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SC: Prosecutors say Anderson man acted in self defense killing intruder
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Prosecutors say they will not charge a man who shot and killed an ax-wielding intruder in his bedroom.

Prosecutor Druanne White says Lance Myers, of Anderson, acted in self-defense when he shot Ernest Leroy Miles, 41.

Myers told police he shot Miles in the neck after spotting an intruder coming at him with an ax on March 7th.

White says the evidence in the case lined up with Myers' story.


MN: Motion to Overturn Conceal & Carry: Hearing in Ramsey County District Court June 3rd.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The religious institutions’ motion for summary judgment asserts that the Conceal & Carry Law was passed as part of a bill that includes more than one subject, in violation of the Minnesota Constitution. The Minnesota House of Representatives improperly attached the Conceal & Carry Law to a Department of Natural Resources bill already passed unanimously by the Minnesota Senate, says the motion."

"'Our motion papers contend that the Minnesota House hijacked a non-controversial bill and used it as an unlawful vehicle for conceal-and-carry,' said David Lillehaug, one of the attorneys for the religious institutions. 'If the motion is granted, the Conceal & Carry Law will be null and void.' "

Feinstein Planning to Offer Semi-auto Ban as an Amendment Soon -- Please urge your Senators to oppose this effort (GOA)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Well, we knew this day would eventually come."

"GOA has been warning gun owners that Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein of California would be looking for an avenue to attach her gun ban to unrelated legislation sometime this year."

"According to Senate sources, Feinstein will be making her move quite soon."

"While she reportedly has her eyes on a number of different bills as possible vehicles for her amendment, it seems certain that she will try to piggy-back her anti-gun language onto a legal reform bill (such as S. 2062) within the next few weeks."

The Mythology of the Wasted Vote
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Voting is about expressing your personal preference and conscience. The ONLY reason for voting in a Presidential election is for your OWN peace of mind, and the knowledge that however ineffectual that vote might be in the "horserace" between unacceptable alternatives, it does at least represent your own heart's preference and personal values."

"You might compare it to the process of Forgiveness of others: the primary issue is not forgetting the offense, but forgiving YOURSELF ... and moving on from the whole scenario, instead of carrying the burden of resentment and anger any longer. Voting for the candidate or issue of your true choice is an act of affirmation of that choice, and a means by which you might be able to look yourself in the mirror the next day, and for the next four years..."

PA: Charges Dropped In 3rd-Grader's School Gun Case
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"Allegheny County prosecutors withdrew a charge of reckless endangerment Wednesday against the father of an 8-year-old who brought the man's gun to his school in Churchill."

"At a preliminary hearing, an assistant district attorney said part of the firing pin was missing from Devon Allen White's .25-caliber pistol, meaning it was inoperable when White's son took it to Shaffer Primary School on April 20."

"District Justice Ross Cioppa threw out the case, but ordered White's gun to be destroyed and told the man to remove any other weapons that may be in his home."

TX: Police Officer Charged With Burglary, Assault
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A fit of jealousy could cost a Dallas police officer his career."

"Dallas Patrolman Marcus Winn faces charges of burglary and assault after police said he broke into an ex-girlfriend's apartment and beat up her boyfriend in front of several children. According to police reports, Winn has admitted to the break-in and the attack."

"Winn reportedly wanted to talk to his ex-girlfriend, but when she wouldn't come outside, he let himself into the bedroom."

What say you, gun banners, when your calls to depend on police for your safety require the victim to rely on the actual criminal attacker for her very life?

IL: Mother files lawsuit after son fatally struck by police car
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The family of an eight-year-old boy who was struck and killed by an unmarked Chicago police car has filed a federal lawsuit against the department.
Vanilla Jones Simmons is Gregory Jones' mother. She says police lied about chasing a man with a gun to explain why they were speeding when the car struck the boy May 19th."

"The suit also claims the police car was at times driving on the wrong side of the road before it hit Gregory Jones and eleven-year-old Datondra Mitchell, who was injured in the crash on the city's northwest side."

"Police spokesman Dave Bayless says the crash is still under investigation. ..."

More VPC paranoia
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released a new study, Vest Buster: The .500 Smith & Wesson Magnum -- The Gun Industry's Latest Challenge to Law Enforcement Body Armor, warning that standard ammunition fired by the recently introduced .500 Smith & Wesson Magnum revolver, promoted as 'the most powerful handgun in the world,' can penetrate the highest level of body armor worn by the nation's police while on

John Kerry, Lifelong Hunter - AND Animal Rightist??
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Recall that last November during the Iowa Caucus, Kerry (with cameras rolling) took to a cornfield with a shotgun and blasted two pheasant. He folded the suckers. BLAM!-BLAM! Two shots. Two dead pheasant. 'I've been hunting all my life!' he grinned while hefting the mangled birds. ..." ...

