'Pathetic Sham,' Says CCRKBA About Jersey City Handgun Ordinance
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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today called the one-gun-a-month ordinance passed by the Jersey City, NJ city council 'a pathetic sham' designed to give the public a false impression that this will address the city's violent crime problems."
"'These one-gun-per-month measures will not prevent dangerous criminals from arming themselves,' said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. 'All these kinds of laws ever accomplish is to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to buy firearms. There is no evidence that any such law ever stopped a single crime. This is nothing more than a 'feel-good' effort to deceive the good citizens of Jersey City that their council has struck a blow for law and order.'" ... |
Ted Nugent: Off his rocker?
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... "We sit down to coffee, eggs and grits. ... He launches into a fevered monologue about how much safer Britain would be with more guns on its streets."
"'Never has there been such an upsurge in crime since they confiscated all your weapons. Why don't you arm yourselves? You Limeys have a zipper that's locked in the closed position, because you don't have a constitution. You're rewarded for shutting the fuck up.'"
"He explains his political philosophy which, as I understand it, is based on extending the death penalty to a far wider range of crimes than homicide, then arming any survivors to the teeth. He owns around 350 guns himself - more than one for every household in Crawford." ... |
AK: Another shooting in Anchorage claims a young victim
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"Another Anchorage teenager has been killed in gunfire and one is badly injured, but this time, the shooter may not be going to jail." ...
"Investigators say the shooter called 911 for help after he fired his gun. A nearby resident investigating the noise overheard his call."
"'Sounded like he was making a phone call and he said, 'A guy just beat me up and I just shot him.' Within a few minutes, I heard police sirens,' said area resident, Rita Robinson."
"... At this time, investigators have not charged the shooter with any crime. The case will be forwarded to the District Attorney's Office, which will determine if the overnight shooting was in self-defense." |
PA: Hazelwood man found not guilty in death
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"Gwen Dunn said her son Dyar stopped by her workplace hours after he fatally shot a man near the Original Hot Dog Shop in Oakland Oct. 20."
"'I looked at my son's face and I knew he was going to say something that was going to change the course of my life,' she said. They agreed he would turn himself in to the police, which he did later that day."
"His non-jury homicide trial ended yesterday in a 'not guilty' verdict, based on the determination that he shot ... in self defense." ...
"'In my 23 years, this was probably the best self defense case I've ever had,' said William H. Difenderfer. 'His buddy's shot, the guy turns on him with a weapon in his hand and [Mr. Dunn] shoots.'" ... |
IL: Shotgun-wielding intruder shot, killed in Bridgeport
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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A would-be burglar was shot to death Wednesday evening during a confrontation with a homeowner in the city's Bridgeport neighborhood, Chicago Police said.
It was just after 5 p.m. when the homeowner arrived at his home in the 1600 block of West 38th Place, said police officer John Mirabelli.
He parked his car in the garage, got out and as he was walking to the rear was confronted by a man armed with a shotgun.
The two got into a physical fight and at one point the shotgun went off; the intruder suffered a fatal gunshot wound to the head, according to police reports.
The 44-year-old man, whom authorities weren't identifying until family had been notified, was pronounced dead on the scene. |
MA: Marine acquitted in shotgun blast that injured Massachusetts club-goers
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An Iraq war veteran once named "Marine of the Year" has been acquitted in connection with a shotgun blast that wounded two people in a crowd of rowdy club-goers.
Two jurors hugged Marine Sergeant Daniel Cotnoir outside the Salem, Massachusetts, courtroom after he was found not guilty of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Cotnoir testified he felt he was "under attack" when a bottle came flying through his window last August. His house, which is also his family's funeral parlor, overlooks a parking lot where a crowd had gathered after some nearby clubs closed.
After the verdict, the 34-year-old reservist said it's not necessary to be a war veteran "to be scared when things go flying through your bedroom window." |
FL: No charges after shooting death
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"A North Fort Myers man accused of shooting and killing his neighbor's adult son in March will not face charges because of a controversial state law."
"The victim's widow ... will meet with an attorney today to discuss challenging the Stand Your Ground law, which gives Floridians the right to use deadly force to protect themselves if they fear for their lives."
"State attorneys said that while they do not think Todd Rasmussen was right to shoot ... the law prevents them from taking the matter to a jury."
"'We do not believe Mr. Frazzini’s death was lawful,' said Assistant State Attorney Hamid Hunter. 'But in light of the applicable laws, we do not think we can prove a charge beyond a reasonable doubt.'" ... |
NY: Andrew Cuomo calls for closing loopholes in New York State's assault weapons ban
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Today, New York State Attorney General candidate Andrew Cuomo called for strengthening New York State's assault weapons ban by closing the loopholes in the current law. ..." ...
