned down while exercising their First Amendment rights." ...

The NRA, and the tactics of fear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I get many solicitations for membership and contributions in the mail, but I found this one to be particularly alarming. While it promised me an 'NRA rugged duffel bag' for joining, its main pitch was to scare me and the thousands of other persons receiving it into signing a 'National Petition to Protect Our Rights to Keep and Bear Arms' and joining the NRA. Signing the petition was important the letter explained because 'the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun ban machine and their anti-gun media allies are waging all-out war on our gun rights!'" ...

Truths self-evident after massacre of Emanuel 9
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I further believe that this crime was facilitated by the lack of gun control that arises from some misguided beliefs about the Second Amendment. While people have the right to possess a firearm I do not think it is means the right to carry anywhere, anytime, with no training, license or background checks. I do not believe that the Second Amendment gives us the right to become a nation of vigilantes in response to violence." ...

Bye-Bye Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Barack Obama and his party have made no secret of their desire to enact strict gun control legislation in America. Their efforts have been rebuffed so far by the American people and the Republican legislature. But that hasn’t stopped them from plotting any number of ways to try to restrict gun ownership through regulatory, procedural, or executive actions."

"Those efforts are bound to continue, especially now that the United States Supreme Court appears to be open to reaching decisions based on political considerations and public pressure, as opposed to basing their decisions solely on the U.S. Constitution." ...

GOP Stops CDC 2nd Amendment “Research and Destroy” Mission
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t know about you, but I need some good news this week. And there is a happy crumb to report: the House Appropriations Committee has rejected an amendment that would allow the CDC to 'study the underlying causes of gun violence' (not that guns are violent in and of themselves, but you know the drill)."

"In doing so, House Republicans stopped Democrats from funding Obama-directed CDC research designed as subterfuge for laying the foundation of an attack on our Second Amendment rights. Instead of turning gun control into a national health issue, Obama and his bureaucrat cronies are back to having to fight the Second Amendment on emotional pleas and using victims as political pawns." ...

Jeb Bush: Obama's gun control wouldn't have stopped shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican presidential nominee Jeb Bush this weekend lauded his record against government-mandated gun control -- and disputed President Barack Obama's suggestions that easy access to guns plays a direct role in shooting tragedies like the one in South Carolina earlier this month."

"Stumping in the early caucus state of Nevada, near Las Vegas, Bush on Saturday addressed the hot button issue -- which often spurs debate prior to elections and after mass shootings."

"The former Florida governor, long a proponent of Second Amendment rights that protect citizens' rights to carry firearms, said a state or federally-mandated clampdown on guns are not the answer to acts of violence." ...

NJ: Pro-gun activists rally for signatures in Sweeney recall effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They feel they are losing their individual freedom and they said they came to 'take their state back.'"

"The New Jersey Second Amendment Society — a pro-gun rights group — and about 200 gun rights advocates gathered in the ballroom of The Washington Banquet & Catering on Saturday to rally support and gather signatures for a recall effort against State Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester)."

"The primary focus of the event was to collect 30,000 signatures from registered voters in Sweeney's Third Legislative District, which spans Gloucester, Cumberland and Salem counties." ...

Can Gay Couples Open Carry AR-15s in Washington, DC As A Result Of Obergefell?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges was celebrated loudly as a victory for supporters of gay 'marriage' Friday, and yet, the way the case was decided, using a new interpretation of the 14th Amendment’s due process clause, may have opened the floodgates for gun rights reform." ...

"I argued Friday morning that the Obergefell decision validated concealed carry reciprocity nationwide." ...

SCOTUS ruling should open door for nat’l CCW recognition, say activists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Friday’s landmark 5-4 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on same-sex marriage should open the door for national concealed carry recognition, some gun rights advocates, including the head of a national Second Amendment group, are saying."

"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in a press release that the same principle should apply to nationwide state recognition of concealed carry licenses and permits from all other states. And Bob Owens at Bearing seems to concur." ...

Gun rights groups find a side to gay marriage ruling that will make liberal heads EXPLODE
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners might have a bright side to the gay marriage decision that the Supreme Court announced Friday."