"Lifelong hunter, pheasant slayer, dove eviscerator, John Kerry gets a perfect 100 for his Congressional voting record from every animal rights group in the U.S. The National Rifle Association just sent out a notice to this effect. 'I've had my name on every piece of animal rights legislation ever passed by Congress!' Kerry boasted - not in rural Iowa - but to the Humane Society a bit later."

Air marshals stick out like sore thumbs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's reassuring that federal marshals are now on board selected flights. But their spit-and-polish 'Joe Friday' looks are raising eyebrows." ...

"The problem is not security leaks. It's the clothes."

"In an era when 'dressing down' is the traveler's creed, air marshals must show up in jackets and ties, hair cut short, bodies buffed, shoes shined."

Australia: Police Try to Calm U.S. Anger (update)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The actions of drunken Fremantle detectives taunting and humiliating American students should not be blown into a diplomatic incident, says one of the State's top policemen."

"Assistant Commissioner Tim Atherton, who ordered six detectives be transferred out of their unit, said yesterday that the police service should not be judged by the actions of a 'stupid few'."

Hmmmmm. Is that kind of like punishing all gun owners for the actions of a criminal or negligent few? Or does that only apply to the "elite?"

Japan: Eleven year-old Japanese Schoolgirl Kills Classmate With Boxcutter
Submitted by: MarcS

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If you take away the guns, it seems that kids will just find other creative ways of killing each other.

But in Japan, they hate firearms so much, that this form of murder is apparently preferable to the evil firearm!

FL: Man dies after Orlando police shock him with Taser gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Lake Mary man died after an Orlando police officer shocked him with a Taser gun."

"Anthony Carl Oliver, 42, acted erratically after he flagged down officers in downtown Orlando, causing officers to use the Taser gun, said Lt. Curley Bowman of the Orlando Police Department."

"The gun shoots two barbed probes that shock the recipient with 50,000 volts. Most people are incapacitated, but suffer no permanent injuries."

UK: Council email sparked armed raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Armed police raided the home of a council worker who sent farewell 'joke' emails to colleagues."

"David Grey fired off the emails to staff at Wear Valley District Council, in Co Durham, which poked fun at senior staff."

"Police raided Mr Grey's home after a later altercation with council staff during which a gun was mentioned."

"Now Mr Grey is demanding an apology for him and his wife, Margaret, from his former employers."

NV: Former Nevada police chief enters plea agreement
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The criminal case against former Nevada Police Chief Mark See has ended in a plea agreement two days before his trial."

"See, 45, entered an Alford plea on Tuesday to two counts of third-degree harassment. Both charges are simple misdemeanors. He was ordered to pay a $100 fine on each charge." ...

"An Alford plea means See admits no guilt but contends there could be enough evidence to convict him." ...

"In court, prosecutors have alleged See entered an apartment where some of his officers were conducting a search warrant and pointed a loaded shotgun at them as he entered through a doorway."

UK: Police investigate massive brawl at Seagrove Horse Fair
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Police investigating a massive brawl in which an automatic gun was fired say they need help from the travelling community. The trouble at Seagrave Horse Fair in West Auckland led to a huge police operation which involved more than a hundred officers from three forces. A number of vehicles and caravans were left littered with bullet holes and almost three hundred weapons were seized. Two men have appeared in court charged in connection with the fight. A nineteen year old is also due in court. Officers say they need people to come forward.


TASER International, Inc. Demands Amnesty International Withdraw Its Misleading and Defamatory Statements
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TASER(R) International, Inc. a market leader in advanced non-lethal weapons demanded today that Amnesty International USA immediately withdraw its request for Georgia law enforcement officials to suspend their TASER conducted energy weapon use."

" 'We believe Amnesty International's ongoing smear campaign against TASER non-lethal weapons and the police who use them is unethical, misleading, and in-fact defamatory,' said Rick Smith, CEO of TASER International, Inc.

"Amnesty International continues to call for a ban on virtually every non-lethal technology used by law enforcement worldwide. Any rational human being understands that such a policy would leave police with no options but lethal force ..."

Canada: Tories to scrap gun registry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Conservative Leader Stephen Harper laid out his law and order platform Tuesday, vowing to scrap the problem-plagued gun registry and crack down hard on criminals by getting rid of the faint hope clause that allows offenders serving a life sentence to apply for parole after 15 years."

"Harper said he will be able to pay for his plan by cancelling the billion-dollar gun registry because the move would free up between $25 million and $100 million each year."

VA: Robber Crashes Truck Through Store Window To Steal Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Look, Ma! No background checks!