"'We owe it to the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect us to prevent that military-style, cop-killing weapons are simply unavailable for civilian use,' stated Andrew Cuomo, New York State Attorney General candidate. '... It is up to us to stand up for police, where the federal government is 'standing down.' I will stop at nothing to work with ensure that these lethal weapons never return to the streets of New York.'" ... |
Statement of Sarah Brady on House Vote Against Trigger Locks
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"'Last year, in one of the few sound moves taken by Congress, a law was passed that said gun dealers should provide locks when they sell handguns. The measure passed the Senate 70-30 with overwhelming bipartisan support -- even reliable gun lobby allies like Senators Rick Santorum, Lisa Murkowski, and Sam Brownback voted for this sensible public safety measure.'"
"'Last night, in a tragic display of how many Members of Congress will do anything the gun lobby tells them to do, a majority of the U.S. House voted to repeal the law. As someone who knows so many victims of unintentional shootings, and as a mother, this makes me ill.'" ... -------
KABA Note: There were 3894 deaths from accidental gunshots between 1999 and 2003. Limiting it to children 13 and under (who might reasonably be saved by gun locks) that number drops to 293 in that five year span. In that same time period 4,140 children accidentally drowned, 4,093 accidentally suffocated, 518 were killed while biking, 492 killed in falls, and 455 were accidentally poisoned. |
Possenti Society Blasts Vatican UN Gun Grabbers for 4th of July Insult to American Gun Owners; Urges Church Collection Protests
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"As we approach next week's 230th commemoration of the signing of our Nation’s Declaration of Independence, we face the reality of three institutional insults to our country’s Fourth of July celebration of freedom."
"The first insult comes from a United Nations group meeting in New York ..."
"Although some UN officials deny it, the [Conference] in reality is a direct assault on ... the civil rights of our citizens. Included in the UN Program are proposals for mandatory global gun registration ... international regulations for manufacturing, distributing and retailing of guns and ammunition, and UN devised and sanctioned limitations on the possession and use of small arms, including rifles, shotguns and handguns, and ammunition. |
Barrett Firearms Urges Ambassador John Bolton to block United Nations Gun Grab
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"Ronnie Barrett, President of Barrett Firearms ... wrote Ambassador Bolton during the U.N.'s Small Arms Control Convention. Barrett urged Bolton to preserve US sovereignty and prevent the UN from restricting a citizen's gun ownership rights." ...
"U.N. proposals suggest that the ownership of firearms should not be the personal choice of individuals as guaranteed in our constitution. These proposals imply that the 'state' should hold a monopoly on the use of force. Tyrants who have enjoyed this monopoly have murdered millions. ..." ...
"So as we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, let us remember that the individual ownership of firearms was central to the struggle that followed." ... |
UN Head Kofi Annan: We're Not Banning Guns, No Really, We're Not Doing a "Global Gun Ban"
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"'Let me also note that this Review Conference is not negotiating a 'global gun ban' ...' ..."
"The Secretary General added, 'Mr. President ... I would want to repeat ... We are not negotiating a global ban ...'"
"The added emphasis by way of repetition is not likely to impress Annan ideological foes on the issue."
"The intent of the conference, claims Annan, is to put in place international measures that will stem the flow of illegal arms trade ..." ...
"... 'What these countries and the U.N. will never acknowledge is that the vast majority of firearm atrocities around the world aren't committed by the individual criminals…the vast majority of wanton killings around the globe are committed by governments ...' writes NRA vice-president Wayne LaPierre." |
Global gun control to keep the peace
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"Mikhail Kalashnikov is feeling more than a little sorry. Inventor of the AK-47 assault rifle, the 86-year-old retired Red Army general never dreamed the weapon would fall into the hands of 'aggressors, terrorists and all kinds of criminals.' But that's just what has happened ..."
"How can this be? That's a question being asked this week and next at a U.N. forum on 'small arms' ... The bottom line is simple: Small weapons are spreading because no global treaty regulates their sale."
"That oversight doesn't much trouble the Bush administration, which seems most concerned about appeasing its allies at the National Rifle Association. (Check www.stopgunban.org [sic] for the NRA's alarmist notions about the U.N. meeting.) ..." ... -------
KABA Note: The website is actually StopUNGunBan.org. |
House shoots down trigger-lock mandate
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"A Colorado congresswoman has infuriated gun-safety advocates by helping shoot down a trigger-lock mandate that Congress approved just last year."
