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John Lott: Gun banners who can't shoot straight
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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When the federal assault- weapons ban expired last September, its fans claimed that gun crimes and police killings would surge. Sarah Brady, one of the nation's leading gun-control advocates, warned, 'Our streets are going to be filled with AK-47s and Uzis.' Well, over eight months have gone by and the only casualty has been gun-controllers' credibility. Letting the law expire only showed its uselessness." ...

FL: How One Tasing Unfolded in Boynton Beach
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Aug. 6, 2004 incident began as a normal traffic stop but took an ominous turn when the driver refused to get out of her SUV. It ended with a Boynton Beach Police officer hitting the 22-year-old woman twice with his Taser during her arrest." ...

KABA Note: Be warned, this police car dash-cam video is disturbing, especially the screams of the driver while being tased and her moans afterwards.

Limits on gun suits unfair, dangerous
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which the House Judiciary Committee approved last week, is not a nuanced piece of legislation. Its purpose is to blast out of court current and future lawsuits against firearms manufacturers and dealers for the carnage wrought with their products. This bill is no tort reform measure. Rather, it’s a gimme for the gun industry, almost a blanket shield against even justified lawsuits." ...

MD: Not the best buy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IF WE CAN prevent one murder, it will have been worth it. That's the attitude of Baltimore police who are spending $100,000 to buy back guns, no questions asked, from anyone turning them in. Who could argue with saving lives, especially in a city with a stubbornly high murder rate? But police won't ever know if they have saved one life or reduced crime through this program. It's like trying to prove a negative. Crime is down, according to police. Nonfatal shootings are down. And yet there are plenty of guns for sale." ...

"Cities that reviewed their buyback efforts found little impact on gun violence. The studies are a decade old, but still worth noting. A Harvard study of Boston's programs in 1993 and 1994 found that a majority of guns turned in were manufactured before 1968. In Sacramento, 59 percent of participants said they had another gun at home that they intended to keep. About 14 percent of participants in a St. Louis gun buyback planned to buy a new gun." ...

OH: Second time this week: Ohio CHL-holder defends against robbery (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After months of high-profile violent crimes in Dayton, with gangs and teenagers ruling the streets, citizens victimized, innocent store owners killed, various groups holding marches and prayer vigils to end the crime and killing, one law-abiding CHL-licensed citizen exercised his right to self-defense. This is why Ohio's concealed carry law was passed!"

"Criminals in Dayton can now be put on notice that there are law abiding citizens refusing to become a victim - refusing to turn over their streets and their neighborhoods to gangs. We applaud this man who stood his ground and acted appropriately when attacked. We are also thankful he was not harmed." ...

OH: Dayton Man Fights Back During Robbery Attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Investigators said the victim was walking down the street when, he said, someone came up behind him and pushed him. He said when he turned around, there were two men standing there who demanded his money with a gun."

"The victim told police that he pulled out his .40-caliber handgun and fired off close to 10 rounds, striking one of the men. Officers said the men ran off, but were later found at Good Samaritan Hospital." ...

"Police said that all three men face charges of armed robbery. Investigators do not plan to charge the victim for shooting the gun, because police believe the man was acting in self-defense. They said the victim also had a permit to carry a concealed weapon." ...

TX: Beaumont Man Fires Shots at Intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A 63-year-old Beaumont man fired 2 gunshots through his bedroom window early Thursday morning to fend off a burglar. James Hodges says he pulled the .25 caliber pistol from his bedside table when he heard someone break his window then put their arm through it, holding a flashlight.

The intruder fled on foot but a bullet hole on a nearby tree marked the scene of the crime.

Beaumont Police say Hodges' actions were legal, citing that a person has a right to use deadly force if they reasonably fear their life is in danger.

NM: Police Identify Man Shot By Wife In Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police have released the identity of a man who officers say was killed during a dispute with his wife at their home on Albuquerque's west side.

Albuquerque police officer Trish Hoffman says Frank Cervantes, 37, fired gunshots at the back door of the family home as he tried to enter it Wednesday night.

Hoffman also said Cervantes fired shots at his wife, who called police. He said when officers arrived at the home, they found Cervantes dead and his wife and their three children inside. The woman and children were not injured.