"Manassas police are looking for a man who crashed a pickup truck though a gun store window on Monday before making off with several weapons."

"Investigators tell The Washington Post that the unusual break in was captured by a surveillance camera at Virginia Arms Company. The driver of the white pickup shattered a display case and took three handguns, ignoring several more expensive and powerful weapons."

This provides more proof that criminals look for easily concealable weapons with which to commit crimes, and that the paranoia surrounding the alleged "assault" weapons is thoroughly unwarranted.

Rewrite the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Considering our recorded history, one could reasonably ask: Did the 9th Circuit judges abrogate the history of our nation, ignore the grievances that compelled us to separate from England, discard the debates of the Federalists and Anti-federalists, legislate from the bench which is not their responsibility, and thus compel another re-writing of our natural history to justify their decree, relying on the general ignorance of the people to allow their decisions to stand? A simpler question is: What part of 'shall not be infringed' is not understood?"

WA: More groping accusations surface against trooper
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At least three more women have reported that they were sexually assaulted by a State Patrol trooper from Redmond, a prosecutor said Tuesday during the trooper's arraignment in a Seattle courtroom."

"Trooper Michael Jay Idland pleaded not guilty to one count of first-degree extortion and two counts of custodial sexual misconduct, both felonies. He entered similar pleas to five gross-misdemeanor counts of second-degree custodial sexual misconduct."

UK: Two arrested after air gun attack
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two people have been arrested for allegedly shooting a man in the head with an airgun in mid Wales." ...

"It appears as though the 48 year-old victim had been sitting on a park bench when he was injured with what was understood to be an air pistol." ...

"Severn Street was closed off for almost two hours and police sent a firearms unit to the scene as a precaution."

MD: Off-Duty D.C. Police Officer Shot, Killed
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"An off-duty District of Columbia police officer was shot to death early Wednesday after authorities said a 16-year-old tried to rob him. The two traded shots and the suspect was also killed."

"Sgt. Clifton Rife, 34, was killed about 4:30 a.m., outside an apartment building in Oxon Hill, Md., which borders D.C. The 13 year veteran of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (website - news) leaves behind a wife and two children." ...

"By challenging an armed robbery suspect, Rife was 'working on his own time to try to provide for the safety and livelihood of the community,' said Williams."

UK: Fast aid for gun crime victims
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Onlookers watch attentively as the shot woman's arm is bandaged."

"But luckily nobody's really been hurt."

"The woman being bandaged and those watching are all taking part in Manchester's first course specifically designed to train people in the south of the city help victims of gun crime."

God forbid you actually give them the tools to PREVENT the shooting! No! Teach them how to mop up bleeding victims after the fact!

Michael Peroutka on Gun Control
Submitted by: Walter Adams

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Michael Peroutka on Gun Control

Principles Peroutka supports regarding guns:

* Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.

* Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.

* Peroutka says, "Second Amendment: 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' "

"Since I understand the clear meaning of 'shall not be infringed', I will support the right to keep and bear arms throughout the United States, including the District of Columbia and I will oppose efforts by the United Nations to restrict our God-given right of self-defense."

UK: Mums' gun campaign gets royal approval
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE work of a group of mums who have tried to help stem the tide of gang violence in Manchester has been recognised by the Queen."

"Patsy McKie and Sheila Eccleston help run Mothers Against Violence (MAV), an organisation which tries to offer young men an alternative to a life of guns and drugs through education programmes."

"Both women have had sons who have been murdered, and their tireless work has seen them receive the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, which recognises the unsung community."

OH: Hey Mr./Ms.'s a LICENSE
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although we've tangled a bit with certain journalists from time to time, our experience is that most in the profession strive for accuracy. So is it just us, or does the sloppy use of the word 'permit' and 'weapon' by Ohio's media to describe an Ohio Concealed Handgun License make them appear more than a little ignorant?"

"In many recent articles, journalists have referred to a license issued under Ohio Revised Code 2923.16 as a 'permit' to carry a concealed 'weapon.' "

"The correct term is a Concealed Handgun License (CHL), with emphasis on the words 'Handgun' and 'License'."

"There is absolutely no such thing as a permit to carry a concealed weapon in the State of Ohio." ...

UT: Woman alleges deputy roughed her up at movie and independent witnesses corroborate her story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'He called me a bitch,' Arnold said. 'When the movie was over my friend asked him to apologize to me.' "

"She said after some arguing, the man, later identified as Utah County Deputy Skip Curtis, flashed a badge and took her friend by the arm and said he was going to arrest him. 'I said 'Please, no,' ' Arnold said."

"Arnold alleges that Curtis then grabbed her and shoved her down a theater aisle. She said all she remembers is falling and being scared." ...

