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Newslinks for 6/30/2005

'Anti-gang' bill endangers gun rights?
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A national gun-rights group is decrying an 'anti-gangs' crime bill recently passed in the House of Representatives, saying the proposal, if it becomes law, could subject entire families to prison terms if a parent uses a firearm to protect his or her brood."

"The bill, H.R. 1279, the Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act of 2005, passed in the House May 11 by a vote of 279-144."

"Though the bill calls for increased penalties for gang activity, Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, believes it could be used to punish a family as a 'gang' – which must be at least three people –when a gun is used to protect that family."

Bob Barr: Anti-gun initiative full of blanks
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"The silliness of this approach is apparent. First of all, if someone were to ask most Americans, 'Do you have any guns in your house?' they'd be met either with 'That's certainly none of your business' or with a lie ('Of course not')."

"Even if someone were naive enough to tell someone that they did have a gun in the house, what would you do about it once armed with such a revealing and valuable piece of information? Start crossing those homes off the list of places your children could play? Accompany them if and when they visit such homes? Turn the people over to the authorities as possible terrorists?"

"And what would you do when your children wind up visiting those homes anyway...?"

NRA members could put love of guns to use
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Irate at having been reminded that guns were, in fact, created for killing, the man went on to lecture me about the rewarding side of his hobby. He described a pastime that brought him immense pride, especially for teaching himself to place 10 consecutive shots into the heart area of a paper human target."

"I was as impressed as the next sitting duck by this morbid feat, but not enough to stop me from asking a logical next question."

"'If you're that into guns and killing folks, why don't you just join the Army or Marines and head to Iraq where you can get paid to off people?' I asked."

KABA Note: Apparently this "veteran" has the elitist view that if you enjoy firearms, you are a hypocrite if you don't volunteer for the military. It seems the Founders' intent about an armed populace being the last line of defense against tyranny escapes this elitist.

Contact him with some facts: Mike Seate is a staff writer for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. He can be reached at (412) 320-7845 or e-mail him at

U.S. gun sales on the rise
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Gun sales in the United States are shooting up, according to current and projected firearms sale figures from gunmaker Smith & Wesson Corp."

"The 153-year-old Massachusetts company Wednesday said firearms sales for fiscal 2005 are expected to increase by approximately 11 percent over fiscal 2004 levels."

Dissolve the political bands (Letter)
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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President George W. Bush has successfully created the Patriot Act, an act which has removed our constitutional right to protection against illegal search. The Supreme Court of the United States has removed our constitutional protection against illegal seizure. Congress is providing nothing more than lip service on these issues and – in the end – will do nothing.

It has become obvious to me that all three branches of the federal government no longer exist to serve America or Americans. The Declaration of Independence says, in part: "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ..."

I now believe that "one people" can be described as Americans in their respective states, and that "another" can describe the federal government, a political entity which no longer serves or protects the people who created it. It is time to revisit the Declaration of Independence and act accordingly by removing the bands that have connected us all to this federal entity that has lost its way.

CA: Supes ban toy gun sales, eye portable backboards
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Ice cream and basketball were on the minds of county supervisors at Tuesday’s board meeting, as the board changed the county law that regulates peddler licenses."

"It will limit sales by ice-cream vendors to food only."

"In May, Beverly Foster, a trustee of the San Joaquin County Board of Education, asked county supervisors to ban the sale of toy guns to children by ice-cream vendors."

"Kids brought the realistic guns to school, violating Stockton Unified School District’s conduct code, which prohibits weapons or replica weapons. Two students were suspended and one was expelled."

NE: Fake guns concern local law enforcement
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Danger pervades much of what a police officer lives with everyday while on duty. Two recent incidents in Papillion are perfect examples of how a harmless situation could turn into a tragedy."

"On June 11 an off-duty police officer observed three juveniles walking down Lincoln Street with what looked like handguns. Papillion police officers were summoned and the three suspects were subdued at gunpoint handcuffed and spread out on the ground like any other criminal."

"The difference, said Papillion Police Chief Len Houloose, was the guns they were carrying were mere pellet guns they were using to shoot at street signs."

LA: Youth camp teaches firearms, water safety and self-defense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Wednesday, 26 campers ages 10-14 were involved in the third of five one-day firearm camps sponsored by the Caddo sheriff's office. sheriff's deputies numbering one to every two children monitored the safe use of the Cricket .22-caliber rifles."

