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An NRA-Friendly Addition to Senate's 'Wedge-Issue June' (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Flying under the radar with all the immigration hubbub in the Senate last week was a charming piece of legislation by Senator George Allen (R-VA) that would allow people licensed to carry a concealed weapon in one state to enjoy the same privilege anywhere else in the country." ...

"Yeah, that's what we want: States that had the bad judgment to overwhelming vote for George W. Bush again in 2004 sending their heavily-armed, backwoods brethren to New York City, Chicago and San Francisco. Sounds like a real smart idea and, of course, federal legislation would then make it all but impossible for the more enlightened states to keep from being turned into 1870s Deadwood." ...

Interview With Richard Lucibella, Publisher Of SWAT Magazine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aaron: This is Talkin' to America. I'm your host, Aaron Zelman. Our guest today is Richard Lucibella, publisher of SWAT Magazine. Richard, it is a pleasure to have you here today." ...

"Richard: We can't really speak of a Second Amendment. We can't really defend a right to keep and bear arms without recognizing that that right is really within the matrix of all the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights ..."

"Aaron: If you had to judge where we are at today in the war to preserve the right to protect one's life using a firearm, are we winning or losing?"

"Richard: ... I think on the state levels we have made extraordinary gains – Concealed carry weapon laws, Castle doctrine laws, and the like. We have just made some real gains. ..." ...

McCarthyism for Gun Grabbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Owners of America reports that H.R. 1415 ('NICS Improvement Act of 2005') has passed out of subcommittee and on to the House floor. This bill would allow the FBI and other federal and state agencies to sift through numerous records to seize a person’s firearms."

"Section 102(c)(1)(A) of H.R. 1415 would allow the federal government to troll through state misdemeanor, diversion, psychiatric, tax, and even library records — all for the purpose of finding new reasons to seize guns from law-abiding Americans."

"The bill is sponsored by the ironically named Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) and has co-sponsors from the anti-gun elite: ..." ...

A stock with firepower: Smith & Wesson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looking for a small-cap stock that could "make your day"? Smith & Wesson, the 154-year-old gun maker, could add firepower to your portfolio."

"The company has been hitting its targets lately thanks to new product lines, new management, and a return to profitable market segments. Over the past three quarters alone, revenues have grown 20%. Analysts estimate that earnings will rise 60% next year." ...

"Legislative changes have helped ... passage of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. ... The Commerce in Arms Act, approved by Congress in 2005, prohibits civil lawsuits against gun makers, distributors and dealers when its guns are misused. Smith & Wesson has been relieved of several legal proceedings as a result." ...

CA: Police can arrest DUI suspects in homes with no warrant
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police may enter Californians' homes without warrants to arrest those suspected of driving under the influence, the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday." [emphasis added]

"The 6-1 decision follows similar rulings in about a dozen other states. A dissenting justice said the majority handed authorities a 'free pass' to unlawfully enter private homes and arrest people without warrants." ...

"In dissent, Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar said the majority was fooling itself. There is 'always' the possibility that a suspect might destroy evidence, especially in drug and bookmaking cases in which officers routinely obtain warrants to search and make arrests, she said."

Submitter's Note: Next they will come for your guns...

MI: Shooter had right to self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot while trying to break into an Oakfield Township home last month was armed with a handgun, giving Marcus Diamond cause to fear for his life, Kent County Prosecutor Bill Forsyth has determined."

"Forsyth said today he will not charge Diamond, 34, for the May 12 shooting that injured Fernando Olivas, 18, outside a rural home ... The prosecutor's decision is based on police finding a gun Olivas allegedly carried to the house. Olivas apparently reached for the weapon before Diamond fired."

"'When Mr. Olivas 'reached into his pocket,' the shooter believed he posed an immediate threat of death or great bodily harm,' Forsyth ruled. 'The fact that Mr. Olivas was armed clearly validates his belief.'" ...