"Besides forcing states that want to preserve traditional definitions of marriage to accept the homosexual kind, it likely also means a concealed carry permit issued in one state must be honored by all other states." ...

They Can Be Taught!: RDU TSA Change Their Ways
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We recently related Matt H.’s tale of woe while flying the friendly skies via Raleigh Durham airport. Against all odds, his story has a happy ending:"
"Much to my surprise my complaint was actually addressed. A representative contacted me directly (a different one from the person originally claiming to be a manager) and took the details of my experience, telling me that the process I went through was not the correct procedure for RDU as it had been explained to her and that she would follow up with me. I received a second call the next day . . ." ...

MI: Man wrongly sent to prison for rape blames police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Carter was almost 17 when he was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct against a 10-year-old girl. He was steadfast in declaring his innocence and refused sex offender therapy, which hurt his chances for an earlier parole. He was released from prison in 2008."

"Police in recent months learned that a man had coerced the girl and her mother to blame Carter for the 1991 assault because of an unpaid debt."

"'Grand Rapids Police Department — they are to blame, not me, not the victims,' Carter said. '... It was your job to figure out did I do it or not, but you didn’t do your job.'" ...

WA: Seattle to pay $1.975 million for excessive force suit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Seattle Police Department has agreed to pay $1.975 million to settle an excessive force lawsuit."

"The Seattle Times reports that Nathaniel Caylor sued Seattle police Officer Eugene Schubeck and another officer, Don Leslie, in federal court, alleging excessive use of force and outrage, and accused the department of conducting a negligent investigation into the 2009 shooting that resulted in a face full of screws, metal plates and bone grafts." ...

TX: BCSO detention deputy arrested for aggravated assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another detention deputy with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office has been arrested."

"Ronald Bailey turned himself in Thursday. He was recently indicted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for a Sept. 2014 incident."

"According to a police report, the deputy was taking care of three children during his scheduled weekend visition."

"He was making lunch on Sept. 6, 2014 when he grabbed a kitchen knife and held it to the throat of one of the children who would not quiet down ..." ...

NJ: Ex-Atlantic City cop gets prison terms for improperly making thousands off community program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Atlantic City police officer convicted of improperly making thousands of dollars through a program intended to help the community is now headed to prison."

"Atlantic County prosecutors say 41-year-old Michael Jones received two sentences Wednesday totaling 11 years. He also must pay $12,760 in restitution." ...

NV: OK Officer Arrested In Las Vegas, Accused Of Abducting Teen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Oklahoma police officer was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, after authorities said he abducted a 15-year-old girl."

"According to KOVR, a CBS Affiliate in Sacramento, California, a 15-year-old girl from Turlock, California, went missing on Wednesday. Turlock police identified her suspected abductor as a man in his 30s named Danniel Boone Morgan II."

"Police noted that Morgan knew the girl, although their exact relationship had not been identified, KOVR reported." ...

OH: After Charleston, out come the gun-control ‘whackos’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After Charleston, out come the gun-control ‘whackos’"

"As we prepare to cele brate Independence Day, we must take a moment out to grieve for the shooting victims of Charleston who in their moment of prayer fell victim to an assassin’s bullets in their house of worship. As usual when tragedy like this happens, out come the gun-control whackos beating the gun-control war drums to take away our rights under the Second Amendment." ...

OK: OU professor: Restrictive gun laws don't keep people safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association created a bit of a brouhaha recently when it sued the city of Norman over a gun ban at Norman's annual music festival. Not surprisingly, the judge issued a restraining order against the city. What was surprising were reactions on social media to the lawsuit and the realization that people might be carrying guns at the festival. A segment of our population seems to be unaware that guns are now commonplace in Oklahoma." ...

As I have stood in the crosshairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I've realized that firearms are not the only issue. No, it's much, much bigger than that. I've come to understand that a cultural war is raging across our land, in which, with Orwellian fervor, certain acceptable thoughts and speech are mandated. — Charlton Heston

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