Hoffman says no charges have been filed against Cervantes' wife; police called her actions "justifiable."

OH: Man with two guns arrested in 'no-guns' Ohio U. library (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columbus' is reporting that Ryan Salim was arrested at Alden Library on the Ohio University campus at about 9 p.m. Tuesday, and that police discovered two loaded handguns concealed on his person." ...

"While media reports commonly make note of a lack of a driver's license when accidents or crimes are committed by drivers, this is, as far as we are aware, the first time an Ohio news organization has made note of the fact that a criminal act was committed without a concealed handgun license. Many other Ohio news organizations are also reporting on this incident, but are again failing to mention the fact that it is illegal to carry guns at the college, and that Salim committed is alleged acts without a CHL." ...

CA: Bullet ID bills advance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dueling proposals to identify handgun bullets to help police solve shootings were approved by state lawmakers Thursday, despite concerns the requirements are impractical or would harm law-abiding citizens."

"Ammunition manufacturers would be required to laser-cut each bullet with a serial number under the Senate bill, while the Assembly version requires guns to stamp identification numbers on bullet casings each time they are fired."

"'With a simple magnifying glass (police) can read that identifying number... and determine who purchased that ammunition,' said Sen. Joseph Dunn, D-Garden Grove, who is carrying the Senate version. 'This is a tremendous benefit for law enforcement.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Hey, if you can't register the guns . . .

IL: Illinois to restrict stun-gun buys
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. Rod Blagojevich plans to sign legislation Friday that would require people who want to buy Tasers or other stun guns in Illinois to submit to a background check, just as if they were buying a rifle or other firearm." ...

ME: Lobbyists' role at issue after gun bills fail
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The three major gun-control bills of this year's legislative session have gone down to defeat, renewing a longstanding debate at the State House over the influence of the so-called gun lobby, including the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine."

"The bills would have banned "assault weapons," imposed a waiting period on young gun buyers and required all sellers at gun shows to do background checks on prospective buyers."

"Supporters of the bills say the Legislature rejected them because the gun lobby is so powerful at the State House that bills it opposes don't stand a chance." ...

RI: Senate OKs violence, gun bills
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Rhode Island Senate overwhelmingly passed two gun bills yesterday that would require those named in permanent restraining orders to relinquish their guns."

"The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Maryellen Goodwin (D-Dist. 1) would require people named in such restraining orders to give up their guns to local or state police departments within 24 to 48 hours of being served with the orders. They would also be allowed to sell their guns to a licensed firearms dealer." ...

GA: Albany will have an independent review of its police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City officials plan an independent review of the Albany Police Department, which has had 16 officers charged or convicted of crimes since 2003."

"The offenses range from simple battery to theft to aiding an escape."

"The former police chief, who was found to have hired officers who failed to meet the department's standards, resigned in September, just days after one of his officers fatally shot his own son, wounded the boy's mother and then committed suicide with his police-issued pistol."

"The department's latest setback occurred last week amid reports that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into allegations that some officers have been working part-time jobs while they were on duty and being paid by the city." ...

SC: Richland County deputy fired after shooting sheriff's dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Richland County deputy has been fired by Sheriff Leon Lott after he shot and killed the sheriff's dog while checking on his house."

"The shooting was the latest of several incidents where deputy Ricky Sirois showed "poor judgment," Lott said Thursday from a family vacation at the beach."

"'If he had done to anybody's dog what he did to mine, the same thing would have happened,' Lott said."

"The shooting happened Monday evening as Sirois was checking on Lott's Chapin house while he was away - a service the sheriff said is available to anyone in the county."

"Sirois entered a gated area in Lott's backyard where he kept his pet German shepherd Rocky. When the dog growled at Sirois, the deputy pulled his gun and fired." ...

NY: New Paltz police to pitch for rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seeking funding for high-powered rifles, New Paltz police will make a detailed pitch to the town board on July 21."

"'We're going to have them come give us a presentation,' Deputy Town Supervisor Kathleen Healey said."

"The police want $5,000 to purchase four AR15 rifles. The money would come from a special account that holds assets seized from local criminals."

"The lightweight AR15s are touted as more accurate and less likely to produce recoil than the department's 12-gauge shotguns. This makes the AR15s more useful for situations requiring multiple shots in succession."