"The camps began Monday and end Friday."

"Each day, as many as 30 new students learned firearm safety, first aid, defensive tactics, water safety and drug awareness."

WI: State lawmaker supports dropping hunting age limit to 10
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"State Rep. Terry Musser, R-Black River Falls, doesn't think it should be against the law to take his 11-year-old grandson hunting with a gun. In fact, he thinks it should be encouraged."

"Musser, whose son and son-in-law are serving with the military in Iraq, would like to take his grandson, Carson Scholze of Humbird in Clark County, deer hunting this fall. Hunting is a family tradition, and Musser doesn't want his grandson to miss the experience, he said."

"But under current law, Carson would have to be at least 12 and take a hunters safety course before he could hunt with a gun."

South Africa: Interdict fails to save woman's life
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Three weeks ago, Thembi Mthembu, 25, went to the Standerton police to lay a charge of domestic violence and apply for an interdict against her boyfriend, Jacob Mahlangu, 35."

"She feared for her life because Mahlangu had threatened to kill her with his 9mm pistol."

"The police confiscated Mahlangu's firearm."

"Last Friday the Standerton magistrate's court ordered the police to return the gun to Mahlangu, who was in turn ordered to remove his belongings from Mthembu's house in Standerton's Sakhile township."

"By Sunday they were both dead. ..."

UK: Cabbies shocked by gun drama
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A group representing Coventry taxi drivers has spoken out after a driver was robbed by a man wielding two guns." ...

"When the driver stopped he was threatened with the guns and told to hand over cash, before the gunman fled towards Binley Road with some money."

"Pat Royle, vice-chairman of Coventry Hackney Carriages Association, condemned the robbery. ..."

Australia: Policeman's gun, uniform 'stolen'
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KABA Note: Ever wonder where criminals get guns in countries with strict gun control?


A YOUNG man accused of breaking into a police officer's home and stealing both his uniform and gun has been arrested on Queensland's Gold Coast.

The stolen items, including the gun, were recovered by Northern Investigative Group CIB detectives early today.

Police said the man, 22, was in custody for a number of offences including the break and enter on the officer's home in the northern Gold Coast suburb of Arundel.

Senior police, the ethical standards branch and the Crime and Misconduct Commission are investigating the circumstances leading up to the theft.

CA: Gun scare spurs school lockdown
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Belmont police searched Wednesday for a teenage boy who led an officer on a foot pursuit that prompted a lockdown of Carlmont High School."

"About 10:55 a.m., a Belmont police officer contacted a boy seen looking into a parked vehicle in the 1900 block of Chula Vista Drive. As the officer spoke, the teen fled, running west on Chula Vista toward the high school, which was holding summer school classes."

"The boy ran onto the campus and reportedly discarded a handgun as an officer followed him."

Apparently this teenager hadn't gotten the memo about guns not being allowed at school.

IA: City to buy gun safes for police officers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Sioux City Council has decided to buy gun safes for its police officers.

The council O-K'd a plan yesterday to buy 19 safes so the officers can store their weapons when they're home.

Officers can buy the safes from the city through a payroll deduction.

Sioux City will buy nine larger safes for about 14-hundred dollars each, and ten smaller ones for 700 dollars apiece.

Some have already been sold.

FL: Seminole County Patrol Car Stolen with Gun Inside
Submitted by: News Admin

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Officials say a Seminole County patrol car stolen with a sheriff's issue shotgun inside has been recovered. Deputies say the late model Ford Crown Victoria was left running last night with the keys inside outside a fire station.

Authorities found the vehicle abandoned between a convenience store and a used car dealership. The missing shotgun was also recovered. No arrests have been made, but investigators are following some leads.

IL: Gun Club holds military surplus shoot
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The Hancock County Gun Club in Carthage held a Military Surplus Rifle Shoot Sunday, June 26."

"Thirteen participants shot a total of 20 times at targets ranging from 50 to 300 yards. The guns had to be military surplus arms made before 1960. There were 17 different gun models used. The oldest were an 1895 Chilean Mauser, two 1898 U.S. Krag-Jorgensen's (a type of rifle used in the Spanish-American War), and Russian Mosin Nagants, including an original 1891 model. Most Russian 1891 rifles were modified in 1930 by the Russian military."