AR: Intruder Shot and Killed in Jonesboro Home
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"More details are emerging this afternoon in a fatal home invasion incident from last night in north Jonesboro that left one person dead and another in police custody" ...

"The JPD released a statement this afternoon that states, 'Investigators believe Mr. Gulley and Mr. Holt have had an ongoing disagreement which may have led Mr. Holt to the Calley Cove residence last night. According to reports, Mr. Holt is believed to have been armed with a handgun and had forcefully entered the house just prior to being shot by Gulley. Shortly after the shooting, Mr. Gulley called the police and reported the incident.'"

"Police arrested Gulley on an unrelated misdemeanor drug charge, and he remains in custody ..."

TX: Targeting women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For some women, non-lethal methods of self defense — such as using their keys as a weapon and prescribed moves to escape an assailant — just aren’t enough."

"They’re looking for the ability to easily stop an attacker in his tracks."

"In Texas, that can mean applying for a Concealed Handgun License from the Texas Department of Public Safety."

"One local Realtor said getting her CHL has made her feel less helpless."

"'I'll probably never use it, but it's nice knowing I have it,' said Carmen Reno, a Realtor with Sherron Properties. 'I just like to make sure it’s there.'"

"As a Realtor, Reno often visits remote properties with people she does not know. That led her son, Travis, to urge her to get the license." ...

AL: Toy guns no fun for cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "For Marshall County Sheriff’s Lt. Billy Dobbins, a Tuesday night traffic stop nearly became another tragic chapter in the ever-increasing scenario of law enforcement officers being confronted with possible life-threatening situations involving the use of toy guns." ...

"Dobbins said, 'I again observed the passenger take his hands down from the dash. And as he was sitting in the seat, I could see he was pulling something from under his oversized T-shirt and the waistband of his pants. At that point I stepped to the side and I could see the butt end of a gun, that I later determined was a BB pistol. But at that moment, it appeared to me that it was a Beretta 9 mm. I pulled my weapon and told him to drop his weapon. He then dropped it between the seats. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Kudos to this officer for not taking the easy "whack 'em & stack 'em" way out.

KS: Kansas Officer Has Unlucky Discharge (follow-up)
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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"A young Salina police officer responding to a burglar alarm ... accidentally fired her weapon when she was startled by movement inside the building, Salina Police Chief Jim Hill said Tuesday."

"The bullet went through a garage door ... and struck Thomas E. Hewitt ... in the right leg. ..." ...

"Grover peered into the hole from a few feet away and saw quick movement."

"'She saw legs moving, and she saw a gloved hand,' Hill said, and she was 'very startled.'"

"Grover used her left hand to push the button on her radio microphone ... At the same time, she stepped backward, away from the building, and drew her gun from its holster."

"She stumbled."

"'At that time, she heard what she described as a soft pop, and her weapon discharged,' Hill said." ...

TN: Jury Deadlocks on Loudon Deputy's Trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Months of controversy and a week long trial, but in the end, no decision.

A Loudon County jury cannot come to a decision on charges against a Loudon County Sheriff's Deputy.

A jury announced this afternoon they were hopelessly deadlocked on the two charges against Billy Hall.

In the end, the judge declared a mistrial on the charges of assault and official misconduct.

Prosecutors had alleged that Hall attacked a prisoner at the Loudon jail in April of 2004, but Hall said on the stand it was self-defense.

Prosecutors plan to review evidence before they determine if they will retry the case.

VA: Gun's holster is blamed for officer wounding himself
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A sergeant in the Richmond Sheriff's office is suing two Chesterfield gun shops for an accidental shooting two years ago when he shot himself in the hand. He alleges the holster is to blame."

"According to the court filing, on May 9, 2004, while Sergeant Naitraj David was getting ready for a family trip to Kings Dominion, the gun discharged, hitting him in the left hand, 'causing serious injury.' He alleges a '5 1/2 inch strap became wedged between the trigger and the trigger guard and subsequently caused the firearm to fire.'" [emphasis added]

"According to the court filings, the gun shops were to 'use reasonable care in assembling, marketing, selling, shipping and/or distributing the holster and had a duty to provide adequate instructions, training, and warnings to those in the chain of distribution.'" ...

