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Kindergartener interrogated over cap gun until he pees his pants, then suspended 10 days
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In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, a kindergarten boy has been suspended from school for 10 days because he showed a friend his cowboy-style cap gun on the way to school.

The incident happened on Wednesday morning at about 8:30 a.m. on a school bus in Calvert County, Maryland, reports The Washington Post.

The kindergartener had brought the toy gun because his friend had brought a water gun the previous day. He later told his mother than he “really, really” wanted his friend to see it.
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The suspended boy had acquired the menacing, plastic, orange-tipped weapon at Frontier Town, a western-themed campground with a water park, mini golf and the like.

CA: False alarm leads to LAPD standoff with 'Call of Duty' mannequin
Submitted by: D. Smith

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The Los Angeles offices of former "Call of Duty" developer Robert Bowling resembled one of his video games when a standoff was triggered by a "Call of Duty" mannequin in full combat gear. As a precaution against death threats (which, apparently, happen frequently to video game developers), the indie game studio Robotoki installed a panic alarm that was accidentally pressed. After the staff left for the day, leaving Bowling alone, police arrived, spotted the heavily armed mannequin and raided the building. Bowling was detained at gunpoint while police assessed the "threat," which didn't take long. They all then had a big laugh and played a round of classic Nintendo games.

NY: Butler: ‘Gun control law must go’
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Assemblyman Marc Butler and several of his legislative colleagues conducted a hearing in Watertown on Friday to investigate the implementation of the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, more commonly known as the SAFE Act. More than 17 people testified about how the law is impacting local communities. “In my entire career, I’ve never seen a worse law imposed on our communities and citizens,” said Butler, R - Newport, in a news release. “Gov. Cuomo’s gun control law has placed a great burden on our local officials and citizens. It has pushed the envelope in terms of infringing on our Second Amendment rights and our privacy as law-abiding citizens.”

WV: Christopher Swindell: Gun safety debate is B.S.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Watching the celebration at the NRA convention over the defeat of background checks was the most nauseating experience of the day.
I am not a New York gun control liberal, either. I support a shotgun for home defense, a handgun for limited conceal/carry, and an assortment of hunting rifles to balance West Virginia's exploding deer population (as evidenced by hourly collisions with cars). So, I am hardly out of the mainstream.
But, the gun safety debate is B.S. This foaming at the mouth, Obamar is coming for the guns, Nanny Bloomberg is a bad billionaire, and most despicable of all, those survivors and victims are pawns in the liberal agenda is knuckle-dragging Cretan talk.

CA: LAPD confronts Call of Duty 'Ghost' statue in tense standoff
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Late last night the offices of Los Angeles-based independent game studio Robotoki were stormed by the Los Angeles Police Department after a curious designer pressed the building's "panic" button, studio founder Robert Bowling told Polygon.

The 911 response ended in a tense showdown with a life-sized statue of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's Simon "Ghost" Riley, which the police mistook for a gunman.

Backlash! Gun-control laws nullified
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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Efforts at the national and state level to pass new gun-control laws have stirred up an unintended backlash – local officials who are not only rejecting the new legislation, but actively “nullifying” gun-control laws already in place.

Ed: This link is commentary about the other story with the same headline.


CO: Morse's lack of accountability, overreaching
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There are two key reasons why State Sen. John Morse should be recalled and why I am supporting this effort.

First, Sen. Morse ran for office pledging to focus on jobs and the economy but, when New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" started pouring money into Colorado, he instead shifted his focus to strict gun control. In previous years, Sen. Morse sponsored bills that were bipartisan and moderate. He even sponsored a bill in 2007 (SB07-34) that guaranteed reciprocity for holders of Concealed Carry Permits from other states. But when Sen. Morse returned to Denver in 2013, he was the prime sponsor of "The Assault Weapon Responsibility Act" - so far reaching that his own Democrat caucus wouldn't support it.

WI: Guns and public policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One important statistic on gun violence is sobering. A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used for criminal, suicide, or unintentional purposes than to be used in self-defense. Moreover, about 31,000 die each year by firearms, and many, many more are threatened and injured with guns. People own guns in the United Kingdom, but it is more regulated than the U.S. and less than 200 people die there each year by guns.

Ill. CCW a ‘good first step,’ says group that forced issue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Friday’s last-minute adoption of a concealed carry bill by the Illinois Legislature is being called a “one giant step” in the right direction by the Washington State-based group whose federal lawsuit victory in December forced lawmakers to take action.

The Second Amendment Foundation’s December win in the case of Moore v. Madigan gave Illinois until June 9 to adopt some form of carry legislation. However, Friday was the final day in the Prairie State’s legislative session, and after much jockeying, the Senate passed the measure 45-12-1 and the House approved the bill 89-28, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Backlash! Gun-control laws nullified
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Efforts at the national and state level to pass new gun-control laws have stirred up an unintended backlash – local officials who are not only rejecting the new legislation, but actively “nullifying” gun-control laws already in place.

Police Chief Mark Kessler of Gilberton Burough, Pa., is among more than 200 law enforcement officers, state lawmakers, county officials and concerned citizens who gathered Friday at the annual convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA, in St. Charles, Mo.

NE: Fremont Gunsmith Disqualified from Staples Contest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Knives and guns fill the shelves of Maple Creek Gunsmithing in Fremont.

Co-owner Bill Jackson had no idea selling these items made him ineligible to enter a contest put on by Staples.

He entered to win $50,000 worth of marketing from the company, but received a rejection letter shortly after entering.

"Basically it said because we were in the firearm industry that they disqualified us," said Jackson. "They lumped us in with illegal drug use, criminals, and hate groups."