CA: Police Chief Suggests More Research On Taser Gun Use
Submitted by: News Admin

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"San Jose's police chief took on critics of Taser guns more than a year after every officer in the city began using them."

"At a meeting held by the NAACP Tuesday night, Chief Rob Davis defended the weapons designed to be an alternative to batons or guns."

"But representatives from the NAACP said the organization is worried about the percentage of minorities who have been shot with Taser guns."

FL: Man Dies After Police Use Taser Gun To Subdue Him
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A man died Wednesday after he allegedly broke into two homes and police used a Taser stun gun to subdue him."

"Miami-Dade police said they received a call just after 3 a.m. reporting a burglary in progress on Northwest 17th Place."

"Renard Williams caught the man trying to break into his house from the roof." ...

"Officials said an officer discharged a Taser gun but missed the man. Another officer then discharged his stun gun, hitting the man with a 50,000-volt jolt of electricity."

RI: Cicilline, Kennedy unveil gun safety ad campaign
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Keep kids away from guns."

"That's the message of an ad campaign being unveiled today by Providence Mayor David Cicilline and Congressman Patrick Kennedy."

"The campaign urges parents to keep guns out of their children's hands and to ask the parents of their children's friends about guns in the home."

KABA Note: Never mind that research shows children who are properly taught and supervised in the use of guns tend to be responsible and rational when it comes to firearms. These gun grabbers would rather use tax dollars to foster paranoia and fear.

UK: Gun gang terror at dog race track
Submitted by: News Admin

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"A GANG of violent masked raiders escaped with as much as £25,000 after assaulting and tying up both the co-owner and manager of Har-low's greyhound race track."

"David Barclay, who only bought Harlow Stadium with his brother Dean two weeks ago, was struck with the barrel of a shotgun by one of the robbers and then had the weapon placed to his head."

UK: Hunt for gun terror raiders
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"Detectives are hunting gunmen who carried out two terrifying armed robberies in Warwickshire yesterday."

"In the first raid, a gunman struck at Stanley Racing in Church Street, Warwick, just before 10am."

"The manager was ordered into the back of the shop where the robber demanded to know where the safe was."

CO: El Paso County challenges gun rules in Denver
Submitted by: News Admin

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"El Paso County is opposing Denver’s effort to enforce gun ordinances that are more restrictive than Colorado law, including the city’s ban on openly carrying firearms in public."

"The county argues in papers filed with the Colorado Supreme Court that Denver’s ordinances 'interfere with public safety by discouraging citizens from carrying firearms for lawful protection in Denver.'"

"The dispute stems from state laws enacted in 2003 that declare firearms regulations a matter of statewide concern, meaning local governments may not adopt different rules. Denver sued the state government, arguing that as Colorado’s largest city it has unique needs not addressed in state law."

South Africa: Gun amnesty ends today
Submitted by: News Admin

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"With just hours to go before the end of the firearms amnesty, police have warned illegal gun owners to hand in their guns or face the wrath of the law."

"'If you are found to be in possession of an illegal firearm after the amnesty ends, we will charge you,' police spokesman Chris Wilken said."

"The six-month gun amnesty ends at midnight tonight."

TN: Metro and federal officers set sights on curbing gun crimes
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"Hoping to stem a sharp increase in violent gun crimes, Metro and federal law enforcement agents yesterday announced a new plan to make greater use of federal gun laws to prosecute criminals and keep them in prison to serve longer sentences."

"In a joint news conference, Metro Police Chief Ronal Serpas and Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville office of federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said agents from the two agencies will now meet weekly to target the most egregious gun cases and shooting suspects."

FL: WPB plans gun buyback to reduce violence
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"Bring in a gun and the city will send you shopping at Target." [KABA Note: The city will send you shopping at whose expense?]

"Mayor Lois Frankel announced West Palm Beach's first gun buyback program Wednesday, the latest in a series of efforts to help curb the killing spree in the city's north end." [KABA Note: Will the criminals turn in their weapons for a trip to Target? Or will it be the law-abiding who will be duped into turning in their tools of defense against criminals for some cheap merchandise?]

OH: Gun Rights Group Calls 'Assault Weapons' Ban 'Gun Registration Scheme'
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"The Second Amendment rights of Ohioans are under attack, a gun rights group said, and it's urging gun rights activists to attend a hearing Thursday in Columbus on a proposed ban on so-called 'assault weapons.'"