GA: McDonough lieutenant charged with theft from evidence room
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A three-year McDonough Police veteran finds himself on the other side of the law today after being indicted by Henry County prosecutors for stealing at least 13 guns from the department and selling them at local pawn shops."

"Former Lt. Joseph Heath Mathews, who resigned March 3, amid a joint investigation by local authorities and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, altered evidence room documents and stole 13 rifles and pistols from the McDonough Police Department in a plan that goes back to 2002, according to an indictment handed down by a grand jury Thursday."

"He also stole a utility trailer from an impound yard used by Henry County authorities and lied on tax records to obtain a tag for it, the indictment said." ...

MI: Man who attacked sheriff seeks a new trial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Charlevoix County man who is in prison for ramming the barrel of a shotgun into the face of Charlevoix County Sheriff George T. Lasater in 2002 is seeking a new trial on the grounds that his ex-wife now claims that she was coerced to lie on the witness stand during the 2003 jury trial that led to his conviction." ...

"In his 'motion for relief from judgment,' Shulick writes that in January of this year he received a letter from his ex-wife in which she claims that she lied on the witness stand during the trial because of threats, promises and coercion to do so by several people including staff with the Family Independence Agency, her former attorney and attorneys with the Charlevoix County Prosecutor's office at that time." ...

Canada: Murder charge dropped -- I was the victim, says man who killed home invader in self-defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aaron Zinck says he was acting in self-defence when he stabbed an intruder during a home invasion last August."

"And even though the Crown has now dismissed the murder charge, the 19-year-old says he will never be the same after the RCMP falsely labelled him a killer."

"'The RCMP made me out to be the perpetrator, not the victim,' Mr. Zinck said outside the Bridgewater courthouse Thursday, moments after special prosecutor Craig Botterill dismissed the second-degree murder charge laid against him last summer."

"Mr. Zinck says he doesn’t understand why no one has been charged with attacking him."

"'I was assaulted too,' he said. 'Where’s the justice?'" ...

Canada: Target Practice Leads to High Risk Takedown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A high risk takedown was executed this afternoon near the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon after reports of someone firing a weapon.

Police contained the area near the Queen Elizabeth power station around 3:30 this afternoon.

Two men were arrested and a woman at the scene was released with no charges.

The men were firing a pellet pistol at targets set up on the opposite side of the road.

Charges may follow.

No other details have been released.

TX: Former principal enters guilty plea to weapons charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A former high school principal in Odessa pleaded guilty today to charge of carrying a weapon in a prohibited place.

Van Grady's plea comes after a shots were fired at Crockett Junior High School earlier this year.

In February, police answered a call after a gun went off inside Grady's office during school hours. After police found two pistols in his car in the school parking lot, Grady was put on administrative leave.

He took the stand today in his own defense, telling the judge "it was a horrible mistake."

Grady received two years of deferred probation and a judge ordered him to resign and give up his teaching certificate.

Grady's attorney says he's already complied with both orders.

FL: PSL police won't enforce city firearms ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City police no longer are enforcing an ordinance prohibiting people from discharging firearms within the city limits."

"Because the ordinance conflicts with state law, City Attorney Roger Orr placed a moratorium on enforcement after a couple threatened a lawsuit over the issue."

"Florida law appears to take away a city legal tool 'that would prevent people from shooting up their neighborhoods,' Orr said Friday."

"The city ordinance, passed in 1975, allowed police to arrest anyone discharging a firearm or other weapon unless it was in self-defense."

"Police now are researching state laws for other ways to make those arrests, said police spokesman Robert Vega." ...

Submitter's Note: The woman was actually shooting an air-powered BB gun at a target in her backyard, not shooting up her neighborhood.