"Betty Dohse of Orem, who didn't know Arnold, said she and a friend witnessed the incident ..."

"'He grabbed her and threw her down,' Dohse said. 'It looked out of anger, not self-defense, that's why we got into it.'"

"Dohse said she and her friend went to the woman's aid and Curtis flashed his badge at them, too, and told them to walk away." ...

UT: U's new president ready to face challenges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 21-member committee recently wrapped up a six month presidential search with a unanimous vote for former dean of the George Washington University School of Law, Michael Young, to serve as the 14th president of the U." ...

Gun debate

"Young referred to the topic as a volatile issue and said that he understands the Second Amendment." ...

Young continued, 'Anything that would increase the uneasiness and sense of danger on campus would be ill advised.' "

So it appears the U's new president considers a student who is able to defend his or herself with a firearm as increasing "uneasiness and sense of danger on campus." Sounds like he does not understand the Second Amendment at all.

Truth or Consequences in These United States; or, A New Excuse to Sue
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The truth is, Bush isn't anywhere close to being the boogeyman the left accuses him of being. We still have the Second Amendment, after all. The citizen cannot be made a subject as long as he has a rifle, something the Jews in Germany learned a little too late. The irony is, the left doesn't understand this, and wants to take our rifles away."

OH: Ohio Gunowners Battling For Uniform CCW Progress
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"Months ago, Ohio lawmakers finally passed legislation that allows Buckeye State gunowners who meet the requirements to carry concealed handguns (CCW) for personal protection, but all over the state, gun owners are meeting with varying degrees of continued resistance, and they are taking action, usually with positive results."

"Chad Baus with Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC), and grassroots gun rights activist Bruce Beatty both report cases where it appears local gun policies are colliding with the new state statute."

MA: Annie get your gun license
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"As far as feel-good anti-crime measures go, the assault weapons ban is right up there with neighborhood peace marches. They both make people feel better even if they do little in the real fight against the bad guys." ...

"Sen. Jarrett Barrios (D-Cambridge) is picking up right where his legislative committee predecessor Sen. Cheryl Jacques left off as the lead sponsor of every brainless criminal justice scheme coming down the pike." ...

"Amending his own bill to include weapons made before 1994 made for a good soundbite - Michael McDermott of Wakefield office-slaughter fame used an assault weapon manufactured in 1992 according to Barrios - but would do absolutely nothing to curb gun crime."

Terminator wants gun ban to be extended
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"In a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) last month, Schwarzenegger called on Congress to renew the ban, which is scheduled to expire in September." ...

"...While the ban-renewal bill has some bipartisan support in the House as well, House GOP leaders are unlikely to schedule a vote on it. Some lawmakers may attempt to force a vote through a discharge position."

"But such a move could be dangerous for Republicans during an election year. The National Rifle Association (NRA), which is strongly against the ban’s renewal, was one of the president’s strongest allies in 2000. But the group has yet to endorse Bush, and his signing of an extension could put it an endorsement in jeopardy."

To spoil or not to spoil in '04?
Submitted by: Richard Watras jr

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"There are any number of complicating considerations—what kind of long-term signal are our vote totals sending? Will a persistent libertarian spoiler create a Eugene V. Debs effect, pressuring one of the major parties to adopt some of our positions? Yet here, too, the scope problem resurfaces: The realistic range of possible signals 'we' can send will depend on how the 'we' is specified. To vote one way or another, then, is not just to express a preference over candidates, but tacitly to include oneself in an imagined community of voters. In this sense, all politics is 'identity politics,' and every ballot cast reveals as much about how we see ourselves as it does about what we think of the contenders."

Patriot Act Besieged
Submitted by: Joshua L. Long

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"The objective of the Patriot Act [is to make] the population visible and the Justice Department invisible. The Act inverts the constitutional requirement that people's lives be private and the work of government officials be public; it instead crafts a set of conditions that make our inner lives transparent and the workings of government opaque. - Elaine Scarry, 'Acts of Resistance,' Harper's Magazine, May 2004"

Democrats see opportunity to win back House
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A win in South Dakota's closely watched special election this week brings Democrats within 11 seats of taking back the House ..." ...

"But, even the most partisan insiders concede, the advantage for incumbents on Capitol Hill is now so formidable that it will take a tsunami to get over the top - and many more candidates like Stephanie Herseth."

"Bright, energetic, and deeply rooted in South Dakota's political scene back two generations, Ms. Herseth looked like a winner even when she lost her 2002 bid for the seat ... ..."

"...A Washington lawyer who kept up ties to South Dakota, she snagged an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association, which spent more than $5 million in 1994 defeating Democrats who opposed gun control."

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Edward R. Murrow

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