"The 20-officer department already has two AR15s, used by specially trained officers as part of an Ulster County Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team." ...

South Africa: Officer accused of supplying guns to gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An army colonel stationed in Bloemfontein has been arrested by Western Cape police for allegedly supplying hand grenades, firearms and ammunition to Cape Flats gangs."

"Colonel Johannes Jacobus Moses, 39, was detained at the Tempe army base in Bloemfontein by the provincial High Flyers Unit."

"The weapons were taken from a strongroom at Tempe in 1998 and 1999."

"Armed with an arrest warrant, investigators Captain Abe Enus and Inspector Frank Bailey arrested Moses at the base and drove to Cape Town with him last week."

"He appeared in the Bellville regional court on Monday and will apply for bail next week." ...

Malaysia: Arms: Stricter rules for off-duty cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police will tighten procedures governing the handling of firearms to off-duty police personnel, following the incident here in which a Lans Koperal shot himself after shooting three Indonesians, two of whom had died."

"Lans Koperal Mustafa Mad Lazim, 42, who was badly injured in the neck after he shot himself in the incident last Wednesday, also died at the hospital at 3.55am Friday."

"'There are procedures on the handling over of firearms; when using firearms while on duty, they cannot be taken along indiscriminately...this is an isolated case,' said Perak acting Chief Police Officer SAC 1 Abdul Razak Bokhari."

"He was asked to comment on the case because the policeman had reportedly taken along his gun when off duty." ...

CA: NRA, Politicians Share the Blame for Rampage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Re "Two-Day Rampage Leaves Trail of Death and Questions," June 1: Would the horrific and bloody rampage by Toby Whelchel have been possible had he not possessed a handgun? Would he have been able to fire at five people, steal two trucks, break into a gated community, beat two children and fatally beat their mother had he not possessed a lethal weapon? I think not.

Clearly it is the National Rifle Assn.'s catastrophic crusade that allows the Whelchels of our society to possess dangerous guns. Our politicians equally share the blame in fearfully yielding to the NRA lobby.

At what price can our society continue to accept tragic incidents such as Whelchel's? It is time for California to lead the nation and outlaw the possession of all handguns by private citizens.

Submitter's Note: Two 'private citizens' in Ohio arguably ended rampages with their handguns. You can not do a cost-benefit analysis by only looking at the costs.

FL: Inaccuracy helps gun rights foes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Re the article, '64-year-old woman kills intruder who broke into her home': My husband and I have concealed weapons permits, are members of the National Rifle Association and believe in having and operating firearms in a safe manner. What Judith Kuntz did takes great courage. It is also something the majority of gun owners hope they never have to face." ...

MN: 'Conceal-carry' law to be subject of show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Tim Grant, leadership team member of CCRN, will appear on the Republican Roundtable cable show in June. He discusses the Minnesota Personal Protection Act, which the Legislature recently passed again.

A public service program on cable access television, Republican Roundtable is produced by the Senate District 63 Republicans.

Hosting this month’s show is Marc Sullivan.

The show airs on the following channels and dates:

• In Richfield, Edina, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and Hopkins on Channel 15 at 12:30 p.m. Saturdays and 7:30 p.m. Mondays.

• In Bloomington on Channel 16 at 8:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays and Wednesdays, and at 2:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays and Thursdays.


NJ: Elderly Ridgefield couple had stacks of guns, ammo
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police officers had just walked a disoriented woman back to her Ridgefield home when they found a surprise: stacks and stacks - and more stacks - of high-powered weapons."

"Nearly 500 guns in all, along with 100,000 rounds of ammunition and 500 pounds of gunpowder, were carted away Wednesday from the home of Sherwin and Elizabeth Raymond, both 82, police said." ...

"'We also found a bumper sticker,' the chief remarked. 'It says: 'The right to bear arms makes someone a citizen. If you are not allowed to bear arms, it makes you a subject.'"

VA: Museum displays 'Arsenal of Democracy'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The steel pot 2nd Lt. Frederick Harvey wore in World War II is a fitting example of the old statement, 'They don't make them like that anymore.'"

"The helmet has five neat holes punched in one side from shrapnel. Harvey was seriously wounded, but survived ..."