SC: Shooting range bounces back with friends' help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday afternoon, Ted Gragg was hunkered down over a desk, swabbing down an 1855 percussion Kentucky rifle, its barrel and stock blackened by a fire that rolled through his business in February." ...

"The chief executive officer of Myrtle Beach Indoor Shooting Range Inc. has been piecing his business back together ever since the blaze caused more than $1 million in losses."

"He's had plenty of help."

"Lack's Beach Service offered him a container for storage."

"For about two weeks, as workers and employees struggled with rebuilding and recovering goods, Amici's Brick Oven & Italian Bistro brought meals and refused to take payment."

"A local Waffle House restaurant lugged in bags of coffee, cups and a coffee maker." ...

CA: Firearm survey shows our rich, diverse heritage
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In March this year, I asked regular readers of this column to participate in a little survey about what different firearms you owned. I was bragging about have some esoteric wildcat-stoked rifles I was shooting, and wanted to see what more normal people shot for fun and games, and hunting." ...

"Most of what your letters reflected were sensibilities. A lot of you are All-American, Apple Pie hunters who own a .22, a 12 gauge shotgun, and a .30-06 rifle. Reading your comments adds credence to the old 'beware of one-gun hunters' saying." ...

NV: SFA .22 rimfire steel plate shooting match July 8
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Stillwater Firearms Association is hosting a .22 rimfire shooting match on July 8, at the Fernley Hills Shooting Range located in the Reno-Fernley Raceway complex 4.6 miles south of Fernley. 'The .22 match is very popular,' said SFA President J. L. Rhodes, 'Everyone enjoys shooting the inexpensive and mild recoiling .22. This will be a fun day of shooting!' There will be three divisions: 'Handgun' (autoloaders and double action revolvers) 'Single Action Revolver;' and 'Rifle.' Any .22 caliber firearm using rimfire ammunition (less the .22 WMR) will be allowed." ...

WI: Of course it's never the gun's fault
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"If I didn't know that guns protect our freedoms and security, I would swear from this week's news that they mostly spread misery and death."

"As you'll recall from the recent National Rifle Association convention here, guns are not to blame for anything. They enjoy the protection of their very own amendment in the Constitution, and anyone who says anything bad about them obviously doesn't get it."

"Yet, guns keep showing up in such tragic circumstances. Any fool seems to be able to get his hands on one." ...

"The weapons are sold legally to buyers who survive a background check and then passed along to less trustworthy people who didn't get the memo that guns are for self-defense, hunting, target-shooting and making men feel virile." ...

OR: Hot and Not: a college student's guide to trends
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Not: The Second Amendment — Yeah, maybe guns are cool, but do we really need an 'awareness week' about it? No. No, we do not. The College Republicans are making guns seem as uncool as ... well, other non-issues that are turned into major national debates."

"Hot: Free Rifles — Like I said before, guns are cool. But free guns are way cooler. Mad props to the College Republicans for raffling off a rifle this week. Soon, I'll be able to form my well-regulated militia from free College Republican guns and then we’ll see who laughs last ..." ...

VT: Sportsmen's group criticizes Burlington mayor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns are the province of the state Legislature, not of cities or mayors, The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs said in a strongly worded statement this weekend."

"The group, representing the National Rifle Association in Vermont, is the umbrella organization for nearly 50 hunting and fishing and firearms clubs and 13,000 to 14,000 individual members across the state. It was responding to Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss' announcement last week that he wants to begin a 'discussion' in Burlington about handguns and their easy availability." ...

SC: South Carolina Legislature Passes Pro-Gun Bills (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The South Carolina General Assembly saw a flurry of firearm-related activity this week, as it worked to wind down session for the year."

"On Tuesday, May 30, the House of Representatives voted to override Governor Sanford's (R) veto of H 3402, and the Senate did the same on Wednesday, May 31. This legislation allows the formation of legislative special interest caucuses, and was inspired by the desire to form a Sportsmen Caucus."

