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Georgia Gun Dealer Made Right Move in Quest for Fair Trial, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Georgia gun dealer Jay Wallace’s decision Monday to default on a lawsuit by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and carry his case to an appeals court, was the right move because of genuine concerns he could not get a fair trial before federal judge Jack B. Weinstein, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"SAF has been the largest single contributor to Wallace's defense ... SAF founder Alan Gottlieb concurred with Wallace's attorney, John Renzulli, that 'There was no chance for a fair trial here.'"

"'There must be an appearance of fairness from the bench in any trial,' Gottlieb observed, 'and that is unfortunately lacking in Jack Weinstein's courtroom when there is a gun case being heard ...'" ...

Does the Second Amendment Provide the Right to Bear Arms? U.S. Adults Think So
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In anticipation of the U.S. Supreme Court decision concerning the Second Amendment expected at some point this month, The Harris Poll® finds that by a margin of over two to one, more U.S. adults believe that the Second Amendment supports an individual’s right to bear arms. Furthermore, the survey also finds that more of the U.S. public continues to favor stricter gun control. However, concerning the impact on the election, the public seems to be split on which presidential candidate would do a better job handling gun control."

"These are the results of a nationwide Harris Poll of 2,602 U.S. adults surveyed online by Harris Interactive® between May 5 and 12, 2008." ...

In Webster's English
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anticipating the Supreme Court's expected late June decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which will decide the constitutionality of a D.C. law restricting gun-ownership rights, many analysts have turned to the Founders' writings in an effort to understand the Second Amendment. What analysts need to do ... is turn to America's first dictionary." ...

"Known as the Father of American Scholarship and Education, Webster ... defined all the words in the Second Amendment."

"'People' were 'the commonality, as distinct from men of rank,' and 'Right' was 'just claim; immunity; privilege.' ..."

"Thus in the language of Webster's time, 'the people' meant individuals and individuals have 'rights.'" ...

Gun manufacturers continue to aid gun banners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having just devoted a substantial chunk of pro bono legal work fighting governments committed to destroying your gun rights, I was horrified to read the March 2008 editions of several of my favorite gun magazines. Prominently featured in each edition was a feature story about a large manufacturer of 1911-type guns, breathlessly detailing the 'gee whiz' details of their newest model dedicated to a California police agency. Each of the stories went into the history of the department the gun was designed for, yet one critical piece of background information was omitted from the tide of 'fanboy' coverage."

"These guns were all designed for a local government committed to stripping civilians of the right to own this same gun." ...

Is the Second Amendment an Individual Right?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year, a federal appeals court overturned the District of Columbia's ban on handguns. Now the U.S. Supreme Court will decide the case after nearly seventy years of silence on the Second Amendment. Observers expect the Court to finally settle the legal question of whether the constitutional 'right of the people to keep and bear arms' is an individual right held by all, or a 'collective right' of the state governments to maintain militias. What did the Founders intend when they drafted the Second Amendment? Please join us as constitutional legal scholar and Independent Institute Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook and George Mason University Law School legal historian Joyce Lee Malcolm examine these issues. ..." ...

Hell Kitten AR-15 - evil black rifle meets cute and cuddly
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"So called 'Assault Weapons Bans' ... seek to ban rifles that our misguided legislators feel have no purpose in civilian hands. They identify 'evil features' they can use to generically classify these 'military style' weapons in sweeping terms. ... After all, it really doesn't matter what color the firearm is if it fires the same ammunition right? Well, in the 'spirit' of the California Assault Weapon Ban I decided to do my best to alleviate the fears of my fellow citizens and gun-banning legislators when I put together a new AR-15 for my wife. Below is the result of my painstaking work to transform an Evil Black Rifle (EBR) into a Cute Pink RIfle (CPR). Introducing the Hell Kitten AR-15!" ...

High court should shoot down handgun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun owner's glossary for understanding politics and the press:"

"Packing heat: Dick Tracy phrase that is found in 90 percent of stories about gun owners, but never used in the real world since 1950.

"Assault rifles: An ordinary semi-automatic that politicians and mediacrats want to outlaw if it looks like a military full automatic - although it doesn't fire any faster than a common semi-automatic .22 varmint gun.

"Gun nut: Anyone who owns anything more powerful than a Daisy BB gun.

"The First Amendment: Sacred wisdom in the Bill of Rights that protects the freedom of the press.

"The Second Amendment: A mistake that should be deleted, according to newspaper editorials that are protected by the First Amendment." ...

Martial Law on the Installment Plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I abominate and detest the idea of a government, where there is a standing army,' exclaimed the immortal George Mason, during his state's constitutional ratifying convention of 1788."

"A forceful and principled defender of individual liberty, Mason was the irritant in the constitutional oyster that eventually created the pearl we call the Bill of Rights. During the June 14 session of the convention, Mason -- ably assisted by his fellow Anti-Federalist Patrick Henry -- conducted a critical examination of the congressional power to call out the state militias to enforce the laws of the union." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Evidently--or Not
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Los Angeles County prosecutors won't file felony charges against actor Dennis Farina for having a gun in his luggage at an airport earlier this month."
"I wonder if they found me with a handgun at LAX and determined it was not registered with the state of California if they'd figure 'there wasn't enough evidence'? Particularly if I was taking it with me to handgun-free Chicago."

