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NY: Gov. Paterson pushes tougher gun laws at rally
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Declaring that gun violence has reached an alarming level, elected officials and local community leaders held an emergency summit Sunday in Harlem, where a bloody Memorial Day weekend saw 10 people shot. Enacting tough federal gun laws, opening more youth centers across the city and reversing unemployment rates were all considered at yesterday's summit. "More and more, we as state officials have to speak to the families of young gun victims who are senselessly and mercilessly killed before they have a chance to live their lives," said Gov. Paterson, who joined politicians, law enforcement authorities and community leaders.

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Congratulates Sandra Fong On Qualifying For Olympics
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association congratulates 18 year-old Manhattanite Sandra Fong on qualifying for the Beijing Olympic Games. Sandra secured her Olympic slot by placing second in the May U.S. Olympic Team Trials, and will be participating in the three-position smallbore rifle event. Three-position smallbore rifle is a demanding discipline that requires physical conditioning, polished shooting technique and intense concentration. Competitors fire .22 caliber rifles at a bullseye 50 meters (about 55 yards) away. This bullseye is less than 4˝ inches in diameter, and the all-important ten ring is less than ˝ inch in diameter. Twenty shots are fired in each position: prone (lying down), kneeling and standing.

Ed.: Bring us gold Sandra!

NY: Statement by Mayor Bloomberg About Pre-Trial Victory in Case Against Adventure Outdoors Gun Shop
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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“This is an important victory for New Yorkers – as good as a win at trial – and a validation of our innovative efforts to hold gun dealers accountable for following federal laws. In 2006, New York City undertook lawsuits to hold 27 gun dealers in five states accountable for following the federal law prohibiting ‘straw purchases,’ after an undercover investigation revealed that they sold guns in apparent violation of those laws."

TN: Handgun carry permits increasing
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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According to National Rifle Association, 40 states have “right-to-carry” laws. Thirty-six have “shall issue laws, requiring carry permits to be issued to applicants who meet uniform standards established by the state legislature. Three have fairly administered discretionary-issue carry permits systems. Only one, which is Vermont, respects the right to carry without a permit. Alaska, one of the “shall issues” states, has its permit system for the purpose of permit-reciprocity with other states, and also a adopted a no-permit-required law in 2003. There are 10 non-right-to-carry states. Eight have restrictedly-administered discretionary-issue systems. Only two, Illinois and Wisconsin, have no permit system and prohibit carrying.

Assault Weapons: Evil Black Rifles (or perhaps not)
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Assault rifles" are being demonized by many politicians, media-types, and other anti-gun folk who actually have no idea what it is they are demonizing. Most people who hear the truth are quite surprised to find out just how off-base and factually wrong these nay-sayers are.

Actually, many of the national leaders in the gun banning community know they are lying to the public.

S-Fran Red Ink Revealed; Pushing Gun Ban Case Didn't Help, Says SAF
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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San Francisco’s budget crisis underscores the frivolity of the city’s stubborn and expensive defense of its doomed-from-the-start 2005 gun ban, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb said the city administration’s pursuit of this case – which was almost a carbon copy of a similar court action 23 years ago that was also won by the Foundation – is a clear indication that “fiscal and philosophical irresponsibility run hand-in-hand on the Board of Supervisors and in the mayor’s office.”

Chuck Baldwin calls McCain 'a liberal gun grabber'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Constitution Party’s presidential candidate says:

"Nowhere is McCain’s chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain’s failing grade is well deserved."

TX: An indictment in Kaufman shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Here's a surprise. A Kaufman County grand jury has indicted the 74-year-old man who shot a boy outside his home in March.

I figured the grand jury would buy the old man's self-defense claim, even though he was shooting from inside the house at a figure passing outside the house.

As I said in a column on the incident, I don't think W.C. Frosch needs to face harsh punishment, but I'm glad to see the grand jury sending a message that we can't start shooting at shadows.

SAF Blasts Brady Bunch over Effort to Block Pro-Gun Judicial Nominees
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In their continuing effort to destroy the Bill of Rights, the Brady Campaign has launched a joint effort with the extremist CREDO Action to block confirmation of federal judicial nominees who accept the Second Amendment as protective of a fundamental individual civil right.

"If there were ever any question that the zealots at the Brady Campaign are determined to crush individual freedom and liberty in this nation," said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, "this new fund raising effort should put that question to rest. This is yet another outrageous example of the extreme ends to which they will go in order to stack our federal courts with far left activist judges whom they hope will trample the rights of law-abiding citizens."

What's wrong with being a spoiler?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This blog in the New York Times said this about Rep. Bob Barr’s victory speech at the Libertarian Party convention:

"...In victory, he disclaimed the possibility that he will be a third-party spoiler this fall — a Ralph Nader of the right — by attracting disheartened conservatives from Senator John McCain’s candidacy.

And in the video of his being interviewed by Fox News, Barr insists that the voters he will get (beyond LP members, I guess) are likely to be Second Amendment Democrats and such, rather than conservative Republicans. Those conservative Republicans will do vote for him “will not be predisposed to vote for John McCain” in the first place, apparently, so he cannot be called a spoiler."