"On Thursday, June 1, the Senate passed H 4301, the Castle Doctrine bill that would remove the 'duty to retreat' if a law-abiding citizen is attacked anywhere that person may lawfully be. ... the final bill was passed and sent to Governor Sanford." ...

NY: New York State Rifle and Pistol Association Annual Meeting June 10 (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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There is still time to registration for the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA) Annual Meeting! This event is open to the public, and the cost is only $10. Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 10, at the Wallkill Rod and Gun Club, 316 Bruyn Turnpike, Wallkill, NY 12589. Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. The range will be open and there will be displays by gunsmiths, taxidermist, collectors, and more from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. there will be guest speakers, including NRA First Vice President John Sigler, and food from the annual chicken bake. To register call the NYSRPA office at 800-469-7772 or for more information visit

MI: DNR's silence on gun range is deafening
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"If only the gun range at the Island Lake State Recreation Area could be as quiet as the state Department of Natural Resources."

"The DNR, to the frustration of gunshot-weary neighbors and a state lawmaker, is mum on the noise issue created at the state park southeast of Brighton in Green Oak Township."

"Officials say they can't comment because of current litigation. That's convenient. However, there wouldn't be any litigation if the state agency hadn't allowed such a nuisance to get out of hand in the first place. Stop the noise, and the lawsuit — and the need to comment, for that matter — goes away." ...

MI: Anti-dove hunting group calls foul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group that wants to reinstate a ban on mourning dove hunting in Michigan says its opposition is using an illegal fund-raising technique to fight them."

"The anti-dove hunting group — called the Committee to Restore the Dove Shooting Ban — wants the state attorney general’s office to investigate a sweepstakes advertised by a group called the Citizens for Wildlife Conservation."

"'This sweepstakes is not licensed by the state and therefore constitutes an illegal lottery,' said Julie Baker, a leader of the anti-dove hunting group."

"A Citizens for Wildlife Conservation board member said the sweepstakes is legal and that people can enter it without donating to its cause." ...

VA: Worth Noting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Saturday/June 24"

"Basic Pistol Shooting Class. Learn about all types of pistols in a safe, responsible and fun way at the Basic Pistol Shooting class offered at National Rifle Association headquarters from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. in Fairfax. This 10-hour class focuses on safety, operation, maintenance, purchasing, storage, transportation and shooting of different types of pistols. Range safety test, range fees, and a range card are included as well as use of a pistol, eye and ear protection and ammunition. Certificate awarded for completion of the course which can be used to apply for a Virginia concealed handgun permit. Email or call 703-267-1567." ...

Canada: Gun amnesty declared as national registry fades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don't take your guns to town."

"Call the local police non-emergency number instead, if you want to take advantage of B.C.'s June gun amnesty program and turn in weapons or ammunition that may or may not be registered."

"They'll be happy to send someone over to pick them up."

"B.C. Solicitor General John Les and Attorney General Wally Oppal announced the amnesty program Wednesday, kicking off a month-long advertising campaign encouraging people to turn in handguns, rifles or ammunition they would rather not be responsible for." ...

"'The vast majority of firearms owners are law-abiding citizens,' said Paul Hames, president of the B.C. Chiefs of Police." ...

UK: Gun control, Knife control -- Glass control?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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[Original Headline: Pub glass ban faces legal fight]

"A legal challenge has been raised against plans to for a total ban on drinking glasses in Glasgow's pubs and clubs."

"The Scottish Beer and Pub Association (SBPA) has lodged papers at the Court of Session opposing the enforced use of toughened or plastic glasses."

"The licensing board agreed on the ban, which will be rolled out in January, to reduce injuries from violence." ...

"'The industry is in full support of policies designed to target and tackle the violent thugs who use glass as a weapon." [emphasis added] ...

As I have stood in the crosshairs of those who target Second Amendment freedoms, I've realized that firearms are not the only issue. No, it's much, much bigger than that. I've come to understand that a cultural war is raging across our land, in which, with Orwellian fervor, certain acceptable thoughts and speech are mandated. — Charlton Heston

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