"I know there would be no evidence that I was a former 'Only One,' and also no evidence that any Hollywood movers and shakers with access and influence would be pulling for me..."

"And they haven't decided whether to file misdemeanor charges yet? ..." ...

NV: Man shot, killed during confrontation in apartment parking lot
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"Metro Police say a 17-year-old shot during a confrontation in the parking lot of a Las Vegas apartment complex early this morning and died later at the hospital."

"At 5:46 a.m. Monday police received several 911 calls reporting a shot fired ..."

"Police and emergency medical officials found Johnny Boyd Eagletail with a gunshot wound to his torso. ..."

"A man at the apartment complex confronted Eagletail and asked about damaged vehicles in the parking lot. The victim[sic] allegedly pulled a knife and moved toward the man who fired one shot from the pistol, police said."

"The man with the gun remained at the scene and spoke with Metro detectives. He was not arrested. The case will be submitted to the district attorney's office for review."

NY: Off-Duty Cop Shoots and Kills Man Who Grabbed Wife and Daughter in Elevator [video]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police say an off-duty officer has shot and killed an armed man who grabbed the officer's wife and their 3-year-old daughter in a Bronx elevator.

Submitter's Note: As David Codrea asks: So what about the rest of us? When will we be permitted to defend our loved ones with the safest and most effective self-defense tool in existence?

OH: Park Attacks Serve As Wake-up Call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Plain Dealer ran an interesting article today by Phillip Morris following up on the tragedy of the woman beaten to death with a rock while walking her dog in a Parma Metropark."

"Ecclestone died last week after lingering in a coma for more than two weeks. Police say career felon Todd Torok of Parma attacked and robbed [Chevonne] Ecclestone as she walked her poodle."

"The unprovoked attack, one of the most cowardly in recent local memory, was an assault on any of the 42 million annual visitors to the parks."

"Only the wrong person suffered and died. I wish Ecclestone had had a gun."
"I wish she did, too." ...

OH: Local shooting classes for ladies only
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As more and more women are becoming aware of the importance of being trained in self defense, many of them are considering becoming licensed to carry a concealed weapon."

"Often, the biggest challenge these women face is the fear of attending the mandatory basic pistol class with a room full of men. ... Faith Ferkel will soon be solving that problem by offering all-ladies pistol training courses."

"Ferkel, a nationally certified instructor from Fremont, has heard the same story over and over from women. They're concerned about personal safety and would like to learn to handle a gun, but are intimidated by the thought of learning in front of men. ..." ...

MA: Souvenir rifle shell gets 4th-grader suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ten-year-old Bradley Geslak was suspended from school this week for bringing a Memorial Day souvenir to school."

"The Toy Town Elementary School fourth-grader had received two empty rifle shell casings from blanks used during the town celebration held at the GAR Park Monday morning."

"He brought one of the casings with him to school the next day." ...

"Bradley said a teacher saw him with it and told him to hand it over." ...

"After the piece of brass was confiscated, Ms. Geslak was called at work and told to come and pick up her son; he was being suspended for the next five days." ...

Montana: The Democrats' Last Stand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday night in Montana, the last Democratic primary in the nation ends, one hour after the polls close in South Dakota. ... this year, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are working hard to pick up a majority of the 17 delegates apportioned by primary voters ..." ...

"On gun control, too, the candidates are sounding like Montanans. Obama told a Great Falls audience last Friday, 'I believe in the rights of hunters and sportsmen.' Word came to the state on Saturday via a press conference call that Clinton has softened her hard line against handguns, retracting her earlier support for tight national restrictions (though she still favors registration and licensing of pistols in New York State)." ...

Where they stand: Obama, McCain on the issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A look at where Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain stand on a selection of issues as they go head-to-head for the presidency:" ...


"McCain: Voted against ban on assault-type weapons but in favor of requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted to shield gun-makers and dealers from civil suits. 'I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved — which means no gun control.'"

"Obama: Voted to leave gun-makers and dealers open to suit. Also, as Illinois state lawmaker, supported ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms." ...

Lawmakers say they won't pack heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several gun rights lawmakers say they won't start packing heat on Capitol Hill if the Supreme Court overturns Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban."

"Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other advocates of the Second Amendment support reversing the District's 32-year-old handgun ban, but say security in the Capitol Buildings means there's no need for them to carry a gun to work."

"'Why would I need to carry a gun? I mean, look at these guys, there's four guns around us right now,' said Ryan, referring to four armed U.S. Capitol Police officers around the entrance to the Speaker's Lobby." ...

Submitter's Note: So you'll leave you defensive weapons in your car where they can be stolen?

OH: SB184 Analysis: Significant practical improvements for ALL Ohioans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What changes will SB184 make to Ohio law? How do they apply to the average hunter, target shooter, and concealed carry license holder?"

"The law does not go into effect for three months (exact date will be posted when it is finalized), but we have received many requests for a list of what this bill does. To that end, here is a summary of the changes in SB184." ...