TX: Democratic governors miffed at Perry’s job-stealing Texas swagger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When other states raise taxes, Perry reminds them that Texas doesn’t have an income tax. When they enact draconian gun laws, he tells them Texas loves the Second Amendment. High unemployment figures? We have jobs a’ plenty waiting for you here in Texas he tells them, according to Politico.

And it’s working, much to the displeasure of states whose liberal social experiments have turned out to be colossal failures.

FL: Sanford leaders fear Zimmerman trial may revive city's image problem
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sanford city officials have taken part in monthly community meetings in the historically black community of Goldsboro, and police officers have been trained in handling racial incidents.

The fear in Sanford is that all that work could be undone if a not-guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial sparks another round of protests from those who think Trayvon was wrongly killed.

FL: Trayvon Martin's parents expect 'rough road' at murder trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Crump accused the defense of resorting to "a desperate attempt to try to play on people's prejudices" by releasing texts and photographs taken from Trayvon's cellphone that O'Mara said show him as a fan of weapons, fighting and marijuana.

"It's bad enough they had to lose their child. It's tragic they had to assassinate his character," Crump said.

O'Mara, though, has argued that such evidence shows that Martin might have been on drugs, paranoid and prone to violence the night Zimmerman encountered him in his father's Sanford gated complex.

MS: New gun law creates confusion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In one month a law will take effect in Mississippi that has many law enforcement officers, business owners and regular people confused.

House Bill 2, a bill meant to clarify Mississippi’s concealed carry gun laws, defines the word concealed and in doing so says it shall not include weapons being carried upon a person in a sheath, belt holster or shoulder holster that is wholly or partially visible.

Ed.: How exactly does clarifying the legal distinction between 'concealed' carry and 'open' carry cause confusion? The gun issue aside, clarity in the law should be one of the goals of legislators.

MD: Maryland petition to repeal gun control law fails; NRA lawsuit looms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Maryland's new gun control law will not head to voters now that organizers of a petition drive to halt the law failed to turn in any signatures before Friday night's deadline.

"This means there were no successful petitions this year," Stephen Ackerman from the Secretary of State's Office said in an email.

IN: Would-be robber shot dead--Resident fires on pair who attacked him on his porch
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man outside his south-side home almost became a robbery victim Saturday night, but rather than surrender, he pulled out his handgun and fatally shot one of his attackers, Fort Wayne police said.

The man was on or near the front steps of 710 W. Packard Ave., the apartment house where he lives, when two men approached him. The pair tried to rob him, and he responded by shooting one of them several times, said Sgt. Mark Brooks, a police spokesman.

The other would-be robber was not shot, and he ran north through the neighborhood. On Sunday evening, he was still at large, Brooks said.

Guns Don't Kill--Lobbyists Do: Why Sandy Hook Was Not a Wakeup Call
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I don't give a damn about the Second Amendment. It is a lethal, misinterpreted anachronism. It is a blight on American life. The Second Amendment has been elevated to the status of a Commandment, while the real Commandments have long since been discarded like the Second Amendment should have been. Adultery? Check out Coveting what is thy neighbor's? Bank of America can foreclose on your home illegally, get caught, and pay a five hundred dollar fine. Murder? Four thousand have been committed on US soil since Sandy Hook . Make that four thousand and one.

NY: Assembly creating special class of citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To mitigate the resistance, they are now trying to divide and conquer the opposition by creating a special class of exempt citizens. By passing this measure, the Assembly is saying some have more rights than others when it comes to gun possession and raw firepower. Why should a retired law enforcement officer have a greater right to keep more bullets in his gun or use an assault weapon than would you or I? Is the self-protection of his life and his family more important than yours or mine? If some new social principle of liberty and equality is advanced by this division of the people, based on past profession, it is beyond understanding.

DC: DC man who shot dog mauling boy declines donations for legal costs; asks donors to help kid
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A District of Columbia man who faced criminal charges for using an unregistered gun to kill a pit bull as it mauled a neighborhood boy is now raising funds for the 11-year-old victim to help him cope in the aftermath of the vicious attack.

The effort comes amid an outpouring of support from gun-rights activists offering to raise money for Benjamin Srigley, 39, who was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine as part of an agreement he would not be charged with a crime.

Author of The Law of Self Defense to cover Zimmerman trial at Legal Insurrection
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’m pleased to let readers know that Andrew Branca, the author of classic The Law of Self Defense (2nd Edition going to print very soon, pre-order here) will be leading the coverage of the trial for Legal Insurrection. Andrew, a sometimes commenter here, brings the perfect background to evaluate what has become one of the highest self-defense cases in recent memory.

NY: Citizens must demand repeal of NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I don’t ever recall when an issue, proposed by a few lawmakers, has been so successfully bulldozed through the State Legislature as the NY SAFE Act. Resolutions against the law have been enacted in nearly all New York counties. The voices of the majority must be heard on this issue and the SAFE Act repealed. Lawmakers who railroad laws through, in violation of established rules of procedure, must be held accountable. The rights guaranteed all Americans under the Second Amendment are essential to the freedoms that we all enjoy.

NH: N.H.’s Kelly Ayotte stands up to liberal onslaught
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We ought to get perspective on the real nature of the most recent push on gun control initiated by the White House.

This is classic bait-and-switch politics, characterized by what Rahm Emanuel, current Chicago mayor and former Obama chief of staff, once called “never let a crisis go to waste.”

That is, never forgo an opportunity to exploit the emotions produced by a crisis or tragedy to further a pre-existing political agenda.

If a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if, after a while, the law follows his example. —OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES

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