"Republican Rep. Marilyn Musgrave won an amendment to a Justice Department appropriations bill that would prevent any money from being spent to enforce a mandate that gun dealers sell trigger locks with the weapons they sell."
"President Bush had signed the trigger-lock requirement into law last year as part of a larger gun-liability bill, but Musgrave's amendment preventing its enforcement was included in the larger appropriations package, which easily passed the House of Representatives Thursday." ... |
NY: Weiner makes List of NRA's worst 10 house members
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The National Rifle Association listed Weiner as the seventh-worst member of the U.S. House of Representatives in their list of the 10 worst anti-gun legislators Tuesday."
"The NRA said that Weiner earned the distinction because 'he promotes New York City gun laws (some of the most restrictive in the nation) as a model for the rest of the country.'"
"Weiner, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, has a long history of opposing legislation to weaken current national gun-control laws and said he would be more than happy to wear his new label with pride."
"'If controlling the flow of illegal guns and saving lives makes me one of the worst representatives, then that's a label that I'll wear proudly,' he said. ..." -------
KABA Note: This is like a guy who just passed a law banning fruit trees claiming he supports apple pie. |
PA: John Baer | Gun control in city takes another shot
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"YET ANOTHER effort to get Philly even modest help in stemming gun violence failed this week as a key state Senate committee declined to move a one-gun-a-month proposal, opting instead for an old, reliable political two-step - more study."
"Just what the city needs."
"The timing effectively kills the effort for months if not the rest of the year." ...
"That's a shame. It's another opportunity lost."
"And it's lost as the city suffers increasing carnage: more than 800 shootings so far this year; more than 160 homicides so far; an overall homicide rate that's climbing even as rates in other large cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago) fall." -------
KABA Note: Say John, I don't suppose you have any, you know, evidence that this law would aid in "stemming gun violence"? And even if you did have evidence, such a law would still be unConstitutional! |
KS: Concealed guns among new laws going on books Saturday
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"In a state where guns have been a part of life since frontier days, Kansas residents finally have a law allowing them to pack a pistol."
"The days of shootouts in cowtowns like Abilene and Dodge City are part of Old West history, but for many, owning a gun remained as much a right as owning land."
"Yet, until this year, Kansas was one of the few states banning citizens from carrying a hidden gun, although in some parts of the state, having a pistol stashed in the glove box or under the seat of a vehicle is fairly common."
"But come Saturday, Kansas becomes the 48th state to have a concealed gun law on the books ... Illinois and Wisconsin are the only states that do not allow concealed carrying of guns in any way." ... |
MS: "Deadly Force" Law Official Saturday
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"A new law going into effect Saturday will make it easier for people in Mississippi to defend themselves against intruders."
"A home invasion can be one of the most terrifying experiences of a lifetime. Starting this Saturday Mississippians will have more legal protection when defending themselves against intruders. A law passed this March assumes that a person using self defense against an intruder is acting properly, even when that self defense includes deadly force." ...
"Lauderdale County Sheriff Billy Sollie says ... under the new law a person does not have to retreat or try to run or get away before using deadly force. Plus, deadly force may be used in defense of a dwelling or a vehicle." ... |
SC: Woman arrested for sex with prisoner
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"Two days after pleading guilty in federal court to purchasing firearms under false pretenses, a Springfield woman was arrested on charges she had sex with an inmate at the Kirkland Correctional Institution, where she was a former guard."
"Ciearra Lartai Tyler ... was arrested Wednesday by S.C. State Law Enforcement Division agents after an investigation requested by the Department of Corrections ..."
"An arrest warrant accuses Tyler of having sex April 20 with an inmate in a bathroom in the high-security prison ... The inmate and a witness outside the bathroom gave investigators statements ..."
"Tyler has been charged with sexual misconduct in the first degree with an inmate of a correctional facility." ... |
NY: As Ex-Police Commissioner Goes to Court, Questions Persist About Background Check
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"If Bernard B. Kerik admits today, as expected, that he failed to report a gift that investigators say came from a city contractor with ties to organized crime, it will likely settle a criminal inquiry that has trailed the former police commissioner in his retirement."
"But the legal proceeding in State Supreme Court in the Bronx is likely to leave one major question unanswered:"
"Did city investigators, who knew of Mr. Kerik's relationship with the contractor, ever raise it as an issue in 2000 when they were asked to check his background for the police post?" ... |
Jamaica: Policeman seriously injures taxi operator
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"The Professional Standards Branch is investigating an incident in which a police constable allegedly attacked and seriously injured a taxi operator, leaving him partially blind."