NY: Mayor Claims Victory in Fight Against Georgia Gun Shop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The trial of a Georgia gun shop, which Mayor Bloomberg has accused of selling a high volume of guns that were subsequently trafficked into New York City, has been postponed indefinitely." ...

"The judge hearing the case, Jack Weinstein, had decided last week that he — and not a jury — would decide the case. That decision apparently discouraged the lawyer for the gun shop, John Renzulli, enough to default the case."

"Mr. Renzulli, who has long accused Judge Weinstein of bias against the firearms industry, said that the default was a procedural maneuver to rush the case up to an appellate court ... In an interview, he said that the gun store, Adventure Outdoors, would continue to fight the city's lawsuit."

"The city, however, counted the development as a win." ...

OH: When the law is wrong...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Ohio, you cannot carry (openly or concealed) in an establishment that has a class D liquor license. Originally intended to stop people from having firearms in bars, the law also extends to most restaurants."

"For instance, when Mike and I visit our favorite Thai restaurant, we cannot carry even though we only ever have tea with our pad kee mao and noodles curry. ..."

"Some might think, 'You're just going out to eat - it's a nice little restaurant, what could possibly happen?'"

"What, indeed."

"Shortly after midnight on May 25th, three masked gunmen robbed a restaurant in the affluent, upper middle class suburb of Solon, Ohio. Suddenly a 'safe' place became a place of violence and fear ..." ...

Canada: 'Gun-toting Yanks' not welcome in Toronto
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Toronto mayor David Miller announced measures to be taken to keep legally owned guns out of Toronto, last week. ..."

"As a justification for these measures, the mayor points to the murder of John O'Keefe a few months ago. ..."

"... If Miller's proposals had been in effect, there would have been no difference. But facts should never get in the way of ideology." ...

"In response to the mayor's proposals, the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association have called for a boycott of Canada's largest city. They are urging tourists, primarily American gun owners, not to come to Toronto ..."

"Who knew that keeping American tourists out of Toronto is actually what Toronto City Council wants? ..." ...

AZ: How to Get Busted for DUI: Marry a DUI Lawyer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Heather Squires' blood alcohol content that night was 0.00. The records prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she was an exemplary designated driver."

"She hadn't had a drop to drink…"

"The arrest should never have happened. ..." ...

"... Heather's case is the only one I've seen in which the driver drank nothing. It certainly makes me wonder whether her treatment was related to the fact that her husband, Jason, is a DUI attorney based in Mesa."

"A few months before Heather's arrest, in fact, he helped a client beat the rap for extreme DUI at a jury trial, even though records suggest the guy was guilty."

"The officer who arrested the guy? Bond Gonzalez — the same cop who would arrest Heather Squires." ...

NM: Thug Cop Assaults Cameraman For Filming From Across Street [video]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Thug cop assaults cameraman for filming a crime scene from across the road. Cop smashes $50,000 dollar camera for kicks.

H/t to David Codrea

UK: Transformers shirt gets jet ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AIRPORT guards stopped a man boarding a plane — for wearing a Transformers T-shirt showing a cartoon gun."

"Brad Jayakody, 30, was shocked when he was told to change his top if he wanted to catch his flight from Heathrow’s Terminal 5."

"IT consultant Brad — on a British Airways trip with four colleagues to Dusseldorf, Germany — asked to see the security chief."

"He thought the boss would 'see sense' — but he backed up the decision and threatened him with ARREST. Aussie-born Brad said: 'My mate set off the alarms and was searched.'"

"'But then the guy told me to stop and said 'you cannot get on the plane because there is a gun on your T-shirt'.'" ...

CT: Wallingford gun range enlists help of NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Wallingford gun range is closed while safety is addressed. And, News Channel 8 has learned that members of the NRA are in town to advise the owners."

"It'll be a week Wednesday since the Blue Trail Gun Range shut down. It's an outdoor practice range which has enlisted the help of the National Rifle Association to enhance safety management." ...

UK: Surgeon: one in three of trauma patients has been knifed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Knife violence in London is now running as high as gun warfare in some US cities, it is claimed today."

"One of Britain's leading trauma surgeons has told how one in three of his trauma patients is now a stabbing victim."

"Karim Brohi, a consultant surgeon at the Royal London Hospital, said the proportion of injuries from knives and guns was now on a level with - if not greater than - cities such as Los Angeles or Chicago."

"He described how, on occasions, the wards in his hospital resembled 'a war zone' with some patients being treated for their second or third knife wound." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

UK: Anti-gun activist found stabbed to death in flat
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"A LIVERPOOL anti-gun campaigner has paid tribute to fellow activist Pat Regan– who was found stabbed to death on Sunday – saying she was 'like a sister' to her."

"The 53-year-old, whose body was discovered in her flat at the weekend, dedicated her life to educating young people about the dangers of guns after her son, Danny, was shot dead in Haydock more than five years ago."

"She founded her own organisation, Mothers Against Violence in Leeds and worked with many other campaigners across the country, meeting with Government officials to discuss how to tackle the problems of guns and gang-related crime."

"Ms Regan's grandson was being questioned by police last night after being arrested on suspicion of murder." ...

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. — DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

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