"Harvey's helmet and a host of World War II weapons, equipment and memorabilia are on display from now until the end of 2006 at the National Rifle Association's National Firearms Museum in an exhibit called 'The Arsenal of Democracy -- The Triumph of Freedom.'" ...

"If there were such a thing as the star of the show it would be the M1911 .45 pistol. The weapon designed by the famous John Browning saw action in both world wars, Korea and Vietnam until being replaced by the Beretta in 1984." ...

WV: Good Idea -- No guns for sex offenders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"KANAWHA County Sheriff Mike Rutherford doesn’t think pistols should be carried by people convicted of sexually fondling mentally incapacitated people or other misdemeanor sex crimes."

"People with felony convictions already are prohibited from carrying concealed weapons. So are those convicted of domestic violence, or who have current domestic violence petitions pending. Rutherford thinks people with misdemeanor sex convictions should be treated the same way. As the official responsible for issuing gun permits in the county, he won’t give them to sexual predators."

"Good for the sheriff. Although no law allows him to deny permits on the basis of misdemeanor convictions, he has other grounds. ..." ...

CA: Local teen gets medal at worlds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Susan Sledge was 13 when she realized she could shoot better than a lot of boys, and even older guys, around her."

"Earlier this week, Sledge, now 18 and a sophomore at Cuyamaca College, earned a bronze medal in junior women's international trap at the ISSF World Shotgun Championships in Lonato, Italy. Sledge broke 62 of 75 targets." ...

UT: Buy Utah Buck Deer Permits June 16
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you haven't obtained a buck deer permit for this fall's hunts in Utah, your next chance to obtain one begins June 16 when permits not taken in this year's big game draw go on sale."

"More than 2,000 Northeastern Region rifle and muzzleloader, 16,600 Northern Region rifle and muzzleloader and 10,000 statewide general archery permits will be available."

"There are three ways to buy a permit, and the time you can buy one on June 16 varies according to the method you choose." ...

MI: Women set sights on shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Donna Van Buskirk decided to try her hand at blasting away at clay targets with a shotgun last year after she saw an ad in a woman's magazine. Now, she's hooked."

"The 45-year-old mother of two visits the Howell Gun Club in Marion Township twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays, to blow apart airborne targets with her 12-gauge Remington 1100." ...

"She's not alone. Target shooting -- nonhunting shooting with a rifle, shotgun or handgun -- is a fast-growing sport for women, both in Michigan and nationwide. Nationally, the number has grown from about 2.33 million women in 1999 to 4.3 million last year, according to the National Sporting Goods Association. Women now make up about 22.5 percent of all target shooters, up from 17.9 in 1999." ...

FL: Field Set for Great Outdoor Games Shotgun Event
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Five former gold medallists in the ESPN Great Outdoor Games and an Olympic skeet team member are among the 16 finalists for the shotgun competition in the sixth annual Great Outdoor Games at Tenoroc."

"Eighteen-year-old Travis Mears of Texas is the defending champion in the shotgun event, which will be at Tenoroc Shooting Sports and Training in North Lakeland July 8-9."

"Other events in the Games are at Disney's Wide World of Sports July 7-9." ...

UK: Theft of shotgun causing concern
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 12-bore shotgun and dozens of cartridges have been stolen in a day-time burglary at a Telford house. The raiders smashed a patio door at the house in Priorslee yesterday and escaped with the shotgun and other property worth about £4,500."

"Telford police said today there was real concern about who may have possession of the weapon and the ammunition."

"The shotgun, a Beretta make over-and-under 12 bore, was kept at the owner's home in Westcroft Walk."

"Detective Constable Terry Homer, of Telford police burglary squad, appealed for witnesses and said the shotgun was unique." ...

UK: Airgun amnesty ends but call for total ban continues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mother of a toddler killed by an air gun pellet says the amnesty on the weapons is a start but they must be banned altogether. Andrew Morton was shot in the head in March. Since then police have appealed for people to hand in their air guns. Today marks the end of the official amnesty but they are still urging people to give up their weapons."

"Three months on from the death of her son Andrew Sharon McMillan thought people would have learned from the tragedy but she is dismayed that some do not appear to be getting the message that air guns are deadly." ...

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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