The Brady NewsWatch
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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I would like to mention a new feature of the Brady Campaign Blog, found at It is called the Brady NewsWatch, and it will provide a sampling of key events in the news relating to guns and gun violence prevention. I encourage readers to check the site often, and to make it a part of their regular news diet. Here are a few examples that have appeared in recent days, including news of Sen. Kennedy's surgery this morning:

TX: Man indicted in shooting of teen who cut across yard
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Kaufman County man faces possible prison time for shooting one of two teens cutting across his yard in March, an act that triggered a chain of events that ended with a traffic accident that killed the other boy’s mother.

W.C. Frosch, 74, was inside his home March 1 when he shot 15-year-old Brandon Robinson through a window. Mr. Frosch has said he thought the boys were about to break into his home.

OH: Opinion tries to keep us defenseless
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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How the editorials published by The Blade can be so consistently wrong is a matter of great puzzlement. Also of great puzzlement is the flawed logic presented in the guest editorial from the Columbus Dispatch, "Gun pandering isn't pretty."

Calling this gun bill "the drive-by-shooter's helper" is a ridiculous premise. It is currently illegal to carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle without a CCW permit, yet drive-by shootings occur. It's illegal to discharge a firearm from a vehicle, yet drive-by shootings occur. It's illegal to shoot someone, yet drive-by shootings occur. This bill, that the editorial makes such a poor argument against, would not make one of these things legal.

NRA event highlights importance of freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Allow me to thank those who have answered the call and served, are serving, or those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy. And for those who might be listening, who still actually care what “we” the people think, “For the love of God, if we are going to fight a war, let’s fight it to win,” so said Glenn Beck, as the featured speaker at the NRA National Convention and Annual meeting in Louisville.

...You remember those “bitter mid-westerners” Barak Obama was talking about? Well, I think I was with a lot of those, gun-loving, Second Amendment promoting, Bible people. They didn’t seem so bitter to me.

OH: Webb Would Be Good VP Choice
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It is as bad as this for Barack Obama: hopes of injecting a flagging campaign with new energy and muscle have shifted to his selection of a running mate. ...presidential candidates, not their No. 2s, win elections.

Still, if it's testosterone Obama requires, Virginia Sen. Jim Webb might be the right synthetic for a lilting candidacy. Webb is a war hero, former Reagan aide and Second Amendment advocate. He also is no respecter of presidential persons. Recall his refusal in 2006 to pose for a photograph with President Bush. If Obama wants John Wayne, Webb is the Duke in Democrat blue.

NY: Where Illegal Guns Can Do No More Harm
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In New York City, where taking illegal handguns off the streets is high on the mayor’s agenda, thousands of firearms make it into the hands of law enforcement officers each year.

Once they’ve been seized in crimes, whether after long and ignominious careers or short but violent ones, and once their owners have been prosecuted, the guns must be destroyed, never to be used again.

WI: California, South Dakota shooters win gunslinger contest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shooters from California and South Dakota won top honors in the second annual Wisconsin state championship cowboy fast draw competition last weekend.

Lori Adrihan says the event in Stevens Point attracted 57 gunslingers from several states.

Marshall Hopper of the Idaho-based Cowboy Fast Draw Association says the men's winner was John Wilson of Sierra Madre, California, and the women's champ was Diane Royalty of Mitchell, South Dakota.

NE: Hastings Museum opens Lock, Stock & Barrel exhibit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As soon as the ceremonial red ribbon was cut, the Hastings Museum's members poured into its new Lock, Stock & Barrel exhibit Monday evening.

They examined cases and pulled open drawers, occasionally dropping lines like, "I can't believe this!" and "Amazing!"

What they were seeing -- hundreds of guns, from 18th-century to the present day -- was hardly new to the museum. But the way it was displayed was what caught their attention.

Georgia Gun Shop Owner Ends Fight Against Mayor
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A gun dealer from Georgia, Jay Wallace, has given up his fight against Mayor Bloomberg. Tomorrow was to be the start of the trial of Mr. Wallace's store, Adventure Outdoors, which the Bloomberg administration had accused of selling a disproportionate number of guns that were trafficked to New York City and used in crimes here. In court papers, the Adventure Outdoors lawyer, John Renzulli, said that the store was unlikely to receive a fair trial and that the prospect of arguing the case on appeal would be too expensive a proposition for the store, which is located at Smyrna, Georgia.

CA: Quaker prof works out deal over Calif. loyalty oath
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Quaker college instructor who was not allowed to start a teaching job because she refused to sign a state-required loyalty oath has reached a settlement with the California State University system, the two sides announced Monday.

...Wendy Gonaver...will sign the oath as a condition of teaching at Cal State Fullerton this fall but be allowed to attach a statement explaining that she objects to the requirement.

"As an American, I ... want to state my belief that such compulsion violates my right to freedom of speech. And, as a Quaker, in order to sign the oath in good conscience, I must also state that I do not promise or undertake to bear arms or otherwise engage in violence," reads the agreed-upon declaration.

CO: Wilderness and the National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On May 22, U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) introduced yet another Browns Canyon Wilderness Bill. A similar bill looked ready to pass two years ago, but got derailed at the last minute on account of opposition from, of all groups, the National Rifle Association.

Since one enjoys the right to keep and bear arms inside a wilderness area, it seems odd that the NRA would oppose a wilderness designation. But the NRA’s logic went
something like this:

Americans who value freedom had better be more concerned about the gun control crowd than the criminals. The criminals want your money. The Neo-Totalitarians want your freedom. — Charlie Reese

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