"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) calls the ordinance 'nothing more than a gun registration scheme that criminals won't obey, anyway' and pointed out that the city of Columbus has already lost two trials on the issue, another reason for the city council to reject it."

UK: Pupils take to the streets in gun protest (in a nation where guns are essentially banned)
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"MORE than 500 schoolchildren surged through the streets of Tottenham on Friday morning, taking part in a rally against gun and knife violence."

"Pupils from Gladesmore Community School in Crowland Road, South Tottenham, took part in the Value Life march from their school through Tottenham High Road to Spurs' White Hart Lane ground to stage the rally."

CT: Gun in school stuns Milford
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"Even as police and education officials put in place unprecedented security measures at Milford schools last week, a third-grader was able to bring a handgun — possibly loaded — to class."

"The Simon Lake School incident frightened parents already concerned about recent threats against their children in Milford."

"The beefed-up patrols were marshaled in response to an anonymous letter sent to police June 14 that alluded to an attack on the final day of classes in the city's schools."

DC: Gun Ban Opposition Called 'Slap in the Face'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"D.C. Mayor Anthony A. Williams and Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey yesterday rebuked members of Congress seeking to repeal the city's handgun ban, calling the effort an insult to democracy that would lead to more bloodshed."

"Williams (D) told members at a House Government Reform Committee hearing that the D.C. Personal Protection Act offered by Rep. Mark Edward Souder (R-Ind.) 'is an indignity to the democratic process' and 'a slap in the face to me and to the people who live in this city.'"

CA: California Lawmakers Move Closer to Giving Police Innovative New Tool to Solve Crime
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two key state legislative committees in California passed bills today that would give California police new, cutting-edge technologies that would tag bullets with identifying marks that have the potential to lead police to criminals in what might otherwise be unsolved crimes."

"The two bills passed complementary committees in the two state legislative chambers - SB 357 in the California Assembly and AB 352 in the California Senate. The Senate bill would mandate that handgun bullets sold in California be marked with serial numbers that identify the purchaser. The House bill would require that manufacturers of semiautomatic handguns sold in California be equipped with an innovative stamping device that would mark bullets fired with the gun."

Invention: Auto-adjusting rifle scope
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"An electronic rifle scope that automatically compensates for unsteady aim and recoil is being developed by US defence contractor Raytheon."

"Using the sight, snipers and police marksmen would no longer need to manually adjust their sight to account for the slight sideways movement that occurs when they pull the trigger."

IL: Trooper accused again of forcing another couple to strip
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An Illinois State Police trooper was charged Thursday and accused for a second time of forcing people to remove their clothes to avoid prosecution."

"Jeremy Dozier, 31, was arrested late Thursday morning on official misconduct charges stemming from an April 29 incident in Gurnee."

"Dozier, who has been a state trooper for 10 years, faces similar charges in Cook County for a June 16 incident along the Edens Expressway and Route 41."

Canada: Police arrest and release men after they buy guns and ammo
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Two members of a first nations 'warrior' group were arrested and released without charges Monday after the Burrard Street bridge was shut down to apprehend them."

"Several rifles and ammunition were seized, RCMP Staff Sgt. John Ward said."

"Police were pointing machine guns at the van, James Ward said."

"But the men who were arrested say all the appropriate paperwork was in place for the weapons and they weren't doing anything wrong."

Smith & Wesson Names Steven Skrubis as Long Gun Product Manager
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. (Amex: SWB - News), parent company of Smith & Wesson Corp., the legendary 153-year old global provider of products and services for safety, security, protection and sport, announced today that it has named Steven Skrubis to fill the newly created post of Long Gun Product Manager. Skrubis, formerly with Italian firearms-maker Benelli, will oversee Smith & Wesson's potential entry into the long gun business, specifically shotguns and rifles."

OR: NRA donates to local gun club
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mike Carey, field representative for the National Rifle Association (NRA) in Oregon, recently presented Troy Delle, president of the Big Timber Rifle and Pistol Club in Siletz, with a check for $7,450."

"These funds come in the form of a grant from the NRA Foundation, a non-political arm of the NRA responsible for assisting state and local organizations in increasing firearms safety through education and training."

"The Big Timber Rifle and Pistol Club will use the funds to begin the construction of a combination shotgun skeet and trap field at their range. ..."

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety. Nor, are they likely to end up with either. — Benjamin Franklin

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