"The incident occurred on Monday in Downtown, Kingston."
"Sources told the RJR News Centre that the Constable who is attached to the Kingston Central Police Station stopped the taxi operator to write him a ticket for a traffic violation."
"However, it is reported that the two got into a quarrel."
"During the dispute, the constable reportedly pulled his service pistol and hit the taxi operator in the face."
"The taxi operator who received a severe wound to the eye was taken to the nearby Kingston Public Hospital by some of his colleagues." ... |
MT: Black powder and blue skies make for a Grand Gathering
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"A mile and a half downstream from present day Fort Benton, in a cool cottonwood grove with the smell of carbon, sulfur and potassium nitrate wafting on the breeze, one is tempted to believe in ghosts."
"It is, after all, here along the Missouri River where men in buckskin trod to what, in the mid-1800s, was the trading post furthest up the river."
"But this day, it is regular folk who have given up modernness for a day or two or an afternoon, to step back in time, raise a heavy firearm and sight down it's long barrel to a paper target or a steel bison down range."
"The Montana Plainsmen held their 29th annual Grand Gathering last weekend. Shooters ... showed up for what organizer Harry Kokko called 'a smashing success.'" ... |
NC: They're not just horsing around
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"Why Not An American Ark Equestrian Park in Monroe hosted its first Southern Stock Horse Show this weekend." ...
"Why Not an American Ark, located off Medlin Road, hosts other equestrian events during the year. This weekend, the N.C. Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association will hold its shooting event there. In that event, cowboys ride around a course, dressed in old-fashioned Western gear, and shoot at a balloon with a replica 1800s single-action pistol." ... |
NY: Fears behind her, Zidek is shooting for gold
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Pat Zidek used to get so upset whenever her husband decided to clean his guns, her hands would get sweaty and she'd have to physically leave the apartment they were living in at the time."
"'I was one of those petrified housewives,' she recounted recently. 'I was terrified of guns, and my husband kept firearms in the house. You always hear about people get killed cleaning their guns — I just knew he was going to get shot.'"
"That was a long time ago."
"The very thing that used to create the most stress and anxiety in her life is now the activity that gives her the most relief and fulfillment. Zidek, 63, owns numerous Empire State Games medals in shooting, and she'll be going for more later this month in Rochester." ... |
UK: Couple who ran but couldn't hide
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"THREE men who plotted the murder of an innocent married couple in a revenge attack were found guilty of conspiring to murder yesterday."
"John Russell, Michael McNee and a 39-year-old ... were convicted of plotting the shooting of Joan and John Stirland two years ago. Their attack was revenge for a murder carried out by Michael O’Brien, Mrs Stirland’s son by a previous marriage."
"Five other men ... were cleared of the same charge after more than 26 hours of deliberation ..."
"The couple were hunted down after spending two years on the run from gang members from Nottingham. Mr Stirland, 55, and Mrs Stirland, 51, were shot dead at their bungalow in the seaside village of Trusthorpe, Lincolnshire, on August 8, 2004." ... |
Ireland: Drugs and guns seized in Garda raids in Limerick
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"Two members of Limerick's biggest armed drugs gang were in Garda custody last night after a series of raids across the city resulted in one of the biggest single seizures of firearms in the State in recent years."
"A search team of 50 uniformed gardaí and detectives raided 10 premises."
"It found a cocaine-processing plant in one city-centre apartment. The search team also found quantities of cocaine and what they believe to be heroin, as well as seven firearms, including Glock semi-automatic pistols and semi-automatic machine guns." ... |
Canada: Gun amnesty getting results
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"It appears Burnaby citizens have been busy clearing out firearm clutter in their homes if the number of weapons turned in to the RCMP is any indication."
"Through the month of June, a provincial gun amnesty is in place allowing anyone to turn in firearms without fear of facing weapons charges - unless, of course, the weapon was used to commit an offence."
"By Tuesday afternoon, Burnaby RCMP had received 10 unregistered handguns and 62 other firearms, such as rifles, shotguns, replica handguns, and a semi-automatic .22 calibre rifle ..."
"In many cases, the original owners of the firearms passed away and their family members simply didn't want them in the house or didn't know what to do with them." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And this is the exact situation that the Brady's would love to see here. Gun laws so obscure and draconian that people are afraid to sell their heirlooms, and so stigmatized that they don't want to keep them. |